Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Merrick Garland: The George Wallace of the 21st Century

Blocking parents at the schoolhouse door

Yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Department of Justice and the FBI would begin investigating parents for the crime of demanding local school boards be held accountable.

See, a while ago, some organization called the National School Boards Association demanded that the Biden administration classify parents as “domestic terrorists” for having the temerity to show up at school board meetings to protest school districts imposing radical Left indoctrination on their children.

And, because it serves his agenda of classifying political opposition as domestic terrorists, Merrick Garland has happily signed on to this ridiculous plan.

In a memo to the DOJ and FBI, Garland claimed that “in recent months” there’s been a “disturbing spike” in violence or threats of violence against school boards and administrators. Of course, Merrick Garland doesn’t cite any specific examples of this so-called “disturbing spike.”

The only spike that concerns Merrick is the spike in the number of parents who are fighting back over the kind of shitty, inappropriate garbage their children are being exposed to in the guise of “education.”

And, see, therein lies the problem. Parents aren’t supposed to A) know what’s happening and B) have any say in the matter.

Merrick Garland closes his ridiculous memo by claiming that the Department of Justice is “steadfast in its commitment to protect all people of the United States from violence, threats of violence, and other forms of intimidation.”

(Unless your name is Kyrsten Sinema)

Merrick Garland isn’t trying to protect school boards from “violence or threats of violence.”

He’s protecting them from having to be accountable to the parents of the children they are charged with educating.

What’s next?

Will Garland stand in the schoolhouse door and refuse to permit parents to enter?

Do not underestimate how important it is to the Left to maintain its stranglehold on the country’s children. And do not underestimate just how great a threat it is to them that parents are awakened from their stupor and discovered that their children are being indoctrinated in the radical Marxism of the Left.

And make no mistake about it. It terrifies them that ordinary Americans are stepping up and running for school boards. That’s why they’re accusing them of being QAnon conspiracy theorists and other undesirables.

Both the ridiculous letter from the National School Boards Association and this stupid memo from Merrick Garland aren’t about protecting school boards from “violence” or “domestic terrorism.” They’re about making sure school boards can act with impunity, free from parental involvement.

I don’t know if you know this, but one of the stories that launched the anti-CRT movement into the national spotlight was the discovery in Loudoun County Virginia that parents who supported critical race theory formed a Facebook group to target and harass the parents who opposed it.

And yet, who is being investigated by Biden’s Justice Department? Well, not the pro-CRT people who were harassing the anti-CRT people that’s for damn sure. In fact, it was reported in August that the parents who targeted the anti-CRT people will face no charges for what they did.

I told you over the summer that the Left would use the same playbook on parents rising up against local school boards that they used to slander and vilify members of the Tea Party a decade ago.

And, boy, I was more right than I realized.

Obama’s DOJ and IRS began investigating Tea Party groups, remember? And now Biden’s Attorney General is investigating parents who are showing up in droves to school board meetings.

This is just another example of the criminalizing of political opposition that’s been happening since January.

Back on January 7, I took a lot of heat for my column about the January 6 Capitol riot. At the time I warned that the Left would use that stupid 3-hour riot to crack down on all political opposition.

And they have, haven’t they? In fact, they started immediately afterward.

Homeland Security and the FBI began warning about “domestic terrorism” from “right wing extremists.” Joe Biden used his pseudo State of the Union address to decry how right wing white supremacist domestic terrorists are a greater threat to the country than Jihadists.

And now Merrick Garland is targeting ordinary American parents just for showing up at school board meetings and exercising their right to petition for a redress of grievances.

Why does he feel confident he can get away with doing something so remarkably vile and anti-American?

Because of January 6, that’s why. These monsters are going to squeeze every last ounce of political advantage they can out of that ridiculous, fleeting event.

But Merrick Garland’s move is fraught with danger — not for us, but for the Democrats. The parents descending on school boards aren’t all MAGA-supporting Trump voters. In targeting these parents, Garland is casting a wide net that will ensnare people across party lines.

The same was true ten years ago when they targeted the Tea Party. And it’s happening all over again a year before the Midterm election. Not smart. This isn’t a “Republican” issue. This is not a “white people” issue. It is an issue that effects everyone whose child attends a public school. And treating such a wide cross-section of the country like terrorists is only asking for blowback.

School board members are elected by popular vote, not chosen by divine right. Parents have a right to hold these elected officials to account. But for exercising their rights, Merrick Garland wants to treat those parents like criminals.

This will not end well.

Garland’s Daughter Married to Co-Founder of Company Selling Critical Race Theory Material to School Districts

Well, well, well… This is interesting.  U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland recently instructed the FBI to begin investigating parents who confront school board administrators over Critical Race Theory indoctrination material. The U.S. Department of Justice issued a memorandum to the FBI instructing them to initiate investigations of any parent attending a local school board meeting who might be viewed as confrontational, intimidating or harassing.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s daughter is Rebecca Garland.  In 2018 Rebecca Garland married Xan Tanner [LINK].  Mr. Xan Tanner is the current co-founder of a controversial education service company called Panorama Education. [LINK and LINK]  Panorama Education is the “social learning” resource material provider to school districts and teachers that teach Critical Race Theory.

Conflict of interest much?

Yes, the Attorney General is instructing the FBI to investigate parents who might pose a financial threat to the business of his daughter’s husband.

Screen-grabs and citations below:

(New York Times LINK)

(Panorama Education Services Link)

(Panorama, Social Learning Link)

(DOJ Memo to FBI LINK)

Any questions?

X22, And we Know, and more-Oct 6th


Evening, folks. Here's tonight's news:

The Left Can Finally Admit What it Wants

The Left now openly supports everything 
we used to accuse them of supporting.

I remember a staggering conversation with my high school lunch table in the early 2000s. Everyone agreed with one kid’s statement that there was nothing special about living in America: Life in Canada, or anywhere else, would be identical except for maybe the weather. 

At the time, I wondered what was going to happen to America when all these kids grew up. What happens when America’s young adults, far from having any intellectual commitment to freedom, don’t even understand what life would be like without it? 

Twenty or 30 years ago, before my generation metastasized, it was tacitly understood on both sides of the political aisle that leftists—mostly Democrats—had to lie about what they wanted to do. They had to pretend, for instance, that they didn’t want to raise taxes. SNL made fun of this in their famous 1988 sketch “Dukakis After Dark”: “Mike, now that it’s all over, you can tell me. You were going to raise taxes, weren’t you?” “You bet I was!”

Leftists likewise had to pretend they liked the military. This led to Dukakis’ disastrous Abrams tank photo op.  

It wasn’t Dukakis’ fault exactly—as “he” says in the SNL sketch, “We represent unpopular, discredited views.” But if only he’d been more fortunate in his timing, and could have waited 20 or 30 years: Precisely those discredited views were being indoctrinated into school children across the country. The children grew up, and the ideas have found new life. 

Walter Mondale’s 1984 pledge to raise taxes helped destroy his presidential campaign. In 2020, Biden’s pledge to do the same went essentially unnoticed—in part because the press, now run by the kids who were in school when Mondale ran, didn’t want to report it. But also because those kids like the idea of higher taxes. In a sense we’ve come full circle. The Left can finally admit in public all the things it used to hide.  

The Left is finally out of the closet. 

Barack Obama used to end his speeches with “God Bless America,” not because he believed in God or in God’s blessing America, but because that’s what a president had to do. Today, the age of Democrats’ paying lip service to God or to America is over. 

The difference is fundamental. Consider the anti-DeSantis ad recently put out by a left-wing PAC: A stewardess makes an announcement to a group of terrified and bemasked airline passengers: “We have officially entered Florida airspace . . . You do not have to wear a mask. You do not have to get a vaccine.” As the menacing music throbs, they play a clip of DeSantis saying, “We are not doing any vaccine passports in the state of Florida. We trust people to make their own decisions.” 

To the Left, this is absolutely terrifying: No mandates? We trust people to make their own decisions? This is madness! Grab your anxiety blankets and run to the safe space! 

Traditional Americans, on the other hand, listen to this ad, hear the exact same sentences, and think: This is why I’m moving to Florida. 

In the same manner, I suspect that today’s leftists would listen to the parody song at the end of the Dukakis SNL sketch and agree wholeheartedly with lines written to sound ridiculous. The Left openly supports everything we used to accuse them of supporting. Next stop, vaccine passports for all. 

Joe Biden’s chief medical advisor, Anthony Fauci, gave an interview over the weekend in which he said—and this is a direct quote—“There comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the greater good of society.” Until recently, no one in American public life could have survived making such a statement. The ideas Fauci expressed were found only on the tongues of state spokesmen in North Korea, China, Stalin’s Russia, or Hitler’s Germany. Fauci’s words are the intellectual kernel of and justification for totalitarianism. 

But those who voted for Biden (and especially those who cast thousands of votes for him) don’t see the big deal. Why wouldn’t you subjugate the will of the individual to the good of society? Thus, where Americans traditionally believe that what is good for the individual will be good for society, totalitarians believe the reverse: You start by dictating what is good for society, and the good of the individual will follow.  

Of course the individual’s good never does follow. But totalitarians don’t seem to mind this. In the long run, totalitarian ideologies are only for useful idiots—the people who send their small contributions to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AOC herself, and other aspiring totalitarian leaders, know better: The purpose of being in power is being in power.

Facebook Whistleblower Is a Democrat Activist Demanding Big Tech and Government Crack Down on Free Speech

The transparency of this operation was/is brutally obvious.  Frances Haugen appears on CBS 60-Minutes as a Facebook “whistleblower”, and already had a congressional hearing lined up for 48 hours later?  C’mon man… did the lessons of Sandra Fluke or Christine Blasey Ford not register with anyone?

Former Facebook product manager Frances Haugen is a left-wing activist with a long history of giving money to far-left fellow travelers including congressional moonbat AOC.  Haugen is the Blasey-Ford of 2021 and her objective is to further advance the premise of censorship and political targeting under the guise of protecting children.

The leftist ruse was obvious when Ms. Haugen began demanding (during her scripted congressional testimony) that social media platforms start clamping down on expressions of free speech in order to protect the user.  The demand is for more central command and control authority over what you read, review, discuss and debate on the internet.  It is frustrating to see the UniParty play out this pantomime as if the American electorate cannot see the strings on the puppets.

Everything prior to Frances Haugen appearing today was scripted and planned; including the false “whistleblower” narrative.  Everything taking place in the Senate hearing today was scripted and planned in advance.  Political activist and left-wing ideologues want freedom censored and shut down.  It is one long continuum of stopping any push-back against oppressive government.

Remember, the Fourth Branch of government is only possible because the U.S. Senate supports it.  The control mechanism to target opposition works through a Public-Private partnership between the U.S. Intelligence apparatus and Big Tech social media platforms.  The U.S. Intelligence agencies are collaborative partners with Big Tech {LINK}.  That is why Google, Amazon (owns the cloud),  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are all now connected to the portals of the Five Eyes intelligence operation.

There’s a very strong possibility the Facebook/Insta blackout yesterday was associated with the new system merging that took place.  It’s not a conspiracy theory.  They admitted it out loud in June of this year, when the biggest names in Big Tech announced they partnered with the Five Eyes intelligence network, ultimately controlled by the NSA, to: (1) monitor all activity in their platforms; (2) identify extremist content; (3) look for expressions of Domestic Violent Extremism (DVE); and then, (4) put the content details into a database where the Five Eyes intelligence agencies (U.K., U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand) can access it.

DHS, FBI and DOJ openly admitted their intent to define domestic political opposition as extremists.

July 26 (Reuters) – A counterterrorism organization formed by some of the biggest U.S. tech companies including Facebook (FB.O) and Microsoft (MSFT.O) is significantly expanding the types of extremist content shared between firms in a key database, aiming to crack down on material from white supremacists and far-right militias, the group told Reuters.

Until now, the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism’s (GIFCT) database has focused on videos and images from terrorist groups on a United Nations list and so has largely consisted of content from Islamist extremist organizations such as Islamic State, al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Over the next few months, the group will add attacker manifestos – often shared by sympathizers after white supremacist violence – and other publications and links flagged by U.N. initiative Tech Against Terrorism. It will use lists from intelligence-sharing group Five Eyesadding URLs and PDFs from more groups, including the Proud Boys, the Three Percenters and neo-Nazis.

The firms, which include Twitter (TWTR.N) and Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) YouTube, share “hashes,” unique numerical representations of original pieces of content that have been removed from their services. Other platforms use these to identify the same content on their own sites in order to review or remove it. (read more)

Think about that sentence structure very carefully. They are “adding to” the pre-existing list…. admitting the group (aka Big Tech) already has access to the the intelligence-sharing database… and also admitting there is a pre-existing list created by the Five Eyes consortium.

Obviously, who and what is defined as “extremist content” will be determined by the Big Tech insiders themselves. This provides a gateway, another plausible deniability aspect, to cover the Intelligence Branch from any oversight.

The volume of metadata captured by the NSA has always been a problem because of the filters needed to make the targeting useful. There is a lot of noise in collecting all data that makes the parts you really want to identify more difficult to capture. This new partnership creates a filtration system in the metadata that circumvents any privacy protections for individuals and gives Big Tech the authority to censor viewpoints that concern them.

Fast forward a few months, and a “whistleblower’ pops up advocating for Big Tech social media to do more controlling of speech on their platforms?

Once you see the strings on the Marionettes it is impossible to return yourself to that place before where you could watch the pantomime and not see them!

Big Biz has found that CriticalRace Theory is bad for business

 Big Biz has found that Critical Race Theory is bad for business

I’ve noticed something lately covering the woke culture that’s threatening to turn corporate offices into university-style safe spaces: There are apparently limits to how far left big companies are willing to veer to gain progressive brownie points. 

Case in point: the much-celebrated diversity hustle that companies had begun to embrace during our summer of “largely peaceful protests.” Of course, we all want a diverse workforce, but after the tragic murder of George Floyd, some firms thought it would be smart to indoctrinate office workers in that noxious fad known as Critical Race Theory. 

CRT is an amalgam of left-wing talking points spewed out by the growing diversity-consulting business. The stated purpose by its practitioners sounds noble enough: Use CRT to root out racism and make the world a better place. 

How CRT gets there is the problem. Racism gets rooted out mainly by brainwashing white people into believing they are inherently evil racists. They are inherently evil racists because America is systemically racist, no matter how much it has strived during its history to be better. 

Thus to be good corporate citizens, they need to be re-educated and reprogrammed from their ­inherently racist past. 

If you think that sounds a little like the stuff Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot pushed back in the day, you wouldn’t be wrong. CRT began where most dumb ideas begin, among leftists on college campuses. It wasn’t long before it somehow began seeping into the mainstream, into classrooms and finally into corporate America, particularly after the unrest of the past year. 

Yet suddenly CRT has begun to face obstacles. Across the country, parents are objecting to teaching kids they are evil little racists. While it is always dangerous to draw broad conclusions from isolated instances, the evidence is mounting that CRT is now coming under review in ­corporate America as well. 

According to my reporting, corporate HR departments, particularly on Wall Street, are worried that overly politicized and polarizing diversity training is among the most counterproductive fads in recent years if you want your workforce to get along. 

Worse, it is just bad for business. 

Consider: At the height of the racial unrest last year, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon was taking a knee in apparent support of the radical and Marxist “Black Lives Matter” movement. 

The New York Times reported that the e-mail inbox of Robin ­DiAngelo, the academic considered one of the key architects of CRT, “was flooded with urgent e-mails” from various companies requesting that she share her thoughts with their employees. 

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon taking a knee with employees amid the Black Lives Matters protests in 2020.
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon takes a knee with staff amid the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests.
JPMorgan Chase

One of those companies, according to the Times, was Goldman Sachs. But when Eleanor Terrett of Fox Business pressed Goldman on the matter, a senior executive denied that DiAngelo was ever retained for its diversity training. (DiAngelo did not respond to a request for comment.) 

Goldman appears not to be alone in drawing the line in its CRT wokeness. Executives at Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and, yes, Dimon’s JPMorgan all claim they are not advocating CRT as part of their diversity training. 

So why the ostensible about-face? Part of it is embarrassment, I believe. The big banks saw how foolish American Express, the mega-profitable credit-card company, looked recently when Chris Rufo of the Manhattan Institute reported how the company has forced its employees to take part in anti-American, anti-capitalist, CRT “bias” training. (Amex is still ducking my calls and e-mails on the matter). 

CRT is also counterproductive. Big companies, particularly big investment banks, rely on teamwork. CRT does just the opposite, dividing people along racial lines between oppressors and the oppressed. “We need people to get along,” said one executive at a big bank that has cleansed CRT from training sessions. 

Of course, it’s difficult for me to know whether the CRT cease-and-desist is real. (I’m not in the training sessions to determine if Goldman or JPMorgan, for example, have replaced CRT with something equally absurd that simply drops the noxious-sounding name.) 

That said, workplace-inclusion consultants with whom I spoke say the trend away from this divisive training is happening because it’s both exhausting and idiotic to tell people they are inherently evil and expect them to work together. 

“I think there’s a recognition that companies were failing to ask if they were leaning too much into identity along the lines of race, ethnicity and gender,” said Ilana Redstone, a sociology professor at the University of Illinois and founder of Diverse Perspectives Consulting. “I think that is now changing. There is a middle ground where those dimensions of identity matter and so does the individual. Not everyone sees their race, ethnicity or gender as the most important part of who they are.”

Kerry reveals Biden ‘was not fully aware’ of French submarine deal he derailed


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:02 AM PT – Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Joe Biden’s climate envoy, John Kerry, claims Biden did not fully understand the French submarine deal with Australia that he derailed.

While speaking to French media Tuesday, Kerry attempted to defend Biden by saying he had not been aware of the consequences his actions would have to U.S.-French relations. Kerry added, Biden sees the submarine crisis a “small event of the past.”

Last month, France lost a $50 billion contract to build submarines for Australia after Biden announced a controversial maritime pact between the U.K., the U.S. and Australia.


 Kerry suggested the French should just move on despite Paris calling on Biden to make up for that diplomatic crisis.