Sunday, October 17, 2021

America Won’t Save Taiwan

A protracted insurgency is the only way Taiwan can ensure its long-term independence from Chinese irredentism.

A protracted insurgency is the only way Taiwan can ensure its long-term independence from Chinese irredentism.

Whether it be 2022 or, more likely, sometime around 2025, the besieged democracy of Taiwan will face a brutal Chinese invasion of its territory. Already, Taiwan is struggling to maintain its fighting prowess as the tiny nation transitions into an all-volunteer force. Modeled on the advanced U.S. military, Taiwan’s military will be unable to withstand a full Chinese assault—not without a robust U.S. military intervention to resist the inevitable Chinese invasion. 

Yet, when China invades Taiwan, U.S. forces won’t come. The cost of waging war against China’s invasion of Taiwan will be too high for the United States.

At its core, the American support of Taiwan has always been more bluster than actual bite. Yes, Washington has sold billions of dollars of weapons and provided copious training to the Taiwanese—which has been a boon for defense contractors in both countries. But this doesn’t mean the Americans will come rushing to save Taiwan from China’s People’s Liberation Army. 

On the contrary, recent history should demonstrate how unreliable the Americans are for Taiwan. If a $1 trillion, 20-year American commitment to the “democratic” government of Afghanistan was insufficient to get Washington to protect its client in Kabul from a band of seventh century brigands, then Taiwan’s leaders really are screwed if they’re expecting Uncle Sam to risk a nuclear war with China on their behalf. 

What’s needed, therefore, is a realistic vision for the future from Taiwan’s honorable leadership. Clearly, most Taiwanese do not want to become part of China; they understandably value their democratic freedoms too much. Yet, being just across the Taiwan Strait from the Chinese juggernaut means, from a geopolitical perspective, the Taiwanese are undeniably in the hot seat: they are a tiny island and China is very large.

Without nuclear arms or U.S. Marines rushing ashore to save the day, what will the Taiwanese people do after China subjects their island to a 100-hour air war, devastating naval blockade, and capture of Taiwan’s capital of Taipei? 

Taipei should reimagine its military. Taiwan’s military should be conditioned to fight—and win—a brutal, long-term insurgency against a militarily superior China. 

Taiwan’s forces will have to fight in and among the civilian population without the accoutrements of modern military weaponry. Taiwanese forces should be compartmentalized into smaller cells of fighters trained to resist the more numerous Chinese invaders. 

Rather than hold out indefinitely against a Chinese invasion (which Taiwan cannot do for long), Taiwan’s forces ought to draw the unproven Chinese forces onto the island and ensnare them. The struggle will be brutal and will take time. But at the end of the long struggle, China will be far likelier to abandon their quest to recapture Taiwan. 

If Taiwan’s military were reformulated into an insurgency, it could effectively bleed the invading Chinese forces dry. In so doing, a Taiwanese force designed for insurgency would sap resources from the Chinese Communist Party, would likely weaken Chinese President Xi Jinping’s grip on power, and could completely humiliate China—depriving them of their pretensions of becoming the world’s dominant superpower.

While it is doubtful that Washington would overtly go to war with China over Taiwan’s independence, it is likely that America and its allies would engage in covert support of the Taiwanese insurgency—just as the West did for the mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan War. Over time, the Taiwanese insurgency would be augmented by the covert aid of the West, and China’s attempted conquest of Taiwan could be rebuffed. 

One thing is clear, though: under present conditions Taiwan will lose to China when Beijing decides to invade. Yet Taiwan’s leaders continue making the wrong moves to prepare for a Chinese invasion of their island. A protracted insurgency is the only way Taiwan can ensure its long-term independence from Chinese irredentism.

X22, Red Pill news, and more-Oct 17th


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

Our Kids Can’t Read, Write, Or Do Math, But Are No 1. In Critical Race Theory

Sending kids back to school won’t matter if they aren’t learning anything.

America’s crumbling education system is in the news. On October 5, Joe Biden managed to disgorge some dismal indicators as to the future prospects of America’s youth compared to the rest of the developed world. 

Joe didn’t quite say it, but America’s kids, the product of an obscenely well-funded school system, rank last in the developed world in reading, writing, and math, making homegrown stupidity a far more pressing problem in modern-day America than homegrown terrorism. 

Yet conservatives have continued to insist, throughout the COVID lockdowns and quarantines, that kids are missing out on an education. 

To paraphrase Joan Rivers, how can you miss out on a rash? (When Madonna accused Lady Gaga of stealing her music, the great, late, lady Joan wanted to know how you could steal a rash.) 

A particularly startling fact caught my attention in the Economist. “At 15, children in Massachusetts, where education standards are higher than in most states, are so far behind their counterparts in Shanghai at math, that it would take them more than two years of regular education to catch up.” 

This last fact is enormously telling and alarming. It tells you that America’s best schools and students can’t compete with the world’s best.

As the author further quipped cynically, “American children came top at thinking they were good at math, but bottom at math.”  

There’s no doubt that American kids are drowning in self-esteem. As someone who had warned, in the early 2000s, about unrealistic, dangerous levels of self-esteem, I would contend that inflated self-esteem and narcissism not only mask failure, but create pumped up nihilists, ready to unleash on their surroundings, unless met with palliative praise. 

Yes, self-esteem is the royal jelly upon which America’s children are raised. Our child-centered, non-hierarchical, collaborative, progressive schooling has produced kids who do not believe they can or should be corrected; and when they are corrected, they lash out in anger or bewilderment. 

Indeed, to listen to our university students speak is to hear a foreboding amalgam of dumbness and supreme confidence combined. Yet they are often high achievers in the kind of schools “tailored” for just such sub-par output. The achievement bell curve has been skewed. 

With welcome exceptions, the young can hardly string together coherent, grammatical sentences. They open their mouths and out tumble nothing but inane, mind-numbing clichés and banalities spoken in gravelly, grating, staccato tones. Vocal fry, the linguists call this loathsome sound. 

Once upon a time, linguists would have sent our Eliza Doolittles for elocution lessons. Make her sound less rough, more refined. 

Eliza, of “My Fair Lady” fame, was treated paternalistically, no doubt. Pedagogic paternalism can be fixed; not so a student’s studied ignorance. And these days, the Kardashian-style guttural growl is considered precious. Linguists name it and study it, instead of crushing it. 

In fairness to the kids, anyone under 50 seems to be similarly afflicted. This cohort can’t use tenses, prepositions, and adjectives grammatically and creatively, appreciate a clever turn-of-phrase, or conjugate verbs correctly. Has anyone noticed that the past perfect tense is dead in our country? People will relate that they “had went” to school or “had came back from the cinema.” Pidgin English is what the young, high school graduate now speaks. 

Inanities and redundancies make their way into compositions, too, where sentences are audaciously prefaced with. “I feel like.”

“Like, I want to give back.”

“Like, I want to make the world a better place.”

“I feel like it’s important to love myself” (teaching textbook narcissism).

“I feel like we need to unite.”

“Like, follow your passion.”

Hallmark cards are edgier, more original, and intuitively truer than the monolithic minds of America’s young, and those who’ve raised and taught them. 

Clearly, people even more illiterate than the students are setting these sub-standards, giving kids A’s for output that showcases an inability to distill, summarize and generate ideas, and ethically cite sources. In use is only the most rudimentary, emotionally evocative language, for lack of a solid, ever-accreting vocabulary, higher-order thinking, and proper restraint in affect. 

As to restraint: Not coincidentally, an asphyxiating hysteria simmers beneath the surface of the prose to match the vapid vocabulary, whereby breathy figures of speech are deployed to fit a febrile, emotionally overwrought state-of-mind: “Unbelievable, incredibly embarrassing, amazing, OMG!” In short, exclamatory utterances. 

As to edginess: America’s young have not been given the analytical tools with which to question received opinion. And, in tackling the “tyranny and arrogant authority” tied to COVID and critical race theory, the kids have been mostly establishment-compliant: 40 percent of millennials favor the suppression of insensitive speech. It is the oldies who’ve stood up. Young people, sadly, have been trained to accept and follow authority’s orders at all times. 

Language mediates thought . . .  and actions. You cannot express or develop worthwhile thoughts without a command of the language. 

I feel for the kids. They are not to blame. Their arrogant ignorance, inculcated in schools, is carefully cultivated and then reinforced with incontinent praise from pedagogues and parents alike, from kindergarten to university. 

Progressive schools and teachers—overseen by teachers unions—are responsible for the quantifiable rot; for the monument-smashing, monumental ignorance among America’s youth. 

As to the formative figures in the child’s life, more shocking numbers: “Less than half (48%) of all American adults were proficient readers in 2017. American fourth graders (nine to ten-year-olds) rank 15th on the Progress in International Literacy Study, an international exam.” 

“And only 12% [of us] are considered by the country’s health department to be ‘health-literate’. Over one-third struggle with basic health tasks, such as following prescription-drug directions.” The numbers come via the Economist

Conservatives like Candace Owens have equated keeping kids out of school with keeping kids dumb and compliant. How is that so, if schools are producing kids this banal, boorish and bossy?

WATCH: “American Kids Come Top At THINKING They’re Good At Math, But Bottom At Math, Reading, Writing

Pedro Sanchez: Spanish PM vows to abolish prostitution


Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez pledged on Sunday to outlaw prostitution in the country.

Speaking to supporters at the end of his Socialist Party's three-day congress in Valencia, Mr Sanchez said that the practice "enslaves" women.

Prostitution was decriminalised in Spain in 1995 and in 2016 the UN estimated the country's sex industry was worth €3.7bn (£3.1bn, $4.2bn).

A 2009 survey found that up to 1 in 3 Spanish men had paid for sex. 



However, another report published in 2009 suggested that the figure may be as high as 39% and a 2011 UN study cited Spain as the third biggest centre for prostitution in the world, behind Thailand and Puerto Rico.

Prostitution is currently unregulated in Spain, and there is no punishment for those who offer paid sexual services of their own will as long as it does not take place in public spaces. However, pimping or acting as a proxy between a sex worker and a potential client is illegal. 



The industry has boomed since its decriminalisation and it is commonly estimated that around 300,000 women work as prostitutes in Spain.

In 2019, Mr Sanchez's party published a pledge in its election manifesto to outlaw prostitution, in what was seen as a move to attract more female voters.

The manifesto called prostitution "one of the cruellest aspects of the feminisation of poverty and one of the worst forms of violence against women".



However two years on from the election, no legislation has yet been tabled.

Supporters of Spain's current system say that it has brought huge benefits to the women working in the trade and made life safer for them.

However in recent years significant concerns have grown around the potential for women to be trafficked into sex work. In 2017, Spanish police identified 13,000 women in anti-trafficking raids, stating that at least 80% of them were being exploited against their will by a third party. 



Will Liz Cheney, House Democrats Investigate Insurrectionist Takeover Of Interior Department?

Will Liz Cheney, House Democrats Investigate Insurrectionist Takeover Of Interior Department?

Will Liz Cheney, House Democrats Investigate Insurrectionist Takeover Of Interior Department?

Security personnel at the U.S. Department of the Interior sustained “multiple injuries,” according to spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz in the Washington Post, after left-wing protesters held the agency headquarters under siege on Thursday.

Fifty-five protesters were arrested in the turmoil, the demonstration group People vs. Fossil Fuels said in a statement to the Post, concluding five days of activism in the nation’s capital by a coalition known as Build Back Fossil Free.

Many were protesting the completion of Minnesota’s Line 3 Pipeline carrying Canadian tar sands oil to Lake Superior. Begun in 2017, the project was ordered by the federal government to replace an old, corroding line.

“Interior Department leadership believes strongly in respecting and upholding the right to free speech and peaceful protest,” Schwartz told the paper. “It is also our obligation to keep everyone safe. We will continue to do everything we can to de-escalate the situation while honoring First Amendment rights.”

Scenes from the demonstrations captured by local Post Reporter Ellie Silverman and posted on Twitter are reminiscent of the riot at the U.S. Capitol in January, with unruly protesters cornering police in an effort to break through the entrance. One officer, Schwartz noted, was taken to the hospital.

Climate protesters are pushing police, trying to force their way into the Department of the Interior where other activists have made it inside in an attempt to occupy the building.

— Ellie Silverman (@esilverman11) October 14, 2021

President Joe Biden and House Democrats, in partnership with select Republicans including Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney and Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, were quick to label the Capitol riot a “violent insurrection,” “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War,” and in Cheney’s words, “the most serious attack on our Capitol since 1814.” A snap impeachment of an outgoing president was passed in the House, provoking a trial with fabricated evidence in the Senate. A House select committee was later formed with Cheney at the helm, while Speaker Nancy Pelosi barred other Republicans from the panel. Kinzinger was the exception.

Considering their interest in protests at federal buildings, even going as far as to issue subpoenas to private citizens with no involvement with the Capitol turmoil, will Cheney and Jan. 6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., investigate the rioters at the Department of the Interior?

Neither office responded to The Federalist’s inquiries, but history suggests they have no interest in probing widespread political violence. In fact, as the committee formed, Democrats outright rejected Republicans’ demands to probe rampant political violence throughout last year’s summer of rage, estimated to cause 66 times more damage than the single-day riot at the Capitol.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy railed against the narrow scope of the probe focused solely on the Capitol carnage, citing it as the reason for his opposition to the now-weaponized committee.

The commission, McCarthy said in a statement at its creation, “ignores the political violence that has struck American cities, a Republican Congressional baseball practice, and, most recently, the deadly attack on Capitol Police on April 2, 2021.”

In April, U.S. Capitol Police officer William ‘Billy’ Evans, an 18-year-old veteran of the force, was killed and another officer was injured after a truck rammed a police checkpoint and its driver attacked them with a knife.

“The presence of this political violence in American society cannot be tolerated and it cannot be overlooked,” McCarthy said. “I have communicated this to our Democrat colleagues for months and its omission is deeply concerning.”

Can You Spot The Difference Between These Two Insurrection Photos?

Can You Spot The Difference Between These Two Insurrection Photos?

Despite the media's disparate treatment, the most recent 'insurrection' mirrors the January one. Which Democrat is going to call for an Oct. 14 Commission?

Images of the insurrection are hard to stomach. Who did these lawless rogues think they were to launch an attack on the federal government? Taser barbs flew as demonstrators tried to batter their way past police lines, with law enforcers suffering injuries to the point of requiring hospitalization. Chants and obscenities rose from the mob of radicals trying to send a message in the form of infiltrating our esteemed government quarters with physical force. Some activists vandalized a building, while others pinned police against a wall. This rebellion against authority was nothing short of sedition.

Oh, you thought I was talking about this image, where pro-Trump demonstrator Ashli Babbitt attempted to force her way into where police were holding the line?

I was actually talking about this scene, where a radical activist appears to try the same thing at a different federal building, even shouting “Let’s go!” for other demonstrators to follow her.

Can you spot the difference?

Oct. 14 ‘Insurrection’

I’m talking about the rowdy protest outside the Department of the Interior on Thursday that turned violent as climate activists stormed the entrance — the Oct. 14 insurrection.

These climate activists staged a sit-in within the Interior Department, with demonstrators who were left outside struggling with law enforcement officers as they reportedly tried to force their way in, shouting “Go inside! Go inside!” The ordeal resulted in a number of injuries, according to multiple sources.

“Multiple injuries were sustained by security personnel, and one officer has been transported to a nearby hospital. Medics representing both the Department and the protesters were present,” Interior Department spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz said in a statement. “It is also our obligation to keep everyone safe. We will continue to do everything we can to de-escalate the situation while honoring first amendment rights.”

Jennifer K. Falcon, who according to her Twitter bio does communications for the Indigenous Environmental Network, tweeted updates of what occurred inside the building, which was infiltrated by a large group of activists (whom Falcon referred to as “water protectors”), more than 50 of whom were arrested and removed.

55 water protectors have been arrested and taken our of the BIA. #occupyBIA#expectus

— Jennifer K. Falcon (@JenniferKFalcon) October 14, 2021

“Update: first round of arrestees are out. Still two rounds left. #occupybia #expectus,” activist Falcon tweeted after noting that 55 activists had already been removed from the building.

Meanwhile, a mob of angry activists outside battled police and continued their attack on the federal building.

Think Back

Amid this unrest, it’s hard not to think about another attack on a government building this year, this one back in January, where a group of mostly right-wing rioters forced their way into the U.S. Capitol over election integrity. During that riot — which the left including corporate media described an “insurrection” and Joe Biden said “borders on sedition,” which is why I’ve applied that standard here — Democrat leaders and pundits immediately flooded Twitter and the airwaves with condemnation of violent activism. An attack on the federal government is a threat to democracy, they cried during the attack and then every day since — until this week.

A quick look at Twitter trends on Friday afternoon shows “Capitol Police” trending near the bottom of the list — but only because of something related to Jan. 6. Not a peep about the climate extremists busting their way into a major government building.

The Washington Post’s little write-up characterized it as “clashes,” with the paper’s anodyne tweet saying “activists ‘occupy’ Interior Department” with some of them “entering the building and holding a sit-in,” the same blasé word The Hill used. Something tells me CNN and MSNBC won’t be giving this forceful entry quite the same wall-to-wall coverage as the Jan 6. riot, if they cover it at all.

That’s because when Democrats and the media pontificate about political violence and “attacks on our democracy,” they aren’t talking about all political violence or all attacks on our government. They’re only talking about the ones they can use to smear Republicans and boost their narrative.

Remember when then-President Donald Trump was excoriated in the media for not condemning the Capitol riot quickly enough? (And then remember how Big Tech nuked him from their sites after he called on demonstrators to be peaceful and go home? — a message those demonstrators never got because the sitting president was muzzled by tech oligarchs.) Well, where are President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris now that these left-wing activists are attacking the federal government? And why isn’t anyone in the corporate media calling on them to denounce this violence clearly and swiftly?

We know why, which brings us back to the two pictures. There is no difference between them. The photos both depict young women, revved up about perceived political injustice, taking things a step too far in going after those they decided to hold responsible.

The only disparity is how they’ll be treated. One was shot, while the other walked away. One was blasted by the press, and one won’t ever make the news. The first led to the media complex berating an entire side of the political aisle for a violent insurrection and to Big Tech censoring swaths of dissidents for deadly misinformation, while the second will just be one of the nameless activists who hosted a sit-in barely worth mentioning.

Despite the media’s disparate treatment, the facts show that the most recent “insurrection” mirrors the January one. Which Democrat is going to call for an Oct. 14 Commission?

Now Do You See Why An America First Economic Agenda Was So Valuable?

Economic Security is National Security….

The Trump Doctrine

The only person in my lifetime to inherently understand how to change a national economic program to benefit the middle-class was Donald J. Trump.  And I don’t even think he knew it on a scholarly basis – he just knew in his gut what steps to take to benefit the American worker on Main Street.

Only Donald Trump had the mind to see downstream consequences of economic policy and then re-engineer those programs; along with a keen ability to apply a  level of strategic policy to protect our interests {EXAMPLE}.  All other potential candidates are politicians by nature and incapable of reversing our decay.

Iran’s Mullahs and China Empowered Under Biden Administration

Iran's Mullahs and China Empowered Under Biden Administration

China's strategic 25-year agreement on economic and security cooperation with Iran, which appears similar to a colonial agreement, grants Communist China significant rights over Iran's resources. Leaked information reveals that one of its terms is that China will be investing nearly $400 billion in Iran's oil, gas and petrochemicals industries. Pictured: Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (right) and China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi, at the signing of the 25-year agreement in Tehran, Iran on March 27, 2021. (Photo by AFP via Getty Images)

The Chinese Communist Party has openly been helping the Iranian regime evade US sanctions -- most likely due to what reports have been referring to as the weak leadership and "top national security threat" of the US Biden administration.

This Communist Chinese salvage operation could partially explain why the ruling mullahs of Iran see no incentive to halt their nuclear program or come to the negotiating table.

When the Biden administration reached out to Chinese Communist Party to cut its oil imports from Iran, a senior U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the Reuters news agency:

"We have used our sanctions authorities to respond to Iranian sanctions evasion, including those doing business with China, and will continue to do so if necessary. However, we have been approaching this diplomatically with the Chinese as part of our dialogue on Iran policy and think that, in general, this is a more effective path forward to address our concerns."

China, however, immediately and defiantly refused to stop importing oil from Iran, and to comply with the US sanctions.

In another blow to the US, after many years of Iran trying to be a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), SCO members finally agreed in September to elevate Iran's status from "observer" to "full member," even though the global financial watchdog, the Financial Action Task Force, had placed the Islamic Republic on its terrorism financing blacklist.

The SCO is a political, military, economic and security alliance that currently includes China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, India, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan. This alliance will likely further deepen the economic, political and military partnership between Iran and China and Russia, and assist the mullahs of Iran to defy the West.

In the face of these critical developments, the Biden administration has remained silent.

China has also defiantly been using the same line of argument that the mullahs of Iran resorted to regarding the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Even though the Islamic Republic is violating its agreements with the JCPOA and stonewalling the nuclear talks while inching closer to becoming a nuclear state, instead of pressuring the Iranian regime to halt its nuclear program's advancement, Beijing is blaming the US for not lifting the remaining economic sanctions against the ruling mullahs and for not appeasing them. As a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson stated in a September 24 briefing:

"The U.S. should redress its wrong policy of maximum pressure on Iran, lift all illegal sanctions on Iran and measures of long-arm jurisdiction on third parties, and work to resume negotiations and achieve outcomes at an early date."

For the Chinese Communist Party, siding with the Iranian regime has several advantages. First, Beijing can likely use Iran as a bargaining chip during its trade war with the US. China, for instance, might agree to pressure the Iranian regime in exchange for the US lifting its tariffs on Chinese products.

Not only is the Iranian regime benefiting from Biden administration's reportedly weak leadership, the Chinese regime is profiting as well. A 25-year deal, for instance, was recently signed between Iran and China. This deal, which appears similar to a colonial agreement, grants Communist China significant rights over the nation's resources. Leaked information reveals that one of its terms is that China will be investing nearly $400 billion in Iran's oil, gas and petrochemicals industries. In return, China will get priority to bid on any new project in Iran that is linked to these sectors. China will also receive a 12% discount and it can delay payments by up to two years. China will also be able to pay in any currency it chooses. It is also estimated that, in total, China will receive discounts of nearly 32%. Another secret element of the agreement has a military dimension: China will deploy 5,000 members of its security forces on the ground in Iran.

Such a strategic and economic deal is a clear win for the Chinese Communist Party. The $400 billion, a small amount for the world's second-largest economy, will be invested over 25 years; all the while, China will have full authority over Iran's islands, gain access to Iran's oil at a deeply discounted rate and increase its influence and presence in almost every sector of Iranian industry, including telecommunications, banking, energy, railways and ports.

Instead of appeasing the ruling mullahs, the Biden administration would do well to adopt a policy of maximum pressure on Iran and, through sanctions, cut the flow of funds to this predatory regime. For the ruling clerics of Iran, appeasement means only more weakness.

Chinese Military Operation Leaves US Officials Dumbfounded

Bonchie reporting for RedState

The US military, specifically its leadership, has not had a good year. While the bungled, deadly evacuation from Afghanistan was the clearest sign of incompetence yet, that disaster followed decades of failure and corruption. Instead of admitting there’s a problem and improving, the US military has been busy prosecuting soldiers for speaking out.

By contrast, the Chinese communists are eating our lunch by building the world’s largest navy, advancing next-generation technologies, and promoting unity and strength among their rank and file. The latest example of their advancement has left US officials dumbfounded, after the Chinese military launched a nuclear-capable hypersonic glider that orbited the earth and then descended into its target area.

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an advanced space capability that caught US intelligence by surprise.

Five people familiar with the test said the Chinese military launched a rocket that carried a hypersonic glide vehicle which flew through low-orbit space before cruising down towards its target…

…The test has raised new questions about why the US often underestimated China’s military modernisation.

“We have no idea how they did this,” said a fourth person.

When the US has no idea how the Chinese are doing something militarily, that’s probably not a good sign for the former’s long-term dominance. It’s also not a good sign when US generals are obsessed with racial and identity politics instead of readiness. China is taking this new cold war seriously, while US military leaders tweet about gay pride and the power of diversity.

The CCP has already unleashed a deadly virus that’s crippled the US economy and is about to lead to the firing of government scientists at Los Alamos due to nonsensical vaccine mandates. And while the communists have long had more manpower militarily, they are now beginning to pass us technologically as well. What’s been our military’s response? To complain about nail polish.

I heard China was going to invade Taiwan until they saw the above tweet and thought better of it. But jokes aside, it’s just a matter of time before China takes over the island nation. The US military simply doesn’t represent the deterrent it used to.

How far behind we are in the current race is impossible to know. But what we do know is that we aren’t going to best China, our top threat by a mile, by prioritizing Critical Race Theory and targeting our recruitment at anxiety-ridden culture warriors.

There needs to be a reset within the US military and fast. Unfortunately, that kind of direction comes from the top, and Joe Biden is either nowhere to be found or on-board with the current destruction — depending on what day it is.

Why Progressives Think Confronting CRT is 'Terrorism'


American Progress. Those who seek to defend that rich and noble past are nothing less than patriots


Article by Paul Krause in The American Thinker

Why Progressives Think Confronting CRT is 'Terrorism'

The cornerstone of tyranny is to delegitimize the opposition. In the age of terror, there is no easier way to delegitimize the opposition than to assert they are terrorists. The Justice Department, led by that petty tyrant Merrick Garland (thank God he isn’t on the Supreme Court), has asserted that parents and anyone in general concerned with critical race theory and other tools of educational propaganda are domestic terrorists. What a surprise. Not.

The reason that progressives consider any concern against federal indoctrination as tantamount to terrorism is because progressives cannot allow any opposition to their totalitarian whims. So much for tolerance and respecting other peoples’ opinions. This is always the impetus of tyrannical movements. Any disagreement threatens to shatter the illusion of Utopian totalitarian progress.

Ever since the 1960s, and especially since the 1980s, American education—primary and postsecondary—has vilified America and wanted to destroy the American inheritance. “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go!” Education is a battleground for politics, progressives long ago made it so and now we’re seeing the monster they’ve created rear its totalitarian head.

If parents are in control of, or at least have an influence over, their children’s education, that means the next generation is not entirely enslaved to the state and those who run it. From Jean-Jacques Rousseau, that prophet of the Terror during the French Revolution, to Karl Marx, totalitarian theorists have yearned for absolute control over education. Why? Because they know that the future rests in the next generation. And to control the next generation from their youth through their adolescence all but ensures their subservient to whatever ideology is propagated from the halls of power.

Rather than see parents and other Americans engaged in the noble task of educational shepherding and instruction, progressives must consider all who differentiate themselves from the official handbook of progressivism as deplorable terrorists who threaten the construction of their paradise on earth. If they permit other actors in education to have freedom, then their control over the future is threatened and dreams for a new society tarnished. It’s the logic of educational progressivism and tyranny. They cannot abide by educational freedom. They must enforce uniformity to achieve their goals.

Make no mistake about it. The battles we are witnessing now over school boards and public schools, which have already begun to poison the well of some private and even religious educational institutions, will lead to progressive totalitarians targeting the very nature of those private and religious schools refusing to submit to their tyranny as hotbeds of domestic terrorism. Schools of any stripe not complying with the lies of the 1619 Project and critical hate theory targeting the very fabric, history, and spirit of America will be harassed by the full force of the American government in the hands of the petty progressive tyrants and bureaucrats who run them and staff them.

Every totalitarian movement bans books, bans art, and destroys the spirit of culture which feeds and nourishes the soul. While the more direct tyrannical movements of the past torched anything they didn’t approve in the flames of destruction, today’s tyrants—especially in the West—have a gentler approach which masks their lusts. They “substitute” or “replace” books, ideas, and people whom they do not like. They claim that the removal of dead White European males, all of whom, mind you, are racist and misogynistic from Homer to Shakespeare, and their replacement by contemporary authors (all of whom are ideologically leftwing and agree with drag queen story hour) will enrich our educational institutions and enrich the lives of students.

This is the Orwellian doublespeak they employ. The new vandals of tyranny do not say what actually moves their activism and policies: totalizing control over everyone who do not think and act like them. Banning is harsh, it sets off our alarms. Replace banning with substitution and cultural enrichment and most people won't bat an eye because they don’t take the time to read into what that entails and means. (And, of course, any conservative quoting Orwell is subject to ridicule by progressives because Orwell was a “democratic socialist” and therefore any conservative quoting Orwell is wrong on that account even though Orwell was also an opponent to the very tyranny he saw emanating from the far left in the 1930s and 1940s which has resurrected itself today in the very people criticizing conservative appraisals of Orwell; oh the irony.)

 Progressives are now weaponizing the War on Terror to turn it against their fellow Americans; fellow Americans, we mustn’t forget, whom they despise. In their minds and eyes, they are cleansing the stained culture and nation from the very people who deserve to be castigated and imprisoned. Opponents of progressive totalitarianism are not humans, they are less than human, and because they are less than human they are deserving all the pain and humiliation they get for opposing the enlightened avatars of progress. How often do we hear this?

Not only are progressive tyrants in education destroying so much, they are also creating impoverished souls because of it. Yet impoverished souls are precisely what they desire to create. For impoverished souls hunger for something and that’s when their indoctrination truly begins. By being denied the nourishment of the past and yearning for something substantial, they are subsequently force-fed the puke of progressive propaganda as the only sustenance they can have. Impoverished and hungry souls don’t know any better.

If there is a silver lining that can come from the educational ruckus that has erupted across America it is that parents will take back control and exert influence over their children’s education. They must instill that spirit of awe, wonder, and love that was originally at the heart of Western education from the Greeks and Romans to Christians and early Americans who saw within their wellspring of culture a rich heart that could inspire the next generation to even loftier heights than the past. After all, the greatest works of recent memory grew out of that rich culture that progressives seek to destroy.

Those who seek to defend that rich and noble past are nothing less than patriots. Love, not hate, moves those who seek to defend all that is good, true, and noble about our past. And if “love wins,” we can be hopeful about the future of education as the heart of love has been awakened from the tyrannical overreach of progressives and their ilk.

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