Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Newest Forever War: COVID

We must stop treating life like it is a crime to live it. 

Joe Biden gave a bizarre speech recently in which he formally declared Americans who have refused the COVID vaccine to be enemies of the United States. 

Pledging to make life for this “distinct minority” extremely painful, Biden said that “patience” is “wearing thin” and that it is now time to draw blood. 

Biden’s speech was a major escalation in the war on COVID, which has become a global “forever war” more inimical to freedom than Bush’s “War on Terror.” 

His basic premise, that the unvaccinated are “keeping us in the pandemic,” is an outrageous blood libel that cannot go unchallenged. It is not the fault of the unvaccinated that our society has become a giant TSA checkpoint over a virus that spares most people. It is the fault of those who gave in, with maximum self-righteous wrath toward anyone who dissented, to encroachment after encroachment on our rights and the basic functioning of daily life.

For nearly two years now, we have been strung along with ever more intrusive restrictions on life, all based on the vague promise that eventually, on conditions that are never made clear, the pandemic will be declared “over,” the war will be won, and we can “go back to normal.” 

When this began, we were asked for “two weeks to stop the spread.” We are now being pushed at blinding speed toward a “new normal” of biomedical tyranny. 

The unvaccinated are described with language typically heard only in eras leading up to genocides. The leader of the formerly “free world” accused the obstinate vermin of “blocking public health,” and fanatics have spared no energy in coming up with all manner of cruel punishments they would like to inflict upon them. 

Those who refuse to take an experimental medicine  now face the prospect of being treated like pariahs and domestic terrorists barred from employment, flying on airplanes, receiving medical treatment, or even traveling between states.

This is their penalty for asserting the right to live in a normal world, the world we all knew in December 2019, without the permission of their corporate and government masters. 

No one is standing up for these people. The effort to punish them has the backing of the most powerful institutions in the world, from the United States government to corporate America, the U.S. military, and our mainstream media, which essentially operates as the PR department of Pfizer.The so-called labor movement on the Left is nowhere to be found. The ACLU is missing in action. 

These institutions have the enthusiastic support of countless civilians who are so fearful still, despite taking a vaccine they supposedly believe works, and whose minds have been so corrupted by partisan hatred that they would like to see millions of their fellow Americans excluded from society altogether. 

At what point are Americans willing to say, “This has gone too far?” 

If the president of the United States can unilaterally compel 80 million people to take experimental medicine against their will, we will have crossed a threshold that cannot be uncrossed. 

The goalposts have shifted so far, there is nowhere else for them to go. 

Or perhaps things will get darker. The abuses of our rulers are limited, now, only by the cruelty of their imaginations.

Like the war in Afghanistan, this war has no clear goal and there is no democratic accountability for the decisions of the bureaucrats in charge. We are commanded to suspend all doubt and trust that they lack the human motives of pride, ambition, and greed. Presented with a once-in-a-lifetime power grab, they have chosen to pursue only what is in the public interest. 

We are to believe that Anthony Fauci, a vain, shifty character who has become incredibly famous and powerful since March 2020, and who now says Biden’s mandate is “moderate,” is totally benevolent. Come on. 

It is naive to expect that if we simply give in to the latest demands of Fauci and his friends in power they will finally relent and release the pause button on civilization. Clearly, obedience has not diminished their appetite for control, but only inflamed it. And why should this not be the case? 

There was no justifiable reason to continue listening to them when, after telling people it was too dangerous to have funerals for their own loved ones, the “public health” crooks cheered as massive crowds took to the streets to riot and loot last summer and held a very public funeral for a criminal. But they were not held to account. They continued to exercise plenary power over our society. We later learned that they conspired to suppress a highly plausible theory that the virus came from a Chinese laboratory. 

These are the same people who conspired to destroy countless businesses and livelihoods with insane, authoritarian “lockdowns,” declared “racism” a  “public health crisis,” and now, for the sake of “inclusivity,” use terms like “pregnant people” in earnest. 

These people have no right to be taken seriously. They have shown the public time and time again who they are: sociopaths and ideologues drunk on power. 

Biden’s speech essentially absolved these people of their lies, coercion, and plunder and placed the blame for our collective misery on those who doubt the purity of their motives. 

We have been living under the rule of these lunatics for so long, many have lost sight of just how abnormal and undemocratic this form of life is. Or perhaps they have simply been beaten into submission, and stopped caring. 

How far off the map are we, how demoralized are we by the hammer of power, that we are being pressured to pretend that medical apartheid is “normal,” and anyone who disagrees is a “conspiracy theorist?” 

How many more years of this? What restrictions can we expect to come next? When will the madness finally end? 

We must stop treating life like it is a crime to live it. 

The 20th anniversary of 9/11 put things in a somber perspective. We can look back and see how the nation’s heartbreak was manipulated in the “War on Terror” to make us, 20 years later, less free than ever before. 

If we are still wearing masks 20 years from now, it will not be on those who protested despite overwhelming pressure to conform, but the mobs of fanatics who hollered and screamed for their destruction.

SGT Report, Christian Patriot News, and more-Sept 18


Happy weekend! Here's tonight's news, along with additional articles from TGP:

Biden Admin Goes to War Against Innocent American Boys

Conservatives often characterize modern America as a “nanny state,” but the implications of this label are rarely explored. It’s not just about having a government that passes unnecessary regulations. The Nanny state is more fundamentally about having a government that is feminized at all levels. The past year and a half of Covid-19 tyranny are the apotheosis of the feminized nanny state.

Worrying about safety is an innately feminine trait, and not always a bad one: Women, being weaker, must avoid dangerous men, and mothers must protect children. When adopted as a top national priority, the obsession with “safety” is stifling, destructive, and in fact suicidal to a thriving civilization. Curtis Yarvin famously labeled America’s collection of ruling institutions “The Cathedral,” but he might have been more accurate if he called it “The Nursery.”

“Safetyism” is the ideology that locks up 80 million children for a year lest ten of them die of a disease most are immune to. “Safetyism” is the ideology that neuters all comedy, lest a few miserable, humorless creatures be offended by the wit of others. “Safetyism” is the Harrison Bergeron worldview that tears down the talented, the brilliant, and the beautiful lest their excellence cause distress to the wretched and mediocre.

And as is so often the case in the Globalist American Empire, the nanny state our leaders force Americans to endure isn’t even an effective one. Despite exalting safety as a premier national value, we don’t even get the safety we might expect from the trade-offs in liberty. Americans aren’t kept safe from predatory criminals. Americans aren’t kept safe from the urban decay that turns once-great cities into massive homeless camps. Americans aren’t even protected from Covid-19. Instead, we have a menagerie of policies that limit our freedom (mask mandates, restaurant closures) and don’t even do anything to stop coronavirus. And now, to cap things off, we have a vaccine policy that actively puts the health of young boys at risk.

Teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems from the vaccine than be hospitalised from Covid-19, a major study has found.

Children who face the highest risk of a “cardiac adverse event” are boys aged between 12 and 15 following two doses of a vaccine, according to new research from the US.

The findings come as Professor Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, prepares to advise ministers on whether there is a wider benefit to society from vaccinating children.

Researchers found that the risk of heart complications for boys aged 12-15 following the vaccine was 162.2 per million, which was the highest out of all the groups they looked at. … The second highest rate was among boys aged 16-17 (94.0 per million) followed by girls aged 16-17 (13.4 per million) and girls aged 12-15 (13.0 per million). Meanwhile, the risk of a healthy boy needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19 in the next 120 days is 26.7 per million. This means the risk they face from heart complications is 6.1 times higher than that of hospitalisation. [The Telegraph]

The Globalist American Empire has gone from demonizing “toxic masculinity” to forcibly injecting potentially toxic Covid vaccines into the veins of otherwise young, healthy boys who face little risk from Covid. The American regime’s hostility to “masculinity’ is without question one of its most evil and destructive features. It is unsurprising, if sad, that the past 18 months of Covid tyranny has opened up an entirely new front in this proverbial “war on boys.”

On account of the research cited above and other scientific considerations, Britain’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation recently recommended that youth vaccinations be limited to 12 to 15-year-olds suffering from severe conditions that put them at elevated risk. This is of course immaterial to Britain’s Covid tyrants, who according to the Telegraph piece above, “are understood to be keen to give the children’s vaccine roll out the green light.” Like clockwork, the UK government is recruiting thousands of vaccination specialists to fan out across the nation’s schools.

As Britain goes, so goes the United States. The Los Angeles Unified School District recently announced a sweeping vaccine mandate: all children 12 and older must be vaccinated by January, or they will be barred from the city’s schools.

L.A. schools Interim Supt. Megan K. Reilly said the student mandate was the next logical step to keep children, staff and community members safer from a COVID-19 pandemic that still poses significant risks.

“We’ve always approached safety with a multilayered approach: masks, air filtration and coronavirus screening,” Reilly told The Times. “But we are seeing without a doubt that the vaccines are one of the clearest pathways to protecting individuals from getting severe sickness as well as for mitigating transmission of the COVID virus. It is one of the best preventive measures that we have at our disposal to create a safe environment at schools.” [LA Times]

Everything in Superintendent Reilly’s statement is a lie. There is no need to “create” a safe environment at schools. Schools are already safe from Covid and they always have been. What Reilly is doing is not “protecting” individuals from severe illness. Severe coronavirus cases for teen boys healthy enough to attend a typical public school classroom are virtually non-existent. The Covid threat is so negligible that, as shown above, teen boys are six times more likely to experience heart problems with the vaccine than they are to be hospitalized for Covid.

LAUSD, and the many districts that will soon copy it, are not acting in the interests of teenaged boys. Quite the contrary,  school authorities are perfectly content to sacrifice the best interests of boys for the sake of a political agenda and to both fuel and justify the unending, limitless hysteria over Covid-19.

In many ways, the unnecessary, costly, ridiculous war against Covid-19 has doubled as a war on boys and young men.

Men, for instance, are more than two-thirds of all drug overdose deaths, and COVID lockdowns sent those overdoses soaring to their highest level ever.

 Overdose deaths soared to a record 93,000 last year in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government reported Wednesday.

That estimate far eclipses the high of about 72,000 drug overdose deaths reached the previous year and amounts to a 29% increase.

“This is a staggering loss of human life,” said Brandon Marshall, a Brown University public health researcher who tracks overdose trends.

The nation was already struggling with its worst overdose epidemic but clearly “COVID has greatly exacerbated the crisis,” he added. [AP]

Data from the U.K., meanwhile, shows that sticking students at home and forcing them to “learn” via Zoom call was far more damaging to boys’ academic progress than to girls’.

This is not to say that girls are getting through Covid unharmed, of course. Modern American life is already deeply harmful to young women’s psychological well-being, and Covid has been positively cataclysmic.

The CDC says emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts by boys rose 3.7 percent — but jumped nearly 51 percent for girls. In Tampa Bay, BayCare Health Systems said four out of five of its emergency psychiatric patients this past winter were teen girls.

BayCare said pediatric patients making psychiatric emergency room visits to its 15 Florida hospitals jumped 31 percent in the first five months of this year compared to the same period last year. Pediatric admissions increased by 26 percent.

”The increase has been noticeable and very sharp,” said Gail Ryder, vice president of BayCare Behavioral Health Services. []

Still, while all young people are doing badly from Covid’s ritual sacrifice of the young to protect the old, only boys are being effectively ordered to endanger their lives for the sake of the vaccine cult.

The Regime’s indifference and even hostility toward the flourishing of boys is only the outgrowth of a long-unfolding trend. For decades, American society has been waging war on the health and well-being of teenaged boys.

More than twenty years ago, writer Christina Hoff Sommers described “The War Against Boys” in a landmark essay for The Atlantic. In her essay and subsequent book, Sommers warned that a misguided, overaggressive feminism was causing young American men to fall further and further behind in American life:

Data from the U.S. Department of Education and from several recent university studies show that far from being shy and demoralized, today’s girls outshine boys. They get better grades. They have higher educational aspirations. They follow more-rigorous academic programs and participate in advanced-placement classes at higher rates. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, slightly more girls than boys enroll in high-level math and science courses. Girls, allegedly timorous and lacking in confidence, now outnumber boys in student government, in honor societies, on school newspapers, and in debating clubs. Only in sports are boys ahead, and women’s groups are targeting the sports gap with a vengeance. Girls read more books. They outperform boys on tests for artistic and musical ability. More girls than boys study abroad. More join the Peace Corps. At the same time, more boys than girls are suspended from school. More are held back and more drop out. Boys are three times as likely to receive a diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. More boys than girls are involved in crime, alcohol, and drugs. Girls attempt suicide more often than boys, but it is boys who more often succeed.

Even as evidence of men falling behind and women moving ahead piled up, Sommers observed that American society obsessively believed the opposite. Any holdout of male success was exploited as proof that the entire system was rigged for the patriarchy, and used to justify more preferences for women and more attacks on men.

A boy today, through no fault of his own, finds himself implicated in the social crime of shortchanging girls. Yet the allegedly silenced and neglected girl sitting next to him is likely to be the superior student. She is probably more articulate, more mature, more engaged, and more well-balanced. The boy may be aware that she is more likely to go on to college. He may believe that teachers prefer to be around girls and pay more attention to them. At the same time, he is uncomfortably aware that he is considered to be a member of the favored and dominant gender.

… Boys do not need to be rescued from their masculinity. But they are not getting the help they need. In the climate of disapproval in which boys now exist, programs designed to aid them have a very low priority.

The country didn’t listen to what Sommers said. For the next two decades, boys, particularly white boys, were the villains and punching bags of American academia. Now, 21 years later, all the students Sommers described have grown up and become the bedrock of the American labor force, and the situation has grown more dire, and more disturbing.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal profiled how men are increasingly opting out of college. Only near the end of the article does the Journal say what is rather obvious: That white men aren’t interested in college because colleges overtly hate them.

Young men get little help, in part, because schools are focused on encouraging historically underrepresented students. Jerlando Jackson, department chair, Education Leadership and Policy Analysis, at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Education, said few campuses have been willing to spend limited funds on male underachievement that would also benefit white men, risking criticism for assisting those who have historically held the biggest educational advantages.

“As a country, we don’t have the tools yet to help white men who find themselves needing help,” Dr. Jackson said. “To be in a time when there are groups of white men that are falling through the cracks, it’s hard.”

Keith E. Smith, a mental-health counselor and men’s outreach coordinator at the University of Vermont, said that when he started working at the school in 2006 he found that men were much more likely to face consequences for the trouble they caused under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

In 2008, Mr. Smith proposed a men’s center to help male students succeed. The proposal drew criticism from women who asked, “Why would you give more resources to the most privileged group on campus,” he said.

Funding wasn’t appropriated, he said, and the center was never built. [WSJ]

Of course, just like with any other group, it’s not that men, or white men specifically, should be receiving special preferences and set-asides. But the cause of boys’ relative decline is obvious: For years, the Globalist American Empire has targeted men and boys for all of society’s blame and hatred. If a problem specifically afflicts young white men, our corrupt ruling class in effect won’t consider it a problem at all. If anything, setbacks for men are cause for celebration.

For years, young men in America have faced discrimination in hiring for many jobs. In any academic discipline they enjoy, from computer science to chemical engineering, it is a top priority that fewer men go into the field, and more women take their place.

Even as they drop out of school, overdose on drugs, suffer a decline in life expectancy, and commit suicide, one of the few places men still thrive in America is at entrepreneurship and innovation. So of course, that’s being stamped out right now too.

In a move that continues California’s push for increased diversity on corporate boards, Governor Gavin Newsom on September 30, 2020 signed into law a bill that requires publicly held companies headquartered in the state to include board members from underrepresented communities. The action follows passage of a similar law in 2018 mandating that public companies headquartered in the state have at least one woman on their boards of directors by the end of 2019 (SB 826), with further future increases required depending on board size.

… Companies that do not comply with the new law, AB 979, will face similar penalties as those noncompliant with SB 826, the gender diversity law: fines in the six figures, in addition to ramifications to their brand and reputation. [Harvard]

Nasdaq jumped on this latest trend recently.

The Nasdaq stock exchange this month received approval for new rules that encourage companies to appoint more diverse boards of directors. Companies listed on the U.S. exchange will be required to have two diverse directors: one who identifies as female and one who identifies as a racial or ethnic minority or as LGBTQ+. If it doesn’t meet that benchmark, a company will have to publicly disclose why not. [Geekwire]

This long-lasting socioeconomic attack on boys has branched out in increasingly warped and disturbing directions. Last year in Los Angeles, the same city that is making boys take an unneeded vaccine that may damage their hearts, a doctor ordered a boy with behavior issues to literally take female hormones in order to “fix” him:

A 16-year-old boy being held at a Los Angeles County juvenile hall developed enlarged breasts after he was prescribed estrogen to treat a behavioral disorder, a move that baffled doctors who said the treatment defied medical logic, according to a lawsuit filed last month.

The teen, whose identity is being withheld because of his age, was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD, two days after he was arrested and housed at Eastlake Juvenile Hall in June 2019, the lawsuit said. Medical records reviewed by The Times show that the teen’s testosterone levels were “slightly high” when the doctor who diagnosed him prescribed daily doses of estrogen.

Estrogen regulates the development of female sexual characteristics and reproduction. Men produce the hormone at much lower levels.

After taking approximately 13 daily doses of the hormone, the teen was diagnosed with gynecomastia, defined as the enlargement or swelling of breast tissue in males whose estrogen level is too high, medical records show. [LA Times]

There are even disturbing signs that boys are being biologically ground into dust by forces we barely understand. In a little-discussed but deeply disturbing phenomenon, it appears that the plastics and chemicals which pervade our physical environment are causing mothers to give birth to boys who are, quite literally, less masculine than their fathers and grandfathers.

For example, if a woman is exposed to chemicals that block the action of androgens during the first trimester of pregnancy, this can affect the reproductive development of the male fetus in numerous ways. It can result in a shortening of the anogenital distance (AGD), the span from the anus to the base of the penis, which is significant because research has shown that a shorter AGD correlates with a smaller penis and, in the adult, a lower sperm count. In addition, prenatal disruption of the male hormonal system can result in reduced testosterone levels and increase the risk that a baby boy will have undescended testicles (cryptorchidism) or a particular type of malformed penis (hypospadias) at birth. And if a boy is born with these genital defects, he will have an increased risk of low sperm count and testicular cancer as an adult. [Scientific American]

As stated above, the most appalling thing of all is that the American regime doesn’t care. Men, masculine men, built America into the richest nation to ever exist in human history. Now, they appear to be dying out on a biological level, and one of America’s chief obsessions is still policing and stamping out “toxic masculinity.”

But none of this should be a surprise at all. The war on boys and the war on men is baked into the basic design of the current American system.

Even calling our political order The Nursery seems insufficient. Our feminine obsession with safety mixed with epic levels of ruling class incompetence and corruption might be better described as the political equivalent of Munchhausen’s by Proxy.

Is it any surprise that a country like this thinks absolutely nothing of pointlessly exposing teenage boys to risk from a vaccine that they do not need? Is it any surprise that the regime ruling this country asks young men to literally die for their leaders’ power fantasies, their narcissism, their inability to learn from failure?

And is it any surprise that a regime like this enjoys less legitimacy by the day, and is well on its way to possessing no legitimacy whatsoever?

Social Justice and the Emergence of COVID Tyranny

 Social Justice and the Emergence of Covid Tyranny

Signs of incipient totalitarian impulses have been evident since the rise of political correctness.1 Yet, warnings from those who saw the character of contemporary “social justice” went largely unheeded. Nevertheless, even before degenerating into “wokeness,” social justice bore the seeds of civilizational decline and the simultaneous rise of social and political tyranny. The weaponization of mostly feigned fragility by snowflake totalitarians has been marshaled to abrogate the rights of those deemed offensive, injurious, and even “dangerous.” It also has evinced “paralogistic discourse,” or “[d]iscourse that is out of touch with reality, involving illogical, fallacious, unwarranted premises and conclusions.”2 Such thinking is characteristic of societal hysteria.3 This weaponization escalated, germinating “cancel culture,” the buds from which neo-Stalinist purges have since blossomed.

As I was first to point out, social justice amounts to “practical postmodernism.”4 The relativism, subjectivism, and antiobjectivity of postmodern theory, as well as the priority it places on language, have been harnessed by social justice activists and their followers and put to political ends. Social justice ideology claims that “narratives,” “my truth,” and language trump or produce reality. In terms of transgender ideology, this means that declaring one’s gender, or mere (re)naming, supersedes and cancels biology. In terms of critical race theory and the Black Lives Matter movement, it means that personal stories of oppression overwrite evidence, statistics, and the arc of history. Given that appeals to objective criteria are banished, when backed by the requisite power, such claims are necessarily authoritarian. Without objective criteria, there is no court of appeal other than power, and thus such “truths” are deemed incontrovertible.5 The legal ramifications of practical postmodernism have been nothing less than astonishing.

The policies of so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) accelerated the already prevalent upward movement of unqualified persons, those who have achieved important positions thanks to affirmative action and adherence to political ideology. DEI (or DIE) metastasized throughout the culture at large, with signs of the upward mobility of the unqualified seen in governmentacademia, and the corporate world. On Twitter, the accounts of unremarkable activists and otherwise unaccomplished leftists are granted the official blue checkmark of authority and significance.

Historically, the upward movement of the unqualified has been a harbinger of increasing authoritarianism; the unqualified favor authoritarianism, which protects their unearned status, and authoritarianism selects the unqualified, who become avid loyalists of the authoritarian regime.6 Thus, the upward movement of the unqualified should be taken as a telltale sign.

The covid regime has extended and deepened the epistemic crisis inaugurated by postmodernism and practical postmodernism. Paralogistic discourse has now penetrated “the science,” which has devolved into a series of non sequiturs backed by force. Science has become postmodern, proving the claim of the sociologist of science Bruno Latour—in the postmodern world, scientific facts are merely socially constructed statements that become “too costly” to overthrow.7 Science is now a power gambit that relies on enrolling “allies” in a process of “black boxing” claims. Facts are merely “black boxes” that become resistant to opening. Such resistance comes from the number and strength of other facts and allies—other scientists, businesspeople, the media, etc.—that the scientists can link to their own claims, making for black boxes that become too difficult to open. The strength of a fact is the result of the social network that is created in the process of staking a claim.8

The covid regime is postmodern “science in action,” to quote Latour. It has never been about legitimate science or public health. Otherwise, known remedies for covid-19 and the dangers of the vaccines would never have been suppressed.

Wokeness set the stage for full-blown covid tyranny—the lockdowns, the masking, and now the demonization of the unvaccinated and the institution of the vaccine passport. The weaponization of fragility by the snowflake totalitarians has been extended and amplified by the covid regime, which construes all who oppose it as “domestic violent extremists.” The unvaccinated are the new “dangerous persons,” reprobates who should be locked down, quarantined, and, according to some, shot.

The woke and covid enthusiasts have proven to be the same people, and the two concerns have converged at every turn. For example, the covid regime came to the defense of the Black Lives Matter movement when over twelve hundred health officials signed an open letter defending BLM protests, claiming that since, like covid, white supremacy poses a great danger to public health, BLM protests should continue unmolested. As unwitting foot soldiers of Big Pharma and agents of the state, Antifa “members” have harassed and shot antivaccine protesters. Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union, now fully woke, has been silent about cancel culture and the civil liberties of nonleftists. Recently, the organization argued that “far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties” (emphasis in original). So much for the meaning of “civil liberties” and the ACLU’s defense of bodily autonomy. Like many corporations and trade associations, the National Football League is also woke. The organization requires its players to be vaccinated or otherwise isolated and penalized. It recently canceled the national anthem performance of Grammy Award winner Victory Boyd for her refusal, on religious grounds, of covid vaccines, despite the fact that the singer would have been hundreds of yards from anyone on the field. The list of woke-covid connections could go on and on.

Covid totalitarianism involves the postmodern inversion of reality and morality. The vaccinated now need to be protected from the unvaccinated, even though vaccine was supposed to provide that protection. It is now “moral” to demand that others take injections against their will and “immoral” to resist such demands.

The covid regime involves practical postmodern science. “The science” is whatever the authorities claim is true, and all other scientific inquiry is banned in advance. Those engaged in open scientific inquiry and debate are ridiculed and dismissed a priori, and their reputations destroyed.

Like the assembly of postmodern theorists, the covid regime is a convention of charlatans. Lord Fauci makes declarations ex cathedra, despite their contradiction of accepted epidemiological standards and his own earlier statements, while the medical establishment and the media go along for the ride.

The covid regime is a consensus of postmodern hysterics. The compliant observe superstitious rituals and direct their outrage at the unvaccinated rather than at the authorities responsible for their madness.

All of this adds up to the continual elimination of individual rights and the growing power of a delusional bureaucratic state.

Only a post-postmodern turn can bring about the overthrow of covid totalitarianism. The tide must turn against the practical postmodern consensus, leading to a reinstatement of the competent over the promotion of the unqualified, the reestablishment of legitimate science, a renewed regard for the value of truth, and the subsequent elimination of authoritarianism from the public sphere. In short, it will require the complete reconstruction of the social order.

  • 1. Michael Rectenwald, “Why Political Correctness Is Incorrect,” International Business Times, Nov. 22, 2020,
  • 2. Andrew M. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism, rev. ed., ed. Harrison Koehli (Otto, NC: Red Pill Press), forthcoming, p. 87n173. (Page numbers subject to change.)
  • 3. Andrew M. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 87.
  • 4. Michael Rectenwald, Springtime for Snowflakes: "Social Justice" and Its Postmodern Parentage: A Memoir (Nashville, TN: New English Review Press, 2018), pp. xii, and 114–15.
  • 5. Michael Rectenwald, “Why Postmodernism Is Incompatible with a Politics of Liberty,” Mises Wire, Apr. 5, 2021.
  • 6. Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 72.
  • 7. Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar, Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006), p. 243.
  • 8. Bruno Latour, Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015).

Joe Biden’s Political Prisoners

BLM rioters, Antifa thugs, and anti-Kavanaugh protesters are off the hook 
while Trump-supporting, anti-Biden protesters suffer in jail for months, 
charged with obstruction and other silly crimes.

The latest “conspiracy theory” consuming the political Right, our media betters warn, is the idea that the Biden regime is creating a class of political prisoners stemming from the January 6 protest on Capitol Hill. Scoffing at accusations that January 6 protesters are treated differently from other protesters, columnists and talking heads insist it’s nothing more than right-wing media spin.

A rally scheduled this weekend for January 6 defendants has official Washington apoplectic. Dozens of Americans remain locked up in a D.C. jail and at facilities across the country as they await trials that won’t begin until at least mid-2022,.

“The idea that people are languishing unfairly in grim detention facilities, though, fits neatly with a broad narrative that the Biden administration is rounding up and jailing political opponents,” Philip Bump, national correspondent for the Washington Postwrote on Thursday. “This weekend’s rally is called ‘Justice for J6,’ implying that those still held are being detained unjustly for punitive reasons.” 

All of that, of course, is true. More than 600 Americans have been rounded up by Joe Biden’s Justice Department with new arrests coming every week. Federal prosecutors have requested pre-trial detention for at least 100 defendants; 60 Capitol protesters are now in jail and denied bail. For months, January 6 detainees have suffered under solitary confinement conditions, were allowed out of their cells only one hour per day, and have been denied access to lawyers, exercise, personal hygiene, and religious services.

But Bump, like the rest of the national news media, not only downplays the detention of dozens of January 6 protesters including those charged with no violent crime, he justifies the unequal treatment under the caveat that the accused participated in an alleged “insurrection” to overthrow the government.

At the same time, the American people are supposed to deny what they see with their own eyes and believe that the 630 or so Americans arrested and charged for mostly misdemeanor offenses related to January 6 are being treated the same way as Antifa or Black Lives Matter activists. 

Ironically, while Bump was penning his column on Thursday, the D.C. District court held hearings for four Trump supporters who’ve been in jail for several months under pre-trial detention sought by Joe Biden’s Justice Department and allowed by two Obama-appointed judges. All four detainees are housed in a D.C. jail specifically used to incarcerate Americans arrested for protesting the election of Joe Biden.

Kelly Meggs, Kenneth Harrelson, and Jessica Watkins (she is transgender) are members of the Oath Keepers, the Justice Department’s premier “conspiracy” case. Watkins was arrested in January; Meggs was arrested in February along with his wife, Connie; Harrelson was arrested in March.

None has a criminal record. None is charged with bringing a weapon, assaulting anyone including a police officer, or destroying government property. Their biggest crime, according to the government, was “conspiring” to enter the Capitol building in a “stack formation” clad in military gear—most Oath Keepers are veterans—where they remained for about 20 minutes.

In a motion asking the court to deny Jessica Watkins’ release, the prosecutor described Watkins’ beliefs about the 2020 presidential election as evidence of her potential danger to the community. “Watkins considered the prospect of a Biden presidency an existential threat,” Biden’s Justice Department wrote in February. “[S]he not only maintains, but has exhibited an extremist anti-government ideology that this Court has no reason to believe will abate if released.”

Judge Amit Mehta, appointed by Barack Obama in 2014, repeatedly has signed orders to keep Watkins, Harrelson, and Meggs in jail, arguing they pose a danger because they plotted in advance to travel to Washington, D.C. and enter the building together while acknowledging they committed no violent crime. 

In a hearing Thursday, Ken Harrelson’s lawyer told Mehta his client was in “terrible” shape, hadn’t had a shower or shave, and is suffering from an untreated medical condition. Jail officials are preventing in-person meetings between defendants and their attorneys. “I’ve met with him for five minutes,” his new lawyer told Mehta. 

But on Friday, Mehta again denied Harrelson’s release. “He merely makes assertions about the lack of evidence that he engaged in violent acts or directly destroyed property,” Mehta wrote in his September 17 order. “But, of course, this court was aware of the absence of such proof, and yet detained Defendant anyways because the totality of the evidence established his dangerousness. The evidence included, among other things, his leadership position with the Oath Keepers both before and on January 6; his coordination with others in bringing weapons just outside the District of Columbia to support a ‘quick reaction force’; [and] his forceful entry into the Capitol building as part of a larger group moving in a ‘stack’ formation.”

So an Obama-appointed judge admits a defendant did not commit a violent crime but that his membership to a group publicly opposed to Joe Biden, along with other hearsay, makes him too serious a threat to let him go home to his family?

Further, Mehta now is preparing to move the January 2022 trial date for Harrelson, Meggs, and Watkins to April 2022 because the government still cannot get its evidence together. That means three nonviolent Americans who dared to protest the incoming Biden regime will be behind bars for more than a year before a moment of their trials can begin.

Also on Thursday, Judge Rudolph Contreras again refused to release Kyle Fitzsimons, a January 6 protester arrested on February 4. Fitzsimons faces several charges including assaulting Sargent Aquilino Gonell, the celebrity U.S. Capitol Police officer who beat Fitzsimons on the head with his baton that afternoon. (Gonell also handled the dying body of Roseanne Boyland an hour after the confrontation with Fitzsimons.)

In a motion arguing against Fitzsimons release, Biden’s Justice Department listed several voicemail messages he left at the office of his congressman after the election. “On December 18, 2020, the defendant stated that the electoral college vote is corrupt and total garbage,” the lead prosecutor wrote. “He urged the Congressperson to dispute the election results in January.” 

Contreras is the same judge who signed the plea agreement with Lt. General Michael Flynn in December 2017 then immediately recused himself before text messages showing his friendship with disgraced FBI lawyer Peter Strzok were made public.

Contreras, appointed by Obama in 2012, won’t issue his ruling until next month. Fitzsimons will continue to languish in jail, away from his two-year-old daughter, for at least another 30 days.

New York Times reporter Alan Feuer also attempted to debunk the belief that a “vast federal investigation of the riot has been essentially unfair, its targets the victims of political persecution.” Feuer dismisses claims about inhumane jail conditions by reminding his readers that jail is a “terrible place to be.”

But Feuer tips his hand when he admits the Justice Department is using a “novel charge” to prosecute January 6 protesters. More than 200 people face obstruction of an official proceeding charge, a felony punishable by up to 20 years in jail. (I explained the background of the law in March.)

“The Justice Department’s use of the obstruction law is arguably the most political move prosecutors have made to date,” Feuer wrote. “[A]s some defense lawyers have noted, the government did not use the same charge in 2018 when left-wing activists swarmed the Capitol to protest the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.”

Not only did thousands of activists occupy the Hart Senate office building for days and directly confront senators, they were cheered by news outlets such as the Post and the Times. The anti-Kavanaugh mob attempted to stop the confirmation process and halt his swearing-in ceremony at the Supreme Court in October.

Not a single Kavanaugh protester was charged with a felony, let alone spent months in prison. 

Feuer and Bump and others can try their best to convince people the Capitol breach probe is commencing just like any other criminal investigation into unlawful political activity. But Americans—at least those without bloodlust for anyone involved in the four-hour disturbance on January 6—plainly see the difference.

BLM rioters, Antifa thugs, and anti-Kavanaugh protesters are off the hook while Trump-supporting, anti-Biden protesters wallow in jail for months, charged with obstruction and other silly crimes.

Political prisoners? Yes.