Saturday, November 13, 2021

Left’s Attacks On Kyle Rittenhouse Are Part Of A Bigger Plan To Disband The ‘Well-Regulated Militia’

The goal of the media provocateurs is to delegitimize the most basic right to protect our communities and ourselves in the absence of official security forces.

The corporate media is shifting narratives about the Kyle Rittenhouse case because his self-defense claim is bulletproof. They want to erase the long-understood obligation for all able-bodied citizens to come to the defense of their community when the normal authorities are unwilling or unable to do so.

The constitutionally sound principle that allows and expects this is the left’s most-abused part of the Second Amendment, the “well-regulated militia.” This is the false premise being pushed by many historically ignorant moral scolds.

“Do we want a society in which political conflict is settled on the streets between people with guns? One in which everyone is armed and can therefore view the other people armed as a plausible threat?” MSNBC’s Chris Hayes wrote on Twitter. “Is that the society we want?”

It’s tempting to answer with the online meme, “Your terms are acceptable.”

Except their claim deserves a solid beatdown for its shameless inaccuracy. The well-regulated militia is a real thing codified by the Second Amendment but in no way controlled by the government.

There is plenty of case law about this, but essentially it consists of able-bodied citizens who are available to help with the defense of the country. This can include actions against foreign enemies presenting a threat inside our borders, but it also includes cases of internal unrest or natural disaster.

Our executive vice president at Security Studies Group, Dr. Brad Patty, wrote about the history and utility of the militia last year. This part is particularly relevant to the many unsubstantiated claims about citizens taking action. Much more likely is when citizens come under attack by terrorists, insurrectionists, rioters, arsonists, or looters.

In that case, citizens are very likely to be the only force capable of responding in defense of the common peace and lawful order, at least for a short time. In the recent crisis, however, we have seen several occasions when the police vanished from afflicted areas of cities for a whole night or longer. Citizens who are left to themselves by a failure of state and local power have every right to defend the common peace and lawful order against those who would destroy it.

Ordinary citizens who decide to call themselves or each other up as militia enjoy no immunity for their actions. They are formally held to the law. For those who suggest police should be stripped of qualified immunity, the citizen-called militia thus offers an option with a higher degree of legal accountability. They can be held strictly to ordinary law, even though they are likely to be acting in extraordinary circumstances.

This is exactly what happened in Kenosha. The authorities there ordered the police to abdicate their responsibility to protect and serve the law-abiding citizens. They abandoned the community to a violent mob.

When local folks, including Kyle, who worked there and lived nearby, rose up to defend their lives and livelihood, they were acting entirely in accordance with the constitutional concept of the militia. I cover this topic and the need to ensure these rights are not abridged at length in my book, “Winning the Second Civil War: Without Firing a Shot.”

The left keeps howling that you cannot use deadly force to protect property. Correct. But you can possess deadly force to protect yourself while in the act of protecting property or acting in humanitarian ways. Then, as happened to Rittenhouse, you may use it when attacked by members of that lawless mob.

The claim is also made that Rittenhouse inserted himself into a dangerous situation and therefore is responsible for when the mob attacked. Wrong. His actions, except the underage carry, were lawful. The mob’s actions at every step were unlawful, violent, and in the end fatal by their own doing.

The prosecution in the Rittenhouse case has even attacked Rittenhouse’s right to defend himself in the face of obvious deadly threats. They asked why a man who threatened to kill you and then tried to take your weapon away was a danger, why being hit over the head with a skateboard warranted a response, and what possible harm could present from a guy with a pistol pointed at your head six feet away. It takes a strong aversion to the idea of self-defense to make those absurd arguments—and yet.

As Patty pointed out, those who act as the militia also bear legal responsibility for their actions. If authorities bring charges, they are guaranteed a trial decided by a jury of their peers. Rittenhouse is getting that right now.

The obscene part is that the charges of capital murder brought against him were entirely politically motivated to appease the very mob he and the others were defending against. But his fate now rests in the hands of a group of citizens who were also at risk from that same mob during the riots, just like Kyle.

The goal of the media provocateurs is to delegitimize this most basic right to protect our communities and ourselves in the absence of official security forces. They are perfectly fine with the mobs looting and destroying things, and even invented the shameful euphemism of “restorative justice” to describe it. Those terms are not acceptable.

In addition, media coverage has been completely detached from the reality that happened in Kenosha and the testimony inside the courtroom now. They have seized on the false idea from Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger that Kyle went to Kenosha with the purpose of killing protesters, based on Binger’s statement, “This was hunting humans, not deer,”

Kyle had a strange way of hunting humans by walking around offering medical help and putting out fires. But the hyperbolic headlines continue to misrepresent almost every aspect of the case. This will directly lead to violence when Kyle is found not guilty, and the media know that. They have thrown gas on these flames before. They are inciting violence and should be held accountable.

There is no official obligation to act as a member of the militia, but there is a moral one. Those unwilling to stand against lawlessness, or at least support those who do, may still have the title of citizens but are really baby possums riding on the backs of their betters.

Rather than a murder trial, Kyle should have been given the keys to the city. It is a sign of our moral and cultural decay that we have had to witness the farce perpetrated by the feckless, fauxhawk-wearing Binger. His disgraceful actions have brought shame on his office and himself.

Kyle will be vindicated since the partisan nature of the charges paired with the incompetence of Binger and crew have led them to make the defense’s case for them. It was self-defense in the face of a mob left uncontrolled by city forces.

But we as freedom-loving Americans must be equally vigilant to push back against this attack on the very right to preserve our lives and livelihoods. It is preferable for that to be done by the forces that take our taxes with the promise to do so. But the Founders foresaw that may not always be the case and provided us a right to do so ourselves in extremis.

Christian Patriot News, Red Pill news, and more-Nov 13


Slept in a bit. Here's tonight's news:

Record-Breaking ‘Yellowstone’ Is No. 1 Show On Television Right Now

Paramount Network’s hit western drama “Yellowstone” has surpassed viewing records for any show currently on television, earning three spots on the Digital Entertainment Group’s list of top 20 most-watched. “Yellowstone” earned the list’s second, 11th, and 19th spots. The modern-day ranch show is the No. 1 series on television right now, including broadcast and cable.

More than 14 million viewers tuned in to “Yellowstone’s” season four premiere on Sunday, the most-watched premiere on cable since a 2017 episode of AMC’s “The Walking Dead.” The show gained popularity for its non-polarizing message, focusing on rural America and small-business USA instead of divisive political affiliations.

“Over 14 million viewers tuned in for our ‘Yellowstone’ premiere, which will now serve as a massive launch pad as we sneak episodes of Taylor Sheridan’s new series ‘Mayor of Kingstown,’ whose full season will be rolling out exclusively on Paramount Plus starting Sunday,” said CEO of MTV Entertainment Group Chris McCarthy. “Taylor has created a cinematic experience that our remarkable cast led by Kevin Costner brings to life in a way audiences can’t get enough of and we are excited to deepen our relationship with him and capitalize on this tremendous momentum by building out the ‘Yellowstone’ franchise together.”

The four-season show is only available on cable television. According to Philo’s streaming insights, “Yellowstone” attracted audiences near Montana (where the show is filmed), Wyoming, and agriculturally-based cities. Since its 2018 premiere, the show has drawn a groundbreaking audience.

The show stars Oscar winner Kevin Costner who plays a Reagan-era Republican, as well as Kelly Reilly, Cole Hauser, Luke Grimes, Wes Bentley, and Kelsey Asbille, and was created by John Linson and Taylor Sheridan.

The Royalist Left

From Lenin to Pol Pot to Pelosi, for the royalist Left democracy becomes the road to serfdom, not the remedy for it.

The Left lives in an upside-down world of its own creation. Yet in our pluralistic republic, it is entitled to its delusions. The problem is these delusions are not enough. Their misery demands company.

Whether their largely undereducated and overly indoctrinated masses know it, the Left crawled out of the anti-Enlightenment, reactionary ooze of French philosophe Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s ideological cesspool. Stated simply, the Left’s goal is to rule as an enlightened vanguard under the direction of a “legislator” to impose a new civil religion and other diktats upon Americans and drag them back into an idealized state of nature composed of “noble savages” no longer constrained by the corrupting influences of civilization. It is why the Left’s use of a vehicle called the “Democratic Party” is so deeply, bitterly ironic. For the Left’s tactics and aims are anything but democratic. 

Of course, the Left’s tactics and aims don’t fit on a bumper sticker and, regardless, many leftists wouldn’t be caught dead in an internal combustion-propelled vehicle. Further, as recent election results in Virginia and New Jersey suggest, when the Left’s tactics and aims are imposed through public policy they prove ineffective and, to no rational person’s surprise, unpopular. But this is why the Left spends so much time and money crafting “narratives”—i.e., lies—to obfuscate their unpopularity. Sometimes they are successful, other times not; but the Left’s narratives and disinformation should be easily exposed when one remembers the upside-down nature of their delusions.

The Left are the modern royalists. They believe themselves among those of our fellow citizens who would benefit from an authoritarian regime and the status quo; and as such they are diametrically opposed to the core principles of the American Revolution—a populist uprising, if ever there was one.

Prior to the American Revolution, all sovereignty was vested in the king or queen; and the people were subjects of the crown, possessing only those rights allowed by the sovereign or the parliament (using the crown’s delegated sovereign power). To put it succinctly, the governing paradigm was the king or queen at the top and the people on the bottom.

After the American Revolution, all sovereignty was vested in the American people, individually and collectively. Each American’s individual rights were understood to be from God, not the government—the latter established to protect these inalienable rights and serve only through and with the consent of the citizenry, who were largely to be self-governing. The new, revolutionary paradigm inverted the pyramidal governing paradigm: now, the people were at the top and the government was on the bottom. This is the populist, principled foundation of American exceptionalism.

And the regressive, royalist Left cannot stand it.

Why not? Because it forms the ultimate barrier to their agenda of imposing their upside-down world on everyone else. Wedded to the administrative or deep state rule of elites to advance their crony socialist agenda, the Left only believes in “democracy” as a means of further concentrating the citizenry’s power in centralized, unaccountable government institutions and individuals. From Lenin to Pol Pot to Pelosi, for the royalist Left democracy becomes the road to serfdom, not the remedy for it. 

Small wonder the Left’s modern royalists pimped a deadly pandemic to try to unilaterally “reset” America—the public be damned. Their “rules for thee and not for me” rejected self-government for everyone but themselves, while their elitist cohorts in the Pravda media covered for them even as they shamed you, if you didn’t toe their arbitrary and capricious line. 

So, too, by chasing God from the public square, the Left’s modern royalists are implicitly denying that our rights come from Him and not the government. For these secular modern royalists, the verity of God-given rights is but a superstition to be tossed over the wall between church and state and, thus, eradicated from the public square. 

The end result being that your rights are from government, and it can now arbitrarily determine which rights it will protect or trammel. Ask the faithful in Nevada how, during the pandemic, they felt about being able to go gamble in casinos but not worship God in church. 

Consider how these self-credentialled experts and self-anointed saviors believe themselves magically empowered to dictate the pursuit of their fellow citizens’ happiness—in both the public and private sectors, citing each other as they argue from authority to coerce the citizenry into compliance with their diktats—even to the unconscionable authoritarian extreme of stealing your job and shunning you from society for refusing to be coerced into accepting their compulsory medical procedure and practices.

By rejecting that our nation’s sovereignty is rightly vested in the self-governing citizenry, who have God-given constitutional rights that government—only through the public’s consent—is created to protect, the regressive, royalist Left rejects the foundation of American exceptionalism; and, ergo, remains at war with the American Revolution. They will not rest until the governing paradigm is returned to a pyramid with the Left at the pinnacle and the people as their subjects.

This is why the regressive, modern royalist Left is so fearful of a true, patriotic populist movement that reaffirms the foundational principles of the American Revolution. And why, somewhere, with an envious gleam in his bloodshot eyes, King George III is looking up at them, smiling.

Bringing Counterterrorism Back Home

Intelligence community influencers like Bruce Hoffman want to scare American Jews into thinking that 75 million Trump voters are domestic terrorists who are targeting you

(edited for length)

The FBI is watching right-wing extremism very closely, says counterterrorism expert Bruce Hoffman. “January 6 was a wake-up call,” he told an audience of Jewish academics, writers, community leaders, and others during a recent Zoom call that I sat in on, hosted by Indiana University’s Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism. “It should add to your unease.”

As director of Georgetown University’s Center for Jewish Civilization who also taught at the International Institute for Counterterrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Hoffman’s message to worried American Jews is that they’re not scared enough. What Hoffman is trying to do is to scare American Jews into believing that Trump supporters—meaning roughly 75 million Americans, or half of the electorate—are domestic terrorists and violent white supremacists. Worst of all, according to Hoffman, is that there’s not much to be done to stop them. He recommended a service that will scrub your information from the internet. Otherwise, if the red-baseball-cap-wearing hordes come for you, you’re on your own.

Antisemitic extremists are real, and they live on both the left and the right. It was a white supremacist who killed 11 people at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue in 2018. Indeed, white supremacism and right-wing antisemitism, from the Ku Klux Klan to Charles Lindbergh, are deeply embedded in American history, even if by now we’d hoped to transcend them. But are they more dangerous today than ever before in American history? It may seem so, but only if you are ignorant of that history—or pursuing an agenda that threatens to endanger American Jews, rather than protect them from harm.

So why is a man who has researched terrorism for more than four decades and worked at the higher levels of the American national security apparatus telling the Jewish community that they are helpless against millions of their own fellow citizens, who should now in fact be considered their enemies? Because Hoffman is messaging on behalf of a shameful and deeply un-American push by the Biden administration to criminalize the regime’s political opponents—an initiative in which Jews are being positioned as, and told they are hopeless to avoid being, targets.

But there’s no evidence from the past 25 years to show that white nationalism has become a mass movement, never mind a force controlling one of the country’s two major political parties. When a prominent researcher of far-right terror tells the press that Jan. 6 was The Turner Diaries come to life, all it means is that academic reference points haven’t changed much over the last quarter-century, during which white nationalism has only become a movement even further out on the fringe.

The elevation of “domestic terror” to America’s No. 1 national security concern has less to do with social reality on the margins than it does with bureaucrats and experts at the center of American power. The latter are looking for a new enemy to justify the counterterrorism budgets that are endangered by the American drawdown from the Middle East, and their professional exigencies correspond with the Biden White House’s political program.

Hoffman told his Zoom audience about the Atomwaffen Division, defined by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a “terroristic neo-Nazi organization.” I can find no evidence that Atomwaffen or any other neo-Nazi group was involved in the Capitol Hill riots on Jan. 6. After the Zoom meeting, I wrote Hoffman’s office to ask if they had found evidence I had missed. Neither he nor his office responded to questions from Tablet.

Hoffman noted that far-right ideologues preach “accelerationism,” a doctrine that urges its adherents to encourage and foment chaos to hasten the inevitable collapse of the existing system. But in less than a year, the political party that runs the system has pushed middle-class America to the brink of despair, with rising gas and food prices, ballooning inflation, open borders, a supply chain crisis, and experimental medical treatment mandates that have hollowed out heath care facilities and fire and police departments, and may impair the combat readiness of the U.S. armed forces.

Hoffman’s attempt to blame Trump supporters for the mess created by the country’s ruling class is an aspect of an information operation designed to deflect blame for elite decision-making onto a domestic opponent that does in fact seek to remove them from power by legal means: through the vote. And that’s partly what the effort to paint Trump supporters as domestic terrorists is about—to delegitimize the legitimate opposition in the in lead-up to the 2022 midterms. 

“Domestic terror” is the establishment’s campaign platform. Sure, gas is almost $5 a gallon, heating oil prices are worse than in the 1970s, and grandma may need a fourth booster shot of a vaccine whose protective properties seem a lot less important to policymakers than the money that pharmaceutical companies—now the single biggest lobbying group in Washington—are receiving from the federal government. But what will your neighbors think if you vote for domestic terrorists? And why should domestic terrorists be permitted to incite domestic terror among their domestic terrorist base by advertising or posting on Facebook?

As with every information operation that political operatives, intelligence officials, and the media have run the last several years, the goal is not simply to smear opponents, but also to obtain from the federal government political and legal instruments to wield against them. The hysterical media coverage of Jan. 6 first gave rise to a congressional committee designed to target Jan. 6 protesters, and GOP officials, as domestic terrorists. The next step, it seems, is anti-domestic terror legislation.

Hoffman has explained in interviews since Jan. 6 why he backs domestic terror statutes: “It would require the federal government to gather data and statistical information on terrorist incidents in the United States,” he said in April. In other words, it would create work for contractors, consultants, and analysts who research terror-related issues, like … Bruce Hoffman.

Further, in an appeal to the progressive left, Hoffman contends that domestic terror laws would make America more just because they would “bring greater equity to sentencing.” What he means is that Muslim supporters of designated foreign terror groups already get long prison terms—so white people involved in “domestic terror,” however that’s defined, should also get long prison terms.

The reason there is no federal statute on the books for domestic terrorism is glaringly obvious: A politicized justice system would use it to attack its political adversaries, as the Biden administration is currently doing by defining the Jan. 6 riots as an “insurrection.” Insurrection sounds serious, it’s in the Constitution, so it’s used to frame Trump supporters, even though no one has been charged with it. The push behind a domestic terror statute is to turn the deplorables into untouchables.

Bruce Hoffman’s role in all this is to keep the Jewish community in line behind the party and Biden, who the majority of American Jews voted for in 2020. And they can help sell the operation, too, for few can speak more poignantly about the age-old dangers of white power violence than the Jews.

The terrible irony of course is that Hoffman is seeking to align the American Jewish community with spy services that are using a conspiracy theory to persecute their enemies on behalf of a ruling party increasingly comfortable with using state power and censorship to enforce its will. This runs counter to the country’s central principle—that citizens have rights that must be protected against the majority and the powerful. By desecrating civil rights, this new dispensation does not seem likely to create a polity in which Jews themselves would avoid persecution for very long. 

The push behind a domestic terror statute is to turn the deplorables into untouchables.

The message the spy services want disseminated now is that the United States needs to devote the same resources to fighting domestic terror that were expended both at home and abroad during the “global war on terror.” After all, said Hoffman, the Jan. 6 protesters “achieved what Osama bin Laden failed to on September 11, 2001: a successful assault on the cherished and sacred citadel of U.S. democracy.” Or as the publicity campaign to pass domestic terror laws puts it: 1/6 is the new 9/11.

Maybe it was inevitable that the counterterrorism apparatus designed to stop foreign terrorists after 9/11 would be turned against Americans. President Barack Obama made a habit of using American spy services against his domestic political opponents, from U.S. legislators critical of the Iran nuclear deal to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. The obvious next step was to use government power to target the supporters of their political opponents en masse.

No one should be surprised that, given the culture of Washington, the people who were supposed to protect Americans from terror attacks profited from their failure to do so. Robert Mueller was named FBI director a week before 9/11 and proceeded to turn what was a crime-fighting agency into a key part of the intelligence community. That enhanced its prestige on Capitol Hill, which in turn augmented its budgets. But the FBI showed that it was incapable of catching genuine terrorists when it framed innocent American Muslims for terror plots. Many of them were emotionally troubled young men who were easy prey for FBI agents and informants to manipulate and then charge with crimes hatched by the FBI itself.

When real terror attacks did occur—from Fort Hood and San Bernardino to Boston and Orlando—law enforcement officials and counterterrorism experts invented terms to justify their failures. It was hard not to notice that the vocabulary used to describe terrorists who struck American cities, towns, and military bases—like “lone-wolf” and “self-radicalized”—conveniently supported the idea that U.S. counterterrorism officials couldn’t possibly discern who among the population was plotting terrorist acts, unless the FBI and other agencies were granted even more power to spy on everyone.

The recent airlift that imported potential terror threats from Afghanistan to the United States, to the applause of U.S. military and intelligence officers, was a clear signal that America’s wars in the Middle East are winding down. That leaves lots of people inside the Beltway wondering how they’re going to sustain the standard of living that counterterrorism provided them and their families for the past 20 years.

Reorienting the counterterrorism industry from foreign to domestic terrorists solves that problem. The Biden administration officially signaled there was work for counterterrorism experts with the June publication of the White House’s “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.”

Comparing 75 million Americans to dedicated cells of Islamist murderers is grotesque on its face. Hoffman suggested to the Zoom audience that Jan. 6 looked like Baghdad when he was there in 2004-05—during the deadliest years of the Iraqi insurgency, when tens of thousands of people were killed, including U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians as well as terrorists. But during the often-riotous Jan. 6 march, only one person was killed—an unarmed Trump supporter and 36-year-old Air Force veteran named Ashli Babbitt. She was shot by U.S. Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd, who admitted on television that he pulled the trigger not knowing whether she held a weapon.

As with the phony cases that the FBI built against young American Muslims, there is mounting evidence that some of the chaos and violence that marked the Jan. 6 protest was staged by U.S. spy services. At one point during the Zoom call, Hoffman mentioned Stewart Rhodes, leader of the Oath Keepers, one of the militia groups that participated in the Capitol Hill protest. What Hoffman omitted is that while Oath Keepers members have subsequently been charged for various offenses, Rhodes conspicuously has not. As Darren Beattie has reported in his extensive investigations of the Jan. 6 protests, Rhodes directed the activities of Oath Keepers members. Ten months after what Biden called the greatest attack on American democracy since the Civil War, “insurrection” ringleader Stewart Rhodes is still free, while many of his compatriots rot in jail. Why? Beattie’s reporting goes so far as to suggest that the FBI might be protecting him and others because they’re federal informants. Even The New York Times has acknowledged that FBI informants seeded in militia groups were present at the Jan. 6 protest and in contact with their handlers.

Dozens of protesters are still being held in a Washington, D.C., jail and denied bail with their court dates repeatedly postponed, in order to give prosecutors more time to find the crimes they intend to accuse them of committing. Consider the government’s cruel and unusual treatment of 50-year-old Christopher Worrell, a stage 3 cancer patient who attended the Jan. 6 rally. In March, the FBI staged a dramatic raid of his Florida home, after he had been cooperating with authorities for two months. He was charged with a nonviolent crime, denied ball, and detained in a D.C. correctional facility, where his hand was broken in May. A federal judge ordered him released last week when he found out that the jail officials had failed to arrange treatment for his cancer or for his hand. DOJ prosecutors fought to keep Worrell in jail.

Given the nature of the narrative categorizing Trump supporters as white supremacist domestic terrorists, it’s understandable that most American Jews might be inclined to side with law enforcement officials who promise to protect their communities, schools, synagogues, and children from harm. But this community is also being used. Intelligence community influencers and activist groups working to convince American Jews to participate in a campaign of state censorship and repression are serving only their bureaucratic masters in Washington. Signing up for a role in the Biden administration’s attempt to silence, criminalize, and persecute half of the country might not make sense for a community with plenty of actual threats to worry about.

‘Hold the Line!’: Why the Military Must Repudiate Radical Politics

The armed services have been good at keeping the neo-Nazis out of the military. Unfortunately, in our national confusion about race, we have allowed the neo-Marxists in.

America finds itself in a culture war. While one side lives in a fundamentally flawed and systemically racist country pitting oppressors against the oppressed, the other side sees an exceptional country, guided by the wisdom of the founders, where individual responsibility and hard work still determine success. The gulf between the two sides is only growing.

Yet, even amid these vast disagreements, one hopes we can still agree on one thing: Politics, and the larger culture war, should not be imposed on our military. 

The reasons are easy to grasp. Our nation’s military has one core mission—to win the nation’s wars. Anyone who has worn a uniform for any length of time understands that trust, unity, and cohesion are essential ingredients to a winning team—especially in the military. Anything undermining those elements should be identified and eliminated with all haste. Today’s divisive political theories easily meet this criterion. 

When it comes to group trust, unity, and cohesion, today’s radical political theories—critical race theory (CRT), social justice, antiracism, white-privilege, the “1619 Project,” and the like—are no different than the radical theories of yesterday: Marxism, Communism, and white supremacy. By sowing the seeds of distrust, grievance, and discord, they all work to divide. 

In this respect, a professor teaching CRT to cadets at a military academy can be likened to a neo-Nazi teaching white supremacy. They are both divisive, destructive, and not based on sound social science. They also undermine the military’s meritocracy by fomenting distrust and doubt about fellow servicemembers’ competence reflected through promotions and advancements. If that weren’t enough, they even cast doubt on the worthiness of the country the military is sworn to defend. Nothing but damage can possibly flow from this.

Our country has spent decades successfully creating a cohesive military from a diverse population. Over my 31 years of service, I never witnessed a significant racial or gender controversy in any unit with which I was associated. Unfortunately, this is changing quickly. 

In the last several years, one side of the culture war has been actively injecting its politics into our military. The examples are compounding daily; a professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy recently bragged about teaching critical race theory, a required briefing to new cadets at West Point included a slide addressing their “white privilege,” a political science course at West Point contains “the explicit premise that the American political system embeds inherent racial, gender, and sexual inequalities,” an Air Force lieutenant colonel was recently fired for writing a book exposing the indoctrination happening around him, a group of Air Force cadets warned other cadets to “be careful, you never know who is listening” when asked about the problem. These are only a few. Unfortunately, there are hundreds more examples. 

We have been good at keeping the neo-Nazis out of the military. Unfortunately, in our national confusion about race, and our heartfelt desire to embrace diversity, we have allowed the neo-Marxists in. And as everyone knows, the first goal of a Marxist has always been to destroy the existing system. They must be stopped before they destroy our military. The stakes for the nation are too high. Like good soldiers under attack, we must hold the line!

Steve Bannon Charged for Breaking Another Law Only Enforced for Trump Associates

Bonchie reporting for RedState

Steve Bannon, the former Trump campaign official and current media personality, has been indicted again. Formerly, Bannon was arrested on charges of defrauding donors. He would eventually receive a pardon from then outgoing President Donald Trump.

This time, the DOJ is going after him under the guise of contempt of Congress for ignoring a subpoena from the January 6th committee. That was announced today.

Contempt of Congress is another law that’s rarely enforced, often because separation of powers becomes an issue. You’ll remember that Barack Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, committed contempt of Congress by refusing to cooperate during the Fast and Furious investigation and ignoring a subpoena. Of course, no charges were ever filed in that situation. In this case, Bannon did not appear because Trump is alleging executive privilege.

But as has become the pattern with our justice system, if you are somehow connected to Donald Trump, the standards change. Charges over FARA violations, for example, were essentially non-existent until Trump came into office. Then the FBI and DOJ decided it was the most important statute in the world to enforce. Of course, to this day, many on the left side of the aisle, such as Hunter Biden, continue to come under no scrutiny despite probable FARA violations documented by evidence.

This entire thing is a joke. The January 6th committee is not something that should be taken seriously because it’s led by unserious people. It’s a partisan witch-hunt that has already been discredited by the FBI itself. Yet, Biden’s DOJ, let by Merrick Garland, is going to press the issue anyway with this silly indictment of Bannon. We’ll see where it goes.

J6 Committee Misleading Witnesses About Republican Staff Presence

'If this was a real investigation, that'd land you in jail for prosecutorial misconduct,' 

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney ran to CNN a few weeks ago to accuse conservative stalwart Rep. Jim Banks of falsely presenting himself as the Jan. 6 commission’s ranking member. Banks is, in fact, congressional Republicans’ choice to be their top investigator on the committee, but he has been prevented from fulfilling his duties by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

However, it’s Cheney who appears to be misrepresenting herself as the ranking member — that is, the top Republican — on the committee.

January 6 Select Committee staff have been falsely telling witnesses that Republican staff will be present for interviews, according to multiple eyewitness sources and documents. In fact, not a single Republican-appointed member of Congress nor a single staff member representing the Republican conference is part of the controversial committee.

Witnesses are being told that John Wood, a longtime friend and ally of the Cheney family, will represent Republicans when witnesses testify. But neither Cheney nor her friend is representing the Republican conference. In fact, Cheney was appointed to the committee in early July by Pelosi herself.

“John Wood works for the Democrat Party, just like Liz Cheney, who was appointed by Pelosi and is not the Ranking Member of the Select Committee. She is misleading witnesses, before they testify under penalty of law, about the motives and the position of the person questioning them,” said Banks, who has continued leading Republicans’ investigation of the federal government’s handling of the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. Cheney’s work with CNN was designed to prevent him from being able to gain answers to the questions the select committee was ostensibly set up to answer.

Cheney was given six days to explain whether she considers herself just the Democrat-appointed vice-chair of the committee or also the Republican ranking member, as is being represented to key witnesses. She has not responded to multiple requests for comment.

The misrepresentation to witnesses is key because the absence of any ranking member — meaning, in this case, any Republican-appointed member — or minority party staff means the committee appears to be failing to adhere to ironclad rules for its work.

Pelosi “blew up” the Jan. 6 committee when she took what she herself admitted was the “unprecedented” step of refusing to seat multiple Republican-appointed members, including the highly respected Navy officer and Indiana Republican Banks, who was to be the committee’s ranking member. She also banned Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, who currently serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee.

Pelosi chose two of her key Republican allies and anti-Trump obsessives to fill two of her slots for the committee. As such, they do not represent the Republican conference, which opposed their selection, but the Democrat conference, which supported their selection.

Cheney was promoted to vice-chair in September in thanks for her stalwart work on Pelosi’s behalf. Cheney, who has been censured by Wyoming Republicans for working against Republican voters and their interests, and who lost her position as House Conference chair for hijacking multiple briefings for Republican policy initiatives to talk about her personal vendetta against Trump, is facing precipitously low poll numbers and a challenge from popular Republican Harriet Hageman.

Cheney was joined by lame-duck Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who recently announced his retirement rather than facing certain defeat from Illinois constituents who don’t share his anti-Trump obsession. Kinzinger was appointed by Pelosi in late July to make the committee appear more bipartisan after she’d vetoed Banks and Jordan. Cheney, her selection for vice-chair, was brought in for the sole purpose of helping Democrats with their tribunal.

The resolution establishing the committee, purportedly to investigate the federal government’s role in detecting, preventing, preparing for, and responding to the Jan. 6 riot, says depositions taken by the select committee must follow House rules.

Those rules clearly state, “Consultation with the ranking minority member shall include three days’ notice before any deposition.” Also, “A deposition shall be conducted by any member or committee counsel designated by the chair or ranking minority member of the Committee that noticed the deposition. When depositions are conducted by committee counsel, there shall be no more than two committee counsel permitted to question a witness per round. One of the committee counsel shall be designated by the chair and the other by the ranking minority member per round.”

Additionally, the rules say, “Deposition questions shall be propounded in rounds. The length of each round shall not exceed 60 minutes per side and shall provide equal time to the majority and the minority. In each round, the member(s) or committee counsel designated by the chair shall ask questions first, and the member(s) or committee counsel designated by the ranking minority member shall ask questions second.”

The point of these rules is to structure depositions so the minority and the majority counsel have the same opportunity to question witnesses and gather information for their separate reports. That’s why they rotate and why they’re allotted equal time. Having questions alternate from one hostile lawyer to another hostile lawyer who is working with the first makes a mockery of the provisions. It also means that the hostile lawyers can coordinate and cherry-pick which information to leak or publish, and which to conceal from the public because it contradicts their preferred narrative.

The rules do not envision the circumstances that accompany Pelosi’s uni-party select committee. The House Rules “become nonsensical in a situation like this,” said one congressional aide, adding, “This isn’t just a partisan investigation — it’s a coverup.”

For the select committee to be in accordance with the rules regarding consultation for depositions, Cheney must be considered simultaneously the ranking member for the minority party while also being the vice-chair for the majority party.

Hill lawyers say Pelosi’s handling of the committee casts doubt on its adherence to the rules. Because she vetoed the ranking member from the committee, it has no ranking member. But the committee rules require consultation with the ranking member before taking certain basic actions, such as taking depositions, including those pursuant to subpoenas.

“So how can you consult with the ranking member when you don’t have one?” asked one Hill attorney.

The multiple sources consulted for this article include a document which confirmed January 6 Committee staff represented to a witness that Wood would be the Republican counsel during their interview.

“If this was a real investigation, that’d land you in jail for prosecutorial misconduct,” Banks said of the false representation. “Fortunately for Liz, this is a sham investigation,” he added.

Liz Cheney Uses Her Position on J6 Committee to Target Political Opposition in Wyoming

The Cheney family, writ large, are a big part of the disturbing underbelly of U.S. politics who maintain a very corrupt system.  Congressional Representative Liz Cheney (Wyoming) has learned the dark arts of DeceptiCon politics through her family connection and influence.

In the latest deployment of her black-art politics, Liz Cheney has used her position as a J6 committee member to subpoena Bill Stepien, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager {link}.  Bill Stepien is also the current political advisor/campaign manager of Wyoming congressional candidate Harriet Hageman {website here}  President Trump has endorsed Harriet Hageman in the quest to unseat and remove Liz Cheney in the GOP Primary {link}.

In essence, Liz Cheney is using her Pelosi-aligned position on the J6 Committee to target her opponent in the GOP primary.   Retaining power at all costs is just the way the swamp works.  From the perspective of Cheney Inc., the MAGA base is just a bunch of rubes that need to be ruled and occasionally culled.

FINAL SEMI-RELATED NOTE… There is a region in Wyoming, with its epicenter in Jackson Hole, filled with hard line globalists, Wall Street executives, radical communists and sketchy creepy intelligence operatives from around the world.  Eastern European intelligence agents are everywhere in the area, it’s a real life ‘Three Days of the Condor‘ type backdrop, and the tourists have no idea, because all the fronts are well maintained.

American tourists pass through Jackson Hole all the time without noticing the extremely odd group of actors that live in/around this very specific locale.   However, if you go into the area specifically aware of the shadow operatives that use the Jackson Hole region as their playground, suddenly you start to notice things that will unnerve most political followers.   If you’re within driving distance, go spend the day there with new eyes of awareness and you’ll see it.

Sundance didn’t kill himself.