Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Our Enemies Wait As We Destroy Ourselves

Russia waits, no longer ideological, but moving slowly and gingerly toward the Christian heritage that once made her a nation, even as we stupidly toss our own culture away.

Is the United States becoming like the old Soviet Union in a way that people fail to see because of the noise and the distractions of electoral politics, mass entertainment masking as news, and mass indoctrination masking as entertainment? 

We are becoming a meritocracy that punishes merit and rewards folly. We have all the disutility of a meritocracy—the snobbishness, the restless ambition, the inclination to see merit only in what can be measured or paid for; even the tendency to pull intelligent people out of their native regions and set them down, like gilded tumbleweeds, in places without memory or character. But we get none of the benefits. We punish truth-telling and intelligence, and reward stupidity. 

We are an idiocracy.

Perhaps I am being a bit unfair to the Soviets. They still had the Bolshoi Ballet. The Soviets did not bury all their great novelists: you would not win any points sneering at Tolstoy, as you might now in the United States if you sneered at Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, or Mark Twain. I am looking at a photograph of a Russian sports parade in Moscow. In front are some hundreds of skinny teenage boys, stripped to the waist, wearing boxing gloves, and looking as if they are ready to take on the world for Mother Russia and beat it to a pulp. They want to win.

The Soviet system was stupid because it was untrue to the world and to the nature of man. Therefore, it did often punish merit and reward the dull, according to its own woke ideology. The Soviets ridiculed the “big bang” theory, calling it “Jewish science,” because it was in accord with the Jewish and Christian belief in a created universe. The Soviets sent Solzhenitsyn to the gulag, while the bloated and plodding Leonid Brezhnev, writing his memoirs of some minor campaigns in World War II, and making the battles out to be some combination of Waterloo, Hastings, Tours, and Teutoburg Forest, won the Lenin Prize for Literature. 

Stupidity is not just stupid. It can be deadly. Trofim Lysenko, the ideological agronomist responsible for widespread famine not only in his own nation but in Red China to boot, getting one bushel of wheat where the old well-off peasants had gotten three, rejected the genetics of Gregor Mendel, and sent to forced retirement or prison or death those scientists too stubborn to go along with him. 

Many millions of people died not for a truth, but from patent falsehoods. I sometimes wonder how many American men have suffered loss of life or limb because our armed services are committed to unreality, sending into battle women who lack the strength, the agility, and the speed of teenage boys. 

What can cause you to fail to recognize or reward merit? Three things, as I see them. The first is that you are stupid. You do not know what you are evaluating. Some perennial losers in professional sports suffer from flat dullness or blindness. From 1985 to 1989, the NFL’s Cardinals had the tight end Jay Novacek, and somehow missed the man’s ability; he started only six games for them, while the team went 28-50-1, without a single winning season. Novacek joined the Dallas Cowboys in 1990, and the team made him their starter. In the next six seasons, he went to the Pro Bowl five times, and won three Super Bowl rings. Jay Novacek had half of a Hall of Fame career.

This kind of dullness weighs heavily upon our schools and colleges from kindergarten to the doctorate and beyond. You will find it everywhere, though not in everyone. In most places it is dominant. If your child is a genius or a near-genius, he will almost surely be smarter, and often considerably so, than all his grade school and high school teachers, who will not know what to do with him. I use the masculine gender advisedly here, because the problem is more likely to befall the boy than the girl, and it is more likely to be acute, because boys are not like girls, and most of their female teachers will not be interested in the same things that interest them. The boy ought to be playing with pistons and cylinders, not writing out in words what he is doing when he multiplies 12 by 25. He should be reading Moby-Dick. Instead he is given The Handmaid’s Tale. He rolls his eyes.

The second cause is a stolid insistence on procedure rather than on results. The greatest geniuses are irreducible to procedure, which, when demanded for its own sake, smothers. I will take another cue from sports. The Houston Astros had a talented but erratic and temperamental pitcher named Joaquin Andujar, with whom they did not know what to do. He did not “fit.” Then Whitey Herzog, manager for the Cardinals, got hold of him. He understood that if Andujar was going to be any good, you had to let him be himself and do things his way. Herzog ran a tight ship, but he judged each player individually and not by formula, asking, “How can I get the best out of him?” Under Herzog, Andujar won 20 games twice, and in his best statistical season, 1982, he went 15-10, and was 3-0 in the postseason, winning the final and decisive game in the World Series.

A good friend of mine was a physicist of the first rank at Bell Labs, in the years of its most striking creativity, when work was characterized by an easygoing camaraderie, and the men were paid by seniority, not by merit. Paradoxically, that was the way to get the most out of them, because then each scientist was free to tinker with his own projects in his own manner, and everyone was free to help everyone else out. No one needed to guard an idea jealously; no one needed to look over his shoulder at an ambitious and unscrupulous neighbor. In other words, Bell Labs did not care overmuch about workplace procedure, only about the cumulative results, which were tremendous. There was nothing like “Human Resources” there, that stunning misnomer, the bureaucratic fog that stifles, turning human beings into functionaries, and gold into mud.

The third cause is an insistence on something that is beside the point. We hear from Hollywood to Harvard, from Washington to Westinghouse, that “diversity is our strength.” I don’t know what the phrase means, but is it true? Consider the studios in Renaissance Italy, when every town boasted an artist who, were he alive today, would deserve world renown, and when the important cities bequeathed to us such artists as Michelangelo (Florence), Leonardo (Milan), Titian (Venice), and on and on. The artists were Italian men. Is it sensible to suppose that the greatest of all time would have been greater still, if they had done more of what we do now? Forget Michelangelo. Where is our Mino da Fiesole?

What we have in America and elsewhere in the West, sleep-woking to absurdity, is a relentless insistence upon things that are beside the point. To say that a television show should have some fit proportion of characters that are female or homosexual is like choosing the starters for your football team by the color of their hair. Army officers should be chosen for their courage (Anthony Wayne), their cunning (Nathanael Greene), and their ability to command men in mortal danger (George Washington). In war we should remember what Vince Lombardi said: winning is the only thing. Yet our army, insofar as it is beholden to something besides deterring or winning wars, will, if history is instructive, turn to some easier objective. The weakling beats his wife.

Do not interrupt your enemy while he is destroying himself. Russia waits, no longer ideological, but moving slowly and gingerly toward the Christian heritage that once made her a nation, even as we stupidly toss our own culture away.

X22, On the Fringe, and more-December 1st


Another busy day! Here's tonight's news:

Biden’s Petro Mess

This administration has no intention of ensuring the energy reserves of the United States are secure in time of war or national emergency.

The pope-pooper-in-chief has passed gas again! This time, Joe Biden has released 50 million barrels of oil from the national stockpile known as the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to cover his ill-conceived, knee-jerk, mean-spirited, day-one, anti-Trump cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline and oil leases, which in turn spurred today’s record-high gas prices.

A cynic might say Biden created the problem to force the Green New Deal agenda on the American people. He might also say Biden would look great in a bikini-top, miniskirt, and pom-poms as he cheers on AOC and her squad of small-time communists. 

Biden’s solution is as troublesome as Curly Howard of the Three Stooges trying to fix the plumbing. Every time Curly or Joe tries to remedy something, the problem only gets worse.

When Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, he said he did it because of “environmental concerns,” which, along with production disruptions in the South and West, then saddled Americans with a doubling, so far, of gasoline prices.

When the resulting petro-mess sent his poll numbers plunging into the 30s, Biden dumped all his “environmental concerns” faster than his last meeting with the Pope, and released the 50 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Biden released more oil than any other president, not in response to any national emergency—which is why the Strategic Petroleum Reserve exists—but out of purely political calculations to keep his approval ratings and the prospects of his agenda from sinking any further. 

The taxpayer will get plugged again because those 50 million barrels of oil will need to be replaced, as there may be a war on the horizon involving issues surrounding either Taiwan or Ukraine or both. And that oil would be replaced with the current price of oil at $82 a barrel versus $25 a barrel during the Trump Administration.

China would love to invade Taiwan, which would throw world oil prices into the toilet faster than Biden’s last set of trousers. And that’s before Vladimir Putin takes another chunk of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) described Biden’s Three Stooges petroleum move as a “policy Band-Aid” that was covering a “self-inflicted wound” created by “a shortsighted energy policy.”

But what if Biden’s energy policy is really another one of his Manchurian Candidate moves to diminish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to leave the United States in a do-or-die position so it must adopt the Green New Deal?

Remember, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was established in 1975 to keep the United States from being blackmailed and politically sodomized at will by the then-mostly Arab states of OPEC.

Biden’s energy secretary, the political hack and campaign surrogate Jennifer Granholm, is so dense that last week she could not answer a simple question about U.S. daily petroleum consumption.

Worse, Jen-the-Jejune has hired Dr. Jennifer Wilcox, a chemical engineer and tree-hugger from the World Resources Institute. The two Jens apparently were teleported from the weird sister scene in “Macbeth, invoking the incantation “Fair is foul and foul is fair, Hover through the fog and filthy air!”

Presto! The incantation instantly changed the name of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve’s headquarters from the Office of Fossil Energy to the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management.  

The only thing missing was a bubbling black cauldron.

The incantation also magically produced a new mission statement: “. . . to minimize the environmental impacts of fossil fuels while working toward net-zero emissions.”

That is code for a more frightening scenario: This administration has no intention of ensuring the energy reserves of the United States are secure in time of war or national emergency. They may never replace that oil—not now, not ever.

Just imagine the team of two Jens with large oars, stirring the cauldron.

Twitter Implements New Rule So It Can Selectively Ban Memes, Mockery Of Democrats

Twitter announced a new set of rules on Tuesday that effectively bans the dissemination of memes and the mockery of public figures.

The changes come one day after Twitter co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey resigned to usher in a new era under free-speech foe and new CEO Parag Agrawal, who, while he served as Twitter’s chief technology officer, expressed disregard for the First Amendment.

Under the new Twitter policy, photos of public figures will be subject to removal based on the censorship platform’s desires.

“This policy is not applicable to media featuring public figures or individuals when media and accompanying Tweet text are shared in the public interest or add value to public discourse,” the policy states. “However, if the purpose of the dissemination of private images of public figures or individuals who are part of public conversations is to harass, intimidate, or use fear to silence them, we may remove the content in line with our policy against abusive behavior.”

Twitter clarified that exceptions would be made for content that — you guessed it — corrupt left-wing corporate media outlets deem acceptable.

“We will always try to assess the context in which the content is shared and, in such cases, we may allow the images or videos to remain on the service. For instance, we would take into consideration whether the image is publicly available and/or is being covered by mainstream/traditional media (newspapers, TV channels, online news sites), or if a particular image and the accompanying tweet text adds value to the public discourse, is being shared in public interest, or is relevant to the community.”

As some Twitter users pointed out, with this new policy, the Big Tech company has carved out a way to justify removing or banning any content it deems “irrelevant” and effectively solidifies Twitter’s role as a gatekeeper of information instead of the free-speech platform it once claimed to be.

These tactics have, of course, been used by Twitter in the past to justify stifling the spread of the Hunter Biden laptop story, subduing content about COVID-19 treatments and vaccine side effects, and intentionally deplatforming former President Donald Trump. But the updated policy suggests the Silicon Valley giant’s net is getting wider and seeks to stop even the smallest of accounts from sharing information that could damage Democrats or their propaganda narratives.

DOJ Prosecutors Using Grand Jury to Subpoena Financial Records of 2020 Election Audit Groups

I hate to say I toldyaso, but…. well, {Go Deep}.  The Washington Post is writing a story today about federal prosecutors using grand juries to subpoena the financial records of individuals and groups who were associated with the 2020 election audit efforts.  The motives here are very predictable.

Remember, when the political agencies under the umbrella of the Fourth Branch of Government (CIA, FBI and DOJ) use their aligned media they follow a particular pattern of using New York Times, Politico and the Washington Post to build the framework of their investigative narratives.

The specifics of this first report surround attorney Sidney Powell and her ‘Defend The Republic‘ organization, one of several individuals and groups who were raising money to support 2020 election audits. The Sidney Powell, Mike Flynn, and Patrick Byrne network are under review.

As you review the article it is important to note few key elements: (1) The subpoena document’s were leaked to the Washington Post by someone inside the investigation; that speaks toward the larger motive of the DOJ/FBI effort itself. (2) The specific DOJ prosecutors are the same ones working hand-in-glove with the J6 committee.

WASHINGTON – Federal prosecutors have demanded the financial records of multiple fundraising organizations launched by attorney Sidney Powell after the 2020 election as part of a criminal investigation, according to a subpoena reviewed by The Washington Post.

The grand jury subpoena, issued in September by the U.S. attorney’s office for the District of Columbia, sought communications and other records related to fundraising and accounting by groups including Defending the Republic, a Texas-based organization claiming 501(c) 4 nonprofit status, and a PAC by the same name, according to the documents and a person familiar with the investigation who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share details of the probe.

As part of the investigation, which has not been previously reported, prosecutors are seeking records going back to Nov. 1, 2020.

The subpoena reviewed by The Post was signed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Molly Gaston, who is also handling politically charged matters related to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, including contempt of Congress charges brought against former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon for refusing to testify in front of the House committee investigating the pro-Trump riot.

[…] Powell was soliciting contributions from Trump supporters to help fund her efforts. She began asking for donations as early as Nov. 10, 2020, a week after the election, telling viewers of the “Lou Dobbs Tonight” show on Fox Business that she had started a website called where they could donate.

Visitors reached a site that requested donations to support her election litigation. “Over $500,000 must be raised in the next twenty-four hours for these suits to be filed. Millions more will need to be raised to ensure victory,” the site stated around that time, according to an archived version.

By Nov. 25, 2020, the day Powell filed the first two of her lawsuits claiming widespread fraud, the website included a large picture of Powell and said her aim was to use the courts to block the certification of Biden’s victory. The website solicited donations for “Sidney Powell’s Legal Defense Fund” and indicated to potential donors that they would be contributing to a 501(c) 4 social welfare organization. Donors were asked to make checks payable to Sidney Powell P.C., Powell’s law firm.

It was not until Dec. 1, 2020, that Defending the Republic was incorporated as a business in Texas, with Powell listed as its agent and director, according to state records. An authorized representative for the group, Brandon Johnson, said in an August deposition taken as part of a defamation lawsuit against Powell that he knew nothing about donations made online before Dec. 1. “I don’t know where they went, but they did not go to Defending the Republic,” Johnson said in the deposition.

It is not clear how much money the organization has raised since it was incorporated or how that money has been spent. Defending the Republic contributed $550,000 to fund a Republican-commissioned review of nearly 2.1 million ballots cast last year in Arizona, according to an accounting released in July by Cyber Ninjas, a contractor that led the review.

Powell, when asked in a July deposition whether her law firm would receive compensation through donations made to Defending the Republic, replied, “I certainly hope we will,” maintaining that her firm had not been paid for bringing election-related lawsuits.

In an estimated budget submitted this summer to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Defending the Republic projected revenue from donations of just over $7 million for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30.

[…] According to Johnson’s deposition, the group’s directors have included Flynn and Flynn’s brother Joseph Flynn, as well as Patrick Byrne, the millionaire founder of The Flynn brothers are listed as directors, alongside Powell, in corporate records filed in December 2020. Both brothers, as well as Byrne, have departed their roles, Johnson said in his deposition.

Byrne told The Post he agreed to serve as chief executive of Defending the Republic at Powell’s request in March, but left after only a few weeks in early April, in part because of different management styles and concerns about the business’s financial oversight. He said that he doesn’t know how much Powell had raised and that when he urged a full audit of the organization’s finances, she resisted. Byrne said the Flynn brothers and the executive staff left the organization on the same day he did. He said he hasn’t communicated with Powell since he departed and he has not received a subpoena. (read more)

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services was likely the investigative triggering mechanism as the Powell group was originally looking to stand up a headquarters somewhere in the state.  The Florida Agriculture Commissioner is Nikki Fried, the current Democrat opponent to Ron DeSantis in the 2022 governors race.

Interestingly, the Washington Post positions Patrick Byrne as an innocuous player in the story line who has not received a subpoena.  However, for those who follow the deep weeds of FBI operations you can see the familiar shadow of a confidential informant; a person in place to participate as an ally yet subversively gathering information for later use.

As CTH previously predicted, there is a point of political merge in the DOJ/FBI motive to investigate two sets of people, The J6 group and the Audit group.

The motives are obvious: (1) tamp down any election integrity measures; (2) demoralize the MAGA or spirited America-First base of opposition against Democrats; (3) put the Republican Party on the defensive; (4) take attention away from the economic mess caused by the current administration; and (5) provide political turmoil in the ranks of their opposition.

The DOJ/FBI will be used for maximum political damage, and as you know, the professional Republican Party stands to gain just as much by this effort as the Democrat Party.   Similar to how the GOPe supported the targeting of the Tea Party by the DOJ using the IRS, so too will the GOPe support the targeting of the various support networks behind the audit the election groups; what John McCain called, “the whacko birds.”

Put the J6 investigation and Audit investigation together, and you can see the DNC approach for 2022. (read more)

Unfortunately, this is how a highly political DOJ/FBI operate their targeting mechanisms in this new era of openly visible weaponization.

The Republican silence on the issues of how the DOJ and FBI are weaponized is indicative of their alignment with the targeting motives.

The Fourth Branch of Government will activate against any individual, entity or group who is perceived as a threat.

Prior Warning Here ~

Federal Judge Expands Healthcare Worker Vaccine Mandate Injunction to Apply Nationally

Another win against the federal vaccine mandate.  The latest injunction against the Biden administration’s healthcare worker vaccine mandate was written by Judge Terry A. Doughty of Louisiana [View Here]. This injunction expands the prior order to cover all healthcare workers nationally.

On Monday a federal court in Missouri delivered an injunction that covered ten states; however, this ruling is written to extend block the CMS healthcare rule on a national basis – against Joe Biden’s decision to require all health workers in hospitals and nursing homes to receive their first shot by Dec. 6 and to be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4.  [Ruling Here]

However, with these rulings piling up against the White House; and with more and more Americans ignoring the fear porn being attempted with Omicron; we can expect the executive branch to go even stronger in the direction of more punitive punishment using federal mandates. Watch for it…

(Full pdf)

Who Is the Real Brandon?

The real Brandon isn’t Biden, it’s Washington, D.C.: Politicians and the federal agencies they created.

Common sense tells us that a man who reads his stage directions from a teleprompter out loud can’t be running the country. And so it would be a mistake for Americans to focus our outrage over our national situation on Joe Biden. The Left hopes we’ll make that demented sap the fall guy for the current administration as a whole. It would make their next big job—stealing 2024—a lot easier. 

Biden won’t be running. He’ll be in disgrace, and the Democrats will be happy to leave him lying in the gutter. Kamala Harris won’t be running either. She’s as repugnant as Hillary Clinton, but without the long-running institutional connections that might plausibly keep her afloat. And the Left needs plausibility.  

The Left needs a new, old face. Someone who has no real record to examine. Someone who can be trusted to follow orders. Someone who will never contradict leftist orthodoxy. Someone who knows how to fawn and be fawned upon on late night TV. 

Michelle Obama would be an obvious choice. She certainly thinks she deserves it, and her husband, who is beyond doubt closer to power than Joe Biden is, will be pulling strings for her. Mrs. Obama has all the aforementioned qualities that are desirable to Democrats. Americans who love their country can’t stand her, of course. But the other half of the country thinks of her as a political pseudo-Oprah (whom they also love and would also gladly make president, if they could). 

What the Left needs, in fine, is to be able to steal the next election and claim victory without inaugurating a civil war. So the question isn’t whether someone like Michelle Obama would win in 2024 (she wouldn’t) but whether America would accept being told that she won—whether America would accept an Obama (or similar) presidency as a fait accompli

I don’t know the answer to that question, but that strategy is the Democrats’ only path to retaining power. And while you might think the answer would be an obvious “No,” we did accept a Biden presidency, and many Americans who publicly expressed doubt about the legitimacy of that decision on January 6 are now in prison. 

Keep in mind that most Republicans in Washington don’t mind being in the minority. They don’t even mind losing the presidency. What they like and want is the status quo, in which they get to be in Washington, doing deals “across the aisle” which always involve sending more of your money to their pet constituencies in the great, ongoing middle-class rip-off.  

Those Republicans hate Trump, and would hate working with him again. Unlike them, Trump didn’t amass his money over a long career of “public service.” He isn’t one of the Washington in-crowd. 

So expect professional Republican politicians to do their bit in helping the Democrats this election season—they’ll try to paint Trump as a washed-up danger to the party, a divisive (oh no!) figure. Meanwhile, the Republican strategy to avoid Trump will be precisely to create divisions in the Republican base. If they can prevent Trump getting the nomination, the Democrats will be home free in 2024, and everybody in Washington wins. 

Meanwhile, America loses. 

We’ve finally moved beyond the two-party system. Our government is so large that it is run almost exclusively by career bureaucrats who persist from one administration to the next, pursuing their own agendas. As we saw during the Trump years, the bureaucrats feel a positive obligation to frustrate the policies of a duly elected president with whom they disagree. And the politicians of both parties feed these bureaucrats and get their own money-power-prestige kickbacks in return. 

As long as Americans are willing to continue playing the game, they’ll continue fleecing us, year after year. Each year, a little more of our money, a little more of our freedom. 

So it’s important to remember what “Let’s Go Brandon” really means. The real Brandon isn’t Biden, it’s Washington, D.C.: Politicians and the federal agencies they created.

No matter how well a Republican politician talks about traditional values and so forth, chances are he can’t be trusted. The only acceptable presidential candidate in 2024 is Trump. The only acceptable candidate at any other level is one who will take the “less government” side of every single issue and every single vote, with no exceptions. Anything short of that, and you’re not looking at a real Republican or even a Democrat—you’re just looking at another little piece of Brandon.