Thursday, August 12, 2021

State Dept Tries to Insist It's 'Not an Evacuation' in Afghanistan as Troops Sent to Help Evacuate

Unfortunately, now, with Joe Biden, we are back to what was happening under Barack Obama — bending over to our enemies and acting subservient to the world.

We saw that with him killing the Keystone XL Pipeline which would have benefited our oil production and our energy position. That killed thousands of jobs. Meanwhile, he waived sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that allowed it to be finished, empowering Russia’s energy position and foothold in Europe.

Now we see him also doing what Barack Obama did in Iraq, just now in Afghanistan — pulling out so precipitously that it creates a huge vacuum allowing the terrorist Taliban to take over the country.

As I previously reported, Biden has let the problem get out of control. He hadn’t gotten the interpreters out yet despite knowing the window was closing and the Taliban were taking over parts of the country. I’ve been calling for this since May. Biden said, in July, that it wasn’t inevitable that they would take over and he argued against his own U.S. intel assessments.

“No, it is not,” Biden stated when asked about an “inevitable” Taliban takeover. “Because you have the Afghan troops, they’re 300,000 well-equipped, as well equipped as any army in the world, and an air force against something like 75,000 Taliban. It is not inevitable.”

Later in the impromptu press conference, the president rejected reports claiming that U.S. intelligence assessments and top military officials in the country have determined the Taliban will take back power within a year — or sooner.

“That is not true,” Biden answered flatly to a question on the subject. “They did not reach that conclusion.”

That was in response to the Taliban, at that point, having taken over most of the country.

Now, we see things collapsing even faster with the Taliban capturing three more provincial capitals on Wednesday — giving them effective control of about two-thirds of the country and today capturing the third-largest city, Herat, giving them control of 11 of 34 provincial capitals, according to the Daily Mail.

As our Hollie McKay reports from Afghanistan, that’s leaving thousands having to flee for their lives and their safety. There are also reports of Taliban killing Afghan troops and forcing girls as young as 12 into marriage now as they move into cities, going door to door and demanding they be turned over as “war prizes.”

Things are moving fast on our position there as well. First, we heard word that the Biden Administration was pleading with the Taliban to leave our embassy in Kabul untouched, a horrible and ridiculous position to be in pleading with terrorists, and obviously not in concert with Joe Biden’s prior assessments. But then as we know, Biden is always wrong — for four decades.

Then came the word that we were evacuating the embassy as my colleague Bonchie wrote about earlier. 

Last month, Joe Biden said we wouldn’t be seeing an airlift out of there, as had happened in Saigon when we pulled out of Vietnam, still a vivid memory of U.S. political failure forcing a retreat, for many people who were alive at the time.

But today, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said there would be an “airlift”to get out the embassy personnel and some of the Special Immigrant Visa applicants, as the threat of the Taliban moving on Kabul looms.

We certainly anticipate being postured to support airlift as well for not only the reduction of civilian personnel from the embassy but also in the forward movement of special immigrant visa applicants. So we do anticipate that there will be airlift required of us and we are working through the final plans right now to put that into place.

But now, after all that, the State Department’s Ned Price has said well, even if it looks like it, even if Kirby used those words, it’s “not an evacuation.”

From Townhall: 

“This is not abandonment, this is not an evacuation,” Price insisted just hours after the U.S. Embassy in Kabul issued a security alert urging all Americans in Afghanistan to leave the country “immediately.”

Price claimed the “overall status has not changed” at the embassy in Kabul which “remains open” with a smaller staff even though they were pulling most of the people out of there in a quickly jiggered evacuation.

Translation? It’s a huge mess they let fester. They knew it was coming and failed to deal with it in any kind of effective way and now they’re left scrambling yet again. And the Afghani government has no idea what guarantees for help they will have going forward from the Biden Administration. That’s why it’s collapsing now. At the end of all this, unless he changes course, they’re going to have a terrorist Islamic state after all the blood and treasure we expended there. That wasn’t inevitable, but Biden has made it inevitable.

Atlanta Elementary School Segregates Black Students


A woman in Atlanta filed a federal complaint alleging civil rights violations at her daughter's elementary school because it segregated Black students from their classmates.

The woman, Kila Posey, 43, who is Black, said she learned last year that Principal Sharyn Briscoe of Mary Lin Elementary School was separating the school's 12 Black students in the second grade from their classmates.

The topic came up last spring, Posey said, when she was talking with Briscoe — who is also Black — about teachers who would be a good fit for her daughter. Posey said in an interview Wednesday that she asked Briscoe about placing her daughter with a certain teacher and that Briscoe told her "that's not a Black class."

"As a Black parent, what I'm hearing is my kid doesn't have the options of six teachers that may work with her learning style. ... I only get two [teachers]. How is that right? A white parent can get all six."

Posey said Briscoe told her that she separated Black students into the same classes to build a community. Posey said Black second-grade students had access to only two of six teachers.

Posey's attorney, Sharese Shields, said the complaint was filed late last month with the Education Department's Office of Civil Rights. The crux of the complaint is that the principal and the school violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars discrimination, exclusion and benefits on the basis of race, color or national origin in programs that receive federal assistance.

"It's a bit shocking that in 2021 that you would have a public school administrator engage in that practice, particularly given that administrator is a Black woman herself," Shields said. "As an administrator, she should be well-versed in the law and know that you can't treat one group of students based on race differently than other groups of students."

Briscoe did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Atlanta Public Schools said in a statement Wednesday that it "does not condone assigning students to classrooms based solely on race."

"When we learned of allegations of this conduct occurring during virtual instruction at Mary Lin Elementary School in August 2020, the district conducted a review and took immediate and appropriate action at that time to resolve the issue," the statement said. It is unclear what actions the school system took.

As part of the complaint, federal officials were sent two audio files that Posey said she recorded in secret. The first was during a conversation with an assistant principal at the school last August, in which the administrator "admitted that she was aware Ms. Briscoe had developed a second-grade class roster based upon, in part, the race of the students," the complaint said.

What do you think about the article?

Do you feel like this was eventually going to happen?

Do you think this may be a trend for other schools in the future?

X22, Stew Peters Show, And We Know-August 12

Howdy folks! Here's the latest news from the 'good guys' side:

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85 Things You Can Do To Help The United States Shake Wide Awake

We don't need a majority. Revolutions never have. 
We need a minority of Wide Awake Americans 
to coalesce, to see, judge, and act.

While helming Fox’s “Primetime” last week, Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech developed in his nightly monologues the theme of Americans becoming, not woke, but “Wide Awake.”

The “Wide Awake” label comes from another fraught period in American history. It was the name of a highly effective grassroots political movement in the pre-Civil War era.

“There were hundreds of thousands of [Wide Awakes] in 1860, and their organizations stretched from Maine to California,” Domenech explained last Monday. “They were a militaristic fraternity dedicated to human liberty. They had banners and marches and baseball teams. They carried oil lamps, wore capes, and wielded bats, and they stumped for a rising Republican rail-splitter named Abraham Lincoln.”

Throughout the week, Domenech called on Americans to consider this historical example to inform our actions today, in another era of despair, mob rule, political corruption, and a brutal coalition of elites and lowlifes against the aspiring middle class. Amid lockdowns, rising inflation, state-sponsored racism, doubt about the security of elections, the fecklessness of politicians, and the leftist control of everything right down to whether we can show our faces, many Americans feel hopeless and in rout.

This, Domenech argued, is the time not to slide into the sleep of despair, but to stomp our feet on the sleep-inducing fumes and shake ourselves awake for action: “The American crisis can be the opportunity for American renewal. That’s why it’s worth doing. It’s only by doing hard things and overcoming them that we find genuine happiness.”

“What does it mean to be wide awake? What are you prepared to do if you are?” Domenech asked in his Friday conclusion to the week’s series.

I’m not quoting Ben because he’s my boss, but because he’s 100 percent right, and he has more heart than I do most days, and that’s right, too. To follow up on this theme, I and several Federalist staff have compiled the following idea list of ways to develop your capacity for self-governance. Many people are feeling despair right now, and the truth is that things are likely to get worse before they get better. But for them to ever have a chance of getting better, we have to be willing to suffer today.

But not suffer pointlessly. Suffer with a purpose. Suffer for the cause of making a better future possible for our children and grandchildren. Suffer to preserve and expand our right to freely worship our God and live in fidelity to his commands. Suffer for the nobility of living a life of the deep meaning that can only come from sacrifice rather than the pointless life of constant self-gratification.

Stop talking, and start doing. Create the culture you want to see. Vote not only at election time, but with every day of your life, and every action you take. Self-government starts at home, with you, and now. Here are some places to start, or to start brainstorming more. 

1. Run for office.

2. Recruit someone excellent to run for office, and a group of friends to help that person win.

3. Primary a woke or sleeping incumbent.

4. “Start a neighborhood group — present yourself under an umbrella that welcomes all other responsible members of your community who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and who are willing to stand up.” (quote from Ben’s monologue) 

5. Cook some or some more of your own meals.

6. Grow some of your own food.

7. Shop at your local farmer’s market, or participate in community-supported agriculture.

8. Shop local for other stuff, too.

9. Cut cable and send the cable payment to something useful, like your local church or a fund to help kids escape public schools.

10. Work out. If you already work out, up your game. If working out is intimidating, just start going for walks. See where it leads, and feel good about doing more than you used to.

11. Play board games with your kids instead of letting them watch some screen.

12. Organize a mass protest against school masking.

13. Start a local online news blog that uses open-records requests to obtain curriculum from the local schools and post screenshots and basic summaries of what you find.

14. Don’t send your kids to schools that medically and socially abuse them. Have education standards that are far above “free babysitting.”

15. Volunteer to coach local kids’ sports.

16. Go to church. Every week.

17. Go to church midweek, too.

18. Go to your church’s Sunday School or education hour before or after the service.

19. Pick up and drive an elderly, handicapped, or otherwise needy person to church on your way.

20. Stop shopping on Amazon.

21. Volunteer through your church.

22. Volunteer at your child’s school.

23. Notice that a neighbor struggles with something, like childcare or lawn care, or loneliness. Do something to help.

24. Invite people over to your house for dinner. If dinner is too intimidating, do drinks or dessert or popcorn.

25. Get to know your neighbors and your neighborhood.

26. Cultivate the art of hospitality, and use it as a tool to build community. Without thriving families and strong, close-knit communities, conservatives will never rescue or rebuild the republic.

27. Start or any kind of group that brings people together in other people’s living rooms regularly: a book club, a woodworking club, a volunteer group, a craft club, a playgroup for preschoolers and their parents — the possibilities are endless.

28. At Christmas, go caroling in your neighborhood (even if it shocks the neighbors).

29. Visit senior centers, and new neighbors, and anyone you think might be lonely; invite them to celebrate holidays with your family or church.

30. Try to buy less stuff made in China.

31. Watch local sports instead of pro sports. Better yet, participate.

32. Stop using social media. At the very least, use it as little as possible.

33. Move your savings and investments to pro-America institutions. If you can’t find any that are specifically pro-American, choose a small local bank or credit union. Or a pro-life one.

34. Pay down your debt. Try to go debt-free.

35. Move from a blue state or city to a red state or city.

36. Don’t pay for your kids’ school bundled into the mortgage; get a less-expensive house and use the savings to give your kids a private education.

37. Bring someone a loaf of bread you made. Or a loaf of bread you bought from a local bakery.

38. Rediscover an old hobby. Or try a new one. Acrylic paint is cheap.

39. Read your kids books.

40. Take a bike ride. Bring your kids.

41. If you don’t have a spouse, make specific plans for how you plan to try to find one.

42. If you don’t have kids, have some. If you’re not married, do that first.

43. Call a relative you haven’t talked to in a while.

44. Call a friend with a different political worldview, and make it a pleasant conversation.

45. Read a book.

46. Make a budget, and follow it.

47. Think seriously about apprenticeships and starting in an entry-level job for your teens instead of or before heading off to college. Colleges are COVID traps right now, and even pre-COVID the value they provided in exchange for the time and money invested in them was significantly diminishing. Businesses are starving for workers right now and entry-level positions for many eventually highly paying jobs are wide open, such as in the trades and in entrepreneurial positions in small businesses, such as mechanics, construction, bakeries, florist shops, lawn care, and more. Employers are very often paying people to acquire skills while they work in well-paid, good-benefit fields like health care and construction, and they will take any halfway competent warm body right now.

48. Write a book. Publishing and libraries are a wasteland right now. People need better options.

49. Create a documentary.

50. Make jokes. Share them.

51. Make beautiful art, and bring it to art shows. Spread beauty.

52. Paint a public mural on a building visible to others that doesn’t look like those hideous graffiti “art” cities are putting up everywhere. Make it utterly gorgeous. Put those anti-beauty nihilists to shame.

53. Get your friends who can play or sing beautiful, classic, and fun music together and serenade passers-by in a local park.

54. Become a foster family. Private foster agencies are an especially good option.

55. Adopt a child.

56. Bring your local police station some home-baked goods or offer to buy officers on duty a nice big round of hot coffee from a local shop.

57. Call your local police station and tell them you support them and thank them for protecting you.

58. When your neighbors are being rude, walk over and nicely talk to them about it instead of calling the cops on them.

59. Go to a city council meeting.

60. Smile at people while you’re not wearing a mask.

61. Whistle or sing while not wearing a mask.

62. Learn some cheerful songs. Sing them.

63. Support a Christian school. Or start one.

64. Homeschool or privately tutor the kids of someone who can’t.

65. Start a public charter school.

66. Ask your school board and school administration to use the Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum for civics and American government.

67. Read the Constitution.

68. Read The Federalist Papers.

69. Subscribe to the Claremont Review, and read it. Leave your finished copies on the table in your local library.

70. Move your investments out of institutions and companies that hate America.

71. Ask your library to purchase conservative books they don’t have in stock.

72. Complain to your library about them buying child mutilation books.

73. When one of your favorite video people uses Rumble, watch your videos there instead of on YouTube.

74. Contribute to Alliance Defending Freedom and First Liberty like your religious liberty depends on it.

75. Take a free online Hillsdale College course. Recruit friends to take the course with you and host discussions of it at your house, church, library, or another community center.

76. Donate your legal, financial, fundraising, maintenance, or other professional skills to a local church, Christian school, family, or another nonprofit charitable organization.

77. Start a men’s club of any manly variety — cigar smoking, shooting, running, drinking, self-improvement, business coaching, etc.

78. Mentor someone personally or professionally.

79. If you’re a woman, start dressing more femininely. Try a few dresses on, and buy one.

80. Prudently allocate any stimulus checks you’ve received.

81. Stop using Google.

82. Intentionally improve your homemaking and home management skills.

83. Keep at least a few weeks of basic home supplies, including food, in stock at your home.

84. Stock at least some basic emergency preparedness supplies (more ideas here).

85. Support a Wide Awake writer on Substack, Patreon, or some other subscription or membership option.

Our country was built on small communities formed in the church, the square, the schoolhouse, and the tavern. From those meeting houses, we resisted first the petty tyrants on our docks and in the royal governors’ mansions, then took on the greatest army in the world.

We did that with what John Adams estimated was only one-third of our countrymen in full support, one-third fully against, and as many preferring to stay on the sidelines. Of that one-third in support, less than 10 percent fought in the Continental Army. We don’t need a majority. Revolutions never have. We need a minority of Wide Awakes to coalesce, to see, judge, and act.

Be a part of that band of small-time heroes, in whatever way you can. Keep your faith up. None of us truly knows the future. We can only act as nobly as we can in the time we have.

In closing, I want to quote more fully from the C.S. Lewis fantasy novel I referenced at the beginning of this article. The protagonists are trapped in a deep, dark underground, under the spell of a wicked enchantress telling them their memories of a better life in the country of Narnia aboveground are all dreams and lies.

The little band is saved by an unlikely fellow, the dour Puddleglum. He gives the following speech to the witch before stomping his bare foot right onto the fire to put out the enchanted incense it’s burning, lulling his friends into a sleep that will mean their deaths.

“Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one,” Puddleglum tells the witch. “And that’s a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We’re just babies making up a game, if you’re right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow. That’s why I’m going to stand by the play world. I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t any Aslan to lead it. I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia.”

Suppose Joe Biden’s dark, glum America is the only future left. Well, I’m still going to live as much like an American as I can for as long as I can. Join me.

NCIS and NCIS Hawaii teaser promo (along with NCIS LA info)


Today's been a very good day to be a fan of the NCIS franchise! As the month long mark till the Season premiers begin approaches, early info on the episodes themselves are starting to come out!

Today, TV Insider released a new teaser promo about both NCIS and NCIS Hawaii. The promo is down below.

That's not the only info I have. Today in a tweet from TV Guide Magazine, not only is the leading lady from NCIS Hawaii on the cover of the new issue of TV Guide, but there is also info on what Gibbs will be up to, and also what Hetty will be up to when NCIS and NCIS LA return!!!

Here's the Hetty info (thanks to an amazing friend of mine):

"Prickly, eccentric Hetty is back in the fold for season 13, but Gerald McRaney (bumped up to series regular) is sticking around in the Office of Special Projects. WWIII? One skirmish is that the mission (that occurred last season and took Hetty away) went south. "She'll try to resolve this on her own, but it will suck in the entire team, much to (McRaney's) disapproval. Yes, that brief respite from last season's unusually happy season finale is over. The next conflict involves a couple of old friends--who may not be as friendly as we remembered them." 

Sounds so much like Hetty and her team, right?!

NCIS and NCIS Hawaii start on Sept 20 and 9 and 10 on CBS

NCIS LA Season 13 starts October 10 at 9 on CBS

American Armageddon - Victor Davis Hanson

What started out as woke nonsense now warps everyone’s daily life.

Americans are growing angrier by the day in a way different from prior sagebrush revolts such as the 1960s Silent Majority or Tea Party furor of over a decade ago. 

The rage at the current status quo this time is not just fueled by conservatives. For the first time in their lives, all Americans of all classes and races are starting to fear a self-created apocalypse that threatens their families’ safety and the American way of life. 

The border is not just porous as in the pre-Trump past. It is nonexistent. Some 2 million people may cross illegally in the current fiscal year—with complete impunity. 

There is zero effort to stop them. Officials daily hector Americans to get vaccinated and tested for COVID. But they are mute about illegal entrants, some of them infected with the virus.

Have we ever had a president who made no pretense about destroying federal immigration law and asking of Americans what he does not of illegal aliens? 

Joe Biden has also conceded that his hold on housing evictions deliberately defied a Supreme Court ruling. He added that he probably did not have the legal authority to ignore the court, but did not really care. 

As in the case of demolishing immigration law, the president seems either unaware or proud that he is insidiously dismantling the Constitution. 

America has also never quite seen such overt and multifaceted efforts to undermine the foundations of free-market capitalism. 

At a time of resurging GDP, low unemployment, and record worker shortages, Biden has announced that renters can continue to avoid paying what they owe their landlords—even after a prior year of such free housing. 

In a rebounding economy amid record debt, the government is still sending workers unemployment benefits that are more remunerative than the paychecks they would earn if employed. 

Such insanity means not only that labor-short employers cannot provide goods and services to American consumers. The new ethos also institutionalizes the pernicious idea that it is smarter to stay home and idle than to get a job and be productive. 

Biden is also considering further extending exemptions for the repayment of $1.7 trillion in student loans. That amnesty will only further mainstream this growing notion that borrowing money entails no legal or moral obligation to pay it back. 

No one seems to acknowledge that both students and the universities—which lured them to borrow—knew exactly the risks they were taking. Meanwhile, millions of American youth, the working classes who choose not to attend college, and those who paid their loans off or whose parents saved enough over the years to cover their tuition obligations, will subsidize those who renege of their debts by paying higher taxes.

Inflation is roaring back as the administration is printing trillions of new dollars that do not reflect commensurate gains in productivity or population. 

Soaring prices are a direct result of incentivizing the unemployed not to work, while discouraging manufacturers and producers of food, gas, oil, timber, mineral, and metals. 

The crime wave likewise is not accidental. It is the logical result of deliberate nihilistic policies of releasing thousands of criminals from jails and prisons, defunding and defaming the police, and empowering woke mayors and prosecutors to contextualize crime as the fault of society, not of the criminal. 

In response, millions of Americans now simply avoid the mayhem and chaos of blue-state big cities. 

Race relations have regressed 50 years. Under the fad of critical race theory, the color of our skins is now deemed essential to who we are. 

Most Americans still integrate, assimilate, and intermarry. But the current woke revolution is an elite, top-down effort to smear a self-critical and always improving nation, as some sort of contemporary racist hellhole. 

George Orwell would say of these cultural Marxists that they grab power in the present to reinvent the past in order to control our futures. 

All this multifaceted chaos is not just faculty lounge stuff. We are beginning to see the collective craziness filter down to disruptions in our everyday lives. 

Airliners cannot take off due to fuel shortages. Automobiles, houses, gas, and lumber are in short supply. 

Consumers can’t get their roofs fixed or their houses painted or the trees trimmed as employers plead to their idle government-subsidized employees to come back to work. 

No one knows whether our laws even still exist—or at least exist haphazardly depending on who breaks them. 

Thieves steal with brazen impunity. The police predicate arresting suspects on criteria that have nothing to do with breaking the law. 

Scared Americans have lost faith in the FBI, the CIA, the Pentagon, the CDC, and most of the federal bureaucracies that are as politicized as they are increasingly incompetent.

What started out as elite woke nonsense now warps everyone’s daily life. If we don’t wake up from wokeness, we will continue on our sure trajectory to self-inflicted, systemic paralysis—followed by civilizational collapse. 

Covid: Germany fears thousands got saline, not vaccine from nurse


Authorities in north Germany have asked more than 8,000 people to get repeat Covid vaccinations because a nurse is suspected of having injected saline instead of vaccine in many cases.

Police are investigating the nurse's actions at a vaccination centre in Friesland, near the North Sea coast.

Initially just six people were believed to have received the harmless salt solution there in March and April.

Many of those affected were aged over 70 - a high-risk group in the pandemic.

Inspector Peter Beer, quoted by Süddeutsche Zeitung, said the 40-year-old woman had been sharing "corona-critical information" on social media, criticising the government's restrictions aimed at curbing the virus's spread.

Regional broadcaster NDR says 8,557 people have been asked to go back for repeat vaccinations, and so far about 3,600 new appointments have been confirmed.

In April the nurse had admitted giving saline to six people to cover up the fact that she had dropped a vaccine vial on the floor.

But as the police investigation unfolded it became clear that many more people had been given saline instead of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.



Police are not ruling out that a political motive could have prompted the nurse's action, though her lawyers have rejected that and they also dispute the reported scale of the saline swap.

More witnesses are being questioned and so far no charges have been reported in the case.

Germany has seen many anti-vaccination protests.

Far-right groups are among those who reject the official data and conclusions about the spread of Covid.