Saturday, August 14, 2021

Weaponizing Fear, Biden Administration Contemplating Mandating Vaccines for Interstate Travel

They Won’t, But They Will Push Further

Many outlets have reported on a leak from the White House that JoeBama was considering a vaccine mandate for interstate travel. These public probes into how far they can go should not come as a surprise; however, as each day passes more and more people are realizing COVID fear is being weaponized.

As a result of a larger awakening; which must be maintained with large Trumpet by every ally of freedom; further federal mandates will get a lot more push-back and become harder and harder to execute.

VIA Associated Press – […] The sharper federal approach comes as nearly 90 million eligible Americans still have not been vaccinated and as Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, says shots are the only path for the nation to contain the delta variant.

[…] Still, while more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel or changing how the federal government reimburses treatment for those who are unvaccinated and become ill with COVID-19 — have been discussed, the administration worried that they would be too polarizing at this time. An administration official said the interstate travel vaccination requirement was not under consideration at the moment.

That’s not to say they won’t be implemented in the future, as public opinion continues to shift toward requiring vaccinations as a means to restore normalcy. (read more)

CTH has been warning about the Chicago network behind Biden and their objective….  We have accurately predicted their moves, but what we cannot determine is how the larger American electorate will respond to these encroachments.

[December 2020] Why is COVID-19 being disproportionately hyped as such a dangerous threat, when the reality of the statistical danger is much less than the intense level of hype?… That is the key question.

The answer is… social changes under the guise of COVID-19 mitigation, are the entry point for the goals and aspirations of the political left on a national and global scale. COVID-19 is a virus, but also a very important political weapon, and we are discovering what the purpose of the hype is all about. What follows below will help understand; and when you encounter the fear it will help to reconcile/explain what people cannot figure out.

Joe Biden is an avatar; a political pawn; a cognitively declining guy who has no idea what is happening around him. The people behind Biden, those in real control of what this is about, have not hidden their goals and aspirations. These are not stupid people. They are scheming, conniving, ever-planning, ever-manipulating & Machiavellian types within the political system; lusting for power, influence and affluence.

What they are planning to do is weaponize COVID-19 to attain ideological objectives. This is why they hyped the fear within it for almost a year. Nothing within their plan requires the approval or consent of any representative body in Washington DC. COVID is the tool to “fundamentally change” the way the United States exists.

On October 23rd, 2020, those behind the Biden campaign dropped all pretense, openly having their candidate state publicly his intention to control the lives of all Americans using the authority of a weaponized federal government to advance national COVID-19 regulations.

The Dept of Transportation would be the agency enforcing a national interstate transit mask and/or vaccine requirement. However, don’t focus on the DoT part of what he was saying in 2020… that was only one creek… Instead focus on the downstream use of all federal regulatory agencies and how they align within a Federal COVID compliance agenda… that’s the river.

Think about the Dept of Agriculture (SNAP/food stamps), the Dept. of Labor, the Dept of Education, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Dept of Labor, Dept of Energy and how they would join with the DoT to create the aggregate raging river of regulation.

Think about the federal government using mandates for enforced national COVID-19 compliance rules. Think about USDA (Dept of Agriculture) and OSHA federal inspections for social distancing, masks, vaccinations (etc) in all businesses, not just restaurants.

Think about the COVID-19 regulatory and compliance system and what political beneficiaries stand to gain.

Think about the Dept of Education using COVID to restructure the way education is taught and the downstream regulations on charter schools and non-compliant educational systems that do not meet the ideological objectives of the master control plan.

Think about how the Dept. of Labor (complaint division) can be weaponized against political opposition based on arbitrary mask/vaccine inspections under the guise of employee health and safety…. using federal COVID compliance rules.

Think about required days off for the entire employee base if a single infection is identified in the workplace. Paid days off…. funded by Federal Government. Think about how that changes the income dependency dynamic.

Think about the larger Green New Deal (goals and objectives), and then contrast those objectives while aligning an overlay map of how federal COVID mitigation rules can be applied as a back door to the EXACT SAME objective.

Far beyond masks and even vaccines…. Workspaces being forced to be redesigned. New rules on labor density. New rules on labor/manufacturing and office proximity. New rules on uniforms. New rules on hand-washing stations. New rules on sick pay, shift hours, time-off when a COVID infection is detected in the workplace.

Think about everything from rules on surfaces, to rules on packaging, to rules on ALL business operations as an outcome of federal regulatory policy under the guise of CVOID-19 mitigation. OSHA, Labor, Agriculture, Transportation, Energy, Education, Housing, Health and Human Services, and even federal building permits… the entire regulatory system and compliance network.

Think about Housing and Urban Development (HUD) having new rules about dwellings and complexes for housing grants. Population density; the need to move into the suburbs and the confiscation of private property to “ensure the common safety” of the citizens.

Think about those types of business regulations applied on a National level…. and then, as seen in prior Democrat administrations with IRS etc, think about them also being enforced through the prism of political affiliation.

Think about how states that refuse to participate in the mandates will be cut off from federal grants and funding for college tuition, Medicare and/or medicaid reimbursement, etc. etc.

Think about what happens to Main Street USA?

Think about companies on the NASDAQ or national companies on the stock-market?

Think about how those USA-specific federal COVID compliance regulations apply when considering U.S. business operations -vs- just taking operations overseas without those worries.

Think about who in Washington DC then takes control of what types of business interests are allowed to operation…. who determines the winning and losing.

Think about how Federal COVID-19 regulations can be used to put the multinational corporate world back (the globalists) on their former financial pathways, even without TPP and TTIP trade deals.

[Every domestic regulation weaponized against Main Street USA is a win for the Wall Street multinationals.]

Think about how much China and Europe would love to see our economy knee-capped in a Biden regulatory stranglehold; essentially achieving the same objectives as the Paris Climate Treaty.

Think long and hard about how far the tentacles of achieving the Green New Deal can extend under the auspices of federal COVID-19 mitigation.

Remember, those who are working on this don’t care about the middle-class and they have not for decades. The visibility of the ‘rust belt’ is the reference. This is about government bureaucrats using their DC power-base to control trillions in economic value and sell their ability to influence the winners and losers to the highest foreign bidder.

Look at what blue states and federal agencies have already done to seize power and control. Now think about that same manipulative intent spread throughout the entire country by weaponizing federal agencies with advanced COVID-enabled regulation.

That should start to frame the reference point going forward. Remember, within all totalitarian states religion is a risk… the assembly for religious worship is always considered a risk to by those who demand control over free-thought and lives.

The national legislative priority will be focused on retention of that power system by generating an entirely new form of congressional representation. New states, new senators, new election systems, and funding for the needs of the executive…. that will be the focus of the facilitating legislative branch.

Those behind the executive branch; those controlling Joe Biden; will harness and weaponize the power; a power dynamic created by fear.  Meanwhile the legislative leftists will attempt to ensure the new systems they create under the guise of COVID-19 are never in a position to be withdrawn.

That’s the bigger picture.

That’s what they mean by “Build Back Better“.

This ain’t their first rodeo….

Classic (Above) – Modern (Below)

Christian Patriot News, Red Pill, and more-August 14


Enjoying your weekend, folks? Well, here's tonight's lineup of news from the 'good guys' side:

Victor Davis Hanson: An American apocalypse – why people of all classes, races are filled with fear


Since there is no border anymore 2,000,000  Illegal Aliens invade the USA every year

Article by Victor Davis Hanson in Fox News


Victor Davis Hanson: An American apocalypse – why people of all classes, races are filled with fear

What started out as elite woke nonsense now warps everyone’s daily life

Americans are growing angrier by the day in a way different from prior sagebrush revolts such as the 1960s Silent Majority or Tea Party furor of over a decade ago. 

The rage at the current status quo this time is not just fueled by conservatives. For the first time in their lives, all Americans of all classes and races are starting to fear a self-created apocalypse that threatens their families’ safety and the American way of life. 

The border is not just porous as in the pre-Trump past. It is nonexistent. Some 2 million people may cross illegally in the current fiscal year—with complete impunity. 

There is zero effort to stop them. Officials daily hector Americans to get vaccinated and tested for COVID. But they are mute about illegal entrants, some of them infected with the virus.

Have we ever had a president who made no pretense about destroying federal immigration law and asking of Americans what he does not of illegal aliens? 

Joe Biden has also conceded that his hold on housing evictions deliberately defied a Supreme Court ruling. He added that he probably did not have the legal authority to ignore the court, but did not really care. 

As in the case of demolishing immigration law, the president seems either unaware or proud that he is insidiously dismantling the Constitution.

America has also never quite seen such overt and multifaceted efforts to undermine the foundations of free-market capitalism. 

At a time of resurging GDP, low unemployment, and record worker shortages, Biden has announced that renters can continue to avoid paying what they owe their landlords—even after a prior year of such free housing.

In a rebounding economy amid record debt, the government is still sending workers unemployment benefits that are more remunerative than the paychecks they would earn if employed.

Such insanity means not only that labor-short employers cannot provide goods and services to American consumers. The new ethos also institutionalizes the pernicious idea that it is smarter to stay home and idle than to get a job and be productive. 

Biden is also considering further extending exemptions for the repayment of $1.7 trillion in student loans. That amnesty will only further mainstream this growing notion that borrowing money entails no legal or moral obligation to pay it back.

No one seems to acknowledge that both students and the universities—which lured them to borrow—knew exactly the risks they were taking. Meanwhile, millions of American youth, the working classes who choose not to attend college, and those who paid their loans off or whose parents saved enough over the years to cover their tuition obligations, will subsidize those who renege of their debts by paying higher taxes.

Inflation is roaring back as the administration is printing trillions of new dollars that do not reflect commensurate gains in productivity or population. 

Soaring prices are a direct result of incentivizing the unemployed not to work, while discouraging manufacturers and producers of food, gas, oil, timber, mineral, and metals. 

The crime wave likewise is not accidental. It is the logical result of deliberate nihilistic policies of releasing thousands of criminals from jails and prisons, defunding and defaming the police, and empowering woke mayors and prosecutors to contextualize crime as the fault of society, not of the criminal.

In response, millions of Americans now simply avoid the mayhem and chaos of blue-state big cities. 

Race relations have regressed 50 years. Under the fad of critical race theory, the color of our skins is now deemed essential to who we are. 

Most Americans still integrate, assimilate, and intermarry. But the current woke revolution is an elite, top-down effort to smear a self-critical and always improving nation, as some sort of contemporary racist hellhole. 

George Orwell would say of these cultural Marxists that they grab power in the present to reinvent the past in order to control our futures. 

All this multifaceted chaos is not just faculty lounge stuff. We are beginning to see the collective craziness filter down to disruptions in our everyday lives. 

Airliners cannot take off due to fuel shortages. Automobiles, houses, gas, and lumber are in short supply.

Consumers can’t get their roofs fixed or their houses painted or the trees trimmed as employers plead to their idle government-subsidized employees to come back to work. 

No one knows whether our laws even still exist—or at least exist haphazardly depending on who breaks them.

Thieves steal with brazen impunity. The police predicate arresting suspects on criteria that have nothing to do with breaking the law. 

Scared Americans have lost faith in the FBI, the CIA, the Pentagon, the CDC, and most of the federal bureaucracies that are as politicized as they are increasingly incompetent.

What started out as elite woke nonsense now warps everyone’s daily life. If we don’t wake up from wokeness, we will continue on our sure trajectory to self-inflicted, systemic paralysis—followed by civilizational collapse. 


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‘Their Collective’ Comes for Our Republic

Defending the rights of the disfavored and demeaned
 is to defend the rights of all. 

America is a revolutionary experiment in self-government, one established as a constitutional republic in which democracy is the means to ensure the consent of the governed. The method of that democracy—i.e., voting—is detailed by the federal and state constitutions in order to safeguard the unalienable rights of citizens that the majority may neither infringe nor eradicate.   

Tellingly, the leftists who use the prog-whistle “Our Democracy” tend to focus on the procedural right within our constitutional republic by which they delegate power to their elected servants rather than on the substantive right they have to “consent of the governed.” 

If you enquire why the Left uses said prog-whistle of “Our Democracy™” and, ergo, shortchanges itself (and everyone else) you will be met with invective and accusations—everything but an answer. When one notes we are supposed to live in a constitutional republic, one affirms and asserts the totality of his rights, privileges, and protections as a citizen. But when the Left prog-whistles “Our Democracy™,” they are really talking about “Their Collective.” 

During the pandemic, the Left’s rationale for this language trick is patent. It’s not just the U.S. Senate’s filibuster rule the Left loathes. They believe the U.S. Constitution, which prescribes the limited powers of the federal government, is an obstructive document that must be overcome to attain their radical socialist aims. Indeed, this is one of the reasons the American Left so admires and seeks to emulate European nations, which do not recognize unalienable rights that parliaments, et al., cannot vitiate. 

Collectivist to its core, the Left believes the will of the majority—when in sync with its own ideological aims—must prevail, regardless of federal and state constitutions designed to protect unalienable individual rights. In fact, in abhorring unalienable constitutional rights, such as the right to keep and bear arms, the Left argues on behalf of collective rights such as “safety” instead. Majoritarian onslaughts on behalf of approved collectivist objectives take precedence over individual rights. Thus, by messaging “Our Democracy™,” the Left is endeavoring to propagate the fiction that the tyranny of the majority is a blessing rather than a bane of liberty and equality.

The COVID-19 pandemic reveals the Left’s collectivist, post-constitutional agenda. The exacerbation and exploitation of fear has coerced America into a collectivist mindset. Every message is one of collectivization, such as “we are all in this together” (sure we are . . . unless you’re a Democratic elected official). Individual risk management straying from the governmentally approved dictates (scientifically warranted or not) is discouraged, rebuked, and/or punished. For over a year and a half, federal and state governments have had only to argue from authority that they’re keeping you “safe” in order to infringe or violate wholesale your constitutional rights. How? Because a frightened majority supports tyrannizing the rights of dissenters—the collective has cancelled the individual. 

Yet, even as politicians, pandemic policy “experts,” and their corporatist and media cohorts find new pretexts to prevent a return of normalcy and a reduction in their powers, the pandemic’s end is in sight. Aware of this, the Left and their “experts” and media cronies are making a desperate final bid to consolidate the collectivist mindset and establish the initial foundations of a social credit system, a la the genocidal, totalitarian Chinese Communist Party. 

The current demand for vaccine mandates and passports are the epitome of the Left’s insidious “Our Democracy™” mantra at work. Pitting Americans against each other and dividing them along the lines of “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated,” the rights of individuals who seek to manage their own healthcare by not getting vaccinated are deemed dangerous; and they must be segregated into and accorded with steerage class citizenship. (Doubtless, this is why the Left refuses to admit people of color are among the least likely to be vaccinated.) Every argument and action is premised upon the collective’s power to coerce the individual into compliance, regardless of their rights. “Their Collective” lusts to trump and trammel “Our Republic.”

Yes, many—and not just leftists—will contend COVID-19 is a “once in a lifetime” pandemic, and that there is no slippery slope into the Left’s collectivist, socialist hellscape called “Our Democracy™.” These individuals miss the crux of the matter: the Left wants the pandemic to be the slippery slope into their collectivist, socialist hellscape of “Their Collective.”

But “Their Collective” must not be allowed to use the pandemic to invert the foundation of our free republic, which is the recognition and respect for an individual’s God-given, unalienable rights; and the consent and delegation of the sovereign citizens’ power to a servant government. Thus, the only path forward that will heal the rift in our nation is not blind obedience to “Their Collective’s” pandemic diktats. Indeed, it is to oppose governmental mandates for vaccines and passports; and staunchly defend the rights of all Americans to make their own decisions about how to manage their health care precautions.

This is not to say one need reflexively oppose any and all suggestions offered by pandemic policymakers. It is to recognize the difference between making one’s own determination; and imposing your personal decision upon someone else. (And, yes, COVID commissars, I am vaccinated.) 

As citizens of our free republic, we must reciprocally, dutifully, and staunchly defend the liberty and freedom of conscience of our fellow citizens against the onslaught of the authoritarian leftist collective. Securing liberty for those the collective deems disfavored has always been difficult, and it remains so today when “Their Collective” is forging an authoritarian template to impose upon us. But defending the rights of the disfavored remains the first, best, and last protection against collectivism. When the individual, God-given, unalienable rights of all Americans are staunchly defended, the result is voluntary community, not coerced collectivism. And, as history instructs, without coerced collectivism the crimes of authoritarianism and totalitarianism would never have been committed.

Through the efforts of our founding generation, liberty and equality under the law became the core of our revolutionary legacy. It is that which we must bequeath to future generations of Americans. Defending the rights of the disfavored and demeaned is to defend the rights of all. 

Hunter Biden’s Russian Prostitute Videos Indict Both His Father And U.S. Intelligence Agencies

The issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or illegal behavior.
 Rather, it’s the intense corruption of the media and intelligence agencies, 
and how greatly our current president is compromised.

A Russian woman, a drug dealer, and two of his compatriots may have stolen a laptop from Hunter Biden in 2018, Hunter told a prostitute in another sex video, leaving the president’s son concerned he may be blackmailed because of his father’s political position.

While the salacious video of Hunter Biden released earlier this week exposes more details about the troubling lifestyle of the president’s son, it reveals much more about a corrupt and complicit media, a corrupt and incompetent intelligence community, and a corrupt and compromised Joe Biden. 

Late Wednesday, The Daily Mail published what it called “unearthed footage” of a naked Hunter Biden telling a prostitute that “the Russians have videos of me doing crazy f-cking sex!” According to The Daily Mail, “after filming himself having sex with the woman using his laptop in January 2019, Hunter left the camera rolling as he recounted a Vegas bender in which he spent ‘18 days going round from penthouse suite to penthouse suite,’ sometimes costing $10,000 a night.”

The video then captured Hunter telling the prostitute that during the summer of 2018 he had nearly overdosed from drugs while partying in Las Vegas with his drug dealer and two other guys. When he came to later, “there was this Russian 35-year-old, really nice, pure brunette,” Hunter explained. He then discovered his laptop was missing.

“I think he’s the one that stole my computer,” Hunter said on the tape, apparently referring to his drug dealer. “I think the three of them, the three guys that were like a little group. The dealer and his two guys, I took them everywhere,” Hunter explained. “They have videos of me doing this. They have videos of me doing crazy f-cking sex f-cking, you know,” Hunter added. “My computer, I had taken tons of like, just left like that cam on,” Hunter continued, “and somebody stole it during that period of time.”

The prostitute is then heard asking Hunter if he worried the Russian thieves would try to “blackmail” him. “Yeah, in some way yeah,” Hunter replied, noting his father is “running for president,” and that “I talk about it all the time.”

Connections to the New York Post Story 

Like the videos, emails, and text messages recovered from the MacBook Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware repair shop and reported on by The New York Post in October 2020, the footage published Wednesday by The Daily Mail exposes recent disturbing and illegal behavior by the president’s middle-aged son.

But like the New York Post’s earlier reporting, the issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or his illegal behavior. Rather, the latest video reveals the corruption—and more—of the media and the intelligence community, while also establishing how greatly our current president is compromised.

When the New York Post broke news of the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned MacBook shortly before the election, corporate media framed the story as misinformation and refused to report on it. Leftist-controlled social media outlets went further by de-platforming The New York Post and blocking the sharing of the article.

The corporate media’s bias in favor of then-candidate Joe Biden was clear to all but the most hardened partisans on the left, but Wednesday’s reporting from The Daily Mail now reveals another reality: that while the corrupt media ignored the story, even a hooker saw the significance of a missing laptop containing Hunter Biden’s sex videos.

Did he worry about being blackmailed? the prostitute asked, followed by Hunter acknowledging that was a genuine concern since his father intended to run for president. The elder Biden announced his candidacy just two months after his son’s first computer went missing. Yet when The New York Post reported the existence of the Hunter Biden sex videos on the abandoned laptop, corporate media ignored this huge political scandal.

Media-Intelligence Collusion

The corruption revealed, however, extends much beyond the media, to the intelligence community. Here, recall that after The New York Post reported on the contents of the Hunter Biden MacBook, “50 former senior intelligence officials,” led by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son ‘has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’”

That letter, clearly intended to turn the Biden scandal into a Trump-Russia scandal, now takes on a new significance in light of The Daily Mail’s reporting.

Hunter Biden believed that sometime in the summer of 2018, Russians stole his laptop, which contained videotapes of Biden engaged in sex acts with prostitutes. Either U.S. intelligence knew of this or they didn’t, but both scenarios are equally damning. 

If U.S. intelligence agencies knew of this fact, then why would “50 former senior intelligence officials” proclaim to Americans that The New York Post story had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation?” Simply put: to counter the scandal and influence the election for their preferred candidate.

Who Is Publishing Disinformation?

Further, re-reading the intelligence officials’ letter in light of The Daily Mail’s reporting reveals how manipulative Clapper and his cronies were. In the earlier portions of the letter, they spoke of a “Russian information operation,” which suggests the information published by The New York Post was accurate, but released by Russia to influence the election. But in closing the letter, they quoted “media reports” saying “the FBI has now opened an investigation into Russian involvement in this case.”

“According to USA Today,” the letter continued, “federal authorities are investigating whether the material supplied to the New York Post by Rudy Giuliani. . . is part of a smoke bomb of disinformation pushed by Russia.”

By quoting USA Today’s claim that federal authorities were investigating whether the reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop is “disinformation,” former intelligence officials succeeded in changing the narrative of the story. What began as them claiming the story appeared as a “Russian information operation” ended by sleight of hand, representing The New York Post’s story as consisting of “disinformation.”

Surely some signatories of that letter would have known Hunter Biden believed Russians had stolen his laptop with the compromising information. Or, if not, that would just show how incompetent our intelligence agencies are.

Here we are not speaking merely of the former intelligence officials who signed the letter. At the time The New York Post published the videos, emails, and texts from Hunter’s MacBook, in October 2020, intelligence agencies would have been focused on any issues related to the then-Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, for months, which clearly would include risks caused by his addict son.

Collusion, Disinformation, and Incompetence

Did the intelligence community really not know of Hunter’s two missing laptops? If not, that’s pure incompetence.

In December 2019, the FBI seized the MacBook Hunter had left at the repair store. It is unbelievable to think the FBI did not promptly review the contents to determine if it was in fact Hunter’s and to determine whether the material on the laptop created a national security risk. It is also beyond the pale to think agents did not ask Hunter about that laptop.

Yet ten months later, when The New York Post published the video and email messages, someone at the FBI told USA Today they were investigating whether the story was Russian “misinformation.” To date, though, there has been nothing but corroboration of the materials published by The New York Post, so who at the FBI suggested the content was “misinformation?”

Further, after recovering the MacBook from the Delaware repair store, a competent intelligence industry would have then also discovered the second missing laptop—the one Hunter told a prostitute in January 2019 he believed the Russians had stolen. Did agents know of that fact? Did they brief Joe Biden on the fact that the laptops contained information that could subject Hunter, and thus Biden himself, to blackmail?

After all, James Comey briefed Donald Trump on the false but salacious Christopher Steele dossier, so why not brief Biden on the bigger risk that he or Hunter was compromised? Or if they did brief Biden, then why did no one leak that briefing to CNN, as they had with the briefing of the fake Steele dossier?

These questions have nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s disgraceful behavior and everything to do with whether our intelligence community is incompetent and corrupt.

Many Questions with Distressing Answers

Wednesday’s revelation also raises the question of when Joe Biden learned of the second stolen laptop. Did he know it was missing before the intelligence community did? Did he tell intelligence officials so they could investigate to determine if Hunter had been ensnared by Russian operatives?

Finally, while the latest tape concerned only Hunter’s sexual improprieties, the risk that Joe Biden is gravely compromised extends much beyond a potential sex scandal involving his son. Americans need to remember that Hunter’s MacBook contained much more than videos of Hunter engaged in illegal drug use and sex with prostitutes: That laptop also included text messages and emails that implicated “the Big Guy” in a pay-to-play scandal.

So news that Hunter believed Russians stole another laptop raises serious national security concerns over whether foreign adversaries hold sway over the senior Biden based on the president’s own misconduct when he was vice president or a senator.

But don’t expect the corrupt press to pose these questions to the Biden administration—proving they have even lower standards than Hunter’s prostitute.

The Babylon Bee Presents: The Most Surprising Results From The 2020 Census

If you felt someone sneak up behind you recently and tap you on the head, that was your being counted as part of the census. Now all the census data is in, and some of it is quite surprising. 

  • Every single white woman is named Karen. And there simply aren’t enough managers to talk to in order to sustain the Karen population.

  • Not a single American liked The Last Jedi. They asked everyone, and no one liked it. Weird.

  • 23% of the population has been canceled. But they’re still counted in the census as full people, much to the consternation of liberals.

  • There are no longer any racial minorities, as it’s now an even six-way split. That solves all our problems.

  • No one actually lives in North Dakota. Why would they?

  • 64% of the population is gay. That’s a lot less than you’d think from watching shows on Netflix.

  • There are still people named Ralph. And almost all of them are surly bus drivers.

  • 27% of the population is unsure what state they live in. But 13% of them are sure it’s one of the Carolinas.

  • No one in Connecticut was counted, because they couldn’t find it. It’s somewhere in New England, I think.

  • There are 47 different ways to spell "Madison" in Utah alone. Something is wrong with society.

  • Nobody has ever eaten at Long John Silver's. And nobody knows anybody who has ever eaten at Long John Silver's.

  • Everyone actually voted for Trump. Guess the election was stolen after all! But the census also found a growing population of losers and haters, meaning trouble for a comeback.

Interesting stuff!