Wednesday, August 11, 2021

America’s Elites Want To Control You More Than They Want To Control COVID

America's elites have seized the pandemic to expand their control 
over our political discourse, our freedom, and our social lives.

Are you wealthier, freer, or happier than you were a year and a half ago? Assuming you aren’t on the board of a large multinational corporation or don’t belong to the political establishment, it’s almost certain that your life, just like the lives of millions of other Americans, has gotten harder since the onset of the pandemic.

But while average Americans have suffered, our elites have taken advantage of the pandemic at every turn to enact new measures that fulfill their overarching agenda. There’s perhaps no example more obvious or egregious than the seismic changes to our voting process that’ve led many to question the legitimacy of our electoral system, but other power grabs have had more acute consequences in our day-to-day lives.

The government-mandated shutdowns, for example, have laid waste to any belief that our freedom to peaceably assemble, even to take part in religious ceremonies, is still intact. For many more, particularly children, lockdowns have stunted their educational and social development, all of which is a small price to pay for our elites to pay for what some are calling “one of the greatest wealth transfers in history.”

Other power grabs have proven just as dangerous, but far more subtle.  

The Elite’s Expanded Ability to Curate Information

Since the onset of the lockdowns, the ability of the state and social media companies to control information has grown substantially. The pretext of public health has been employed to greatly expand the power of those who already have a great deal of it. Now sharing an obviously satirical Instagram meme that mentions the virus or the vaccine will prompt a notification that implores you to read the Centers for Disease Control’s latest guidance.

Just recently, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki bragged about the Biden administration’s collusion with Big Tech to stifle dissent. She even told reporters the White House has asked that Facebook algorithmically boost content the administration approves of. Is it really beyond the pale that these tech giants may one day be asked to algorithmically boost system-approved political speech, or even campaign messages? They’re already banning unapproved speech. Would they even have to be asked? 

It is not at all hard to imagine a not-so-distant future where the Biden administration, or perhaps an even more ruthless Harris administration, teams with Silicon Valley’s oligarchs to unveil this same strategy on “hate speech” or “racism,” two terms that have lost much of their meaning but can still carry significant influence when uttered by those in power. 

In fact, it already seems that this plan is well underway, with the White House calling white supremacy America’s top terror threat and racism, now a catch-all term used to indict any dissenting opinion, being deemed a “public health crisis” by hundreds of cities. 

What does this mean for political communication when the last five years saw every corporate media outlet, every platform in academia, every bit of left-wing rhetoric, and every liberal nongovernmental organization march in lockstep to brand Donald Trump and his supporters as racist extremists? 

Regardless of how this ability to curate information is specifically used in the future, it is a safe bet that powers gained by the state or its allied corporations will not be relinquished when they deem the pandemic officially over. 

The Public-Private Attack On Medical Freedom 

The public-private attack on American liberty even extends beyond the digital world, with Americans who are hesitant to take the vaccine facing a two-fold threat. While New York is becoming America’s first major city to mandate vaccines for those who want to hit the gym, enjoy a concert, or even eat at a restaurant, some businesses elsewhere are following suit. 

Soul Cycle and Equinox are implementing policies mandating vaccines at their New York City locations and will be extending the mandate to the rest of their franchises. In a move that should surprise no one, CNN fired three employees when they were found to be unvaccinated. Other companies are taking less coercive measures, like the dating app Tinder, which is now offering users a free “super like” if they support the vaccine on their profile.

America’s Newly Deputized Hall Monitors

But the most harrowing development is that much of the elites’ social control has been outsourced to society at large, with average people becoming ground-level enforcement arms of government diktats through shaming tactics that find a comfortable home in our polarized political climate. 

Just the other day when riding the DC Metro, a double-masked passenger informed me that I was “supposed to wear a mask.” When I told her I was fine without one, she began to film me, which I greeted with an illegally brandished smile. 

She presumably filmed me with the intent to shame me on social media, contact an employer, or perhaps just so she could boast of surviving a near-death experience to friends who “trust the science.” She sat quietly after collecting her dirt on me. 

All sarcasm aside, you probably weren’t actually afraid of the police taking you away if you went into a burger joint without a mask or to your neighbor’s house for a barbecue, but you almost certainly had to contend with the glares and derision of your more enlightened peers. 

Elites in the media, the government, and the medical establishment have deputized our fellow citizens, giving adults the confidence to relive their glory days as hall monitors. This false sense of superiority has proven intoxicating for those who frame their rhetoric in the language of equality but seem desperate to signal their moral superiority, which they display through sycophancy. 

Do Elites Really Care about Controlling COVID?

What’s worse, these power grabs, cloaked under the patina of public health, apparently haven’t even achieved the stated goal of mitigating the virus, with new mask mandates just recently rolling out in DC and much of the Bay Area. Meanwhile, some in the media suggest that another wave of lockdowns may be on their way and others beg for it, even while some data suggests lockdowns may have ended more lives than they saved.

While American citizens could foreseeably be thrust back into another unending “14 days to slow the spread” and even many vaccinated people are being forced to wear masks again, Obama hosted a massive 60th birthday party and Rep. Rashida Tlaib partied without a mask.

Meanwhile, the Biden regime has dumped thousands of COVID-positive migrants into McAllen, Texas, and COVID infection rates have jumped 900 percent in certain areas along the border.

These types of insulting actions from our ruling class and others on the left are not new. Last summer, while some couldn’t even visit their dying loved ones because of lockdown restrictions, rioters gathered en masse, sometimes completely uninhibited by law enforcement, to wreak havoc on American cities. 

Meanwhile, many in our medical establishment came out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement’s mass gatherings, which was covered in a hysterically named New York Times piece titled “Are Protests Dangerous? What Experts Say May Depend on Who’s Protesting What.” Some even joined in after they had condemned anti-lockdown protests just months earlier but told the Times, “I have a hard time articulating why that is O.K.”

To call this hypocrisy is far too charitable, as it presumes these neoliberal totalitarians have an underlying set of values that can be betrayed by their actions. For many, it appears ethics exist purely as utilities that can be appealed to when useful and discarded when they become too restrictive.

For our elites, COVID was the perfect storm. It’s why so many of them want a permanent pandemic. It’s also why average Americans, not the ones who benefited from COVID, can’t let them have one.

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-August 11

Been a very big day folks! Here's the latest in the 'fighting off evil' side:

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It Won’t Stop, Until We Make It Stop

The case for new COVID restrictions depends on assumptions about 
the effectiveness of these restrictions and the magnitude of the risk.
 These assumptions do not match the facts.

Another round of COVID insanity is upon us, and the totalitarian impulse among the ruling class is getting worse. 

The spike in cases is undeniable. For this, it appears several important facts have converged. The early hope for herd immunity has turned out to be a chimera. The authorities assumed herd immunity would happen through the spread of disease or immunity through the help of vaccines or both. But the Delta and now the Lambda variants have undone old assumptions. Neither vaccines, nor prior infections, appear to offer much protection from these (although vaccines may prevent severe disease, the jury is out). 

We also know the lockdownsmaskssocial distancing, and other high-cost measures to stop the disease did little to accomplish that end. But they did ruin our lives.  

In the good news department, deaths are mostly decoupled from this recent case spike. So this is becoming an endemic disease, like the common cold or the flu. This is a typical progression. The 1918, 1957, and 1968 flus all became manageable facts of life by becoming endemic, each one displaced by the later arrivals

The case for new restrictions depends on assumptions about the effectiveness of these restrictions and the magnitude of the risk. The assumptions currently in play do not match the facts. 

The Ruling Class’ New Toy

What’s driving the current push for new restrictions, shutdowns, and forced vaccinations are not the facts or good public health practices, but other priorities for the people in power. While these measures are costly and unpopular, they also reinforce the normality of these new powers and the justifications for using them. When people comply, they tend to align their beliefs with their practice, reinforcing the necessity of these emergency measures and the perceived competence of the ruling class. 

The COVID restrictions have proven profoundly versatile. They let the authorities rearrange the economy, pick winners and losers, diminish long-established rights, and rig elections. They also keep everyone on edge and habituate some of the public to following stringent demands, such as taking an experimental vaccine. These emergency measures offer the ruling class the means to short-circuit the normal give and take of political life, and exercise dominance. 

This approach also has a spiritual component; it lets the ruling faction reconceive that their lives and this epoch are meaningful. This cannot be dismissed too lightly. Avoidance of COVID has become a near-religious experience for some, with sacraments, sacrifices, priests, and a sharp distinction betweenf the elect and the unelect.

The subordinate parts of the regime know the score. This is why the military is about to mandate COVID vaccinations. This is also why large parts of corporate America are doing the same. The fact that clinical trials are still incomplete, the control group was thrown out, and the current Delta variant appears to be unresponsive to (or perhaps even enhanced by) the vaccine is of little moment. Support for the restrictions and vaccine shaming demonstrate loyalty to the regime. 

While I have described the various restrictions as unpopular, it is probably more accurate to say they are controversial. Some people hate them, others love them, and there is not much in between. It’s clear that the decision makers at the federal level, as well as in states like California and Illinois, are indifferent to the opposition. They believe what they see on CNN and blithely dismiss mask and vaccine skeptics as brainwashed losers. (Incidentally, Ph.D.s have the highest rate of vaccine hesitancy.)

Modes of Resistance

Renewed calls for restrictions are meeting some strong resistance, particularly here in Florida. While the state has taken a more relaxed, freedom-friendly approach, its results have not deviated widely from other states. Its COVID death rate is far lower than New York’s and New Jersey’s and those of dozens of other states. Lately, it has been unfairly vilified, even though its high vaccination rate of 50 percent is barely behind California’s, and the numbers of COVID deaths here and nationally are a fraction of what they were during earlier waves last spring, last summer, and last winter.  

Much of the heat and the credit for Florida’s approach accrues to Governor DeSantis, a charismatic champion of common sense and freedom during this nationwide nervous breakdown. While this is smart politics in a state so dependent on tourism and the service industries, it won’t stop the crackdowns from running amuck elsewhere, nor will it easily stop federal mandates in areas where the federal government has control or simply assumes control, as in the eviction moratorium. 

With lockdowns and renewed mask mandates, most people I meet talk about renewed restrictions with a mixture of dread and resignation. One thing that hasn’t happened is the kind of resistance and large demonstrations we see now in Europe, including Great Britain, Germany, and France. 

This is unfortunate. The vague hope of most normal people that this is all coming to an end does not mean it is true. By way of analogy, there has been no reprieve from the racial and trans-rights hysteria unleashed in the latter part of the Obama years. 

We have to face reality. The notion of a political pendulum is a complete myth. Once it has a hold of something, the Left escalates its efforts, then pulverizes its opposition. And today, the Left has nearly fully consolidated its grip on all of the nodes of societal power. 

This is not going to end quickly, as there are too many stakeholders in the current insanity, and too much of their political capital is tied up in it. It also won’t end because these measures do not work. While it seems a fast path to an unpopular presidency and mediocre economy for Joe Biden, it’s also a path to tailoring elections, the economy, and the criminal justice system to the whims of the ruling class. The Left plays a long game.

While the motives are manifest, there is also a question of costs. The biggest reason the overreaction continues is that there are almost no consequences for any of the decision makers. Not only are there no protests or boycotts of note, but the companies and government officials responsible for this atrocity are perfectly content, secure in their privileges and prestige. Anthony Fauci is not in jail, and neither is CDC director Rochelle Walensky. Barack Obama still had his big birthday celebration. Overseas, China continues to increase its economic and military power, in spite of its substantial responsibility for the coronavirus. 

Similarly, the corporate titans are living on the cloud, far away from the people they are hurting. The only ones who may have outkicked their coverage are the military’s generals. Orders or no orders, thousands of soldiers would rather get run out on a medical board or receive an “other than honorable” discharge than take an experimental vaccine. Imagine a lieutenant colonel or master sergeant two years from retirement getting shafted out of a pension, repeated thousands of times over. It would be like disbanding the Iraqi Army. 

These tens of millions of passive resisters are the weak links in the system. The system can’t realistically force anything in the face of this scale of passive resistance, and their proposed blandishments—like restrictions on international travel or eating at chain restaurants—are bearable costs for the people of “flyover country.” 

More important, the perpetrators have names, addresses, and comfortable lives, insulated from the kinds of pressure an aroused public can deliver. To succeed, pro-freedom COVID politics has to go beyond the efforts of a single state’s governor. Serious pressure and interference must be brought to bear on those who are responsible for this. As Maxine Waters once said, “get in their faces.” 

Everyone knows that abusers don’t stop until you make them stop. 

NCIS Hawaii: Interview from TV Guide


NCIS Hawaii is the new show in the NCIS franchise starting this fall on September 20 after NCIS. Here's an interview from TV Guide. Full story at:

Soccer moms drive minivans, right? It’s a cliché because it’s true? Jane Tennant (Vanessa Lachey) is on the field coaching 10-year-old daughter Julie (Mahina Anne Marie Napoleon) when her ride arrives: a Black Hawk helicopter. The special agent in charge of NCIS Pearl Harbor is needed on site where an experimental aircraft has crashed into a cliff, perhaps due to foul play. And just like that, she’s off into the indelibly blue skies over Oahu.

For the actress (and self-described Air Force brat), shooting in the military transport was quite a welcome to NCIS: Hawai’i, the job of a lifetime. “Day 1, Hour 1, I’m in a Black Hawk. I’m going up, I’m landing, I’m walking off, standing tall and proud, [heading] toward a crime scene,” Lachey excitedly tells TV Guide Magazine. “I feel like I’m in a dream.”

The CBS franchise is certainly a dream team: The original NCIS has been TV’s most popular drama for 11 of the last 12 years (NBC’s This Is Us snuck in there once). Hawai’i now partners with NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles in solving Navy crimes—so has Tennant ever picked up a rule or two from Gibbs? Is she another Hetty protégée? “We live in the same universe, but every one of them were spin-offs,” says executive producer Christopher Silber. “We don’t make any connection to the other shows.” (That said, producers are open to crossovers!)

The firsts don’t stop there. It’s been a long time coming for a woman (of Asian American Pacific Islander descent, no less) to be the face of an NCIS series. “We never really talked about anything other than a female lead,” says executive producer Jan Nash (who, like Silber, comes from NCIS: New Orleans, which signed off in May). Hawai’i found its magical pairing of confidence and compassion in Lachey, who translates that as: “She’s a badass with a warm heart.”

Tennant herself is the first female boss at NCIS Pearl Harbor, overseeing 40 agents, as well as a divorced mom, overseeing two kids. Says Lachey: “She’s making it work in a man’s world, and she doesn’t take no for an answer. She finds her way into every opportunity she gets and comes out on the other end unscathed. At the same time, she’s human and she’s learning how to juggle her emotions and being a mother.” Whether Julie and 16-year-old son Alex (Kian Talan) provide the bigger challenge is up for debate.

'NCIS: Hawai'i' Star Vanessa Lachey

Karen Neal/CBS

On the job, cases include the murder of a Navy recruiter and a sophisticated heist crew stealing from the government. Another crime involves NCIS with cowboys—which adds weapons training on horseback to Lachey’s to-do list. She’s already done big fight scenes and dodged bullets underwater in the ocean at night. Jane “doesn’t bark orders and sit at her desk,” Lachey notes. “She gets her hands dirty.”

Guest Poster OP: I'm really excited for this new show! 

Andrew Cuomo Isn’t The Problem

Corporate media and powerful Democrats knew all about Cuomo, 
but they said nothing because they didn’t care — and they still don’t.

When Harvey Weinstein was accused by some 80 women of sexual abuse and assault in fall 2017,  Hollywood and the corporate media were shocked and scandalized. How could Weinstein, one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, have done this for so long while rubbing shoulders with political and media elites in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., and no one said anything?

The Catholic world had a similar shock in summer 2018, when former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick was credibly accused of sexual assault and resigned from the College of Cardinals. How could McCarrick, the most powerful prelate in the American Catholic Church and the former archbishop of Washington, D.C., have repeatedly sexually assaulted boys and seminarians for decades? How could no outsiders have known? Why did no one say anything?

A year later, Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges and the same melodrama played out. Epstein was friends with the most powerful people in the world. There were all these pictures of him with the Clintons and Donald Trump and Prince Andrew. Epstein was convicted on similar charges in 2008, for crying out loud. If he had been sexually trafficking underage girls for decades, surely all these powerful people knew about it, right?

Now comes New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has resigned amid allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior toward at least 11 young women. Once again, everyone is shocked and scandalized. How could this celebrated Democratic governor, whom leftist media shamelessly elevated for the past year-and-a-half, who won an Emmy last year for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, whose name among leftist elites had become synonymous with competent leadership and even-handedness and political brilliance, have all along been this creepy, groping misogynist?

How indeed. The truth about Cuomo is much the same as the truth about Weinstein, McCarrick, and Epstein. Everyone knew. No one cared. No one said anything until forced to. Then the feigned shock and outrage, the concern about the treatment of women, the hand-wringing and Me Too-ing, the performances on social media.

Cuomo will be swept away now, with some dispatch. We will hear grave monologues from cable news hosts and read serious columns at The New York Times and Washington Post about what all this means.

Jennifer Rubin will pretend she never once tweeted obsequious nonsense about Cuomo during the worst months of the lockdowns. Brian Stelter and Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid and Nicolle Wallace will all nod and purse their lips and say how important it is that Cuomo is being held accountable, what a step forward it is for women. They will suggest that in fact it speaks to the media’s moral uprightness — and perhaps to their own — that all this came out and in the end forced a bad man out of public office.

Not one of them will acknowledge their roles in elevating Cuomo or turning a blind eye to what they all surely knew had been happening for years and years to young women who worked for him. CNN’s Chris Cuomo will almost certainly not be fired, or even censured, despite having actively helped his older brother try to sweep all this under the rug. His buddy Don Lemon will never ask him about it on air, and neither will anyone else at CNN.

Why? Because none of these people really care. As long as sexual harassment, assault, abuse, even the sex trafficking of underage girls stays quiet, then they stay quiet, too.

They don’t even care about people dying. Cuomo should have been run out of office last year for his mishandling of the pandemic after he ordered COVID-positive seniors into nursing homes, causing the virus to spread among the most vulnerable and thousands to die. But no one in corporate media would so much as raise the issue without rolling their eyes and dismissing it as a political stunt by Republicans to smear the left’s favorite pandemic governor.

Enough with the feigned outrage and furrowed brows. It’s time our political and media elite just come clean and admit they don’t care about any of this, that they’re okay with even the worst sort of behavior from their leaders. If those leaders can be relied upon to genuflect to leftist pieties, espouse woke opinions, and enact leftist policies, they can do whatever they want — so long as they keep it quiet.

Students Across America Excited To Finally Return To In-Person Indoctrination

With the fall semester beginning in just a few days, college students across the country are looking forward to ditching the Zoom call classes to be brainwashed in person instead.

"It's been a tough year," said incoming second-year student Timmy Soyberg. "Indoctrination over online classes just isn't the same as being indoctrinated in a real classroom in front of a flesh-and-blood, tenured indoctrinator. I can't wait!" 

Millions of students are preparing for the big day by buying extra masks, paying their parking fee, paying their meal fee, paying their supply fee, paying their textbook fee, paying for room and board, and then shelling out $30,000 of borrowed cash for the first semester of their indoctrination year.

"This is a welcome return for students," said Billy-Bob Smith, local farmer and education expert. "In return, the students will have the joy of sitting in a real live classroom as the professor empties their minds and souls of all reason and virtue to teach them how to deconstruct everything good in this world to replace it with pure, unadulterated rage and radical ideology before shoving them out into a cold, cruel world completely unprepared for what they'll face... what was I talking about again?"

"Oh yeah-- welcome back to school, kids!" 

Schools have confirmed they will also be adding a $5,000 "in-person" fee for anyone attending classes in person.

Breastfeeding Academy Bails on 'Breasts'


Article by Alex Parker in RedState

Breastfeeding Academy Bails on 'Breasts'

I’m sorry, but breasts are being bounced.

In the nightclub sense, that is — they’re being shown the door.

Many will surely miss them.

Adding insult to injury, the source of the dictate supports things that lactate.

Via an announcement last week, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine delivered news that some will say sucks: The group’s upgrading its ethics by adopting “desexed or gender-inclusive language.”

Though the organization features “breast” in its very name, it’ll no longer tout the term as a prime “lactation-related” reference.

ABM seeks a happy medium between science and “care”:

[ABM] is a global community of physicians and affiliates working to reduce the gap between clinical care and scientific knowledge by creating internationally applicable evidence-based protocols. Language, interpretation, and translation are constant considerations…

The Academy asserts that “language has power,” and it’s standing against “gender inequality and health inequities” — those contribute “to rising morbidity and mortality of vulnerable populations.”

Hence, ABM’s “acting in accordance with the United Nations and World Health Organization 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.”

Prioritized: the “specific UN and WHO call for ‘ending violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people.'”

“To this end,” the press releases promises, “ABM is committed to working with communities to identify…inclusive language…”

Brass tacks: When mentioning milking, don’t be a boob.

[T]he ABM recognizes that not all people who give birth and lactate identify as female, and that some of these individuals identify as neither female nor male.

A provided list of traditional terms and suggested substitutions reads as follows:

OLD: breast
NEW: mammary gland

OLD: breastfeeding
NEW: breastfeeding, chestfeeding, lactating, expressing, pumping…

And in case the neighbors fear you’re filling your infant with monkey milk:

NEW: human milk feeding

There’s nothing quite like father’s milk::

OLD: breast milk
NEW: milk, human milk, mother’s own milk, parent’s milk, father’s milk

OLD: breastfeeding mother or nursing mother
NEW: lactating parent, lactating person; combinations may be used for clarity, such as ‘‘breastfeeding mothers and lactating parents’’

As for pronouns…

OLD: she, her, hers he, him, his
NEW: they/them (if gender is not specified)

Women and men are no longer born:

OLD: born male/female (as applied to people who identify as anything but cisgender)
NEW: noted as male/female at birth or recorded as male/female at birth or assigned male/female at birth

And the motherlode:

OLD: mother, father, birth mother
NEW: parent, gestational parent; combinations may be used for clarity, such as ‘‘mothers and gestational parents’’

OLD: breastfeeding mother or nursing mother
NEW: lactating parent, lactating person; combinations may be used for clarity, such as ‘‘breastfeeding mothers and lactating parents’’

Of course, ABM’s late to the party.

In June, the Federal Reserve put the kibosh on “he,” “she,” “his,” and “hers.”

The White House is hip:



The Practicing Midwife practices progress:


 And Columbia’s medical school is squatting over science:


Back to non-maternal lactating persons, ABM christens its language lift “a complement to ABM Clinical Protocal 33: Lactation Care for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Plus Patients.”

I’m not sure how lesbianism — or, for that matter, male homosexuality — could affect the workings of the female feeding system, but perhaps better safe than sorry.

ABM did note some exceptions to using woke words: if the new terms defy language or culture, or if the person involved enjoys the archaic.

Enlightened as the Academy may be, there’s more science to follow.

ABM’s located in sophisticated Chicago; but evidently, it could take a tip from Texas — where they do everything bigger.

Breastfeeding experts, the nurturing news has leaked:

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