Monday, June 21, 2021

Israeli PM: World Powers Must 'wake Up' on Iran Nuke Deal Read more: Israeli PM: World Powers Must 'wake Up' on Iran Nuke Deal


JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday opened his first Cabinet meeting since swearing in his new coalition government last week with a condemnation of the new Iranian president. He said Iran's presidential election was a sign for world powers to “wake up” before returning to a nuclear agreement with Tehran.

Iran’s hard-line judiciary chief, Ebrahim Raisi, was elected Saturday with 62% of the vote amid a historically low voter turnout. He is sanctioned by the U.S. in part over his involvement in the mass execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, at the end of the Iran-Iraq war. Raisi has not commented specifically on the event.

 Bennett said at the Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem that “of all the people that (Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali) Khamenei could have chosen, he chose the hangman of Tehran, the man infamous among Iranians and across the world for leading the death committees that executed thousands of innocent Iranian citizens throughout the years.”

Iran and world powers were set to resume indirect talks in Vienna on Sunday to resurrect Tehran’s tattered 2015 nuclear deal, which granted Iran sanctions relief in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program.

For weeks, Iranian and American diplomats have been negotiating a return to the accord in the Austrian capital through European intermediaries.

Sunday’s talks are the first since the election of Raisi, which will put hard-liners firmly in control across Iran’s government.

The landmark nuclear deal between world powers and Iran, which Israel opposed, collapsed after President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew the United States from the accord in 2018. That decision has seen Iran, over time, abandon every limitation on enrichment and Tehran is currently enriching uranium at its highest levels ever, though still short of weapons-grade levels.


Bennett said Raisi's election as Iranian president was “the last chance for the world powers to wake up before returning to the nuclear agreement and to understand who they’re doing business with.

“These guys are murderers, mass murderers: a regime of brutal hangmen must never be allowed to have weapons of mass destruction that will enable it to not kill thousands, but millions," he said.

Israel has long stated that it opposes arch-enemy Iran's nuclear program and said it would prevent Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Iran insists its nuclear program is intended for peaceful purposes.

Earlier this month, Israel's outgoing Mossad intelligence chief signaled that Israel was behind a string of recent attacks targeting the country’s nuclear program.

 Bennett heads a broad coalition of parties ranging from Jewish ultranationalists to liberal factions and a small Islamist party. His government convened its first Cabinet meeting since it was sworn in last week, ousting long-time prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office and sending him to the opposition for the first time in 12 years.


Trump, Unbowed

The 45th president has some candid thoughts about China, the 2020 election, 
the border, the likelihood of a Wuhan lab leak, and more.

In a wide-ranging interview from the corner office atop his eponymous New York City tower last week, an unfiltered Donald Trump showed he has lost none of his edge as he attacked President Biden’s ethics, demanded reparations from China for COVID-19, and advanced his claim that the 2020 election was stolen.

Here are some of the highlights, as the former president held forth on a range of issues in his inimitable style.

Chinese Influence Over the Bidens, and America

Trump—whose administration was hobbled by false charges that he was beholden to Russian President Vladimir Putin—asserted that China has American politicians, “especially Biden and the son [Hunter Biden] . . . wrapped around their finger. They know so much about Biden that’s so illegal . . . [that the president] can no longer be a person that takes on China because they can blackmail him like nobody’s ever been blackmailed before.”

 “China has tremendous power over the Biden Administration because of Biden himself,” Trump added. “There was tremendous money paid to the Biden family—not only China; there were numerous other countries too, and it’s not allowed to be spoken about.”

Trump did not provide evidence for these claims, although a U.S. Senate committee report on the Biden family’s business dealings raised questions about its involvement with Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian nationals and entities. Information found on a laptop once owned by Hunter Biden—who is facing a federal investigation into his taxes—has also raised questions about Joe Biden’s ties to his son’s questionable affairs.

“We were doing great with China. I was going to be doing things that would’ve put us on a course that would’ve been forever great, and now we have people—they almost can’t be tough on China because China knows too much about them,” Trump said. “It’s a very sad thing.”

With respect to the political class more broadly, Trump asserted that “China’s got the strongest lobbying machine you’ve ever seen. . . . You go to Washington and try and hire somebody to oppose China? Can’t do it. They’ve got everybody.” 

The 2020 Election 

Trump remains adamant that the results of the November presidential election were illegitimate. “You’ve heard the expression that the person who counts the votes is far more important than the candidate, right? I never thought much about it; turned out to be right. It’s a corrupt election and you’ll never hear me say anything else. And they’re vicious. . . . They go after you for saying it.”

Although it is widely disputed that any alleged improprieties influenced enough votes to swing the election to Biden, Trump remains fixated on the mail-in votes that were counted late in the evening on Election Day in many states, eroding a larger-than-expected Election Day turnout by Trump supporters. He presented several charts showing the changes in the presidential vote counts—including those in swing states such as Pennsylvania—as election night wore on into the wee hours of the morning.

“Our elections are rigged” he said. “People say, ‘Oh, just focus on the future.’ You can’t focus on the future when this happens.”

Later, the former president asserted: “I don’t believe that a message of defund the police, open borders, sanctuary cities, no freedom of speech … gets 50 percent of the vote. I think you get 50 percent because [Democrats] cheat like hell in the elections . . . and that’s what they want to do to the whole country.”

A Possible Wuhan Lab Leak

Denounced by Democrats and the media as a racist for blaming China for COVID-19, Trump feels vindicated as evidence emerges suggesting that the virus might have leaked from a Chinese virology lab in Wuhan. But he believes it was unintentional, likely a product of “gross incompetence.” What was intentional, in Trump’s mind, was the decision by Chinese leaders to let their citizens travel globally, which spread the pandemic. Trump has called for countries to cancel their debts to China as part of a down payment on a future reparations plan that he suggests should total some $10 trillion.

Trump said COVID-19 has exacted prices and affected history in ways that may be hard to measure. Before the pandemic, he said, he “had a great relationship with” with Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping. But the “China virus killed all of that. . . . [It] killed a lot of people, it also killed my relationship [with Xi].”

Boycotting the 2022 China Olympics

Trump said he would not pull America out of the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing and neighboring Hebei province because it would be “unfair to the athletes.”

Describing the Olympics as “peanuts,” Trump also suggested that  a boycott would be seen around the world as “sour grapes.”

“I see it both ways,” he added, “but I would not do that. . . . You go. You compete. You win.”

The Border and Central America Policy

Trump said the Biden Administration has “totally lost control” of the U.S.-Mexico border. He also questions the wisdom of the administration’s plan to provide several billion dollars in aid to the Central American countries from which immigrants are flowing. “I refused to give them money, and their signs [say], ‘We love Trump, Trump won.’ They’re booing [Vice President Kamala Harris].” Meanwhile, “instead of saying we’re not going to pay you, [the Biden Administration is] giving them $4 billion.

“I treated them so tough, and they liked me,” he said, adding that the Biden Administration “treats them weakly.”

The Durham Probe

Trump asked, rhetorically, about the status of the federal probe into the origins of Russiagate led by Special Counsel John Durham: “Where the hell is Durham? Is that an embarrassment, or what? I wonder if Durham’s ever even going to come out with a report.

“They have him scared,” Trump continued. “Probably come out with a bad report. When I heard that he was going to come out with a report sometime during the Biden administration, I said, ‘You gotta be kidding.’ It’s a disgrace. In the meantime, we don’t hear anything about him.”

During the interview, President Trump focused on the success of the candidates he endorsed, and his continued endorsements—while describing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as a “stupid bastard.” Trump also touted his efforts to facilitate vaccine development through Operation Warp Speed and roll it out in short order as perhaps his greatest achievement. He also emphasized his toughness in deal-making with friends and enemies alike.

Over the course of the more than hour-long session, Trump gave the distinct impression that he is itching to get into the presidential race in 2024.

The Biden No-Go Zones

The Democratic Party won the long march through journalism,
 but this Pyrrhic victory has meant the destruction 
of every principle of journalistic integrity 
liberals ever claimed to champion.

In American journalism, there are supposed to be some clear, nonnegotiable third-rails. 

One is zero tolerance for overtly racist language and comportment among our movers and shakers. Reporters, for example, for four years damned Donald Trump for his neutralizing summation that there were both “fine people” and extremists mingled among the hordes of protestors during their occasionally violent encounters in Charlottesville, Virginia. 

It mattered little to the media that Trump added qualifiers of “many” and “both” sides of the protests: 

We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides . . . And I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally—but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, OK? . . . Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats—you had a lot of bad people in the other group, too.

Selected words from the  above quote were recycled ad nauseam as proof Trump was a racist. 

Another no-go zone is any hint of contextualizing sexual harassment or assault. No statute of limitations can provide exemption, much less a “she said/he said” defense in the age of “women must be believed.” The Brett Kavanaugh circus of September 2018 was a reminder that a lack of evidence, credible witnesses, or basic logic is no defense against the 30-year-old charges of alleged teenage sexual misbehavior. Bill Clinton managed to use his progressive credentials as an insurance policy to avoid for months any condemnation that he was a callous womanizer, but finally the press corps found his exploitative appetites too egregious to ignore.

A third zero-tolerance zone is any hint of presidential debility. We were told in the dark days of 1973 that Nixon was non compos mentis, nursing his wounds with drink as his legendary constitution finally cracked under the pressure, making him supposedly unable physically to withstand the impending impeachment. “Saturday Night Live” made an industry out of Chevy Chase replaying Gerald Ford’s stumbles. Ronald Reagan was all but declared senile by the press for using index cards in some of his summits and speeches, or putting his hand to his ear and claiming he could not fathom reporters’ gottcha questions amid the din of swirling helicopter blades on the White House lawn. 

Finally, lying, fibbing, and even presidential exaggeration are deemed intolerable—or so we are told by the media. It does not matter that the newsroom is currently one of the great purveyors of untruth, as we saw in the Russian collusion hoax, the dubious Wuhan wet-market narrative, or the yarn about the Lafayette Square militarization to green-light a Trump photo-op. 

Reporters never let Richard Nixon live down his “tricky Dick” reputation for his purported bouts of misinformation. Lyndon Johnson’s lies about the supposed impending victory in Vietnam doomed him. 

George H. W. Bush never got free of his “Read my lips: No new taxes” pledge. Bill Clinton was impeached because what he said about his sexual misadventures, sometimes under oath, could not be squared with the facts. 

There is no need to rehash the media’s echo chamber of “Bush lied, people died” in connection with the flawed CIA intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. One reason why the media’s canonization of Barack Obama ultimately failed was the latter’s blatant lies. (Who can forget “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”?) The Washington Post and an epidemic of “fact-checkers” tallied up all of Trump’s exaggerations and contradictions to convince the public that he was an inveterate liar. 

Americans may disagree with these journalistic rules, but to quote Hyman Roth about the state of our media, “This is the business we’ve chosen.”

Yet it is arguable that while no other president in modern memory has trespassed more egregiously on these no-go areas than Joe Biden, he has received no criticism for his transgressions. 

Joe Biden (never mind his son, Hunter) has compiled the most glaring rap sheet of racist quotes of any current modern political leader. He characterized Barack Obama as the first “clean and articulate” black presidential candidate. He told a group of accomplished black professionals that Romney would put “y’all back in chains,” as if they were helpless laborers. 

Biden’s rants about Indians and donut shops, the Corn Pop fables, his dismissals of black journalists with put-downs such as “you ain’t black” and invectives such as “junkie” would have disqualified any other candidate. His earlier treatment of Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination confirmation hearing, his idolization of fossilized racist kingpins in the Senate, his rhetoric on busing and black career criminals, were all couched in racial condescension. 

At a time when the current incarnation of Biden is siccing the federal government—and the Pentagon in particular—on a mythical, nationwide white supremacist conspiracy, the president’s own son is revealed to have habitually used the N-word and emulated what he thought was a backward black patois. Was Joe warning America about Hunter, when he charged that white supremacy reigned and must be dethroned?

While Joe Biden is also pointing fingers at white America with despicable false accusations of anti-Asian hate crimes (in truth, these attacks disproportionately are committed by black males), the press is quiet about Hunter Biden’s exchanges with his cousin Caroline Biden over set-up “dates.” In one, Caroline warns Hunter “I can’t give you f—ing Asian sorry. I’m not doing it.” Hunter trumps her racist slurs with his own agreement: “No yellow.” 

That story was buried by mainstream journalists who have long ago fused with the progressive cause.

As senator, vice president, and presidential candidate Joe Biden was often caught—and occasionally even apologized for—habitually touching, smooching, squeezing, hugging, and breathing on women, some of them preteens, in a manner that can only be called creepy, with all of the females recoiling at his advances. When the intrusions became too great to ignore, the would-be president said only he would be “mindful” of invading the private space of women. 

Tara Reade, a former assistant in Senator Biden’s office, replayed the role of Christine Blasey Ford with charges of sexual assault—but with far greater credibility and detail (“There was no exchange, really, he just had me up against the wall . . . I remember it happened all at once . . . his hands were on me and underneath my clothes.”). Reade provided corroborating evidence, and explicit details of assault, yet the same journalists and politicians—again so often joined at the hip—who had sought to destroy Brett Kavanaugh gave Biden a pass, absurdly citing the statute of limitations, and even questioning the sanity and stability of Reade herself.

As far as presidential health goes, even Donald Trump’s enemies have remarked on his almost unnatural stamina and energy, characterized by 20-hour work days and near inexplicable rapid recovery from COVID-19. No matter. By mid-2017 there was a nonstop journalist mantra that Trump was “crazy” and “unhinged,” and too “sick” to remain president. The clamor continued until Trump himself took the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and aced the exam’s questions. A Yale psychiatrist achieved mini-celebrity status by unprofessionally diagnosing Trump in absentia as mentally challenged and in need of a forced intervention—unhinged charges that nonetheless enhanced reporters’ frenzied calls for invocation of the 25th Amendment. 

Contrast this with Joe Biden. He has trouble walking up the steps of the Air Force One. He forgets names and events. His days are short and his attention span shorter, his press conferences rare—and scripted. At the recent G-7 summit he displayed a mishmash of bizarre interruptions, “get off my lawn” temper tantrums at reporters, slurred words, incomplete thoughts and sentences, cognitive freezes, and general fragilities. His own administration, or more likely those around Vice President Kamala Harris, habitually leak to their lackeys in the media portentous “worries” that Biden’s infirmities are such that they can longer be successfully hidden. And yet the ruse continues.

Finally, Biden says things that are just flat out lies. He declared that no Americans had been vaccinated until he took office, despite a presidential photo-op of him greeting the vaccination on December 21, 2020, and the fact 1 million people had been vaccinated by the day he took office, including him. At the G-7 meeting Biden offered his most egregious untruth—that Trump supporters had killed officer Brian Sicknick—although the autopsy report, now several weeks old, found Sicknick had died of natural causes a day after the riot. While the border is wide open, Biden ignores the chaos and asserts the border is secure and closed. Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe insists, was a result of “Russian disinformation.” Almost everything Biden has said on illegal immigration, the effects of his proposed tax hikes, and the January 6 Capitol assault is untrue

Reporters ignore the mounting lies, ironically winking and in acknowledgement that most are the result of Biden’s own cognitive deterioration—as if it is more reassuring that a president does not know what he is saying rather than is saying something untrue.

How can we explain this utter dereliction of American journalism? 

The media was always left-leaning. But after 2016, it openly announced that it could no longer remain unbiased given the existential threats supposedly posed by President Trump. CNN transmogrified from a leftist airport news aggregator into a purveyor of whoppers, open threats against the president, and outright obscenities. 

Remember the blasé reporting about presidential decapitation and poisoning? On-air discussion of defecation? The forced retractions of fake news? The retirements and firings for fabricating stories? All that characterized CNN after 2015. 

But aside from Trump, another reason why journalism died was the rise of Silicon Valley and related left-wing billionaires, enriched from monopolies of social media and Internet communications, buying up media companies. Abetted by the subversion of higher education that turned journalism schools into ideological factories, the tech oligarchs made war on the First Amendment, which they hate almost as much as the Second.  Reporters were rewarded handsomely for upholding woke orthodoxy, knowing that while an accurate story offering a positive view of a conservative could stall a career, any inaccurate negative take on conservatism was likely to be job enhancing.

Finally, there is no longer a Democratic Party—at least not of the kind that Joe Manchin and earlier incarnations of Joe Biden and Bill Clinton used to represent. The Left talks of Representative Liz Cheney’s (R-Wyo.) psychodramas and fissures in the Republican Party, but only because civil war for control of the Democratic Party is long over, and was won by the hardcore neosocialist left. Now it is only a matter of mopping up stragglers and relics. 

Translated into presidential coverage, reporters know that any tough question or honest reporting on Joe Biden will not be praised for disinterested journalism or personal courage, but damned as apostasy and disloyalty. In truth, Democratic politicians treat the media now as if they were obedient poodles. They consider any who timidly bark when not so instructed to be in need of neutering.

The final ironies? The Democratic Party won the long march through journalism, but this Pyrrhic victory has meant the destruction of every principle of journalistic integrity liberals ever claimed to champion. Now its most progressive leaders—Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi—have grown so accustomed to fawning Soviet-style reportage that they no longer have the ability to answer any real journalist’s questions. 

Stranger still, the beneficiaries of media obsequiousness have nothing but contempt for the helots who now serve them. Remember Ben Rhodes’ haughty putdown of slavish journalists who “know nothing” and were unknowingly drowning in the swampy echo chambers he had so cynically created? 

Once politicians lose all fear of the press, they will say and do anything in their hubris, as we now see with the completely unmoored Joe Biden. And having lost not just the respect of the public but also the regard of the very progressives they idolize, America’s journalists are routinely slapped down as the fawning toadies they have become. 

Famous Singer's Granddaughter Reveals Kamala Harris 'Bullied' Mother and Took Away Estate

Singer Chloe Bailey put out a rendition of Nina Simone’s famous song “Feeling Good” for Juneteenth.

It caused some controversy, because some thought it overly sexualized the song in the video. But, Simone’s granddaughter, RéAnna Simone Kelly, came to Bailey’s defense, saying her grandmother would have loved the rendition.

But, there was a surprising reaction from Simone’s granddaughter in the back and forth about her grandmother on Twitter. Someone asked about who was behind the Simone Twitter account.

That’s when the granddaughter went off on former California state Attorney General Kamala Harris, accusing her of seizing Simone’s estate from her family and “giving it to white people.”

She accused Harris of separating the family from their heritage and their family rights to Simone’s estate.

After all that, then Harris had a famous Nina Simone song as part of her swearing-in festivities, her granddaughter ranted, which Kelly felt was deliberate.

What Kelly is referencing is Harris’ part in 2016 decision against her mother’s handling of the estate.

A 2016 settlement regarding the Nina Simone Charitable Trust refers to Harris multiple times for her “primary responsibility for supervising charitable trusts in California” as state attorney general.

“The Attorney General asserts that [Lisa Simone] Kelly breached her fiduciary duty to the Estate and to the Charitable Trust and wrongfully diverted Estate assets. The Attorney General seeks to surcharge Kelly for amounts totaling $5,937,749.42 plus over $2.5 million in interest, which the Attorney General contends is far more than one-half of the Estate’s value during [Lisa Simone] Kelly’s administration of the Estate,” the settlement reads.

Lisa Simone Kelly, RéAnna’s mother, was removed as the estate administrator as a result.

The family obviously believes that was wrongly decided

Grandson Alexander Simone didn’t clarify who was actually administering the estate now, but said that what happened was very hard on the family.

From Daily Beast:

“Nothing comes back to us,” he explained. “Nothing, no recognition. We kind of get overlooked. It’s sad, but it’s been happening so long that we’ve learned to live around it. Everybody else is benefiting off our family name, and nothing was really coming to the family.”

“As far as royalties or anything that has to be done, it doesn’t come back to us. It goes directly to the estate. It’s hard sometimes to fight a battle that they tried to make. It shouldn’t be a battle at all.”

Lisa Simone Kelly said on Instagram that she was limited in what she could say, but she said she agreed with her daughter, “THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.”

Mayor Who Claimed LGBT Parade Accident Was Terrorism Digs the Hole Even Deeper

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Yesterday, a truck ran into a crowd of people at an LGBT parade in Florida. While there were no facts to indicate it was intentional, Fort Lauderdale’s mayor, who was on the scene, rushed to the press to proclaim it was a deliberate act of terrorism against the LGBT community.

As RedState reported this morning, though, that was quickly walked back, as it became obvious that it was an accident. In fact, the driver of the truck was gay and a participant in the parade.

Needless to say, a lot of people were left with egg on their faces over their initial knee-jerk reactions. Tweets were deleted by several larger accounts, including “journalists” who rushed to propagate the narrative that this was some kind of right-wing terrorist event.

But the worst culprit in all this was the Fort Lauderdale Mayor, Dean J. Trantalis. He spoke from a position of authority when he made his false claims and spawned thousands of other false claims repeating what he said.

Now, he’s put out a new statement — and it just digs the hole deeper.

Taking this piece by piece, the pandering here is just ridiculous. What do “hard-won victories for equality” have to do with a car accident? The purpose of the parade is irrelevant in this context, as there was no intention to actually harm anyone here. Fluffing the LGBT movement doesn’t change what Trantalis did; though, he’s clearly trying his hardest to soften the blow here.

But things just get more confusing from there. In what can only be described as a word salad of epic proportions, Trantalis seems to indicate that his initial assessment was “obvious” and backed by facts on the ground. Yet, we know that’s not true. So, what is he even talking about? Just taking probabilities for what they are, how many car accidents occur a day? In comparison, how many of those are acts of terrorism? The point is that there was no reason to assume this was anything but an accident, until there was evidence to the contrary.

So, why did Trantalis jump to such an inflammatory conclusion? The answer, in my opinion, is simply politics. Intersectionality demands victimization for its propagation, and Democrat politicians seem to thrive off that reality, constantly looking for any event they can tie to supposed extremism, racism, and the like.

Regardless, Trantalis had a chance in this latest statement to set the record straight in a definitive fashion, apologize for his behavior, and calm tensions. Instead, he danced around, relentlessly pandered, and took no responsibility for his dangerous actions as a person in authority.

I know it’s Fort Lauderdale, but the voters there should seriously reflect on the lack of character present in the person they’ve elected as their mayor.

A Who’s Who Of Left-Wing Hacks: Behind The Aspen Institute’s Upcoming Report On Silencing Dissent


Article by Christopher Bedford in The Federalist

A Who’s Who Of Left-Wing Hacks: Behind The Aspen Institute’s Upcoming Report On Silencing Dissent

For the past six months, this liberal Dream Team has been hard at work on their big report to help the federal government work with corporations to squash news they call 'disinformation.'

Most people haven’t heard of the Aspen Institute. Others maybe recall some mention of their annual Aspen Ideas Festival. A few more might somewhat remember a minor political dust-up from 2020 when Michael Bloomberg, who was blowing money on a doomed bid for president at the time, had to grovel and beg forgiveness for simply stating the facts on crime at an Aspen conference five years prior.

The “festival,” which The Economist called a “mountain retreat for the liberal elite” and “a corporate Never-Never Land,” refused to release the video; it’s a safe space for the right types of people, and liberal billionaire technocrats are precisely the right type of people.

And you better believe “the right types of people” are sitting on the institute’s Commission on Information Disorder. Behind the psychiatric name, the commission is a group of liberal activists, donors, journalists and tech executives, a disgraced foreign royal, and even a corporate “senior vice president of social impact,” who must be in charge of all the junior corporate vice presidents for diversity. For the past six months, this liberal Dream Team has been hard at work on their big report to help the federal government work with corporations to squash news they call “disinformation.”

So what will this “disinformation” be? A look at the commissioners hints strongly that it will be you, me, and anyone else who disagrees with Katie Couric and her left-wing friends.

Katie Couric specifically, because she sits on the commission. Once a household name for her long role on NBC’s “The Today Show,” including nine years of smiling and bantering with serial creep and accused company rapist Matt Lauer, Couric was canceled in 2013 after failing to earn ratings on her own show, and slowly drifted into obscurity.

From her landing spot, an online show with Yahoo!, Couric ran a disinformation campaign against an investigator who had exposed Planned Parenthood for selling harvested body parts from aborted babies. Couric falsely claimed the videos were doctored, and ran puff pieces on the president of the country’s largest abortion clinic. In her spare time, Couric is an abortion activist, and says her activism is inspired by her mother, whose pregnancy she clearly survived.

Couric also used her internet show to falsify documentary interviews with gun owners. In that case, the deception was so embarrassing even her friends at CNN and The New York Times called it out, while The Washington Post said it “falsely depicts gun supporters as ‘idiots'” and was “just plain wrong.” While the director took the blame and apologized, Couric defended her disinformation.

While at 64 years of age her television career is now largely relegated to trying to guest host a game show, Couric was invited on “Real Time with Bill Maher” in January, after Joe Biden had won the presidency. There, she lashed out at the half of the country who supported the conservative populist Trump administration, saying, “The question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump.”

Couric is joined on the commission by Kathryn Murdoch, the wife of billionaire heir James Murdoch, Rupert’s liberal son. Kathryn’s biography on the website of the company she founded claims she “started her career as a marketing and communications executive in New York and Hong Kong” before launching and selling a clothing design company. Corroborating information on her past is hard to come by, although an early 2008 mention of her in Vanity Fair might dispute her company bio, describing her as “an Oregon-born model” who met her rich husband at “a yacht party in Sydney[, Australia].”

Today, Kathryn and her husband are together among the biggest super donors in left-wing politics. In 2020 they gave “roughly $12.2 million to federal committees, ranking 25th on OpenSecrets’ list of top donors,” the donor transparency site reports. “She also donated $540,000 to the Democratic Future Forward PAC, and $300,000 to Unite the Country, a pro-Biden PAC.”

When not sitting on commissions to decide what conservatives should be permitted to say, Kathryn is a major donor to a notorious disinformation campaign. In the last election cycle, she gave $500,000 — half a million dollars — to PACRONYM, which works closely with ACRONYM, which was the lead example in an OpenSecrets expose on “Dark Money,” exploring how “networks hide political agendas behind fake news sites.”

Describing “ACRONYM” as one of the “newer group heralding the new era of pseudo-news outlets,” the report exposes it as being “behind Courier Newsroom, a network of websites emulating progressive local news outlets.” “Courier,” it continues, “has faced scrutiny for exploiting the collapse of local journalism to spread ‘hyperlocal partisan propaganda.’”

Her passion for crushing conservative “disinformation” stems from her severe dislike of scientists who doubt man-made global warming, as well as the scientists and news sites who in the first year of COVID lockdowns repeatedly warned we were being lied to. In the months since Biden became president, corporate media have come around to virtually every point dissenters made, including on the efficacy of masks, the source of the virus, the impact of novel treatments, and the failure of lockdowns.

Disgraced royal Prince Harry also sits on the commission. Just before his Aspen Institute glamour gig was announced, the duke of Sussex made news calling the First Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights “bonkers” while admitting free speech is “a huge subject and one I don’t understand.”

Rashad Robinson also made the truth commission’s cut, co-chairing Aspen’s effort from his perch as the president of Color of Change. That organization was founded by fired Obama “green jobs czar” Van Jones and a director of the left-wing activist organization, and its claim to fame is intimidating conservative donors and corporations who donate to Republican and conservative causes by threatening them with public campaigns, effectively silencing opposition to Democratic initiatives.

Their commission colleagues also include Marla Blow, a “senior vice president of social impact” at the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth; Democratic politician Aaron Ford; Democratic megadonor Craig Newmark, whose personal non-profit is “fully” funding the commission; Chris Krebs, who in his previous role overseeing 2020 election security infamously went above his paygrade when he called it “the most secure [election] in American history;” and Alex Stamos, a former Facebook executive who said the “problem” with tackling conservative television networks OANN and Newsmax is “that these companies have freedom of speech” and suggested that corporate cable providers should take it upon themselves to shut them down.

The 14-person commission includes one Republican, former Rep. Will Hurd. Hurd’s inclusion was characterized by American Principles Project President Terry Schilling as part of “the typical progressive playbook of ‘Let’s pretend we aren’t biased, let’s pretend we’re non-partisan, we’ll include a token Republican who’s not really conservative to say that it’s bipartisan.”

Our sterling commission’s interim report is reportedly due before June 19, but we already know what’s coming, don’t we. 


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Article by Michael Warren Davis in The American Conservative

Delete Your Amazon Prime Account. Now.

If conservatives can't even boycott Bezos, our defeat will be as inevitable as it is deserved.

At this very moment, all across the country, a hundred thousand tongues are wagging about the state of the conservative movement. I’m sorry to say, they wag in vain. There is no conservative movement in America. There never has been, and I doubt there ever will be.

Of course, there are folks who call themselves conservatives, and some even do a passable impression. But whether or not they’re really conservatives, they’re certainly not a movement. I’d say that movement is the thing we want most from conservatives, and the last thing we’re likely to get.

It’s funny, when you think about it. Our friends on the left are still in a tizzy about the Capitol Hill “insurrection.” Meanwhile, here in New Hampshire, a man being charged in the riots is planning to run for Congress. “Despite my ongoing legal problems, I’m supposed to live my best life,” Jason Riddle told NBC.

When asked why he broke into the Capitol, Mr. Riddle said, “I just had to see it.” His home was raided by the FBI after he posted a photo of himself drinking a bottle of wine he stole from a (Republican) senator’s office. Not exactly Che Guevara, is he?

No, I’m afraid those who fear an imminent right-wing coup give us too much credit. Watching Fox News, posting Ben Shapiro quotes on Facebook, and casting the occasional ballot: that’s pretty much the extent of our activism.

And that, if you’re wondering, is why conservatives always lose. It’s why we’ll go on losing until the last Bible-thumping, MAGA-hatted redneck in Georgia dyes his hair blue, cuts off his penis, and starts calling himself Cheryl. We deserve to lose. And, when we do, we’ll have no one to blame but ourselves.

It doesn’t have to be this way, comrades. We have the means to win; we only lack the will. If we want to secure the future for our families, our liberties, our faith, and our country, it will take more than flapping our arms and screeching about how Democrats are the real racists.

What we need now is what Theodore Roosevelt called “a genuine and permanent moral awakening.” We have to do more, and we have to make do with less.

You know as well as I do that Big Business is the engine of American radicalism. Call it Cultural Marxism, or Critical Race Theory, or the Great Reset—whatever. It’s all the same thing. And it’s all being funded, directed, and enforced by a cabal of super-wealthy elites on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley.

This cabal has bought up the U.S. government wholesale. That’s why the Federal Reserve is helping multitrillion-dollar companies like BlackRock buy up whole neighborhoods, turning a generation of Americans into permatenants. I’d like to call them “serfs,” but that would be an insult to feudalism. Serfs at least couldn’t be evicted from their homes, and they got to keep more of what they earned than the modern renter.

As Russell Kirk said, “conservatives are persuaded that freedom and property are closely linked.” Any attack on property, then—whether it comes from Big Government or Big Business—is an attack on our freedom. Conservatives have a duty to resist corporatism no less stridently than we resist socialism.

And the BlackRock affair is only the latest example of corporatist “soft tyranny” to pop up in the news cycle. There’s also Disney kowtowing to the Chicoms. There’s PayPal barring clients they dub “white supremacists,” which will soon include everyone to the right of President Harris. If you need more examples, Rod Dreher has catalogued them meticulously in his new bookLive Not By Lies.

But surely you don’t need more examples. In June of 2021, no American can possibly be unaware that corporate America is at war with middle America. No one can be so naïve. No one can be so blind.

Any legislation we can pass to break up these multinational monopolies should be hailed by every middle American, left- or right-wing. But legislation won’t be enough. The government cannot and will not fix a problem it helped to create. You can’t regulate the Leviathan to death. You have to starve it.

The only way to break up the oligarchy is to stop giving them our money. Yes, this will be inconvenient. It would mean only buying from small and medium-sized business. It might mean paying $2.00 for a loaf of bread instead of $1.85—which, for many families (like my own), would add up over a couple of months. But as our fathers knew, austerity is the price of freedom. We have to make these sacrifices for the sake of our family and friends, our country and our countrymen.

So, where do we begin?

Today is Prime Day, the second most important feast-day in the Church of Consumerism after Black Friday.

Again, I don’t need to rehash all of Amazon’s sins. I don’t need to remind you that they abuse their workers and cheat small businesses. You already know how they bankroll left-wing groups like Black Lives Matter and censor right-wing voices like Ryan Anderson’s. You’ve even heard about their “Sidewalk” system: sleeper agents of technocracy embedded in every single one of Amazon’s smart devices.

But Amazon is more than a gigantic parasite gorging itself on the lifeblood of American enterprise. It’s the perfect symbol of late-capitalist decadence.

The first Prime Day was “celebrated” in 2015. Six years later, studies show that at least 60 percent of U.S. households have a Prime membership. Some researchers put that number at 80 percent or more.

Practically overnight, well over half of Americans became dependent on Amazon. It changed the way we earn, the way we spend. It changed our whole way of life. Today, most of us can’t remember how we survived in that period future historians will refer to as B.P.—Before Prime. And when our grandchildren are all huddled in their Prime Cubes eating their Prime Gruel and watching the ninth remake of Good Omens, they’ll remember that we made it all possible—inevitable, even. They’ll remember that America traded its soul for free two-day shipping.

So, dear comrades, on this glorious Prime Day, I’m asking you to make this one small sacrifice: cancel your Prime membership. Don’t wait until tomorrow so you can take advantage of all the sweet deals. Last Prime Day, Amazon profits spiked 25,000 percent. Not this year. Declare your independence from King Jeff, today.

This may seem like asking a lot. That’s part of the problem. When you feel like you can’t stop drinking, that’s when you know you have to stop drinking. When you feel like you can’t live without Amazon, that’s when you know it’s time to quit.

I deleted my membership a few years ago. It’s true, I’ve had to cut back on my e-commerce. Way back. Basically, it’s just ThriftBooks now.

But, like we said, austerity is the cost of freedom. Think of yourself as a Londoner during the Blitz, going without bacon and butter so Tommy can whip the Third Reich.

And it won’t be nearly so bad as that. I promise you, there is life after Prime.

If we can’t make this one small sacrifice for a freer and fairer America, conservatives will lose. We’ll lose everything. And we’ll deserve it.

Again, take it from Teddy:

Those who oppose reform will do well to remember that ruin in its worst form is inevitable if our national life brings us nothing better than swollen fortunes for the few and the triumph in both politics and business of a sordid and selfish materialism.

Happy Prime Day, folks. Delete your account. 

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