Wednesday, November 17, 2021

President Trump Extensive Sit-Down Interview With Mike Lindell

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a major supporter of the America-First MAGA agenda, sat down for a recorded interview with President Donald J Trump. {Direct Rumble Link}

The interview itself is interesting because many of the questions to President Trump are the types of probing questions never asked before.  A major topic to begin the interview is the overall perspective of the media and how the skewed perspectives of corporate media interfere with all levels of the ability to communicate and govern.  Mr. Lindell weaves his fondness for President Trump into questions about the impact of facing so much vitriolic opposition.  WATCH:

X22, And we Know, and more-Nov 17


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

Unfortunate Son

The Ballad of Kyle Rittenhouse

I stand with Kyle Rittenhouse. He is plainly innocent of murder and is being grotesquely persecuted as part of a pathetic political witch hunt. 

Extinct human civilizations are littered with the broken bodies and crushed skulls of children cruelly tortured and sacrificed in blasphemous rituals. Sacrifices were required to deflect and distract public anger over the elite’s glaring failures, to fulfill a narrative—or both. 

Our bankrupt elites today demand a similar sacrifice, for the same reasons. We are witnessing the slow-motion public scourging and torment of a boy with a good and noble heart. 

The mob bays for blood and the illegitimate king, tenuous on his wobbly throne, must appease their rage so it doesn’t come for his head. And, an example must be made to strike terror in the hearts of any who would do likewise. 

What is his crime? Refusing to die at the hands of armed criminal psychopaths. Saying no to their deranged street justice. Resisting. So the State stepped in to finish the job their payrolled murderers could not. 

Kyle Rittenhouse is the terminus child of the hollowing-out of the American rust belt. A young white teenager from a broken home, raised by a struggling single mother. His father, according to reports, is a former machinist who was swept away into the Sackler-fed opioid crisis. This is what white privilege actually looks like.  

But Kyle was born to serve. He wanted to help others. A baby Clark Kent, a do-gooder by nature. Is it any surprise that this boy looked up to other strong male role models? He worshipped the police, the local firemen. His mother was a nursing assistant, so he also trained in first aid.  

To Kyle, volunteering to help friends guard the small businesses of Kenosha was just what a boy like him does. How else could he look himself in the mirror if he had stayed home and not answered the call to serve? 

And now please forgive a brief descent into boomerism. The Vietnam-era anthem “Fortunate Son” tells Kyle’s story perfectly. “Some folks inherit star spangled eyes. Ooh, they send you down to war.” 

Unfortunately for Kyle, he “ain’t no senator’s son,” born with a “silver spoon in hand.”  

How is this relevant? Well, let us recall the way one particular senator’s son has been depicted in the popular imagination. Let’s say you are guilty of numerous drug and weapons charges, are a depraved crack and hooker addict, and are the longtime bag man for your despicable dad’s illegal Chinese bribes and Ukrainian payoffs. Let’s say you have been caught in highly inappropriate situations with underage women, including your own family members. But you are Hunter Biden, so you are permitted to enjoy a multimillion dollar lifestyle, a Venice mansion, and a thriving “art” career. You are feted. You are free. 

Kyle Rittenhouse, America’s unfortunate son, long separated from his father, may be permanently separated from his mother and his future. America, in her idiotic wisdom, is destroying the wrong son.  

He’s 18 and faces life in prison. Even if he is acquitted, his existence is essentially over. He will be hounded as a criminal for life, hunted by assassins, made a pariah. What can he look forward to? Severe PTSD, social shunning, the inability to appear anywhere in public, death threats, attempts on his life. How can he work, have a family, move on, heal? The State’s paid goons won’t allow it. 

It’s all story, and every story requires a villain and a hero. If your chosen villain manages to escape your poorly constructed narrative constraints and whoops!, emerges as the true hero to the audience—causing you, the elite narrative writer, to find yourself cast as the villain—then you’ve got a big problem.  

This gives me enormous hope. Kyle has indeed flipped their narrative upside down. It’s clear to most, even the sickest fiends on TV, that they look like the bad guys. The American public is about to get this one right, despite the media’s best efforts. 

How can you help? By remembering. Pass his legend down. Even if the jury convicts, do not budge from this position. Because make no mistake: your son will be cast as the villain in the sequel. 

Kyle is the baby-faced canary in the coal mine. Our only defense against this is radical truth and unity. America has become no place for sons. It’s an unsustainable situation and the solution is to make him into a towering folk hero, the Spartacus of our time against the Empire. Refuse to let anyone forget his innocence. Resist the narrative assault on what you know to be true! 

No nation can continue for very long on a foundation so degraded. At least, let’s hope. 

The Climate Change Social Engineering Project

The Climate Change Social Engineering Project

Such projects need two things to be implemented without causing a revolt.

 for The American Spectator 

We are now in the midst of the greatest social engineering experiment ever foisted off on the American people. If conservatives and Republicans do not put brakes on it in the next few years, it will do irrevocable damage to our society and our economy. The contrived war on climate change is an overblown threat pushed on gullible Americans over the last two decades by leftist progressives, the mainstream media, and elites in the New York-D.C.-Hollywood axis. That agenda has far less to do with saving the planet than it does with destroying the oil, coal, and natural gas industries that have fueled the American economic miracle for over a century. This cabal would see us become dependent on inefficient, inferior, and overly expensive energy sources.

The recent farce of the UN climate change summit in Glasgow (COP26) has shown that no other major industrial nations except Europe and the United States are serious about eliminating greenhouse gases by 2050. While useful idiots like Joe Biden and John Kerry tout wind, solar power, and electric cars, China and India will be cleaning our clocks in the world marketplace because our products will be overpriced and our population will be wallowing in the misery of unemployment and inflation. It is no secret that those nations pushed hard to eliminate language about phasing out carbon-based industries quickly from the language of the final COP26 report while the Biden administration is doubling down on crippling our industries.

Except for Lady Bird Johnson’s war on littering in the 1960s, almost all government-driven social engineering experiments in history have foundered due to unanticipated or hidden consequences. Some, such as the Holocaust and Pol Pot’s attempt to turn Cambodian society into an agrarian paradise, became genocidal war crimes. Others, such as the Chinese one-child policy are now being revealed as ill-thought-out. As Daniel Patrick Moynihan pointed out, the welfare system social engineering experiment in the United States literally destroyed the African American nuclear family by penalizing fathers for living with their partners and children. Moynihan was duly punished for his heresy until he was properly re-educated.

The Basics of Social Engineering

Mass government-driven social engineering projects need two things to be implemented without causing a revolt by the masses. First, they need a dedicated group of elites in government and the media to “educate” the population that there is a problem serious and imminent enough to warrant immediate drastic action. All one needs to do to see the reality of this today is to watch MSNBC or CNN, read the Washington Post or the New York Times, or listen to NPR. The mantra is that virtually every national disaster is unquestionably attributed to climate change. 

Secondly, social engineering needs enforcement mechanisms. These can be carrots, sticks, or a combination of both. In Cambodia, the stick was pure terror. In China, it was a combination of rewards and punishments for toeing the one-child line. At the height of the welfare boom in the U.S., social workers used Gestapo-like surveillance to keep fathers away from their families while single mothers were rewarded for having more children than they could reasonably control.

In their battle against climate change, the societal elites who are running this misbegotten crusade are counting on both. They are offering tax incentives to buy inefficient, overpriced solar panels and dangerous electric clown cars. What the more gullible among the American public do not realize is that they are being bribed with their own money.

The climate change fanatics are not shy about using sticks, either. High gas and oil heating prices are not an OPEC plot. They are deliberate government social engineering attempts to force our population to adopt green products, and the most vulnerable among our population are the worst hit by predatory taxes on carbon-based energy and canceling energy projects like the Keystone Pipeline. 

Liars and Hypocrites

If carrots and sticks are not enough, climate fanatics are not shy about lying. When asked by an interviewer if there was anything that could be done to increase the nation’s gasoline supply, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm giggled inappropriately and then told a bald-faced lie in saying there was nothing that could be done. The executive orders of her boss, Joe Biden, are directly responsible for the increased cost of energy. He could bring prices down tomorrow by easing off on his war on carbon-based energy, but that would disrupt the social engineering project. Regarding Biden, the fact that a sitting president of the United States could tell an international audience that civilization as we know it will end if we do not adopt his deranged climate change policies immediately goes beyond incredible and drifts into fantasy. More preposterous is that he was not fact-checked by any major network or news organization.

The hypocrisy doesn’t stop there. On November 9, COP26 was supposed to discuss potential scientific solutions to climate change. The subjects on the agenda included, and I could not make this up: the role of indigenous people in the climate, the gender impact, and awards to scientists for raising climate awareness (a code word for social engineering reeducation). If this sounds absurd, it should be noted that this august assembly was also addressed by a talking dinosaur. No mention was made of emerging carbon-scrubbing technologies that might actually remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. That is not a coincidence. In the High Church of Climate Change, eliminating carbon-based industries is the only solution; anything else is high heresy.

After 20 years of climate change brainwashing, conservatives and Republicans have their work cut out for them in trying to throw a monkey wrench into the gears of this progressive juggernaut, but it can be done. If a lie can gain traction by constant repetition, a few simple truths can also. Conservatives and Republicans must realize that damage has been done by two decades of climate change hyperbole, and denial is not an option. Our people need to play the equivalent of a “soft zone” offense in football. Give up the short yardage by admitting that there may be more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than is good for us, but prevent the long touchdown pass through not allowing progressives and Democrats to destroy the economy in trying to solve the overhyped problem. Three simple bullets should be a mantra for Republican candidates going into 2022:

– Climate change is not an existential crisis. Technology created it and technology can solve it.

– The technologies, such as carbon-scrubbing and capture, that can attack climate change are expensive, but far less so than destroying the economy.

– If Republicans win, they will not fund programs that destroy jobs and hurt the economy in the name of fighting climate change. They will use solid science to solve the problem.

Most Americans do not like to be lied to or manipulated. The social engineering associated with the climate change mafia is the worst kind of manipulation. Conservatives and Republicans must stop it in its tracks.

The Founders and Nationalism

Remarks from National Conservatism 2

Because of the remarkable fact of America’s well-documented and historically proximate Founding, national identity and any nationalism take on a peculiar character here. A self-conscious and distinct American people felt its identity grow in revolution and war. And its appeal to legitimacy in that revolution was based on a set of principles asserted as true simply or by nature (and with divine sanction, it was asserted), rather than as a peculiar cultural inheritance.

In practice, for many years after the Declaration of Independence, America retained the spirit of a confederacy rather than a nation. The national political infrastructure, the Articles of Confederation, didn’t offer much to admire by way of effective national administration or competence. The Constitution was of course the most sophisticated and lasting step towards a remedy. It was a considerable consolidation and centralization of power necessary both to protect rights more effectively and to put in place the conditions for a more unified, competent, and less embarrassing national presence on the international stage.

This remedy was also advanced by and bound up with one party, The Federalists, and one preeminent man, George Washington. That party and that man, in handling domestic and foreign policy crises in the 1790s, helped to forge a kind of self-conscious and self-confident American national identity. This is a wrinkle in America’s small-L liberalism that’s worth pondering. As my colleague Charles Kesler has pointed out in his excellent book, The Crisis of the Two Constitutions

In John Locke’s Second Treatise, the classic statement of the contract theory, there is little role for Founding Fathers, really, inasmuch as they might represent a confusion of political power and paternal power, two things that Locke is at great pains to separate. He wants to make clear that political power, which arises from consent, has nothing to do with the power of fathers over their children. And so, against the arguments of absolutist patriarchal monarchy, he attempted clearly to distinguish paternal power from contractual, or political power. But in the American case we have combined these, to an extent, almost from the beginning. The fathers of the republic are our demi-gods, as Thomas Jefferson, of all people, called them.

By the time that Washington and the Federalists were defeated and partially eclipsed at the end of the 1790s, national identity and pride had been fused to the cause of the Constitution and constitutionalism

Some of this was expressed well in an essay last summer by our host Yoram Hazony and his colleague Ofir Haivry in The American Conservative called “American Nationalists.” It rehearsed a lot of this history, but it made some errors that we need to correct to get a proper sense of the Nationalism of the American Founding—and, importantly, what it means for us today.

Hazony and Haivry set, for the purpose of illustration, the nationalist, Anglo-Protestant Hamilton and the Federalists against the universalist, liberal, and rationalist Jefferson and his Democratic-Republicans. 

The argument goes that Hamilton was essentially a Burkean advocating the rights of Englishmen and the common law, and Jefferson was the Lockean purist. Washington was with Hamilton in this dichotomy, a partisan of the “new nationalist constitution […] a restoration of the Anglo-American political inheritance that Washington and many of his supporters and officers had in fact been fighting to preserve during the War of Independence.”

Jefferson, on the other hand, was a proponent of the individual, and even radical individualism, of a “‘creedal nation’ bound by nothing other than reason and consent.”

But this clean division between the proponents of Lockean creed and Burkean culture doesn’t survive scrutiny of what the American Founders did and said. Indeed, Hazony and Haivry quote George Washington’s Farewell Address, where he identifies the salutary fellow-national-feeling of Americans being rooted in “the same religion, manners, habits and political principles.” So: culture, and creed; matter and form.

Washington certainly had no trouble speaking the language of liberalism and natural rights. This is him in 1790, writing to the Hebrew Congregation in Rhode Island: 

The Citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy: a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights.

Or take Hamilton, for that matter, writing in 1775 in “The Farmer Refuted,” where he’s as comfortable citing Locke as he is Blackstone; natural rights and social compact on one hand, and the common law on the other.

The adoption of the common law by U.S. Courts is an additional data point brought up by Hazony and Haivry as evidence of the Anglo-Protestant character of American nationalism in the 1790s—but it’s notable that the common law, when adopted by courts or incorporated into constitutions, was always adopted with an asterisk, either explicitly or implicitly and as a matter of common sense: any part of the common law contrary to the “principles of the revolution” (their phrase, not mine) would not be valid.

This was especially true about citizenship, a foreign concept to the English common law in the 1790s, as all Englishmen were subjects, not citizens, and owed “perpetual allegiance” to the British crown. This was seen as incompatible with the more Lockean and social compact view of citizenship on this side of the Atlantic, a citizenship based on natural rights and natural liberty and government by consent.

And so the question of creed versus culture, natural rights versus the particular facts of the American people and their inherited rights, privileges, or traditions is not so clean. 

Indeed, in a larger sense, the “creed versus culture” argument at the Founding presented by Hazony and Haivry overlooks the palpable fact that the political-revolutionary project of the American Founding, in a grand or Aristotelian sense, was to use a new creed as justification to break the culture of British Anglo-Protestantism and to start a new American-nationalist political culture—borrowing from the salutary institutions and practices of Englishmen to be sure—but nonetheless offering a novus ordo seclorum that was to be the basis of political practice and political justice in America.

It is this not wholly new but not at all principally British or Anglo-Protestant Americanism that should inform our Founding conception of American nationalism. It was, to borrow a label from my colleague Carson Holloway, a liberal or moderate nationalism, informed by a reasonable assessment of the content and application of natural rights and social compact, rather than merely the product of the particular attachments of birth, inherited privileges, religious attachments, or positive law (however ancient and sacred).

And this important principled or theoretical component of American nationalism, nascent in the hearts and minds of the political community after the Revolution, was fused with the cause of the Constitution itself when the leading political men of the 1790s defended, and vindicated the interests and honor of the American nation and her citizens against domestic insurrection and foreign meddling and intrigue.

In the 1790s, both Citizen Genet, acting as French envoy to the U.S. on behalf of the Girondins, and after him Talleyrand, Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Directory, made the error of thinking that they could pit pro-French and pro-British American domestic factions against one another to serve France’s designs—only to run into a fierce American national sense of pride that transcended in the decisive sense any domestic partisan disagreements.

The reason I’ve dwelt so long on this correction about American Founding nationalism is because it forms a peculiar kind of liberal nationalism, bound up with an American constitutionalism that held considerable sway through the turn of the twentieth century and shows signs of enduring appeal even today.

And the small-L liberal part of American nationalism is likely to provide greater appeal to new multi-ethnic coalitions in modern America than more historically contingent or anachronistic appeals to Anglo-Protestantism or Anglo-Americanism, no matter the virtue of these amalgams—as considerable as they are.

The most institutionally and culturally dominant alternative to American nationalism today is the ideology of multiculturalism or supposed “anti-racist” liberalism, or wokeism (as the kids say), offered by the American Left. It insists that both the American Founding’s creed and culture, or any nationalist fusion of them, are evil because the Founders were racist, sexist, homophobic, imperialist, transphobic, etc. 

Modern leftism indicts as white supremacist the equal protection of the law that was the original creedal promise of the principles of the American Founding. It has used the administrative bureaucracy, sunk deep by over a century of progressive liberalism—and super-charged by a perversion of the spirit of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and its poisoned progeny—to enact and enforce a new regime of racial and identity politics balkanization that is increasingly irrational and despotic.

The pathologies of wokeness now infect, at the highest and most elite levels, our educational, military, political, corporate, and even religious institutions.

And so, conservatives and the American right must acknowledge the monumental political and intellectual task before us. After over a century of progressive liberalism, the Right must adopt the spirit of a counter-revolutionary movement, with a sense of urgency and creativity—and without abandoning a spirited and latitudinarian constitutionalism. The Founders’ common-sense—rather than dogmatic or overly proceduralist—nationalism offers plenty of guidance and inspiration. 

We ought to be flexible, confrontational, and experimental. And we ought to acknowledge the peculiar fact of our national polarized politics: in the face of a sclerotic, half-competent, and yet dishonest, entrenched, and corrupt federal establishment, the cause and contours of a sober-minded American nationalism may only be meaningfully advanced by leaders at the state level. 

We can be encouraged by the demonstration of recent months in fights over education: a certain kind of so-called culture war, waged on behalf of the freedom of the mind and integrity of soul of our youngest citizens, and in defense of an American civic history and identity that is noble, inspiring, just, and a source of pride, may be the beginning of a return to that nationalism that started a young America on a path to greatness.

Compulsory Racist Training

Compulsory Racist Training

Beliefs are no longer the province of the individual.

Webster’s unabridged dictionary defines the term compulsory as “required by law or a rule; obligatory.” Welcome to the politicized world of Americans. Since words now matter more than ever before, it is important to use the correct word at all times and no “incorrect” words!  “Compulsory” should not be allowed to masquerade as “Critical” but it has.

Freedom of speech enshrined in and protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution has finally come a cropper, at least for conservatives. CRT, or Critical Race Theory, spawned by the Marxist intellectual elite in our colleges and universities, has taken hold of how we think, speak, and act in our everyday lives. It is enforced by the cancel culture that is no longer limited to progressive imbeciles spewing divisive drivel on social media and has been speciously elevated (by the legacy media) to extend it beyond academics to society at large. Its proponents believe it constitutes a legitimate and worthy social construct. The time has come to call it out for what it is—an effort to disingenuously reset the premise of all issues of race so desperately needing an honest debate in these challenging times.

As the CitiJournal’s John Sailer has written, “Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) [CRT’s first cousin] has almost single-handedly propounded the pedagogical concept of ‘social and emotional learning’ (SEL).” To hell with objectivity in math and the sciences. Three times three is no longer permitted to equal nine, because that microagresssively ignores the needs of eight and ten, themselves some secret code for race, gender or other self-identifications that only the truly Woke can perceive. As long as the left is permitted to write the rule book, the right will never have a level playing field.  

Heather Mac Donald writes of a once highly regarded astronomer, John Kormendy, whose paper was scrubbed from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences despite the paper passing a rigorous three-person peer review process. The rub as Mac Donald says is Kormendy’s aim to reduce the role of individual subjectivity in scientific hiring and tenure processes. It would appear that the National Academy of Sciences has forgotten scientific objectivity in favor of deep, CRT subjectivity. The new standard is whether or not methods and research help or hinder females and underrepresented minorities in STEM subjects. Notwithstanding its arguably superficial appeal, is this not contrary to the very foundation of the scientific method itself?

The academy is not the only unlevel playing field for CRT these days. Corporate America is becoming decidedly woke. For example, Christopher Rufo details CRT at AT&T. For all intents and purposes, it might as well be universities like Columbia, Harvard or U.C. Berkeley. “As part of the overall initiative, employees are asked to sign a loyalty pledge to ‘keep pushing for change,’ with suggested ‘intentions’ such as ‘reading more about systemic racism’ and ‘challenging others’ language that is hateful.’ ‘If you don’t do it,’ the senior employee says, ‘you’re [considered] a racist.’” So, like in the movie Cool Hand Luke, the hard sciences and corporate America demand getting your mind right. CRT is unabashedly Compulsory Racist Training. Its goal is not to advance race relations in our times, but rather to further divide us as a society and make us ever more vulnerable to those who seek control of our liberty and freedom at all costs, by anointing themselves society’s gatekeepers.

It is no longer permitted just to live your life in peace, even if you harbor no prejudices or bigotry: you must now be conscripted into the Army of the Woke and given a duty assignment. If you go AWOL, a scarlet “R” for Racist is emblazoned on your chest, banishing you from society, perhaps even depriving you of your livelihood like Raiders former coach John Gruden. How can you possibly work as a (fill in the blank) if you do not realize you got your job only through white privilege, and not through education, training, performance, talent or skill?

The exponents of CRT seek to purge our history of all things shameful or unpleasant. As Rufo explains in Imprimis, “Critical race theorists, masters of language construction, realize that ‘neo-Marxism’ would be a hard sell. Equity, on the other hand, sounds non-threatening and is easily confused with the American principle of equality.” Supplanting America’s white racist past with a colored racist future amplifies--not expunges--the damage inflicted over hundreds of years.

From the day slavery was abolished up to, perhaps ten years ago, we prosecuted a transformation toward racial equality unlike any experienced in the history of the world, rendering our country inarguably the least racist on the planet. Yes, further enlightenment never hurts but sadly, in recent years, the race peddlers have somehow usurped the leadership role in this quest, and replaced those who genuinely care about equality (this category includes the overwhelming majority of people of all races, creeds and colors) with those who steal their path to power. This theft is compounded by pretending that every action, inaction, and reaction occurring every day is the product of systemic racism, despite the abundance of evidence to the contrary in what was finally becoming a post-racial society.

Compulsory Race Training is just that—compulsory. You have no choice but to think and be woke at all times, and in every situation. America has prided itself on being the place in the world where we aren’t told how or what to think…until now.

History is our greatest teacher. Events of the day are often misunderstood and predicated upon assumptions and beliefs that are later realized to have been wrong. In many cases, it is only when our history is examined with the benefit of hindsight, some twenty, fifty or even hundreds of years later, that we are able to grasp the errors of our ways. This is indeed sad but equally true. If we erase that history, as appears to be the prime objective of CRT, we lose the benefit of that experience, fail to learn from the errors of our ways, and only ensure that we will repeat those errors again, rather than learn from them and give ourselves a fighting chance at improving our lot.  

Compulsory Racist Training must be routed out at all levels and relegated to the trash bin of equally pernicious parts of our history.  Jim Crow, you know who you are. But this can only happen if we identify it for what it is. CRT, thy name is racial prejudice and bigotry.

Kent Runnells practices real estate law, receiving his law degree from the University of Illinois. He grows coffee down in Central America as an advocation.

Loyd Pettegrew is a Professor Emeritus in Organizational Communication at the University off South Florida. He received an interdisciplinary doctorate in Communication and Psychology from the University of Michigan.

Pentagon Spokesman Says Climate Change Is As Big A National Security Threat As China

The Biden administration’s refusal to distinguish between our principal military adversary and climate change is yet more evidence that the military is following ideology instead of winning our wars.

In a press briefing on November 10, Pentagon spokesman retired Adm. John Kirby gave further evidence of the Biden administration’s incoherent national strategy. He refused to distinguish between China and “climate change” as threats to U.S. national security.

In response to a question of “which is a bigger threat, the climate or China?” Kirby said, “You’ve heard the secretary talk about the climate as a — a real and existential national security threat . . .  And we considered China as the number one pacing challenge for the department. Both are equally important. Both are — are challenges that the secretary wants the senior leadership at the Pentagon to be focused on, as well as many others, too.”

Kirby’s answer was a bit of a muddle. He first described China as “the number one pacing threat.” But he then immediately added, “Both are equally important.”

The questioning reporter then sought clarification: “So if you were to rank the two, climate or China, which would be first?”

Kirby could only say, “I think I answered your question.”

Others are more clear-headed. Despite Kirby’s refusal to clarify his comments, President Biden’s director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Burns, has not hesitated in naming China as our “most significant threat [and] challenge” throughout the foreseeable future and said that “[o]ut-competing China will be key to our national security.”

The outgoing vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Hyten was brutally direct in recent comments reported by CNN. “Calling China a pacing threat is a useful term because the pace at which China is moving is stunning,” Hyten told reporters at a Defense Writers Group roundtable last month. “The pace they’re moving and the trajectory they’re on will surpass Russia and the United States if we don’t do something to change it. It will happen. So I think we have to do something.”

Burns’s and Hyten’s warnings are backed up by China’s aggressive military build-up, which leaves no room for doubt that its strategy is one of expansion and aggression. In 2020 the Department of Defense reported to Congress that what “is certain is that the CCP has a strategic end state that it is working towards, which if achieved and its accompanying military modernization left unaddressed, will have serious implications for U.S. national interests and the security of the international rules-based order.”

As part of that modernization, China’s navy has surpassed the U.S. Navy as the world’s largest. Its recent leap ahead of us in the development of a hypersonic nuclear-capable missile sent shockwaves through the military and intelligence communities.

Given the strategic threat posed by China, Kirby’s refusal to distinguish between the threats posed by it and “climate change” raises the question, “Why does Admiral Kirby still have a job?” The answer is because Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden approve of what he said.

A Monumental Change in Military Strategy

The American public needs to be aware that the Biden administration’s position, as reflected in Kirby’s refusal to distinguish between our principal military adversary and “climate change,” represents a monumental change in U.S. military strategy. It is yet more evidence that the military is faithfully following the so-called “progressive” agenda instead of sharpening its focus on winning our wars. It is of a piece with Gen. Mark Milley’s focus on “white rage” and his classification of “thousands” of demonstrators at the Capitol on January 6 as domestic enemies who were trying to “overturn the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Under Austin, the Department of Defense has embraced the climate change religion. In October, DOD proclaimed the crisis and stated it would take immediate action to elevate the climate as a national security priority and, among other things, reduce our carbon footprint.

In DOD’s “Climate Adaptation Plan,” Austin attempts to justify the change by claiming that events such as hurricanes and flooding are part of “climate-related extreme weather [that] affects military readiness and drains our resources.” He bows to a Biden executive order that requires the DOD “to prioritize climate change in all our activities and incorporate its security implications into analysis as well as key strategy, planning, and programming documents.”

Assessing the Weather

Now, it is important to note here that assessing the enemy, terrain, and weather has been part of military commanders’ battle planning for centuries. War planning for Norway differs from that for Iraq.

Gen. Dwight Eisenhower’s access to superior weather forecasts was a major part of his ability to achieve tactical battlefield surprise on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Before that, the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at Waterloo by taking advantage of heavy rains that hampered transportation, limited the use of artillery, and forced Napoleon’s Imperial Guard to attack uphill through the mud.

The radical difference in the Biden administration’s approach is its refusal to distinguish between extrinsic factors that should be considered in operational planning, such as terrain, weather, and climate, and rational, strategic actors, such as China, who challenge our national security.

The cause, extent, and effects of “climate change” are the subject of considerable scientific debate. Some believe that man-made “climate change” threatens the very survival of civilization, while others disagree, relying, among other things, on the history of unfulfilled doomsday predictions of a new ice age by 2000, the disappearance of polar ice caps, and cities inundated by rising seas.

General MacArthur’s Charge

On the proper role of the military, Biden and Austin would do well to heed the eloquent charge given to the West Point cadets by Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1962:

We deal now, not with things of this world alone, but with the illimitable distances and as yet unfathomed mysteries of the universe. . . We are reaching out for a new and boundless frontier. We speak in strange terms: of harnessing the cosmic energy; of making winds and tides work for us . . . of controlling the weather for a more equitable distribution of heat and cold, of rain and shine . . .

And through all this welter of change and development your mission remains fixed, determined, inviolable. It is to win our wars. Everything else in your professional career is but corollary to this vital dedication. All other public purposes, all other public projects, all other public needs, great or small, will find others for their accomplishment; but you are the ones who are trained to fight. Yours is the profession of arms, the will to win, the sure knowledge that in war there is no substitute for victory, that if you lose, the Nation will be destroyed, that the very obsession of your public service must be Duty, Honor, Country.

To the military: Listen to MacArthur. Your mission is to win our wars. All else is a corollary. The survival of the nation depends upon it.

Israel Should Not Let the U.S. Reopen its Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem

Israel Should Not Let the U.S. Reopen its Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem

The damage will be irreversible.

Last Wednesday, in response to a question from Sen. Bill Hagerty, (R-Tenn.), U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Brian McKeon admitted in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that under both U.S. and international law, the United States cannot open a consulate in Jerusalem without Israel’s consent. In other words, the prospect of the Biden administration opening a consulate to the Palestinians in Israel’s capital city without requesting Israel’s permission to violate Israel’s sovereignty in Jerusalem is off the table.

Given the Biden administration’s near-obsessive determination to open a consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem, it’s just a matter of time before it presents an offer it believes Israel will be unable to refuse.

On Friday, Israeli financial daily Globes published the outline of such an offer. In exchange for an Israeli “concession to the Palestinians,” U.S. officials claim Saudi Arabia will open limited economic ties with Israel. Moreover, the United States will provide limited visa exemptions to Israeli tourists.

The article suggests — and congressional sources warn — that the “concession to the Palestinians” Israel will be required to make is permission for the United States to open a consulate in Jerusalem for the Palestinians.

A Paltry Offer

This brings us to the apparent U.S. offer. Its paltriness is as breathtaking as it is insulting. As the Globes article noted, Israel and Saudi Arabia already conduct economic exchanges, including trade deals through Abraham Accords partners the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Israel also reportedly has enjoyed strong security ties with Saudi Arabia for the past several years, which have benefited both nations.

The Globes article reported that Saudi participation in the Abraham Accords, which involve full normalization of economic and diplomatic ties between Israel and the participating Arab states, is not on the table. To date, Saudi King Salman has opposed joining the Abraham Accords directly.

At the same time, he permitted Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) to play a key role in designing them and shepherding them forward. While King Salman is not expected to change his position, while Donald Trump was president, most observers believed that MBS would bring Saudi Arabia into the Abraham Accords and fully normalize Saudi ties with Israel once he took over. In recent months, in response to the Biden administration’s open animosity toward Saudi Arabia generally and MBS in particular, Saudi foreign policy has become increasingly contradictory and MBS’s hold on power has weakened.

Given the uncertainty, Israel’s best move in relation to Saudi Arabia is to sit on the sidelines and allow internal Saudi processes to unfold. If MBS becomes the monarch and his Trump-era positions remain unchanged, he will normalize ties with Israel regardless of the nature of the U.S. presence in Jerusalem. If MBS is deposed in favor of another prince who succeeds King Salman, the likelihood that Saudi Arabia will scupper its ties with Israel—whatever their level — is very high. So whatever Saudi Arabia offers Israel today will be easily reversed.

On the other hand, if Israel agrees to permit the operation of a U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, the damage will be irreversible.

If Israel approves the Biden administration’s request to open a U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, it will undercut its greatest achievement during the Trump presidency — U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem. By opening a consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem, the United States will effectively abrogate U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem and transfer that recognition to the Palestinians. Israeli approval of the United States’ request will automatically be interpreted by everyone as an Israeli renunciation of Israel’s sovereign rights to Jerusalem.

Apologists for the Biden administration, and Israeli leftists, will claim that the Jerusalem deal on the table is just a new version of the deal Israel made with the UAE last year. But this is completely wrong. The UAE offered Israel full peace. The deal reportedly being discussed with the Saudis is far more limited.

More importantly, in exchange for full diplomatic and economic ties with the UAE, Israel agreed to temporarily place a hold on its plan to apply its laws in parts of Judea and Samaria, in furtherance of then-President Donald Trump’s peace plan. Israel can decide to end the hold and implement the sovereignty plan at any point.

Irreversible Move

In the case at hand, however, Israel’s concession is irrevocable regardless of who leads the government in Jerusalem. Here Israel isn’t being asked to put its plans on hold. The Biden administration is asking Israel to permit the United States to subvert Israel’s sovereign rights and control over Jerusalem by giving the Palestinians the power to challenge and undermine all aspects of Israel’s municipal and national operations in Jerusalem, with American backing.

This brings us to the second “gift” the Biden administration is apparently offering Israel — limited visa exemption for U.S. entry to Israeli tourists. The offer itself is an expression of U.S. contempt rather than goodwill toward Israel. No country concedes its sovereignty over its capital city to make it easier for its citizens to vacation in America.

As McKeon admitted, Jerusalem’s fate is in Israel’s hands. The government needs to recognize that no offer — certainly not the absurdity now being bandied about — is worth sacrificing the capital. 

We’re getting crushed on purpose

Biden’s policies are blowing up the economy and it’s all by design

Hey, gang. Once again, I apologize for being so sparse in posting here. On November 1st, my daily workload for my freelance job was increased. That’s a good news/bad news kind of thing. On the plus side, I am earning more money which is a big benefit now that we’re getting crushed by Biden’s inflation. The downside is, it leaves me less time to devote to writing for Patriot Retort.

Couple that with my ongoing battle with Lupus, and you can understand why it’s been tough for me to balance my job, Patriot Retort, and other responsibilities. I’m hoping I’ll settle into the new workload soon so I’m able to better manage my time. But for now, I am sorry that it’s taken me away from here so much.

Speaking of Lupus, I’ve been mighty stiff lately mostly because the cold makes Lupus a bit touchy. But with energy prices where they are, I’ve been keeping my thermostat at 58 degrees. Yeah, it’s a might nippy in here. But even with the increased income from my job, I don’t want to pile higher heating bills on top of my already higher grocery bills.

Up until about four months ago, my average weekly grocery store bill was between forty and forty-five bucks. And it’s been about that for years. But not anymore. Now the weekly average is around $67. Last week I had to pay over eighty bucks on a week’s worth of groceries.

Let’s go Brandon!

But apparently, I shouldn’t be complaining about it. According to MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle, I can afford the increased prices “just fine.” And if anybody knows what I can afford, it’s gonna be some nitwit MSNBC host who couldn’t pick me out of a line-up if her life depended on it.

We’re being crushed under these rising prices and increased inflation, but according to Stephanie, we should quit our bitching. Home values are higher, Stephanie said. So apparently I’m supposed to sell my house in order to afford to heat it. How about you get bent, Steph.

Or, maybe I should take Bloomberg’s advice to not spend so much money and learn to be happy with less. See Bloomberg thinks that the supply chain crisis and empty grocery store shelves wouldn’t be such a big deal if we didn’t have such high expectations. It’s are our fault don’t you know. Not Biden’s policies. Nope. It’s all our fault.

This all reminds me of the early Obama years. Remember that? Unemployment was up around ten percent so the media started playing up what a good thing unemployment was. They even called it “funemployment.”

We should be happy with less. And darn it! Having less should make us happy.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is pushing the narrative that rising gas prices are a good thing because it will force Americans to come to accept Biden’s “clean energy options.”

Yeah. This is all by design.

We’re not getting crushed by Biden’s disastrous economy by accident. They’re crushing us on purpose.

And the beatings will continue until our opinion of their Green Agenda improves.

Then, once we’re beaten down and tenderized, their Green Agenda will be able to crush us even more.

You know, I thought Obama was bad. And he was bad. But the Biden administration makes Obama look like Calvin Coolidge.

They’re willing to destroy our economic freedom and prosperity to get what they want. They don’t care that we’re getting crushed in the process. They don’t care about the long-term damage they are doing.

I genuinely despise these people. Every last one of them. From Biden to Congress to the condescending propagandists in the media. I despise them all.

Okay, my bitch session is over. I’ll leave you with a couple of clips from Jesse Kelly’s show “I’m Right.” The first is from yesterday. The second is from a recent interview Jesse did with author and former investment banker Carol Roth that is an absolute must-watch.