Friday, December 31, 2021

A New Year Awaits

… “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

~ Robert Frost

2021 has again been a tumultuous year for most of us.  As the eve winds down, we are given to considering everything that has taken place.

Perhaps we have new challenges, perhaps our center is askew, perhaps our faith holds a new perspective, or perhaps our exhaustion weighs heavy as we rush turning to the next chapter…. hoping, praying for a better tomorrow.

It is easy to lose our sense of optimism.  Retaining a joyful perspective while everything around us seems mad isn’t easy.  However, if you accept that you can create something just a little bit better by making a choice, then you have accomplished a great deal.  Regardless of what tomorrow brings, we always have choices.  A new year’s perspective:

I have long felt that life is like a series of links in a chain. You might be driving down the road and you hear a song on the radio, or see a picture, and you feel a memory….

Something triggers within you that reminds of a different time and place than where you are right now.

You reflect.

The memories you consider remind you of a totally different time in your life.

Perhaps you lived in a different place.  Perhaps you were surrounded by different people. Perhaps a different job or completely different friends. You recognize those memories were constructed like frozen moments in time.  They became individual links in the chain in your life.

We never actually realize, in the immediate moment, when one link closes and another link begins. But when we look back, we can clearly see distinct points where things changed, the link closed, and a new link began.

You see, the links are only visible in reflection.

As we reflect, we find parts of the chain in our life where each link closes and connects with the other. A beginning, and an end. At the point where the links are joined, we carry parts of the previous link forward to the next.

For many people those connections are bonded by family, or very strong lifelong relationships. Connections which continue beyond our geographic moments, jobs or temporary acquaintances.

But for everyone, the primary bonding agent brought forward from one link to the next is us, our center, our values and core principles. Our beliefs.

The strength of the steel which comprises the links of our life is forged in the fire of adversity, weakness, challenge, pain, loss, and painful growth. The steel is then cooled with the tears of triumph, hurdles overcome and resolve.

The forging makes the steel stronger and able to withstand the pressures that accompany the additional length. Slowly the chain becomes wiser as it lengthens. Able to reach further, form more significant benefits and become more useful.

Hope replaces fear. Love replaces loneliness. Success replaces adversity. These are successful links began and finished while contributing to the whole.

At times we may manipulate the links with avoidance. We hide from -or choose to avoid- an issue in our effort to begin a new link before the old one was naturally, and spiritually, prepared to be closed.

Eventually, as life continues and the chain lengthens, the weak link can fracture, and we are forced to revisit/repair what we originally chose to avoid.

You see, in life we cannot control the universal laws that guide us. So, if we manipulate circumstances to avoid confronting our own weakness, we cannot fully strengthen our life of links. Eventually, the weakness of our past will impact our future.

So, what principles do we carry from link to link? What core values and beliefs stay with us throughout the journey of our lives? The answers to these questions are what makes us human spiritual beings.

We possess freewill able to make choices about what we do, and how we define our individual humanity; but can we then define ’right’ and ‘wrong’ according to our individual principles? Or are there principles that exceed our influence and definition?

Are there natural laws of right and wrong, good and bad, that cannot be subjected to the determination of man?

These are the bigger questions, perhaps the more important questions; and yet, perhaps the ones we reflect upon the least.

Consider the example of the ‘Law of the farm’ vs. the ‘Law of the School’. Natural principles vs. those made by man.

A student can skip class, take few notes, pay only half attention, then stay up all night cramming for a test and manage a decent grade. It depends on the student’s goal: grades or learning.

The student can choose to manipulate the education, by avoiding the learning and capturing the grade. This is possible in the ‘Law of the School’.

However, a farmer cannot take short cuts. A farmer cannot avoid tending to the soil, preparing the seed, fertilizing and nurturing the crop, and still gain the benefit of an abundant harvest.

The farmer must necessarily do all of the appropriate work in order to benefit from it. Such is the ‘Law of the Farm’, the natural law.

When one considers the weakness remaining within a poorly constructed and manipulated link, perhaps established by selfish choices and driven by avoidance and fear, one can be faithfully assured those who have dealt dishonestly with us will have to visit the issues of their association again.

Conversely, no amount of manipulation or avoidance on our own behalf is going to improve the frailty of any link without first resolving the lack of character which created the weakness.

So, we have choices in our lives. Decisions we each make regarding how we interact and participate in the lives and links of others, as well as how we choose to construct the links that comprise our own lives.

Do we base our sense of purpose around natural principles? Principles based on natural laws of right and wrong, good and bad, truth and lies.  Do we forge strong links by following our heart, our values?

If we can interact with others absent of a prideful self-driven agenda, or manipulative intent, we can then apply such principles and strength to our endeavors.

If we protect the integrity of the soil upon which we build the foundation of our lives, we can live without regret.

If we fertilize and cherish our crop, and the crop of our neighbor, with honesty and sincere appreciation for the souls we meet along our chosen path, we will live a life of abundance.

If we tend carefully to the consideration of everyone, yet holding true to our values and principles, we can strengthen ourselves amid the face of adversity and disenchantment.

If we do not hide from, nor ignore our individual and collective faults, we can build the chain of our life with strength, humility, and purpose.

I wish for each of you a long chain of bold, strong, beautiful links, polished with the reflective brilliance of Love, and the very happiest of blessings for a brand-New Year.

Abiding love to all.



…Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

Gun Control Fail: Canadian Gun Owners Not Turning in Their Recently Banned Guns


Article by Brandon Morse in RedState

Gun Control Fail: Canadian Gun Owners Not Turning in Their Recently Banned Guns

Despite the Canadian government’s banning of certain firearms, Canadians just aren’t giving up their boomsticks, disappointing experts and officials who were certain that they would be receiving guns by the truckload.

According to iPolitics, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau instituted a ban that took place on May 1 of 2020, and estimated that the ban would apply to around 100,000 firearms in the country.

As of today, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have received a grand total of 160 guns for decommissioning out of that aforementioned massive number as reported by iPolitics:

“The Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) can confirm that, as of Dec. 9, 2021, 18 firearms (formerly classified as restricted) affected by the May 1, 2020, Order in Council (OIC) have been deactivated,” added Sgt. Caroline Duval, the spokesperson who forwarded the Mounties’ response.

“In addition, there have been 142 OIC-affected firearms recorded as surrendered to a public agency for destruction since May 1, 2020.”

Before we begin attributing this to Canadians suddenly developing a sense of wisdom about personal protection and the importance of firearm ownership to one’s freedoms, it’s very possible that many are awaiting a promised buyback program that was supposed to follow the ban some time ago.

The Canadian government has stated that those who turn their guns in before the program is put in place will not be retroactively compensated.

“If an individual or business were to relinquish a newly prohibited firearm or device before the implementation of the buyback program, they won’t be eligible for compensation once the program is announced,” the RCPM said in a statement to iPolitics. “Government officials are currently in the process of refining requirements and developing program design and implementation options for a buyback program.”

The question now is whether or not they’ll even get there. According to The Reload, this gun ban has already become bloated with spending on consultancy fees and enforcement planning. This may be a long wait for a train that isn’t coming anyway, but even as this ban has a two-year amnesty period for a law passed early last year, the lack of Canadians getting cold feet and turning in their guns anyway isn’t a promising sign for the Trudeau administration.

This also puts them in a very interesting position as pointed out by The Reload.

“If a significant number do not turn in their guns over the next four months, the government will have to decide whether to take criminal action against Canadian gun owners for keeping guns they legally purchased.”

In short, the Canadian government may have bitten off more than they could chew in terms of gun control, which is pretty par for the course when it comes to gun control advocates. Here in America, gun control is a losing issue and despite it never working out for them, Democrats continue to do all the bans, buyback programs, and restrictions people like Trudeau attempt to do.

The issue continues to be a thorn in the side of authoritarians everywhere.

We can only hope that our neighbors to the north are slowly figuring out that the fewer guns they have the more power bureaucrats who know little to nothing about how to actually run a country get.

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X22, And we Know, and more-Dec 31


Looking forward to doing more of these articles in 2022! Here's the news for this last day of 2021 #PureBloodForLife:

The 8 Most Important Innovations Millennials Contributed in 2021 Are Really Just ‘Relabeling’

posted by Brad Slager at RedState

It has been a remarkable year of creation for those Millennials who have no concept of history.

There has been a reliable trait with the Millennials of our world, and that is a tendency to operate like their position in history is rather centered. We have been treated to numerous entries in recent years where these folks display the tendency to assume things they encounter are new worldly experiences. One case, as an example, is the surprise to learn that actress Catherine O’Hara in “Schitt’s Creek” was also the mother in the “Home Alone” films. Performers actually have a body of work – who knew?!

In this fashion, 2021 was filled with amazing new discoveries that are sure to revolutionize our way of life…if you have not been paying attention to society for decades. Or even centuries. Not to dump on the entire Millennial generation, this list is more an example of those who have entered the journalism market and have no sense of their place in our shared timeline – and also no sense of research. I suppose those who have been weaned on the concept of lifehacks (did you know you have been eating bananas incorrectly all this time?!) are prone to think they have latched on to a new way of thinking. 

Here is a list of eight, mirthful “discoveries” that we have been exposed to in 2021.



If you lead an upright and dignified life, you may have missed that there is a generational battle right now over the provenance of certain cuts of denim blue jeans. And, yes — I do realize noting this insipid feud means I am not an upright and dignified sort. Millennials and Gen-Z have been squealing over who is responsible for skinny cut or flared versions of these pants which have been around since the 1800s. I harken back to my days of sporting Levis 501s, and my thought at the time was I am wearing a throwback style, not that I invented the button fly.


Food Delivery

For years already, doorstep food services like Doordash have been growing, and the onset of the pandemic saw a fearful populace resorting to these options at an elevated rate. Millennials have operated with the conceit that their creation of the app-fueled delivery services made this all possible. “According to career data website Zippia, the average age of a grocery clerk in the United States is 39; according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average age of a food prep worker is 29. And according to a survey conducted by restaurant supplier U.S. Foods, the median age of a food delivery person is 31. Millennials. All of them.”

Someone needs to sit them down and explain how folks back in, say, the 1940s obtained milk and dairy products, or what the term “30 minutes or it’s free” refers to.



The eggheads at Unilad Tech claimed to have come up with a new and “innovative” (their word) method of generating electricity. They take a paddlewheel and dunk it into a flowing river, and the ensuing rotations are used as a means of creating power. Simply revolutionary…according to them.

The “Trackless Train”

It was excitable news coming out of China that engineers there had created a new autonomous train, and the bigger innovation is that it is not reliant upon conventional rail lines! This “train” can operate on virtual tracks, meaning it has the ability to actually go anyplace by design. Most people looked over this revolutionary video and arrived at the same conclusion.


Time Blocking

This one might be my favorite. USA Today was there to deliver for us a transitional trend spotted on TikTok, where we can completely alter our day-to-day lives.

Users have come up with a new task-management system, one they have dubbed “Time Blocking,” in order to categorize essential activities to maximize efficiency and lead to a sharp rise in productivity which can deliver an expansion in the fulfillment of goals and achievements. We are given a viral scheduling strategy that can help overcome procrastination and even alleviate stress. This sounds like a landmark development in the expansion of possibilities for anyone, so for those of you who are not on TikTok, I’ll summarize this revolution for you in this way:

The kids discovered how to use calendars.


Collocating Arcane Items

The activity of seeking out particular objects and gathering them together into a recognizable grouping is supposedly a Millennial trend. I have always operated under the assumption that people formed personal collections since – well, forever – but apparently this is a new practice that is undertaken these days.


Gallery Walls

This has been a home decor trend for a time, but it has become reported with vigor this year. This is a perfect example of how discovery or ownership of an item is assumed with the practice of merely renaming something that has always been around. To explain; peer around your domicile right now. Do you see any place where you have more than one framed item or photograph hung together? Congratulations, you are now a trendy interior designer executing the use of Gallery Walls!



The rise in real estate values has meant that residences can be too costly for certain individuals priced out of the market. One solution is called Co-Living, where a residential community living model is created that accommodates three or more biologically unrelated people who can reside in share spaces. That sounds vastly more important than the practice of “finding roommates.”

Let’s just call this Millennials phenomenon by its real name — relabeling

Stuff Elitists Say: The 5 Most Outrageous Comments of 2021

by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell for RedState

With the nuttiness of politics and pop culture over the past 15 years, I think the American people have gotten used to the lies and willful gaslighting by “our betters.” You remember, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” and “We have to pass the bill so you know what’s in it.” But whether it’s been this pandemic, the COVID theater, or just the arrogance of the elitist hive minds, it seems that more and more they are simply showing us who they are; and as my colleague Brandon Morse said, they aren’t even sorry about it.

Not only did these statements made over the past year show the lofty opinion these people have of themselves, but of their bargain basement opinion of us.

Here’s the good thing: Their credibility has crumbled, and continues to erode with each passing day. Now if some of them could be removed from their positions of power, it would make for a very Happy New Year for many. It can happen—who had it on their bingo card that the Brothers Cuomo would be a byword and a cautionary tale at the end of 2021?

In no particular order, here are the Top 5 Outrageous Comments of 2021:

MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle poo-poos the Rubes and their inflation concerns.

MSNBC’s “Senior Business Correspondent” Stephanie Ruhle leads the pack with her dismissive commentary on Americans complaining about inflation, and what it is doing to the price of goods and services.

“Dirty little secret,” and “we can afford it” are not statements that someone struggling between paying rent and paying for gas (been there, don’t want to do it again) wants to hear. Ruhle of Thumb, Stephanie: maybe get out and actually interview some real Americans before going full gonzo on what they can or cannot afford.

Lori Lightfoot to retailers: pay more protection money, homie.

Retail theft, including the smash and grab robberies we have been seeing across the news have this in common: they are primarily happening in blue cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago. When business owners and citizens bombarded the Mayor of Chicago’s office with demands that Lori Lightfoot do something about the explosive issue, what was her response? Blame the retailers for not doing enough.


This proves what we’ve always known about Lightfoot: She is not only a terrible politician, but she is also not the brightest bulb in the box.

Lightfoot continues to explore the inner workings of her sphincter with this cringeworthy video with her “first partner” about the 7 Principles of Kwanzaa.

The inmates in the Chicago asylum were not amused:

Thank you for doing this instead of focusing on all the shootings, mugging and carjackings.

I seriously thought this was a SNL skit. Your city is being torn apart by gang violence and you make videos about Kwanzaa and Covid mandates.

My 2022 bingo card predicts she’ll be the next one voted off the island.

London Breed: It’s Tony! Toni! Toné!—ain’t nobody got time for masks!

This was back in September, but reflects perfectly the “rules for thee, but not for me,” mentality of the elites. San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who imposed a city-wide indoor mask mandate for public spaces during the Summer, decided she didn’t need to follow that mandate because, well, she was watching San Francisco royalty perform live, baby, and just let the “spirit” move her.

I would recommend watching the whole interview (6 minutes 21 seconds), which is a Master Class in how elitist gaslight and obfuscate. Why is me not wearing a mask an issueI’m vaccinatedSan Francisco is following the scienceWe should be focusing on the fact that live performances are back! And on it goes. Very much on par with her fellow Democrat Mayor Lightfoot, it’s never their fault, and how dare you suggest otherwise?

Kamala Harris: She still hasn’t been to the Border, but you can scratch Europe off that bucket list!

How elitist is our Affirmative Action Vice President Kamala Harris? RedState has counted the ways. No matter how much the White House tries to prop her up, she just keeps stepping on rakes—expensive ones, mind you, but rakes, nonetheless.

But the tipping point interview that showed just how disconnected she is from reality was with NBC’s Lester Holt, when the still awful Biden Border Crisis was exploding with illegals pouring across the Rio Grande.


And 10 months after being mantled as “Border Czar,” Harris still hasn’t made it. Guatemalan “Root Causes” tour notwithstanding. But we Americans are so relieved that she has finally made it to Europe, and her Paris debut went… well, as well as expected. The GOP is salivating over their 2022 prospects, and at this point, Republicans could run an eggplant against both her and Dementia Joe in 2024 to win back the White House.

Dr. Anthony Fauci: “I AM THE SCIENCE!” You better recognize.

To call Dr. Anthony Fauci a gnome is an insult to gnomes. I have several in my garden, and they make me smile. Any mention of Mengele Jr. results in a twisted visage and an emittance of blue language. The fact that he still hasn’t been dragged away in handcuffs even after all the cover upslies, and flip flops, reflects the battalion of coverage and protection these elites give each other.

What boggles the mind is the level of Fauci worship that still exists, encapsulated in a Fauci action figure just in time for Christmas!

Cringe for certain, but not as Extra cringe as the comment Dr. Fauci made after Thanksgiving on CBS’ Face the Nation.

What’s dangerous is that someone who has been planted in this position for 50 years, and pulls in almost half a million annually, wouldn’t know science if it bit him in the behind.

An Example of Field to Fork Inflation

Here’s a solid example of what “field to fork” inflation is all about.   Two images shared today point out how the farmland inflation originates, and how the farmland inflation surfaces in your life.

The first image (pictured right) is a current price reference point for crop fertilizer [Source] from the perspective of the farmer preparing.

To go into the deep weeds behind what is causing this massive jump in price, you can review THIS ARTICLE.

[…] “Compared to September 2020 prices, ammonia has increased over 210%, liquid nitrogen has increased over 159%, urea is up 155%, and MAP has increased 125%, while DAP is up over 100% and potash has risen above 134%.”

Those fertilizer component products are used for corn, wheat and soybeans crops.

[…] “Corn represents about 49% of the share of U.S. nutrient use, while wheat accounts for about 11% and soybeans account for 10%. Cumulatively, those three crops account for about 70% of U.S. fertilizer consumption.” {link}

Now, you might say those crops do not seem like they are that important.  However, keep in mind that Corn, Wheat and Soybeans represent the baseline for not only grain production in the U.S, but they are also the primary feed products for proteins: chicken, pork and beef.

Worse yet, both grain and protein are the primary ingredients in pet foods; so pet food producers end up collecting even more price increases in their manufacturing. Have you noticed a shortage of pet food on your shopping trips?

When fertilizer goes up that high in price, the end cost of that harvest goes up in price, along with the end price of everything the harvest is used for.

So now we get to the point in the supply chain where these protein price increases show up to the average consumer.

This restaurant menu was shared with CTH today and reflects how the owners of this specific dining establishment are having to cope with the price of chicken from their wholesale supplier.  This example shows just how rapidly -and unpredictably- the price increases are hitting the restaurant industry.

Yes, chicken wings are now CURRENTLY falling under “market price.”

This is the fork side of “field to fork” inflation, and the chicken wing price represents the outcome of a total supply chain under extreme inflationary pressure.

Keep in mind, what the farmer was sharing on Facebook, about the price of fertilizer and weed killer, are prices for the ‘next’ harvest, not the one he/she has already completed.   The origin of the next harvest starts with components at prices 100 to 150 percent higher than the previous harvest.

Grain silos already loaded are carrying higher prices for the next several months, as the product flows through the supply chain and is used in the food production and feed of current ancillary users (manufacturers and protein providers).  However, those prices are on the previous cost of production.  When those grain silos need to be refilled, the next inbound harvest will have even higher costs.

When the current field inflation cumulates through the supply chain, the outcome will carry a price increase even higher than current.

I’ll bet there are a lot of restaurants visiting print shops to order new menus right now.  By the time we get to Superbowl Sunday, the price of ¹chicken wings is going to bring sticker shock to those who have not prepared.

Last point….  If you’ve been wondering why there’s such a massive push from the communists toward “plant-based proteins“, and even meat grown in laboratories, this outcome is part of the reason.  The climate change agenda -writ large- makes the traditional food supply skyrocket in price to unsustainable levels.  The professional leftists have been using the Overton window to nudge people into accepting an entirely new diet.

[Same group pushing ‘tiny houses‘]

#Let’s Go Brandon.

[NOTE: ¹More chicken wings are purchased in the days leading up to the Superbowl than any other time of year.]