Tuesday, January 25, 2022

When in the course of human events...


  "Those in leadership are on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of religious faith, the wrong side of freedom and democracy, and the wrong side of the historical truths of mankind."


Article by Andrew W. Coy in The American Thinker

When in the course of human events...

When in the course of human events has a government, have those with enormous power, have those in complete control, have those with seemingly unlimited authority, have those with dictatorial undemocratic values.....

  • Told the citizens that if they are exercising free speech, but that speech challenges the latest election results; then they are insurrectionists.
  • Shut down the entire economy, costing the citizenry lost jobs, lost business, and lost hope. 
  • Shut down schools, denying students a classroom education, the opportunity to see their teachers and mentors, and be with their friends and peers.  Thus, unsurprisingly, teen suicide is on the rise.
  • Demanded that all citizens accept an untested and unproven vaccine or lose their jobs, their enrollment in college, and their freedom to be outside their own home.
  • Put citizens in D.C. gulags in solitary confinement without official charges being filed against them nor bail being offered to them.
  • Established a J/6 commission that looks more like a Stalinist show trial than an American courtroom.
  • Used the national law enforcement apparatus of the FBI/CIA/NSA as their own private police force against political opponents.   
  • Opened up the borders to illegal immigrants, pedophiles, cartels, and human traffickers in stark violation of the U.S. Constitution. 
  • Shut down churches, worship centers, and synagogues and also threatened the arrest of faithful churchgoers for the worship of God.  Yet, at the same time, they kept liquor stores, needle exchanges, and hemp depositories open.
  • Did not require illegal aliens to be vaccinated and allowed these illegal immigrants to move freely about the country unvaccinated.
  • Have told all Christians, conservatives, and constitutionalists that they are by definition white supremacist and therefore domestic terrorists.
  • Have used the FBI and the attorney general's office to tell all parents that if they disagree with the school board members, that they themselves are domestic terrorists. 
  • Have told parents that government is in charge of your children -- and if you disagree, maybe you should not be entrusted with your own kid's lives. 
  • Mandated an experimental vaccine and forced "the jab" on their own people and told the masses that the "vaccine" is working exactly as we told you it would work, and toshut up and comply.
  • Allowed the mass media, along with Facebook, Twitter, and Google, to censor different opinions from different peoples because their opinions were different than those approved by government.
  • Made doctors, physicians, and nurses into non-persons because their medical opinions differed from those of Biden and Fauci's Ministry of Truth.
  • Given almost dictatorial power to Dr. Fauci when that power was never passed into law by Congress.
  • Stated that it is insurrection to say the election of 2020 was stolen, but that its free speech to say the election of 2022 is going to be stolen.
  • Used censorship, oppression, authoritarianism, and intimidation against political opponents.  The present government and its accomplices are censoring, cancelling, and making non-persons of anyone that refuses to comply.
  • Whose leader, Mr. Biden, has quoted Stalin by saying he does "not care who votes, he only cares who counts the votes."
  • Government media is telling the viewers that there are no empty shelves, no inflation, and no supply-chain issues; as government orders unloaded cargo tankers to move 50 miles offshore so the masses cannot not see their ineptitude. 

...has that government ever been on the right side of history?  With proper credit given to both Thomas Jefferson and now even Aaron Rodgers, when have those in authority who have made such anti-democratic edits ever been correct when history holds them accountable?  As history has held Hitler, Stalin, and Mao accountable for their choices, crimes, and decisions, so history also will eventually hold those in power in the City of Washington accountable for what they have done. When in the course of human events those in power abuse that privilege and their own people to such a degree, then they will at some point be held accountable.  History is clear on this.  For their clear violations of constitutional and human rights, they will be judged.  Those in leadership are on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of religious faith, the wrong side of freedom and democracy, and the wrong side of the historical truths of mankind.




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The Repeat Offenders of Criminal Stupidity

Leftist indifference to violent crime renders them moral imbeciles, and the blood of innocents is on their hands

One way to understand the story of the last 75 years of American social life is by looking at the ebb and flow of serious crime. There was a golden age of low crime after World War II and before the “Age of Aquarius.” 

Lulled into optimism by the 1950s—during which critics belabored the oppressions of “conformity”—a more nuanced view of criminal responsibility, a turn towards the promise of rehabilitation, and a general skepticism of punishment took place. “Radical chic” became popular. The death penalty went away, and the prison population plummeted, along with that of the psychiatric wards

Then, all hell broke loose. 

The Post-1960s Crime Wave

Violent crime of all kinds underwent a sustained rise after the tumultuous atmosphere of the 1960s and the associated weakening of the criminal justice system. The cause and effect were obvious, but there was a lot of head-scratching about what to do. 

Confined by the straightjacket of liberal morality, cities and their leaders were powerless to respond, ensnared by their anxieties about being associated with the very oppression from which they thought they were liberating us.

One of the many background factors in the Republican political successes of the 1980s was that regular people were not persuaded by the elites, but rather became extremely sick of this state of affairs. Toughness on crime became a popular component of the Republican brand. Democratic presidential candidates Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis could never shake the perception of weakness at home and abroad. 

Politicians adapted. “New Democrats” like Bill Clinton supported the death penalty. Joe Biden voted for the 1994 crime bill, which is now supposedly a mark of shame. Long prison sentences, for drugs and everything else, kept a lot of bad people off the street. Critics said this was mass incarceration and warehousing criminals, and that all may be true, but victimization still dropped. 

As the economists would say, the supply curve of criminals is not infinitely elastic. 

The Consequences of Disorder

Thomas Hobbes figured out many centuries ago that without order, there is nothing. 

In such condition, there is no place for Industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain; and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving, and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continuall feare, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short.

We have seen both sides of this ledger, the hollowed out cities of Baltimore and Detroit, and the return of life to our big cities like New York and Washington, D.C. after their massive drop in crime. For the latter, “Arts . . . Letters . . . and Society” all flourished.

Some credited the drop in crime to long prison sentences. Others gave the credit to more holistic “broken windows” policing, which focused on small-scale disorder as a precursor to more serious crimes. Others pointed to the proliferation of concealed carry legislation nationwide, although even pro-gun researcher John Lott gives greater credit to the certainty of arrest and conviction among offenders. 

In any case, the combination of these tougher policies led to a significant, sustained, and nationwide drop in crime of all kinds, particularly violent crime. After decades of being labeled “soft on crime,” Democrats had seen, embraced, and benefited from “get tough” policies. 

Even for those who didn’t go along, crime became less of a political issue because of its decline. During the interregnum, we all forgot what rampant crime was like. 

The BLM Crime Wave

Beginning in the second part of the Obama Administration, this all started to change. The idea of the noble, oppressed criminal as a warrior for racial justice gained currency. Rather than supporting law enforcement and condemning criminal violence, President Obama and the mainstream media spread lies about “gentle giant” Michael Brown and St. Trayvon Martin. 

Angry riots began to happen with some regularity. Police were vilified once more. As in the “radical chic” era, the smart set wanted to decriminalize drugs, release the incarcerated, and achieve “equity”—whatever that means.

Republicans were not immune to this talk. At their 2020 convention, various speakers—including President Trump—repeated leftist talking points on race and crime issues. This was totally out of tune with the explosion of violence nationwide that summer, as well as the GOP’s parallel message about “law and order.” Law and order and incarceration go hand in hand, but at the time Trump was listening to the counsel of the politically inexperienced Jared Kushner. 

A number of stories this week caught my eye as exemplifying the spirit of our age. 

First, in Los Angeles, we have all seen the footage of the rail yards covered with debris and boxes from mass looting of rail cars. This is an extreme example of the “broken windows” problem. Such lawlessness fuels disrespect and disregard for society as a whole. It invites crime with the following message: if we can’t stop this, we probably can’t stop you. Such scenes are repeated nationwide in smaller ways.

Second, the killer of a young Columbia University co-ed received the statutory minimum of 14 years. Unlike Officer Derek Chauvin, who was sentenced to 22 years, this incident was not the product of negligence in the line of duty, but a stabbing that took place in connection with a robbery. Such paltry sentencing is a nationwide scandal, but increasingly common under the combined weight of left-leaning judges, leftist prosecutors, and legislative changes in the name of decarceration.

Then we heard of a young retail clerk in Los Angeles murdered by a homeless man with a long criminal record and the physical appearance of a lunatic. People appealed on Twitter not to publicize the man’s race lest they encourage stereotyping and racist comments. We live in a demented time when words are deemed worse than murder.

Finally, Steve Sailer has done yeoman’s work in exposing the massive, sustained increase in murders nationwide. Murders are apparently up 45 percent from 2019 to 2021. He has also shown that the victims are disproportionately young black men. As he put it, “It’s almost as if the murder rate in Chicago depends upon whether the authority figures in our society are on the side of the cops or the criminals, and The Establishment ought to finally learn that cheap virtue-signaling gets a lot of poor people murdered.”

What an irony that a movement ostensibly dedicated to Black Lives Matter has unleashed forces that have resulted in thousands of lost black lives. The reasons why are obvious. Cops will take fewer risks when they are not supported by communities and themselves face prison for taking the ordinary risks required for effective police work. And all of us are endangered when violent, repeat offenders are running loose out of some misplaced notion of equity. 

Amnesia and Ineptitude

No society that has stopped believing in its right to exist and the majesty of its laws can deter lawlessness. 

It is becoming nearly a daily occurrence for someone with a mile-long rap sheet to commit a horror show offense, such as shoving a woman onto train tracks or stabbing a retail clerk to death. Using nihilistic language, the media labels this all “random,” as if it were not the entirely predictable consequence of policy. These crimes are the fruit of the backwards moral reasoning of the Left, which downgrades victims while bending over backwards to champion the rights and interests of offenders. The real inequity is that more of these monsters are not locked up or sitting in the electric chair.

We are not the first society to deal with an explosion of violence and crime. Indeed, our own society dealt with such a wave within living memory and, more or less, succeeded in beating it back. But the solution requires sound judgment, force, and an appropriate sense of righteous indignation. 

The leftist critique of society as deeply corrupt because of “white supremacy” undermines the moral and political self-confidence necessary to impose long-term incarceration of the violent, regardless of whether these actions lead to racial disparities in punishmentWe should no more be concerned about this than we are about the fact that most prisoners are men; the offenders are responsible for their choices individually.  

While crime itself is committed in a racially disproportionate way, the benefits of serious punishments are also disproportionate. Tough-on-crime policies will benefit the majority of every race, who do not resort to crime and prey upon their neighbors, but will particularly benefit black Americans, who are presently being terrorized by the criminal element in their midst.  

Rather than groveling for approval or attempting to navigate the maze of their alternative morality, soft-headed leftism should be rejected out of hand. The Left’s indifference to consequences and manifest record of failure renders them moral imbeciles, and the blood of innocents is on their hands. 

X22, And we Know, and more-Jan 15


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

Critical Race Promoters Are More Odious Than Marxists

They are a parasitic class of haters who only pretend to be supporting revolutionary change.

Of late, Fox News has been hosting a series called “The MisEducation of America” featuring gatherings of critical race theory’s critics—such as Carol Swain of Vanderbilt University—focusing on the danger of teaching racially divisive versions of American history. According to Swain, a black professor of political science at Vanderbilt, forcing kids to do things like play games called “privilege bingo” are “a prime example of how CRT, has seeped down to K-12 education, and it disturbs students.” Further: “All of these critical theories with Marxist roots are destroying American education, and parents have to save their children. But they also have to work to save other people’s children.”

 Although the media and our universities may choose to ignore Swain’s complaint, she is actually understating the problem she and “MisEducation” host Pete Hegseth are featuring. I’m not sure I see “the Marxist roots” of the crusade against white people and their history in quite the same way Swain and Hegseth see it. We are indeed witnessing class warfare but not of the kind that Marx foresaw. It is a war being waged by white elites against the “basket of deplorables,” the predominantly white, working-class, and small-town Americans whom these elites hate and want to divest of human dignity. Similar conflicts are going on simultaneously in other Western countries, featuring equivalent social conflict.

In none of these cases do we find Marx’s appeals to the proletariat to rise up against those who control the means of production. In fact, we are witnessing exactly the opposite. An alliance of corporate capitalists, feminists, the LGBT lobby, and black race hustlers are directing their fire on the working class, which seems to be the least affected by the hegemonic ideology of wokeness. If anything, we are now looking at what Pedro Gonzalez has characterized as “the counterrevolution of the ruling class.” If Marxist theory, which supposedly is “seeping in” has any application, it would be as an analysis of how our elites are suppressing those they are stepping on and trying through increasingly vicious hate speech to isolate.

The ruling class, which avails itself of the full rhetorical arsenal of the historical Left, happily pulls out archaic Marxist phrases to justify its actions. Thus, the transgendered or black racialists emerge rhetorically transfigured as Marx’s revolutionary class, but it is not hard to figure out what is going on here. The leftist counterrevolutionaries are not appealing to an oppressed working class but precisely to its enemies, those who hate ordinary working-class Americans because of their whiteness and the traditional social values they are thought to embody. 

The last term I would use to describe listeners of National Public Radio or regular diners at the Harvard Faculty Club is Marxist revolutionaries. They are a parasitic class of haters who pretend to be supporting revolutionary change. They have all the iconoclastic freshness of the geriatric Soviet rulers before their downfall, speaking of an almost equally obnoxious group that also claimed to be promoting revolution.  

I would also take issue with many of the comments I have heard from the host and guests of “The MisEducation of America.” The promoters and teachers of critical race theory are not just dividing classmates over race or distorting the intentions of America’s founders. They are stirring up racial hate, which the Democratic National Committee, the mainstream media and our (mis) educators have been politically exploiting for decades. 

It’s a lot worse than just making students in the same schoolroom distrust one another. Those doing the inciting seem to loathe those they are attacking and often vent against them with intense fury. Ron Dreher has offered for our assessment a YouTube video produced by Tom Curry, a white professor of CRT at Texas A & M. In this shocking video, Curry tells us whites are racially uneducable and then suggests that many of them may have to be eliminated. Brittney Cooper, an associate professor of gender and sexuality studies at Rutgers University, put the matter succinctly in a reference to white people during a critical race forum on October 28: “We’ve got to take the motherf—kers out.”

Statements calling for human extermination come easily to the woke Left’s lips or iPhone. In 2018, former New York Times writer Sarah Jeong tweeted “Cancel White People.” Expressing this unkind sentiment not only did nothing to short-circuit her hiring at the Times,  Vox editor Ezra Klein rushed to Jeong’s defense and explained that her form of expression was appropriate for describing the “dominant power structure and culture.” (Jeong left the Times after about a year.) Presumably when Hitler expressed comparable loathing for Jews, he too was just characterizing a “power structure.”

I doubt that the haters whom I have quoted are really intent on killing all white people. They are certainly not interested in wiping out the ones in gated communities, least of all those who flaunt Black Lives Matter signs and whose offspring attend Ivy League institutions. It’s the other whites they would like to destroy.  

Civilization needs courageous warriors, not pitiful, helpless giants

Without coal, oil and natural gas, civilization would still be stuck where it was 200 years ago.

During a perilous time for the nation, President Richard Nixon warned against the possibility of the U.S. becoming a “pitiful, helpless giant.” More recently, the Wall Street Journal borrowed Nixon’s phrase in criticizing the U.S. failure to rescue citizens during the disastrous exit from Afghanistan.

A similarly pathetic weakness is being exhibited in the corporate offices of energy producers. Under attack by climate alarmists attempting to destroy oil and gas companies, ExxonMobil and other large oil companies are adjusting to what they perceive as a new “green” reality by paying homage to the false claims of a climate crisis, for which they are accused of being responsible, and to the false viability of wind turbines, solar panels and biofuels. BP (British Petroleum) had even, for a while, changed its name to Beyond Petroleum.

Instead of firmly standing for the vital role their products play in the advancement of civilization, these companies have adopted a strategy of weakness and appeasement. Is timidity too mild or cowardice overly severe to describe such political calculation? Attempts by energy executives to mollify those who deny the value of fossil fuels can be no more successful than Chamberlain was in Munich, bragging about “peace in our time.” 

How did this policy of appeasement affect the energy industry over the last decade? Companies were sued by several West Coast cities for imagined climate change.  There are at least 40 members of Congress elected in 2018 and 2020 supporting the Green New Deal. And teams of lawyers are circling the oil companies like a pride of lions circling a wounded zebra.

To protect themselves and modern society, energy companies owe it to their customers to go on offense. Fossil fuels are absolutely vital to sustain advanced economies and to raise the people of developing nations out of poverty and privation. At this time there is simply no substitute. 

Without coal, oil and natural gas, civilization would still be stuck where it was 200 years ago— a thin veneer of wealth atop a vast mountain of human squalor and misery. A veneer enforced by such institutions as slavery, colonialism, and tyranny. The attack on traditional energy companies is an attack on civilization itself. Playing defense was not viable for France in 1940; nor is it for today’s energy industry.

A much better response would be based on a 1997 presentation by then-ExxonMobil CEO Lee Raymond at the World Petroleum Congress in Beijing: He took pride in the accomplishments of oil and gas companies and pointed out their importance for world civilization, especially for development in Asia. He also pointed out that there is no significant climate threat from atmospheric CO2.

The use of fossil fuels “is essential both for economic growth and for the elimination of poverty, which is itself the worst polluter,” Raymond said.

Despite hundreds of billions in subsidies and other support, solar and wind energy have not only failed over the last 30 years to add significantly to the world energy supply but have made electric power more expensive and less reliable in places as diverse as Texas, California, Germany, and Great Britain. Solar and wind face too many physical, economic, and environmental obstacles, which are in reality, impossible to overcome, as has been documented by many, including the Manhattan Institute.

Major energy companies certainly have the resources and expertise to defend their vital contributions, as well as to expose the lie that additional atmospheric COis causing a climate crisis. There are many first-rate scientists who understand this. (The COCoalition and the Global Warming Petition Project are just two examples.) A simple Google search can show that virtually all the claims of environmental disaster from excess CO2 in the atmosphere are vastly overstated.

The scientists and engineers in these companies, working with publicists, can certainly develop a very effective strategy. The civilized world needs courageous champions of fossil fuels, not pitiful, helpless giants retreating from nihilists who would induce a modern Dark Age.

Biden Greenlit Russian Agression but It's Going to Hit Us All Right in the Wallet

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Things are deteriorating quickly when it comes to the situation between Russia and Ukraine. As we previously reported, the U.S. ordered the families of diplomats out of Ukraine on Monday. Non-essential employees can leave voluntarily. But other Americans are out of luck, they can just figure out their own way home. There are no plans to evacuate any of the thousands of Americans currently in Ukraine. Joe Biden is also considering sending thousands of troops, equipment, and aircraft to Eastern Europe to provide more protection to the Baltic states and to ward off Russian aggression against Ukraine. The U.S. just placed 8500 troops on alert and reports were that he could send as many as 50,000 “if needed” to the NATO allies. My colleague Dennis Santiago wrote more on that deployment and risk assessment earlier.

So how have we gotten to this point and what kind of an impact could it have on the U.S. if there is a war between Russia and Ukraine? What is our responsibility if any in all of this?

It’s been a long line of bad moves, starting with Barack Obama being instrumental as a senator in convincing the Ukrainians to get rid of their conventional weapons on the promise we would be there to help if they were ever threatened. Not only did that leave Ukraine naked, but we paid to get rid of their weapons. Now we’re having to pay to provide them with weapons for their defense. Putin found out that Obama was an empty suit and had no effective response but to fumfer around when Putin went into Crimea. Is it any wonder that he would think that Obama’s Vice-President would be cut from the same cloth?

When Biden came in, what did he do? He immediately helped Putin’s energy position by cutting the Keystone XL Pipeline and stopping other drilling projects, in addition to attacking the energy industry generally. Meanwhile, Biden went against all previous U.S. positions, including his own, in waiving sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Not only did he do that, but he leaned on Ukraine to not voice their opposition to the move, but they refused and went public with their opposition because they knew where it could lead. And here we are. So while cutting our energy ability, he immeasurably increased and empowered Russia while hurting Ukraine. 

But that wasn’t all. How many Americans know that we are importing a lot of oil from Russia? Not only did Biden beg OPEC to produce more oil, he doubled the amount of oil imported from Saudi Arabia from December of 2020 and October of 2021 and we’ve also tripled the oil from Russia from what we were importing from February 2019 to September 2021. In May of last year, Biden surged the Russian oil imports by 23 percent to 844,000 barrels a day from the prior month, which was almost 10 percent of all our oil imports for the month. The only country we import more oil from is Canada. Exactly why are we importing and dependant on such an adversary?

Then, most recently, Biden emboldened Putin with his latest remarks about a “minor incursion,” but his remarks also revealed differences in approach within NATO. He even said Russia would ultimately win such a conflict with Ukraine. Biden also showed incredible weakness and incompetence in Afghanistan, so Putin knows he’s dealing with someone who is even weaker than Obama if that’s possible.

Biden had already telegraphed that he wouldn’t stand to defend Ukraine in December. Biden said that he would not unilaterally be putting U.S. boots on the ground in Ukraine. Now, most don’t want to have a war in Ukraine or have a military presence there. But when you completely foreclose the possibility of any military response as Biden effectively did in December, you remove any possible deterrence. Putin doesn’t want a war with us either. But now, because of Biden, Putin knows he has nothing to fear from the U.S. in that regard. He may have rightly believed it before, but then Biden said it outright. Biden even spoke about seeking an “accommodation” with Russia, yet another sign of weakness.

So that wasn’t just one green light but a series of green lights.

Because of all the mistakes, Biden has helped to further destabilize the situation. Now he’s trying to right it by rushing in troops to the NATO allies, to reassure them. While that might reassure them and while it might be viewed as a strong move, it also is likely to set Putin off even more to have more U.S. troops nearby. Now, he may feel he has to check that, so you get new reports of Russian Navy warships on the move being pushed by RT, another effort to destabilize the situation.

If Russia invades Ukraine, one of the likely things that would be hit would be gas prices because it would likely affect our supplies from them as well as their importing through Ukraine.

So expect gas prices to increase even more than they have already. Even CNN notes that oil prices have already shot up to seven-year highs in recent days, likely impacted already, just because of the concerns. And when it hits energy, that’s going to ripple out and hit everything else that depends on it. It could make the inflation we think we’re feeling now so much worse.

Why Are Energy Prices Everywhere So High? Democrats

When President Biden warned of a bleak and deadly winter, he was referring to the Covid-19 outbreak that he promised to “shut down.” While he has failed to curb the virus, his policies have unfortunately been more successful reining in our once thriving energy industry.

At the one-year mark of his administration running the Departments of Interior and Energy and determining regulations at the Environmental Protection Agency, anyone paying a bill sees the results. Oil prices have nearly doubled since Biden’s inauguration.

Despite the longing of green activists worldwide, we are in fact, a fossil fuel-driven economy, and all prices have gone up dramatically: gasfoodutilitiesshippingdurable goods. Biden’s inflation, now at 40-year highs of 7 percent, is now the number-one issue among voters and will no doubt hang over every race this November.

The only logical response for an embattled president is changing the narrative. So, Biden bought a puppy.

To be fair, Biden alone is not to blame. The entire far left is. For years, leftist politicians have attacked the energy industry in the name of “climate change” and for years those of us who know the industry have warned of dire consequences.

The Left’s Insanity On Energy Supply

Four years ago, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey started using her office to prevent pipeline construction. Without a constant supply, power plants turned elsewhere for reliable natural gas: Russia.

Despite the absolute insanity of sending Commonwealth checks to Vladimir Putin rather than Pennsylvania, Healey insisted it was better for the climate. Even when the Massachusetts electric grid was teetering on failure, she insisted that transatlantic cargo ships were an improvement over domestic pipelines to a neighboring state.

It was insanity then. It’s worse now.

Massachusetts joins the ranks of many European nations enriching Putin. He has used the surplus to build his army along Ukraine preparing to invade. You didn’t think he was going to build orphanages, did you? It is Vladimir Putin, after all. Maybe the Russian army can have a disclaimer, like the ones Healey applies to campaign ads. “This army brought to you by climate change activists.”

Writing for Forbes, energy analyst David Blackmon breaks down the current state of electricity generation in New England. Despite the subsidies and the posturing of Northeastern climate-conscious Democrat politicians like Sens. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Green New Deal author Edward Markey, the region has increased use of the very fossil fuels they try so hard to eliminate. Blasted New Englanders and their… heat.

They are also importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Caribbean because of the now four-year old Healey logic: why buy inexpensively from your friend what you can buy at a premium from a stranger? Add to that the few thousand miles in an ocean tanker and you get a perfect formula for being an eco-warrior.

Reduced Production

Supply is becoming an ongoing problem for the energy industry. The United States is currently producing about 1.5 million barrels of crude oil fewer per day than pre-pandemic levels. Worse, investment in the industry is down nearly 25 percent from that period. Why? Biden.

Fossil fuels are a labor and market-intensive industry, and they rely on government cooperation. That means a secretary of Energy who does not laugh when asked about industry challenges. That means an Interior secretary who does not say publicly “it would be great to stop all oil and gas leases on public lands.” Investors are not going to gamble on the Biden variable, even with oil reaching seven-year highs.

Government is dropping the ball. It’s mid-January, and we have a lot of winter ahead of us. Between the high prices and the scarce supply, consumers should be worried.

Lessons from the Texas Freeze

Last year, Texas experienced a terrible winter storm that shut down its wind turbine electricity production. Sadly, 246 people died in that storm. For decades, Texas Republicans bought into the green energy myths, quietly allowing the notion that fossil fuels were the enemy to fester in their policy hearts. They introduced “renewable energy mandates.”

When the storm of February 2021 froze the wind turbines, supporters of the renewable energy mandates quickly came to the green defense. This was not about science or facts: this was about defending ideology.

“Don’t Blame Wind Turbines” blared Time Magazine, along with USA TodayThe Washington Post, and of course, The New York Times. The laughable, knee-jerk reaction brings up a metaphysical dilemma: if the absence of something is no different than its presence, does it have any value? Or even exist? If the wind turbines failed, and make no mistake they failed completely, but their failure does not matter, then how can they have measurable success?

All of these outlets blame the fiasco in Texas on natural gas pipelines, as fossil fuels are, and will always be, the reliable backup to green energy. The renewable energy advocates, desperate not to have a failure on the books, contend that in certain conditions natural gas must overperform. During that storm it did not, and therefore is at fault. Renewables are asked to do the bare minimum, demand perfect conditions, and if any variable is introduced, they get to throw in the towel and cast aspersions on the real performers.

If Texas Republicans fall victim to the green energy siren calls, then what hope does New England have? New England, the bastion of unblemished liberalism, back to burning oil instead of cleaner natural gas, running low on LNG, buying supplies from Russia and the Caribbean, adding to ocean pollution with more tankers, sacrificing American jobs, and enriching Putin.

Again, 246 people were victims of Texas’ green energy dreams. It’s the nameless, the powerless, the voiceless, who die at the hands of the state because of political decisions based on ideology. And their numbers are going to climb unless there is a major reversal at the federal and state level.

Chuck Todd of All People Explains How Bad Things Are for Biden From Historical Context

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

Generally, when Democrats get bad poll numbers – especially on a consistent basis – their cheerleaders in the mainstream press do one of two things: try to make things appear rosier than they are by doing “silver lining” reports, or sound alarm bells in an effort to warn their fellow Democrats of what’s ahead come election time if they don’t get it together.

NBC News “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd, a media apologist for the left if there ever was one, did the alarm bells thing in a report he filed during his Sunday program, pointing to the most recent polling numbers from his network but diving further into them to show from a historical context just how bad things were for Democrats courtesy of one man: Joe Biden.

Todd focused on three key areas he said were indicative of how a president’s political party typically fared during midterms: Approval ratings for the president, where people were on the direction they felt the country was headed, and party control of Congress. In two of these three, Todd noted that the numbers were in “shellacking” territory for Democrats come November:

“I’m going to start with perhaps the most important number to understand the direction of the midterms, its job approval here, the president’s job approval rating sitting at 43%. If you look at history, history shows that kind of presidential approval rating leads to a shellacking for the party in power. How about the mood of the nation? Let me show you this, right now our wrong track, nations on the wrong track number sitting at 72% – second poll in a row where we’ve been over 70%. This is only the third time in our poll’s history over thirty years where we’ve had two tracks that off. That again would put you in shellacking territory for the party in power.”

“The one place Democrats are holding up okay is on the question of which party should control congress: basically a dead heat, one point advantage there, but most analysts will tell you Democrats have to be up by about four or five due to redistricting in order to actually hold the house here so that puts it in the middle. But as you can see, two of our three most important indexes is sitting in shellacking territory right now for the Democrats. This is a dangerous place for the party and the president to be at the one-year mark of this presidency.”


Indeed, and as our own Nick Arama reported, perhaps most alarming for Democrats is the fact that independents have also soured on Biden a great deal over his time in office so far, with some suggesting during interviews that Biden has gone too far to the left, while others say he hasn’t been the uniter he said he would be.

This dovetails with how we saw independents vote in the 2021 Virginia elections, with polling and interviews going into Election Day as well as exit polling showing independents were turning away from Biden and Democrats on educational matters and also because they believed he was shifting too far leftward, deciding to vote for Republicans in order to send a message.

There’s still a lot of time between now and November, but Democrats have this penchant for doubling down when they’re up against the ropes, and I don’t see that changing here. The economy is ultimately where it’s at, and if a majority of voters are still sitting around their kitchen tables trying to figure out how to make ends meet when the time to cast their votes comes, that “shellacking” Chuck Todd warned about will become a very painful reality for Biden and his fellow Democrats as people decide “enough is enough.”