Sunday, November 21, 2021

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-Nov 21


Happy first day of Thanksgiving week! Here's tonight's news:

It’s Not Hard To Find CRT Influencing School Curriculum, So Why Do They Keep Lying?

A November study from the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) found that reporting on critical race theory (CRT) was “misleading, slanted, and dismissive” and regularly omitted the most controversial ways CRT has been implemented in schools.

The media’s posture seems to be filtering down even to local school districts. Many schools pay exorbitant fees for speeches from CRT consultants and sign pledges to incorporate CRT into curriculum, but refuse to answer simple questions from the public or even publicly address their intent to integrate the ideology. (RELATED: New Study: Media’s Coverage Of CRT Has Been ‘Misleading,’ ‘Slanted,’ And ‘Dismissive’)

CRT holds that America is fundamentally racist, yet it teaches people to view every social interaction and person in terms of race. Its adherents pursue “antiracism” through ending meritocracy and objective truth, and adopting race-based policies.

The AEI report definitively showed how legacy and education media refuse to acknowledge the hard evidence — numerous clear examples of CRT curriculum taught to students, a CRT pledge on a state website, and the political implications of parents speaking out about CRT at school boards. Far-left activists and establishment media outlets claimed — in strikingly similar language — that CRT isn’t in schools, that conservatives don’t know what CRT is and that anyone who opposes CRT is against teaching children about slavery.

The left also argues that CRT is exclusively taught at the university level, as it was developed as a legal theory by professors such as Columbia University’s Kimberlé Crenshaw. The “critical” approach has “trickled down,” however, and is now a part of the “philosophy of education-school pedagogy and administration,” wrote John McWhorter, an associate professor of linguistics at Columbia University, in the opinion section of the New York Times.

A hulking, nearly 1,500-word New York Times news article about a proposed draft of California state education policy seeking to end colorblindness in math education contained 26 hyperlinks, seven interviews, and even a shot at “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” but still managed to omit a key element of the policy’s inspiration: the rantings of an avowed CRT evangelist.

Cited in the draft policy was “Rethinking Teaching and Learning Mathematics For Social Justice From a Critical Race Perspective” from D. B. Martin, a mathematics professor at University of Illinois Chicago, and a proponent of CRT.

Martin wrote “Equity, inclusion, and antiblackness in mathematics education” in 2017, in which he said math education is an “anti-Black space” and that “mathematical illiteracy is invented in the violence of knowledge production and in the white frames and imaginaries.” According to Martin, “students should feel empowered to refuse oppressive conditions” in math and stage walkouts “to disrupt anti-Black violence in mathematics education.”

In the aftermath of the Virginia gubernatorial election, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace claimed that CRT “isn’t real.” In one segment, CNN’s Brianna Keilar repeated that CRT is not taught in Virginia three times as Republican Florida Sen. Rick Scott literally read it off the Virginia Department of Education website live on air.

Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe claimed that CRT is not taught in Virginia, and when pressed, refused to provide a definition.

As Virginia Governor-elect Republican Glenn Youngkin’s office told the Daily Caller, however, Virginia’s Department of Education (DOE) itself has been pushing CRT. While McAuliffe was in office in 2015, the DOE had a presentation titled “Legal Implication of School Discipline: Street CRED (Culturally-Responsive and Equitable Discipline)” with one slide directly suggesting incorporating a “critical race theory lens” when considering whether to suspend a student.

The Virginia DOE also promotes pro-CRT content on its website in the “What We Are Reading” tab, which compiles a list of recommended reading materials from the Office of Equity and Community Engagement. The list includes titles such as “Foundations of Critical Race Theory in Education” that “acts to further spur developments in education policy, critical pedagogy, and social justice, making it a crucial resource for students and educators alike,” according to its description(RELATED: Virginia Education Department Promotes Pro-CRT Book, Despite McAuliffe’s Claims The Curricula Isn’t Taught In The State)

The principal of James River High School in Virginia, Amanda Voelker, sent out a memo to parents in July of 2020 promising to create “an equity team that will include staff, students, and the community,” according to Youngkin’s office. The memo included an article by Ohio-based educator Jamilah Pitts urging teachers to let students “apply critical lenses, such as critical race theory and Marxist theory, to the reading of news articles to allow students to think more deeply about who is being most affected and why.”

Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), where parents have been the most outspoken about CRT in Virginia, paid $3,125 for “Coaching support for LCPS leaders – follow up meetings focused on Critical Race Theory Development” in May of 2020, according to information provided by Youngkin’s office. One presentation in the program was titled “Introduction to Critical Race Theory” and stated that “in CRT, racism is seen as an inherent part of American civilization, privileging White individuals over people of color in most areas of life, including education.” The presentation also stated that “whiteness can be considered a property interest.”

Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), paid overt racist and CRT’s top cleric Ibram X. Kendi, the author of “How to be an Anti-Racist,” $20,000 for an hourlong discussion in August of 2020. The district defended its decision to host Kendi, and the price tag, saying that his discussion was important for the community, according to Fox5.

In “How to be an Anti-Racist,” Kendi condemns colorblindness as a veil for racism, and says that racism is found in every point of America’s power structure and is institutionalized. He also states that “the only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”


Assistant Superintendent Dr. Nardos King and Executive Director Of Communications Helen Lloyd also did not respond to emails and calls from the Daily Caller about the purpose of Kendi’s speech, the cost and whether they hoped his lessons would resonate throughout the schools’ curriculum.

Another teacher from FCPS, Sarah Kugler, posted about leading a presentation called “Decentering Whiteness in the Elementary Classroom.”

Kugler did not respond to the Daily Caller about what the presentation will specifically include and whether similar concepts are included in her lessons as a literacy coach.

Seventy-two percent of parents said that CRT was an important factor in deciding who to vote for in the Virginia gubernatorial election, with 25% saying it was the single most important issue in their decision, according to a Fox News Voter Analysis survey. The survey polled 2,500 Virginia voters and has a margin of error of +/- 2.5%. Youngkin capitalized on the sentiment when he pledged to “rid political agendas from the classroom by banning critical race theory” in Virginia in his first day in office.

The trend of outright denial despite contrary evidence is national. In Minnesota, Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips also claimed that “critical race theory is not taught in elementary schools or high schools,” in a CNN interview.

Eighty teachers in Minnesota signed a pledge in August of 2021 to continue teaching the idea that that America “was founded on dispossession of Native Americans, slavery, structural racism and oppression; and structural racism is a defining characteristic of our society today.”

Only one teacher who signed the pledge would respond to request for comment, but refused to get into specifics about how she plans to implement the CRT pledge into her lessons.

“Nice try, troll,” Leah Hood, social studies teacher from Lakeville Public Schools, wrote back simply.

Phillips’ own website recommends a list of books including “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo and Kendi’s “How to be an Anti-Racist.” It also recommends a list of anti-racist books that white parents should talk about with their children.

Phillips’ campaign team did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment at the time of publication.

Investigative journalist Christopher Rufo, who has documented the presence of CRT in schools and the state’s legislation pushing back on it, told the Daily Caller, “[Legacy media and Democrats] have a schizophrenic strategy: they deny the existence of critical race theory one minute, while arguing that it is essential for teaching history the next. The reality is that they are forced to adopt this absurd position because they cannot defend critical race theory on the merits. It’s deeply unpopular and traffics in the ugly rhetoric race essentialism and collective guilt. So they whipsaw between denial and deflection. Eventually, the voters will punish them, both for their racialist ideology and for their utter dishonesty.”

Rufo said he understands why so few teachers are willing to speak up or resist these racist ideas.

“[They’re] scared,” he told the Daily Caller. “Speaking out against critical race theory is to violate a social taboo. They are scared of public denunciation, losing their jobs, and getting attacked by left-wing activists. That’s why our reporting is so important: we give a voice to those who are too scared to speak for themselves. We are their champions.”

The Government’s Inhumanity to Man

Yesterday, while sharpening the saw, I was having a deep discussion with a dear friend who possesses a large intellectual grasp on the big picture.  Unfortunately, like many of us, my friend is deep behind enemy lines and a subject of totalitarian COVID rules that would shock our year-ago selves.

Part of our conversation covered the absence of leadership from anyone, anyone in a position of influence, who could eloquently connect the challenges of COVID regulation to the humanity of people.  It is an important issue for me, because I -like most of you- can see the damage all around me; yet, we are supposed to pretend this ‘new normal’ is not isolating, not killing, not undermining the most vulnerable around us.

Poet Robert Burns called it “man’s inhumanity to man,” a premise that as humans we are destined to be forlorn, because the feeling of sadness is a steeper slope than the rise of happiness.  The counteracting force to battle isolation is fellowship, a larger connection to our social network.

The governmental premise of COVID isolation, quarantine and lockdown protocols are all antithetical to the essential human need, connection.  Nothing within those regulatory rules has anything to do with public health.  Exactly the opposite is true – isolation, loneliness and a disconnect from people is far deadlier than any virus.  However, even more deadly is this toxic and purposeful division between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

No one in a position of political influence is talking about the damage to our social fabric created by government COVID regulations.  The silence is deafening; however, Neil Oliver is a voice in the wilderness who deeply understands the immoral nature of their silence.  WATCH:

Mr. Neil Oliver eloquently explains his position that he will not participate in any system of forced or coerced division. When encountering an institution, business or enterprise that demands vaccinated status as a precondition; we will not participate or lend credibility toward such an abusive fiat by complying with their dictate or demand. Isolation starts with a rebellion against God, and we must be conscious about the human need to be connected.

I will not divide my humanity, nor concede my core view of fellowship, simply to comply with the demand of another that I consider my brother or sister of greater or lesser value than myself.  Any business that chooses that path will not benefit from my economic participation.  I choose freedom!

Not only are various governmental agencies forcing the separation of people from their community networks, we are also seeing faith-based organizations, churches, buying into the fear. Even in areas where churches are not forcibly shut down, many are seeing a structural shift where some faith leaders are willingly ostracizing their community under the guise of various COVID alarms or vaccination status. This is not good…. not good at all.

Fellowship is the essential ingredient to a purposeful life. How and why we interact with each other is how and why we recharge our core humanity. To see faith leaders willing to separate from the function of fellowship is alarming. However, as individuals we must not allow this foreboding sense to become the normal expectation.

Throughout history, large armies have been defeated through the process of division. It is not a leap to see the same strategic objectives being deployed against social assemblies including congregations. It is puzzling how many in leadership cannot see the danger in social and spiritual distance when the bond of fellowship is needed more than ever.

Each of us has a different connection to our community. Each of us has a different level of internal strength… such is the nature of living. However, distance between people is manifestly not a good outcome when combined with the lack of food for the soul.

Ultimately, it is the currency of human connection that is the true value in our lives.

We have each felt how our positive influence upon the lives of others nourishes our own sense of purpose and fulfillment.  Do not lose that. Do not think you can compensate for that through other arbitrary measures; you cannot.

With local, state and federal leaders moving beyond the workplace distance; and beyond the community distance; and beyond the church distance; and now entering your home to tell you the importance of separating yourself from your family based on their vaccine status, we must evaluate these arbitrary decrees very deliberately.

Evaluate very closely what YOU are willing to give up for short term unproven benefit, if at all – because you will never recapture your humanity once you intentionally allow it to be destroyed.  Once you stop flinching at emotional pain, you have not gained any benefit from the inability to feel.  Instead, you have permanently lost something far more valuable.

Perhaps we are in this position today because we didn’t sit still enough and contemplate the real priorities in our lives.

Our liberty is inherent.  Our freedom is inherent.  The removal of both requires consent.

I choose not to disconnect.

I choose purpose.

I choose fellowship; and in making that choice I protect my own humanity.

While You Can't Afford Gas, Here's What Your Leaders Are Doing

Bonchie reporting for RedState

The busiest travel season of the year is upon us, with people getting ready to load up their cars so they can drive across the country to visit family for Thanksgiving and Christmas. But unlike the last several years, things are going to be much more expensive this time around. Gas prices have nearly doubled since Joe Biden stumbled into the White House earlier this year, immediately canceling pipelines and nuking federal leases.

Meanwhile, inflation across the board is nailing Americans as well, with the groceries needed to make those holiday meals seeing double-digit price increases. And there’s no relief for those who choose to fly this holiday season instead of drive, with rental car prices hitting astronomical levels. To share an anecdote, it would have cost me over $600 to rent the cheapest car available last week while I was in Tennessee. In the end, I sucked it up and drove my own vehicle — for 10 hours each way.

So, what are our leaders doing about all this? Well, they are passing more massive spending bills that fund special interests, tax cuts for the rich, and climate change boondoggles, while laughing in your face as you suffer the consequences. Rome is burning, and they are dancing…literally.

These intellectually vapid clowns are celebrating stealing more of your money to feed their ineffective social wants without even a hint of care for what normal Americans are going through. This is all a game to Congressional members like Ilhan Omar (who is in the video above) and Joe Biden. They see themselves as transformational figures endowed with the right to remake the country in their own image at your expense. Meanwhile, you can’t afford to fill your car’s gas tank up, your heating bill has skyrocketed, and bacon has become a delicacy. Do you feel like a sucker yet?

By the way, take a guess at what the single largest line item in the spending bill is: It’s a massive giveaway to the very wealthy in dark blue states, via a lifting of the SALT tax cap. Nancy Pelosi is about to have a lot more cash to buy expensive ice cream, while you can’t find beef.

These people are not even bothering to fake empathy anymore. They are passing tax cuts for their rich donors and crushing the value of your savings, and they are rubbing your nose in it. After all, it’s not going to affect them. They’ve got there’s already, and they are happy to yank the ladder up after reaching the top. You almost have to respect the honesty at this point.

Their day is coming, though. Democrats may be partying right now, but the 2022 election looms like a hurricane building offshore, and that backlash is going to be the stuff of legends.

Prosecutors Find Mail-In Jury Votes At 3AM, Rittenhouse Now Guilty

KENOSHA, WI—In a stunning reversal, Kyle Rittenhouse awoke this morning to discover that he had been found guilty after all.

Prosecutors explained that during the night, they had found dozens of mail-in jury votes declaring the defendant guilty on all counts. Apparently, boxes of these mail-in votes arrived in a truck at the courthouse around 3:00 am.

Attorneys for Mr. Rittenhouse were dumbfounded as to how such a thing could have happened, raising questions as to the validity of mail-in jury voting. They stated: “We’ve never heard of this. This isn’t part of the legal system. Where did these votes even come from?”

"How DARE you question the sanctity of our criminal justice system!" cried the prosecuting attorneys. "There is no justice until EVERY vote is counted!"

Prosecutors then explained that it was a new COVID measure they had just instituted. “But given how well it’s worked out,” they said, “we’re planning on making it permanent.”

Hanson on Citizenship

 Invasion of illegal aliens brought here by an unelected and uneducated bureaucracy

Article by Terry Scambray in The American Thinker

Hanson on Citizenship

Defining terms is always a good place to begin a conversation and Victor Davis Hanson’s The Dying Citizen. How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America (Basic Books) weaves a rich definition of citizenship into his discussion of the current threats to this profoundly Western idea.

The idea of citizenship originated in the 5th-century B.C. Greek city states, the concept being nourished by the likes of one Alkidamas, who wrote, “Nature has made no man a slave.”  This was in profound contrast to the rigid stratification that most all societies then and most non-western societies still maintain: top-down social systems wherein certain privileges are awarded to the favored few by regnant earthly powers as opposed to the God-given, non-negotiable, inherent rights citizens in the West enjoy.

This truly revolutionary idea of a self-reliant citizenry produced an empowered and independent middle class which itself created most all of the West’s material productivity and civilized discourse.  This tradition was inherited from the Greeks by Rome and enshrined in those qualified to be called “Roman citizens.”  The idea of citizenship advanced further, extending up the Italian peninsula and on to other parts of Europe and then to England from which it was bequeathed to the United States where it was confirmed and codified in our Constitution.

But as Hanson knows, constitutional republics composed of citizens uniting for mutual protection are short lived.  Thus, his treatise shows how the blurring of the distinction between “citizenship” and “residency” is proceeding at a dramatic pace as America opens its borders and accommodates the newcomers by the reintroduction of an ethnic spoils system which resegregates citizens into ethnic tribes, duplicating the tribal societies that they are supposedly fleeing.  

These attempts to fundamentally change the idea of citizenship are engineered directly, even brazenly, by an unelected bureaucracy and more gradually by the courts.  Meanwhile the lure of cheap foreign labor and foreign investment has turned the heads of our putative patricians away from their traditional role of protecting the sovereignty of American citizens.

In Hanson’s first chapter, “Peasants,” he writes: “The ancient value of middleness was manifested as the emerging middle-class blue-collar worker and, in the latter twentieth century, as the archetypal suburban, two-car-garage family.”  And certainly, people now demand bigger homes and many Americans do extremely well.   But inflation ballooned prices, especially for homes, while wages did not keep up due mostly to competition from cheap foreign labor. 

Nonetheless, late in the 20th century, “free trade” advocates predicted that America would become a service economy with a concomitant decline in wages.  Meanwhile costs rose disproportionately for a university education.  Thus, economics and ideology are squashing the middle class back into a modern version of hapless peasantry.

Because of this tortured history, including the original sin of racism, the “project was to diversify America in order to remold it along more progressive lines,” meaning opening borders and deploying affirmative-action programs.  The newcomers were also encouraged to trash America as opposed to assimilating, assimilation having become for the conformist credentialed class a threat to ethnic identity instead of a badge of citizenship.  As Hanson writes, few nations have been so determined to degrade their own citizens and traditions.

Hanson charts the failures of multiculturalism due to the tribalism of ethnic groups which is demonstrated in that each has words for outsiders.  Such words as “gringo” used by Mexicans toward non-Mexicans or the Japanese gaijin.  Yet, as Hanson writes, “No equivalents of these racialized terms now exist in formal American English for non-American peoples.” 

Since most voters reject these suicidal policies, the “Unelected” experts in the bureaucracy impose them on the citizenry.  Enter President Trump in 2016 as a representative of citizens wishing to hold on to their rights.  But Hillary Clinton, exiting stage left, led “the Resistance” to Trump.  Joining her were America’s security agencies.   Retired general Michael Hayden, former CIA director, compared Trump to the Nazis.   CNN and other outlets provided protection for these deep state attacks unparalleled in American history.

The courts also continue the assault on the idea of citizenship comparable to what Marxist Antonio Gramsci called, “the long slow march through the institutions.”  Hanson’s chapter “Evolutionaries” demonstrates this by pointing out that it is now assumed that presidents without congressional support can engage America in overseas wars lasting years, can make “deals” with Iran while signing agreements like the Paris Climate Accords.

Hanson closes with a chapter called, “Globalists” where he reminds us that history is littered with a “succession of would-be imperial globalists” like the Islamic caliphates, the Ottomans, the British, Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler et al.   Each of these polities and persons collapsed national borders in order to manufacture a uniform society.  But such schemes imploded due to insolvency, corruption, and fatigue.

Nonetheless, Hanson the historian knows well that times change but people largely don’t.  That is, such schemes were tried with the League of Nations, continued by FDR’s desire that not only Americans but everyone in the world should be guaranteed jobs, shelter, food, education, health care and pensions.  Ironically, America’s fascist enemies were promising the same to their people which made it obvious that to do these things, the rights of citizens would have to be compromised. 

So, one size does not fit all, China being the prime example of this.   Trying to achieve a trade balance with China when it denies basic rights to its people tilts its relationship with America in China’s direction despite chatter about “the world being flat.”  Nonetheless, the NBA peddles propaganda for China even as it expands its borders and exports a pandemic.  Americans supporting China while ignoring these threats are accomplices in the dissolution of American citizenship.

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Pelosi’s Majority Crumbles: Democrat Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson Officially Announces Retirement

Long-time Democrat Representative and Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Chair Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) announced she would not seek another term, ending her nearly 30-year career in Congress next year.

“I will retire, and I will recommend to you who is the best to follow me,” Johnson said Saturday, surrounding herself with members of her family, noting that she will retire next January after the next Congress is elected.

During her announcement, the long-time Democrat representative did not issue any endorsement. However, according to Dallas News, Johnson said, “she would be looking for a qualified woman to endorse as successor” with many possible candidates.

“I’ve worked hard. It’s not just a title — it’s a job,” Johnson added. “It’s been some rugged times, but I have not acknowledged it. I was determined that I wouldn’t just be a title. I wanted to deliver.”

Her announcement comes after the House Democrats recently passed the infrastructure bill, which was signed into law by President Joe Biden, and passed the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Act, the Democrats’ reconciliation infrastructure bill.

The bill is considered the “marquee legislation” for Biden’s legislative agenda. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) revealed on Thursday that the legislation would add $750 billion to the American deficit over five years.

Johnson’s retirement comes as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has struggled to keep members in the House. The congresswoman is the sixteenth Democrat member to announce they are either retiring or running for a different office, such as the Senate or a local position.

Her retirement comes as a blow to Pelosi, as she has been a close confidant, chairing the powerful Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and voting 100 percent of the time with the Speaker, not turning away from helping Pelosi pass partisan agenda ideas such as the infrastructure package or the reconciliation bill.

Johnson’s announcement will also set off a “frenzy of political activity as would-be successors scurried to develop campaigns for the March Democratic primaries.” The Dallas News stated there are “numerous contenders to succeed Johnson in Dallas’ District 30 were on hand for the incumbent’s speech, making it a curious spectacle that attracted much of the area’s political class.”

Mike Berg, a spokesman for the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC), the House Republican campaign arm, said that “Committee chairs rarely retire unless their party is about to lose the majority. Smart Democrats know their majority is doomed because their policies have led to rising costs, skyrocketing crime, and a massive surge at the border.” ­

Breitbart News has extensively reported on Pelosi’s majority crumbling in the past, keeping track of the Democrats’ struggle to find new candidates, with numerous members — such as Johnson — that are announcing they will leave the House in the midterms. The midterms are quickly approaching. However, Johnson seems to believe she can find her own replacement.

Democrats are also facing tough redistricting battles in some states. Politico outlined in September that the House Democrats have spent their last two elections (2018 and 2020) bragging about unseating members in red districts that became competitive instead of preparing for the future. “Now, Republicans are about to make many of those targets disappear from the battlefield entirely,” Politico said.

Don't Let the SOBs Get You Down

 Article by J.B.Shurk in The American Thinker

Don't Let the SOBs Get You Down

As with anybody who has ever shared an opinion not sanctioned by our leftist ruling class, I often come across some mind-controlled foot soldier for Marxism online, trashing something I've written and using the same limited vocabulary of vulgarities to tell me why I should do something profane to myself.  Oh, well!  Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Sometimes I get called a "damn hillbilly," and I think, "Well, thank you."  If Americans — wherever they now live — could reach deep down inside themselves to find a little leftover hillbilly from a previous generation, then America as a country would find the self-resilience, tenacity, and grit to survive with gusto any bad times that might be ahead.

Unlike the political left, I choose free speech over the government's ever-expanding war on "hate speech" and the inevitable mental slavery such criminalization of thoughts and words always brings.  That's how tyranny thrives.  First, certain language is labeled blasphemous and forbidden by polite society because it "triggers" listeners.  Then censorship is justified in order to banish potentially harmful "triggering."  Then the list of "triggering" offenses expands until every utterance is circumscribed.  And finally, only one government-enforced belief system remains because there are no longer contrary yet permissible points of view.

How do you teach millions of people to obey the State?  Forbid them from having certain thoughts or saying certain things until their natural mental powers shrivel into nothing more than command and control centers for Pavlovian routine.  Informal "hate speech" codes usher in formalized "hate crime" punishments, which always lead to one-party political authoritarianism, which usually awakens a sizable chunk of the self-conquered population to grasp that in its polite obeisance to the perpetually aggrieved, formerly free people inadvertently traded their freedom for the claptrap of "political correctness."  When that happens, those who want freedom back are forced to fight for it.  The cycle has repeated many times throughout history, and though we be modern, we are not wise.  When hard won experience is forgotten, those who fight for freedom must remind others what they've already lost.  That is where we are today.

That said, I also sometimes come across someone online who has graciously taken the time to read something I've written yet finds what I've said too terrifying to entertain.  How can the United States of America be at the precipice of replacing liberty with outright tyranny?  Isn't this all too dark and dystopian to have any truth?  I would ask those people who do not yet see clearly what is going on in the United States to ask themselves whether they have less or more freedom than they did two years ago, and, if they're old enough, whether they have less or more freedom than they did before the national security surveillance state came into existence after 9/11.  And then I would ask one more question: in the last century of the U.S. government claiming new powers for itself during some "emergency crisis" sold to the American people as a temporary expedience, has any of those "emergency powers" over the people ever been relinquished?  Governments, by their nature, will illegitimately accrue power until the people they insist on ruling have had enough and begin pushing back.  That, too, is an unequivocal yet painful lesson remembered and relinquished by man through the centuries.  Again, that is where we are today.

Should my words sometimes seem dark or foreboding, know I have a great deal of faith that the defenders of freedom will eventually prevail, even though victory will require those who understand what is at stake to pick up the boulders before them and do the heavy lifting.  I am buoyed by this certainty: "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'"  That voice is sufficient for me.

What I try to do when I write is to prepare people for the battles to come by depriving freedom's enemies of their mystique.  Governing powers attempting to subjugate their populations always use three highly effective weapons in their arsenal: (1) surprise, (2) demoralization, and (3) terror.

You thought you were exercising your constitutionally protected First Amendment rights to protest against a fraudulent election?  Surprise!  No rights for MAGA people!  Off to the dungeon without trial, cursed by lawmakers as unarmed "insurrectionists," or hunted down by the FBI for daring to trespass in the "people's house."  You were told "moderate" Biden would "unite" weary Americans?  Surprise!  Only by turning Americans against each other can the Marxist-socialists "fundamentally transform" the United States.  You thought nobody in America was above the law?  Surprise!  Clinton and Obama can use the Intelligence Community to plunge the country into chaos and nearly overthrow a duly elected president and will never see a day behind bars.  But a seventeen-year-old who shows up to protect downtown Kenosha buildings from being burned to the ground by Antifa thugs with criminal records determined to snuff out his life?  Surprise!  Self-defense is not allowed for the righteous.  The Second Amendment somehow disappears for those with "unsanctioned" beliefs.

Next comes the unceasing program to demoralize the masses.  There's a reason everything feels topsy-turvy these days; it's because constantly hitting people from all directions makes them feel overwhelmed and small.  Big Tech, Big Business, and Big Media are destroying free speech at the government's behest.  School boards are ramming racial Marxism and leftist religion into curriculums throughout the country.  The value of the dollar is decreasing daily.  The DOJ and FBI are actively using Antifa and BLM (evidenced by their overt support for both groups of domestic terrorists) as paramilitary shock troops to batter American citizens.  The Department of Homeland Security is doing everything it can (including paying lifetime windfalls to those who commit crimes) to encourage unlimited illegal immigration.  The military has chosen to prioritize "climate change" and "white rage" over national defense.  Universities and national news publications have unleashed a wave of propaganda to demonize America's founding as evil, and Hollywood pumps out movies and shows instructing Americans to hate themselves.  The only question the political left asks each day is this: how can we further demoralize the people we are conquering?

Finally, the buffet is not complete until intimidation and terror join surprise and demoralization to poison the American people.  Is it necessary for FBI regime enforcers to break through the front doors of January 6 protesters and execute arrests in the middle of the night with squads of soldiers who have weapons drawn?  No, but it sure is terrifying for anybody who watches the conveniently recorded video captured by media companies who have somehow been alerted to the government's planned "breaking and entering."  Does it make any logical sense to fire nurses, police officers, and other first responders who refuse to submit to experimental "vaccine" injections when their absence makes America less safe?  No, but it sure does intimidate and terrorize anybody who has the temerity to assert free will against the government's unconstitutional edicts. 

Surprise, demoralization, terror.  These are the weapons our enemies use today, and once you see these tools for what they are, a certain mystique imbuing them with power fades away.  A skilled warrior who has seen all his enemies' blows and knows what's hiding in every dark corner discovers bravery along the way.  And just because bad times may lie ahead, that doesn't mean we won't have great times, too.  Finding happiness in struggle is the most important struggle in life.  A hillbilly said that.  Consider it kryptonite against the communist agenda, because happiness is always communism's second victim after first killing off truth.

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