Friday, September 17, 2021

FDA Panel Rejects Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Booster


Article by Matt Margolis in PJMedia

FDA Panel Rejects Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Booster

 But then votes yes for the elderly and the vulnerable


Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine booster for people 16 years old and over was overwhelmingly rejected by a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel on Friday.

The vote was 2-16, and the vote will now go before the FDA for a final decision, reports Fox News. The panel’s members included members of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Israel’s Health Ministry, as well as vaccine experts and Pfizer representatives.

While the panel said that older and more vulnerable populations may benefit from the booster, the reported increased risk of heart inflammation for young males ultimately doomed the booster from getting recommended.

“Dr. William Gruber, senior vice president of vaccine clinical research and development at Pfizer, noted Phase 3 trial data indicating waning protection over time, from 96% vaccine efficacy within two months after the second dose to about 84% by six months and amid the dominant delta variant,” Fox News reported. “While protection dropped against infections, it remained effective in preventing hospitalizations.”

Gruber cited evidence suggesting reductions in efficacy owed to waning immunity over time as opposed to the delta variant escaping vaccine protection. Additional data suggested a third Pfizer dose would ramp up protection on par or better than the second dose, however concerns were raised over a potential increased risk of heart inflammation among some recipients, particularly among males ages 16-17. The FDA panel’s review included Pfizer’s trial results with some 300 participants ages 18-55 who received a booster dose about six months after the second dose.

This story is developing.

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What A Competent Republican Party Would Be Doing About Democrats’ Tyranny

Here are some ideas of what Republicans could do if they actually wanted 
to motivate voters to show up for them at the polls ever again
 after Lucy-with-the-footballing us for decades.

The uproar over Joe Biden’s pressure on more Americans to take experimental COVID protection shots is not entirely about the shots themselves. It is partially that: The novel technology with very little track record, its use of murdered unborn children’s bodies, the fact that most people being coerced are at low risk if they instead get the disease naturally, the potential motivations for eliminating a control group for observing whether obeying incompetent, corrupt, and even evil leaders was a wiser course than obeying one’s own conscience despite the costs.

Besides these very real issues, however, is the politicization of COVID-19, and how the ruling class has been allowed to use this virus to bulldoze the American economy, seize control over elections, subject Americans to constant disruptions and fear, begin centralizing their control of cancel culture, further destabilize American children’s futures, and indefinitely suspend our highest laws and sacred inalienable rights. All this is what’s behind those who don’t believe they need these shots. 

If the United States had an effective two-party system, instead of a ruling class and its cardboard-cutout opposition, more of the nation would have changed course on COVID-19 with Florida in September 2020. But this crisis posed too great an opportunity for the left to destroy more constitutional and social norms, paving their path to unified power over the tiniest details of Americans’ lives.

It has been clear since the Obama years that the left has abandoned the rule of law, constitutional norms, even the commitments to objective truth and open inquiry that are required for scientific pursuit and rational discourse. Yet Republican leaders are somehow still playing a pre-Obama fantasy game that exists only in their heads.

Talk About ‘Breaking Norms’

It’s hard to understand how people who were not only merely alive but full-time, 24/7 politicos in 2008 and going forward haven’t in the decade since figured out the new norms that have been imposed on American governance and applied that information to shift their behavior accordingly. We’re talking the era of Mr. “Pen and Phone” Obama, who openly celebrated disregarding American legal precedent, norms, and restraints for one-man rule restrained only by how much he thought the demos would tolerate at the time, with the Wilsonian goal of pushing them ever further the moment it became possible.

Obama was described by legal scholars on both left and right as an aggressive abuser of the law. In these pages, Cato scholar Ilya Shapiro — no firebreather — described his administration as “the most lawless in U.S. history.” 

This is a man who opened the border and suspended U.S. immigration law unilaterally, which is flatly unconstitutional. He dared the courts to stop him, likely knowing full well that even if they did — itself a crapshoot because our judicial system is becoming lawless thanks to its corruption with leftist doctrines — it would take years during which millions of people would be able to illegally enter the United States.

Obama’s administration did the same thing with Common Core, lawlessly making demands of states that were both outside and against what the actual laws defined or allowed. It is illegal for the federal government to direct or control curriculum or tests. Not only did the Obama administration flagrantly do that, they were cheered on through a massive campaign assisted by gullible brand-name Republicans, who were among the first to rush to condemn Donald Trump at every opportunity, because “norms” and “temperament” and “rule of law.”

The administration brazenly took over Congress’s authority to legislate from the presidency about internet use, energy generation, how colleges should treat student sex, target political opponents of the regime through banking and tax regulations, and bailouts of corporate cronies. They spied on journalists and on their political opposition. All with impunity.

Republicans responded by promising to repeal another brazen power grab over one-sixth of the U.S. economy, then making like this guy when they had the chance to prove big to voters that they are men and women who can be trusted with votes and donations.

Chris Bedford recently outlined why Obamacare was a big win for Democrats and a loss for Republicans, even though it slaughtered them in electoral representation for multiple election cycles.

That’s Democrats: Even when they lose, they win — because they are prepared to lose short-term to gain long-term, and because they fight like hell. Republicans? One of them shows up with a bazooka, and they train their guns on him instead of their ostensible opponents. They spent their historic control of Congress and the presidency in 2016 following one Democrat red herring after another, culminating in their return to the feckless minority, where they appear to be quite comfortable as Democrats wail on their voters.

When Someone Lies Endlessly, Stop Trusting Them

Democrats also have no scruples about lying or its lesser cousin, hypocrisy. In fact, for them, lying flagrantly and breaking the rules they impose on the hoi polloi is a badge of honor that shows they have arrived at real power. They knew very well all throughout 2020 that Joe Biden was a mentally incapable fool, and that he would be used as a puppet figurehead by large portions of Obama’s old staff to push another four years of pen-and-phone one-man tyranny. 

They needed him because public schooling has been highly effective at its real goals, one of which is teaching Americans that not hurting anyone’s feelings ever is far more important than doing the right thing. Voters were told soothing false messages about Docile Joe, like he wanted “civility,” “norms,” “law and order,” and definitely not any mean old vaccine mandates!

Turns out that was another lie. Believe them once, shame on them. Believe them 509,391 times…what, then?

As Obama and now Biden make perfectly crystal-clear, Democrats do whatever they think they can get away with, including lying, cheating, and stealing. Thanks to the fecklessness of the Republican Party, what they can get away with is getting bigger and worse.

To end this dangerous, totalitarian dynamic that reduces them to a pretend opposition kept only for the sake of appearances, Republicans need to get their heads out of the pre-Obama sand already. They must instead approach politics like negotiating with terrorists and toddlers: For everything they do you don’t like, impose a penalty.

Act Like You Want the Majority By Using the Minority Well

Lines will certainly be crossed in the beginning, because Republicans have a track record of allowing that. Not only do they have to establish their new rules for Democrats, they have to demonstrate it to the voters Democrats are deeply demoralizing with their aggressive abuses of power, many of which also function as purges of Republican voters.

Republicans need to do a lot better for the voters who feel they’ve been abandoned by the party than tell us, like they did in the Obama and Trump years, that we need to give them the majority back in Congress that they went on to squander like fools. They need to do a lot better than say to us that Democrats can break the law with impunity but they’re going to make sure we spend months allowing a smear circus of unsubstantiated allegations of gang rape against Republican nominees and agree that it seems reasonable to live under an indefinite state of “emergency.”

They need to treat voters like a husband would treat a wife he’s trying to win back after cheating on her: Prove it with big, repeat gestures that require actual sacrifice. Here are some ideas of what Republicans could do if they actually wanted to motivate voters to show up for them at the polls ever again after Lucy-with-the-footballing us for decades.

A Few Ideas From an Outside Observer

Refuse to vote for anything Democrats want, ever, unless Republican voters get something big that they want out of it. And no, Republican voters don’t want more corporate welfare. We want Biden’s shot mandate lifted, we want Planned Parenthood defunded, we want traitors courtmartialed out of the U.S. military.

Refuse to vote in any of Biden’s nominees. Refuse to attend hearings that are just a media dog-and-pony show. Don’t whine about stuff on TV or in hearings — impose real penalties. Throw sand in all the gears of the administrative state at every possible opportunity — and actively look for those opportunities.

Why is it that leftists get to get taxpayer sinecures to “resist” the elected president? These agencies are almost all unconstitutional anyway. Demand and execute hearings, document dumps, investigations, lawsuits, and everything else possible to gum up the works of the branches of government that function as judge, juries, and executioners of the American people’s rights.

Offer legal protections and full amplification to all whistleblowers, inflame tensions like those between the White House and Centers for Disease Control by taking up the grievances of one side against the other just to raise Cain.

Release a detailed plan for slashing and burning the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, and the rest of the federal Leviathan that Democrats are clearly weaponizing and will never stop at so long as they have any power. Republicans who are in control of state apparatuses should be starting their own state-level replacements for this cancerous entity and ejecting federal OSHA agents out of their states, saying, “Thanks, we don’t need you, we have our own, and they’re better. Go oppress other people, not ours!”

Take Some Pointers from Democrats If You Have To

Leftists are pressuring judges from the Supreme Court on down. Respond in kind. Get investigators — private if necessary — to find out who the street thugs at judges’ houses are and see if they are, say, behind on any rent or student loan payments, or wanted for crimes in other states. Put their pictures and dossiers up on a website or two. I bet motivated entities could find skilled volunteers with practice in law enforcement to help.

Exert other pressure on judges by freely filing articles of impeachment against unhinged judges who clearly have no regard for the actual laws and U.S. Constitution. Or float it as a trial balloon and generate outraged news cycles about it that help show the judges the power isn’t all on one side and they better not act like petty little tyrants. Organize a coalition of states that will refuse to accept an unconstitutional decision from the U.S. Supreme Court by refusing to enforce the continued legalization of abortion on demand far beyond what even socialist countries like those in Europe are willing to stomach.

Republicans have to earn the majority, not just demand it as a de facto consequence of Democrats’ unfettered evil. If they want an example of how an effective minority operates, they should review Democrats’ behavior in the Trump years, 2016-18, and take some pointers. (Except for the illegal leaking and opposition surveillance, of course.) One of them could be filing an impeachment because Biden deserves it and it will keep Democrats busy so they can’t oppress Americans as much.

Stop putting any and all party money behind RINOS. Let them get it themselves from big business and whoever is funding Liz Cheney and The Dispatch. Divert Republican Party resources to people Republican voters don’t hate.

Use the States as Laboratories of Excellence, Not ‘Not California’

Everyone knows the right doesn’t control hardly any major institutions, but the one place they still do have a lot of control is state legislatures and governorships. Those need to start legislating like there’s no tomorrow, starting with targeting Democrats’ major funding and activism streams — that means education.

Half of the typical state’s budget goes to education systems, and those are today’s seedbeds of anti-American anarchy. It is long past time for every state controlled by Republicans to enact 100 percent backpack funding to loosen parents from the disastrous culture war fights making it completely impossible for children to learn.

States should also be immediately examining their K-12 and higher education institutions top to bottom and eliminating all critical race theory and anti-American classes, programs, and professors. They should refuse to fund every institution, public or private, that even treats as legitimate the hatred and separation of people because of their skin color or ancestry. That includes all state grantees — every YMCA, every Big Brothers Big Sisters, every university that hires racist professors who do racist scholarship.

No excuses, no quarter. I don’t care if it’s difficult. It is the business of leaders to lead, not to hide or fiddle or pshaw away existential threats like all these while their cities and country burn. If Republicans can’t do difficult things for the sake of a country in peril, they don’t deserve to be in office.

Dismantle Systems of Oppression

The Republican Party needs their elected leaders to demonstrate their will for dismantling all systems of oppression, such as vaccine mandates and threats of jailing people for not wearing masks. Governors still drunk on the COVID Kool-Aid should be pressured by colleagues who aren’t, and publicly if they don’t respond to private pressure. Americans’ freedoms are at stake here.

The hour is too late for continuing to accept the COVID fears used to keep us in bondage. We have treatments, we have vaccines, we have natural immunity, we know how to social distance, and everyone is going to get this thing sooner or later. It’s time to come out now. If people can’t much tell the difference between Gavin Newsom and a Republican governor when they squint, that’s a Republican Party problem and they need to fix it.

Actual leaders also need to give political refugees from the U.S. military’s racial indoctrination and vaccine purges ways to join their state National Guards, and consider ways to start a new war college that is truly committed to the American Constitution and way of life.

I’ve barely scratched the surface. But Republicans need to do something real and serious besides just assume that Democrats are going to self-destruct because they’re insane. Insane people have lots of stamina, and can do a lot of damage.

It’s time for those who style themselves leaders to put themselves at the front of this column and take some hits and inflict some damage on our behalf. Those who are unwilling to lead should get out of the way immediately, and be pressured into that if necessary by colleagues who actually want to win.

Why Believing in Long-Term Vaccine Safety Is Simply Irrational

Whether or not to get vaccinated is a decision that must be weighed 
differently and individually by each American. Such decisions 
must remain in the core domain of personal liberty.

We are told repeatedly and in ever-more-strident tones that the newly developed COVID vaccines are “safe and effective.” We are told that the elites are starting to lose patience with us and, thus, are resorting to authoritarian measures to mandate complianceIronically, we are told by people who routinely label President Trump a “fascist” that we must be forced, for their sake, to undergo experimental medical procedures for which they cannot be held liable should anything go wrong. We are told that if we do not subscribe to the gospel they are preaching, we are science-deniers. And when we dare to raise our voices in protest, the faceless tech monopolies that do their bidding label us dangerous nonconformists and silence us.

 The problem is that neither science nor basic logic is on their side. The simple argument against their position does not require a Ph.D. in epidemiology to understand. But, in fact, the Ph.D.s already get it, as do those with only a high school education. Indeed, proving Alexander Pope’s quip that “a little learning is a dangerous thing,” it is those in between—the ones who have the false confidence that comes from thinking themselves “educated” but whose educations are not as thorough as that of some others—who are the least vaccine-hesitant group in America. The Ph.D.s and those who have not submitted to the indoctrination of our education establishment are the ones who have not lost touch with the elementary common sense it takes to know that when the government comes a-knocking to offer to stick you with a syringe loaded with a rushed, experimental vaccine based on a new technology being implemented for the first time ever, a bit of “hesitancy” might be in order.

A Blur of Contradictions

 Here is the simple argument: consider, first, how virtually everything you were told about COVID and the vaccines turned out to be wrong again and again and again. (Note that every single one of the links that follow is from a mainstream source and, in fact, I will not cite anything from a remotely questionable source in this entire article): 

You don’t need to wear a mask unless you’re sick. Everyone should wear a mask. If you’ve been vaccinated, you don’t need to wear a mask. Even the vaccinated need to mask up. You need to sanitize your hands, wipe down all surfaces and clean your home on a daily basis. COVID isn’t really passed through surface-to-surface contact. COVID is a respiratory disease. No, COVID is a vascular disease

We’re going to lock down for 15 days to slow the spread. We’re going to lock down for months on end. Now we can celebrate because COVID is overCOVID is back and might clear up by spring 2022 . . . or is it fall 2022? COVID will be with us forever now. COVID definitely did not leak from a lab, and that’s a debunked conspiracy theory. There’s a good chance COVID leaked from a lab. The death rate from COVID might be well over 1 percent. The death rate from COVID might be 0.65 percent. Or maybe more like 0.8 percent

The herd immunity threshold is 67 percent. Or maybe far, far lower than that. Or is it significantly higher, closer to 80 percent? To tell you the truth, herd immunity might be unattainable

Vaccines are going to stop COVID in its tracks. Vaccine efficacy is as high as 95 percent. Vaccine efficacy is fading fast. Everyone will need boosters in a year . . . or in eight months . . . or six months . . . or five months (should we just put everyone on a 24/7 vaccine drip?) . . . or back to eight months

People who are vaccinated have a lower level of the virus in them and are less likely to transmit it. Well, no, what we meant to say is that they seem to have the same level of the virus in them and are, therefore, just as likely to transmit it as anyone else. The vaccine gives you more protection than the natural immunity you gain from having recovered from COVID. Natural immunity gives you far more protection than the vaccine.

 All of these statements, as I said, were published in perfectly mainstream sources, often by the same sources that later contradicted themselves. At every point along the way, a failure to believe or even a mere willingness to question the guidance of the moment would get one branded a science-denier by the same smug scolds who apparently had learned nothing from their earlier errors. 

The Arrogance of the Experts

 In most of these cases, I do not blame our authorities for repeatedly revising their views, forecasts, predictions, and policies. That is exactly how science and related policy recommendations should work in a rapidly unfolding scenario involving a novel virus and novel treatment options, experimental vaccines included. 

If the experts had settled on their “truth” on day one and stuck to it, mounting evidence notwithstanding, that would have been irrational and dangerous, of course. What I blame them for, therefore, is not that they repeatedly changed their minds and shifted course, but rather, that they refused to acknowledge the fallibility of their enterprise and came out swinging each time a new momentary consensus emerged. I blame them for not understanding that most published research findings are false, a fact that is doubly or triply the case in a scenario as new and unpredictable as this one has been. 

I blame them, above all, for demonizing and/or ignoring the critics and skeptics who refused to leap on board. And I blame still more the legions of journalists who readily abandoned all traces of critical thinking and served, instead, as enthusiastic yes-men echoing and amplifying the pronouncements of the state and the crackdown of the Big Tech authoritarians. That abject media failure should be scrutinized for years to come and held up in journalism schools across the world as a paradigmatic case of reporters abdicating their watchdog function and taking on the role of state propagandists.

Too Soon for Long-Term Conclusions

 If, in the case of a rapidly unfolding pandemic, all statements purporting to propound scientific truths must be understood as merely provisional and subject to revision as evidence accumulates, how could it be remotely rational to conclude the all-important question of vaccine safety is any different? 

If the proponents of the vaccines clearly turned out to be clueless as to the long-term efficacy of their shots, especially as new variants emerge, why would we conclude that their views of long-term vaccine safety are any more reliable? Consider what evidence there is for the proposition that these new types of vaccines are safe in the long term. The only right answer is hardly any. 

What evidence could there possibly be when the “long term” hasn’t had time to happen yet? For pregnant women as well, despite the CDC’s assurances that the vaccine is safe for them, there is no testing that could possibly yet have been done to track the long-term effects of those vaccines on the children of those pregnancies. For now, it is all a matter of guesswork and prognostication based on the actual biological properties of the substances used, as well as experience with other, older types of vaccines—the same type of guesswork and prognostication that has, as above, failed to get COVID right time and again. 

 The best the experts can do on this is to tell us—not quite reassuringly—that long-term side effects of vaccines “are not really a thing,” as the vaccines are a one- or two-dose deal, not prolonged chemical exposure of the sort that could be expected to result in long-term consequences. 

First, this is transparent sophistry. We know with certainty that these vaccines, like others, presumably are designed to bring about at least one long-term consequence: immunity. If they are capable of that long-term effect, there is no reason other long-term effects are outside the realm of possibility. 

Second, with boosters apparently needed every few months, we are talking about repeated exposure at this point. 

And third, the entirely new breed of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA-based vaccines may have a particular risk of unanticipated long-term side effects, as an article in the Jerusalem Post headlined, “Could mRNA COVID-19 vaccines be dangerous in the long term?” explained:

[T]here are unique and unknown risks to messenger RNA vaccines, including local and systemic inflammatory responses that could lead to autoimmune conditions.

An article published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a division of the National Institutes of Health, said other risks include the bio-distribution and persistence of the induced immunogen expression; possible development of auto-reactive antibodies; and toxic effects of any non-native nucleotides and delivery system components. 

What is “not really a thing,” moreover, is tracking long-term vaccine side effects, a notoriously difficult chore given the things confounding it—vaccine manufacturers and governments interested in vaccine administration having every incentive to avoid pursuing such questions for fear of destroying their businesses and/or alarming the public. 

An article in Nature—published shortly after news of the rare blood-clotting side effect of the European AstraZeneca vaccine led to a temporary halt in its use—gives a more honest assessment of these challenges, even in the context of far more easily traceable short-term adverse events:

These events illustrate how fiendishly challenging it is to prove that a medical problem following immunization—known as an adverse event—was caused by the vaccine itself. Public-health officials must strike a ‘delicate balance’ when communicating the risk of rare side effects alongside the dangers of severe COVID-19, says vaccinologist Kathryn Edwards at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee. Physicians worry about fueling anti-vaccine movements that are already increasing vaccine hesitancy in some communities. At the same time, it is important not to dismiss the potential for rare but severe side effects until researchers can establish causality, a process that can take years.

 In simpler terms: unless vaccine side effects are either relatively harmless or really, really obvious and easily traceable to particular vaccines, which they hardly ever are, we won’t tell you about it for fear of fueling vaccine hesitancy. 

Underreported and Underpublicized?

To the extent that the relative frequency of short-term side effects is any indication of the expected relative frequency of long-term side effects, another Nature article, while leading with the standard overstated boilerplate (“[t]here is no question that the current vaccines are effective and safe”), admits that the rate of serious short-term side effects, such as anaphylaxis, from the COVID vaccines reflects “a higher rate than most other vaccines.” 

Speaking anecdotally, nearly everyone I have spoken to and I personally know at least several people who had severe and long-lasting side effects that appear to have begun almost immediately after the first or second dose of one of the mRNA-based vaccines, ranging from tinnitus to stroke-induced vision loss to symptoms identical to those reported in long-haul COVID. This suggests that, if anything, vaccine side effects are being underreported and underpublicized. 

I want to be very clear about what I am saying and what I am not saying: I am in no way suggesting that people should not get vaccinated. Any knowns and unknowns concerning vaccine risks must be weighed against the known and unknown risks of COVID-19 itself, which includes, of course, long-haul COVID complications. For many people, especially the elderly and individuals with various pre-existing conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and chronic liver disease, this should be an easy choice. The likelihood that anyone will drop dead or experience some catastrophic side effect soon after getting the vaccines is obviously quite low, whereas the chances that individuals in these at-risk categories will experience life-threatening or significantly adverse outcomes from COVID are much higher. 

But others, like myself, might have a very different risk calculus. I am in my mid-40s, am in generally good health, and had a documented asymptomatic case of COVID in late December into early January. Out of an abundance of caution, I got tested before going to spend New Year’s with my parents and then had antibodies afterward. 

Getting vaccinated might not make sense for someone like me in light of the fact that the risk of vaccine side effects appears to be significantly higher among those who already had COVID. More importantly, recent findings from a large database of 32,000 patients indicate that natural immunity due to prior infection may actually offer significantly more protection against the delta variant than does vaccine-induced immunity (“the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher” than for those with natural immunity). This is yet another instance of the common phenomenon that “[f]or many infectious diseases, naturally acquired immunity is known to be more powerful than vaccine-induced immunity and . . . often lasts a lifetime.” 

The same risk calculus should be even more compelling for people recently infected with the delta variant. It is beyond the pale that, in a city like New York, someone who just recovered from COVID must still go get vaccinated in order to see a concert or just eat out. 

A Gross and Unjust Imposition 

What the sum total of the considerations I have adduced above indicates—beyond that any vaccine mandates should, at the very least, have an exception for natural immunity—is that the same health authorities and politicians who have been wrong about COVID and COVID vaccines time and again cannot possibly assure us that COVID vaccines “are safe and effective” in the long term. The belief that the vaccines will certainly not have adverse long-term consequences is, in fact, irrational—a piece of dogma rather than a grounded scientific inference based on reliable (or, really, any) data.

 What this means is that no matter the perceived benefit for the collective “we,” forcing vaccines upon all of us is a gross imposition that cannot be countenanced. Whether or not to get vaccinated is a decision that must be weighed differently and individually by each American. Such decisions must remain in the core domain of personal liberty. The practice of eugenics and forced sterilization of people in various categories expected to put the rest of us at risk of various adverse social outcomes might also yield lots of perceived benefits for the collective, but we simply do not take such potentially life-altering choices out of people’s hands in 2021. 

Or, at least, I thought we didn’t. Like everything else about COVID, this is another belief that may need to be revised, as we come to understand that, with every passing day, our authoritarian elites are increasingly revising America into something less than a free country.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-Sept 17


Evening folks, here's tonight's news, along with additional news from TGP: