Monday, November 22, 2021

The Corrupt Media Did Not Fall For The Russia Collusion Hoax. They Were Part Of It


Article by Margot Cleveland in The Federalist

The Corrupt Media Did Not Fall For The Russia Collusion Hoax. They Were Part Of It

The corrupt media’s attempt to frame their failings as mere confirmation bias holds no truer than the Russia-collusion hoax they peddled for five years. 

Soon after Special Counsel John Durham indicted Igor Danchenko, the “Primary Sub-Source” of the Steele dossier, on five counts of lying to the FBI, the press paused to feign a moment of public introspection. The corrupt media’s attempt to frame their failings as mere confirmation bias, however, holds no truer than the Russia-collusion hoax they peddled for five years.

The proof of this reality is seen in the prostitute sex tapes: the non-existent “golden showers” one and the verifiable, but ignored, Hunter Biden videos.

The first step of what appeared, at least momentarily, to be the kick-off of a mea culpa parade came earlier this month when the Washington Post amended large segments of two articles covering the Russia-collusion storyline, one from March 2017 and the second from February 2019.

Both articles had named Sergei Millian, a Belarusian-American businessman, as the individual identified as “Source D” in the Steele dossier. While Millian had long denied speaking with Danchenko or having any role in the dossier, it was only after Durham charged the Russian-born Danchenko and former Brookings Institute employee with lying about receiving a telephone call from Millian that the Post and other media outlets removed the claims.

Then, last week, The New York Times ran a “guest essay” by professor of journalism and former Columbia Journalism School dean Bill Grueskin, headlined, “How Did So Much of the Media Get the Steele Dossier So Wrong?”

To Grueskin the problem was multi-pronged. Grueskin’s prologue to why “so many were taken in so easily” was simple: The dossier seemed to confirm what they already suspected—a corruption of Donald Trump that spanned “from dodgy real estate negotiations to a sordid hotel-room tryst, all tied together by the president-elect’s obeisance to President Vladimir Putin of Russia.”

From there, Grueskin listed the problems, which amazingly all belonged to Trump. Trump “had long curried Mr. Putin’s favor” and “he and his family were eager to do business in Russia.” Then there was Trump’s choice of Paul Manafort as his campaign chair that “reinforced the idea that he was in the thrall of Russia.”

Adding to the perfect storm that explained the press failures, Grueskin posited that “journalists also had to deal with the fact that many of the denials came from confirmed liars.” Further complicating the matter, Grueskin wrote, was that “some reporters simply didn’t like or trust Mr. Trump, and didn’t want to appear to be on his side.”

Here, Grueskin quoted from former Times reporter Barry Meier’s book “Spooked”: “Plenty of reporters were skeptical of the dossier, but they hesitated to dismiss it, because they didn’t want to look like they were carrying water for Trump or his cronies.”

Bunk. The corrupt media did not fall for the Russia collusion hoax. They were part of it.

How else to explain the scathing email Jake Tapper sent BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith after the latter published the dossier? “I think your move makes the story less serious and credible[.] I think you damaged its impact,” the CNN anchor wrote.

On that point at least, Tapper was correct. The actual dossier—as opposed to select excerpts or word-smithed summaries pushed by the anti-Trump press—“was a laughably fake document.” When the public saw the “source,” they didn’t buy it, and, really, neither did the press.

For all corporate media’s ex post facto efforts to rationalize why they “fell” for the dossier, only one holds true: They didn’t like Trump, personally or politically.

Now, Joe Biden, they like. So when weeks before the November 2020 election, when The New York Post published multiple stories revealing damaging information recovered from an abandoned laptop bearing a Biden Foundation sticker, social media silenced the story and corporate media spun it as Russia disinformation.

The same folks who supposedly bought anonymous claims that Trump had paid prostitutes to pee on a bed the Obamas had once slept in found the actual videos of Hunter Biden with prostitutes unbelievable. Likewise, we are to believe Trump’s supposed shady business deals made the dossier plausible to the press, while unworthy of the media’s trust were genuine emails discussing a 10 percent cut reserved for the “Big Guy” as part of a Biden family deal being plotted with a Chinese energy giant.

And we are to suppose that the press that pushed the Russia collusion hoax did so hesitantly and out of a desire not “to carry water” for Trump and his cronies, all while they carried Biden over the finish line, where he now sits as the commander-in-chief across the virtual table from China’s Xi Jinping.

Sure, now the corporate media is expending some effort to report on Hunter Biden’s partnership in 2016 with a Chinese state-backed company that gave the communist organization ownership of an African cobalt mine. That profitable investment by the younger Biden gave China control over much of the world’s production of cobalt—an essential element for electric car batteries. With the Biden administration’s latest spending proposal earmarking billions for promoting electric vehicles, we now see reporters beginning to probe whether the president’s son remains a financial beneficiary of that deal.

But that the corrupt media turned a blind eye to the evidence of a China-Biden scandal in 2020 lays bare the lie that journalists fell for the dossier and the Russia-collusion conspiracy theory because of a confirmation bias. There was no confirmation bias in play—it was collusion, pure and simple. 

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Waukesha Killer Darrell Brooks Initial Court Appearance Scheduled for 2pm CT Tuesday

The self-proclaimed black supremacist who used his vehicle as a weapon to kill five people and injure 40 more has his first court appearance scheduled for 2:00pm CT tomorrow (Tuesday November 23, 2021) [Details Here].

Suspect Darrell E Brooks will have his preliminary hearing under the careful control of the U.S. Dept of Justice Community Relations Service (DOJ-CRS) who oversee all U.S. criminal cases when race is identified as the underlying motive for an attack.

Due to the high visibility of the case; and specifically because the DOJ-CRS are the primary stakeholder in the judicial proceedings {Go Deep}; the Community Relations Service have provided a court order instructing the Waukesha judiciary how they must engage/control media access.  [Media Instructions Here]  The CRS provides the template and Chief Judge Jennifer Dorow signs the order.

The primary concern for the CRS, aka ‘federal peacekeepers‘ is control over the national media narrative.  The techniques behind the court order are familiar:

(Source pdf)

Long term CTH readers have familiarity with how the peacekeepers work to tamp down issues and control criminal cases that are adverse to the interests of the federal government.

Ironically, and purposefully, the claimed need for national racial cohesiveness is the statutory justification for federal control.  Ironic, because the DOJ-CRS support the use of race for political benefit, then the CRS claim to protect national unity against the outcome from using race for political benefit.  The propaganda is thick.  I digress…

FOX6 did a great outline of the prior criminal record of Mr. Darrell Edward Brooks in one of their broadcasts.  WATCH:

X22, Red Pill news, and more-Nov 22


Evening, here's tonight's news:

Mass Casualty Event as SUV Intentionally Drives into Crowd During Christmas Parade in Waukesha, WI

A maroon Ford Escape intentionally plowed through a crowd in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  Dozens of people are injured and reports of fatalities.  Horrific video is emerging of the SUV deliberately driving into the crowd.  Initial reporting of several people in the vehicle at the time.  Media reporting a person of interest has been identified.

Details are sketchy as the incident is recent.  However, given the recent controversy surrounding Kyle Rittenhouse in Wisconsin, many are speculating this was a revenge attack targeting a white audience.

UPDATE 8:27pm ET – One eye witness describes the driver as a “black guy with dreadlocks, by himself”

WISCONSIN – […]  Angelito Tenorio, a West Allis alderman who is running for Wisconsin state treasurer, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he was watching the parade with his family when they saw the SUV come speeding into the area.

“Then we heard a loud bang, and just deafening cries and screams from people who are who are struck by the vehicle,” Tenorio said. “And then, and then we saw people running away or stopping crying, and there, there are people on the ground who looked like they’d been hit by the vehicle.” (read more)

WAUKESHA, Wis. (CBS 58) — There is at least one person dead and more than 20 more injured after an SUV drove through the Waukesha Holiday Parade route Sunday evening. Nov. 21.

Cellphone video captured a red SUV speeding through the crowd, hitting pedestrians and accelerating throughout the route.  Authorities said multiple people were injured and at least one person died. (read more)


Resist the never-ending mask mandate

The CDC director has endorsed the idea of permanent masking to prevent the spread of the common cold and flu

Face masks are forever. If you blinked, or weren’t paying attention, you might have missed it. If you weren’t tuning into CDC director Rochelle Walensky, then you didn’t hear it at all.

Several media outlets picked up on something Walensky subtly added to a statement about mask efficacy. You probably weren’t paying attention to them either, which is what they are counting on. The CDC director endorsed the idea of permanent masking, during seasonal communicable diseases, including the seasonal flu or common cold.

In an HHS statement on YouTube, Walensky sneakily slips “protection from the flu, or coronavirus” into her statement. “Whether it’s an infection from the flu, coronavirus, or even just the common cold. In combination with other steps like vaccination, hand washing and keeping physical distance, wearing your mask is an important step you can take to keep us all healthy.”

Set aside for a second how our media seems completely uninterested in revisiting President Biden’s “Masked or Vaxxed” stance from July, one he himself does not abide by despite being fully vaccinated, with a booster shot. Instead, let’s recall how the idea of throwing the common cold and the seasonal flu in with the coronavirus was one predicted by those the media brands as the kook fringe. Those same members of the media are falling in line and failing to query the Biden CDC about the implications of changing the rules on people. What does this shift in position mean for the prospect of permanent mandates? How does it impact Biden’s OSHA edict on vaccine mandates for private businesses? Americans deserve answers to these questions — as once again the Biden administration is mixing politics with science for reasons that many have a right to be skeptical about.

On Sunday ABC News ran a piece headlined “Got your booster? Here are 5 reasons to keep following public health measures for a bit longer” by Dr Jay Bhatt, an internal medicine physician and instructor at the University of Illinois School of Public Health. Bhatt also recommends the continuation of emergency COVID-19 protocols — such as social distancing and mask wearing — to combat the flu and the common cold. “Masks, hand-washing and all of the other measures that you used to protect against COVID-19 will generally also protect you against flu.” And MSNBC’s “Morning” Joe Scarborough offered support for staying in masks on planes for another two years on Monday: “We’ve flown so many years and you hear somebody coughing and sneezing and you’re like I’m going to have the flu and halftime you did… it is one place where, man, if I can go another year and a half, two years without the flu, I’ll put that mask on in a plane where are whether I like it or not.”

The primary problem with the “just wear a mask, who cares?” attitude is, as we’ve seen, requests from the CDC often become mandates, and they become mandates very quickly. This contributes to the eroding public trust with which the CDC and the Biden administration are having to contend. The government should be fielding questions on what its official mask policy is. In contrast, newly elected New York City mayor Eric Adams has said he wants to lift school mask mandates upon entering office, despite Biden’s OSHA still enforcing CDC’s Face Mask Order, which requires masks on public transportation and airplanes, even as 80 percent of adults are either half or fully vaccinated.

Another cause for concern and confusion: Biden himself doesn’t seem to know what his own policy is. Sometimes he wears one, sometimes he doesn’t, sometimes he’ll approach people and pull his mask down to speak. This weekend both Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and AFT president Randi Weingarten were spotted maskless indoors while partying away in Puerto Rico, a territory which operates a mandatory mask policy in all indoor public spaces.

More and more, when it comes to masking and mandates, the rules are meant to be followed by you, not them. That’s why we should confront the sly tactic of slipping in mask-wearing for seasonal viruses our body combats naturally.

Hunter Biden’s Blood Mine

Chinese company in which Hunter Biden invested may profit from brutal crackdown at African mine

The Chinese company in which Hunter Biden held a stake invested in a Congolese mine that was the site of gross human rights abuses and at least one death.

Biden, son of Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden, joined the board of Chinese investment firm BHR in 2013, while his father served as vice president. He purchased a 10 percent stake in the company in 2017 and maintained that stake even after he resigned from the board in October. Among BHR's investments was the largest cobalt and copper mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Tenke Fungurume mine, where the Congolese military in June executed a brutal crackdown on illegal mining viewed as a threat to the mine's bottom line. Since then, the military has torched houses and cracked down on dissent in the region—actions that drew the condemnation of human rights groups.

"Given the long history of excessive use of force by the Congolese army and its lack of appropriate training in managing public order, the DRC government must immediately withdraw its armed forces from the mines to avert unlawful killings," Amnesty International spokeswoman Sarah Jackson said in a statement.

The violence came to a head in August, when the military shot a woman dead, according to AFP.

BHR finalized the sale of its stake in the mine to another Chinese entity in September, a transaction that netted the firm $1.1 billion. While Biden's legal team has claimed that the BHR shares have yet to pay dividends, he stands to benefit financially when he sells those shares. Biden's attorney did not respond to requests for comment about BHR's dealings in the Congo.

Biden's international business dealings have become a campaign issue in the 2020 Democratic primary, sparking accusations of cronyism and spurring his decision to step down from BHR's board in October. Biden has also pledged that, should his father be elected president, he would not sit on the boards or work on behalf of foreign-owned companies. Joe Biden's presidential campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

BHR leveraged financial support from China Molybdenum, a Chinese resource company, to purchase a 24 percent stake in Congo's Tenke Fungurume mine in 2017. The transaction gave China Molybdenum, which was already a majority stakeholder in the Congolese mine, the "exclusive right" to purchase BHR's stakes in the mine in the future. Neither China Molybdenum nor BHR responded to requests for comments.

The area surrounding the Tenke Fungurume mine had more than 10,000 "artisanal" miners who often illegally acquire ores in areas reserved for the Chinese enterprise. China Molybdenum previously identified the illegal miners as a "significant security risk" that might affect production output in the future. The mine's management has asked the government to do more to secure the concession but did not urge a military solution, according to Reuters.

The Congolese military evicted the alleged illegal miners in June, deploying between 600 and 800 troops in the mining concession, according to AFP. Watchdog groups quickly urged the Congolese military, which has a poor human rights record, to stand down. Amnesty International said in July that Congo should "withdraw armed forces from Fungurume mines to avert bloodshed."

"The deployment of the military, if not properly managed, risks turning into untimely human rights violations, which can damage the company's reputation and the supply chain of Congolese cobalt," the South Africa Resource Watch said in a statement

The confrontation between the military and the miners quickly turned violent. The armed forces burned down dozens of homes suspected of belonging to illegal miners, severely burning a 3-year-old girl and 14-month-old boy in the process, according to Reuters. Soldiers fired "stray bullets" into a mining camp that killed a woman and injured nine others, AFP reported in August.

When the Congolese military began its operation, BHR was in the process of selling its stake in the Tenke Fungurume mine to China Molybdenum. The transaction, initiated in January, concluded in September, one month before Biden stepped down from the BHR board.

The current situation at the mine is unclear, though previous conflicts in the country have led to violent outbursts requiring international oversight. In 2004, Congolese military personnel were tried for war crimes after they committed atrocities in the aftermath of an operation to secure an Australian-owned mining concession.

BHR previously partnered with a state-backed Chinese military aviation firm to acquire a U.S. firm that held militarily sensitive technology. The Obama administration approved the transaction. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) has launched an inquiry into potential conflicts of interest in the approval process, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.

New York Times Is the Latest Outlet to Grapple With the Steele Dossier Implosion

Brad Slager reporting for RedState

Considering the length of time the media spent fawning over the Steele dossier, this will be an arduous process.

Following the big news from the Washington Post last week that the paper was making wholesale changes to its past coverage of the Trump collusion scandal, the New York Times is also addressing the role the press played in this mounting case of embarrassment. As a news organization, they are having a harder time coming to grips with their role, and making the public gestures and moves of correction. 

The development in recent weeks of the Durham investigation leading to the indictment of Igor Danchenko has sent tremors throughout the media complex. Danchenko’s charges stem from delivering false testimony to the FBI, and it reveals him as the primary individual supplying the contents of the infamous Steele dossier. This undermines the claims that another man — Sergei Millinian -9 had been the main source of information, and here is where the problems expand for the news outlets.

Millinian was believed to be an outside operative, a foreign businessman with business relationships involving Donald Trump, ingratiating himself to be included in his political inner circle. Danchenko becoming confirmed as that source now established the Hillary Clinton camp as the originators of this alleged information, fed to Danchenko through Fusion GPS, who supplied Steele with the contents. This revelation means the Durham investigation is the second time this document has been exposed as a fabulist creation. The repercussions are widespread.

The media are also stung because of not only adhering to this source for years of coverage, but they were behind entrenching it as a valid document. Many of the largest newsgroups confirmed that Millinian was the name behind the dossier, and now they have been shown to be either willfully corrupt or painfully inept during this coverage. The Post has significantly altered two primary articles on the matter to the extent it has made the rarely-seen decision to republish them. Along with that, at least twelve other articles from its coverage have been changed. 

The Times appears less forthcoming. In one piece taking on this new development, Bill Grueskin looks into how the media managed to play this entire story in so wrong of a fashion, but the level of introspection is lacking. The Times had been at the forefront of the reporting, and two of the reporters from that piece — Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo — were part of the team of journalists from the Times and the Post who were granted the Pulitzer Prize for coverage on the dossier and the ensuing fabricated scandal.

 The New York Times
                                                                       AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews, File

Grueskin hits on many of the elements that prodded the press to keep hounding the story. Obviously, the sheer contempt for Trump by the news industry was the motivator, but there were plenty of justifications to keep the momentum going. Denials from a man they dubbed a serial liar were viewed as practically the same as confirmation, and those covering the story were being lauded and rewarded, either with circulation and ratings, or awards.

Then there was the shift in acceptable standards to keep the story alive; instead of verifying things, the lack of contradictory evidence was regarded as proof. Rachael Maddow famously said“Some elements of the dossier have been verified. A number remain neither verified nor proven false, but none so far have been publicly disproven.”

Yet the New York Times is slow to address and correct its involvement. Grueskin avoids a primary conduit that is under the roof of the paper. As he calls on outlets to come to terms with their coverage over the years, he opens his piece mentioning how BuzzFeed had been the outlet to print out Steele’s dossier in full. Ben Smith, who approved that decision at BuzzFeed at the time, is now in the employ of the Times. If the paper was at all interested in self-reflection he would be at the front of the line. Yet, Ben remains quiet on the matter, and the paper refers to the printing of the dossier as something another outlet conducted, not one of their own.

The Times seems more occupied with placing culpability on the desks of others. In another piece Bret Stephens gives passing mention to the media looking bad as a result of these revelations — linking to the Washington Post rewrites and not to any NYT works — but then places the focus on the federal cops for this debacle.

Put media criticism aside for a bit. What this indictment further exposes is that James Comey’s F.B.I. became a Bureau of Dirty Tricks, mitigated only by its own incompetence. 

This is just weak on many fronts. Blaming the FBI is a laughably bad attempt. Just on first look here, if the feds were acting so horribly, where was the press covering this execution of dirty tricks? If they were so incompetent, how did they elude media scrutiny? We know why. The agency could not have forwarded any of the details of this dossier, and the ensuing Crossfire Hurricane investigation, without media compliance.  

The initial FISA warrant was obtained after feeding the dossier to journalists and then giving the reports as corroboration. The press went about verifying that Millinian was the valid source of the dossier. Then you have BuzzFeed printing the contents, something they were fed by the FBI. The press was in bed with the feds on this matter from the start, and they worked to make this fraudulent document a valid source for years.

This tips off how the Times wants to approach this new proof of Steele’s infamous fable. Deflection is the route they want to take, despite the fact that their fingerprints are all over this document they now want to impugn. They also have smudges all over the trophy from the Pulitzer committee for their reporting on this proven fraud.