Monday, January 3, 2022

Transcript of Joe Rogan Interviewing Dr. Robert Malone

The consequences of a viral interview between Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone continue to reverberate.   Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have all removed the interview from their platforms and banned the content sharing. Obviously, the content of the interview has been deemed subversive to the interests of U.S. government officials and Big Tech.

However, that said, Texas republican congressman Troy Nehls (TX-CD22) has placed the transcript of the interview into the public record.

The transcript is available on Nehls’ website HERE, also available in pdf download/upload format HERE, and we have copied it to a sharable pdf format HERE and embed below.

The entire transcript of the 3-hour interview is 43 pages.

Hope you find this useful as a resource.  The rebellion continues….

Fight the American Stasi With Mockery

And whatever you do, don’t help inflame the Zersetzung.

In a 2019 article for The Atlantic, “The Lingering Trauma of Stasi Surveillance,” Charlotte Bailey explores how many of the thousands of Germans who were victims of the The Ministry for State Security—commonly known as the Stasi—still suffer from psychological trauma. The Stasi were part of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Before its collapse in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the GDR, as Bailey describes, “went to extraordinary lengths to spy on and control its citizens.” 

The Stasi, Bailey writes, “wiretapped, bugged, and tracked citizens. It steamed open letters and drilled holes in walls. It had nearly 200,000 unofficial informers and hundreds of thousands more occasional sources providing information on their friends, neighbors, relatives, and colleagues. As the self-declared sword and shield regime, it aimed not merely to stamp out dissent, but to support a far-reaching propaganda machine in creating a new, perfect communist human being.”

I have long argued what afflicts present-day America is not fascism, or Mao-style communism, but the totalitarianism of the former spy-state known as the German Democratic Republic. “All over the world,” Bailey notes, “authoritarian regimes still use some of the tactics favored by the East German dictatorship—informers are still widely used, for instance. But states are now using modern technology to oppress their citizens in ways simply unavailable to the Stasi—by monitoring movements, spying on communications, and tracking financial transactions, to name just a few. The tools, in fact, are available to (and used by) companies and the governments of liberal democracies, too.” 

David Murakami Wood, a surveillance sociologist and an associate professor at Queen’s University in Canada, says “States now have far more power than the Stasi.”

The record of your permanent digital footprint and the growing power of tech companies such as Facebook, Google, and YouTube mean that just a few companies have more information about you, and power over you, in 2022 than the Stasi could ever have imagined. With an entire spy apparatus available on their phones, students snitch on each other. Publishers reject books because the author—even one as popular as J. K. Rowling of Harry Potter fame—won’t bow to the woke state. Recently, the German artist Jess de Wahls was briefly canceled by the Royal Academy (which subsequently apologized) after trans activists complained about a 2019 essay in which de Wahls argued the intolerance of the LGBTQ community has made it impossible to call a woman “an adult human female.”

In her essay, De Wahls perceptively compared the current climate produced by the crazy Left to the life she lived as a child under the German Stasi: 

Even your closest friends, or so we were told, could turn out to be working for the Stasi, the East German State Security Service, which has been described as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies ever to have existed. 

Everyone may have been ‘equal’ but we certainly weren’t free to think and do what we wanted.

When friends of mine occasionally remark that I endured a pummeling at the hands of latter-day Nazis in the fall of 2018 during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, I have to correct them and say that from everything I have read, it resembled nothing so much as a Stasi operation. 

On September 16, 2018, the Washington Post published an explosive article.Christine Blasey Ford, a psychologist in California, made allegations against my high school classmate, Brett Kavanaugh, who had been nominated for the Supreme Court and was about to be voted out of committee. Ford claimed that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when the two were in high school in 1982. Ford also claimed that I was in the room where the assault allegedly took place and that I witnessed everything before jumping in and breaking things up.

Just hours after the Post story broke, the British paper Daily Mail ran a lengthy “exclusive” about Georgetown Prep where Brett and I were friends in the 1980s. The Daily Mail story was very long and detailed. It featured quotes from books I had written and pictures I had posted, some months or years earlier, on Twitter or Facebook. It described Prep as Las Vegas on Maryland’s Rockville Pike, with keg parties, sex, drugs, strippers, and beach bacchanals. 

At the same time there appeared on TV a slimy D.C. lawyer. He was wielding a copy of our 1983 high school yearbook. Blasey Ford’s own salacious yearbook was scrubbed from most internet searches and media coverage. And in addition to all of this, they even tried to ensnare me in a honey trap. Yes, it all seemed like an over-the-top crime novel.

As I have noted elsewhere, Ford herself was using an opposition researcher for weeks leading up to Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. His name is Keith Koegler. In the summer of 2018, in the weeks between Brett’s nomination and the fall hearings, Koegler beavered away at finding anything to sink him. His work is described in The Education of Brett Kavanaugh:

A tech industry lawyer, Koegler was a voracious reader and a technical thinker. In his second-floor home office, he’d spent many hours that summer poring over news coverage of the nomination process, biographical information about Kavanaugh, and writings and videos produced by Mark Judge. In combing through YouTube, articles, and social networks, Koegler had learned more about the house parties . . . and the lexicon of 1980s Georgetown Prep than he had ever thought he would care to know.

This kind of opposition research is right out of the Stasi playbook. Koegler and others allied against us had yet another asset on their side that the old German Stasi didn’t—the American media. In her fascinating book and podcast Tunnel 29: The True Story of an Extraordinary Escape Beneath the Berlin Wall, Helena Merriman describes how a 1962 underground escape from East Berlin was financed by—hold on—NBC News. The network made a deal to make a documentary about the tunnel, in the process providing more than $150,000 to the builders.

In 2018, that same network aired an interview with a woman who claimed that Brett Kavanaugh and I had drugged girls and witnessed, and perhaps even participated in, 10 gang rapes in the 1980s. Reporters used as sources people who had never met me or any of my friends in high school, and each story seemed wilder than the last. When talking to one of these reporters on his podcast, Al Franken, like the evil Stasi interrogator Gerd Wiesler in “The Lives of Others,” dismissed Senator Susan Collins’ (R-Maine) speech on the floor of the Senate defending due process. It was, said Franken, “some convoluted thing where at the end it’s something about the presumption of innocence.”

Franken and the rest of our American Stasi were attempting the process known by the German Stasi as Zersetzung. They were going to feed to the mob everything I had written, filmed, or said that could in any way be seen as a crime against the state—and in modern woke America, that could be anything from defending male passion to drinking beer. Journalist Michael Stuchbery describes it well

Coupled with this nigh-on omnipotent system of observation and informing was the insidious practice of ‘Zersetzung,’ or ‘decomposition.’ This was a form of psychological warfare used to at first isolate, then demoralize an individual identified as a troublemaker by the regime. ‘Zersetzung’ could be as simple as having bureaucracy turned against you. In a state like the DDR, the day-to-day life of millions hinged on permits being issued and processes being followed. Purposeful delays, ‘misfilings’ and other interference could seriously frustrate the lives of the state’s political opponents. A step up might involve fabricated evidence of affairs or other illicit behaviour being circulated, and being sent to the family and friends of someone targeted for ‘Zersetzung.’ Reputational damage was the idea during this phase, and there are records of many families being destroyed by these actions.

In her Atlantic article, Charlotte Bailey reports that many victims of the Stasi continue to experience trauma and other psychological problems. “The destruction of trust was one of the most painful legacies of their experiences in the GDR,” she writes. “The dense informer network meant that everyone spied on one another. Many did not find out who had informed on them until decades later, when they requested their Stasi file.” 

German psychiatrist Stefan Trobisch-Lütge has focused his career on helping these people, who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression. At Trobisch-Lütge’s practice in Berlin, one member of the group-counseling session asks, “Friends? Do I still have friends?” While the man “is smiling,” Bailey reports, “the truth is, he says, life in the GDR harmed his ability to trust and form lasting relationships.” One woman was devastated when she discovered that the man she loved was informing on her, and later found out another friend was also spying on her. A man at the session recalled how he was thrown in jail when someone reported he wanted to leave the country. Ten years later, after seeing his Stasi file, he saw that the person who betrayed him was his girlfriend.

Such was the climate in postwar Germany, and such is the climate in 2022 America. But it also explains why I, and my closest friends, survived the assault during the Kavanaugh war. 

The thing the American Stasi did not anticipate is that my friends would not help inflame the Zersetzung. In fact, the best of them used the oldest of anti-totalitarian weapons, mockery. At the height of the craziness, the media was hysterically reporting on The Unknown Hoya, an underground newspaper I founded with a couple of other guys in high school almost 35 years ago. According to the Washington Post, we were to be deeply ashamed of this sheet, which made fun of an all-girls school we didn’t like, published ribald photos from bachelor parties, and kept tabs on the kegs we drank. 

The day the Post story landed, one of the Unknown Hoya editors called me. He had one question: “Is it too late to print a retraction?”

X22, On the Fringe, and more-Jan 3rd


Got a lot of news to get to today!

I guess I'm somewhat excited for this, but only because og OG NCIS being involved. 

Of Reichstags and Bastilles

One side understands that January 6 was a turning point in our history. The other side, once again, needs to catch up.

The United States of America came to a crossroads on January 6, 2021. How we treat the events of that day will affect not only our politics, but our culture and our very way of life for the foreseeable future. This fact has already been decided; our only choice now is which side will control the political narrative.

The Depths of Dehumanization

It has been said that the most surefire way to create an authoritarian regime is to completely dehumanize a significant portion of the population, so that their subsequent enslavement by the state will not face any larger resistance. It was true during slavery, it was true during the Holocaust, and it is true now.

Actress Gina Carano was right; American conservatives are, right now, on a course for being every bit as ostracized and alienated from broader society as Jews were in the years leading up to Nazi Germany. Children are actively indoctrinated in our education system to turn against their own parents, Soviet-style, if they feel their parents’ views are outdated or backwards.

All Smoke, No Fire

Despite the Left’s seemingly endless cycle of perpetual hyperventilating over the events of January 6, the truth is that they are grateful the events of that day unfolded as they did. The Democrats were absolutely terrified—literally cowering under their seats, horrified at the prospect of mere peasants walking through the halls of their castle. But since then, they have paraded the events of that day before the American people and transformed them into their very own Year of the Long Knives. Biden Administration officials have openly gloated in televised interviews about how they actively sought to “charge as many people as possible” prior to Biden’s inauguration, gleefully adding that they succeeded in making Trump supporters “afraid to come back to D.C.”

In the 12 months since then, hundreds of Americans from across the country have been arrested, many held in solitary confinement and denied legal representation, and some even being viciously beaten by the guards for their race and political beliefs. Joe Biden, sounding more like Joseph Stalin, has called on Americans to report their friends and family to the government if they have become “radicalized.” The government has even been coordinating with institutions such as Bank of America to investigate any customers who happened to be in Washington D.C. on January 6, even if they had no role in the peaceful protests that took place at the Capitol.

And in the end, that is what they were: Peaceful protesters. Not one person was killed by Trump supporters on January 6, although a few deaths by freak medical accidents were repeatedly and falsely attributed to the protesters. 

All who have been charged thus far have been charged with no more than “disrupting an official proceeding” or “trespassing.” There are no charges for assault, terrorism, insurrection, treason, or anything of the sort. In the media, they have been slandered as anti-American traitors, even as they regularly sing the Star-Spangled Banner in prison to keep their spirits up; the very same patriotism that motivated them on January 6 remains one of the only things that keeps them going now as they face persecution for their patriotism.

Victims such as Paul Hodgkins and Anna Morgan-Lloyd—people with no criminal records whatsoever—did not bring any weapons and did not assault anyone that day, and yet they face sentences ranging from prison to probation while simultaneously being forced to undergo political indoctrination from judges and prosecutors. Both individuals were ordered by the courts to declare that Joe Biden was legitimately elected, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and Morgan-Lloyd was ordered to read books and watch movies that portray America as a fundamentally racist nation. Just as in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, the final punishment for dissidents is not physical torture, but re-education into submission.

Vindication, from Vaccines to Votes

The fanaticism of the regime is evident in how it clings to its narrative even though the facts have proven it wrong time and time again, with the so-called “skeptics” turning out to be right about everything.

Masks do not work; just ask Anthony Fauci. Vaccines do not work; just ask CNN(but don’t worry; the media will still insist that just because the vaccine isn’t working, that doesn’t mean it isn’t working!). Meanwhile, Hydroxychloroquine does work, just like President Donald Trump said it would.

Another surefire way to prove that the “official” narrative is utter garbage is to observe the actions of those most vehemently promoting it. From Texas Democrats to the former President of the United States Barack Obama, those who shout most loudly that we need to utterly disrupt our everyday lives for the “greater good” are continuing to live their lives as if nothing were wrong.

The same goes for the 2020 election. There is overwhelming evidence of widespread voter fraud in multiple swing states, from 74,000 returned mail-in ballots in Arizona that were never sent out in the first place, to over 35,000 illegally-cast votes in Georgia that may have not only changed the outcome of the presidential race in that state, but also both of the runoff elections for the United States Senate. At the core of the Left’s argument against the January 6 protesters is the notion that voter fraud in 2020 is “a big lie,” and the protesters stormed the Capitol over something that did not happen. As it turns out, it didhappen—as the Left will smugly admit, under more ambiguous terms—and thus, the protesters were justified.

Their Reichstag Fire

In the end, the truth does not matter to our ruling class. Nor does that pesky little thing known as the Constitution. The regime, already emboldened by lockdown measures under the guise of the Chinese virus, is using the events of January 6 to its advantage. But it is not even for the sake of short-term political victories, as some have understandably speculated. The January 6 hysteria is the ultimate vehicle for authoritarian efforts to march us towards the final solution: A fascist nation, the very thing which they have accused the other side of desiring.

Theirs will be a nation where their foot soldiers, who happen to be actual terrorists, will be free to do as they please. They allowed black nationalists and anarcho-communists to burn down cities all last summer, while January 6 protesters are arrested merely for possessing a Lego model of the Capitol building.

It will be a society where rogue judges like Emmet Sullivan can go on deranged rants against highly decorated and respected generals like Michael Flynn, baselessly accusing him of treason and even suggesting he face the death penalty, all for a “crime” he never committed. Meanwhile, an American citizen who uses his First Amendment right to criticize this same judge will get prison time for doing so.

It will be a country that venerates criminals like George Floyd and turns him into a saint, rewriting history so that his death by a fentanyl overdose (or perhaps the coronavirus?) will instead be blamed on a “racist” police officer. Meanwhile, an actual hero like Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was willing to give her life for her country—and ultimately did just that, albeit in a far more tragic way—will be slandered in death as “a dead insurrectionist” who got what she “deserved.” She was even denied the proper military burial that she earned through her service, in one final act of almost literally spitting on her grave. And all the while, her ruthless killer, Michael Byrd, is praised as a hero, instead of the trigger-happy gunman that he is.

What the newly-emboldened Left desires, above all else, is to completely dehumanize their political opposition, so that eventual removal—or worse—of these “undesirables” from society will be socially acceptable to their audience. Look no further than Katie Benner, a reporter with the largest newspaper in the country, declaring that all of President Trump’s supporters should be considered “enemies of the state.” Or perhaps simply take a glance through the Left’s collective reaction to the news that, for the first time in our nation’s history, the white population in America has declined, and this trend shows no signs of slowing. 

And their motives cannot only be inferred from their foot soldiers in the streets or their keyboard warriors on Twitter. Just ask their alleged leader, the man who holds the title of president of the United States. Since seizing power, Biden repeatedly has made comparisons between the “struggles” we now face and the Civil War that claimed over 600,000 American lives.

He has made sure to emphasize that it is “not hyperbole” whenever he says so; he truly believes it, just as he believes that the peaceful protest at the Capitol was even worse than 9/11. If he truly does believe we are in a crisis that is just as bad as the Civil War, then that can only mean one thing: He believes his enemies are no different from secessionists and “traitors,” and must be treated as such. He already has plans to “remember” the events of January 6 on its one-year anniversary, as if it is some national tragedy worthy of mourning every year the same way we reflect on 9/11.

For the Left, January 6 has become their Reichstag Fire. They took an event with minimal damage that was resolved quickly, and turned it into a blanket excuse for an unprecedented power grab, with the entirety of their political opposition in the crosshairs. 

Our Bastille?

That is why, above all else, the Right should stop trying to qualify their stances on January 6 with an obligatory disavowal, or an “I’m not like thoseconservatives” statement, in an attempt to appease the Left. The Left sees all 74 million Trump voters, and all white Americans, as enemies, regardless of how they feel about January 6. Some so-called “leaders” on the Right will go out of their way to denounce the January 6 protesters, yet in the end, everyone who does not submit to the Left’s agenda will eventually be taken out.

January 6 may largely have been about voter fraud in the 2020 election, but that was not the only motivation. January 6 was a reaction to a long train of abuses and usurpations perpetrated against the American people by an entrenched elite class that has infected our institutions.

The only course of action at this point is to be just as firm in our stance as the Left is. If they truly want to address January 6 by making dramatic historical comparisons, then so should we. If their aim is to make January 6 their Reichstag Fire, then we should go forward celebrating the events of that day as our Storming of the Bastille; a day where a symbol of the degeneration of our ruling class into total corruption and tyranny was challenged, and the elites were shown just what happens when millions of freedom-loving citizens finally grow sick and tired of a boot perpetually stomping on their necks. The parallels between France in 1789 and America in 2022 are stronger than one might think; we even have our very own Marie Antoinette.

It should not have had to come to this point, but the Left has forced the nation to this brink, whether we like it or not. One side is prepared to do everything necessary to secure their political power, so the other side must be prepared to resist every step of the way with equal determination. One side understands the stakes at play as we enter this brave new world; so too must the other side. One side understands that January 6 was a turning point in our history. Our side, once again, needs to catch up.

The Truths We Dared Not Speak in 2021 ~ VDH

At the end of this terrible year, we are left only with ironies.

As the long year of 2021 finally came to a close, there were a number of truths Americans on the Left found themselves privately acknowledging but unable to say in public for fear of doing damage to their political cause, their own reputations, or their sense of security. But as 2022 advances, it will become even more difficult to hide these truths. 

Collusion, RIP

No one wishes to speak of the “dossier” anymore. Everyone knows why: it was never a dossier. It was always a mishmash concoction of half-baked fantasies and outright lies, sloppily thrown together by the grifter and has-been ex-British spy and Trump hater, Christopher Steele—all in the pay of Hillary Clinton, the original architect of the collusion hoax. 

Steele himself admitted that he had no sources or notes to substantiate his “research.” Most of those who had seeded the dossier around Washington now either agree it was fake, or “partially” false, or remain silent in embarrassment. 

The perpetual NeverTrump revisionism is reduced to “The Russian Hoax Hoax,” in pathetic fashion suggesting Putin still colluded with Trump and such “collusion” is provable even without the dossier. 

The logic is Orwellian: in 2017-2020 we heard, “But the dossier shows that ….” In 2020-2021 we heard, “Whoever said the dossier had anything to do with Russian collusion?” 

The FBI—that in part used their paid informant Steele’s lies to birth FISA warrants—now disowns it. The entire 22-month, $40-million Mueller charade ended up in tragicomic style with Robert Mueller under oath denying he knew much of anything about either the purveyor of the dossier, Fusion GPS, or the dossier itself. 

James Comey when asked about it and the investigations it spawned, on 245 occasions under oath claimed he lost his memory or had no knowledge of it. 

The Russian collusion hoax will go down in history as one of the most shameful examples of Washington, D.C. mass hysteria, and of a concentrated effort to destroy an elected president, in modern American political history. 

In the end, we always come back to where we started: Hillary Clinton. 

She used the three firewalls of the Democratic National Committee, the Perkins Coie legal firm, and Fusion GPS, to pay Steele, a foreign national, likely barred by law from providing such dirt to a U.S. presidential campaign. 

Steele then grabbed Clinton and FBI money, and in lazy fashion made a few calls to the now indicted Igor Danchenko, a Russian working in Washington, D.C. at the left-wing Brookings Institution, along with a Clinton crony Charles Dolan doing business in Moscow. Presto, Steele typed up their myths, in scary intelligence white-paper fashion, and passed them off as top-secret “Russian sources.” The dossier became the “proof” needed to show that Trump, in the words of former CIA director John Brennan, was “treasonous” or, as former Director of National Intelligence General (ret.) James Clapper alleged, was a “Russian asset.” 

The Russian collusion hoax is now akin to Joe Biden’s cognitive decline; everyone knows it, but few bother to state the obvious—or rehash their now embarrassing earlier denials. 

When the Musical Chairs Music Stops 

Everyone knows the government cannot keep running up astronomical annual deficits. It is piling up a near $30 trillion national debt, printing trillions of dollars—and hoping to keep inflation down to 7 percent per year. Everyone knows that, and no one wishes to talk, much less do anything, about it. 

Instead, we simply will go on redistributing money, inflating the economy, and hoping that the middle classes are naïve enough to believe that their inflated paychecks outpace their greater inflationary costs that, in truth, have more than wiped out all their wage gains. 

When the interest rate hikes invariably come—the longer we wait, the worse will be the reckoning—we will again know the stagflation of the 1970s and 1980s. 

The only calculus the Democrats weigh is whether they can print their way to a semblance of normality through 2022, in hopes the helium-over-inflated economy blows up only after the elections. 

Who knows, maybe then they can blame Joe Biden in 2023 for empowering them to wreck the economy and losing the Congress, as a way of arguing his clear cognitive decline suddenly warrants resignation. 

Spiraling Crimes without Criminals 

Almost every statistic related to violent crime is up. Smash-and-grab has reached tony places like Union Square in San Francisco, Walnut Creek, and Carmel by the Sea. 

Car-jackings are endemic. Gun sales are booming—among terrified upscale white liberals. 

An entire blame-the victim protocol emerges—drive your oldest car, dress down, hide your jewelry, hire security guards for your person and business—because mysteriously there are no victimizers, or at least none that can be mentioned. 

The once popular, but now discredited BLM has been reduced to a caricature, arguing that such violent crimes are constructs created by white people to jail black people, that Jussie Smollett was innocent and a victim of racism, and that the Waukesha massacre was the apparent start of a needed “revolution.” 

Everyone knows that defunding the police failed and dangerously so. The public accepts that the Soros DAs are both incompetent and sinister. People of all classes and races look at crime statistics. They watch internet videos. They compare firsthand experience with robbery, assault, and theft. And they surmise that young black males are disproportionately—in terms of their percentages in the population—responsible for much of the violent crime wave, from murders to car-jackings to smash-and-grab mass thefts.

The more the media fails to print descriptions of suspects in criminal assaults, the more universities cavalierly violate the federal Clery Act by failing to provide their campus communities needed information about criminal suspects’ descriptions, and the more big-city mayors and district attorneys deny an epidemic of violent assault, the more the public knows that crime is even worse than what they hear, see, feel, and experience first-hand.

The public also assumes that voicing the truth is deemed “racist” and thus will earn them a doxing or canceling—and so in Soviet-style keep quiet. We do not dare speak of disproportionate black perpetrators of hate crimes, rare interracial crimes, and the killing of police. 

Yet such silence does not hide the truth that cannot be quite smothered . In a recent op-ed, Heather Mac Donald estimated that “A police officer is about 400 times as likely to be killed by a black suspect as an unarmed black is to be killed by a police ­officer.” 

So, we have a crime wave without criminals in the manner we had a SUV on autopilot without a driver that killed six and injured 62 in Waukesha. 

Unofficially, the paradox plays out with the upscale blue-city suburbanite still with the BLM sign on his lawn but with a new 12-gauge under the bed, with the BLM hierarchs and their loud enablers living like Patrisse Cullors, Colin Kaepernick, or LeBron James in rich, mostly white areas, with ample walls and security fences and gates. 

So, the year ended with a near record of black-on-black homicides, and a new record of lethal shootings—of police officers on duty. 

Biden, A Robust 95? 

Everyone knows that Biden may be chronologically 78, but mentally and physically he is at best 95 or more. People sense that he is failing at a geometric rate that makes his ability to last even another year “problematic.”

But no one says much because the nation has never removed a president or, other than Richard Nixon, had a president resign. 

The Left knows that they were on record from 2017-2020 with incessant 25th Amendment coup talk and went so low as to wheel out a Yale psychiatrist to claim Trump was crazy and needed an intervention removal. Their constant haranguing forced Trump to take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment—which he aced and which Joe Biden most assuredly will not take, nor will be encouraged to take. 

Apparently, Biden’s handlers believe in the next three years he can imitate the last few months of Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, where the inactive president was kept incommunicado in bed while the wall of his family and close associates deluded the country and lied about Wilson’s true health condition. 

Kamala Harris plays a bad Spiro Agnew. True, she is so incompetent that calls to ask Biden to step down resemble the early voices who asked the same of Nixon but were met with, “So you want Agnew?” 

But unlike Agnew who resigned in disgrace after pleading nolo contendere to a single charge of tax evasion, Kamala Harris is in no legal jeopardy. And so, the idea of a “President Harris” who is not non compos mentis apparently is more frightening to the public than keeping Joe Biden who is non compos mentis. And thus, talk of Biden’s diminishing capacity always is interrupted by “So you want President Harris?” 

In the end, we are left only with such ironies. The Left, which damned John McCain for selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate, is mute about the far less qualified Kamala Harris as an actual vice president. The matters of race and gender preferences that ensured the incompetent Harris her job are now transmogrified into matters of racism that supposedly explain the charges of her critics. 

The Virus is Dead, But the Virus Will Never Die! 

We all know the administration has little clue how to deal with COVID-19. We nod that it does and meanwhile scramble in “everyman for himself” fashion. Who wishes to say or admit that his own government has no idea how to stop the virus, but has a great number of ideas about how to weaponize it for political purposes? 

Now there are more dead from COVID-19 in Biden’s tenure than during Trump’s, despite well over 60 percent of the population being fully vaxxed and 2-years’ experience in treating the virus. A 2020-Biden would demand that 2021-Biden be charged with responsibility for well over 400,000 COVID-19 deaths on his watch and thus should resign. 

Everyone knew Biden had no plan, at least not any different from what Trump was doing. His autopilot agenda was simply to claim ownership of the Warp Speed inoculations and assume that by March 2021 COVID was finally burning itself out as it bumped into too many people with prior natural or vaccinated immunity. 

In Biden’s logic, nature and Trump had stopped COVID-19, but he would credit his own inaction and 90-day miracle leadership from Washington. 

Now Biden is a sanctimonious, Oedipus-like figure, the deliverer who cannot stop the plague that in an eerie way exposes his existential flaws. 

So, Delta and then Omicron arrived. Breakthrough cases accompanied both. Suddenly Biden was calling for the states to step up, given “there is no federal solution” to the crisis. He meant that vaccinations do not guarantee immunity from COVID infections anymore. 

Masks and social distancing do not stop Omicron’s spread. There is no federal success in supplying easy testing and an array of therapeutics and medicines to the public. 

Like the proverbial cranky “get off my grass” neighbor, an oblivious and irate Biden still ignores the shortage of tests, the value of therapeutics and natural immunity, and the reality of thousands of breakthrough infections—caught in his senility warp to croak on about “masks” and “vaccinations.”

In 2020, Biden was attacking Trump as if he were acting under “The Articles of Confederation” in outsourcing authority to governors to adopt and manage the crisis as they saw best. In 2021 Biden was praising such Trumpist federalism as he renounced his former much ballyhooed federal authority when blasting Trump as an anti-Federalist who followed the Articles of Confederation. 

In the end, Americans are in 2022 where they were at the beginning of the virus in March 2020: China has successfully hidden the origins of the COVID. 

The WHO cannot be trusted. 

The CDC, NIH, and NIAID are incompetent and politically weaponized. 

The pharmaceutical industries see relief only in more multi-billion-dollar booster rollouts and $700-a-pill remedies. 

Dr. “I am the science” Fauci in cyclical fashion is on TV all day. 

He claims on Tuesday that what he said on Monday needed updating, with the intention of saying on Wednesday that his correction on Tuesday was also wrong, while he awaits more bookings for Thursday’s clarifications—all the while damning the ignorant mob who disseminates supposedly false information. 

The Year’s Ironies 

At the end of this second terrible year, we are left only with ironies. 

Vaccinations are a must for soldiers and federal employees, but no barrier to entry for 2 million illegal aliens (is breaking the law a way to avoid the mandate?). 

If you are vaxxed, you are safe; but if your antibody level is even higher from natural immunity, you are not? 

If you get COVID, you are on your own, given the government has no idea what affordable pill you should swallow or what protocol you should follow. 

Social distancing and masks are vital—unless you go out on the street protesting in concert with BLM or are a California official dining at the French Laundry, or a liberal politician getting your hair done. 

Those Americans in 2020 who claimed their president was all too real, know now they voted in a president who is all too false. 

Those Americans who thought up every conceivable legal and illegal way of forcing the hated Trump out of office are racking their brains in vain to use those talents to find just one way of easing out their beloved Joe Biden. 

Those Americans, who love the free cash for staying home, fear that the money they got might help to explain why it is now less valuable. 

Those Americans, who claimed moral superiority for their masks and three shots—and still got COVID—cannot decide whether they were lied to by Donald Trump, lied to by Joe Biden—or simply lied to themselves. 

Those Americans who praised defunding the police and excused looting, arson, and violence are pondering whether it is better to renounce their idiocy, or to stay quiet and take one more carjacking, one more assault, or one more break-in—for the cause. 

Those Americans who applauded the disreputable efforts of Michael Avenatti, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller, Adam Schiff, Christopher Steele, and Alexander Vindman to destroy Trump at all costs, got all they wanted—and thereby have all but destroyed the progressive cause, and likely made Donald Trump all the more powerful, the more so they sought to ruin him.