Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Young Migrants Again Surging at Southern Border


An increase in the number of unaccompanied migrant children crossing the southern border indicates a summer surge might be under way, the Washington Examiner reported Tuesday.

After more than 500 children were encountered daily by Border Patrol through much of March and April, the number had dropped to below 300. However, recent data showed that more than 530 children appeared at the border on June 23, the Examiner said.

The most recent data, released June 25, showed that nearly 15,000 young migrants are being held at government facilities run by the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Examiner said that total did not include approximately 2,000 children who either were found at the border, transferred from Border Patrol to HHS, or released into the country on that day.

Immigration opponents have not complained as loudly as they did under the Trump administration because unaccompanied children now are being transferred to HHS within 24 hours instead of being held in jail-like Border Patrol facilities for days or week, the Examiner reported.


But although the Biden administration has hastened young migrants’ transportations to HHS-run outdoor tents or convention centers nationwide, children still are being detained for approximately one month.

Government workers spend the month searching for an adult to whom the child can be released. The young migrant will be discharged to a family friend or other adult, or placed in childcare programs, if no parent or close relative can be found.

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra visited an emergency facility for unaccompanied children at the Army’s Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, on Monday. The facility has been accused of holding children in conditions so poor that some children have attempted suicide, according to the Examiner.

The Biden administration, in an attempt to speed up release, lowered the standard for selecting adult sponsors. One example is that adults who claim children no longer are fingerprinted, as the Trump administration had required, the Examiner said.





unaccompanied minor children in shelter
Asylum seekers attend a meeting at an immigrant shelter on March 16, 2021 in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. (John Moore/Getty Images)

An increase in the number of unaccompanied migrant children crossing the southern border indicates a summer surge might be under way, the Washington Examiner reported Tuesday.

After more than 500 children were encountered daily by Border Patrol through much of March and April, the number had dropped to below 300. However, recent data showed that more than 530 children appeared at the border on June 23, the Examiner said.

The most recent data, released June 25, showed that nearly 15,000 young migrants are being held at government facilities run by the Department of Health and Human Services.

The Examiner said that total did not include approximately 2,000 children who either were found at the border, transferred from Border Patrol to HHS, or released into the country on that day.

Immigration opponents have not complained as loudly as they did under the Trump administration because unaccompanied children now are being transferred to HHS within 24 hours instead of being held in jail-like Border Patrol facilities for days or week, the Examiner reported.

But although the Biden administration has hastened young migrants’ transportations to HHS-run outdoor tents or convention centers nationwide, children still are being detained for approximately one month.

Government workers spend the month searching for an adult to whom the child can be released. The young migrant will be discharged to a family friend or other adult, or placed in childcare programs, if no parent or close relative can be found.

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra visited an emergency facility for unaccompanied children at the Army’s Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, on Monday. The facility has been accused of holding children in conditions so poor that some children have attempted suicide, according to the Examiner.

The Biden administration, in an attempt to speed up release, lowered the standard for selecting adult sponsors. One example is that adults who claim children no longer are fingerprinted, as the Trump administration had required, the Examiner said.

The 15,000 young migrants in HHS custody marks a decrease from 25,000 in May. That’s at least partly due to more than 38,000 children having been released to adult sponsors in the country since February.

Children released into the U.S. will face immigration proceedings, but likely not for years down the road due to the 1.1 million case backlog, the Examiner said.

Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, told the Examiner the Biden administration’s changes to make it easier for adults to claim children is "encouraging" children to travel to the U.S. and placing them in a "dangerous" situation.

"The Administration is reducing critical protections for unaccompanied children in an effort to expedite processing and place them with sponsors," said Portman, ranking Republican on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

"The Biden Administration should require fingerprinting and criminal background checks of potential sponsors and all adults in the household and home visits, as well as notify state governments before placing children in those states."


The Biden’s administration decision to end the Trump administration’s "Remain in Mexico" policy — immigrants waited at the Mexican border while their asylum claims were processed children — resulted in a higher number of unaccompanied migrant children being encountered.

Theresa Cardinal Brown, director of The Bipartisan Policy Center's immigration and cross-border policy, said the Biden administration is pursuing a long-term solution for children and adults to seek asylum. However, the surge has forced the government to focus on the current increase in migrants.

"The day to day is not really something we can control," Brown told the Examiner. "It’s the migrants themselves that decide when they’re going to come."




Mexico sends police and army to dangerous border highway near Laredo, Texas


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:40 PM PT – Monday, June 28, 2021

Mexico has deployed army and police reinforcements to a border highway connecting to Texas. Those troops were deployed on Sunday as officials in the state of Nuevo Leon have been working to secure the highway.

The area is dominated by drug cartels and is a major border crossing to and from Laredo, Texas. Thousands of travelers use this freeway each day to cross the border in and out of Laredo.



“With the National Guard, we have been patrolling the highway on the Nuevo Leon side,” Jorge Fernando Garza of Nuevo Leon Civil Force Commissary explained. “There are also parts in which the National Guard, Civil Force, and the Army Guard dissuade and search for individuals who are looking to harm people.”

In the past few months, over 40 travelers have gone missing from the highway and nearly 20 have been robbed.







The Biden Doctrine: American Spreadeagle

Surrender is the overriding theme of Biden’s foreign policy.

It has become a bit trite to use the common refrain that America under Joe Biden’s weak and frail presidency has “put the United States last, not first.” 

It is, in fact, much worse. 

We have gone full spreadeagle to use a sexual metaphor. America is getting screwed royally on just about every front. The Urban Dictionary has a hip but lewd definition, if you need one. 

This is a coherent foreign policy of a great superpower? No, it’s worse than any lame Obama-style apology tour or lazy U.N. speech decrying past American history or decline. It is a bold repudiation of American sovereignty, military, political, and economic supremacy, and leadership on every single front.

It is truly and profoundly anti-American. 

Let me count the ways in which they are wrong, since I worked on the Senate foreign relations committee way back when then-Senator Joseph Biden was the junior elected official from Delaware (and a lobbyist for the credit card industry) and Tony Blinken was his then-minority flunky. They were dead wrong then and have been for 40 years on every foreign policy issue—from Iran to Russia and from treaties to foreign aid and globalism. It does not surprise me at all to find us exactly where we are just six months into his failed and illegitimate presidency. 

On immigration and the border, Biden has simply swung open the border gates and allowed chaos, mayhem, and illegal movement, without any consequences, to lawbreakers. The Biden policy has made the violent Mexican cartels rich and turned their human trafficking coyotes into the real brokers of American citizenship. 

Biden’s plan amounts to gross child abuse. There is no enforcement, no catch, no return, and a big neon electric sign that reads, “come now!” hangs where there used to be controls, customs and security. Holding facilities for kids recently broke 700 percent capacity. Drugs like the killer fentanyl are flowing freely across our border. With 2 million people arriving already this year under the Biden—or is it the Harris?—plan, we in effect no longer have a southern border or a sustainable country. 

On Iran and the Middle East, we have gone from peace and accord to Hamas launching thousands of Biden-subsidized bombs (how many times do we have to defund UNRWA?) leading to the reinstatement of the Palestinian problem as the make-believe lynchpin for any progress in the region. Israel has been totally sold out. 

Trying to resurrect a failed Iran deal, Biden has shipped the hardline ayatollahs yet more billions for nothing, given up on sanctions that were working, and sent the elitist and pompous John Kerry (also a former Democratic senator from Massachusetts who served on the same foreign affairs committee with Biden) as his emissary.  Kerry can now kiss and make up with the radical shiite Islamicists, who want to put an end to Israel and dominate the entire region and beyond through their terrorist military proxies—Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. Did I mention Biden just gave Afghanistan back to the Taliban? A Saigon moment. 

In Russia, we’re witnessing an unmitigated disaster. After years of hoaxing by Democrats and the press, Biden has handed Putin’s third-rate regime (a country with not even the size of the Texas economy) everything they want and more, including a propaganda bonanza. Agreeing to a foolish summit gave Putin a victory and equal footing before Biden even arrived in Geneva. 

We fought the Cold War to stop Russia in Europe. But Biden gave Moscow the go ahead to build out the Nordstream2 pipeline which grants Russia control over European energy policy while filling the Kremlin’s coffers with constant cash. Can anyone explain why we would pay for NATO to contain the Russians while Biden and Germany (its former chancellor is chairman of Russia’s Gazprom) achieve precisely what we have worked so hard to avoid? Hunter Biden got paid off, Joe the “Big Guy” must have gotten something, but America and its hard-working taxpayers got completely screwed. 

On China and the CCP, Biden has literally put up the white flag. China Joe, as the moniker suggests, doesn’t consider the Communist Chinese to be adversaries but noble competitors. The total embarrassment of a meeting in Alaska signaled the end of American dominance in the Pacific and over the critical sea lanes. 

On the Wuhan flu, Biden and his pawn, Dr. Anthony Fauci, are in a conflict of interests and they are letting the Chinese get away with (mass) murder. Removing sanctions, forgetting the poor and enslaved Uighurs, giving back Hong Kong and soon Taiwan, Biden might as well be in the employ of Xi Jinping—his supposed long-time “good friend.” Again, Hunter cannot even yet unwind his massive, gifted investments with China and the CCP. Who knew it was so cheap to buy off America? Biden’s sell-out scandal is even better than the original one with Judas in the garden of Gethsemane.

On energy independence, on day one Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline putting Americans out of work and back over the barrel of foreign oil producers. Every fake green action Biden has taken and climate change lie he has told—from regulation to halting production—has made America more vulnerable and reliant on foreign fiefdoms in the Middle East and even Russia for its energy. Why in God’s name would anyone want to go back to a situation of dangerous American energy dependence and high gas prices, unless you were never for America in the first place? 

Regarding the military, Biden has in effect frozen the Pentagon budget, put all new innovations and weapon systems on hold, and installed a leadership cadre more committed to fighting so-called domestic “extremists” in the services than to combatting our enemies abroad. With critical race theory ensconced from the top-down, Biden has invited Marxism right in the front door and laid the groundwork for drone strikes on American soil against American citizens. His Obama holdover appointees also want to cancel the new Space Force. Bad, we are told, merely because it is a Trump initiative. 

On globalism, Biden has never met a globalist institution he did not adore. He worships the United Nations and all its crazy agencies; he put us back in the ineffective but costly Paris climate agreement; and he shipped money to the World Health Organization faster than you can say Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus—which I admit, is a mouthful of Communism and would be fun to hear senile Joe read off his teleprompter. 

The telling line on Joe’s real predilections occurred in Cornwall at the G-7 meeting, when slick Emmanuel Macron of France said on greeting him, “welcome back to the club.” Yes, Joe is happier being a global citizen, than being an American citizen. Cue up “We are the World,” about now. 

On transatlantic affairs, it is goodbye to Brexit, the UK (Joe has Irish loyalties remember), and any bending of history toward the arc of sovereignty. The EU is now the absolute center of our attention and to hell with the idea that they are anti-American. So is Biden. He might in the end even decide to join the august Brussels body and bail them and their fake currency out. It would yield U.S. sovereignty while integrating us with his preferred socialist values.

On economic policy, America under Biden and his dopey treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, have ceded authority over markets, listings, tariffs, trade, and money. Biden doesn’t care if the dollar falls; it appears to be his actual intention. The big action was on global taxation. Biden easily roped in the other socialist nations to tax corporations, first 15 percent but soon far more. It puts cash in the registers of the all-powerful state, Biden’s only and true allegiance. 

Reviewing this long and growing list of tragic failures there is no place where Biden and his globalist cronies are not essentially screwing America.  Undoing Trump is one thing, this is an abdication of the U.S. national interest and a capitulation to our adversaries and outright enemies.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, not one to mince words, told Fox News, “I know some of these folks, they took a very different view, they lived in a bit of a fantasy world. They led from behind, they appeased. I hope they will choose a different course.”

Pompeo is right.

Surrender is the overriding theme of Biden’s foreign policy; 

it is, in fact, the Biden Doctrine.

Biden Wants Your Guns

The administration prepares to disarm the population

Citing a “gun violence public health epidemic,” President Biden has promised both executive and legislative action against firearms rights. Epidemic? Homicides, including gun homicides, trended steadily downward from the early 1990s through 2019. The surge in crime and homicides starting in 2020 coincided with the riots, urban disorder, and defund-the-police activism that roiled America last summer.

But guns—not the actions of leftist politicians, activists, and media operatives—are the real problem, according to Biden. He demanded that Congress, among other things, ban so-called assault weapons, establish a universal background check system for all gun transfers, and pass legislation that would certainly bankrupt the domestic firearms industry. But he also announced forthcoming executive actions, two of which are especially revealing.

The first is Biden’s promise to publish a rule within 60 days to establish that a “stabilizing arm brace” can turn a lawfully owned pistol into a “short-barreled rifle.” Owners of short-barreled rifles must register them with the federal government under threat of heavy fines and imprisonment. Biden claims that an arm brace, like the one on the pistol used by Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa in Boulder last month to murder 10 people, “can make a firearm more stable and accurate while still being concealable.”

Typically, pistols are concealable. But pistols that benefit from an arm brace are usually based on an AR-15 type of mechanical action, and are big and heavy. The Ruger pistol used by Alissa, for instance, has an action of that type, is about 25 to 28 inches long, and weighs 6.2 pounds; it is classified as a handgun because it is not designed to be fired from the shoulder but from one hand. The very largest handguns suitable for concealed carry are about 8 inches long and weigh a little more than 2 pounds; most concealed carry guns are far smaller. An AR-15 type pistol with an arm brace is concealable on the person in the same way that a table lamp is concealable.

Complaining that a brace can make a firearm “more stable and accurate” is like complaining that a car can be made more fuel-efficient with better handling. When gun control groups argue to ban “military-style assault weapons” like the AR-15 they claim that these guns are designed to “spray fire from the hip,” though in fact they only fire one shot each time the trigger is pulled. But the gist of the accusation is that “spray fire” is inaccurate and endangers bystanders. Thus, if a gun is inaccurate it should be banned, but if it is accurate it should also be banned. All guns must be banned.

A second proposed executive action by Biden is to “stop the proliferation” of “ghost guns” that are made by individuals and which do not have serial numbers. Licensed manufacturers and importers must stamp a serial number on the main part—the “receivers” or frames—of any guns they manufacture or import.

But Americans have always been able to make a gun legally for their own use without marking it with a serial number. Some companies sell “80 percent receivers” that are incomplete and must be modified by drilling, machining, or other operations before they can be used to make a gun. As sold, they can’t function as a receiver and are thus not serialized. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives has specifically approved the sale of many of these 80 percent receivers.

The Biden Administration argues that “when these firearms turn up at crime scenes, they often cannot be traced by law enforcement due to the lack of a serial number.” But that assumes that tracing guns by serial number leads to solving crimes, which is only very rarely true. The only name associated with a serial number is that of the person who bought the gun from a licensed dealer. But criminals don’t generally get their guns from dealers, because most can’t pass the background check. As studies of prison inmates have shown, they usually get them from friends or relatives, by theft, from “the street,” by purchases made on their behalf by third parties, or by other means that are under the radar. So banning “ghost guns” would have little effect on solving crime.

But if every gun must have a serial number, and there are “universal background checks” as Biden proposes—including for every private transfer of a firearm—then all the pieces are in place for a national firearms registry. The federal government can eventually know who owns every single firearm in the United States—except, of course, those owned by criminals, who won’t comply with universal background checks anyway.

The Biden Administration is clearly preparing the ground for mass disarmament of the law-abiding population, which is more or less what leading Democrats have demanded for years. It is vital, especially now, when crime is rising and police have adopted a reactive posture toward fighting it, that the American people make clear that we will defend our absolute right to possess and bear arms.

8 Disturbing Signs That A President Is Planning To Become An Oppressive Dictator

We all know Biden is planning to become an oppressive dictator. He is a Democrat and Democrats are Marxists and Marxists killed one hundred million people last century, so Biden is probably planning to kill at least that many. Here are the signs to look for that Biden is about to go full dictator. 

1) Puts kids in cages: Dictator 101 stuff right here. Just shoves kids in cages and hopes you’ll forget about them.

2) Pretends to be a senile old man as an excuse to forget about civil rights: If he keeps rambling and looking senile, that just so later he can be all “What’s a Consitution? I don’t remember that.”

3) Attempt a federal takeover of voting regulations: The easiest way to dictatorship is to control the elections.

4) Has an evil henchwoman that chuckles at questions about human tragedy: Your pain and suffering is their amusement. Truly frightening. 

5) Talks in secret coded language disguised as old man gibberish (“Corn Pop was a bad dude”) to give commands to his secret police: Classic KGB tactic. 

6) Sniffs hair: If there's one thing dictators love, it's sniffing hair. Why do you think Hitler and Stalin had mustaches? So they could smell hair all the time! Wake up, America! 

7) Has his dog attack anyone who displeases him: That’s just straight-up Mr. Burns level evil. I’m sure he’ll say they’re “accidents” though.

8) Threatens to nuke everyone: This one is kind of over the top; if it happens, better start forming your underground resistance right away.

Uh-Oh. Looks like we're in trouble!

Things Ronna McDaniel Would Never Say

President Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington appears on Real America’s voice to articulate things RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel would never say: “Joe Biden illegitimately took over,” as President.

Interview begins at 2:50 of Rumble Video [Direct Link]

The Solution to Metastatic DC Corruption is Extreme Federalism, and Biden’s Crew Knows Exactly That

As we have mentioned previously, the United States Department of Justice is prepared to use federal law enforcement (FBI) to secure their position.  The purpose of the announcements should be clear to everyone.  We discussed and outlined the background previously.  {Go Deep 1} and {Go Deep Two}

In the background of these maneuvers corporate Big Tech, corporate U.S. media and those DC politicians under the control of multinational corporations, have been instructed to push the “domestic extremist” narrative.

Any organized and articulate truth-tellers are considered subversive, ie. against the interests of the U.S. government.  The January 6th DC protest is being used as an illustrative example for that narrative.

In an intelligence community controlled operation (ex. General Stanley McCrystal), ideological deplatforming, censorship, content removal and ultimately control of voices who would warn of larger issues, continues daily.  […] “The group, Defeat Disinfo, will use artificial intelligence and network analysis to map discussion of [opposition] claims on social media. It will seek to intervene by identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country — in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against [their opposition].” (source)

Let me be very clear… stop and hear the drums… Something is about to happen.  Approximately 100 million American voters are considered dissidents now.  Meanwhile the FBI is preparing for the American people to implement a grassroot solution to deal with a corrupt federal government; a solution I would call “extreme federalism”.

The solution to the scale of DC corruption is local and state action using the constitution, specifically the 10th amendment, against the advancing overreach of corrupt DC officials.

Extreme federalism is local and state government refusing to comply, totally ignoring, unconstitutional demands by the federal government. This approach can become visible in varying degrees of intensity.  State laws protecting voting integrity is only one facet.

Beyond simple legislative push-back, imagine if the State of Texas refused to facilitate any task for the border visit by Kamala Harris. No Texas state trooper escorts, no security, no facilitation once the White House entourage exits the airport. Extreme federalism is the intentional use of the state right provisions outlined within the constitution to stop facilitating federal offices of any form or function.

Imagine if FBI field offices were forced to close by state action taking back ownership of the property by eminent domain. Imagine if state national guard elements were instructed not to comply with federal requests for support. Extreme federalism is local sheriffs, constitutional officers, rebuking unconstitutional decrees and refusing to comply with federal agencies.

Extreme federalism is executed along the same concept of “sanctuary cities” or “sanctuary states” defying federal law.  However, extreme federalism is the reverse scenario where the unconstitutional efforts are identified by states who create sanctuaries for law-abiding citizens who forcefully demand representative government and self-determination.

Extreme federalism is a reaffirmation of the original intent of the United States constitution, and we do not need F-15s and nuclear weapons to achieve it.  What we need is strongwill, brave state-level leadership and unrelenting citizen determination.  We The People are the people we have been waiting for.

Parents and citizens confronting Marxist indoctrination within ideological school boards is one example.  That is why the Feds & Media are fighting back against visible grassroot activity.  They can sense this approach gaining wider acceptance as local populations see success in their efforts.

Local Sheriffs may soon align with the population they are sworn to protect and serve; that enhances the risk to the federal collective mindset.

State legislatures and State Governors taking back absolute control from federal overreach is a bottom up way for extreme federalism to have massive impact.  Local congressional district elections are then fought-out based on the priority of the local community.  Again, more original intent that is adverse to the federal collective.

Those behind the Biden administration, those who worked within the corrupt system to put him in office, can see how they might well lose control if this continues.  They are acting exactly as we would expect given this growing reality.

They need a control tool quickly.

They need a COVID variant now more than ever….

See it for what it is.

Olympics To Kick Off With Ceremonial Lighting Of The American Flag

TOKYO—The 2020 Olympic Games will be kicking off next month with the ceremonial lighting of the American flag, a beloved pastime where American athletes who were given every opportunity to succeed get to show how much they hate America. 

"Before the Games, American athletes will get to show much they hate their country by taking the ceremonial torch and burning the flag," said one commentator on ESPN. "We always feel the importance and gravity of this moment at every Olympic Games. As the torchbearer approaches the flag and lights it up, solemnly declaring to everyone that the U.S. is a horribly racist and oppressive country, I can't help but shed a few tears."

"Stunning and, you guessed it, brave."

One Chinese gymnast suggested she would burn her own country's flag as well, since the government kidnapped her family and forced her to compete at gunpoint, but she has since disappeared.

REPORT: Whistleblower Told Tucker Carlson Biden Admin's IC is Monitoring His Electronic Communications

In what may be an early example of the saying “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander,” Tucker Carlson reported on his show Monday night that he has received notice — AND EVIDENCE — that internal communications among the staff of his show are being monitored by the Intelligence Community of the Biden Administration.  This would be the first reported instance that I’m aware of regarding a Biden Administration official leaking information to a news media outlet calling attention to allegedly illegal/objectionable conduct taking place inside the Administration.

These kinds of leaks were endemic during the Trump Administration, as liberal Trump-hating officials in the government bureaucracy regularly leaked information to media outlets hostile to Trump such as the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN.  Now we have a Biden Administration Official engaged in the same conduct — but this time the operations being “leaked” are targeted at a media outlet hostile to Biden.

The segment that runs a little over two minutes is captured in the Tweet below by my new BFF Cernovich.

While the piece is relatively short, there are a few issues covered by Carlson that need to be unpacked, starting with the claims about the NSA.

Carlson reports that over the weekend he was in contact with a “whistleblower within the US Government.”  Later Carlson adds that the Whistleblower is “in a position” to know the information he/she was providing.

According to Carlson, the Whistleblower told him the NSA is monitoring communications for the purpose of later leaking them to the public with the goal of taking Carlson’s show off the air. To prove that the information was legitimate, the Whistleblower described back to Carlson information about a story his staff is working on that could have only come from text messages and email communications between Carlson and members of his staff. Carlson told his audience that they filed a “Freedom of Information Act” request earlier today seeking any and all information about surveillance activities being conduct against him or members of his staff by any government agency.

There are a few legal and technical inaccuracies in Tucker’s story — not really his fault; he’s just got a few details wrong. The NSA is not “spying” on Carlson — the NSA “spies” on everyone all the time.  The NSA gathers “signals intelligence.” Pretty much every form of communication or data transfer that takes place in electronic fashion is monitored and recorded by the NSA in massive database facilities in various locations. It is listening to everyone all the time. NSA’s technical capabilities involve simply “riding” the structural “spine” of the internet, and copying data as it passes through. It similarly intercepts electronic data in the atmosphere and downloads it.

Accessing the contents of those databases by government officials for the purpose of pulling out and listening to/looking at the communications by specific individuals is the act of “spying.” The NSA does not have a cadre of employees/agents who engage in that activity on their own. The NSA workforce simply pulls out data at the request of other government agencies in the intelligence community and passes along the requested information to them.

There is a legal process for doing this. But with respect to United States citizens, that process is supposed to involve an appropriate warrant issued by a federal judge based on the correct kind of showing under an appropriate statute, all justifying access to the stored communications. It is certainly possible that some agency has gone through that process to access the communications of Carlson and his staff, but it is hard to come up with any kind of plausible “legal” scenario involving a subject matter that might involve. The fact that a Whistleblower reached out to Carlson to alert him to what was happening and communicated to him that the motives behind the acts are political lends substantial credence to the idea this is an illegal enterprise being conducted for political goals.

A second issue raised by Carlson tonight is his report that FBI “Agents” — plural — to whom he spoke over the weekend confirmed that the FBI did have “sources” or “informants” among the crowd during the protests on January 6.

I’m not sure that is a shocking revelation as federal law enforcement often mixes in, or has sources providing information who are mixed in among protest crowds at public gatherings.  Carlson’s report on what he was told by the Agents ends with that, but Carlson added words to the effect “So the FBI knew what was going to happen.”  It is impossible to know if that is true without knowing what information the FBI sources had learned prior to the protests beginning.  Just having sources in place is oftentimes not enough — it all depends on whether the place where they have positioned themselves is such that they can acquire non-public information known only to a limited number of people.

But, more important in my view is the contact reported by Carlson confirms something that I have long tried to convince readers about — that there are “anti-Biden” and “anti-Democrat” people employed across the federal workforce — including in the Intelligence Community and the FBI — and these people will be a source of information to the outside world in the same way that “anti-Trumpers” inside the Trump Administration were sources of information to the outside world.  These people exist, in large numbers, and they hate what the Democrats and the Biden Administration are starting to do to the institutions where they work and to the country as a whole.

The next task is uncovering the operation that has targeted Carlson and exposing the Biden Administration Officials involved.

Exclusive: U.N. expert backs probe into Iran’s 1988 killings, Raisi’s role


June 29, 2021

By Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA (Reuters) – The U.N. investigator on human rights in Iran has called for an independent inquiry into allegations of state-ordered executions of thousands of political prisoners in 1988 and the role played by President-elect Ebrahim Raisi as Tehran deputy prosecutor.

Javaid Rehman, in an interview with Reuters on Monday, said that over the years his office has gathered testimonies and evidence. It was ready to share them if the United Nations Human Rights Council or other body sets up an impartial investigation.

He said he was concerned at reports that some “mass graves” are being destroyed as part of a continuing cover-up.

“I think it is time and it’s very important now that Mr. Raisi is the president (-elect) that we start investigating what happened in 1988 and the role of individuals,” Rehman said from London, where he teaches Islamic law and international law.

A probe was in the interest of Iran and could bring closure to families, he said, adding: “Otherwise we will have very serious concerns about this president and the role, the reported role, he has played historically in those executions.”

Raisi, a hardline judge, is under U.S. sanctions over a past that includes what the United States and activists say was his involvement as one of four judges who oversaw the 1988 killings. Amnesty International has put the number executed at some 5,000, saying in a 2018 report that “the real number could be higher”.




Raisi, when asked about allegations that he was involved in the killings, told reporters: “If a judge, a prosecutor has defended the security of the people, he should be praised … I am proud to have defended human rights in every position I have held so far.”

Rehman said: “We have made communications to the Islamic Republic of Iran because we have concerns that there is again a policy to actually destroy the graves or there may be some activity to destroy evidence of mass graves.”

“I will campaign for justice to be done,” he added.


Raisi succeeds Hassan Rouhani on Aug. 3, having secured victory this month in an election marked by voter apathy over economic hardships and political restrictions.

Rehman denounced what he called “deliberate and manipulative strategies adopted to exclude moderate candidates and to ensure the success of a particular candidate”.

“There were arrests, journalists were stopped from asking specific questions about the background of the presidential candidate Mr Raisi and there was intimidation towards any issues that were raised about his previous role and background.”

Iran has never acknowledged that mass executions took place under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the revolutionary leader who died in 1989.

“The scale of executions that we hear imply that it was a part of a policy that was being pursued…It was not just one person,” Rehman said.

He said there had also been “no proper investigation” into the killing of protesters in Nov. 2019, the bloodiest political unrest since the 1979 Islamic revolution.




“Even by conservative estimates we can say that more than 300 people were killed arbitrarily, extrajudicially, and nobody has been held accountable and no compensation,” he said.

“There is a widespread and systemic impunity in the country for gross violations of human rights, both historically in the past as well as in the present.”







Perpetual hysteric says it’s all hysteria

Stop being hysterical, says the chick who 
once said Ted Cruz tried to murder her.

With murder rates skyrocketing in Democrat-run cities, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants people to stop being so damn hysterical. It isn’t a big deal, don’t you know. It’s just over-the-top hype. And if anyone would know about performative hysteria and over-the-top hype, it’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

She of the “Ted Cruz tried to have me murdered while I hid in a completely separate building far from the mob” can’t believe you dopes are getting all worked up about so-called “rising crime rates” that aren’t really rising, even though they really are rising, and what’s with all the hysteria?

According to the House’s resident drama queen, the spike in violent crime is just an “idea.”

You know, like Antifa is just an idea.

It isn’t real, says the chick who truly does believe “armed” “white supremacists” launched an “insurrection” to “overthrow our democracy.”

It’s just hype and hysteria, says the chick constantly screeching that we only have ten years before the entire planet burns to a crisp.

In related news, over the weekend, over sixty people were shot in the city of Chicago.

But don’t give in to the hysteria! It isn’t a big deal. Like, you know?!

I wonder how the folks in her district feel about being accused of hysteria by their perpetually hysterical representative.

The same representative that staged a Congressional Struggle Session where members of the House could relive those traumatic moments of January 6 – including members who were nowhere near the Capitol – while ginning up hysteria over a bunch of dopes wandering around snapping selfies.

The same hysteric who claimed that hiding in a completely separate building during a riot that lasted three hours is like serving in war is dismissing the actual trauma of living in violent cities as nothing but hysteria.

Speaking of serving.

On Sunday afternoon a 21-year-old Marine was shot dead in Times Square when a stray bullet from a nearby shooting ricocheted and struck him in the back. He was there visiting New York City with his family, and now he’s dead.

I dare Ocasio-Cortez to tell his young widow that New York’s rising crime is nothing but hysteria.

Tell this Marine’s widow that the horrifying spike in violent crime that left her without a husband is just an “idea.”

This gibbering fool is so steeped in the Progressive religion that she no longer exists in the real world. While those who do live in the real world are paying a steep price for the blind ignorance and denial of idiots like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.