Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Talks – Jake Tapper vs Anthony Blinken, A Debate in Cognitive Dissonance

This is a painful interview between furrowed brow Jake Tapper, painfully wanting to defend the administration and yet the total failure is too insurmountable to defend, and an abjectly overwhelmed and clueless Secretary of State Anthony Blinken – who is trying to explain the complete mess they have created.

The background here is the history of foreign policy failures and boondoggles by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton…. and the transferring of those same geopolitical outlooks into the Biden administration.  Blinken talks in platitudes of diplomacy that are irrelevant today.  The Chinese, Russians and Afghanistan Taliban don’t give a tinkers-damn what the dementia nurses around Biden are talking about.

The pearl-clutching Biden/Blinken approach is just as irrelevant as the bomb-dropping Obama/Clinton approach.  Team Biden act as if the Taliban cares about what Facebook, Twitter and Instagram voices say about them; it’s nuts.  The single-minded totalitarian Taliban don’t care about the United States or United Nations any more than they care about Tik Tok or CNN opinions.

I’m left wondering where Ayman al-Zawahiri is in all of this?

Ayman Al Zawahiri and Osama Bin Laden

Biden will own the fall of Kabul — when the real killing begins

 This coward typifies what the so-called "tough guy Taliban" is all about

Article by Kenneth R. Timmerman in The New York Post

Biden will own the fall of Kabul — when the real killing begins

For decades, Joe Biden has touted himself as a foreign policy genius. As a United States senator, he never had to make a decision or bear responsibility for running off at the mouth. As vice-president, he was given backwaters such as Ukraine that he reportedly turned into a family piggy bank.

But now he is president. He owns the utter disaster that Afghanistan has become; and the sudden about-face of the Pentagon to send 3,000 fully-armed combat troops back into the fray shows that even the woke military bosses Biden installed can wake up and smell the coffee.

Would Donald Trump have done this differently?

Remember that Trump fired Ambassador John Bolton as national security advisor when Bolton openly rebelled against Trump’s decision to negotiate a peace agreement with the Taliban.

Trump’s deal set a firm withdrawal date for U.S. combat troops — May 1, 2021.

But that’s where the similarities with Biden end. As Trump recounted three weeks ago at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Phoenix, he bombed the Taliban to the negotiating table.

After warning Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada that he would “come back and hit you harder than any country has ever been hit” if he welched on the deal, Trump made good on his threat and launched punishing airstrikes the first time the Taliban violated the agreement.

Since then, not a single U.S. soldier has died in combat in Afghanistan.

Trump also maintained U.S. fighter jets and armed drones at Bagram airbase and used them to keep the Taliban in check. Biden ordered the midnight evacuation of the airbase on July 5 without even notifying the Afghan military. Not surprisingly, within hours the Taliban had looted the base and today our remaining troops have no U.S. air cover.

The Pentagon is desperate to avoid a rout that is broadcast live on prime time. They want no helicopters taking off from the roof of the U.S. embassy with desperate Afghans clinging to the skids, as happened in Saigon in 1975. They want no Blackhawk downs, or civilian contractors hung from bridges, all of which could have happened if they had allowed Biden’s retreat to continue as planned.

“All those lives lost, and we didn’t resolve anything,” said Bill Craun, a former private military contractor in Afghanistan and Iraq who has authored a new book, Working the Kill Zone. “Now the Taliban is going to kill everyone who had anything to do with us.”

The Pentagon estimated on Friday that the Taliban will sweep into Kabul in thirty days. I would treat that prediction like last night’s beer. My bet is, the Taliban will arrive the day after U.S. troops complete the evacuation from the capital. And then the real killing will begin.

Biden owns this, personally. And every Gold Star family should remind him of that fact.



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X22, SGT Report, and more-August 15


Happy Sunday! Got another huge week ahead of us (I got a pretty good feeling about this one.). Here's tonight's lineup of good news to get this week started:

Taliban Now Attacking the Airport Where US Ambassador/Embassy Staff Last Reported


Article by Nick Arama in RedState

Taliban Now Attacking the Airport Where US Ambassador/Embassy Staff Last Reported

The Taliban are reportedly now shelling the Kabul airport, and it’s not clear whether all the Americans from the embassy or the ambassador got out yet.

On ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that U.S. personnel are being relocated from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul to the airport “to ensure they can operate safely and securely,” but still maintain a core diplomatic presence there.

But now, the U.S. Embassy has issued a security alert urging Americans to shelter in place and avoid the airport, which was reportedly taking fire. They’re telling people that they have to fill out an online form in order to get rescued.



Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Twitter that NATO is helping keep the country’s airport open to facilitate and coordinate evacuations. The U.S. is claiming they’re securing the people at the airport. But who knows how that’s going to work, in the face of the Taliban.

People are still trying to get to the airport, because now it’s the only way out of the country.


 The Taliban have ordered their people into Kabul.

 As we reported earlier, the Afghan president has fled the country.

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How States Could Constitutionally Assume Abandoned Responsibilities of the National Government

The doctrine of protective resumption offers a way to safeguard the rights of citizenship 
when the issue is not how powers are being exercised but how they are not.

The COVID pandemic has witnessed the exercise of state “police powers” on a scale and scope unprecedented in America’s peacetime history. Out of fear of contagion, massive amounts of private property in the form of shops, restaurants, bars, and other businesses were peremptorily seized and shuttered. The rights of landlords to collect rents and evict tenants were suspended. The ability of people to cross from one state to another was hobbled by regulations, quarantines, and delays. And most of this was accomplished by governors and mayors acting by decree, with only the most tenuous of statutory authorizations. 

Initially implemented for what was to have been a brief period of medical unreadiness, the restrictions and impositions were extended month after month in the name of protecting Americans from a threat the specific magnitude of which was never clearly defined. Although some raised concerns about the legality of and need for these coercions, most Americans obediently submitted to them.

The purpose here is not to justify the particulars of what seems to us to have been a huge and clumsy overreach. It is instead to point out what such robust assertions of police powers could achieve, constitutionally and politically, if put to different and more legitimate ends—protecting Americans’ health and safety against what predictably ensues when the federal government abandons one of its primary charges. It is a road which, if taken, could not only repair the harms of gross federal nonfeasance but usefully up the ante in the struggle to thwart the Left’s accelerating efforts to unmake America. In other words, a course of action that could materially improve public health, safety, and welfare while also firing a powerful salvo across revolution’s bow. 

We propose calling this the doctrine of “protective resumption” whereby, finding that the national government through negligence, inability, or malice had ceased to meaningly perform one or more of its core functions—thus endangering the health, safety, and welfare of a state’s citizens—the states either severally or acting in concert among themselves, could resume their core police power functions without being preempted by federal law. The states, it should be stressed, would not thereby be taking over national government functions, they would only be shielding, via recognized police powers, their citizens from the effects of these functions’ abandonment. This distinction is important since it would place limits both on what the states could do and how long they could do it. Moreover, it would not allow them to exercise any powers specifically denied the states by the U.S. Constitution. 

Constitutional Limits on National Authority       

Testing the limits of national authority has a long history in American politics. Most frequently it has taken the form of state resistance to the positive exercise of federal power in a manner state leadership found abusive. Prior to the Civil War such confrontations were recurrent and touched a wide variety of issues, conspicuous among them the right of interposition claimed by Virginia in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, the nullification threat of South Carolina against “the Tariff of Abominations,” and Wisconsin’s and Vermont’s efforts to block enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act. 

The secessions of 1860-1861, of course, were the most dramatic instances of this kind of resistance, but the defeat of the Confederacy and the adoption of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments didn’t bring the phenomenon to an end. Unfortunately, post-bellum state’s rights claims became the favored preserve of southern segregationists, who, unlike many of their pre-Civil War forebears, asserted them against rather than on behalf of the claims of liberty. More recently, however, this long constitutional story has taken yet another turn in the form of “the sanctuary movement,” wherein leftist state and local governments, as well as institutions like public and private universities, have declared a policy of non-cooperation with the national government in immigration and drug law enforcement.

The ante- and post-bellum cases share a latent dimension. Not only were they efforts to impede what were deemed improper exercises of national power, they were also signals of a willingness to provoke a more general showdown should the feds not desist in their course. In other words, they were calculated exercises in political brinkmanship.

Few state actions, however, have been aimed at remedying national abdications of authority. The U.S. Constitution’s framers and most subsequent state and local leaders feared the expansion, not the shrinkage, of national power. Increasing centralization, after all, had been the historical norm. In general, it is still the prevalent trend. But such is the wrecking mentality of our present rulers that when they see an opportunity for a useful sin of omission, they don’t pass it up. 

By far the most glaring example of this today is at our southern border which, in defiance of duly enacted and popular laws, has been thrown open by the Biden Administration to just about all comers. This is not only a violation of the presidential oath to defend the Constitution and the laws enacted under it, but part and parcel of a larger project to transform our civic order through demographic change. It is therefore anti-republican in both form and substance. But more precisely to our point, in exposing the citizens of America’s states to a host of ills involving their health, safety, and general welfare, this desertion of responsibility, when accompanied by claims of preemption, impedes the states from exercising their own core police powers. And not in a small way, but extensively.                                                  

States Can Address the Border Crisis

The people now streaming across the Rio Grande can’t be subject to effective background checks and there is ample evidence that significant numbers of them have active criminal ties or histories. In fact, crime has been spiking in many border localities, and gangs that operate throughout the United States are profiting enormously off their coyote and smuggling roles. Immigrant health status is also difficult to ascertain, although many of them have tested positive for COVID, and most are unvaccinated. 

These illegal migrants will also predictably depress the wage levels of American workers. As was unanimously recognized by the Supreme Court nearly a half century ago in De Canas v Bica (1976), safety, health, and conditions of employment are all at the heart of state police powers and usually exercised in tandem with counterpart federal powers. What happens, however, when federal dereliction blows a gaping hole in the system’s protective curtain?

The national government’s primacy over border control derives from its authority over foreign, defense, and naturalization policy, but state activity in this realm, pursuant to the reserved police powers of the states, has always been recognized as valid when not clearly preempted by federal authority. Many states, for example, maintain overseas offices aimed at bringing foreign businesses, investment, and tourists to their jurisdictions. Additionally, states have some recognized authority over the movement of interstate commerce. Thus, California and Hawaii restrict the importation of certain fruits and vegetables. Typically, these areas of overlap provoke little controversy, because in the past there has been a shared understanding of their ultimate purpose, the promotion of a common national interest. With the national government’s revolutionary turn, this understanding has evaporated.   

The U.S. Supreme Court in Arizona v. United States (2012) ruled 5-3 that the states can’t enforce immigration law independently of the federal government. But the court continued to recognize that the states retain and can exercise overlapping police powers when not expressly or clearly preempted by the federal statutory scheme. The country’s experience during the COVID-19 pandemic has suggested that state primacy with respect to police power can permit profound intrusions into what would otherwise be considered federal prerogatives when health and safety concerns are sufficiently acute, a reservoir of potential power perhaps comparable to that of the commerce clause, though operating in the opposite direction. 

At the pandemic’s height, state actions to limit COVID’s spread were sufficiently draconian to plunge the nation into what, by most measures, would be considered an economic depression. During this period of exigency, the federal government stood aside while states took actions that substantially constricted the flow of commerce and, in some cases, people across state lines. Even after the Trump Administration began having second thoughts about the need for these strictures, it resisted calls to invoke the commerce clause to override the strangulations, communicating deep respect for state police power authority.

Needless to say, the immigration crisis differs in important ways from that presented by COVID, and Arizona v. United States leaves the states’ direct role in immigration enforcement, at the most, as one of no more than loyal federal lieutenancy. But the COVID experience also suggests that the invocation of police power jurisdiction, rather than border control as an end in itself, could cast matters in a different light. 

No one has ever doubted national primacy over the flow of interstate commerce. Establishing it was a key reason for the Constitution’s ratification, and it has been used repeatedly and with monumental consequence to anchor many other assertions of federal power only distantly related to commercial transactions. Yet during the COVID emergency, the states’ exercise of their police powers had a massive impact on interstate commerce.          

What we’re suggesting, then, is the states may have a constitutional opportunity to curtail the flow of “undocumented migrants” into their territory, precisely because by being undocumented these migrants imperil citizen health, safety, and welfare. The national government may not care about the dangers their chaotic entry procedures present, but the states have a clear responsibility to address them. As a result, they should be able to close their borders to those to whom the federal Congress itself has denied entry until such time as the irregular flow ceases. This would not involve the states changing statutory immigration policy with respect to total number, right of entry, or any other of its legal aspects, nor would it affect questions like visa overstay, birthright citizenship and chain migration, where health and safety effects are less apparent. Rather it would be a remedy tailored to address police power issues pure and simple.

In Texas, Greg Abbott has already made a partial start down this road, supported by a number of other Republican governors. On May 31, Abbott declared that a public health and safety disaster existed in 34 counties (there have since been several additions and subtractions from the list) due to the mass surge of illegal migrants across the Rio Grande. State law enforcement, he announced, would arrest illegal migrants who committed trespass, smuggling, and human trafficking, and regulations would be waived to help counties provide alternate detention facilities for those arrested. He has also talked of completing the border wall. Potential border wall aside, his approach centers on the enforcement of specific state laws rather than a more general assertion of constitutional authority. 

Not every illegal migrant trespasses on private property or engages in smuggling and trafficking. Curbing these crimes by themselves would thus be unlikely to staunch the migrant flow. They haven’t made that much of a dent in it so far. Furthermore, the construction of barriers will certainly require more authority than can be found in these limited claims.  

Nonetheless, this limited approach may be the most prudent one for now. The felt sense of crisis does not yet seem to be widely enough shared for a more encompassing claim to have a good chance of prevailing in the courts of public opinion and, therefore, law—where the feds are now suing Texas. 

How to Invoke the Doctrine of Protective Resumption

Under what circumstances, then, might the doctrine of protective resumption be successfully invoked? 

Timing would be of the essence. The Biden Administration isn’t yet wholly beyond its honeymoon. But its actions have been sowing whirlwinds—stagflation, diplomatic disasters, questionable financial relationships with foreign corporations—that could tank its public support and generate organized protest on a wide scale. There might also be some event at the border that elicits unusual national alarm. These would help prepare the political and constitutional battlefield for the bold move we’re proposing. 

The details would have to be a matter of careful forethought and preparation. But to paint the possibilities in broad strokes, a governor might mobilize state law enforcement and national guard units to take up positions at commonly used crossing points, and simply turn back illegal entrants, or place them in state holding centers from which they would be returned by air or other conveyance to the countries from which they entered. Equipped with a more robust constitutional mandate, eminent domain could also be used to acquire land at or near the border to erect walls and place other impediments to unauthorized entry. And this shouldn’t be by unilateral gubernatorial action, but done in concert, if at all possible, with the relevant state legislatures. Checkpoints would also have to be established along the lines demarcating borders with states that didn’t join in this effort in order to prevent migrant circumvention. Here COVID precedents could be drawn upon. 

As in the case of any deliberately thrown gauntlet, the bolder these policies, the better. Attempts by the national government to obstruct them would be fought in the courts, but even more importantly in the arena of public opinion, where the emphasis would be on the patriotic character of the moves and the national emergency that dictates them. Supporters could be directed to the borders, where they would demonstrate and provide cheer and comforts to the police and guardsmen. Demonstrations would also be mounted in major cities, making this a high intensity, media saturating, citizen-involved campaign. 

The subsequent juridical, political, and public relations combat would be key to the strategy’s success. The grand battle we now face is whether we are to remain a nation in control of its territory and citizenship, and under the rule of law. In betraying its legal obligation to enforce immigration law, the Biden Administration puts itself in the worst of all possible political positions. If state action can succeed in doing what the feds could do but won’t, the legal arguments may prove secondary to those that derive from the very definition of a sovereign nation state. 

As already observed, the fed’s immigration default is only a symptom of something more malign, a radicalized national government out to destroy traditional America by whatever means are deemed necessary and expedient. Defeating this top-down sedition requires a careful choice of political battlefields. The best ones on which to fight are those where the stakes are highest, the derelictions most obvious, and common sense least pressed to discern right from wrong. Nations cannot exist without borders, so one might hope that anyone retaining a shred of patriotism and common sense would support those levels of government committed to their preservation. Most polls suggest large majorities would back such policies. 

Protecting the Rights of Citizens

The states and the people have the right to protect themselves from abuse of government power by any branch and at every level. As the 10th Amendment makes clear, the Constitution doesn’t incorporate a surrender of these rights. What’s being proposed here—a resumption of the states’ reserved police powers in the face of abdication by the federal government of its own primary responsibilities—is consistent with that amendment.

The doctrine of protective resumption offers a way to safeguard the rights of citizenship when the issue is not how powers are being exercised but how they are not. A government that doesn’t perform its core duties is, to that extent, not a government at all. Just like fallen banners, core powers left lying in the dust can be picked up by those next in command, assuming their own powers give them a good reason to do so.     

State police powers can’t be invoked to remedy every federal dereliction, but there may be areas other than immigration where they can, the case strengthening as federal abdications become more basic and done with mens rea. Potentially it could be invoked in any domain of federal authority so elemental as to put citizens at grave risk if left unattended. Two besides immigration jump to mind as possibilities: maintaining a stable national currency and securing equal protection of the law, though in both cases implementation of protective resumption would be more complex and difficult than with respect to border security. 

The Constitution bestows on the national government a monopoly over coinage and prevents states from making anything but gold or silver “legal tender.” Nowadays coins constitute an infinitesimal—though still useful—percentage of the total amount of money in circulation. Even paper currency, which Congress has divorced from precious metal backing, holds but a minority share of all total U.S. money. Most currency now exists as a bank-created abstraction, with the federal government and the Federal Reserve the ultimate masters. During the early history of the republic much of the “money” in circulation was issued by private banks and guaranteed by them only. More recently, privately issued cryptocurrency has come onto the scene, and may have a glowing future as a refuge from the debauchment of the official money supply.

America has never experienced the kind of hyper-inflation that once wracked countries like Argentina, Zimbabwe, and Weimar Germany. But should hyperinflation ever loom in the United States, state governments could mitigate the situation by converting their tax receipts into sound digital alternatives or foreign currencies, to be used—for those who prefer it—as payment for state salaries and vendor payments. State bonds could also be paid off in these alternative media for those holders who preferred it. Without formally declaring anything other than the dollar as legal tender, the states nonetheless could support the circulation of better options—providing citizens with a safe harbor against federal monetary spoliation.  

Indifference to currency as a reliable store of wealth is as much a danger to the general welfare as is indifference to the condition of our international borders. State resumption of its police powers in this area could therefore be a justifiable option if the feds destroy the U.S. currency’s value.

Enjoying equal protection of the laws is at the heart of safeguarding the general welfare. If the national government refuses to guarantee equal protection in order to politically persecute its opponents or pursue notions of group rights as now embodied in the Left’s illiberal concept of “equity,” another opportunity to invoke protective resumption might arise. If under the color of the law the feds egregiously subvert individual civil rights, the states might assume their enforcement as another aspect of residual police power. Since federal abuse in such situations would probably involve acts of commission as well as omission, state action would have the character of protective shielding as well as protective resumption. This would, of course, produce the highest level of direct state-federal confrontation. 

By removing claims of federal preemption, these resumptions of police power would effectively peel functions away from the national government, at least temporarily, and relocate them in the states. In that sense they might be seen as constituting stepping stones to complete severance. But they are not identical to secession. They would be intended instead as grave warnings about the consequences of federal recklessness, and the need for remedy and reconciliation. Apart from the public welfare good that they would accomplish, they also would make it clear to national elites that their domineering and abusive policies were being met with a determined push back. 

Only one side of our cold civil war has thus far shown any real resolve—the wrong one. Effective checks and balances are matters of not just of form, but of spirit. A policy of protective resumption, launched at the right moment and over the right policies, would be a bracing way of returning some symmetry to the correlation of American political forces. Without such rebalancing, the dissolution of our republic and its framework of freedom will inexorably proceed.                 

Our Ridiculous Way of Fighting Wars

When we decide to send our young off to fight, 
we owe them more than a thank you and a free concert. 

As we look at the disgraceful coda of the Global War on Terror and the tens of thousands of our countrymen who have been maimed or killed with scant results, it is clear to all but few (sadly, those few seem to occupy a lot of Defense Department jobs and think tank posts), there must be a better way to fight our wars. If we look to history, and even demands from the anti-war Left, we might find a better way forward.

Believe it or not, the anti-war Left does have a strong point. No, their point was not to be found in their human barricading of military posts or yelling in congressional meetings with ridiculous costumes. It was in their demand for the third rail of military intervention everyone dismisses: Timelines. 

We are told we cannot set timelines. We are there until “mission accomplished” (or it loses funding, as we have seen). But what if we looked at our past and realized that when a war goes beyond four or five years of mobilization, beneficial results are difficult to identify? Which “victory” was more decisive: World War II or Vietnam? Are we to believe that timelines are beneficial to every type of work (construction, budgets, school testing, sports), but when it comes to deploying our military efforts that is the one thing that somehow needs zero accountability for how long it takes?

Why can we not have a five-year timeline requirement on each war declaration/force authorization? What would a five-year timeline require? Massive deployment of forces. Massive manufacturing of equipment, mobilization of forces, etc. (think of the old World War II movies of assembly lines, etc.). Few realize we fought Desert Storm with a larger Army deployed than our total Army is now. What if we had a manpower/equipment requirement (two Armies, 600 ships, 4000 planes, etc.) before we fight? Somehow, this idea would be dismissed as ludicrous (despite it being automatic in wars we cared to win), but yet having soldiers deployed in combat for half their careers is not?

Our generals (when not playing on Twitter or studying CRT) now present ludicrous theories to us that a few teams of SEALs grabbing a guy and some drones flying around are the same as a division of troops deployed in a town. Yet, we somehow never pacified much of Afghanistan or Iraq after two decades. Is the argument that the German SS troops were not as motivated to fight a guerilla war as Al Qaeda has been (spoiler alert: they planned to do it)? Perhaps, like the SS, Al Qaeda would have realized when 10,000 troops and materiel were in every little town, that resistance was futile? If we deployed in Europe as we did in Iraq and had just a brigade covering all of Bavaria, would the SS simply have surrendered? 

Another thing massive mobilization and five-year timelines might stop is the exploitation of the smaller (read: cheaper) all-volunteer military. Yes, it is great for America not to need a draft, but politicians and generals learned the wrong lessons from Vietnam. They realized if you have an all-volunteer Army and you make one percent (or less) of the population do the dirty work, it is easy for the citizenry to ignore the war. No involuntary service means no skin in the game for most. 

How many people today even know someone that knows someone who went to a KIA funeral? It is not without previous examples: France kept its empire running for over a century with foreign soldiers no one cared about. Is Great Falls, Montana or Youngstown, Ohio any less foreign to our political elite? Our elites use these people like grist in the war machine’s mill. They are like neocon carbon offsets (“well, they volunteered, so you do not need my kids.”). Perhaps keeping these places poor makes it easier to recruit them for foreign “adventure?” It certainly doesn’t hurt.

Another key to the five-year war requirement: Funding without using the existing budget. Remember the ludicrous commercial the Bush Administration ran explaining how we really helped the war effort by just “living our lives?” Ignoring our citizens being maimed and killed with no real objective being accomplished makes it easier for the war machine to continue. How is this different from Roman diversions of panem et circense? 

Some might be old enough to remember, but most others have probably wandered around a kitschy shop and seen a poster for War Bonds. We could not have fought many of our pre-Vietnam wars without them. Putting some American flags on a Super Bowl helmet is not the same as buying a bond to fund body armor, larger ships, or something that saves American lives. Why do we not add to a constitutional amendment that we require funding wars with bonds only? If we decide that some objective is good enough to sacrifice our young, can’t the rest of us at least loan the means to fight to the government with some interest? Should we not require an obligation of buying the bonds if your nuclear family is not serving at all? 

The Rumsfeldian argument that shrinking the military during the last two decades makes us win wars is obviously without evidence or logic. While your government has tried to make this ludicrous claim, we sit seven decades away from taking part in any major tangible military success. Our largest city was attacked (remember, Hawaii was not even a state in 1941) in 2001, and we decided our best choice was to not mobilize 300 million Americans. 

Could the War on Terror not have been finished in 2005-2006 with full focus on victory? When we decide to send our young off to fight, we owe them more than a thank you and a free concert. 

Biden Sends Additional 1,000 Emergency Evacuation Troops to Kabul as Intel Agencies Now Say Afghan Capital Will Fall Within 72 Hours

In July, Biden said Kabul would never fall.  Four days ago Biden said it would take more than 90 days for Taliban to reach Kabul, if at all.  Today, Biden sends 1,000 more additional troops to Kabul as it is expected to fall within 72 hrs.   That is correct.  By Monday the Taliban could control all of Afghanistan.

The AP is reporting that emergency evacuations have sped up the timeline to avoid the most embarrassing optics for the Biden administration.  An additional 1,000 troops from the 82nd Airborne are en-route to support the previously announced 3,000 U.S. troops handling the evacuation.  That is a total of 4,000 new military troops sent to Kabul to support the previous 1,000.  Keep in mind the original Afghan withdrawal was 2,500 troops in total.

(VIA AP) – The Latest developments on Afghanistan, where a weeklong Taliban offensive is now approaching the outskirts of the capital, Kabul, after the insurgents captured most of the north, west and south of the country, just weeks ahead of the final pullout of all U.S. and NATO troops:  “WASHINGTON — A defense official says President Joe Biden has authorized an additional 1,000 U.S. troops for deployment to Afghanistan.

That raises to roughly 5,000 the number of U.S. troops to ensure what Biden calls an “orderly and safe drawdown” of American and allied personnel. U.S. troops will also help evacuate Afghans who worked with the military during the nearly two-decade war.

The Pentagon said earlier that 3,000 troops are being sent to Kabul to join the nearly 1,000 already there. Biden’s statement on Saturday didn’t explain the breakdown of the 5,000 troops he said had been deployed.

But a defense official tells The Associated Press that the president has approved Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s recommendation that the lead battalion of the 82nd Airborne Brigade Combat Team assist in the State Department’s drawdown.

The situation in Afghanistan has worsened in recent days with the Afghan government losing control of many parts of the country. (read more)

From CNN the following wagon-circling:

(VIA CNN) The US Embassy in Kabul is instructing personnel to destroy sensitive materials as well as items “which could be misused in propaganda efforts,” according to a management notice sent Friday to embassy staff, seen by CNN and described by another source familiar. […] A diplomatic source told CNN that one intelligence assessment indicated that Kabul could be isolated by the Taliban within the week, possibly within the next 72 hours. (read more)

Perhaps U.S. military leadership emphasis has been on the wrong syllable….


Listen up, our CTH community has family there and en-route; we do not think this is funny.  But the sheer scale of military ineptitude is laughable in the extreme.  The Pentagon has known for two years that we were withdrawing from Afghanistan. President Trump instructed them to plan and execute the withdrawal.  They did nothing…

Instead of doing what the Commander-In-Chief instructed, the Pentagon supported Lt. Col Alexander Vindman (Trump impeachment), Navy Secretary Richard Spencer (Trump extortion) and Joint Chief’s woke Chairman Mark Milley (Trump attacker).  So, at the same time we pray for the safety of our family to execute the mission at hand, we spit toward those flag officers who are insufferably political.

Biden will attempt to blame Trump, that won’t work.  Eventually the White House will blame the military – that’s partially deserved.   But ultimately the White House should have reviewed the plans -to verify they were actually in place- before doing the currently big stupid.

We all want to see our troops out of Afghanistan, but it doesn’t take a military strategist to see that we are going to have to deal with the multi-billions of heavy weapons we have just handed a bunch of terrorists.  Good grief, we even left drones there.  Everything about this is FUBAR.

The Pentagon has been rogue, because the same political attitude that exists within the Intelligence Branch writ large exists in the political military.  The political Pentagon thinks they are above and beyond civilian oversight… and the political Senate has allowed this to happen.

Why the Senate?

Because the Senate appropriated hundreds of billions to federal defense contractors; private companies.  Those private corporations then turn around and (1) hire the family members of the Senators in office; and (2) give money to the campaign coffers of the Senators who funded them.

In the big picture, Afghanistan was nothing more than another big circle-jerk of taxpayer money laundered to corporations and themselves.

Our entire system of government is one long collapsing mess.

The U.S. government gives billions of taxpayer dollars and weapons to terrorists, then the same federal government turns around and labels Americans as terrorists because we don’t like the U.S. government response.

They suck.