Saturday, January 8, 2022

George Floyd's 4-Year-Old Niece Was Shot While Asleep in Apt. — Where's the Democrat Outcry?

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Democrat narratives are stubborn little devils. From facts to logic to science to common sense and reality, Democrats refuse to yield to anything contrarian to those narratives, choosing instead to misrepresent, dismiss, bald-faced lie about, or simply ignore. The Democrat narrative is Democrat reality. 

Perfect case in point? The George Floyd narrative.

As our story begins, Floyd’s four-year-old niece was shot on New Year’s Day as she slept in her bed in a Houston apartment. According to a police department statement, several shots were fired into the apartment just before 3 a.m. on Saturday while four adults and two children were inside, as reported by NBC News on Friday. In addition, the department said, it has opened an internal investigation into its “delayed response” to the shooting. Hmm.

**Warning: strong language**

Arianna was struck in the torso, police said. Her mother and father drove Arianna to an area hospital, where she underwent surgery and is reportedly in stable condition. The department also said it has no suspect description or motive in the shooting at this point. Wonder why? Perhaps no one’s talking? “Interesting.”

Arianna’s father Derrick Delane described the horrifying incident to NBC’s Houston affiliate:

My daughter jumped up and said she had been hit. I (saw) the blood, the bleeding, and I grabbed her. She’s healing very fast. The last time I checked on her, she was breathing on her own. She was doing really great.

As for the “delayed response,” Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said in a second statement he has opened an internal affairs investigation into the department’s handling of the shooting.

Let the “internal affairs investigation” begin. Don’t they always?

I am aware and have concerns regarding the delayed response time in this incident and have initiated an Internal Affairs investigation.

I ask the city [to] continue to pray for this child’s full recovery and assist in providing information that would lead to the arrest of the suspect or suspects responsible.

So, let’s reflect, shall we?

While similar shootings tragically occur on a regular basis — see: Chicago’s bloody Southside — the fact that this four-year-old girl is George Floyd’s niece should be newsworthy, should it not?

Oh hell, no, in the blatantly hypocritical minds of the left. As we’ve seen over and over again, Democrats’ embrace — or lack thereof — of science, as it relates to their histrionic COVID narrative, has been a perfect example of liberal hypocrisy.

That same hypocrisy over the shooting of George Floyd’s niece is alive and well.

Floyd died after then-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chavin knelt on his neck for nine and a half minutes, for which Chauvin was found guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter, for which he was sentenced to 270 months (22.5 years) in prison. Justice served.

The problem for the whole “Black Lives Matter,” “white supremacy,” “systemic racism” narrative is that chances are [sarc], little Arianna Delane was not shot by a racist white cop at 3:00 in the morning in what was most likely an intentional drive-by shooting. Yep, that’s a problem. And how can I go out on such a precarious limb? By relying on facts and statistics that point to an entirely different demographic.

The same facts and statistics apply to the bloody streets of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot‘s Southside, which is why Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, lunatic Maxine Waters, hapless Joe Biden, vacant Kamala Harris, racist Joy Reid, silly Don Lemon, and the entire lot of these hypocritical people remain full-metal crickets on the out-of-control pandemic of violent black-on-black crime.

Huh. I never made the connection. Well, maybe I did.

The actual coup began in 2016, and has continued ever since


Article by Jack Hellner in The American Thinker

The actual coup began in 2016, and has continued ever since

Starting in 2016, the Obama-Biden executive branch, the judicial branch, and the Democrats in the legislative branch set out to defeat Donald Trump before the election, and when that didn't work, they made endless attempts to get rid of the duly elected president after the election. 

It all centered around the Big Lie that Trump colluded with Russia. The public was told continually that Trump was a Russian agent or spy or whatever name they decided to use at the time. 

The politicized Justice department used the obviously fictitious Russian dossier when they lied repeatedly to the FISA court to get multiple warrants to spy on people in the Trump team.  The FBI officials who perpetuated a fraud on the FISA court still roam free because they are special. They are above the law.

The Justice Department clearly knew that Hillary and the DNC paid over ten million dollars to produce the fictional document and didn't care. The Justice Department also knew that the Hillary campaign and DNC committed fraud when they signed a document to the Federal Election [C]ommission that the money paid to produce the fictional work was for legal fees. To hide the fictional opposition research, they laundered the payments through the Perkins, Cole law firm. No one at the Justice Department cared about the election fraud of Hillary and the DNC. 

While the Justice department was illegally targeting and spying on Trump, they were also protecting the corrupt criminal Hillary and her aides from prosecution while they supported her for President. No matter how many crimes they committed, they were above the law.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Massive amounts of government personnel and taxpayer money was spent in their effort to destroy and defeat Trump and to elect Hillary. 

The criminal activity by the Obama-Biden administration dwarfed Watergate but the mostly compliant, sycophant media not only didn't care, but they also participated in the attempted coup. They knew how corrupt Hillary was and yet supported her while they willingly spread the known lies about Russian collusion for years in their effort to defeat Trump and intentionally mislead the public. The founding fathers gave the media great power to protect the people from corrupt and powerful politicians. They would be turning over in their graves as they see how willing the media is to support the corrupt people and cover up the corruption.

After the election, the efforts to destroy Trump continued with endless investigations in the Democrat Congress based on the Russian collusion lies. The investigations were led by congenital liar Adam Schiff. Schiff would repeatedly go on CNN and elsewhere and say that he absolutely had evidence of Russian collusion and corruption by Trump. Although there was no evidence, the media willingly peddled these lies to the public as if they were true to destroy Trump's presidency and policies. 

There were other lies that were told repeatedly to indoctrinate the public with misinformation. 

Biden and others have continually repeated the lie that Trump complimented white supremacists in Charlottesville. This is a known lie, yet social media and other media outlets have never blocked Biden or anyone from repeating this lie. The purpose of the lie is to gin up racial division and hate and to portray Trump as a racist. The media and others peddle these lies to sow division while pretending they are trying to unite the country. 

Hillary called Trump an illegitimate President for years yet pretends that anyone who challenges election results doesn't believe in democracy. Somehow, anyone challenging Biden's win is treated as a criminal. 

Biden and Harris called Trump an illegitimate President in 2019 and Sheila Jackson Lee challenged the election results on January 6th, 2017 and no one cared.

On Jan. 6, 2017, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said at least ten Democrats would be challenging the validity of the electoral votes in multiple states. She said there would also be challenges trying to disqualify electors as ineligible to serve. “This is an American question of justice and fairness and the appropriate running of presidential elections,”

The media has known for years that the Biden family pockets have been lined with money yet when the NY Post printed the truthful story about the laptop in October 2020, they did everything they could to quash the true story so the public wouldn't see it. They trotted out fifty former intelligence officials, who without evidence, were willing to say that it looked like Russian disinformation. The swamp is deep. 

Instead of investigating the story, they buried the story because they were spending their time seeking to defeat Trump and elect the corrupt, incompetent Biden. 

They are campaign workers for Democrats, not reporters seeking to inform the public. 

Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say

More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son.

Several state election officials changed election rules, without legislative approval, in the 2020 election yet the media and other Democrats say there was no evidence of wrongdoing in the election. Here is a hint: If state election officials intentionally go around the law to change election rules that is evidence of wrongdoing. 

The FBI says the January 6th protest at the capitol was not an insurrection and they found no arms. Yet the media and other Democrats continue to call it an armed insurrection, and have endless investigations to intentionally mislead the public. 

Nancy Pelosi and others are intentionally lying to the public about who died at the capitol and how. The lies are intentionally used to mislead and influence the public. Most of the media allows these lies to go unchallenged because theirs is a mutual goal, to destroy Trump.

Most of the media, Pelosi, and other Democrats don’t care about Ashli Babbitt, the only unarmed person killed January 6th, any more than they care about all the people killed and maimed by radical leftist groups, people killed by illegals, people dying at the border, people plowed over by a racist career criminal in Wisconsin, or Seth Rich.

They seem to only care about deaths when they advance their radical agenda.

The Latest False Claim About January 6th May Be the Most Brazen, Indefensible One Yet

A lot of you reading this may be asking who Bill Evans is. That’s understandable given that his death was only in the news for about eight hours after it occurred. Why? Because the circumstances of it did not fit the narrative the press and Democrats at large desired. You see, Evans was not killed on January 6th or by a rabid Trump supporter some months later. Rather, he was killed by a black nationalist and Nation of Islam supporter who rammed a barricade attempting to enter the Capitol grounds.

Democrats don’t want a federal takeover of elections because they care about minorities, voter rights or voter suppression. They only care about power and winning. They will do anything to destroy people who get in their way.

For a long time, the media has gone from informing the public to indoctrinating the public. They are willing to pretend lies are the truth and bury truthful stories in their efforts to infect the public with radical leftist policies. They are willing to do whatever it takes to remake and destroy America. That makes them enemies of the American people, doesn't it?

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The Jan. 6 Sales Pitch

THE JAN. 6 SALES PITCH. Some press accounts characterized the Democrats' Jan. 6 anniversary ceremonies as a day of "somber remembrance." But for some, the events were also an opportunity to sell the party's top priority — a move to federalize control over voting procedures on terms highly favorable to Democrats. "Democrats are making a fresh push on voting rights legislation around the anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection," NPR reported a few days ago. Indeed they are.

Vice President Kamala Harris got the pitch going in her remarks at the Capitol Thursday morning. "Here, in this very building, a decision will be made about whether we uphold the right to vote and ensure free and fair elections," she said. "Let's be clear: We must pass the voting rights bills that are now before the Senate." With her choice of words, Harris continued the Democrats' mischaracterization of their voting bills as measures to "uphold the right to vote."

They don't do any such thing. Does throwing out every state voter ID law in the country uphold the right to vote? Does legalizing ballot harvesting nationwide uphold the right to vote? Does making permanent the "emergency" COVID measures adopted in 2020 uphold the right to vote?

"The bill would overturn effective, organically developed voting laws in all 50 states and replace them with mandates written behind closed doors by Democratic activists and politicians," Republican Sen. Mike Lee wrote last year. "It would impose on the entire country same-day and automatic voter registration, extended early voting, legalized voting for convicted felons; institute a prohibition against prosecuting illegal immigrant voters who had been automatically registered; and ban badly needed voter ID requirements."

President Joe Biden, speaking immediately after Harris, followed up with an appeal to history. "From the brutality of Bloody Sunday on the Edmund Pettus Bridge came historic voting rights legislation," Biden said. "So now, let us step up, write the next chapter in American history, where January 6th marks not the end of democracy but the beginning of a renaissance of liberty and fair play."

In the Senate, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sharpened the pitch. The Jan. 6 anniversary "means we must pass legislation, effective legislation, to defend our democracy, to protect the right to vote," Schumer said. "We must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, so that our country's destiny is determined by the voice of the people, and not by the violent whims of lies and even mob rule."

And on it went. But here's the kicker. The two voting bills Democrats are pushing have nothing to do with the Capitol riot and the congressional certification of Electoral College votes that was the occasion for it. Nothing. And yet, there is a move to reform the Electoral Count Act, and Democrats want nothing to do with it. Passed after the presidential election crisis of 1876, the ECA is cumbersome and maddeningly unclear. It allows the possibility of abusing the electoral vote certification process to protest or even overturn an election. Reforming it would be directly related to Jan. 6 — a legislative move to prevent such a situation in the future. And yet Democrats firmly oppose Electoral Count Act reform.

When Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell recently suggested that Republicans might work with Democrats to fix the ECA, Schumer immediately shut it down. McConnell's idea is "unacceptably insufficient and even offensive," Schumer said. With that, Democrats made clear that, while they will talk endlessly about Jan. 6, they will not try to actually fix the problem.

And we Know, On the Fringe, and more-Jan 8


1st full day of having a warm living room in 2 days! Here's tonight's news:

American Oligarchy

The Left is correct to bewail the sordid and fallen state 
of "our democracy." It just has no idea why.

To observe that the Left and its cheerleading media have treated the one-year anniversary of the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot as a solemn occasion would be to understate the point. For the Left, the (actually) mostly peaceful demonstrations of that day, which for a small percentage of demonstrators did entail illegal trespassing of the Capitol, represented a watershed moment in the history of our “democracy.” January 6 was the day, the narrative goes, where “deplorable” Trumpians attempted to effectuate an “insurrection” and a “coup,” seeking to “overturn” the results of the perfect and pristine 2020 presidential election.

The lead-up to the one-year January 6 anniversary was endlessly promoted by our insular and self-congratulatory Washington press corps as something akin to the one-year anniversary of September 11, 2001. The imbecilic and senile dolt who is our commander-in-chief dedicated his January 6, 2022, remarks to excoriating his predecessor for that predecessor’s alleged incitement of an “insurrection.” Defying parody, a candlelight vigil was held at the National Mall—”in remembrance of the attack on our democracy that occurred on January 6, 2021.”

In fairness, it is true that modern America no longer meets a threshold definition of “democracy.” But the Left is wrong as to why. America in the year 2022 is not a nation bedeviled by a great scourge of right-wing political violence, but it is a nation bedeviled by a monolithic and intellectually homogenous oligarchy that seeks to subjugate dissenting “deplorables” by any means necessary. Consider some examples.

American oligarchy is when a duly elected president of the United States is stymied from day one by cynical ruling class fabulists concocting a false story about that president’s alleged collusion with a foreign power, based on the primary “evidence” of a salacious and unverified “dossier” created in conjunction with the defeated opponent’s presidential campaign. American oligarchy is when the institutional media cheers on not one but two baseless and mind-numbing presidential impeachments based on nothing more than frothing partisan fealty to the oligarchs’ preferred political tribe, the Democratic Party.

American oligarchy is when the nation’s fourth-largest newspaper, the New York Post, runs on the eve of a monumental presidential election a prominent piece of investigative journalism about the oligarchs’ preferred candidate’s troubled son’s shameless overseas venality—only to see that piece of journalism wiped clean from the Big Tech platforms and the Post locked out of its very own Twitter account. American oligarchy is when neoliberal purists from the Left, center and Right unite to thwart any meaningful attempt at antitrust enforcement against Big Tech, permitting the Birkenstock-wearing C-suite dweebs who control our digital public square to bowdlerize that public square of any “deplorable” dissent from regime rule.

American oligarchy is when White House press secretary Jen Psaki and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg collude, in naked fashion, to purge Facebook of any discourse skeptical of the recent crowning regime achievement, ineffectual COVID-19 “vaccines.” American oligarchy is when White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients, echoing the rhetoric of a Maoist “social credit system,” rebukes “the unvaccinated” for “looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”

American oligarchy is when myriad states take advantage of a pandemic to pass massive changes to electoral regulations by executive fiat, and thus in violation of the U.S. Constitution, in such a manner as to not-so-coincidentally benefit the regime’s favored political party. American oligarchy is when even the most anodyne of post-2020 election attempts to undo the ad hoc electoral changes of 2020, such as Georgia’s quite moderate voting law, are unfairly maligned by political oligarchs as “Jim Crow on steroids” and viciously opposed by Big Business oligarchs all too happy to boycott states that legislate on behalf of cultural or electoral sanity.

American oligarchy is the spawning of a two-tier “biomedical security state” in which dissenters from the ruling class’ preferred narrative on COVID-19 vaccines, mandates and lockdowns are punished via woke consternation, fired from their jobs, kicked off the digital public square and physically dragged out of convenience stores by police. American oligarchy is when the uniparty regime’s foot soldiers, the Antifa and Black Lives Matter hooligans who savaged American urban corridors during 2020’s “1619 Riots,” are let off scot-free, while January 6 trespassers without any previous criminal history are subjected to solitary confinement.

The Left is correct to bewail the sordid and fallen state of “our democracy.” It just has no idea why.

Fear is the Mind Killer


Of course some aged people fear death and project that onto others.

"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light"..Dylan Thomas


Article by Rick McDowell in The American Thinker

Fear is the Mind Killer

Frank Herbert wrote in Dune, “Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death...”  Indeed, fear is the more dangerous virus infecting us. 

Witness the fearfulness engulfing Americans: 

  • Fear of the virus. 
  • Fear of being called a racist. 
  • Fear of being cancelled. 
  • Fear of the other. 
  • Fear of defending beliefs. 
  • Fear of our history. 
  • Fear of not being woke. 
  • Fear even of saying the truth. 

Fear works.  The face of America has taken on a pallor. Before the specter of 2021 descended, we were proud to identify as “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.” 

Now, after a year of cautious, quiet desperation precipitated by a shower of those fears, we have become “The Silence of the Lambs.”   

Our Fearful Leader bangs his drum of fear incessantly, hammering a dent into our sense of free ill.  Nine days before Christmas, the President told us, "I want to send a direct message to the American people…. We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated -- for themselves, their families and the hospitals they'll soon overwhelm.” Prepare for your winter of death, he advises.   

Never in American history has a president openly told Americans to be afraid: death is coming for you. Quite the opposite is the norm. FDR, in his first inaugural adress, said, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”  The threat then was the Great Depression.  Now, we have this whole litany of newly invented irrational fears to overcome, and perhaps not the national stomach of that previous era, to face them down.   

What is worse than being called a racist?  Being called a coward. 

What is more worrisome than the bug is President Biden’s insistence that the nation in its entirety and without exception join with him in fear or else suffer severe penalty at his hand.  He says aloud that our required compliance outweighs freedom, “It’s not about freedom or your personal choice,” he said hollowly to the nation September 8, 2020. 

On the contrary, Mr. President, it most certainly is exactly about freedom.   

He uses the power of fiat to enforce his demand that all obey his dictates.  But there was, and is, no public mandate for mandates.  The “consent of the governed” is irrelevant to Joe Biden.  He rationalizes that he is potentially protecting lives of a fraction of a percent through the massive collateral damage of destroying tens of millions of livelihoods and the American way of life, and unknown damage to the psyche of a generation of children.  Despair and skyrocketing suicides are acceptable losses to the administration so long as the COVID fear persists.  He cares so much for you he will have you fired for not getting the requisite injections.  No exceptions, not even Navy SEALs, not even those brave souls who cared for the infected. 

His irrational insistence that every person become “fully vaccinated,” which we have learned is itself an organic, living term, certainly raises suspicion that there is some ulterior motive to this red-line position, such as laying the foundation for enforcement of an unquestioning acceptance of authority. 

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away,” wrote Philip K. Dick, author of The Man in the High Castle.  But the reality is that our beliefs are what make us a people and a nation. 

Our reality changes before us as we stop believing in the humanities of our nation: our history, culture, philosophy, society.  These are the beliefs which distinguish America from all other nations, present and past.  Those who believe they are worth preserving cannot remain mute. 

A significant majority of Americans remain, for now, quietly dispassionate observers to a national, passive acceptance of suddenly usurped authority over our lives and livelihoods.  Meekly, we obediently follow the dictates from on high, no matter how ill-founded, misjudged, and irrational.  They are the experts, after all: they are the authorities.  Any questions? 

We watch our history being cancelled as if it was no greater disappointment than merely sharing the same fate as a favored TV show biting the dust.  Eerily, we are assured by the media this is for the public good.  They tell us, feel shame, not pride, in your country and its history. 

Such a demented view is the strongest reason to teach and embrace, rather than abandon, both American history and for comparative purposes, world history.   Has anyone seen wisdom around here lately?  Seems to have gone missing. 

Next, we face the recently implanted social fears of group cancellation through perceptions of insufficient compassion directed to the defeatist cohorts.  Their tactic to resolve their problems of self-esteem is to make them your problems.  By not curing them, they claim you are oppressing them.   

We are told to discard the principles of liberty and rugged individualism, because the idea of competing and being self-reliant should no longer be considered virtues that give sharp muscular definition to what it is to be American.  Honor, dignity, responsibility, forbearance: these, we are informed by our enlightened elite, are vestiges of some oppressive patriarchy.  They want us mushier.   

The radical left finds these qualities to be affronts to the weak; those content to be provided a life of assured banality in which a national authority usurps all the life choices that are otherwise bestowed upon a soul living a life of liberty in America.  They tell us that bar is too high for some, so we must lower our standards for all.  Stoop, so others need not reach.   

The Left’s dream of equity is this: the day when we all live in shared misery in a land not of opportunity, but of enforced mediocracy, obediently showing up to a meaningless guaranteed government job with corresponding minimal expectations of performance or advancement, living in government housing zoned to ensure conformity with approved diversity guidelines, and monitored by constant surveillance for compliance.  That is the dream.   

This general malaise that has descended upon the spirit of America is felt as a loss of confidence, deliberately and purposefully imposed by internal forces.  Domestic forces whose openly expressed intent is to fundamentally change the nature of the United States; and a psychological force -- a creeping unease in the struggle of mindful Americans of how to process the assault we feel daily on American values. 

Fear can play no part for the citizenry of a free United States, but fear would be key to the control function of any replacement overseers.  We must, or the least afraid among us, must, end the fear by showing courage and thereby spreading courage further.  We must let there be no doubt about our resolve to continue a free way of life in America by speaking with resolve with friends to bolster them, and to opposing views to challenge their motives in the land of the free.  We need leaders stepping up. 

To that end, our senators and representatives who themselves fear losing an election by potentially being shunned by a discordant and strident group need to instead, show some spine.  Rise to save our nation.  Break from the Fear Party.  Let us hear you as our voice in expressing what it means to be an American.

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The Ratings Are in for CNN's January 6th Obsession—and Hoo Boy

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Does this qualify as poetic justice? Because this feels a lot like poetic justice.

The ratings are in for CNN’s “commemoration” coverage of January 6th, and hoo boy, they are not good. The network played out a full day of hand-wringing and tortured analysis, culminating in a two-hour event live from Statutory Hall inside the Capitol Building. All the stops were pulled out, including a headlining interview with Nancy Pelosi.

The obvious goal was to stimulate a repeat of last year’s blockbuster, January 6th ratings, where CNN led all other networks in viewership as the events unfolded. In a phrase, that didn’t happen. In fact, the liberal network got absolutely trounced by Fox News.

Those numbers come via my friend Curtis Houck over at Newsbusters.

According to a Fox News press release, FNC defeated CNN “in every hour across both categories” as the Jeff Zucker-led channel was only able to fetch 742,869 total viewers overall and 139,202 across Thursday in the demo.

MSNBC was able to best CNN in total viewers with about 1.049 million viewers, but narrowly lost in the 25-54 group as the Comcast-owned property garnered just 136,019 viewers.

And in the key 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Eastern block during which President Biden and Vice President Harris delivered remarks from Statuary Hall, CNN and MSNBC still couldn’t pull in a sizable audience.

Instead, Fox News still came out on top with America’s Newsroom pulling in 1.58 million total viewers and 232,112 in the demo versus 1.083 million and 144,832 for MSNBC and 1.106 million and 190,613 for CNN.

Even during the supposed highlight of the night, the two-hour special from the Capitol, CNN trailed Fox News big time. For further context, CNN’s ratings were down some 90 percent in primetime compared to the previous January 6th. Ironically, Bret Baier’s hard-hitting interview with Liz Cheney on Fox News dwarfed anything CNN did all day, and Tucker Carlson, as usual, was the highest-rated show of the night.

But CNN didn’t just lose to Fox News. They managed to lose to MSNBC as well. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Jeff Zucker and his cohorts were supposed to be the crown jewel for leftwing audiences on January 6th, but on a day where they had everything going for them, they still flopped hard.

What’s all this tell us? It tells us exactly what RedState and other conservative sources have been saying for a long time: Very few people still care about January 6th. It was a short-lived period of regrettable unrest where all the perpetrators were arrested and punished harshly. The country’s government was not almost overthrown, there was no actual threat to our “democracy,” and it was not an organized coup. Just because something is damaging and politically idiotic, that does not mean it’s in the same universe as Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust (yes, an MSNBC “historian” actually made that latter comparison yesterday).

Sure, a lot of people were disturbed by what they saw when the events of January 6th played out last year, but it’s not 2021 anymore. Normal people are far more concerned about issues that actually affect their lives now, and they want to see their elected representatives take those issues seriously, whether we are talking about inflation, the jobs market, or something else.

The continued January 6th obsession by Democrat politicians and networks like CNN is not playing well, and in the end, it’s going to backfire even more.

Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials?



Rocket Mortgage 2021 Super Bowl commercial

Article by Jacob Fraden in The American Thinker

Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials?

Commercials take up 27% of commercial television screen time and are the main source of income for TV and radio stations. In most cases, advertisements on all channels appear simultaneously, so don't try to change the channel, there will be commercials elsewhere, too. Nowadays they have also taken over the Internet. For a financial support, websites have to run ads on their pages, the largest share supplied and controlled by Google. Ads pry into your eyes, unceremoniously interfere with text, and on YouTube, in the most inappropriate places they cut into the action of films, lectures and concerts, tearing apart musical performances. There's no escaping commercials, we've grown accustomed to them, and they become almost as much a part of our lives as food, toilets, and sleep.

In the United States today, the White population (not including Hispanics) is 57.8%. In real life Caucasians are still in the majority, but now on TV and the Internet they are swept under the rug like trash. Blacks compose 14% of the U.S. population but appear in 50% of commercials. White actors now appear for promotion of health insurance, gold, loans and some medicines. Moreover, if a White person appears in a commercial, he/she is usually old, sick, a freak, or at the very least, an appendage to a Black partner. If there's a doctor on the screen, he's usually Black, while the patient is usually White. Caucasian young men appear in only 4% of the commercials! If some aliens began to study the population of Planet Earth through our TV commercials they would have a somewhat distorted picture of Americans, to put it mildly.

So why do advertisers ignore the long-standing rules of marketing, and to the detriment of their own financial interests, fill the media space with content that displaces and degrades its biggest market segment? The answer is simple. At the heart of this nonsense is political correctness in a form even an Orwell could not have foreseen.  Business executives go out of their way to publicly show their conformity with the universal “diversity” and "critical racial theory" (CRT), demanding that the White man be blamed for all the sins one can imagine.  Replacing ancient, long-vanished oppression of Blacks with real oppression of Whites, overcompensating and planting racism-in-reverse.

Why does the White population, which is still in the majority in the U.S., accept the banishing and belittling obediently and silently?  Why is there no public criticism, much less resistance to the idiocy? Why don’t people don’t tell political correctness to go to hell? After all, the U.S. is not Stalin's USSR, and anyone who disagrees with the party is not yet sent to a camp or shot. Why is there such stifling conformity among the American people, formerly known for their independence and freedom of speech? The answer is simple and sad: the reason is fear, albeit on a more vegetarian level than it was under the Soviet rule.

Ordinary people keep their mouths shut for fear of losing their jobs, not getting a holiday bonus, not getting promoted, or being socially ostracized This is understandable, and I wouldn't blame them, although I wouldn't respect them either. But what are people of higher position afraid of — the heads and owners of businesses? What is threatening them? Indeed, nobody is going to drive them out of their positions or take their business, though fear of boycotts can be realistic.  They are afraid of various inconveniences: negative articles in the leftist press, social shunning, frivolous lawsuits, loss of state and federal licenses, government contracts, unexpected audits by the IRS, fines for alleged violations of minorities’ rights, and the like small and large troubles.

People think that if they keep quiet, then the pendulum will swing back and everything will sort itself out. But comfort kills the will to resist and produces conformism, that inevitably leads to stagnation, degradation of society, reduction of living standards and, finally, to loss of that very comfort.

So what we to do? I am not calling anyone to the barricades, but only ask: Don't live by lies. The least any of us can do today is not participate in lies of the CRT and other political correctness: not watch their movies, not read their newspapers, not vote for the conformist candidates, not support them financially, and certainly never buy anything that in a politically correct manner is singing and dancing on a TV or computer screen.

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Tom Cotton Gets the Last Laugh After a 'Correction' Calls Into Question the Entire 'Fact-Checking' Industry

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Tom Cotton has been doing a number on the “fact-checkers” the last year or so. You may recall that The Washington Post had to offer a correction after they initially proclaimed Cotton’s comments on the COVID-19 lab leak theory had been “debunked” by the “experts.” That wasn’t true then, and it’s certainly not true now, but the Post wanted its partisan dunk (and to simp for China, as is their usual pattern), so they left that false report hanging out there for the better part of a year.

Now, the Post has been caught with its pants down again. The outlet’s top “fact-checker,” Glenn Kessler, had previously written a denunciation of Cotton’s claim that the Boston Bomber would get a stimulus check via the Democrats’ boondoggle COVID “relief” bill.

Here’s what Cotton said.

(Tom Cotton): Dylann Roof murdered nine people. He’s on federal death row. He’ll be getting a $1,400 stimulus check as part of the Democrats’ ‘COVID relief’ bill.

Kessler, being the absolute hack that he is, rushed to proclaim that statement false, giving Cotton multiple “Pinocchios” in the final rating. Much of Kessler’s “fact-check” was tortured nonsense, attempting to say the statement was untruthful due to a “lack of context” and such.

Yet, in the end, Cotton was completely correct. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev did receive a $1,400 stimulus check. That left Kessler scrambling to explain away the fact that he “fact-checked” something, including making several highly partisan attacks on Cotton, without having all facts.

Of note here is that Cotton did not “predict” anything. He was making his assertion based on the known facts at the time that were dictated by the language of the Democrats’ bill and a previous judicial ruling. Republicans offered an amendment to fix the issue but were denied. Kessler’s attempt to pretend that Cotton just got lucky here is hackish garbage. Cotton knew the facts and Kessler didn’t. It’s really that simple.

Let’s also note that Kessler only changed his article after Cotton’s office sent this scathing rebuke with the receipts.

“You portrayed Senator Cotton’s amendment as pure political theater—’not serious legislation’—warning of an outcome that, according to your article, was very unlikely to happen,” Arnold wrote. “Now that it has in fact happened, we’re asking that you update your story to include that Senator Cotton’s concerns did come true and that his amendment would have prevented it.” He added that “we also disagree with your claims that Senator Cotton’s efforts were solely political, designed only for campaign ads etc., instead of based on legitimate policy disagreements.” He noted, for instance, the use of the phrase “scaremongering.”

Yet, instead of just giving a full retraction, Kessler has chosen to dance around the lies he perpetrated with his article, lowering the rating to one Pinnochio while still claiming that Cotton’s comments lacked context. That’s just patently false in light of what we knew then and know now, and it’s another black mark on the reputation of the Post. If you can’t count on one of the nation’s leading newspapers to tell the full truth about something like this, what can you count on them for? That’s largely a rhetorical question at this point.

This episode once again calls into question the entire “fact-checking” industry. It’s always been a leftwing con, whereby undue authority is placed on someone’s opinion because they claim the title of “fact-checker.” Yet, the limits they’ll go to in order to mislead have been pushed into the realm of absurdity over the last several years. Kessler should retract his article and stop playing partisan games.

An Absolutely Horrific Jobs Report Follows the Democrats' Day of Distractions

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

After a day of overwrought, largely misleading pronouncements about January 6th, the distractions have turned back into reality for Joe Biden and his maligned party. An absolutely horrific jobs report was released this morning following the Democrats’ “commemoration,” jarring Washington back into the real world of issues people actually care about.

While 422,000 jobs were projected to be created during one of the nation’s peak hiring seasons, the actual number came in at just 199,000. That’s another big miss after November’s paltry numbers and comes on the heels of news that jobless claims remain stubbornly high as well.

Can I just say that maybe it’s time to find some new “experts” to do these projections? This is not the first or even the second time over the last year that the mark has been missed by more than 50 percent. Heck, the worst miss in history happened in April of 2021 with only 266,000 jobs being created against a projection of around one million. I’m just spitballing here, but if one’s prediction methodology is that consistently bad, perhaps it’s time to go a different direction?

As to the unemployment rate, which remains a relatively low 3.9 percent, that is largely a factor of a lag in the workforce participation rate. That metric has remained nearly flat since Biden took office (61.4 percent to 61.9 percent) and has not even recovered half the ground lost since the COVID-19 pandemic initially tanked the employment market.

So what’s this all mean? Well, it means exactly what it looks like it means. The jobs market continues to falter during a time where growth should be exploding given the decoupling of hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 infection rates. That’s almost solely due to the ridiculous policies and fear-mongering coming from the Biden administration and its allies, both of which incentivize people to not work when they are otherwise healthy and capable of doing so.

While the January 6th handwringing lasted a day, these economic issues are going to linger until the 2022 election. Perhaps that gives us a window into why Democrats are so desperate to change the subject? Unfortunately, their “save democracy” pitch was always going to be a flash in the pan, and now the return of real problems means more bad news for Democrats.

Biden Plays the 'Insurrection Day' Card


Article by Michael Reagan in NewsMax

Biden Plays the 'Insurrection Day' Card

It was silly, but I was really hoping 2022 would be different.

A new year. A fresh start for America.

And an end – or at least a brief armistice – to the nasty political civil war that has tortured us for the last two years.

But after experiencing less than 12 hours of 2022, I came to my senses: On Jan. 1, I tweeted, “New Year, same BS.”

That’s how long it took Fox, CNN, CBS and the rest of the national media to show me that the only thing that was going to change about the year 2022 was the number.

Everyone in America is still mad at everyone else.

The country is still split into red and blue political camps. It’s still split into the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

And while the Biden administration continues to try its damnedest to wreck everything that still works in America, Donald Trump is still driving the Democrat Party and the media crazy.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris proved how much Trump’s ghost haunts them on Thursday morning when they delivered their equally awful speeches marking the anniversary of Jan. 6, 2021.

You remember “Insurrection Day”? Unless you’ve been in a coma for a year, how could you forget?

It was the day our Capitol building in Washington was burned to the ground by an armed mob of Trump supporters who killed dozens of Congress people, overturned the 2020 election and destroyed American democracy forever.

In the real world, of course, it didn’t actually happen like that.

But Biden, Harris, the Pelosi-Schumer tag team in Congress and the media want to make sure 1/6 becomes a day that will live forever in infamy – like 12/7/41 or 9/11.

That kind of laughable rhetoric really helps to unite our politically divided country, doesn’t it?

So does insisting on calling 1/6 an “insurrection” instead of what it was – a peaceful political protest that exploded into a dangerous and disgraceful riot whose only fatality was an unarmed Trump supporter, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death by a Capitol police officer.

No one in politics with half a brain and an ounce of power was ever in favor of what happened in Washington on 1/6.

No one on the left, no one on the right. Not President Trump, not even Sean Hannity.

In fact, for the first time probably since 9/11, Fox and CNN were actually on the same political page.

Republicans and conservatives repeatedly have said the Capitol riot was a disgrace to America and that violently crashing the Capitol was wrong.

They’ve also said – repeatedly – that those who broke the law should be arrested and charged – fairly and equally – with trespassing, attacking police or whatever appropriate crime.

Unlike the left’s sympathetic and hands-off reaction to the deadly and destructive nightly riots in a dozen American cities in the summer of 2020, Republicans have been consistent on how to react to mob violence.

Republicans condemned it in those blue cities and at the Capitol on “Insurrection Day.”

But for the Democrat Party and its flock of parrots in the media, the “deadly” insurrection of 1/6 Trump supposedly fomented has become a myth they are never going to let the country forget.

1/6 is their new national holiday. A day they can memorialize – weaponize – each year for decades for purely partisan political reasons.

For now, Democrats know 1/6 is the only propaganda weapon they have left to distract the public’s attention from the Biden administration’s never-ending list of failures.

But ordinary Americans don’t care about marking the anniversary of “Insurrection Day.” They know a fake insurrection when they see one.

They’re more worried about things that are real and things that really matter to them – today. Things like the rising price of gas and hamburger and Biden's bungled war on COVID.

Anyway, don't tell the Democrats. But last fall ordinary Americans across the country started a real insurrection that’s long overdue – a worthy revolution by parents who aim to break the power of public school boards and the teachers unions and retake control of their kids’ educations. 

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