Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Governor Ron DeSantis Discusses the Free State of Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis spoke on the inland side of Tampa Bay today as he announced a $276 million state program to support flood and sea level rise mitigation.  The funds are one part of a comprehensive state level infrastructure program to support the incredible growth within Florida.

Even without a state income tax Florida is taking in historic revenue from growth.  That revenue is being used to build up emergency reserve funds in the event of storms or severe tropical weather impacts, at the same time funds are being used to proactively develop systems to mitigate flooding events at the coastal and inland regions.

During the second half of his remarks today, Governor DeSantis also contrast and reaffirmed his position on the principles of respect for individual rights of all Florida citizens and pushed-back against the need for government intervention or mandates around COVID.  Essentially DeSantis recommended that other state governors stop doing stupid stuff.  WATCH:

The Demonization of Rosanne Boyland Begins

Boyland may not have many defenders at this point, but the truth eventually will do the talking for her.

Yet another lie animating the phony narrative about the events at the Capitol complex on January 6 is about to be exposed: the falsehood that Rosanne Boyland, a Trump supporter from Georgia, died of an accidental drug overdose that day.

As American Greatness has reported for months, incriminating video footage and firsthand witness accounts instead support numerous allegations that D.C. Metro and Capitol police contributed to, if they did not directly cause, Boyland’s death in the late afternoon of January 6. 

Boyland’s family reportedly has hired an attorney to investigate the circumstances of her death at the age of 34; the D.C Medical Examiner’s Office issued a report in April disclosing the cause of death of four Trump supporters who died on January 6 during what the coroner called “an unprecedented incident of civil insurrection.” It determined Boyland had succumbed to “acute amphetamine intoxication.”

But it’s increasingly obvious that the ruling is untrue. (The same D.C. Medical Examiner’s office intentionally delayed the results of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick’s autopsy; even after confirming Sicknick had died of a stroke caused by blood clots, the coroner nonetheless insisted the chaos at the Capitol protest “played a role in his condition.”)

With the potential release of three hours of security camera footage that recorded exactly what happened inside the lower west terrace tunnel—the location where Boyland died—on January 6, law enforcement officials could face fierce public scrutiny for their behavior that day. It’s only a slice of the 14,000 hours of surveillance video captured by the Capitol Police department’s closed-circuit television system that Joe Biden’s Justice Department is hiding under protective orders, deemed “highly sensitive” government material.

There’s a good reason why. Court filings detail shocking instances of police brutality including the use of a noxious gas that caused people to vomit and pass out; beatings by some officers using weapons and their own fists; and at least one officer dragging Boyland’s lifeless body, face up, back through the tunnel to hide her from public view until paramedics arrived.

If the footage is released, new questions will be raised about police misconduct and whether the use of suffocating chemical sprays and excessive force, not a drug overdose, killed Rosanne Boyland.

So the media, MSNBC in particular, is of course running cover for Democrats in advance of any bombshell news possibly linking D.C.-area police to the death of another unarmed female Trump supporter during the Capitol protest. MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin has produced a five-part podcast called “American Radical,” which figuratively exhumes Boyland’s body and performs a twisted political autopsy on her views and activity leading up to January 6. 

Dead men, as Mohyeldin knows, tell no tales—nor can they defend themselves against vile hit jobs by careerist left-wing activists disguised as journalists. (Mohyeldin, who emigrated to the United States from Egypt as a child, has found himself in hot water on a number of occasions after making inflammatory comments on-air, such as accusing the late Chris Kyle, a decorated Navy SEAL and expert sniper, of being a racist and for erroneously reporting that a Palestinian was unarmed when he was shot by Israeli police.)

Having covered global terrorism for NBC News and Al-Jazeera for two decades, Mohyeldin boasts that he is using his expertise to analyze the motives of a deceased Donald Trump supporter. In his first episode, “Who Killed Rosanne Boyland?” Mohyeldin compares Boyland to an international terrorist. MSNBC’s message is that Boyland, an alleged domestic terrorist “radicalized” by Donald Trump and other nefarious influences, deserved her fate.

This, by the way, is the same media playbook immediately employed in the aftermath of the killing of Ashli Babbitt by Lt. Michael Byrd on January 6.

Coincidentally, Mohyeldin went to high school in Boyland’s hometown of Kennesaw, Georgia. A few days after the Capitol protest, Boyland’s brother-in-law contacted Mohyeldin, a former classmate, via Facebook message. “My wife and I believe she was radicalized in a very short time, inside of six months,” Justin Cave, husband of Lonna, Rosanne’s sister, wrote to Mohyeldin on January 9. “Would you like to hear her story?”

Cave, a former HGTV host, gave a statement the day after Boyland died claiming “the president’s words and rhetoric incited a riot (Wednesday) that killed four of his biggest fans” and said Trump should be removed under the 25th Amendment.

It is difficult to understand why Boyland’s family, including her sisters and both parents, participated in such a vile hit job—please instruct your loved ones right now not to solicit MSNBC activists to write your post-mortem. But Mohyeldin’s work apart from getting the woman’s family to betray her memory, consists of knitting together random comments and observations to paint a sinister profile of someone whose family members otherwise describe as an attentive, affectionate, generous, and kind young woman rebuilding her life seven years after kicking her addiction problems.

“This is ‘American Radical,’ the story of how one woman became a foot soldier in one of the most dangerous movements in America,” Mohyeldin warns. He’s referring to QAnon, an online “cult” centered around an unknown source known as “Q” who allegedly had an inside track to Trump’s White House. QAnon adherents believe powerful pedophiles in government and Hollywood run global child sex trafficking rings and that Trump eventually would expose them all.

The corporate left-wing media blames QAnon for promoting any number of “conspiracy theories,” including the idea the 2020 election was rigged—a reality confirmed in February in a long exposé published by Time magazine.

Mohyeldin not only cites Boyland’s alleged fascination with Q as evidence of her “radicalization,” but also her sudden support of Donald Trump in 2020 and, of course, her new interest in watching Fox News.

Boyland’s transformation, her younger sister told Mohyeldin, “happened so quickly, going from being a totally apolitical person to dying for Trump.”

Perhaps we can write off Boyland’s sister’s inflammatory remark to the haze that comes in the wake of anger and grief—it’s unclear when the interview took place and the family is now demanding answers about exactly what happened. There is no question, however, that the media is running with that vicious narrative.

Rosanne Boyland, according to shameless propagandists like Mohyeldin and his NBC News handlers, deserved to die. She is not entitled to compassion; her death should not fuel public outrage or sympathy.

When the full circumstances of her tragic death are revealed, including the direct involvement of dirty cops, the corporate media will instruct their own cult-like followers to justify her killing at the hands of police. Celebrity cops who inhumanely handled her body in an attempt to conceal the evidence still will be praised as heroes. Members of the January 6 select committee will ignore the scandal; Republicans in Congress again will remain silent in the face of more government malfeasance tied to the Capitol protest.

Rosanne Boyland is a victim—and not of Donald Trump or QAnon. She’s a victim of the Left’s insatiable bloodlust for Trump supporters; the Democratic Party’s propaganda organ otherwise known as the national news media; and sadly, even her own family, who seemed at the time desperate to distance themselves from the political views of their maligned loved one.

Mohyeldin knows “who killed Rosanne Boyland.” The title of his first episode is a ruse, a way to brainwash his audience into accepting his conspiracy theories that place blame on everyone except the guilty parties.

Boyland may not have many defenders at this point, but the truth eventually will do the talking for her. And MSNBC’s contemptible smear campaign against her is the clearest proof yet that they know the truth is coming.

Ayman Mohyeldin ~ MSNBC

X22, On the Fringe, and more-Dec 7


Evening. Here's tonight's news: (Amazon's servers were down today in a lot of areas, including Netflix and Disney +. Gee, I wonder why. 🤔🤔😁)

NOTE: Tomorrow's news report will be a bit later then usual because I'll be going to church tomorrow night.

A Perilous (But Not Hopeless) Time on the International Stage

The luxury of having no rival in the world induced the United States into the first bout of self-hate in its history. We are now faced with navigating reality under such conditions.

A vacuum was created 30 years ago by the peaceful collapse of both the Imperial Russian state constructed over centuries from Peter the Great to Stalin, and the Bolshevik dictatorship of the Soviet Union that was purporting to perfect Marxism and spread it to a yearning and grateful world. That vacuum has been filled by China, assisted at least tentatively by selected opportunistic allies. So thorough, sudden, and bloodless was the American-led triumph over the Soviet Union, that it has required 30 years for a serious replacement challenge to the West to emerge.

At the end of World War I, when Germany effectively surrendered but was not occupied, the supreme Allied commander, France’s Marshal Foch, correctly described the 1919 Treaty of Versailles as “a 20-year armistice.”

In contrast, the rivalry between the two most powerful victorious nations in World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union, began within just a couple of years of the end of the war. When Stalin violated all of his promises in the Yalta Conference agreement to vacate the countries the Red Army had “liberated” from Nazi Germany, he also violated the spheres of influence agreement with British Prime Minister Churchill in Moscow in October 1944, with respect to Greece and Yugoslavia. The ensuing confrontation continued for nearly 45 years.

The tactics of re-occupying the vacuum have been for the supposedly communist People’s Republic of China to maintain a communist dictatorship but shift to a primarily capitalist economy, the exact opposite of Mikhail Gorbachev’s reform of the Soviet Union: retention of a command economy while democratizing the political process, a fairly predictable recipe for the complete breakdown of the Soviet state.

While China has been executing what is probably history’s most remarkable story of national economic development, and the first return to Great Power status of a country that had long lost that status, the ragged shards and fragments of defeated international communism have quickly rediscovered their supposed true vocation as conservators of the environment and therefore the future of the planet. They have assisted vitally in the confection of an anti-capitalist dogma based on retardation of economic activity, and almost unbelievably, have sold it as a Green inspiration to the Western elites.

The luxury of having no rival in the world and only the comparative irritant of almost stateless terrorist organizations, which inflict tragic outrages but cannot threaten the existence of great nations, induced the United States into the first bout of self-hate in its history.

Centuries of often excessive but certainly not unfounded self-commendation as a free and virtuous meritocracy, a champion of freedom in the world, that has made the greatest effort of any in history to raise up a subjugated racial minority to a status of equality, have degenerated into an acutely self-critical disorder and caused the United States to detach from its legitimate global strategic interests.

This providential facilitation of Chinese aggrandizement has come in stages. The Clinton, Obama, and both Bush Administrations assumed that concessions and preferments to China would result in that country becoming a progressively more cooperative member of the international community. They all also underestimated the capacity of Russia, sundered though it is, to create problems by conniving with China, Iran, and Turkey in particular, to aggravate and destabilize American interests and alliances. In this process, most of the Western alliance has become soft and useless, a military parasite of the United States that has failed to maintain its comprehensive military superiority over China. Germany is almost a neutral state and an energy vassal of Russia.

The West should start by recognizing the skill of its principal rivals. The Chinese leadership picked the financial and intellectual and scientific pockets of the West for decades, manipulated the Chinese currency, and dumped their manufactures on the world, exporting unemployment to the West while seducing it. Their supreme triumph was translating their own incompetence in releasing a dangerous virus, communicating it to the world, and shuttering down the economy of the Western world for over a year. It was dishonest and uncivilized but it was a masterstroke, and as the news every day tells us, our governments are still floundering and flailing as a result. It enabled the defeat of President Trump, who was resurrecting a satisfactory strategic balance in the world, a cause that history will judge should have motivated his countrymen to be more tolerant of his stylistic infelicities.

For good measure, the last few U.S. secretaries of defense, despite the enormous investment that the Trump Administration made in upgrading America’s military capacity, failed to see the possibilities for hypersonic missiles and apparently failed to assure adequate defense for the Nimitz class aircraft carriers which project American power but are currently vulnerable to sophisticated weapons in the hands of America’s rivals. The media, academia, the oligarchic social media cartel, Hollywood, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and major league sports, have all generally failed shamefully to maintain national self-esteem and even to permit elemental vigilance about the dangerous deterioration of America’s position in the world.

Fortunately, the people are wiser; they were snowed, if not swindled, by the massive coalition of Trump’s enemies last year, who had 95 percent of the media and outspent Trump two to one. Conditions are eroding so swiftly, the country is seeing that this woke idiocy isn’t affordable, and they are almost certain to opt for national renascence and peace through strength next time.

China and Russia have been so successful in the last 18 months that they may be overconfident. If China attacks Taiwan, any substantial deployment of U.S. airpower to that island, cooperating with the Taiwanese, would destroy an attempted amphibious attack of the 500,000 soldiers that would be needed, as they attempted to cross the Formosa Strait, which is four times as wide as the English Channel at Normandy. The United States would have to send the message that it would not escalate hostilities or extend them beyond the defense of Taiwan; it would be tense, but if the People’s Republic is insolent enough to attempt such a thing it could certainly be defeated.

Ukraine is more complicated. It has not been a successful independent country, though post-Soviet Russia is no marvel of good government, either. It is not improbable that many ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine would rather be Russians than Ukrainians and we cannot go to war to prevent that any more than the British and French could go to war to prevent Sudetenland from joining Germany in 1938.

But to the extent that Russia attempted to subdue non-Russian Ukraine, the West could frustrate that by heavily supplying the Ukrainian armed forces. Russia remains a sophisticated armaments maker but it does not have the economic or political strength (its GDP is smaller than Canada’s) to subdue a seriously motivated and well-armed Ukraine that, without its Russian fifth-column, would still have a population of more than 30 million.

The strategic equation is complicated and increasingly dangerous because this administration is so feeble and the U.S. military has been so incompetently directed recently. But the United States is fundamentally a much stronger country than China or Russia, and if it inspires and leads its allies, it is at the head of an overwhelmingly powerful coalition of free states.

We have three more years to muddle through before the leadership that is all that is really lacking, can be installed. It is perilous but far from hopeless.

In Defense of John Eastman

The president’s lawyer must not be sacrificed to the authoritarian impulses of a lawless regime.

We do not issue editorial statements on ordinary public policy matters or controversies. This week, however, we feel compelled to speak out in defense of the rights of all Americans, and in particular John Eastman. 

Eastman is a highly respected constitutional law professor who acted as an attorney to President Donald Trump. Eastman has been called to appear before the House of Representatives’ “January 6 Committee.” This committee is an extraordinary departure from the role of Congress and from basic procedural fairness. The very legality of the committee is in question, as it includes no ranking minority member. It appears to have been stacked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with partisans for whom the outcome of the investigation is known before the investigation has begun. Eastman has very wisely declined to participate in this partisan denigration of procedural fairness, and has invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. 

No person may be compelled to be a witness against himself in a criminal case. This is fundamental to our republican form of government. The origin of this rule, as illustrated at length by the famous Claremont professor Leonard Levy, is the necessity of forcing the state to produce evidence of a crime, to guard against the political persecution of enemies and the possibility of manufacturing evidence through coercion. Our legal tradition holds that no inference should ever be made as to guilt by the invocation of this sacred Constitutional right and rule of procedural fairness.

These safeguards are more urgent now than ever before. Every intelligent and educated citizen who is willing to face the truth, to look past the official narratives of the establishment media, can see the facts and the direction in which events are moving.

Our own Julie Kelly—an immensely brave and dedicated investigative reporter—has been at the forefront of exposing the truly frightening behavior of the Capitol Police on January 6, as well as the shocking mistreatment inflicted on the rioters held in the D.C. jail. The details of this scandal are slowly being revealed, despite the intense efforts of the ruling class to keep thousands of hours of video, official reports, and other records secret. 

The shocking behavior of our public officials extends far beyond a few Capitol police officers; it includes the FBI, federal prosecutors, and even federal judges, who appear to have little regard for due process, trial by jury, and equal protection of the laws when the accused are considered “enemies of the regime.”

Efforts to harm John Eastman, professionally and personally, are part of this larger effort. Eastman, who is the director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, is being attacked for furnishing legal arguments to a client, President Trump. This confidential advice has been described, preposterously, as plotting a coup.

In truth, it is the Democratic Party that long ago spurned the original limits and structure of the United States Constitution. But while almost all liberals and elected officials used to make public professions of loyalty to our constitutional system of government, that is changing—and changing rapidly. We now live in a political-legal environment where “penumbras and emanations” from the Bill of Rights protect “sacred” rights to, among other things, abortion. But, for those deemed enemies of the regime, no protection is given for the express right to a trial prior to punishment. 

The rule of law itself is at stake in this controversy. This growing danger must be firmly resisted now, before it is too late.

Jamal Khashoggi: Suspect in murder of journalist arrested in Paris


A Saudi man suspected of involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi has been arrested in France, police say.

Khaled Aedh Alotaibi was arrested at Charles-de-Gaulle airport in Paris on Tuesday, a police source told the BBC.

He is one of 26 Saudis wanted by Turkey over the journalist's killing.

The 33-year-old former Saudi royal guard was travelling under his own name and was placed in judicial detention, RTL radio said.

Khashoggi, a prominent critic of the government in Riyadh, was murdered at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018.  

Saudi Arabia said the former Washington Post journalist had been killed in a "rogue operation" by a team of agents sent to persuade him to return to the kingdom.

But Turkish officials said the agents acted on orders from the highest levels of the Saudi government.

The murder caused a global uproar and damaged the image of Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He has denied any role.  

A Saudi court convicted eight unnamed people over the murder in 2019. Five of them were found guilty of directly participating in the killing and handed death sentences that were later commuted to 20-year prison terms, while three others were jailed for seven to 10 years for covering up the crime.

The Saudi trial was dismissed as "the antithesis of justice" by then-UN Special Rapporteur Agnès Callamard.

In a damning report released in 2019, Ms Callamard concluded that Khashoggi was "the victim of a deliberate, premeditated execution" for which the Saudi state was responsible.

What do we know about the suspect?

Ms Callamard's report said Saudi prosecutors ordered the arrest of Mr Alotaibi as part of an investigation into Khashoggi's murder but ultimately decided not to charge him.

The report named Mr Alotaibi as a member of the Royal Guard, a unit of Saudi Arabia's military forces.


Saudi Arabia had rejected a request to extradite Mr Alotaibi to Turkey, where he is being tried in absentia in Istanbul on a murder charge.

But on Tuesday, a police source confirmed French authorities had executed Turkey's arrest warrant. Mr Alotaibi was arrested as he was about to board a flight to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's capital.

In a tweet, Ms Callamard said the arrest "could be a major breakthrough in the quest for justice".

Hatice Cengiz, Khashoggi's fiancée at the time of his murder, welcomed the arrest and urged France to "try him for his crime, or extradite him to a country able and willing" to do so.  


Corporate Media’s Systemic Corruption Is Far Worse Than Chris Cuomo’s Coverup For His Brother

How is the media’s reporting, born of the incestuous relationship between leftist media and government partisans, any less troubling than the help Chris Cuomo provided his brother?

On Saturday, CNN announced it had fired Chris Cuomo due to new information concerning the assistance the former host of “Cuomo Prime Time” provided his brother, Andrew Cuomo, as the latter fought charges of sexual harassment. Chris Cuomo’s sin seems venial, however, when compared to the malfeasance of his journalist compatriots in corporate media. Let’s compare.

Less than a week before his firing, CNN began publicly chastising its former top-ranked host by announcing it had indefinitely suspended Chris Cuomo. In an article for CNN Business, Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy explained the suspension came “after new documents revealed the cozy and improper nature of his relationship with aides to his brother, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.”

CNN had previously acknowledged that it knew that the younger Cuomo “had offered advice to his brother’s staff” in violation of CNN’s rules, but the cable news network noted they “appreciated the unique position he was in and understood his need to put family first and job second.”

The suspension followed the release last Monday by New York’s attorney general of text messages and transcripts from interviews conducted during the probe against former governor Andrew Cuomo on sexual harassment allegations. “The cache of documents included text messages between Chris Cuomo and Melissa DeRosa, a then-top aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, that suggested he was instrumental in working to craft a defense against a flood of sexual misconduct allegations,” CNN reported in announcing that it had sidelined its popular host.

CNN added that the “text messages also revealed that Chris Cuomo sought to use his connections in the press to help prepare the then-governor’s team as accusers started to make their stories public,” with Chris Cuomo acknowledging “to investigators that he did attempt to learn more about a story by journalist Ronan Farrow.” Chris Cuomo framed that outreach as “conventional,” according to CNN’s reporting: “The idea of one reporter calling another to find out about what’s coming down the pipe is completely business-as-usual,” the younger brother said.

The newly released “documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother’s efforts than [CNN] previously knew,” which led to the suspension, according to a spokesperson for the network. Then, on Saturday, CNN claimed the law firm it had retained to review Chris Cuomo’s “involvement with his brother’s defense” uncovered “additional information” justifying the immediate termination. CNN added that the investigation will continue, even though the “Cuomo Prime Time” host no longer works for the network.

So Chris Cuomo helped strategize with his brother’s gubernatorial staff and used his media connections to track down stories. Does that really surprise anyone?

Unlike with the majority of the center-left and full-leftist media, there was no hiding or denying his bias: Transparency was in his name and the name of his nightly CNN news program.

Even if the younger Cuomo parlayed his professional relationship with other media types to kill coverage of sexual misconduct charges against Andrew Cuomo, would that really be any worse than what the corrupt media did in October 2020 when it buried the Hunter Biden laptop story? At least Chris Cuomo was fighting for his brother and not Joe Biden.

Worse still was the corporate media’s peddling of the Russia collusion hoax, first during the 2016 presidential campaign, then continuing for the entire term of Trump’s presidency.

Maybe Chris Cuomo contacted Farrow about the story about his brother, but what about Jake Tapper emailing BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith after BuzzFeed published the “Steele dossier”? The email from Tapper, released as part of a defamation lawsuit against BuzzFeed, chastised Smith for the move, claiming it “makes the story less serious and credibl[.]” “I think you damage its impact,” Tapper wrote in an apparent reference to CNN’s story reporting that president-elect Trump had been briefed on parts of the salacious dossier.

Or what about the briefing itself, which former FBI Director James Comey undertook, thereby providing CNN a hook to report on the discredited dossier?

Consider too the innumerable New York Times and Washington Post articles pushing false claims of collusion, or the same appearing on the nightly news, cable and otherwise. Were those stories prompted by briefings provided by the hired guns of Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele? Both were paid by the Clinton campaign via a law firm to spread the Alfa Bank and pee-tape fantasies, and now years later the public is seeing unprecedented retractions following the indictment of one of Steele’s supposed sources.

How is the media’s actual reporting, born of the incestuous relationship between the anti-Trump media and partisans within the government, any less troubling than the help Chris Cuomo provided his brother?

It isn’t less troubling. It is more so. It is disqualifying.

The public knew to view Chris Cuomo’s reporting, and by extension CNN’s, through the lens of potential bias. But a large swath of Americans still has no idea how corrupt, how compromised, and how complicit the legacy media is because today’s reporters shelter behind the names and claims of the supposed standard-bearers of journalism.

But the Old Gray Lady no longer lives. And democracy died at high noon.

Yet Chris Cuomo’s display of fraternal love justified his termination, and the corrupt media just nods along.

Forged vaccine passport: Father kills family for fear of prison


The police found five bodies on Saturday in a single-family house in Senzig, Brandenburg, south of Berlin: father, mother, and three daughters.

The father of the family, Devid R. (40), is said to have killed his wife, and his three children aged four, eight, and ten. All of them were found with gunshot wounds.

According to a suicide letter left behind, the 40-year-old forged a vaccination certificate for his wife. After the employer found out, the couple was afraid of imprisonment and that the children would be taken away from them, the Chief Public Prosecutor Gernot Bantleon told the German Press Agency on Tuesday. He did not provide any further details. The investigators found the letter in the family home.  

The indescribable tragedy happened on Saturday in the family house in the Senzig district of Königs Wusterhausen. Witnesses discovered the lifeless people. 

Königs Wusterhausen is located south-east of Berlin in the Brandenburg district of Dahme-Spreewald and has almost 40,000 inhabitants. Senzig is a district of Königs Wusterhausen and was an independent municipality until a municipal area reform in the early 2000s.  


WH Tells Media to Lower Expectations on Government Transparency – Psaki Refuses to Answer Questions About...

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked today about whether the White House would be transparent with the reported divestiture of Hunter Biden and his financial relationships with communist Chinese government officials.  The press secretary refused to answer the question.  WATCH:

Critical Race Trove From California District Tells Students How To Use Witchcraft On People Who Say ‘All Lives Matter’

Critical race theory has been fully institutionalized at the California high school district that tried to reeducate me six years ago when I first pushed back.

While documenting my former high school’s attempt to indoctrinate me with critical race theory six years ago, I remarked that now, several years later, “the situation has undoubtedly worsened.” Worsened it has. Now, Campbell Union High School District has promoted more than 100 “equity resources” to students and staff, including a document that taught students how to put a curse on those who say “all lives matter.”

Colorblindness, Cops, and Curses

The page serves as a vast library for CRT resources and features 60 different links, including a Google Drive folder with 45 different documents. The list made sure to include the full range of CRT buzzwords, with links like Raising Race Conscious Children, the infamous 1619 ProjectAnti-Racism for Beginners, and Social Identities and Systems of Oppression, among others.

One link takes you to an “Anti-Racism Resource List,” which teaches about “white fragility” and claims that racism can only be perpetrated by white people. One of the “resources” provided was a Trevor Noah speech labeled “Why rioting makes sense,” followed by an unhinged anti-white rant from Sonya Renee Taylor, demanding that white people “throw your white body” on police officers and “put their bodies on the line for the purpose of justice.”

The list also addresses white people when it says, “We are socialized into white supremacy from the moment we are born” before going on to say “It is about completely dismantling how you see yourself and how you see the world, so that you can dismantle … white supremacy.”

Samuel Martin graduated from CUHSD’s Branham High School in 2019 and was appalled by the district’s actions. He told The Federalist, “The idea that white students must ‘dismantle themselves’ in the context of their personality is cultish. Not only is it cultish, but it is deliberate in that this school system wants its’ white students to hate themselves. Do these people honestly think that drilling racial identitarianism into childrens’ heads from a young age is going to make them less racist?”

CUHSD also links to the Black Lives Matter Resource Guide, specifically their section labeled “high school,” which itself includes 45 different texts. Amid a wide variety of CRT inspired assignments is a document that includes writing prompts on police brutality and racist violence

One section titled “Hex” tells the reader, “Hexing people is an important way to get out anger and frustration.” It becomes increasingly deranged, suggesting that those who say “all lives matter” or commit “microaggressions,” should be targeted. “Write your own hex poem, cursing that person,” it instructs. 

When asked her thoughts on the document that instructed K-12 students to use witchcraft on political opponents, Branham teacher Meredith Allen told The Federalist she hasn’t read the documents her district recommends, so she “can’t comment,” but that she is generally “opposed to the ‘all lives matter’ message.”

Another section labeled “A World With No Police” cites police and military as “systems or institutions that … contribute to oppression.” It asks “What would the world be like without them?” before telling the reader to write a poem discussing “a world without these institutions.”

The Black Radical Tradition,” is a 565-page e-book that includes articles from the Communist League and Noel Ignatiev under the pen name Noel Ignatin. Ignatiev was a Marxist who argued that “abolishing the white race is … so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.”

Then there’s a slide show entitled “What is the Black Lives Matter Movement?” which is made for children and was produced in part by teachers at LAUSDIt includes a glossary of terms like “white supremacy,” the definition of which includes the line, “systems, like schools and jails, have white supremacy built into them because white people have had so much power for so long.”

The ADL’s linked document “George Floyd, Racism, and Law Enforcement” defines racism as “the … oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people,” a definition that reinforces the malicious lie that white people can’t be the victims of anti-white racism

Another ADL resource condemns colorblindness and provides carefully crafted methods to indoctrinate white students with the idea that they have privilege without incurring backlash while a “Racial Equity Resource Guide” advertises the White Privilege Conference.

Top-Down Pushing Critical Race Theory On Students

The district’s equity resources page is just the most visible result of a series of steps in support of CRT that started long ago. In fact, the district was a testing ground for CRT before it spread throughout the nation. The book “Research Studies on Educating for Diversity and Social Justice” was published in 2018 and describes the process. An entire chapter, written in part by my former teacher, is dedicated to discussing how CRT was used at my high school so it could be replicated.

The book noted the use of the theory, saying, “CRT is used here to centralize the discussion of race and racism at Branham High School.” It went on to describe an “equity advisory” class that I was placed in as a sophomore, where “Students learn about the different types of oppression along with the privilege it affords the oppressors.” The authors hoped their tactics would spread, writing, “the intent behind sharing the process Branham underwent is to provide a model that could be followed by other schools across the nation.”

The district’s Board of Trustees supports this agenda, recently offering unanimous support for a resolution resolving to “dismantle institutionalized racism in our society and our school district” and is “committed to … implicit bias training, Ethnic Studies, and resources that foster dialogue around the guiding principles of #BlackLivesMatter.”

Note the district’s adoption of the term “equity” rather than “equality.” Here’s superintendent Robert Bravo two hours and 39 minutes into a board meeting saying he believes “equity is about equity of outcomes.”

CUHSD even established an Anti-Racism Team, which is divided into eight Equity Teams that include teachers, principals, administrators, and even two students who must be “BIPOC.” That means white students are banned from the “Equity” Teams. They’re tasked with “challenging imbalances of power and privilege,” among other roles. 

Michael Espinoza is a member of one such Equity Team and a teacher at Branham High School who won the district’s teacher of the year award. Here he is calling a Native American tribe the “rightful stewards of the lands our schools and district offices stand on” and telling teachers to recognize “the power of critical race theory and use it in our lesson plans.” 

He also gave a speech to the class of 2021, where he levied leftwing complaints against America and quoted Huey Newton, imploring students to engage in revolution instead of “conforming to the machine that is the United States.” On his Instagram account, Espinoza celebrates mandates for ethnic studies classes and complains of living under “white supremacist, heteropatriarchal rule” in a plea to his “co-conspirators.” 

If this is CUHSD’s model teacher, what does their model student look like? Espinoza’s students created a variety of leftwing posters in his ethnic literature class. One poster demanded “Dear White PPL: Start Listening, Stop Talking” and others that said “Wear UR F-cking Mask” and “Give us back our land.” Principal Lawton took down the posters amid outcry before caving in and apologizing to the leftwing agitators.

Co-Conspirators? Or A Conservative Counter Culture?

The full ramifications of our education system’s descent into leftwing radicalism is yet to be fully realized, although we can be certain that many of the students it doesn’t lose to homeschooling will be successfully transformed into “co-conspirators.” But as the rhetoric of revolution becomes standard for stodgy school administrators, its appeal to youth might wane.

Conversely, they run the risk of creating a small but clever cadre of conservative youth who understand from firsthand childhood experiences the consequences of toxic racial grievance politics. Don’t be surprised if the propagandizers who intend to give permanency to left-wing hegemony instead give rise to a nascent conservative political force that will uproot it.