Thursday, July 8, 2021

Democrats' Creepy Porn Lawyer, Media Favorite and Former Presidential Candidate Sentenced To 30 Months Prison

Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti was a hero leftist media and a held in high regard as a political savior of the Democrat party.  Avenatti was even promoted as a presidential candidate by the far-left who adored him.

Unfortunately for Democrats, CPL  was also a scumbag, freak, an egotistical weirdo, and severely sketchy.

Today Avenatti was sentenced to 2.5 years in federal prison for extortion and fraud.  In other words, he just crossed the hurdle of qualification needed to become the next Mayor of DC, Philadelphia or Baltimore.

POLITICO Laments: “Michael Avenatti, the brash California lawyer who once represented Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against President Donald Trump, was sentenced Thursday to 2 1/2 years in prison for trying to extort up to $25 million from Nike by threatening the company with bad publicity.

Avenatti, 50, was convicted of charges including attempted extortion and honest services fraud in connection with his representation of a Los Angeles youth basketball league organizer who was upset that Nike had ended its league sponsorship. (read more)

Considering his dramatic fall from grace, and how a couple of years ago, Avenatti could do no wrong in the eyes of his adoring fans in the mainstream media, now is as good a time as any to look back at some classic Avenatti interview moments over the years, including two where Fox News host Tucker Carlson owned him.

In this first clip, as Avenatti whines about being called a “creepy porn lawyer,” the chyron that reads “creepy porn lawyer” remains unchanged. And when Avenatti asks Carlson when the last time it was he watched porn, Carlson slapped back with a slam dunk:

Then there was this glorious moment during the same interview where Carlson dunked Avenatti by pointing out that he was shamelessly exploiting Daniels’ for his own purposes and should be paying her instead of the other way around:

Who the Hell Is in Charge?


Whoever benefits the most is in charge. Not Americans.

Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall


Who the Hell Is in Charge?

Last week President * went out for ice cream again, and the media was on it, quizzing him on what flavor he selected, the kind of cone, whether it was yummy. It seemed to be yummy, according to the flashcards that he uses to help him survive these intense journalist grillings. It’s great to know that our alleged president is capable of licking an ice cream cone. Unfortunately, besides watching “Matlock'' reruns, that’s about all this crusty old weirdo can do.

He’s senile, and he’s a mess. That’s not open to debate, because we aren’t allowed to debate it – at least not in the mainstream media. It is the truth which must not be uttered. Everyone sees the emperor has no clothes, mostly because Dr. Jill went out for coffee and Joe forgot to put on his pants again.

So, who is actually in charge?

Is anyone?

Now, the lack of someone in charge is not necessarily bad. The last thing we want is for an intense, vital leader focusing the collection of pinkos, commies, and bizarre mutations that make up the *dministration on achieving its nefarious ends. But what we have here seems to be a patchwork quilt of bureaucrats, politicos, and social media blue checks each pushing individual fetishes instead of their awful agenda as a whole. The result is not just chaos– ah, glorious chaos– but the ham-handed way they are going about it is also energizing we normals’ resistance.

It’s a perfect storm of failure, and we should help them fail however we can.

Take the New New Deal from a guy who was probably 50 when the Old New Deal was dealt. Who was honchoing this Schiffshow? What was the plan?

“I know, let’s get our pals in the media to hassle Joe Manchin so much that he commits political seppuku and kills the filibuster!”

That’s not a plan. That’s not even a tactic. That’s just stupid. 

Since that dumb campaign failed, it was on to Infrastructure Plan B, as in “Bipartisanship.” Somebody unwrapped the shawl from around Mr. 10% For The Big Guy and trundled him out to the White House lawn to stand with Mitt and the Mayo Gang and announce that they have all figuratively built bridges across the aisle to build bridges in real life and, incidentally, to do a lot of other things that involve giving your money to Democrat interest groups. Remember, looting your savings is infrastructure!

Now, this would be all fine and good except someone let Grandpa Badfinger talk again. A few hours later he spilled the beans on how the scheme was to sucker the GOP into voting for the bipartisan nonsense and then link it to the monopartisan nonsense. Cue the tapdancing as they went into damage control mode.

Is anyone in charge of this guy, or of any part of the government at all?

Look at the military. Where’s the leadership there? It’s just been ceded over to those four-star mediocrities who want to shelve Sun Tzu in favor of the insights of Ibram X. Kendi (née Henry Rogers). There’s a big, ugly enemy literally over the horizon, but challenging China is hard and no one pats you on the head for that. So, you decide to please the left by pretending that the real enemy is the weather, but you still retain your flexibility to meet emerging opportunities to suck up to the garbage ruling class. That’s why when those terrifying unarmed selfie-taking seniors insurrected, the gang who can’t win a war decided that the scary threat of extremism – by which they mean disagreeing with the regime – is the new Big Bad du jour. Maybe they can finally wring the victory they’ve been denied by actual enemies out of fighting people without guns but with arthritis.

Over in Europe, America is giving the farm away to Putin, who used to be the worst guy ever but now gets the thumbs-up for a big gas pipeline to Germany. Oh, and Ukraine’s lethal aid to defend itself from Russia is held up – wait, didn’t we impeach someone for not giving Ukrainians aid? And in Geneva, someone is negotiating with the mullahs, by which I mean begging them to enter into an agreement where they pretend to not be making the Bomb anymore.

Who is coordinating this? It’s not that withered old fossil.

What it seems to be is various fiefdoms within the *dministration each doing their own thing, a federalism of failure as it were. And the best part is that their tunnel vision keeps them from seeing where they are creating huge issues for the *dministration as a whole. Take CRT, please. The PC platoon is going full-tilt on it, using the bureaucracy to push this crap without any regard for the fact that everyone hates it, except liberals. They see this as their one shot to take this noxious brew of racism and Marxism out of the faculty lounge and throw it into normal people’s faces, but what they are doing is spinning up a backlash. When little Billy – because normal people name their kids normal names and not annoying ones like “Kaden” – comes home and announces his teacher’s pronouns are xip/xork and that he is personally responsible for slavery, that motivates people to resist.

The same with crime. The *dministration is packed with libs who insist that the cause of crime is not criminals but you normal people out there who are not committing crimes. Except, that’s insane and stupid, and when your Prius gets broken into a third time, you’re going to start moving right whether or not you have a “BERNIE 2020” sticker on the bumper or not.

What’s up with the border? Let everyone in, how can that go wrong? Except it already is going wrong for the Dems. The Texas border region used to be deep blue. It’s not anymore. 

Maybe Dr. Jill is in charge – after all, she’s a doctor. It can’t be Kamala – she’s busy not going to the actual border. Is it someone on the White House staff? Or is it nobody at all?

Hey, maybe it’s the scoop jockey at the ice cream parlor. Yeah, put him in charge – he sure can’t do any worse. 

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Newest Trump tower: Barron shows off his 6-foot-7 height in NYC


He’s the new Trump tower.

Teenage former first son Barron Trump was photographed in the Big Apple this week — towering over his 5-foot-11-inch mom, Melania.

The rarely photographed youngest son of former President Donald Trump is already 6 feet 7 inches tall — even though he only just turned 15.



He looked every inch of it on Wednesday when he stood head and shoulders over his mom and their security detail as they were snapped leaving their Manhattan home, the suitably named Trump Tower.

The towering teen, wearing a dark, long-sleeve T-shirt tucked into his jeans, also appeared to show impeccable manners, with the Daily Mail saying he was carrying his mother’s bag for her. 



'Neptune' appears in the waves during storm in Newhaven


Neptune seems to have made an appearance on the East Sussex coast during a storm.

The sighting of the "face" of the Roman god of water was captured by BBC photographer Jeff Overs in Newhaven on Tuesday.

He took the picture as waves crashed over the harbour wall during the storm.

Scapegoats, Boogeymen, and Hobgoblins

The Biden Administration, the bureaucracy, military, media, 
academia, Silicon Valley, and corporate boardrooms of America 
don’t know how to explain, much less solve, our mounting crises.

The world may be increasingly baffled by 2021 America, and its sudden scapegoating of “white supremacist” hobgoblins for problems it cannot or will not solve. 

Roughly 400 Americans were shot over the past July 4 holiday weekend. About 150 of them were killed. The majority, both of the shooters and the victims, were inner-city, African-American males. The level of violence approaches the bad casualty days of the recent Afghan and Iraq wars. 

Meanwhile, during the carnage, progressive black leaders, from Representatives Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) to Cori Bush (D-Mo.), blasted America’s foundational holiday and the country at large for its white supremacy and the current supposed lack of freedom for African Americans. 

During 120 days of rioting, arson, and looting in the summer of 2020, the country suffered about $2 billion in property damage, roughly 25 deaths, and some 14,000 arrests. 

Rioters burned down a Minneapolis police precinct. They set afire a federal courthouse in Portland. And they tried to incinerate the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church next to the White House. Downtown areas of Portland and Seattle were taken over by rioters, who occupied entire city blocks with impunity. 

Most of those arrested during the violent summer were either released or eventually had their charges dropped or vastly reduced. Although many of the Antifa and BLM rioters shouted revolutionary slogans, called for violence against the police, and carefully organized their rioting on social media, neither the media nor the government ever declared the rioters to be conspiracists or insurrectionists. 

In contrast, when roughly 500 renegade Trump supporters, in buffoonish fashion, broke into the Capitol on January 6, 2021, the media and government immediately claimed it was a carefully planned “armed insurrection.” But no one was arrested for possessing or using a gun. 

Headlines blared of five killed. But four died of natural causes and three of those deaths were among Trump supporters. The only violent death was also of a Trump supporter and military veteran, lethally shot by a Capitol police officer while entering through a window. Her shooter remains unidentified. 

In the aftermath of the Capital riot of a few hours, the media, the Left and the government militarized Washington, D.C, with over 20,000 troops, massive fencing and ubiquitous barbed wire. The takeover was in response to fears of violent “white supremacy.” No such anticipated attempted attack or hyped violence ever followed. 

The earlier four months of violence never earned such a hyper federal response as did the few hours on January 6—although the death, destruction, and mayhem went on for months at far greater human and material costs. 

Murders and violent crime in some major American cities have doubled. Forty percent of residents in liberal San Francisco poll a desire to leave their now crime-ridden city.  

In response to nationwide increases in criminal violence, an embarrassed President Biden and exasperated governors and mayors talk of clamping down on legal gun ownership and sales. They blame all firearms for the shootings, even though legally purchased and possessed rifles are involved in just a fraction of violent crime cases. 

Currently, the Chinese military is in the news for issuing overt threats to its neighbors, particularly Taiwan. China seized the unoccupied Spratly Islands to create naval bases to control sea traffic in the South China Sea. It is currently building over 100 hardened long-range-missile silos to house intercontinental nuclear missiles, most of them to be pointed at the United States. 

Iran is accelerating its nuclear enrichment. The current government seems emboldened by new outreach from the Biden Administration. The Taliban will take over Afghanistan in a few weeks. Kabul will likely soon recreate the fall of Saigon in 1975. 

Hackers, some of them likely to have covert affiliations with the Russian government, have systematically attacked U.S. companies. In response, President Biden asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to make sure the attackers at least put more important American facilities off their target lists. 

What is the U.S. military’s reaction to all these crises? 

Recently the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and the Secretary of Defense all testified before Congress that the U.S. military is systematically scanning its ranks for potential white supremacists. It now requires woke workshops, and recommends various critical race theory books to enlisted personnel. 

In the crazy times of 2020-21, America seems helpless to stop urban violence, months of rioting and arson, spiraling crime, an anticipated wave of 2 million illegal aliens crossing the border over a 12-month period, a rising and aggressive China, and foreign hackers. 

In response, the Biden Administration, the bureaucracy, the military, the media, academia, Silicon Valley, and the corporate boardrooms across America do not seem to have a clue about how to explain, much less solve, mounting economic, cultural, social, and security crises. 

Apparently, all they can come up with is scapegoating mythical white supremacy for existential problems that they cannot solve—mostly because otherwise such challenges require bothersome and politically incorrect answers and introspection.

Joe Biden Vows to Screw You Over Even More

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

As RedState has reported on several times over the last few months (see herehere, and here), the current inflation woes are hitting the middle class hard. Prices are up nearly across the board, from groceries to just about anything that contains wood or metal. Things are so bad that historical milestones have been reached in terms of the percentage of year-over-year inflationary growth.

Of course, the cost of gasoline has also climbed at an incredibly fast rate, and while some of that may be due to general inflation largely due to government spending, most of the rise is a direct result of the policies implemented by Joe Biden and his administration. From canceling pipelines to shuttering oil and gas leases, the United States is once again dependent on foreign oil and that has translated to the cost of gas nearly doubling in many parts of the country.

But no worries. Joe Biden has a plan to help you out, and it includes taking even more of your money. I’ll explain after the clip.

Do you know what happens when you raise taxes by almost $100 billion on oil and gas companies while we are already in the midst of a cost explosion? The price of energy, whether gasoline or electricity, skyrockets even more. Does that sound like something that’s going to help out the middle class? And how exactly is that part of a “build back better” agenda?

Biden touts this proposal as a way to pay for “child-care tax credits,” which seems like a pretty big redistribution of wealth from working-class Americans to rich urbanites who currently pay $1500+ a month for daycare. Ask yourself who uses the most gasoline in this country. The answer is truck drivers, construction workers, delivery drivers, home-health nurses, and a variety of other blue-collar professions. Meanwhile, those who use the least gasoline are wine-sipping liberals in urban enclaves that take the subway or ride a bike to work. In other words, what Biden is proposing is just another payoff to his chosen demographic of far-left ideologues.

Honestly, this proposal is insane. People are already hurting enough. Further, anyone with a pulse knows the government is absolutely terrible at managing money. If they take $90 billion out of the economy in new taxes, you can expect to get a fraction of that in benefits back out, and even then, only to a very targeted group of people. The rest of the money will be sucked dry by the bureaucratic state as always.

I truly do not understand the left. It’s one thing to be ideologically attached to certain ideas, especially in regards to culture, but economics is an objective reality. Higher taxes will be passed onto consumers and that’s a certainty when it comes to a commodity that almost everyone buys like gasoline. Past that, a slowing economy due to said higher taxes will harm everyone, but especially the poor and middle class. So why do this? Just to create a crisis to use for political gain? That’s the only explanation I can come up with.

Buffoon Adam Schiff Accidentally Proves GOP Right About Focus of Jan6 Commission

Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState 

Democrats and the mainstream media have raked Republicans over the coals for months now over their continued objections to a Capitol Riots Commission.

While the Democrat argument is that Republicans are supposedly afraid of the truth, the GOP’s argument is that it is unnecessary to add a “commission” on top of the DOJ investigation as well as the other numerous inevitable Democrat-run committee “investigations” into the attack, which they feel will ultimately be little more than show trials designed not only for Democrats to obfuscate the matter even more so than they’ve already done but also to keep the issue and Trump’s name out there going into the 2022 midterms.

And now, as the House Speaker Pelosi-appointed partisan Capitol riots committee gets to doing their thing, one of its most prominent members has revealed where the areas of focus will be – and in the process proved Republicans were right to reject the idea all along:

[Rep. Adam] Schiff told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that it will examine whether Trump and the White House had “advance notice” that the more organized groups had concertedly planned the violent attack for the express purpose of overturning Trump’s loss.

Schiff also said the investigation would inevitably look at the role that some Republicans in Congress might have played in promoting the “Stop the Steal” rally, which led directly to the violence. The probe, Schiff said, might lead to “some of our colleagues.”

Schiff also noted that the committee would seek testimony from police officers who came under violent assault, to illustrate that the attack was an outgrowth of an ongoing “domestic terrorism threat.”

Laughably, the same guy who knowingly perpetuated the lie about Trump/Russia collusion for the entire four years of Trump’s presidency attempted to assure Wallace during the same interview that Democrats would make every effort to prove to the American people that they were only interested in getting to the bottom of what happened on January 6th:

I think not, and the proof is demonstrated in part by just who is leading the committee in the first place:

Remember, too, that Schiff abused his position as House Intel Committee chair to obtain and then release the personal phone records of, among others, ranking member Devin Nunes, two of former President Trump’s personal attorneys including Rudy Giuliani, as well as The Hill journalist John Solomon – all under the guise of it being part of the House’s Ukraine phone call “investigation.”

There are a lot of slimy members of Congress, and Schiff easily ranks in the top 5. He’s been front and center and even led some of the sham “investigations” Democrats conducted against Trump with impeachment in mind. Those are two very valid reasons for no one to trust the farcical examination into the Capitol riots that is coming from this committee.

Big Tech Sweating After Learning Trump Case Will Be Tried Before Newly Appointed Judge Mike Lindell

PALM BEACH, FL—Trump announced this week that he is finally going after Big Tech in the courts with a class-action lawsuit. Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey initially laughed it off, but their laughter turned to sheer panic once they discovered that newly appointed Judge Mike Lindell will be presiding over the case. 

"I will be hearing the case brought by Mr. Trump regarding the crimes against humanity perpetrated by Facebook and Twitter when they kicked the one true president off of social media," said Judge Lindell in a rare statement to the media.

"I will be a lawful and impartial judge in this case and will decide how badly we should punish these evil Tech CEOs. And if anyone tries to argue with me I'll yell 'OBJECTION!' really loud. I can yell that even though I'm a judge, right?"

It is currently unclear how and when Lindell became a Judge. 

According to experts, this is all legal since the judge rulebook doesn't specifically disqualify people named Mike Lindell from being judges, and since he's wearing an official black robe and holding a gavel, there's really nothing Big Tech lawyers can do to stop it.

Trump has announced he will be pursuing the death penalty even though his lawyers are telling him he can't do that in a class-action lawsuit. 

The entire case will be available on pay-per-view this fall.

AUDIT: PA State Senate Chair Mastriano Announces Forensic Investigation of 2020 Election

I can say with absolute certainty this announcement will bring out the biggest PA state legal battle between political activists, lawfare, media, Big Tech and local government.  Quite simply the Philadelphia area cannot allow a forensic audit because the action they took is easy to uncover.

Pennsylvania State Senator, Chairman of the PA Intergovernmental Operations Committee, Doug Mastriano has announced the intent of the legislative committee to conduct a forensic audit of three counties. Two Republican-controlled counties, Tioga and York counties, confirmed receiving letters Wednesday, as did the Democratic bastion of Philadelphia, the state’s largest and most politically corrupt city; the epicenter of PA corruption.

Within the announcement Mastriano stated “There is nothing to fear if there is nothing to hide. Those who have concerns about the integrity of the 2020 and 2021 election will have those concerns investigated and hopefully addressed. Those who think that there was zero voter fraud, no irregularities, and that the elections were conducted perfectly will have the chance to be vindicated.” This epic legal battle is going to be far uglier than Maricopa County (AZ), Antrim County (MI) or Fulton County (GA).

State Senator Doug Mastriano –  “A forensic investigation of our election results and processes for the 2020 General Election and the 2021 Primary will go a long way to restore trust in our system. Voting is the fundamental right of all citizens. We should continually look for ways to improve the voting process to ensure every voice is heard.

Today, as Chair of the Intergovernmental Operations Committee, I issued letters to several counties requesting information and materials needed to conduct a forensic investigation of the 2020 General Election and the 2021 Primary.

We have asked these counties to respond by July 31st with a plan to comply. The counties represent different geographical regions of Pennsylvania and differing political makeups. Some are Republican while others are Democrat, which means that this will be a balanced investigation.

The Intergovernmental Operations Committee is a standing committee of the Pennsylvania State Senate with oversight and investigatory responsibilities regarding activities relating to or conducted between two or more governments or levels of government, including the administration of elections across the Commonwealth. As set forth in Pennsylvania Senate Rule 14 (d), each standing committee is empowered with the authority to inspect and investigate the books, records, papers, documents, data, operation, and physical plant of any public agency in this Commonwealth, including county boards of elections.

This is necessary as millions of Pennsylvanians have serious doubts about the accuracy of the 2020 General Election. A January poll from Muhlenberg University showed that 40% of Pennsylvania voters are not confident that the results of the 2020 Election accurately reflected how Pennsylvanians voted. Discounting or mocking their concerns is neither an answer nor proper in this constitutional republic.

During debate on election reform a couple weeks ago, some of my colleagues regrettably dismissed these poll numbers as an inconvenient truth and went on to assert that the only reason there is distrust in our election process was because of the “conspiracy theories and lies” from those they disagree with politically. This sort of ad hominen attack does nothing to address the concerns of millions of voters.

The case for a forensic investigation of the 2020 general election is evident to any unbiased observer.

This was the first election in Pennsylvania with “mass” mail-in voting. In 2020, there were 2.7 million ballots cast by mail and absentee compared to about 263,000 absentee ballots cast in 2016. Many of these ballots were counted at offsite locations with little outside observation or oversight. Furthermore, mail ballots without signature verification were permitted to be counted across the Commonwealth. And, of course, all of this transpired in the midst of Covid-19 where uncertainty and fear impacted the conduct of the election.

Additionally, in the weeks leading up to the election, the Department of State repeatedly altered the manner in which Pennsylvania’s election was conducted. Those who voted in person were held to a higher standard than those who mailed in their ballots. Signatures required for mail-in ballots were rendered meaningless as the PA Supreme Court ruled that ballots could not be rejected based on an analysis of the voter’s signature.

On September 17th, the PA Supreme Court ruled that counties had to count ballots received up to three days after Election Day. A week before the election, the Department of State told the U.S. Supreme Court that ballots received after 8 p.m. on November 3rd would be segregated. But the department changed the rules two days before the election and directed counties to canvass those ballots upon receipt. The U.S. Supreme Court had to step in and order the counties to segregate the ballots.

Just hours before the polls opened on November 3, the department changed the rules again by providing late guidance on how to help voters whose mail-in or absentee ballots were incorrectly completed. The “guidance” resulted in inconsistent application across the Commonwealth. Some counties contacted voters as directed while others did not. There was no basis for that guidance in current or case law.

It would defy logic to assume that an election with the kinds of drastic changes we saw in 2020 was run perfectly with zero errors or fraud.

Governor Wolf and the Secretary of State refused to conduct any type of thorough investigation despite the concerns of millions of our citizens in the aftermath of the election and hundreds of affidavits alleging firsthand fraud, irregularities, and illegal behavior witnessed at polling places. (read more)

The left is fomenting hopelessness

Don't give up---avoid them whenever possible. Discrimination against hatred works.


Article by Terry Paulding in The American Thinker

The left is fomenting hopelessness

We’re simply meant to give up. That’s the conclusion I’ve come to, as I see the pile-on of absurdities we’re being asked to accept as normal. We’re standing under a giant dumpster, and somebody’s upended it in an avalanche over us. The contents stink, but we’re increasingly unable to move from underneath.

The NEA wants CRT taught in all the schools and will fight for their teachers’ right to indoctrinate the kids. How many parents have the means to yank their kids out of public school and either home-school or find an acceptable private school that eschews this garbage? How many parents are willing to fight the school board and the administration? Speak out and gather support against such policy? Supposedly, K and 1st-grade enrollment are down 13% so we know at least that many have found other options.

The Wil Spa in Los Angeles lets men into the women’s naked baths, in front of their small children because California forces them to. It normalizes such behavior as a matter of law. Men compete in women’s sports, beyond any logic. The only result will be the end of women’s sports, when they become such a joke nobody will watch.

Companies, even those supplying war materiel, go woke. People are force-indoctrinated to keep their jobs. Others are fired for speaking the truth. Tech companies cancel anyone who dares color outside their increasingly restrictive lines. The walls are closing in on us, as BLM/Antifa get away with whatever they choose to do, no matter how violent, and regular American citizens are held up as insurrectionists.

On top of that, we have a president who can’t string a single coherent sentence together, who gets on the floor and bows in front of guests, and who can’t even read his own note cards and is constantly fearing he’ll “get in trouble” with his keepers. We have a veep who cackles like a maniac and inspires zero confidence, even in her own party. Who nakedly pretends a visit to the border which, under her ostensible stewardship, is so wide open, we can’t even protect our citizens in the path of the invaders.

Our cities are violent and ugly. Thieves simply walk into stores and take what they want. Public transit is so dangerous many are afraid to use it. The roads are crumbling, many governors aren’t governing, and mayors either condone defunding police or contend with city councils who demand it.

Adding to the urban mess, coherent information about COVID is squelched so the threat of shutting down again continues to hang over small businesses. We have alarmists touting the danger of increasing “cases” of the Delta variant, which apparently has symptoms that mimic hay fever, but that’s suppressed information, too. Now, there’s a Lambda variant that, we’re told the vaccine that’s been foisted upon us “may not” protect against.

Kids are still wearing masks, even when their parents are not. This, despite ample evidence of their counter-productiveness and danger.

Biden just announced a door-to-door vaccinating effort that will be coming to every neighborhood. Thank goodness we still have a lock on our front door! Except, of course, that it’s also been announced that the vaccine may become mandatory if it’s given final approval by the FDA.

We’ve already lost many of our small businesses, and the ones that remain open are struggling against the tide, as downtowns are still bereft of people to patronize them — whether because we’re all still so cowed by lack of coherent COVID information that nobody wants to go out, or because they’ve become such ugly, violent places that we consciously say “it’s not worth it” to visit. After all, how many reports of tourist cars broken into, possessions and pets stolen, people randomly beat up on the street, and more, do we need before the public stops coming?

The suburbs are being invaded by mandates to build “affordable” housing. The town councils accept the idea that gas lines are evil, even as electric infrastructure fails in the wake of over-reliance on solar and wind. Brown-outs are becoming commonplace or, as we call them in the Bay Area, “rotating blackouts.” Apparently, it takes only moments to shut down people’s power, but up to 24 hours to restore it. We’ve not been given the option to keep our “dumb” electric meters, either. New “smart” meters can be controlled from afar.

I realized, catching a tiny snippet of Trump’s news conference this morning, that I have desperately missed listening to someone coherent speak about reality, and present a path forward.  I temporarily succumbed to the feeling of overwhelming despair, just like I was meant to do -- but none of us can afford to wallow there.

True, we can’t trust any person in power or any organization of government. We must get wise to them, create pathways through their garbage, and as Trump is doing with his class-action lawsuit, open other people’s eyes to their glaring hypocrisies.  

We must also create opportunities for our voices to be heard. Perhaps only a few people will listen, but maybe they’ll each tell a few more. Every voice raised in protest of leftist absurdity has an effect.

I think people will become more open to hearing us, the more of us speak up. Underneath their complacency, they can’t help but notice how idiotic the leftist credo sounds and can’t help experiencing how degrading leftist policies feel in real life. Policies that negatively affect the mental and physical health of their children, especially, will convert them to our cause. The left, after all, has no coherent answers to the real questions.


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