Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The War We’ve Lived and the Birth of the New

I was in Marshalls yesterday where dystopian vertical boards keep people in checkout lines separated like cattle at a feeding trough. Customers approach the checkout to encounter a masked person behind plexiglass, pay with “touchless” tech, and scamper away with hope that we avoided a pathogenic enemy we cannot see. We can’t see it but we sure did institutionalize ways to avoid it, all codified by “the science” and imposed by force. And fear. 

LIke the “social distancing” stickers on the floor, all this apparatus are part of the surviving relics of a world gone mad. No trying on clothing. No sampling perfume. A full-time employee stood at the entrance to enforce mask wearing (“Keep that mask over your nose!”). It was all part of “virus control,” which became a mystical liturgy that governed life for 20-some months after darkness fell in the Spring of 2020. 

These signs and symbols of mass panic are gradually going away, leaving in their wake sadness, regret, shattered dreams, psychological trauma, bad health, ruined businesses, broken friendships and families, and a loss of confidence and trust in myriad institutions that once took our respect for them for granted. 

The people who did this to the world are still clinging to the hope that they can make a dignified walk back from the disasters they created. That seems to be the major point of the vaccine mandate domestically and for foreigners traveling in. It’s the best hope, they believe, for providing them cover. They had to get everyone jabbed before we got our freedom back! We resisted their dictates, out of ignorance they said, so they had to impose them with ever more fines and threats. 

Thus are we transitioning from the Covid kabuki dance to a system of overt segregation of the clean vs the unclean, a situation we’ve encountered before during the most morally egregious episodes in modern history. While the clean are granted freedom, the unclean cannot travel, cannot participate in public life, and sometimes cannot shop or get medical care. 

Never mind that the data are not playing along: while the private benefit for the vulnerable from the vaccine exists, the public health benefit appears more dubious by the day, especially given the manner in which public-health authorities have obstinately denied what at least 106 studies have already affirmed. 

What we’ve all been through is impossible to describe in a sentence because there are so many dimensions to it all. It affected and traumatized everything and everyone. 

I once tried to imagine what the blowback would look like (this was late April 2020, writing with no clue that the frenzy would continue for another year and a half). I predicted an impending revolt against masks, against mainstream media, against politicians, against Zoom-only life, against distancing, against academia, against experts in general, and against public-health authorities in particular. 

I was correct but far too early in my prediction. What began as a dreadful error in political and bureaucratic judgment became an entrenched policy and then a generalized practice of disregarding basic human rights in every area of life. The schools remained shut for the year, while the enforcement of absurdity became a national way of life. The point of exhaustion with the entirety of the antivirus theater happened in waves across the country, and has only reached the whole country after 20 months. 

The result was not only carnage but also learning and responding. The passage of time has highlighted that we are living amidst not only the death of institutions and expertise but also witnessing the glorious birth of new institutions and voices. This has been exciting to watch. 

Covid restriction and cancel culture coincided, taking out some of the most intelligent and prescient intellectuals in the public space. They had their social media accounts deleted, their jobs threatened and sometimes taken away, their access to their audiences throttled. This is because legacy social-media platforms signed up to become mouthpieces for the regime. The result was an astonishing dreariness, not actual reporting at all. Anything that reinforced the lockdown/mandate line was allowed in and anything contradicting was blocked. The scientific journals weren’t much better. 

But thanks to the will to survive, the cancelled found other outlets that are now thriving. The stodgy and stultifying information blockades provided an opportunity for other institutions to be born and blossom in record time. There are new video platforms and social media channels that are doing a booming business. 

I’ve found myself relying on Substack and other new venues for actual information at a time when the mainstream media has been marching in political lockstep with the lockdown regime. Substack, for example, was founded with a $2 million investment in 2017, and now it is on its series B funding round with $84 million along with 213 employees. 

The business model of Substack sounds a bit like many others. It enabled publishing. Crucially, it allows its users to accept subscriptions which it then mails to users post by post. It permits its authors to make some content free and some paid, and allows them to set the price. In other words, the platform enables authors to achieve pretty much what the New York Times does but without all the third-party plugins and set up required to set up a paid blogging platform. 

The real business advantage: it refused to censor responsible material. In fact, it made itself a home to those who were being censored by others. Users and authors both began to trust the platform after its owners were hounded by the mainstream press and refused to budge. They would be a platform for free speech, period. It not only saved Alex Berenson from death by Twitter; it has inspired countless new intellectuals and writers who have been victimized by Covid cancel culture. 

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have reached new highs and record adoption in these times too, as the value of national currencies depreciates due to reckless monetary policies and lockdown-related breakages. Having never shut down even in the darkest days, or seen their operations throttled, they’ve taken on the role of a safe haven in dangerous times. 

Brownstone Institute is also a case of new birth. The website went live only on August 1, 2021, but will soon have racked up 3 million page views, along with a global network of contacts. The growth has been phenomenal to behold, and why? We have yet to produce fancy videos or hire a marketing team and all the rest. We have all that is necessary for success in the post-lockdown world: outstanding content that provides light rather than propaganda. 

In addition, there are already new universities being founded alongside new research institutes, activist organizations, and television shows and podcasts. We are looking at a probable political realignment. 

Inevitably too, philanthropy will need to catch up to the new. Support will likely leave institutions that failed us so miserably during the lockdowns and refused to step up to defend human rights. To mention one obvious example among so many, the well-funded ACLU has enjoyed a long history of taking unpopular positions in defense of human liberties, until they decided to throw it all away in defense of a pandemic policy that had zero regard for rights and liberties. There are thousands of other institutions and individuals that completely flopped when their voices were most needed. 

Every crisis in the history of modernity has produced a cultural and social realignment. Old institutions on the wrong side sink into the mire of their own disrepute, while new ones rise up to take their place, standing courageously on principle and inspiring students, customers, benefactors, and the general public. This was true after the Civil War in American history but also true all over the world following the 20th century’s two world wars along with the Vietnam War. What failed is washed away, and what stood steadfast gains new prominence. 

What we have lived through has war-like features, and will have culture-shifting effects. Many people were tested. Many people failed. The failures made a bad bet that playing it safe and echoing regime priorities was the prudent path, but now they sit on a digital archive of cowardice, censorship, bad science, and disregard for humane values. 

More inspiring to watch has been the emergence of a new movement that transverses political and ideological lines and is defined by its implacable commitment to enlightenment values, human freedom, and the determination to celebrate what’s true against all odds – what used to be called normal as recently as 2019. 

This birth and growth of the new is a tribute to the reality that human beings will not be forced to live in cages and think only what our masters tell us to think. We are wired to be free, creative, and truth telling, and cannot abide by systems that attempt to stamp out all those instincts and instead treat us all like lab rats or code in their models. No, never. 

The crazy rules and practices governments and corporations adopted and imposed over the last 20 months will in time look ridiculous and embarrassing to nearly everyone. That we went along with such preposterous practices is a sad commentary on the human condition and its primitive ways. 

Apparently, we as a society are only a step away from the abyss into which a well-timed campaign of fear can push us. I’m not sure any of us knew that until we lived it. 

We will emerge on the other side of this wiser, stronger, more determined, and motivated by the new realization that the civilization we take for granted is not a given but might instead be held by a thread that must be reinforced daily by knowledge, wisdom, and moral courage. 

We can never again allow a ruling class to exercise such brutality against the people. It has not ended well for the lockdowners and mandators. They are perhaps now beginning to realize that they are not the authors of history. We are. Everyone is. 

No one is born, appointed, much less destined, to dictate to everyone else. That powerful conviction forged modernity and what it means to be civilized. There will be no turning back the clock, not at this late date in the course of human progress. 

X22,Christian Patriot News, and more-Nov 10th


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

Brian Williams quitting MSNBC when his contract is up in December

 Brian Williams quitting MSNBC when his contract is up in December

Brian Williams is exiting the NBC News family by year's end.


Brian Williams has announced he’s quitting MSNBC next month after nearly three decades with NBC News.

Williams, 62, had been working in the relative hinterlands of the NBC news family for years, scrabbling to turn “The 11th Hour” into a hitfollowing his six-month suspension in 2015 for falsifying details of stories that he’d covered, including one about taking enemy fire while riding in a helicopter in Iraq.

In a note seen by Page Six, he wrote to staff Tuesday: “Following much reflection, and after 28 years with the company, I have decided to leave NBC upon the completion of my current contract in December.” 

Williams’ reflection likely involved his bank account. “Brian,” an NBC source explains, “was still on the Andy Lack deal, which was something crazy like $7 million a year. But his contract was up for renewal next month and there was no way they were going to pay him that money for an 11 p.m. show. Plus Greg Gutfield over on Fox News has been literally killing him in the ratings.”

The source continued, “Brian told [current NBC News president] Noah Oppenheim that he’s tired of being up so late, he wants to go and work on his own independent projects — he has no other deal with another network. But many insiders believe that he didn’t want to do that 11 p.m. show for a drastically smaller salary.”

(Lack stepped down in May 2020. Ronan Farrow’s book “Catch and Kill” accused NBC News executives — including Lack’s majordomo Oppenheim — of killing his Harvey Weinstein reporting. Lack has also been accused of downplaying a rape allegation against former “Today” host Matt Lauer and of his own shady behavior with female employees.)

“I was on the air for the launch of MSNBC,” Williams’ statement reads. “My return years later was my choice, as was launching ‘The 11th Hour’ that I’m as proud of as the decade I spent anchoring Nightly News … ‘The 11th Hour’ will remain in good hands, produced by the best team in cable news.”

Despite the relative success of “The 11th Hour,” Williams’ star had fallen so far at NBC that he wasn’t even considered as a replacement for Chris Matthews last year when the anchor retired from “Hardball.” Williams, a source told us at the time was, would have been “judged very differently” had he moved back to the early evening hours: “The audience wants red meat at 7, not a news recap,” the source continued.

Sources told us Tuesday that Williams has kvetched to friends of his late hours as well. “Brian’s been in the business for 40 years — truly I think he wants to take some time and spend it with his family. He’s going on his own terms, it’s his choice.”

“This is the end of a chapter and the beginning of another,” Williams’ statement continued. “There are many things I want to do, and I’ll pop up again somewhere. For the next few months, I’ll be with my family, the people I love most and the people who enabled my career to happen. I will reflect on the kindness people have shown me, and I will pay it forward,” he added.

But in true BriWi style, he couldn’t resist talking himself up one last time, adding, “I have been truly blessed … NBC is a part of me and always will be. 28 years, 38 countries, 8 Olympic games, 7 Presidential elections, half a dozen presidents, a few wars, and one ‘SNL.’”

Williams’ stock plummeted in both industry circles and the public after the Iraq scandal, a story he’d recounted several times in the years prior before it was outed as fiction. (He chalked up the lie as “misremembering” in his on-air apology.) The New York Times reported in February 2015 that he’d fallen from the 23rd-most-trusted person in America to the 835th, according to research by The Marketing Arm firm. 

And the helicopter incident opened the door to the questioning of other Williams stories. Brandon Webb, a writer and former SEAL sniper who helped train “American Sniper” Chris Kyle, told the Huffington Post in February 2015 that he found the anchor’s tales of flying into Baghdad with SEAL Team 6 — and receiving various military keepsakes like a knife and a piece of a Black Hawk helicopter — “preposterous.” 

“There’s a healthy dislike towards embedded journalists within the SEAL community,” Webb said. “I can’t even remember an embed with a SEAL unit. And especially at SEAL Team Six? Those guys don’t take journalists with them on missions.”

Williams’ — let’s charitably call them “exaggerations” — also hit closer to home. In February 2015, the manager of The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans when Williams was there reporting on Hurricane Katrina in 2005 laughed down his claims of seeing a body floating along in the floodwaters — along with the contention that gangs were roving the hallways of the five-star hotel.

“That did not happen in the French Quarter,” Myra deGersdorff said of the story, which Williams recounted to ex-Disney CEO Michael Eisner in 2006.

Enlarge ImageBrian Williams and Tom Brokaw
Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw
Getty Images (2)

Williams even stepped on toes in his own backyard: “NBC Nightly News” anchor Tom Brokaw “[wanted] Williams’ head on a platter,” an NBC source told us in February 2015. “He [was] making a lot of noise at NBC that a lesser journalist or producer would have been immediately fired or suspended for a false report.”

Brokaw likely had his own past with Williams on his mind. The younger journalist frequently muddied the waters between his own coverage of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and that of Brokaw’s. 

“I was at the Brandenburg Gate the night the wall came down,” Williams said in 2008 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, though he arrived the day after Brokaw, who was famously the only American journalist covering the Wall’s Nov. 9 fall live.

Then, years later, Williams made sure to place himself alongside Brokawwhen recollecting his coverage at a Nov. 8, 2014 gala. “25 years ago tonight, Tom Brokaw and I were at the Berlin Wall,” he claimed.

Williams’ fabulism wasn’t even limited to the secular world: He was a student at Washington, D.C.’s Catholic University when Pope John Paul II spoke at the campus in 1979, and his remembrances of the day, shall we say, “evolved,” from simply being there to shaking the pontiff’s hand to receiving an unspecified “blessing” from the man.

Williams’ exit comes as Rachel Maddow, MSNBC’s top-rated anchor, recently signed a new deal amid rumors that she would leave her show.

She had considered leaving the channel — where she has hosted the 9 p.m. hour since 2008 — to launch her own media venture but ultimately decided to stick with the company. She’ll develop new projects for NBC News as part of her new deal.

New MSNBC President Rashida Jones told staff: “Brian’s time at NBC has been marked by breaking countless major stories, attracting leading journalists and guests to his programs, and most especially, great resiliency … Please join me in expressing our deep gratitude for 28 years of devoted service to our viewers and wishing him the very best.”

New Twists in Durham Probe: FBI Danchenko Recordings and Suspicions Fiona Hill Lied

The indictment of Igor Danchenko, the “primary sub-source” of Christopher Steele’s infamous dossier, reveals that the FBI electronically recorded several previously undisclosed interviews with the Brookings Institution researcher. Separately, it raises suspicions, according to congressional sources, that his Brookings superior Fiona Hill may have committed perjury when testifying about Steele during President Trump’s first impeachment.

The existence of electronic records of Danchenko speaking to the FBI far more extensively than previously known creates the possibility that much more will come out about the origins of the Steele dossier and the way the opposition research was weaponized. And those under scrutiny in Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation of the origins of the Trump-Russia affair will have to wonder whether information to which they previously attested jibes with the Danchenko recordings.

According to Durham’s Nov. 3 indictment of Danchenko, the FBI conducted interviews with him in March, May, June, October, and November of 2017 -- well beyond the three days of interviews at the beginning of 2017 previously disclosed in the Trump-Russia affair. (Deep in the Justice Department Inspector General's report on surveillance court abuses—page 186—there is a passing reference to interviews with the "primary sub-source" in March and May 2017.) Unlike the early interviews, which were memorialized in a “consolidated write-up” of notes taken by agents and provided to lawmakers in heavily redacted form, at least three of the later interviews were recorded legally but without Danchenko’s knowledge -- those conducted March 16, May 18, and June 15. The indictment is silent on whether the October 24 and November 16 interviews were also surreptitiously recorded.

Charles Dolan: “It’s hard to believe Fiona Hill introduced Danchenko both to Steele and to Dolan, yet had no idea of the purpose of the introductions," a congressional source says.

It has been known since July 2020 that Danchenko was the primary source of spurious rumors and alcohol-lubricated gossip about Donald Trump compiled by opposition researcher and former British spy Steele. The indictment unsealed last week states that in 2010, it was "Think Tank Employee-1" — Fiona Hill — who introduced Danchenko to “U.K. Person-1”— that is, Steele. The next year Danchenko began working as a contractor for Steele’s company, Orbis, which the indictment refers to as “U.K. Investigative Firm-1”

Hill, a longtime intelligence analyst who became a deputy assistant on the Trump administration’s National Security Council, was a key witness in the Ukraine-related impeachment of President Trump.

As part of the impeachment proceedings, Hill gave closed-door testimony to House lawmakers and investigators for the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Oversight and Reform and the Committee on Foreign Affairs. During that testimony in October 2019, Hill answered many questions emphatically and apparently without leaving herself wiggle room. Hill did not express the sort of memory fog that often afflicts well-coached, evasive witnesses. Asked whether she was “aware of any interaction between Mr. Steele and Ukrainians,” Hill did not say “to the best of my recollection” or “I don’t remember specifically,” or even a simple “no.” Instead she expanded her answer to deny not only any knowledge of Steele and Ukrainians, but to deny any knowledge of anything Steele-related: “I have no knowledge whatsoever of how he developed that dossier. None. I just want to state that.”

Lawmakers are particularly interested in that statement. The Danchenko indictment states that Hill introduced Danchenko both to Steele and to an unnamed public relations executive, since identified as Charles Dolan Jr., a Hillary Clinton ally. Republican members of the House Permanent Select Committee are questioning whether Hill could have had “no knowledge whatsoever” of how the dossier was developed when she had a central role in connecting those key players. RealClearInvestigations was unable to reach Hill through her former attorney.

“It’s hard to believe Fiona Hill introduced Danchenko both to Steele and to Dolan, yet had no idea of the purpose of the introductions she herself was making or what resulted from those introductions,” a source familiar with the thinking of House Republicans tells RealClearInvestigations. “So, yes, Republicans on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence are taking a look at that.”

Gov. Newsom reemerges after 2 week disappearance


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 11:50 AM PT – Wednesday, November 10, 2021

California Governor Gavin Newsom is rationalizing his absence from the public eye and the United Nations Climate Change Conference. On Tuesday, the Democrat made his first public appearance in 13-days at the California Economic Summit in Monterey.

Rumors about Newsom’s health circulated since his disappearance on October 27 when he received a COVID-19 vaccine booster suggesting the governor was possibly hiding a reaction to the shot. When asked about his unusually low profile, however, Newsom claimed he had what he says was an “intervention” from his kids who were upset he was going to be absent for Halloween.

Prior to his trick-or-treating obligations, the governor was scheduled to lead a delegation of state lawmakers and environmental leaders at the climate change conference in Scotland to make the case that California needs national and international partners to join their supposed fight against global warming. Newsom was expected to tout California’s plans to phase-out the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035.  

The United Nations Climate Conference runs through this Friday, November 12. Yet, after the productive work week of dress-up, soccer tournaments and selfies, the governor still had a full weekend planned. Instead of speaking to the world about how his state is grappling with wildfires, droughts, oil spills and wrestling with a reliance on fossil fuels, the California governor attended the star-studded wedding for billionaire oil heiress Ivy Getty. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was also in attendance on Saturday to officiate the wedding.  

The FDA Warns That Hand Sanitizer ‘Can Cause Serious Injury’ If You Put It in Your Eyes

The FDA Warns That Hand Sanitizer 'Can Cause Serious Injury' If You Put It in Your Eyes

"These are the same people who could not approve an at-home COVID-19 test for a year."


(Martinmark |

Last week the government issued a press release sure to distress anyone who was about to sanitize their hands: "FDA warns that getting alcohol-based hand sanitizer in the eyes can cause serious injury."

This is scary stuff. Everyone I know carries hand sanitizer at all times, particularly since the pandemic. Is hand sanitizer blinding an entire generation?

Well, not quite. It seems that, perhaps lacking other public health emergencies to deal with, the government decided to study the issue of eye injuries hand sanitizer might be causing. To do so, it reviewed calls to poison control centers, as well as the academic literature on sanitizer eye injuries, from January 1, 2018 trough April 30, 2021. That is, it studied two and a half years' worth of ocular incidents, starting a year before COVID-19 right on up through its crest. And in a country of 330,000,000 people over the course of 1,215 days, what horrible truth did the FDA discover?

Precisely "3,642 cases of side effects resulting from eye exposure to these hand sanitizers." How many of those folks went blind? Zero.

How many of them required eye surgery?


So what were the horrific "side effects" discovered by the FDA? Eye irritation and "red eye."

But that's not quite the whole story, the agency hastened to add. Among those 3,000+ cases of eye irritation, 58 were categorized as "more serious." These were treated via a radical intervention known as "rinsing the eye." Twenty-six of those folks also received antibiotics. In the end, 51 of the 58 were treated and released, but I don't think you have to worry that the other seven eventually turned up at guide dog orientation. Their particular cases "were either not followed or were minor."

The FDA adds that when it reviewed two other publications, it encountered 18 cases of "eye exposure" in children that required treatment in a hospital or by a health care professional (which I assume could include a school nurse). Ten had some eye damage, and two required surgery. And another study reported on two children who needed several days of eye-washing and medicine for their problems to resolve.

While that obviously must have been disturbing for those families, why is the government publicly warning us about something that happened to a truly minimal number of people when hundreds of millions of people are using this stuff day in and day out with no eye damage?

"Our policies follow our fears, not the facts," says David Ropeik, author of How Risky Is It Really?. We are a culture that distrusts chemicals and fears for our kids on almost every front. "Raising the alarm on behalf of public safety feels like a public service," Ropeik says. Even when it's not.

And as chemist Josh Bloom, Director of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science at the often-skeptical American Council on Science and Health, points out: "There are few chemicals that won't do damage if you get them in your eye."

The FDA also warns about the dangers of breathing in hand sanitizer vapors, having discovered 50 adverse incidents over the course of 11 years. That's almost five a year, or one incident for every 66,000,000 people. For comparison, your odds of dying in a lacrosse incident are 1 in 22,000,000.

"These are the same people who could not approve an at-home COVID-19 test for a year," says John Tierney, former New York Times science writer and author of The Power of Bad.

Blame it on the Purell fumes.

It’s About the Culture War, Stupid: Enlist as a Culture Warrior

It’s About the Culture War, Stupid: 

Enlist as a Culture Warrior

Enough already! Backing down is for losers.

Just stand up to them, for G-d’s sakes. The Left has inadequate backing. They are paper. Conservatives are intimidated by paper. The need is for Culture Warriors to take on the Social Justice Warriors in a battle to the finish.

Conservatives are intimidated by Whoopie Goldberg? By Joy Behar? By a Twitter mob? By Joy Reid? By Nicolle Wallace?

These people are paper. Dust. They are nothing — here today, gone tomorrow. Keith Olbermann?  Ed Schultz? Chris Matthews? Dylan Ratigan? Dust in the wind. One day Megyn Kelly lambastes Newt Gingrich on Fox News. The next day she is crying before millions, begging the Woke not to fire her because she black-faced on Halloween years earlier. They fire her.

One day Greta Von Susteren is on Fox News lecturing Mitch McConnell that he absolutely must hold Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Merrick Garland. In Mitch’s finest moment, he saw through Obama’s “moderate” nominee and would not let him have a national spotlight to deceive as though he were a reasonable moderate. We now know Garland is an extreme radical who would sic the FBI on schoolchildren’s parents. Mitch done good.

And Greta is long gone and forgotten. Paper. Dust in the wind.

They cannot beat us — if we stand firmly. Their loud and noisy cancel-culture boycotts conducted over their corrupted social media? If only conservative men would man up, conservative women would woman up, and we all would just stuff it right back in their faces. That’s all it takes. The War on Culture must begin — yesterday. We have the numbers, need the guts. Read this next paragraph carefully:

The majority of perfectly reasonable, normal Americans do not want transgender bathrooms in public schools. They want their kids to learn how to do real math, how to spell, how to write and speak correct English grammar. They want their kids to learn that American history is an inspiring, ennobling story of people who dared the seas and oceans at a time when many thought the world was flat, who risked all to find riches or freedom — or both. That heroes came to Jamestown, Virginia and Roanoke, North Carolina and Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts in search of freedom or opportunity or just a plain second chance. They did not care a whit about slavery or about Africa.  They were good people. Later, the northern half of this country gave their lives, fighting their brothers and sisters, to free the enslaved. Most in the South were not slave-owning rich plantation owners, but just wanted the federal government to stay out of their lives, to stop burning their land, and to stop imposing other aspects of liberal northern culture that conflict with conservative southern values even today. Normal Americans do not want our military paying for sex change surgery. They don’t want their own kids being told by school teachers with a mere teaching credential — not a doctoral degree in medicine or psychology — that boys might be girls inside, and girls might be boys inside. They want pronouns for only two genders. They want their kids learning as they did. They reared their children not to judge others based on color of skin or accent of dialogue, and they despise that the public schools are corrupting their kids’ innocence by forcing on them critical race theory that, at its core, is pure garbage being taught by deeply jealous, personally inadequate people who grew up on a culture of whining over microaggressions, begging for trigger warnings, and to hide in safe spaces. They want their kids to learn values like self-help and personal responsibility.

That is the American mainstream. They may not be able to penetrate through the leftist dominant media. But they came out in Virginia and in New Jersey. They will not be stopped by rumors that their votes will not be counted. They will vote. They just have to be defiant as The Tea Party was a few years ago, as the The School Parents have been lately.

Think about it: A national baseball boycott of Georgia? Are you kidding? A few gutless cowards wrongly moved the All-Star Game last July from Atlanta, while millions of baseball fans failed to respond adequately. Yet what happened — in the end? Did the Left win? Did Georgia change its improved voting laws to suit the cheating Woke? No. Rather, Georgiastuffed it to baseball — and baseball’s owners and commissioners came crawling back to Georgia, their tails between their legs. The World Series was played in Atlanta. Notice that they did not move that to Colorado, did they? Then Atlanta won the World Series. All the while, the team kept their Indian tribe name — the Braves. The fans came with their tomahawks— those kinds of Braves, the kinds of Indians who scalp. They went chop, chop, chop. They probably even scalped tickets.…

And how did the gutless All-Star game weasels of MLB management react? They also chopped, chopped, chopped. Here a chop, there a chopeverywhere a chopchop. It looked like a Navajo or Apache Bris. Maybe Ocasio did not attend. Maybe Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib did not attend. Did anyone care or take notice? Each represents an insignificant district of outlier misfits, not the main core of the American people. So Ilhan Omar’s Somalian immigrants want baseball moved? What happens if MLB tells them: “You won’t even get to first base with us.” To hell with them. Really — to hell with them.

Question: Was Major League Baseball management offended that the biggest series of its year was played and won in Atlanta?

Answer: Since we are talking Atlanta here: Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a Damn.

That is all it takes. When MSNBC and CNN call a politician a “racist” for opposing Critical Race Theory, the response should not be: “Well, uh, I’m, c’mon, I’m not really a racist, like, really, you shouldn’t say that about me.”

That is not the answer. Rather the answer should be: “Stuff it! You are the racist!”

Too many Conservatives get intimidated into thinking they are on the wrong side of the social and political climate when the Left pushes its Woke agenda down their throats to:

1. Apologize for being White,

2. Utter declarations that America is Systemically Racist,

3. Take a knee during the the national anthem of the kindest, most accepting, racially just country on the face of the earth, and

4. Apologize for America’s history and heritage.

For years the Left tried boycotting Rush Limbaugh off the radio for calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” after she demanded that we all dig into our over-taxed pockets to pay for her boyfriend’s condoms and her contraceptive pills. Rush won. He told them to stuff it. That boycott fizzled. Sponsors who left him to associate with the Woke later begged him to let them return to advertise — and in many cases he would not let them back. He remained #1 on the air. They disappeared. And what became of her? A fluke. Paper. Dust. She ran for office, the California State Senate — and lost. She would have done better if she had “dated” Willie Brown and had him pay for her birth control.

Then the Left decided to boycott Laura Ingraham when she called out David Hogg, an overblown teen who used the Parkland High School shooting tragedy to advance a leftist agenda. She rightly called him out. Suddenly there was a nationwide boycott to get her off Fox News, to destroy her corporate sponsors — to cancel-culture her. It is now nearly four years later. Greta Van Whoever is gone. Megyn Kelly is gone. But Laura still stands.

To hell with their threats and boycotts. Stand your ground. Enlist as a Culture Warrior. Speak your mind — with prudence, picking your spots. Not every situation calls for discussing controversial subjects. A business lunch with a client can and usually should be apolitical. But don’t let them shove their Wokeness down your throat. Laura has remained on TV years later. What ever did became of David Hogg? Dunno, do you?

Remember when they tried to boycott Sean Hannity off the air? He simply refused to rush to judgment. Keurig got scared and stopped advertising. Next thing we knew, his supporters were smashing their Keurig machines. Sean had to ask his viewers on national television to stop smashing their machines. Keurig folded like an empty K-pod.

Every single Leftist boycott fails — but only when conservatives stand strong. Ignore MSNBC, CNN, the whole lot of them. They rule by fear and intimidation. They scare viewers and corporations into believing they will be driven out of business if they do not go Woke. Well, Hobby Lobby did not cave, and they still are around. Chick-fil-A did not cave, and they still are around. You know who are not still around? Lots of former CNN and MSNBC personalities. Or, as they say in Atlanta, the city where CNN is based: gone with the wind. These latest clowns — the Joy Reids and Nicolle Wallaces — will pass like the others, dust in the wind. They are nothing.

Here, one more: Take a look at the Woke Ben & Jerry boycott of IsraelTo hell with them. Have you seen what happened since Ben & Jerry’s announced a boycott of Israel — but no one came to the boycott? Get a load of this:

1. Several states, instead of boycotting and divesting their investment holdings in Israel, instead now have boycotted and divested their investment holdings — pension funds, state “rainy day” funds — from Unilever, Ben & Jerry’s corporate parent. New York State has dumped $111 million in Unilever stock — so farArizona is dumping $143 million.  New Jersey $182 millionFlorida $139 million. Texas more than $100 million. So far, with several states now reaching the end of their mandatory 90-day waiting periods before divesting, the total amount of Unilever stock that will be boycotted, divested, and dumped exceeds one billion dollarsDid you grasp that? They were the ones announcing a Woke boycott of Israel, but instead it is $1 billion of their stock that is being dumped. And just wait for the shareholder derivative class-action suits that follow.

2. Even better: It turns out that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is sold in Israelthough an independent franchisee. The Ben & Jerry’s board cannot control where that guy sells in Israel. So — get this!  He supports “Jewish West Bank settlements” — more properly called “Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.” Likewise, some guy in Manhattan who also owns a Ben & Jerry’s franchise has begun donating chunks of his profits to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. As a result: (i) hundreds of thousands of former Ben & Jerry’s customers in America no longer let that garbage in their homes, even as several supermarket chains likewise have thrown them outbut (ii) Israelis who support permanent Jewish control over Judea and Samaria have increased purchases of Ben & Jerry’s ice creams sold in Israel — because more of Ben & Jerry’s Israel-based profits now are going directly to Jews there to build even more new homes in Judea and Samaria. Hah!

3. On top of all that, you might wonder whether the mood of foreign investors nevertheless has been turned away from Israel somewhat because Ben & Jerry’s and the Woke announced a boycott of Israel. Well, get this, chunky monkey: This year Israel now has set its all-time record in attracting foreign investment, nearly double last year’s record numbers, now at $17.8 billion. The Leftist anti-Jewish boycott has helped Israel, motivating it to work harder to attract investment capital.

To hell with Cherry Garcia. Some boycott. Stuff it.

That is what America’s devout Catholics, deeply believing Christian Protestants, Orthodox Jews, and faithful Muslims need to start doing. Also — quite frankly — politically conservative agnostics, theists, atheists, soccer moms, baseball dads … just any American independent who is sick of being intimidated by cowards who are weak blow-hards with no lasting power behind them. Stop being cowed by them. 

They tell you they will get you fired, canceled? They will hurt your corporations with their boycotts? Baloney! Absolute garbage! Just think again to each and every Woke boycott that has fizzled:

Baseball in Georgia. Rush on radio. Laura, Sean, Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Israel easily outlasting a melting Ben & Jerry’s boycott. And when was the last time Gillette ran a TV ad for girlie men?

Glenn Youngkin stared them down. Terry McAuliffe and the Democrats figured they could intimidate him with approximately this message:

“Don’t you dare think we will let parents get involved in the education of their young kin! That is the role of our Leftist Woke school boards and the Democrats’ teachers’ unions. We have the Left Woke media behind us, and we have the Intersectionalist minorities. They all will crush you, Glenn: our unions, the 90 percent of Blacks whom we control in our pockets, many Hispanics, the gays we control, the transgendered, the suburban Whites and independent Moms we won in 2020, the know-nothing college kids we have been brainwashing for years. We will bury you on Election Day. We will cancel you out of your homes. We will break you. We own this Commonwealth of Virginia by Biden’s ten points. And wait till we finish you off with our biggest guns! Next we are bringing Obama to Virginia. And Biden. And Kamala Harris. And Randi Weingarten of the Teachers’ Union. You are dead in the water. You won’t know what hit you.”

And Youngkin, as did Thomas J. Jackson at Bull Run in Manassas, Virginia, stood his ground like a stone wall. By the time the dust had cleared on election night, all the nay-sayers who swore the “fix was in,” that the vote would be tampered, and that the GOP and conservatives never would win another Virginia election, were proven wrong. The GOP even won the offices of Lieutenant Governor, State Attorney General, and won back the Legislative chamber. All it took was conservatives, moderates, independents, suburbanites, and fair-minded people standing firm, not backing down, staring down the powerless Woke. Ocasio, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush? Oh, for goodness sakes, they comprise four House votes out of 435. They are nothing.

If Bill Clinton beat George W. Bush because the economy was the defining issue in 1992 — and it was —  the defining issue in America now is cultureand the related education of our children. It is not race. Normal mainstream Middle Americans — Blacks with professions and jobs and intact families, with children and mouths to feed, with boys to guide to success instead of prison — Hispanics and Asian-Americans with jobs and enterprises, suburban Moms with children in school — do not want their kids being fed Critical Race Theory in public schools, nor books that confuse their young kin about gender and delude boys to start thinking maybe they really are girls — and girls maybe they are boys. Normal sensible parents don’t want transgender bathrooms in public schools. They don’t care whether Hollywood shoots movies in their state, and they are especially happy that Alec Baldwin is not shooting. They want the southern border secure. They know they are not racist, and they are sick of being told to apologize for living and for being of one skin shade or another. Until Obama, America was post-racial, and we are all in peaceful lawful rebellion at the ballot box against Wokeness to restore our Great American Culture that made the United States the greatest country that ever has been.

It’s about the Culture Wars, stupid, and just wait until November 2022.

Why Politicians And Bureaucrats Are So Threatened By The People COVID Couldn’t Kill

Science, history, and multiple studies confirm what we know about the immunity of COVID-19 survivors. So why won't government officials admit it?

Of all the intrusions on Americans’ civil liberties during the COVID-19 pandemic, mandates forcing those who have already had the virus to vaccinate anyway are the hardest to understand. By now, what has been known for centuries – that survival confers immunity on the survivor – has been borne out in numerous well-regarded studies on COVID-19  recovery.  Yet government officials continue to disregard them, insisting COVID-19 survivors get the shot like everyone else.

In September, the Biden Administration announced a mandatory vaccine policy that fails to recognize natural immunity. Notwithstanding his early assurances that vaccines would not be mandatory, President Biden ordered a vaccine mandate for federal workers. And he said that a similar rule for employees at large private companies would be forthcoming from the Department of Labor. That rule was released on Thursday, November 4th, when the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) detailing the vaccination requirements.  Many private companies had already begun to comply, issuing their own workplace mandates.

State and local governments are also requiring the vaccine. “In the coming months,” The Wall Street Journal reported, “[t]ens of thousands of U.S. workers across industries from healthcare to education to airlines and the military face dismissal if they fail to get vaccinated.” Among the workers facing the loss of their jobs are those who have already had the virus and recovered.

Why is the government doubling down on COVID-19 survivors?

In his Nobel-prize winning book, “Crowds and Power,” Elias Canetti suggests the answer. Survivors, he argues, whether of battle or disease, are a symbol of strength. He presents the reader with the profile of the epidemic survivor famously recounted by Thucydides:

[T]hose who had the plague themselves and had recovered from it … knew what it was like and at the same time felt themselves to be safe, for no-one caught the disease twice, or, if he did, the second attack was never fatal. Such people were congratulated on all sides, and they themselves were so elated at the time of their recovery that they fondly imagined that they could never die of any other disease in the future.

Survivors of the plague, in other words, were better off than if they had never gotten sick at all. What hadn’t killed them made them stronger, both in their own eyes and the eyes of others.

Thucydides’s understanding of natural immunity has stood the test of time. Writing for the Brownstone Institute, Harvard Medical School professor Martin Kulldorff observes that has been the case with other coronaviruses found in the population, “We also have natural immunity after Covid-19 disease, as there have been exceedingly few reinfections with serious illness or death, despite a widely circulating virus.” That natural immunity actually provides better immunity than a vaccine, he concludes, referencing a widely cited Israeli study.

Another outspoken critic of imposing vaccine mandates on COVID-19 survivors is Dr. Marty MakaryHe faults our public health institutions for failing to come forward with good information on COVID-19 in general and on natural immunity in particular, especially compared to the caliber of studies coming out of highly vaccinated countries like Israel. The dearth of data on naturally acquired immunity makes no sense in a country like the United States that “spends lavishly” on health care.

It does, however, give cover to obfuscating public health officials when they are asked to explain why they disregard naturally acquired immunity.

Equivocal messaging from the White House chief medical advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has compounded public uncertainty. As early as April of last year, The New York Times reported Fauci as saying he was “‘really confident’ that people who recover are protected against re-infection.”

But this past September, when asked whether the case could be made to COVID-19 survivors that they should get a vaccine notwithstanding natural immunity, Fauci replied, “I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that.” Finally, last month, The Wall Street Journal reported that according to Fauci, “vaccines are still the recommendation [over natural immunity] because there has been more precise research into vaccine-based immunity.”

Kulldorff argues that Fauci’s approach undermines the legitimacy of naturally acquired immunity from contracting COVID-19. He calls the medical establishment’s questioning of it “stunning.”

The answer to Kulldorff’s astonishment lies not in science, however, but in history and politics. For as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic began, the power-grabbing ensued, on every level. From governors’ never-ending executive lockdown decrees, to self-appointed experts and COVID-19  “task forces,” down to the neighborhood mask police, all who feared missing out on a good crisis seized control of what they could.

Vaccine mandates are the latest manifestation of the ongoing breakdown in the rule of law and the deprivation of civil liberties. As our public health authoritarians now toy with boosters in perpetuity, there is no end in sight to the amount of power they will seize — if allowed.

This is why the public health establishment won’t talk about, much less abide, natural immunity. They have no use for it. Indeed, it stands in the way. Those who have it don’t need the government to force the vaccine on them. They can survive on their own power.

That unique power is a poke in the eye to rulers who presume complete control. Despots, Canetti explains, “regard survival as their prerogative” and are therefore especially hostile to the challenge presented by survivors. To the health care despots who seek the ultimate power over others, the COVID-19 survivor’s natural immunity represents the greatest threat of all: the power of the individual.