Friday, October 15, 2021

The Emptiness of the Ideology and Tyrants Threatening Us

While Communism promised a new day for the workers,
 today’s COVID ideology offers no promises of a better life.

It is rather difficult to be a mere observer of events when one is living through them. When I was surviving the war in Bosnia, I wasn’t crafting thoughtful sentences about the hellish experience of boredom induced by the war. Although I was only 13 years old, I’d already written all kinds of stories and essays when I was younger. Still, I wasn’t in a literary state of mind during the war. 

Living through these strange current times is proving to be similar to my experience of war and being a refugee, but not for the reasons that might be easily (and wrongly) concluded. The level of uncertainty is higher today than what I’ve lived through in the past, but the dullness of the mind and boredom are two of the similarities between these two experiences. In addition, I am no longer 13 years old, as at the start of the war, and my observations and analysis today have a higher purpose than mere recording of the events. 

Despite the difficulty of observing events while one is experiencing them, it is still crucial to assess the cultural situation and the state of a country’s soul. The meaning of time has changed, first because of technological intrusion, which appears to accelerate the speed at which life is moving. Second, ideology has got a solid grip on the information that comes at us in the United States, and this has created a fertile ground for various forms of tyranny. We don’t have to look too far to notice little dictators from the top office of the presidency to the lowly bureaucrats on your local school board. It seems everyone wants power, even if only for a little bit, and like kids on the playground, people become accustomed to bullying people, while a bigger bureaucrat bullies them.

Are we actually living through tyranny right now? Even the word “tyranny” has become something else. We use other precedents to compare, like America’s rejection of monarchy in its founding, or the Soviet Union’s Communism, which has a decades-long history of tyranny and millions of deaths. It’s not the same, one might say. It doesn’t help that we are living in a forced simulacrum created by the social media corporations, which function as the American version of the Soviet newspaper, Pravda. We are wondering what is real when we watch the news because anything can be fake, including the things we’ve relied on in the past. 

One doesn’t have to be living in the full throes of a tyrannical regime to recognize that individual rights and the very definition of personhood are under siege. The attempts that we see daily are fast moving examples of tyrannical escalation, be it unconstitutional mandates or aggressive language used by the dictators. Despite what the technological and social networks want us to think (namely, that our lives depend on their platforms), we are still embodied beings who can trust the senses and the minds we are given.

Joseph Brodsky, a Jewish-Russian poet (who later in life became an American citizen), knew different levels of tyranny quite well. Even before he felt the boot of Soviet Communism, even before he was sent to mental institutions and finally sentenced to hard labor for not being a “state-approved” poet, Brodsky already considered himself a dissident. Although his parents were highly professional and intellectual, they lived in near poverty because they were Jewish. Brodsky endured many years of darkness, and his thoughts and unique vision are indispensable.

In his essay, “On Tyranny,” Brodsky reflects on what happens when a tyrant is old and senile. Such a tyrant is strange because he is trying to remain relevant to the masses, yet the masses don’t know how to react to him anymore. “The aging tyrant’s sole purpose,” writes Brodsky, “is to retain his position, and his demagoguery and hypocrisy do not tax the minds of his subjects with the necessity of belief or textual proliferation.” Be he old or new, there always arises a “blend of hypocrisy and cruelty.” The tyrant’s mission is an eradication of individualism, and as Brodsky notes, “The idea of one’s existential uniqueness gets replaced by that of one’s anonymity.” This anonymity and an annihilation of the soul is particularly visible today in a blatantly ideological and coercive usage of masks. 

The speed of technology has changed the way we experience reality and time, but a tyrant exists outside of this form. While we’re struggling to function within Chronos, and possibly even comprehend our relationship to Kairos, the tyrant denies the existence of both. He or she is only interested in controlling other people’s lives. What makes today’s tyranny so unsettling is that this perennial characteristic of a tyrant has expanded. It’s not so much the central authority that we ought to focus on but the collectivistic party ideology that propels the machine of the senile dictator. 

Observing such aspects about the Soviet Union, Brodsky writes that the mission of the party and the tyrant is to “accommodate their numerical expansion in the non-expanding world, and the only way to achieve it is through the depersonalization and bureaucratization of everybody alive. For life itself is a common denominator; that’s enough of a premise for structuring existence in a more detailed fashion.” Our whole experience with COVID ideology has been precisely that—creation of an endless, pseudo-scientific red tape that is surrounding us and through which we cannot move. 

What makes our tyranny different from those in every other era is the globalists’ power-hungry dream of creating the unified form of existence, in which we do not differ from one another, where each one of us is composed of “digital identity,” and where individual uniqueness simply does not exist. Brodsky writes that “tyranny . . . structures your life for you. It does this as meticulously as possible . . . any display of individualism in a crowd may be harmful . . . the dream is to make every man his own bureaucrat.” The point, today, is to turn every person into a soulless dullard who self-reports and accepts surveillance, and who turns himself into a machine for ideological living. Certainly, what’s been the most troubling aspect of our time right now is how many people are willing to turn themselves into dutiful subjects of the tyrants.

Another significant difference from previous totalitarian events in history and the current expression of authoritarianism is the emptiness of the ideology. While Communism promised a new day for the workers, today’s COVID ideology offers no promises of a better life. Right from the outset, it has maintained the status quo of hatred, division, and coercion into the new way of life. They are remaking the world in their own globalist image, and everyone (including people who are blindly following the forced “new normal”) is used for ideologically charged corporatist purposes. It’s always cloudy and a “long, dark winter” is on the horizon, no matter what season we’re in.

Any ideology (and this is also true of COVID pseudo-scientific ideology) is primarily interested in a proliferation of a collectivist society. It is an environment where individual thought or questioning is unacceptable, and where the tyrant is the sole proprietor of another person’s metaphysics, and thus of his or her dignity and citizenship. Globalist ideology has been expanding its soulless tentacles for a while, especially in the last two decades. We should not accept the globalists’ twisted dream of turning individual human faces into one collectivist mask.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-Oct 15th


Ever have days that feel like they just drag on? Been having 1 of 'those' days. Here's tonight's news:

Was January 6 Part of the FBI’s ‘Operation Cold Snap’?

It’s only a matter of time before we learn how many 
“Big Dans” or Stephen Robesons were part of January 6.

The tony, bucolic town of Dublin, Ohio would be one of the last places in America expected to host a convention of white supremacist militiamen. Nestled along the Scioto River, the Columbus suburb’s biggest claim to fame is hosting the PGA’s annual Memorial Golf tournament every summer.

But in June 2020, days after the nation was roiled by Black Lives Matter looting and rioting, a man from Wisconsin named Stephen Robeson sponsored a “National Militia Conference” at a Dublin hotel. (Yes, that was the real name of the event.) 

According to BuzzFeed’s exceptional July 2021 investigative report on the FBI-led plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, Robeson “helped organize the national meeting, and he was enthusiastically pushing people he knew to attend.” The purpose of the conference was to recruit people who ultimately would stoke “political violence” against governors who refused to reopen their states after lockdowns supposedly necessitated by COVID.

Some participants said Robeson, known as “Robey,” relentlessly pestered them until they agreed to show up; people came from as far as Maryland and Kansas City, BuzzFeed’s Ken Bensinger and Jessica Garrison reported. One member of the Three Percenters, an alleged militia group on the FBI’s naughty list, observed people taking photos from discreet locations in the hotel. “The feds are everywhere,” he thought to himself.

Indeed. One of the feds was Robeson himself.

In a motion filed in July by a defense lawyer in the Whitmer kidnapping prosecution, Robeson is described as having a long record “of cooperating with the government in exchange for personal benefits. Basically, this [confidential human source] has a decades-long history of acting as a professional snitch for the government.”

Robeson also—and there’s nothing at all sketchy about this—founded the Wisconsin Patriot Three Percenters, BuzzFeed reported. Three Percenters, along with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, are considered right-wing extremist militias by the FBI. Dozens of members from the three groups have been arrested and charged in connection with the January 6 protest at the Capitol.

But there’s more to Robeson’s background than just acting as government-paid flypaper to lure right-wingers to join a so-called “militia” group; he’s compiled a rap sheet a mile long including sex with a minor, battery, car theft, insurance fraud, and forgery. And in 2020, this convicted felon was working for Christopher Wray’s FBI to entrap alleged “militia men,” presumably loyal to Donald Trump, to pull a stunt before the 2020 election.

Which is exactly what happened. In yet another example of the FBI interfering in a presidential election, Robeson and at least a dozen other FBI agents and informants orchestrated the shocking scheme—the feds paid for and organized “surveillance” trips as well as weapons training camps, all for the hidden cameras to capture on film—to produce major headlines as early voting was underway in the crucial swing state of Michigan.

Whitmer held a dramatic press conference the day the Justice Department announced the arrest of six men on federal conspiracy charges, blaming Trump for encouraging “domestic terrorists.” Joe Biden weighed in, too. “There is a through line from President Trump’s dog whistles and tolerance of hate, vengeance, and lawlessness to plots such as this one. He is giving oxygen to the bigotry and hate we see on the march in our country,” he said on October 8, 2020.

Turns out, the “oxygen” that gave the plot life came from inside the house. BuzzFeed, after reviewing numerous court records and conducting interviews with those involved, concluded the FBI assets “had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception.” Without the FBIs involvement, it’s unclear “whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them.” For now, the federal trial has been delayed until next spring after defense counsel asked for a 90-day continuance to investigate misconduct by FBI agents and informants. (I reported on that here.)

It also appears that the Whitmer operation was only part of the FBI’s overall plan to infiltrate and perhaps direct the conduct of unsuspecting “militia” men in 2020.

Operation Cold Snap, according to BuzzFeed, was an undercover “far-reaching, multi-state domestic terrorism investigation” to surveil—or more likely entrap, as defense lawyers in the Whitmer case now argue—people tied to the FBI’s hit list of right-wing militias. The Justice Department vaguely referred to the operation in its press release announcing the arrests in the Whitmer case. “[The] FBI began an investigation earlier this year after becoming aware through social media that a group of individuals was discussing the violent overthrow of certain government and law enforcement components.”

Testimony by one of the lead FBI special agents in the Whitmer case verified the multi-state probe. Henrik Impola, who worked with the FBI’s biggest informant in the case, an Iraq War vet known as “Big Dan,” told a judge he was handling “Big Dan” and acting as a case agent in Operation Cold Snap at the same time. “From the FBI through the domestic terrorism operation center, I was aware of other FBI investigations in Baltimore and Milwaukee and Cincinnati and Indiana involving other militia members . . . who were attending the national conference in Dublin,” Impola testified in March.

“Big Dan,” who was paid at least $54,000 by the FBI for seven months’ work on the Whitmer caper, and a separate FBI special agent had another target: Virginia. FBI Special Agent Jayson Chambers in September urged “Big Dan” to convince a man in Virginia to participate in a sinister plan against Virginia Governor Ralph Northam. “The mission is to kill the governor specifically,” the text between handler and informant read. And just like in the Whitmer plot, “Big Dan” advised his target how to build an explosive device and urged him to attend a training camp in Wisconsin. “Like all the others, [the Wisconsin event] was conceived, planned, and conducted by the federal investigative team of agents and undercover informants working together to provide a stage upon which to manipulate their targets into acting out ostensibly incriminating behavior the government hoped to elicit in its bid to develop then “interrupt” the operation of a “domestic terrorist organization.”

Sound familiar?

And there is another glaring connection between January 6 and the Whitmer case that cannot be dismissed as coincidence. One week after the charges were announced in the kidnapping plot, the man in charge of the Detroit FBI Field office was promoted to head of the D.C. FBI Field office. Steven M. D’Antuono took over the D.C. shop, described as “a coveted post in the bureau,” on October 13, 2020. Was D’Antuono promoted for a job well done or to continue the undercover operation, blaming any post-election chaos on right-wing militia groups as they did with the Whitmer plot?

Several unanswered questions about the FBI’s possible involvement remain, as Darren Beattie has detailed at Revolver News. One mystery is the whereabouts of FBI Director Chris Wray before and during the protest. Kash Patel, who held several high-level posts in the waning months of Trump’s presidency, was in communication with top administration officials on January 5 and 6. “I was on the phone on January fourth, fifth, and sixth with the president, with the chief of staff, with the Attorney General, with the Department of Homeland Security, and the only person missing from those phone calls was the Director of the FBI.” Patel said in a recent interview. “He was nowhere to be found.”

Further, the New York Times bombshell last month confirmed that at least one informant inside the Proud Boys started working with the agency in July 2020 and “appears to have been close to several other members of his Proud Boys chapter, including some who have been charged in the attack.” The Times report can only be seen as the start of a slow drip of information about the extent of the FBI’s role in January 6.

For now, it’s hard to imagine Operation Cold Snap ended with the arrest of Whitmer’s would-be abductors. A more likely scenario is that Wray moved D’Antuono from Michigan to the nation’s capital just in time for what everyone knew would be a highly fraught period after Election Day. It’s only a matter of time before we learn how many “Big Dans” or Stephen Robesons were part of January 6.

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Vandalized By Democrats, Big Tech, And The Media

Mollie Hemingway’s new book, 'Rigged,' explains how the 2020 election was corrupted by the concerted efforts of America’s most powerful institutions.

Hillary Clinton said Monday in an appearance on “The View” that we’re “in the midst of a concerted, well-funded effort to undermine American democracy.”

She’s half-right. There is indeed a concerted, well-funded effort to undermine American democracy, but it doesn’t come from Donald Trump, whom Clinton claims is responsible for the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and ongoing efforts to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election. (Clinton would know all about questioning the legitimacy of elections; as recently as 2019 she was still repeating the outrageous accusation that Trump was an “illegitimate president” who seized the office by colluding with Russia.)

The former secretary of state and 2016 Democrat presidential nominee is wrong that Trump and GOP leaders are undermining election integrity — they have nothing on her when it comes to that — but she’s right about efforts to seize elections and thwart the will of the voters. Those efforts aren’t coming from Trump but from her own Democratic Party, which colluded with corporate media and Big Tech to tip the scales in favor of Joe Biden and actually undermine the 2020 election.

That’s the subject of an important new book out this week by my colleague, Mollie Hemingway. “Rigged: How The Media, Big Tech, And The Democrats Seized Our Election,” which grew in part from reporting we did at The Federalist in the months before and after the November 2020 election, which chronicled unprecedented changes to election laws in key swing states, as well as appalling abuses of power by local election officials in the days and weeks after Election Day.

“Rigged” doesn’t argue or allege that the election was stolen, but that it was corrupted by corporate media, Big Tech censorship, the courts, and Democratic activists. Taken together, it all amounted to heavy-handed election interference of a kind we have never seen before.

What happened, exactly? Hemingway doesn’t point to any one thing, because what happened was the combined efforts of the most powerful institutions in America.

Those efforts are too numerous to recount here (hence the book), but they include Big Tech controlling what kind of political reporting voters could see online, Facebook infiltrating the supposedly non-partisan offices that administer our elections, and Democratic Party operatives launching a fusillade of lawsuits to make outrageous changes to election laws in key swing states. Just to mention a few.

From Big Tech, there was unprecedented censorship by Twitter and Facebook of The New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story, which chronicled not just Hunter’s drug problems but his influence-peddling operations trading on his father’s name to mint lucrative overseas business deals in places like China and Ukraine. The corporate press followed Big Tech’s lead, disparaging and dismissing the Post story as “Russian disinformation.” (Only last month did Politico admit what everyone knew was true at the time, that the emails at the center of the scandal were genuine.)

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg poured an unprecedented $419 million into local government election offices through a pair of non-profit organizations called The Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and The Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) in the form of grants that came with strings attached. As William Doyle recently explained in The Federalist, these funds

had nothing to do with traditional campaign finance, lobbying, or other expenses that are related to increasingly expensive modern elections. It had to do with financing the infiltration of election offices at the city and county level by left-wing activists, and using those offices as a platform to implement preferred administrative practices, voting methods, and data-sharing agreements, as well as to launch intensive outreach campaigns in areas heavy with Democratic voters.

From Democrats, there came a coordinated campaign of lawsuits to change election laws in ways that would benefit Democrats, using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse. Writes Hemingway, “Democrats were able to convince legislatures, courts, and election officials to open elections up to ballot trafficking, voting without showing identification, voting without following state law or guidelines, and counting ballots without oversight from independent observers.” All of this, we were told, was necessary because COVID-19 made it unsafe to vote in person.

Some of these changes were seemingly technical or obscure, and went largely unnoticed (because they were ignored by leftist media) in the months leading up to the election. Often, GOP-controlled state governments simply capitulated to Democrat demands.

For example, Georgia settled a lawsuit in March 2020 brought by Democratic Party-affiliated groups that changed the rules for mail-in ballots. Instead of the signature on the ballot having to match the signature on the voter rolls, it only had to match the signature on the mail-in ballot application. You can see how that might invite mail-in ballot fraud, but Georgia went along with it.

Many other states made similar changes under pressure from Democrats. A dozen states temporarily expanded mail-in voting. Others took the incredible step of mailing ballots to everyone on the voter rolls. Still others extended their mail-in ballot deadline, set up ballot drop boxes, or allowed ballot harvesting on a mass scale.

During the election itself and in the days following, Republican election observers in swing states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania claimed they were harassed, lied to, and in some cases thrown out of ballot-counting rooms where they had a legal right to observe the proceedings. One election observer in Detroit told me that every time a GOP poll challenger questioned a ballot, he or she would be harassed by city workers, ballot-counters, and Democratic poll challengers for not social distancing. “It was very clear that they were targeting us and finding any reason to get us removed,” she said.

Taken together, Americans had — and have — good reasons not to trust the outcome of the 2020 election. As Hemingway said on The Federalist Radio Hour this week, 2020 was “the weirdest national election we’ve gone through in memory — it was, you know, massive changes to election laws, massive changes to the procedures by which we handled voting, massive propaganda, massive tech suppression.” And if you dared to notice these changes or complain about them, you were labeled a conspiracy theorist.

Democrats, Big Tech, and the corporate press would like very much for Americans to forget all of this ever happened. Certainly, they don’t want anyone digging into the details and revealing how, exactly, they interfered with the election, mainly because they plan to do it again in 2024.

That might be harder for them to pull off now, thanks in part to Hemingway’s timely and deeply disturbing book.

‘Let’s Go, Brandon!’

There’s something about Brandon.

Why does that phrase make us happy? Why is its appearance everywhere in the culture more than a grim punchline, but instead an occasion of hope and joy? Some genius like Toby Keith needs to write an upbeat country song with that as the title. I wonder how many Americans are tattooing it on their arms, or naming their newborns “Brandon.” I hope it’s millions.

Someone needs to make a video like this classic, replacing “All Your Base Are Belong to Us” with “Let’s Go, Brandon!”

Bitter laughter we’ve had aplenty, every time Joe “President” Biden forgets his lines, or where he is, or with whom he is talking. Then we cackle with a deep, vindictive glee. You wanted the toughest job on earth, now gag on it, Grandpa Simpson, we say to ourselves. No ice cream for you today. 

The Hollowed Out Shell of a Once Mediocre Man

Now, that vents some resentment about this imposter squatting in the White House—this hollowed-out shell of a once mediocre hireling, washed up there by a tsunami of illegal, unchecked ballots, at our oligarchy’s behest. Now they’re stuck with him, and all the crazy promises they made, and the virus panic they unleashed.

When their plans blow up in his face, we snicker. Every time the Bidenist Occupational Government blunders, and another “domestic terrorist” gets exposed as a Fed infiltrator, we flash a smile of steel. We see on Brian Stelter’s colicky baby face the frustrated tantrums that must afflict The Secret Committee Formerly Known As Joe Biden (TSCFAJB, Tuss-KUFF-ka-jab). All those deep state  hacks who think they’re a “brain trust,” bungling this goat rodeo, month after month after month. And they know we are laughing at them. 

There’s Something About Brandon

But “Brandon” is different. He just straight up makes us . . . joyful, gives us Ryan Reynolds’ carefree smile in “Free Guy.” There’s something about Brandon.

For those of you who missed it, this happy phrase originates with a race at NASCAR. The winning driver, Brandon Brown, gets interviewed by some interchangeable MSM reporter. They both hear the roaring crowd chanting “F— Joe Biden!” over and over again. The journalista responds by saying, chipperly, “Oh look, the crowd supports you. It’s chanting ‘Let’s Go, Brandon!’” The driver looks at her funny, and nods non-committedly. That’s it.

Grandma Can Knit This on Your Christmas Sweater

That little incident has touched America’s heart. Little old ladies who’d never shout obscenities feel perfectly free to use this squeaky-clean phrase at the tops of their lungs, as greetings at church picnics. You can write it on your children’s masks in bright pastel marker, when you send them off to school. Or wear it on a t-shirt the next time you engage in “domestic terrorism” by speaking up at a PTA meeting. When you do, make sure to call critical race theory what it is: Marxism in blackface. Then close with “Let’s go, Brandon!”

Delighted by Truth

In the spirit of Dave Chapelle cutting through the cant, defying his LGBTQMYNAMEISLEGION critics, Brandon zeroes in on the truth. The phony media spin on that NASCAR chant is exactly, exquisitely our current moment. It nails the vast, yawning gap that separates the Bidenist fantasy world from the real one we’re living in.

As prices shoot up and store shelves empty, half of Haiti somehow appears on the Rio Grande, and China prepares its next war of conquest, our elite fritters and squanders America’s legacy. People who’ve been triple-vaccinated cower in fear of those of us who won’t take it—wait, shouldn’t they be the ones feeling safe? But cower they will, and I say we should pretend to sneeze on such people. Maybe those groundhogs will go back into their homes for another six months.

Mock the Priests of Baal

We’re sick to death of an insanely overhyped pandemic, which blue-state governors turned really deadly by using COVID as euthanasia in nursing homes. We don’t trust big pharma companies that lied to us about using aborted baby parts. Or weird little creepy dictators like Fauci who try telling us in their Bugs Bunny voices whether or not to celebrate Christmas. And about whom Disney makes a fawning biopic, casting Fauci as an epic hero, which 91 percent of “professional” movie critics praise compared to . . . 4 percent of actual audience members. (By the way, that page with viewer comments is now mysteriously down.)

We’re saying, with Elijah, to our very own priests of Baal: “Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is musing, or he has gone aside, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened.” (1 Kings 18: 28)

Meanwhile, thousands of pilots, flight attendants, nurses, doctors, and other rebellious Americans tell the medical oligarchs who’ve been lying to us from the get-go about the China Virus: “You can stick your poison vaccine up your Ashley.”

Zuckerbucks 101: How A Media Mogul Took Over The 2020 Election And Why GOP Leaders Must Never Let It Happen Again

The last election was unacceptable. And before the next one, more Republican leaders must wake up to the mess that was created in 2020 and refuse to accept another sloppy round.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis reaffirmed his state’s commitment to election integrity on Tuesday, especially keeping tech giants and their partisan CEOs from corrupting local elections. Given what we know now about how Mark Zuckerberg and other left-wing actors commandeered election operations in blue hubs of swing states in 2020, other states would do well to follow DeSantis’s lead — and Wisconsin is a good case study in why.

No conversation about 2020 election integrity — or about the integrity of future elections, for that matter — is complete without understanding the full picture of how Facebook CEO Zuckerberg strategically bankrolled and staffed local government election offices, which are in charge of voter registration, voting, and vote counting. He did this through two primary front groups, a process Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway painstakingly outlines in her new book out this week, “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections.”

The Zuckerberg Infiltration

Here’s how it worked. Zuckerberg gifted nearly half a billion dollars to two left-wing groups that then gave the money to government election offices. One of these two groups was the Center for Technology and Civic Life. By the September before the election, Zuckerberg and his wife had given it $350 million, meaning the small organization’s prior revenues of $1.8 million exploded by roughly 20,000 percent.

The cash, or “Zuckerbucks,” wasn’t an unconditional donation, however. There were strings attached, which amounted to Democrat get-out-the-vote efforts, mass mail-in voting, and ballot “curing,” whereby election workers “fix” mail-in ballot problems after the ballot has been submitted.

These dollars also didn’t flow indiscriminately to needy areas of the country but largely to government election offices in the biggest cities of swing states, where the majority of Democrat voters are concentrated. Those funds were used for Democrat voter outreach, designing and translating ballots, and staffing ballot harvesting, curing, and counting operations.

Make no mistake, CTCL is no apolitical actor. All three of its founders previously worked for the New Organizing Institute, a now-defunct organization that was run by ex-Obama staffer Ethan Roeder and funded heavily by left-wing behemoths such as George Soros to train leftist activists in digital campaign strategy and with war games for election success.

The Washington Post championed the New Organizing Institute as “the left’s think tank for campaign know-how” and “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry.” These descriptors aren’t surprising given that its board was also composed of leftist leaders.

Although the New Organizing Institute went belly-up in 2015, its ghost still lives in the partisan CTCL where Zuckerberg dumped his hundreds of millions of dollars. The Capital Research Center traced many of these Zuckerbucks and found that through the Facebook CEO’s funding, CTCL gave $6.7 million to Wisconsin, with half of those funds going to blue Madison and Milwaukee.

This trend of the majority of Zuckerbucks funding blue areas was consistent across the swing states. For instance, according to InfluenceWatch’s analysis in Pennsylvania, CTCL grants to counties Donald Trump carried averaged about 57 cents per capita as opposed to $3.11 per capita in the counties Joe Biden carried. In Texas, it was 55 cents per capita versus $3.22, respectively.

For Example…

One investigation by Wisconsin Spotlight exposed how Zuckerberg’s grant conditions corrupted local elections. Emails revealed that CTCL connected city election administrators to Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, a former Democrat operative and the head of the National Vote at Home Institute’s efforts in the Dairy State. Spitzer-Rubenstein became the “de facto elections chief,” according to Wisconsin Spotlight, especially in Green Bay.

Emails show Spitzer-Rubenstein asking city clerk Kris Teske if he could help “cure” ballots and enlisting pressure from the Democrat mayor when Teske declined over legal concerns. Multiple times, Teske brought these concerns to her superiors, saying the “grant mentors” weren’t familiar with state law and that their “help” was probably illegal.

“I don’t understand how people who don’t have knowledge of the process can tell us how to manage the election,” Teske wrote to the Green Bay finance director in late August. Frustrated, Teske took a leave of absence in October and by the end of the year had resigned.

With Teske out, however, that meant Spitzer-Rubenstein got outsized control. Emails revealed how the former Democratic operative helped make decisions about how to handle and transport ballots. Two days before the election, he had access to the convention center where votes were counted. Also days before the election, Spitzer-Rubenstein received four of the five keys to the room where ballots were being kept.

“The city of Green Bay literally gave the keys to the election to a Democratic Party operative from New York,” Wisconsin Spotlight described it.

Sandy Juno, the former clerk of Brown County where Green Bay is the county seat, said that in the months prior to the election, Green Bay had cut off communication with the county clerk’s office and “went rogue.” Furthermore, she said, the counting process at the convention center “was tainted by the influence of a person working for an outside organization affecting the election.”

But Wait, There’s More

A closer look at Wisconsin reveals a host of other issues on top of Zuckerberg’s election takeover.

As Hemingway outlines in the book, “The state kept 234,000 invalid voter registrations on its voter rolls, even when ordered to remove them by a court. The clerks of the two biggest Democratic counties got tens of thousands of people to claim they were ‘indefinitely confined,’ enabling them to vote by mail without showing any identification. But one of the most important things Wisconsin Democrats did was disenfranchise the Green Party presidential ticket and otherwise work to keep third-party candidates off the ballot.”

In a particularly brazen act, the Wisconsin Elections Commission denied Kanye West a spot on the ballot because he was allegedly 14 seconds late in filing his paperwork. After arriving at the correct building before the 5 p.m. deadline to turn in the papers, struggling to gain entry to the locked facility, and then having the papers initially accepted as “not later than 5 p.m.,” West’s team was later denied and ultimately declared “late” because the commission said they had received them at 5:00:14 — seriously. (Hemingway lays out the whole incident in her chapter “Fourteen Seconds Too Late.”)

And let’s not forget about how Democrats had already exercised voter suppression in Wisconsin in 2020 — during the spring election to fill a Supreme Court vacancy.

This is all just the goings-on of one Midwest state. Multiply that by all the key swing states, and you can begin to see how large-scale the Big Tech takeover of the 2020 election actually was altogether.

“Elections should be administered by these offices, not by private tech moguls coming in and basically commandeering the machinery of the elections,” DeSantis said on Tuesday, calling the partisanship “totally unacceptable.”

It is unacceptable. And before the next election, more governors and Republican leaders must wake up to the mess that was created in 2020 and refuse to ever accept another sloppy round.

Covid: Wave of Italian protests against mandatory work pass


Dockers at three big ports have staged protests at the requirement for all Italian workers to show a Covid pass.

The Green Pass shows whether you have had the Covid vaccine, recovered from it or had a negative test.

It became mandatory for all workplaces on Friday.

About 6,000 workers went on strike outside Trieste port, a maritime gateway for northern Italy, Germany, Austria and central Europe.

There was disruption in Genoa and Ancona too, but dockers worked normally in Italy's other major ports at Venice, Palermo, Naples and Gioia Tauro, Ansa news agency reported.  

About three million Italian workers are estimated to be still unvaccinated and protests were reported in many of the big cities:

  • In Trieste, where only 40% of 950 port workers have had the jab, protesters chanted anti-government slogans as well as "No Green Pass"

  • Protesters blocked a key access road to Genoa's Sopraelevata road bridge, the main route from the centre to the west of the city

  • Strikes affected companies including Electrolux and San Benedetto

  • Two thousand people joined a demonstration in Bologna's central Piazza Maggiore

  • Hundreds of protesters occupied the Piazza Santa Maria Novella in central Florence

  • Similar numbers were reported in the Piazza Castello in Turin and a sit-in was planned at Rome's ancient Circus Maximus

The move to make the Covid pass compulsory for workers is among the world's toughest anti-Covid measures.

A worker without a Green Pass risks being suspended without pay and may be fined up to €1,500 (£1,270; $1,740).

The pass, introduced in June, was already required for teachers and other school workers, for access to bars and restaurants and for leisure venues such as cinemas and football stadiums.