Thursday, June 24, 2021

Years of Watching General Mark Milley Finally Make Sense – The Chairman of The Joint Chiefs is a Political Operator

A statement made by Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley defending the teaching Critical Race Theory to West Point cadets has gained some attention.  However, the comments Milley made today actually reconcile several years of CTH watching Milley operate and having puzzling questions.

Remember, General Milley did some really odd things as Joint Chiefs Chairman under President Trump:

(1) Milley never removed Lt. Col Alexander Vindman from his White House post after the underling compromised his leadership position.  The pentagon left Vindman on assignment to the NSC even after Vindman attempted to take-down President Trump.

(2) Milley was then slow to react to Navy Secretary Richard Spencer threatening President Trump; attempting to extort him into inaction over the disciplinary plans against the SEAL commando, Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher.  And perhaps worst of all…

(3) Joint Chief Chairman Milley, SoS Mike Pompeo traveled to Mar-a-Lago in December 2019, where they informed President Trump of military strikes in Syria and Iraq *after* they took place. [Background Here] [Background Here].  President Trump made Esper, Milley and Pompeo hold a press conference without Trump supporting them; then President Trump remained silent on the issue for days.

It seemed like CTH was alone noticing the issues with the Pentagon and suspicions of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley.  However, a few days after the Mar-a-Lago incident Col Douglas Macgregor expressed his own suspicions about the U.S. military attack in Iraq and Syria that paralleled our gut reaction. Macgregor stated he believed President Trump was being intentionally and “skillfully, misinformed”.

There were valid reasons for suspicion around General Milley and the entire Pentagon apparatus.

Factually, President Trump’s strategic approach toward foreign threats and foreign intervention (through the use of geopolitical economic pressure) was a major paradigm shift that removed the Defense Department from a primary role and placed them back into a more appropriate ‘contingency’ role, when it came to foreign policy and national security.

It was obvious from the outset of the Trump administration the Pentagon did not like that position.

Before explaining more, let us watch General Milley today outline his worldview on internal domestic politics.  Note how Milley connects the teaching of Critical Race Theory to his view that people attempted to “assault” the DC Capitol and “overturn the constitution of the United States“.  Watch this carefully because in many ways he is saying the quiet thing out loud:

In the big picture it was not difficult to figure out why the Pentagon would be opposed to Trump. During the Trump campaign and early administration President Trump’s expressed foreign policy was viewed by NATO alliance members as a threat.  President Trump dared to tell them their “cold war mentality” was outdated.  Heck, the NATO members were simultaneously purchasing energy from Russia at the same time they were demanding the U.S. military protect them from any Russian aggression.

The same type of common sense perspective that startled the NATO alliance members applied internally to the U.S. military.

President Trump’s preferred use of economic warfare made the Pentagon’s role diminished. Instead of punching North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, President Trump hit the checkbook of Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping (tariffs etc.) and then opened diplomatic discussions with the DPRK Chairman.  Toward the threat from North Korea the primary military response became the contingency plan; President Trump engaged in economic leverage, not military…. and it worked.

As a consequence the value of James Mattis was replaced by the effectiveness of U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. Joint Chief’s Milley was not in the primary planning room; Milley was replaced by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross (until he’s needed).

In the Trump era the President was telling the Pentagon where and when to position; and then asked them for ‘contingency’ preparation. Decades of Pentagon-centric foreign policy was lessened by an entirely new geopolitical approach based on an economic strategy.  This was, in essence, the Trump Doctrine.

Take away power, or worse yet, stop using military power, and the leaders within the system start to sense their institution becoming functionally obsolescent. Overlay this military fear with pre-existing ideological differences and the situation gets worse.

Unfortunately, like all other issues in the era of hyper-polarization, normally liberal democrats would be alarmed about military leadership going rogue with their own agenda.  However, as long as that agenda was anti-Trump, the political-left with a totalitarian outlook are now okay with it.

In 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden was openly asking the U.S. military to initiate a coup against President Trump. The corporate media didn’t bat an eyelash… The traditional checks-and-balances, things that normally keep us stable, started getting very sketchy within the military; this has only gotten worse in the past year.

Remember,… the impeachment effort was only a “soft-coup” until the uniformed military showed up.  Yet these same Pentagon leaders have the nerve now to call a protest in DC, likely manipulated by the FBI, an insurrection “intended to overturn the constitution of the United States of America.”   The one thing these leftist ideologues are good at is projection.

“Tell me again how we should “back the blue”, as we watch parents arrested at school board meetings. Tell me again that most FBI agents are good & legitimate, while we watch 15 agents investigate a garage pull-down cord while ‘known wolfes’ roam free.  Tell me again.  Please, keep telling me…. and when the order comes down to go door to door to collect citizens’ firearms, or to arrest citizens for wrong thoughts, our local police and military will follow orders”… and I will say “tell me again”, in handcuffs.

How Much Juice Do Dems Think They Can Squeeze out of the Capitol Protest Riot?

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

The Jan. 6  U.S. Capitol riot happened six months ago and most of the individuals involved are being prosecuted. But, by golly, Pelosi and the gang are intent on milking the incident for all it’s worth, which may not be as much as they would hope.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced on Thursday that she is creating a special committee to further investigate the riot, claiming it is “imperative that we seek the truth.” Apparently, Democrats still don’t think the F.B.I.’s investigation into the matter, nor the other congressional probes are sufficient.

However, as my colleague Bonchie pointed out, Pelosi claimed she already knew what sparked the riot. It was – you guessed it – bigotry! However, as Bonchie noted: “In fact, it seems pretty clear to me that those who trespassed at the Capitol did so out of the delusional idea that they could stall the certification of the election. To the extent that the array of people involved may have had varying viewpoints about varying subjects, that doesn’t speak to the motivation of that day.”

Still, despite the fact that Pelosi knows bigotry had little to nothing to do with the riot, she and her merry band of Democratic lawmakers are holding on to the incident like a pit bull on a raw steak.

“Jan. 6 was a day of darkness for our country,” Pelosi said, according to the Associated Press. She stated that the “terror and trauma” experienced by lawmakers and staff is something she cannot forgive.

The House speaker gave no indication as to when she would form the committee and did not state who would lead or serve on the committee. However, it is clear that the investigation will be led by Democrats, who desperately need a way to distract from President Joe Biden’s dismal performance. Her announcement comes after Republicans voted down an effort to further politicize the tragedy by appointing a 9/11-style commission to look into the riot.

As I indicated previously, this new committee is nothing more than an effort to propagandize by keeping the riot in the news as much as possible. There is likely no significant information that will emerge from this new investigation that the F.B.I. will uncover. It is a similar ploy to that which Democrats pulled by having the National Guard remain stationed at the Capitol for five months despite the fact that no threats were presenting themselves.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, the riot is one of the only political weapons that might have a level of efficacy. However, it still appears that this cow has run out of milk. Any results that this committee discovers or fabricate will be immediately suspect based on the fact that this is clearly a politically motivated witch hunt to smear conservatives and Trump supporters.

Moreover, it’s worth pointing out that keeping the riot in the news isn’t going to do the level of damage necessary to ensure that the Democrats hold on to both chambers of Congress after the 2022 midterm elections. Indeed, with Biden’s presidency already being a dismal failure and the Democrats’ difficulties in ramming through legislation, it’s not looking so good for them. Let’s just hope the Republicans don’t find a way to screw the pooch on this one

Republicans Are Questioning Whether They Want Trump Again


Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

Republicans Are Questioning Whether They Want Trump Again

There are rumblings out there, rumblings that have increased noticeably in recent weeks, that maybe it’s time to say “Thanks” to President Trump for his yeoman service and move on. It’s nothing personal, just business – everyone appreciates the president’s accomplishments, most notably his taking a sledgehammer to the garbage bipartisan establishment and its media toadies. But we need to win next time. Up until lately, it seemed like the base was all-in on the Donald pulling the full Grover Cleveland and returning in 2024 to vanquish noted border-avoider Kamala Harris, since it’s pretty obvious that the Asterisk is not going to stagger over the four-year finish line. Yet cons are now clearly considering their options.

Intrigued by the word I was hearing on the street – I’m like the Huggy Bear of conservatism – I ran a poll on my @KurtSchlichter Twitter account to check my extremely Trump-friendly audience leanings. I expected about 65 percent would be all in on the president heading into round two. I got something very different.

First, I set the ground rules and assumptions:

My poll on President Trump in 2024... Pick who you intend to support as of today.


1. You'd support the GOP nominee if your guy lost the nomination. [US Flag emoji]

2. @RichardGrenell will be the VP because we want 16 years of him total. [Crown emoji]

3. Brian Stelter is a potato.

Then I got to the poll itself, and what I found was shocking. In 24 hours, 21,370 conservatives voted. Here are the stunning results: 

The “Some Jeb!ite like Nikki!,” option, in which we would to return to a 2005-ish regime of managed decline and submission to our establishment overlords, garners a puny and impotent 1.3 percent of the votes. I guess the Cheneymania spawned by the Beltway Cowgirl’s brave fight against conservative success is a non-starter. Perhaps the lack of mean tweets has not made up for the overseas humiliation, growing crime, and rampant inflation under President *, and most of the GOP Sissy Caucus has come around.

The “Someone else who is woke” faction wants another Republican instead of one of the top two contenders. It drew 2.8%. Hey, that’s good – at least they want someone conservawoke.

Then the two titans, President Trump and the guy I wish was my governor, Ron DeSantis…

Mighty Donald Trump … 45.7%

Relentless Ron DeSantis … 50.1%.


Basically, 54.3% of hardcore Republicans, because my Twitter feed is definitely not squish-friendly, are ready to hand the President a gold watch, thank him for his service, and move on. This tracks with a lot of what prominent conservatives have been saying in the background; what’s notable is that now the base is speaking it aloud. For the last six months, people were ticked off about the manifestly rigged election – via a combo of outright fraud, unlawful election changes, and media/establishment intervention on behalf of Grandpa Badfinger – and they wanted vengeance. But success is the best revenge, and people are now, as their emotions cool, evaluating the situation less emotionally and more ruthlessly. They want to win, and that’s all they care about.

Who has the best chance of winning?

It might be Donald Trump. He was certainly the right guy in 2016, but when 2024 rolls around, it will be eight years later – nearly a decade, once you count the 2016 election cycle. The sledgehammer that was necessary then might not be the right tool for the job now. Trump’s strengths brought amazing achievements, but his weaknesses opened him up to stunning setbacks. People are asking if we really want to litigate his presidency again. And the answer they seem to be giving is that their focus is on winning the election rather than winning the argument over the past.

Now, this phenomenon cannot be understood as a repudiation of Trump. It isn’t – we dig him. While many are critical of some of his actions and omissions – as the head honcho, the GOP’s total failure to prepare for the disputed election is on Trump despite him being let down by subordinates because the commander is always responsible for what his unit does and fails to do – they are not anti-Trump. If the correlation of forces makes Trump the most likely to win, then the sentiment will flow back his way. This is not about Trump per se, but rather about victory.

Ron DeSantis has provided a powerful alternative going forward. He does not do the social media warfare thing (which I and others loved, but a lot of people did not). Instead, he simply piles achievement upon achievement, everything from fixing election rules to regulating big tech to allowing you to defend your family when dirty, stinky Antifa/BLM creeps surround you and your family in your car. And he’s not omnipresent – remember that supporting Trump is a 24/7 occupation. There’s always a fight going on. We’re down for the struggle, but people get tired. Ron DeSantis’ model is not being out there all the time. We needed a media superstar in 2016; people are right to consider whether we do or do not in 2024.

There are other concerns. Did Trump learn his lessons about personnel? That was always his weak point, and the way he was impressed by medal-bedecked generals who inevitably screwed him over led to the woke joke that is today’s Pentagon. Will he get indicted by some Democrat and let the media to make that the story rather than the hellscape into which America is descending under this *dministration? Will he be able to use social media again (though, frankly, by banning him and letting him recede from the public eye temporarily, the tech fascists might have inadvertently done him a favor).

And, at 78, will he be too old? After our current Crusty-in-Chief, do we need another boomer president?

The betting from the in-the-know crowd is mixed. My pal Seb Gorka thinks he will run. Others are unsure. Some say “No.” I don’t know the answer, but I tend to think not. He’s already gone down in history, and he’s in the process of being vindicated on just about every decision he made. Does he need the hassle? No. He has to want it, and I don’t know if he does.

We still adore the President, and we are grateful. If he’s the nominee, then all but the Jeb! types in the GOP will be all-in. But what’s clear is that the idea that 2024 is a gimme for him is wrong. It’s nothing personal, just business – and Trump may well understand that. The nomination is not his for the taking; if he wants it, he’ll have to earn it all over again. And we all know how betting against Donald Trump goes. 

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Why Are They Woke?

The Systemic Con Behind Wokeism

There are lots of reasons why wokeism spread like wildfire once America lost its collective mind during the pandemic, quarantine, self-induced recession, and rioting of 2020. 

Wokeism was never really about racism, sexism, or other -isms. Instead, for some, it illustrated a psychological pathology of projection: fobbing one’s own concrete prejudices onto others in order to alleviate or mask them. 

So should we laugh or cry that Black Lives Matter’s self-described Marxist co-founder turns out to be a corporate grifter? Patrisse Cullors has accumulated several upscale homes and is under investigation by the IRS for allegations of the misuse of funds from one of her foundations.

Is it the case that the more Cullors professes Marxist ideology and damns toxic whiteness, so all the more she feels at home living in a $1.4 million Topanga Canyon home, in an almost exclusively ritzy white neighborhood?

Consider outspoken liberal icon Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). He’s one of the Senate’s most woke. Yet Whitehouse turns out to be a mostly unapologetic member of a de facto all-white prestigious “beach club” of elites in Newport, Rhode Island. Is Whitehouse committed in the abstract to rooting out white privilege so he can concretely relax amid it with fellow bluebloods?

Barack and Michelle Obama occasionally venture out of either their multimillion-dollar Washington, D.C. mansion or their Martha’s Vineyard estate to lecture the country on its systemic racism. They express worry over the dangers that apparently white people pose to the very safety of their own daughters.

Does such sermonizing square the circle that the Obamas have no desire to return to their Chicago home—a city where nearly 700 African-American males were murdered in 2020, the vast majority by other black men? So far, Chicago in 2021 is on a trajectory to suffer over 30 percent more murder victims than last year.

Joe Biden about every two weeks lectures America on its racism. And he unleashed the bureaucracies of the federal government to root out mythical white supremacist conspiracies.

Does Medieval penance explain Biden’s fixation on systemic racism? After all, when he condemns anonymous white racists, does his outrage mitigate his son Hunter’s habitual use of the N-word and anti-Asian riffs?

No Washington politico has compiled a longer record of racialist put downs than Joe Biden. So apparently, the more Biden hunts for a white racist under every bed, the less necessary it becomes to look in the mirror or at least to beg his son Hunter to knock off his racist slurs. 

The second catalyst of wokeism is the distraction it provides from scary problems that threaten the very existence of American civilization. While the country consumes itself in demanding more than 12 percent representation of black actors in television commercials, it is nearing $30 trillion in national debt. Eventually, the astounding red ink will require recessionary belt-tightening, more inflationary money printing, or both. 

The woke Biden Administration cannot stop 2 million immigrants this year from crossing illegally and with exemption into the United States. Almost all are in need of free American health care, housing, food, and legal subsidies. Violent crime is spiking at an astonishing rate. Yet few dare say why that is—or how to stop it. 

America also cannot face the likely truth that Chinese researchers engineered a gain-of-function virus—with oversight from the Communist Chinese military, and subsidies from Drs. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak. 

So instead of offering real solutions to these crises, we war with each other whether the deceased children’s book author Dr. Seuss or the plastic toy Mr. Potato Head was racist or otherwise exclusionary. 

When our elites are clueless about national debt, inflation, illegal immigration, crime, soaring gas prices, and a global pandemic, they reassure themselves that at least they can cancel out Father Junípero Serra or knock down another statue of Robert E. Lee. 

Finally, the hysterias of wokism are being channeled for profit—if they do not already reflect the reality of many of our most woke being the richest among us.

One reason why Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle, and LeBron James hype charges of white racism is that their oppression reminds America that one can become rich as Croesus yet remain sympathetic victims.

For next-generation grifters, like Ibram Xolani Kendi (a.k.a. Ibram Henry Rogers) and Robin DiAngelo, to claim that America was, is, and always will be racist, means more than just speaking gigs and book sales.

The solutions for the pseudo-crises they invent are mass reeducation of self-confessional  whites—with lucrative consulting fees for both, and tens of thousands of others.

America is systematically being conned by those who disguise their hypocrisy, who manipulate the guilt-ridden, who have no interest in solving America’s most dangerous problems, and who get or stay richer by hyping an America in need of massive rebooting—and with it their own careerist remedies.

The Marxist Assault on America's 'Woke' Military

In the plainest terms, the military is being prepared to fight against the American people, not the enemies of the American people.

Article by Ronald E. Yates in The American Thinker

The Marxist Assault on America's 'Woke' Military

Who would have thought it possible?  Who would have ever guessed that today's military would be led by the very socialists and Marxists whom I and millions of other veterans battled during a 45-year cold war — not to mention hot wars such as Korea and Vietnam?

But apparently, that is the case.

Secretary of defense Lloyd James Austin III has ordered a radical leftist indoctrination of America's Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard and the newly created Space Force.  To make sure this Marxist assault is carried out, Austin has hired a radical socialist named Bishop Garrison to perpetrate so-called "diversity" training and purge and eliminate "extremism" in our armed forces.

Austin and Garrison have never effectively defined just which "extremists" they want to oust from the military, but it appears they mean anybody in the military who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 — in other words, those servicemen who are not Democrats.

One of those servicemen who is not a Democrat is Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a Space Force commander.  Lohmeier said last month that the Pentagon sent servicemembers a video declaring that America in general and white people in particular are "evil."

For blowing the whistle on that bit of insidious indoctrination, Lohmeier was relieved of his command.  Ultimately, he left the military and wrote a new book entitled Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of the American Military.

Lohmeier said the Department of Defense's new "woke" policies include several videos "that were sent out to every base [and] service member" and "we were told to watch [them] in preparation for our 'extremism' down days and discussions on race."  Those videos, Lohmeier added, "taught that our country was evil, that it was founded in 1619 and not 1776, and that whites are inherently evil."

You have to wonder how motivated members of our military are after being told that they are, in effect, putting their lives on the line for a systemically racist and evil nation still being run by malevolent white slavers.

It certainly isn't the kind of motivation I received in the mid-1960s, when I was a SIGINT operative for the U.S. Army Security Agency with a top-secret and crypto-security clearance.  For those unfamiliar with SIGINT, it is one of the principal missions of the National Security Agency.  SIGINT is intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used by foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars, cyberspace, and weapons systems.

Our mission was to gather and analyze intelligence we collected from external enemies — including the old Soviet Union and its East European Warsaw Pact allies, as well as Communist China, North Korea, North Vietnam, and Cuba.

Today, however, our men and women in the military are being told by President Biden and military leaders such as Adm. Michael Gilday, chief of naval operations, that our number-one enemies are not external ones as in the past.

Instead, our foremost enemies today are climate change and domestic terrorism by white supremacists, otherwise known as Trump-supporters, and those who oppose the Democrat leadership in Washington.

Recently, Gilday was grilled by House Republicans in the House Armed Services Committee over accusations from several military whistleblowers of "wokeness" being infused into the psyches of U.S. troops.  Specifically, Gilday was pressed on the fallacious contents of Ibram X. Kendi's highly controversial 2019 book, How to Be an Antiracist, and its inclusion on sailors' list of reading materials.

The book argues that capitalism and racism are inextricably linked, saying, "Capitalism is essentially racist" and "racism is essentially capitalist," and therefore "capitalism should be destroyed" — not the most convincing or rational syllogism I have ever heard — but hey, when it comes to race-hustlers like Kendi, who's counting?

"Do you personally consider advocating for the destruction of American capitalism to be extremist?" Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) asked Gilday during the hearing.

"I am not going to sit here and defend cherry-picked quotes from somebody's book," he said.  "This is a bigger issue than Kendi's book.  What this is really about is trying to paint the United States military, and the United States Navy as weak, as woke."

Trying?  Nobody is trying. The U.S. Military is already far down the yellow brick road to "wokeness."  One only hopes that the socialist Wizards of Oz who are leading today's military can be exposed and unmasked before it's too late.

Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), citing passages in Kendi's book, pressed Gilday on why such a fraudulent piece of rubbish should be included in so-called "voluntary" reading lists.

"How does exposing our sailors to the idea that they are either oppressors or oppressed, and that we must actively discriminate in order to make up for past discrimination, improve our Navy's readiness and lethality?" he asked.

Excellent question.  The answer is: it doesn't!

The military is not and should not be used as a laboratory to test harebrained theories on race or sham experiments linked to gender dysphoria and other social constructs.

For example, the U. S. Army's mission statement says its purpose is "to deploy, fight and win our nation's wars by providing ready, prompt and sustained land dominance by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the joint force."

Where does it say in that statement that the United States is an evil nation?  That it is systemically racist?  That capitalism is evil and should be supplanted by socialism or Marxism?

And where does it say that in order to achieve its mission, it must address "extremism" in its ranks while swilling the poisonous Kool-Aid of "woke" ideology and Critical Race Theory?

The answer?  Nowhere.

Thank God, two Republican lawmakers, Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas, both decorated veterans, have begun a whistleblower campaign so that active-duty military members can report that garbage like the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory is being used as part of the military's diversity training programs.  The whistleblower campaign will protect men such as Lt. Col. Lohmeier from being summarily dismissed for speaking out about the appalling CRT indoctrination taking place in our military.

While Gilday may argue that our military is not weak or woke, the facts seem to contradict his argument.

Last month, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) mocked a U.S. Army recruitment ad that featured a female soldier who was raised by a lesbian couple in San Francisco and was inspired to serve a country that defends gay rights.  Well, whoop-de-doo.  As long as she defends gay rights and whatever other socially woke flavors of the day are making the rounds in our march to incessant wokeness, we can be sure we will be well protected by our military.

He compared that ad to a Russian military ad that showed a group of tough-as-nails male soldiers doing pushups, shaving their heads, engaged in hand-to-hand combat, jumping from airplanes, and firing rifles.

"Holy crap," Cruz quipped.  "Perhaps a 'woke,' emasculated military is not the best idea."

You think?

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Op-Ed: You'll Never Beat A Tyrannical Government With Just Guns

Listen, a lot of people have been suggesting this whole "blood of the patriots" language and suggesting you can just go topple a government using just muskets. It's absurd on its face. You can't go up against a nation that has big ships. Lots of ships. The best ships, really -- some of the best ships of all time. Everyone says so. Ahhh, fantastic ships. Quite so. 

"But these bloody peasants -- farmers with pitchforks you might say -- think they can beat us with guns. Guns! While I do wish we had taken away their muskets some time ago, now we're stuck with them. But still. They're not going to stand a chance against our beautiful ships.

And I haven't even mentioned our cannonry! Some of the finest cannonry in the world. The sun never sets on our cannons. They fly through the air and go boom! Such a jolly good boom. 

Have you seen our soldiers? They have the finest weaponry and wear cool red clothes and march around all synchronized and what-not. What chance can some "guerilla" group stand against our might? It'll never work.

Maybe some day we'll invent flying machines and bombs that rocket through the air. By Jove, when that happens, no rebellion in the world will stand a chance. I for one can't wait. It will be a jolly good time, and no government will ever lose against a pathetic farmers' rebellion again.

Wake-up Calls for Today from Yesterday


Article by Anthony J. DeBlasi in The American Thinker

Wake-up Calls for Today from Yesterday

Before the culture war heated to a boil during the 1980s and 90s, many of us were aware that change agents were infiltrating media, school, pulpit, and entertainment. (I had been awake since my return from the war in Korea in 1955). What was going on in front of our eyes and under our noses finally set me to publishing newsletters that would throw light on how the mainstream was being hoodwinked and brainwashed into accepting “changes” that just a few years prior would have been considered outrageous and unthinkable.

That magic word “change” was being used to sell a bill of goods under the label of “democracy” that would install an “anything-goes culture” in America that would help Marxist activists transform America into a socialist country. If the American public knew what was being planned for them and understood the meaning behind the noble catchwords and phrases being marketed aggressively in media, school, pulpit, and entertainment, then the Teflon-smooth campaign to remake America along Marxist lines would have been stopped in its tracks.

It turned out that the newsletters explaining this de facto treachery of external and internal enemies of America, whom I had sworn as a soldier to protect our republic from, were like firing BB guns at tanks. But if nothing else, the work helped me sleep at night. Scores of other individuals, organizations, and publications, both secular and religious, were in this fight. A good many resisted the wining and dining and “assistance” of leftist agents in their fishing expeditions for mouthpieces from the “opposition,” in order to gain traction for their campaign. Alas, former stalwarts of conservatism like William F. Buckley had by the turn of the century succumbed to the pressure of recycled Marxists, known as “neoconservatives.” The real aim of neocons was to gain a foothold in government.  

Seeing the writing on the wall, the courageous Andrew Breitbart began to make big media waves against the great deception that had helped form the Uniparty. About to expose Barack Obama’s love affair with communism, Breitbart tragically died in the prime of life, a hero of the culture war.

It is finally clear to a great many that the transformation of America broke out of the shell of “conspiracy theory” and entered the broad daylight of in-your-face actuality. The dystopian future that now faces us has been (surprise!) predictable, however, for at least a century.

Those of us aware of the insidious subversion of America by political and social Marxists in their long and deceptive drive to take America down for incorporation into a tyrannical global world government, have been howling long enough, our voices continually suppressed by the kind of censorship that was used in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and China since the communist takeover – each of these regimes responsible for misery and disaster for millions of people.

The history of America has been bumpy since its beginning. It has “stood on the brink” before – imperiled during the Revolutionary War, severely tested in the Civil War and in the 20th century wars − but America has never stood on a precipice as steep as the one engineered by haters of America in recent decades, using fear, fake science, and high tech like never before in history.

Kick a slumbering giant long enough, however, and you must expect it to finally wake up. Sure, “it’s easier to resist [evil] at the beginning than at the end” (as DaVinci noted), but the inevitable reaction to evil, swift or slow, is “coded in the genes” of all people who love life, the Creation, and the freedom to be themselves, and not just for themselves but for their children, their grandchildren, and future generations.

It is high time for Americans to face up to the writing on the wall that was delivered by Alexander Trachtenberg in 1944 at the National Convention of Communist Parties in Madison Square Garden:

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism; we will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under democracy. But take it, we will.”

God only knows what it will take to wake us up. Forbid church attendance? Turn kids against their parents? Shut down thousands of legitimate businesses making life for millions not only possible but enviable? Forbid contact with one another and force them to cover their faces with breath-inhibiting masks? Punish them for not submitting to experimental inoculations?

Because they still reverberate, here are some unheeded wake-up calls from the past:

  • “The business of a journalist now is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to vilify, fall at the feet of Mammon and sell himself for his daily bread. We are tools, vessels of rich men behind the scenes, we are jumping jacks. They pull the strings; we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are the properties of these men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” − John Swinton, contributor to the New York Times, 1880.
  • “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered, and the process is continuing, day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the party is always right.” − George Orwell, 1984.
  • Men have forgotten God – that’s why all of this has happened.” − Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
  • “The twentieth century has shown that in the absence of an absolute, divine reference, words can justify any atrocity.” − Peter Dempsey (“Is Globalism the New End of History?”).
  • “[We] must all pretend to be dull and foolish as our neighbors.” − Robert Louis Stevenson (Walking Tours, 1876).
  • “There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent.” − Lao Tzu (about five centuries before Christ).
  • “Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you.” − Benjamin Franklin.

It is of course impossible to provide a “complete” list of wakeups from the past, but these few samples ought to stir even a heavy sleeper. And let us not forget that censorship, currently at a pandemic level, is a deadly enemy of democracy.

An anonymous tip gets right to the point: “Become the kind of person that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan groans and says. ‘Oh, crap, he’s awake!’”

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It’s Outright War on Conservatives


Article by Janet Levy in The American Thinker

It’s Outright War on Conservatives

Last November, the now-defunct Trump Accountability Project, linked to former Democratic National Committee press secretary Hari Sevugan, bruited its plan to blacklist those who worked for the Trump administration.  Sevugan tweeted, “Employers considering them should know that there are consequences for hiring anyone who helped Trump attack American values.  Find out how at the Trump Accountability Project.” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Dem-NY) too called for devising lists of Trump supporters for punishment and ostracism. The rhetoric reeked of a witch-hunt to name and shame anyone linked to the former president.

Now that the Biden administration is securely ensconced in the White House, the blatant malice has been toned down with disingenuous calls for unity. But there’s persistent targeting of “unwoke” conservatives -- in fact, of anyone not aligned with the hate America script of social justice warriors. In this the Biden administration has been active. There are several recent instances that highlight a hypocritical progressive agenda to enforce groupthink and extinguish critical and independent thinking.

In May, the IRS denied 501(c)(3) status to Christians Engaged, a Texas-based prayer group that encourages members to pray for the country and its elected officials, motivates citizens to vote for cultural impact, and campaigns for preserving our constitutional republic. The group endeavors to integrate civic involvement as part of religious practice but does not promote any party or candidate. However, in his official letter denying tax-exemption, Stephen A. Martin, the IRS’s director of exempt organizations, clearly implies that biblical values are exclusively Republican. He wrote: “While you educate voters on what the Bible says about issues, your educational activities are not neutral. The topics typically are affiliated with distinct candidates and specific political party [Republican] platforms.”

The First Liberty Institute, a Christian legal organization, is appealing the IRS decision as discriminatory. It argues that there is no requirement that organizations must be neutral on public policy issues, and that just because there is some overlap between the views of Christians Engaged and the Republican party, the IRS cannot conclude that the organization serves private interests. The IRS decision amounts to a violation of the free speech, free exercise, and free establishment clauses of the First Amendment. Declaring biblical teachings as exclusively Republican is the slippery slope that could lead to future discrimination against Christian organizations and even churches.

Remarkably, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)-affiliated Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) enjoy tax exemption even though they have been shown to be financing terrorism. In the 2008 Holy Land Foundation case, the largest terror-funding trial in American history, the government had produced ample evidence that CAIR, INSA, and other MB groups were associated with the designated terror group Hamas. One MB document presented in court said the work of the Ikhwan in the U.S. is “a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and G-d’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

In another attack on conservative principles, Colorado baker Jack Phillips was fined $500 under the state’s anti-discrimination law for refusing to make a “gender transitioning” cake for a transgender activist. Colorado had earlier barred Phillips, a devout Christian, from designing custom wedding cakes after he declined to make one for a same-sex wedding. But he’d won a Supreme Court victory in 2018, explaining that he was unwilling to violate his beliefs and was exercising his First Amendment right to religious freedom. Despite that ruling, Colorado officials have targeted him again. Phillips has filed a lawsuit citing his right to practice his faith as well as his right to equal protection under the 14th Amendment. Kristen Waggoner, general counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian non-profit that’s representing Phillips, stated: “Radical activists and government officials are targeting artists like Jack because they won’t promote messages on marriage and sexuality that violate their core convictions.”  

Meanwhile, kindergarteners at the Ashlawn Elementary School, Arlington County, Virginia, were subjected to transgender messaging on Read Across America Day. A cross-dressing male LGBTQ+ activist read to them from a factually false transgender picture book without parental knowledge or consent. The activist is a spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), which champions same-sex marriage, the expansion of LGBTQ+ rights, HIV/AIDS advocacy, and legislation on anti-discrimination and hate crimes. In attendance as a sponsor was the president of the National Education Association, a leftist union of 2.3 million public school teachers and college students preparing to become teachers. The union campaigns for abortion, socialized medicine, prisoner rights, and other causes dear to the Left.

Two additional examples of how conservatives are forced to endure viewpoint discrimination and correction (or indoctrination) hail from the national security sector and the military.

This month, the Biden administration announced the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism to target those who espouse “racial or ethnic bigotry and hatred” or “anti-government ideology or anti-authority sentiment.” While purporting to promote public safety, it aims to push Critical Race Theory, the Muslim-as-victim narrative, and other radical Leftist views. Rather than address the physical threat of terrorism, it targets ideological opponents of the Biden administration and encourages views “befitting a democracy” -- as if only certain opinions confer acceptance. It principally targets white supremacists and violent extremists, but fails to mention the anti-law enforcement, anti-American ideologies of Antifa,  Black Lives Matter, and Islamic terrorists (except for a perfunctory mention of Al Qaeda). For all intents and purposes, opposition to government policies is the new “terrorism” -- not ISIS, not Al Qaeda, not Black Lives Matter, not Antifa. 

In the military, there’s an agenda to root out ideas and people who oppose the Biden administration’s “fundamental transformation of America.” With the avowed purpose of eliminating extremism in the ranks, training material from the Pentagon mischaracterizes American laws and disparages citizens who believe in constitutional principles. It identifies no instances of racism or discrimination that would prompt such a program. But officers are instructed with talking points on “anti-government extremists” as proven by “recent events.” The allusion is clearly to Trump supporters or those who are against Biden’s progressive agenda. Contrary to the spirit of the First Amendment, the material states that service members must “reject” ideas and speech that threaten “to undermine our government” or face disciplinary action, including discharge. It explicitly lays out permissible and prohibited political activities and social media practices as part of a radical agenda to undermine constitutional freedoms and indoctrinate our troops.

During the “Summer of Love,” far-left mayors and city councils had dismissed the concerns of citizens over the rioting, arson, senseless murder, assaults on police, and the chaos in the lawless autonomous zones created by BLM and Antifa. Later though, even Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan walked back her comments and confessed that the mayhem was not a viable vision for her city. One would have thought that a reasonable response following such anarchy would be for political leadership to reassess their policies, respond to the public outcry and temper its rhetoric against conservative constitutionalists. Sadly, that hasn’t happened, and the “fundamental transformation of America” is advancing apace. 

When crises are manufactured to target ideological foes and real threats are ignored, safety, security, and civil rights are sacrificed.  In all its dogmatism and intolerance, the progressive agenda of enforced cultural conformism is gaining ground.  The pushback that has already begun must become fierce.

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