Friday, June 11, 2021

Missouri Governor Will Sign Bill Nullifying Federal Gun Laws: Spokeswoman

Article by Jack Phillips in Epoch Times

Missouri Governor Will Sign Bill Nullifying Federal Gun Laws: Spokeswoman

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson will sign newly passed legislation that would ban state law enforcement agencies from enforcing new federal gun laws following proposed rulemaking from the Biden administration to regulate firearms with stabilizing braces.

According to Parson spokeswoman Kelli Jones, the Republican governor will sign the “Second Amendment Preservation Act,” which says that it is the duty of courts and law enforcement agencies in Missouri to protect the Second Amendment rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. It also declares federal laws that infringe on that right null.

“The Governor is aware of the legal implications of this bill, but also that, now more than ever, we must define a limited role for federal government in order to protect citizen’s rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution,” Jones said in a statement to news outlets on Thursday.

The bill, she said, is about allowing Missourians “to protect themselves and acknowledging the federalist constitutional structure of our government.”

Parson will sign the bill at a shooting range in the Kansas City suburb of Lee’s Summit, reports said.

Gun-control advocacy groups and Democrats criticized the bill, saying it would violate the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause. Democrats have also argued that because Missouri has a relatively high number of shootings and murders, the measure would be dangerous.

“This bill has no benefit, and will interfere with the enforcement of the critical protections that help keep Missourians safe from gun violence,” gun-control group Moms Demand Action spokeswoman Tara Bennett said in a statement after Parson indicated he would support the bill. “There is no doubt this bill should not become law.”

But Republicans in the state legislature said that the federal government will continue to push for more and more gun control measures.

“Gun bans directly, magazine bans, attacks on private gun manufacturers, red flag laws and restrictions on individual citizens from buying firearms,” state Sen. Eric Burlison, a Republican, said in January.

“We are doing this bill because the Second Amendment is under attack. It’s under attack by the Democrats, specifically the Biden administration and the Democrats in Washington,” said state Rep. Jered Taylor, a Republican, when the bill passed in May.

The Second Amendment Preservation Act has been introduced in the state legislature several times since 2013. Previously, the bill was vetoed by Democrat Gov. Jay Nixon.

This year, however, the bill was approved by the Senate in a 22-10 vote, and the House approved the measure 111-42.

Earlier this month, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) proposed a new rule that would consider most firearms with stabilizing pistol braces illegal. The rule would define a handgun as a short-barreled rifle if it is equipped with a stabilizing pistol brace, which, according to the ATF’s own estimate, is a popular accessory.



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‘Hundreds’ of Whistleblowers Say Military Forcing ‘Anti-American Indoctrination’ on Them: Sen. Cotton



Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.)


Article by Jack Phillips in the Epoch Times


‘Hundreds’ of Whistleblowers Say Military Forcing ‘Anti-American Indoctrination’ on Them: Sen. Cotton

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on June 10 that “hundreds” of military whistleblowers have reported being forced to receive “anti-American indoctrination” training, including critical race theory (CRT).

In a Senate hearing with Austin, Cotton claimed that within the military, there’s “plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone.”

One whistleblower, Cotton alleged, said that military history training was replaced with training about police brutality, “systemic racism,” and “white privilege.” Another said that his unit had to read “White Fragility” by feminist author and critical theory proponent Robin DiAngelo, according to the senator.

In May, the Space Force confirmed it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former instructor and fighter pilot, as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron. While it didn’t specifically name the reason why Lohmeier was terminated, the Space Force cited comments made by Lohmeier during a podcast in which he denounced CRT and warned about the spread of Marxism within the Space Force’s ranks.

CRT, which draws heavily upon Marxist critical theory and postmodernist writers, denounces U.S. and Western culture as oppressive, and often claims American culture and institutions are promoting “systemic racism” or “white supremacy.” Some critics have said the ideology’s proponents apply the Marxist tactic of “class struggle” to drive people along the lines of gender, race, and ethnicity, rather than between the “proletariat” and “bourgeoisie.”

In the hearing, Austin told Cotton that some training is designed to make sure that the armed forces are “welcoming to everyone who can qualify and who is fit to serve.”

“We ought to look like the America we support and defend, and senior leadership should look like what’s in the ranks,” Austin said.

But Cotton suggested that claims the military is attempting to foster diversity with such training are incorrect.

“[It’s] about a very specific kind of anti-American indoctrination that is seeping into some parts of our military, based on the whistleblower complaints we have received,” he said.

“The military for decades has been one of the institutions in society where you are most likely to get ahead based on your own performance, your own merit, irrespective of the color of your skin, where you came from, who your parents were.”

Austin agreed with Cotton’s sentiment.

“I absolutely agree with that. I am an example of that,” he said.

Austin went on to state that the military needs to be “a bit better,” be “absolutely inclusive,” and promote “equity.” The terms “inclusive” and “equity” have been used in social justice circles for years.

Austin then argued that by doing so, it’ll be the “most effective and lethal fighting force in the world.”


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Biden Economy Screwing the Middle Class Good and Hard

Massive Inflation Continues, 

Real Wage Rates Declining, 

Unleaded Gasoline Up 58%

We noted last month the inflation issues were not going to get better and indeed they are getting worse.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has released the latest inflation data, and the rate of inflation continues to increase at an alarming rate; now at 5% year over year for all items.

With only six months of JoeBama economic policy hitting so far, the rate of inflation is now four times larger under Biden than it was under Trump policies.

Everything the Biden administration is doing is making things worse, and now we are seeing big drops in real wages as the inflation rate is far beyond wage growth.   Under Biden inflation is massive and wage growth is non-existent.  This is an exact reversal of the Trump-era outcome where inflation was low and wage growth rates were high.

Year-over-year price comparisons for regular unleaded gasoline are now +58.2%.  [Table 7] Stunning increases in fuel. Natural gas is up 13.5%.  The prices of durable goods like furniture are up 9.8% while the prices for washers/dryers have jumped up over 26%.  Used car prices are up 29.7%, while every durable good is showing massive increases (appliances, clothes, furniture, jewelry, etc).  Even televisions are up almost 5%, after years of continually lower prices.

The May increase in energy prices “was the largest 12-month increase since the period ending April 1980”, over forty years ago. Yes, with 28% increases in overall energy prices Biden is mirroring Jimmy Carter in the outcome of his economic policy (this is not accidental).

Food prices are also skyrocketing. If you have tried to purchase lemons, limes or citrus recently you would know the BLS measure of May inflation for citrus products at 9% is low considering what you are seeing right now. Things are getting worse. [Table 7 Has the Details]

The rapid increases in price for food and gasoline are hitting the middle-class hard. As this continues it will most likely have a downstream effect on more luxury items and durable goods (which also cost more). Spend more on food/gas and you might not be able to purchase that new furniture you wanted. Durable good inventories increase and manufacturing layoffs in those sectors begin.

Despite institutional investors purchasing homes, it will be very interesting to watch how the overall housing market responds over the next few months. If the trendline continues we should see a considerable softening in home sales, again depending on region, as the inflation hits the working class. However, the investment class will swoop-in and purchase homes, turning owners into renters…. Yes, the Great Reset includes exactly this dynamic.

With Biden facilitating the economic plans of the wealthy ideologues and global elites, middle-class Americans are being turned into serfs.

Why Media Failure Is A Major Story Of Our Time


Article by Emily Jashinsky in The Federalist

Why Media Failure Is A Major Story Of Our Time

New facts about last summer's police clearing of Lafayette Square show how our media peddle glaring disinformation on a daily basis, on major stories.

The following is a transcript of my radar on Thursday’s edition of “Rising” on Hill TV.

People used to make the mistake of treating media criticism like front-page news when it probably belonged on A2. Most of the time, a story’s substance still warranted more attention than the media’s treatment of it. But if newspapers still mattered today, media criticism would belong front and center just about every single morning. The daily failures of the legacy media are so severe and so damaging, they now deserve just as much attention as the very news our news media is failing to cover.

That is to say, media is the public’s primary window into public affairs. That window is now cracked and fogged to the point where the image is entirely unrecognizable on the other side.

Yesterday, Mark Lee Greenblatt, Interior Department Inspector General, released a 37-page report on his department’s ostensibly exhaustive, independent watchdog investigation into the events of June 1 in Lafayette Square, that historic patch of park land just north of the White House.

Lafayette Square was the scene of a memorable clash between protesters and police on the evening of June 1, after which then-President Trump walked through the square, from the White House to St. John’s church, where he posed with a Bible and said, “We have the greatest country in the world. We’re going to keep it nice and safe.”



The entire legacy media reported that the park was cleared in connection with Trump’s “photo op,” which immediately hardened into a narrative they treated like Gospel: Trump deputized police to violently clear peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op. Take this report from George Stephanopoulos: “The administration asked police to clear peaceful protesters from the park across the White House so that the President could stage a photo op.”

Glenn Greenwald collected just some of the many, many stories that aged so poorly. Here’s an excerpt from his Substack:

“Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op,” read the NPR headline on June 1. The New York Times ran with: “Protesters Dispersed With Tear Gas So Trump Could Pose at Church.” CNN devoted multiple segments to venting indignation while the on-screen graphic declared: “Peaceful Protesters Near White House Tear-Gassed, Shot With Rubber Bullets So Trump Can Have Church Photo Op.”

The few journalists who did their jobs correctly, including my colleague Mollie Hemingway, were viciously mocked. The dynamic reflects a toxic combination of arrogance and incompetence. And the ratio of arrogance to competence is wildly out of whack.

Greenblatt’s investigation explicitly disputes the media narrative. He also shows his work, providing pages of evidence based on many interviews to support a more factual rendering of the day.

“The evidence we obtained did not support a finding that the USPP cleared the park to allow the President to survey the damage and walk to St. John’s Church. Instead,” the report says. “The evidence we reviewed showed that the USPP cleared the park to allow the contractor to safely install the antiscale fencing in response to destruction of property and injury to officers occurring on May 30 and 31.”

“Further, the evidence showed that the USPP did not know about the President’s potential movement until mid- to late afternoon on June 1—hours after it had begun developing its operational plan and the fencing contractor had arrived in the park,” according to the document.

Now I’m not going to treat this as the Gospel truth either. But it’s obviously credible. So what explains the disconnect between this watchdog investigation and the initial reports? It shouldn’t take months-long IG probes for the public to get basic facts.

Interestingly, in a fact check published last June, Philip Bump of the Washington Post glossed right over the Trump administration’s contention that “somehow Barr’s instructions [to clear protesters] were unrelated to Trump’s walk,” calling it “an argument which even Barr didn’t directly reject when asked Thursday. (He claimed that there was an existing plan to extend the secure area around the White House but didn’t deny that the immediate need for doing so was Trump’s visit to the church.)”

One administration official not denying something is the thread that Bump staked his narrative on in one of the most prestigious publications in the entire world. Why? Because that thread comported with the hive mind’s expectations of Trump so they all found ways to confirm it.

Their ideology is the source of their arrogance and their arrogance is the source of their incompetence. The media is utterly broken.

Now, the IG report contains some important, newsworthy findings about what actually went wrong with law enforcement that day. But to my point at the beginning of this segment, its stark contrast with the entire volume of legacy media coverage is equally newsworthy because it’s strong evidence the bulk of the public was fed egregiously incorrect information on a major story. And the broader implications of that are even worse, exposing the massive cracks in our most important window into pubic affairs.

Campaign platforms typically consist of policy goals. What the press never understood about Donald Trump is that he basically ran on media criticism and, sadly, a whole lot of it was entirely fair. That’s why it resonated. But even after the host of “Celebrity Apprentice” defeated the former Secretary of State in a presidential match-up, the media’s necessary course correction never materialized. Things have clearly gotten much, much worse.

They peddled the false, self-serving narratives of spies and flaks for years, miring the country in a silly melodrama over a pee tape. Then there’s the lab leak flip flop. How about the press’s treatment of Andrew Cuomo last spring? It doesn’t just happen on the major stories either.

We could talk about the hypocrisy of the press. We could talk about their intolerance for ideological diversity. We could talk about their elitism or their obsessions with Twitter. These are all variables in the equation of their failure. But the most important takeaway is that the media peddles glaring disinformation on a daily basis, on major stories. That’s a big deal because it’s misinforming voters, and much more effectively than those scary Boomer memes Putin put on Facebook.

Democracy dies in darkness, sure, but bumbling Harvard grads with press credentials can turn the light switch off with their incompetence just as much as corrupt rules can do it with their power and money. We desperately need the free press. It’s our only way to keep the government accountable and it’s a disaster right now. There’s your front page.


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Critical Race Theory Has Sparked a Civil War in American Education


Article by Tyler O'Neil in PJMedia

Critical Race Theory Has Sparked a Civil War in American Education

On Tuesday, an upstate New York school board meeting almost descended into a brawl after a school board member called a father an “a**hole” and tried to punch him. On the same day, an English teacher at a private New Jersey prep school announced she would resign due to “the hostile culture of conformity and fear that has taken hold of our school.” Also on the same day in Virginia, a teacher encouraged parents, students, and teachers to revolt against the ideology that is creeping into her school district.

These episodes and many others like them illustrate how Marxist critical race theory (CRT) has sparked a civil war in American education. While school boards, administrators, and many teachers have launched a coup to teach CRT in classrooms, many parents, teachers, and leaders are fighting back. While this conflict may break down along political lines, CRT represents a rejection of America’s highest ideals and liberals should join conservatives in opposing it.

CRT justifies blatant racism in the name of promoting “equity.” One of its architects has even supported racial discrimination to counter historic discrimination and has called for a totalitarian bureaucracy to enforce his vision of “equity.” This new racism masquerades as “anti-racist,” but it judges people according to the color of their skin, not the content of their character.

Marxist thinkers invented critical race theory (CRT) in order to upend society by claiming that hidden racism pervades American institutions. CRT teaches people to seize on any racial disparity as ipso facto proof of racial discrimination, despite the clear prohibitions on racial discrimination in federal law. Advocates claim that the American status quo is racist — if not “white supremacist” — so extreme measures to reverse historic injustices are the only “anti-racist” option.

Since American society must be secretly racist, CRT advocates attribute various aspects of society to the nefarious impact of “whiteness.” The Smithsonian briefly published a “teaching tool” infographic on “whiteness.” That infographic claimed that the nuclear family, science, capitalism, the Judeo-Christian tradition, individualism, “objective, rational linear thinking,” and even values such as “be polite” are aspects of oppressive whiteness. The Smithsonian rightly removed the graphic after facing criticism, but this incident illustrates just how mainstream CRT has become.

CRT has led teachers and authors to make comments about white people that would be universally condemned if directed against any other race.

CRT proponents equate “whiteness” with racial oppression, subtly branding all white people racist oppressors. Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes, an associate professor of practical theology at Mercer University, published a devotional that included a prayer asking God to “please help me to hate white people. Or at least to want to hate them.”

Dr. Aruna Khilanani, a psychiatrist who gave a lecture at the Yale University School of Medicine, said that “white people are out of their minds,” describing them as “demented, violent predators.” She openly discussed her “fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f***ing favor.” Yale condemned her remarks, two months after she delivered them.

Last week, an Amazon driver violently attacked a white woman who had been waiting for her package. The woman received a notification that her package had arrived, so she went to the front door of her apartment complex but failed to see the package. She asked Ramirez, who was wearing an Amazon vest, about the package.

Ramirez told the woman she would have the package shortly, but the woman reportedly waited for about 15 minutes in the lobby. When she asked Ramirez about the package again, the driver reportedly told her to “check her white privilege.” The woman reportedly said, “Well, you don’t have to be a b***h about it.” As she started walking away, Ramirez punched her from behind, hitting her in the face and breaking her nose.

PJ Media’s Kevin Downey, Jr. noted that black offenders murder twice as many white victims as white offenders murder black victims, a statistic that is wildly out of proportion given the fact that white people outnumber black people 5 to 1. Downey also noted that Colin Flaherty has written three books about how the legacy media not only ignores black-on-white crime but also claims that white people are oppressing and attacking black people.

CRT also inspired much of the destruction of the Black Lives Matter and antifa riots last summer. While many Americans protested after the death of George Floyd, many of those protests devolved into arson and looting. In a tragic irony, this violence in the name of helping black people destroyed black livesblack livelihoods, and black monuments.

This nefarious ideology is spreading in America’s schools. When a superintendent in Oregon said CRT-style “anti-racism” training “isn’t optional anymore” and suggested that teachers who disagree should seek work elsewhere, school board members defended him, as did the Oregon Department of Education.

The New York school board meeting that almost descended into a brawl involved the passage of CRT-based curriculum and the hiring of a new employee who would push CRT in the name of “equity.” The New Jersey prep school teacher who resigned said she did so because her school had embraced CRT. The Virginia teacher spoke out because Loudoun County Schools has pushed CRT in the classroom.

Parents, teachers, voters, and elected officials should unite to fight the divisive and dangerous ideology of critical race theory that is making inroads in America’s schools. Parents are leading a counter-revolution against this woke CRT coup, and Americans of all stripes should join them. CRT has started this civil war in American classrooms, but this nefarious ideology cannot have the last word.

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Hungary LGBT: Content aimed at children to be banned


Hungary's ruling nationalist party has submitted legislation to ban content it sees as promoting homosexuality and gender change to minors.

The draft law would ban LGBT literature for under-18s, including educational material, and advertisements deemed to be promoting gay rights.

Several human rights groups denounced it, saying it was similar to Russian restrictions on LGBT activities.

The party, PM Viktor Orban's Fidesz, is preparing for elections in early 2022.

Budapest Pride, an alliance of Hungarian LGBT groups, urged activists to lobby US President Joe Biden to raise the issue with Mr Orban in Europe next week.

Hatter Society, one of those groups, said the Fidesz proposal "would seriously curb freedom of speech and children's rights".

The proposal is included in a government bill that punishes paedophilia. It says youngsters under 18 cannot be shown pornographic content, or any content that encourages gender change or homosexuality, Reuters news agency reports.

The Fidesz government and Poland's ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) government are both under formal EU investigation for alleged breaches of EU rule-of-law standards.

Neither country recognises gay marriage and both have laws restricting gay adoption. Hungary's constitution states that marriage is for heterosexual couples.


 In 2013 Russia passed a law imposing heavy fines for disseminating so-called "gay propaganda" to people under 18. It bans promotion of "homosexual behaviour among minors".




Last year the Fidesz government condemned a Hungarian children's book, Wonderland Is For Everyone, which recasts fairy tale characters in roles representing minorities, notably Roma and gay people. Fidesz labelled it "homosexual propaganda", saying it should be banned from schools.

Mr Orban, a Eurosceptic nationalist, has been re-elected in landslide votes since 2010.

He has been widely criticised in the EU, accused of curbing the rights of migrants and other minorities, politicising the courts and media, and tolerating anti-Semitism. He claims to be defending Hungary's Christian values in a Europe gripped by left-wing liberalism.

Normal, Healthy People Don't Want To Be Dictators


Article by Bruce Deitrick Price in The American Thinker

Normal, Healthy People Don't Want To Be Dictators

Here's the problem with communism (and sometimes socialism).  If you study these subjects, you will encounter lots of abstract theories about how best to organize society, money, property, and so on.  Some ideas might sound appealing.  But they have little to do with communism as this ideology has existed in the real world.

Better to think of these theories as maps and guidebooks for people who want to rule others.  Communism appeals to dead souls hungry for power.  These are not normal, healthy people.  When they finally seize power, everyone else becomes a victim, even as never-ending propaganda promises the perfect society.

The last people you want in control of your life are control freaks eager to be your masters.  They think it's natural they should dictate your activities.  The word slave does not appear in the contract, but that is your job in their world.  

Everyone should reflect on the bloody history of socialism and communism, so often with beautiful banners and abundant promises, but a decade later, most of the wannabe bosses are dead or missing in action, replaced by others like themselves.  The smell of death hangs over this history.  The bigger the government, the more power is taken from the people and given to commissars and bureaucrats.  These people work to increase the concentration of power in fewer hands — their hands. 

If you were a follower of Germany's Hitler, Russia's Stalin, Cambodia's Pol Pot, or China's Mao, you naturally expected to participate in their success.  But these four visionaries killed people, including devoted followers, by the millions.  Indeed, the real common denominator of the top socialists and communists is their extreme comfort level with imprisonment, suffering, and death.

Here is the essence of the matter.  Communists want you to think their theories and plans are concerned with you and your happiness.  That's a lie.  Their theories are concerned with helping them gain control of you.  A lot of these theories came from Karl Marx, a nobody around 1850, but he was the leader of a tiny socialist party.  I think he saw his theories, grandiose and highly intellectual, to be his passport to the top of the pyramid.  But he was not a nice man.  Disagreeing with his fellow socialists, he often shouted, "I will annihilate you!"  That arguably is the spirit of his teachings.

A U.K. historian writing about Hitler and Stalin concluded: "TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN."  These mass killers are described as "narcissistic and antisocial."  Stalin, always thinking big, mused: "The death of one man is a tragedy; the death of a million is a statistic."  A leader like this won't notice whether you live or die.

Wikipedia indicates that both men were comfortable with torture.  The peak of totalitarian terror was reached with the Nazi concentration camps.  These ranged from labor camps to extermination camps, and they are described as aiming to "eliminate all actual, potential, and imagined enemies of the regime."

Experts refer to the camps as involving "extreme viciousness."  They also compare these camps with the Soviet Gulag system, and they highlight the use of such camps as a method of punishment and execution by Nazi and Stalinist regimes alike.  Pol Pot and Mao were similar.

Another scholar focused on the violence and terror employed by Hitler and Stalin.  The Stalinist USSR underwent an "extraordinary brutalization" of the relations between state and society "for the purpose of rapid modernization and industrialization."  Other experts discuss "mass violence, and the way that it was used by both Stalinism and Nazism."

All levels of Soviet society were affected by Stalinist repression.  At the top, high-ranking members of the Communist Party were arrested and executed under the claim that they had plotted against Stalin.  At the bottom, the peasantry suffered the artificial famine that killed many millions in Ukraine.

Point is, normal people don't want to torture people.  Live and let live — that's the central philosophy of Western culture.  Sadly, normal people are slow to see the threat from totalitarian players.  The essence of the people at the top of socialist and communist governments tends to be exploit and let die.

Looking at the track records of socialist and communist governments, you really appreciate how brilliant George Orwell was.  Both of his famous books explore the monsters at the top.  Think of the lead characters in Animal Farm: swine in every sense.

And consider the extraordinary candor of O'Brien, the Party boss in 1984.  He explains that constant pain is essential, otherwise how do the bosses know that ordinary citizens are submitting, not merely pretending?

You probably have noticed that our public schools seem determined to teach everything that makes America look bad.  In reality, American history contains almost nothing comparable to the vast, relentless Terror that is the norm in most historical socialist and communist countries.

All the bad things done in these countries result in massive rates of alcoholism, depression, divorce, suicide, and early death.  Every good thing is promised, but in reality, there is a slow, grinding desperation in these far-left paradises, as in Venezuela today.

Teachers who seriously want to teach the history of this planet have to include material about communism.  Some say communist governments killed 100 million people; some estimates go as high as 150 million.  Schools should teach students how to recognize the oncoming catastrophe.

Another resource is a museum in Washington, D.C. called Victims of Communism.  Its website contains lots of interesting information.

The corruption and decline of our schools is thoroughly exposed by the increase in students supporting totalitarian tendencies.  It's disgusting, at least to me — young people who have everything working to take everything away from everybody else.

Black Lives Matter announced they were "trained Marxists."  That's enough to know you want to stay far away from them.

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Money for Local Elections Should Come From the Local Government, Not a Billionaire Corporate Figurehead


Article by Tarren Bragdon in Townhall

Money for Local Elections Should Come From the Local Government, Not a Billionaire Corporate Figurehead

Democrats often like to talk about getting corporate money out of politics. Several candidates have even made it part of their campaign platform.

Why then, is there such an uproar from the Left regarding state-level election integrity efforts that ban outsider money in local election administration? In a confusing shift, progressives cheer as corporations criticize or leave states like Georgia for cracking down on attempts to manipulate voters.

Honestly, of all the headaches, disruptions, and inquiries after Election Day (more like Election Week 2020), the discovery of the Facebook CEO’s funding of local elections is one of the most alarming.

As all eyes were on Joe Biden and Donald Trump, behind the scenes, Zuckerberg and his wife were funneling more than $350 million from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative through the progressive-leaning Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) to thousands of local election jurisdictions.

The money was supposed to help counties and cities address the unique COVID-19 challenges of the previous year. The expectation was the money would largely be spent on personal protective equipment (PPE) and other safety measures to help Americans vote safely. As CTCL said, Americans shouldn’t have to choose between democracy and their own health. In reality, little to none of it went to anything vaguely related to the pandemic.

Across the country, public records requests reveal these “Zuckerbucks” were used for get-out-of-the-vote efforts, advertisements, mailers, salariesregistering teenagers to vote, and even vehicles.

Public records also reveal that the funding was not distributed equitably—not even by population size. It appears that the money went mostly to states, counties, and cities most likely to swing for the Democrat candidates, influencing not only the way elections were conducted, but also how they turned out.

It should be no surprise then, that despite making up only three percent of the nation’s electoral votes and only 3.2 percent of the U.S. population, Georgia was one of the largest recipients of Zuckerbucks, receiving a whopping $45 million—$31 million for the general election and $14.5 million for the Senate elections.

In Georgia, counties that went for Biden received significantly more funds, and were generally more likely to receive Zuckerbucks in the first place—a concerning fact when considering these grants were supposed to be used for PPE. In a new report by the Foundation for Government Accountability, it was found that on average, most Georgia counties moved to the left by less than 1 percentage point between 2016 and 2020. Counties that didn’t receive any Zuckerbucks barely moved at all, but Zuckerbucks counties swung by, on average, 2.3 percentage points towards Biden. Seventy-five percent of Zuckerbucks-receiving counties saw a serious uptick in Democrat votes that offset any upward change in Republican votes.

It was the same story during the Senate runoff elections in January 2021. Of the $14.5 million in Zuckerbucks funneled into Georgia, 60 percent were allocated to Fulton and Dekalb counties alone, both Democrat strongholds. Again, this funding wasn’t used on anything related to the pandemic and Democrat turnout was boosted compared to elsewhere in the state.

It’s no coincidence and it’s not the result of nationwide party alliance shifts—it’s the result of significant outsider funding going into select jurisdictions with a partisan aim.

Georgia was right to ban ‘Zuckerbucks’ and any private funding like it from local election administration.

Money for local elections should come from the local government, not a billionaire corporate figurehead from California. It is more difficult for Georgia voters to trust in the democratic process when there is undue influence by outsiders. At a time with so much friction and disagreement between political parties, adding in tens of millions of dollars from a controversial source and so many conflicts of interest into the mix is a good way to sow seeds of discord. 

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Hate Crimes Against Catholics Are Multiplying (But Politicians And Media Don’t Want To Talk About It)


Article by Christopher Bedford in The Federalist

Hate Crimes Against Catholics Are Multiplying (But Politicians And Media Don’t Want To Talk About It)

When churches are desecrated, when believers are humiliated, when WaPo came after a local D.C. priest for tending his flock during lockdowns, politicians lick their fingers, put them in the air, and keep quiet.

If you’ve been trapped in an airport, incarcerated abroad, or in some other way been forced to watch CNN over the past few years you may have heard that America is suffering from a surge of “hate crimes.”

A lot of these hate crimes are fake: Nooses that turn out to be garage pulls, bleach attacks that were staged, graffiti that turned out to have been left by the supposed “victim” herself. But there are real hate crimes that take place in America, and the best way to tell they’re real is that the press isn’t talking about them — or isn’t talking about them honestly. But while few may know it, over just the past six weeks America has seen a vicious spate of hate crimes targeting Catholics in the United States.

In the Bensonhurst neighborhood of Brooklyn, a vandal hopped the fence surrounding St. Athanasius Church, toppled a beautiful wooden crucifix, shattering it, and then for some reason burned an American flag.

In the nearby Windsor Terrace neighborhood, in the peaceful garden of a church administrative building, a statue of the baby Jesus in his mother’s arms was beheaded.

A week before that, in San Diego, California, three of the century-old stained glass windows in Sacred Heart Catholic Church were shattered, but the vandal wasn’t done: A statue of a kneeling St. Juan Diego, the first indigenous American saint, was decapitated with a stolen fire extinguisher and a dozen other windows were smashed.

One day before that, back in Brooklyn, a statue of Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko, a Polish martyr beaten to death in 1984 by Communist authorities for daring to stand for freedom, was spray-painted with anti-Polish messages and covered in trash. It wasn’t the first time it had been attacked: In 1990, a vandal spray-painted on the names of Stalin and Lenin, two butchers of the Christian faithful.

On the night of May 2, at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Waltham, Massachusetts, a statue of Christ was decapitated in its church garden.

The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts said when they first started tracking anti-Catholic attacks in the Bay State five years ago, there was about one a year. Since then, they have steadily increased. In the past year, there have been 15 attacks — just in Massachusetts.

In March, there were attacks in Boston, Fort Worth, Texas and Spokane, Washington. In February, in Youngstown, Ohio, Floyds Knobs, Indiana, Denver, Colorado and El Paso, Texas. In January, a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe — the patron of the Americas and a very important image particularly across Latin America — was shot six times at Houston’s Queen of Peace Catholic Church, there was a graffiti and arson attack on a cathedral in Toledo, Ohio and vulgar Marxist messages scrawled on St. Patrick’s in Manhattan. All told, in the past year there have been at least 67 anti-Catholic attacks nationwide.

The term “hate crime” gets used too often these days. More often enough than not, if you hear the term “hate crime” you can rightly assume it’s an attention-seeking fraud by the loudest “victim” in the room, be they a student at Harvard or an actor in Hollywood.

So why use the term at all? Because the above are crimes committed with the intention of instilling fear among Catholics: To let us know that the Church is not welcome here, to let us all know that Christianity — in its oldest and most visible institution — is not welcome here, and to let you know that God and beauty and morality and freedom and dignity and God’s faithful are a target in your community.

But it’s not just about vandalism and wanton desecration: There’s an even darker aura emanating from our nation’s halls of power. In 2017, when future Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett was first nominated to the Court of Appeals, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein complained that “the dogma lives loudly” within her.

In 2019, President Donald Trump nominated Brian Buescher for a federal court seat. Buescher was, and is, a member of the Catholic men’s organization the Knights of Columbus, and to Sen. Mazie Hirono and then-Sen. Kamala Harris, that made him an extremist, unwelcome in American life.

Harris peppered Buescher with questions about the group. Was he aware, she asked, that the Knights of Columbus are opposed to abortion? Was he aware, she asked, that the Knights of Columbus think marriage involves one biologically male-at-birth man being bound to one biologically female-at-birth woman? Was. He. Aware. That the Knights of Columbus believe in the teachings of the Catholic Church, unchanged for millennia?

According to Hirono, these teachings were “extreme positions” unworthy of a federal judge to hold. Presumably, that means that any sincere Catholic is unfit for any office. And in this new United States that the left is building, that is exactly the case.

It’s especially sinister that this is happening while supposed Catholics hold the nation’s highest offices. Last summer, an Antifa mob in San Francisco ripped down a statue of St. Junipero Serra. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who calls herself a Catholic, ignored the incident. “I’m trying to save the world from coronavirus,” she said when asked on the Feast of St. Serra about the attacks on the religion she pretends to believe and in the district she pretends to represent. Three days later, another mob in Sacramento, California toppled another statue of Serra.

Who was Junipero Serra? He was a missionary who, in the 18th century, traveled from California to Mexico City by foot to plead the case of the American Indians and to protest their mistreatment by Spanish soldiers. It was a perilous journey he took, there and back, to aide a suffering people he dedicated his life to helping.

Pelosi likely knows this. Rewind just a few years, and there’s a photo of then-Speaker of the House John Boehner, Rep. Steve Scalise, and Pope Francis reflecting in front of a Vatican statue to this great man. Who’s standing right next to them in deep reflection? Then-Vice President Joe Biden and then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.



But now, back in power, Pelosi is happy to indulge teenagers, man-children and violent, anti-Catholic bigots who are happy to commit targeted and hateful destruction while claiming it’s all for the benefit of distant indigenous peoples they claim to represent. Neither she nor now-President Biden are hapless bystanders — they’re among the most powerful people in the world.

Trump wasn’t Catholic and never much pretended to be a devout man, but when Catholics were attacked, and when the Christian church across the street from the White House was set ablaze, he spoke up loudly, he stood up to the hateful masked thugs, and he gave leave for enforcement to do the same.

Biden says he’s a Catholic but seems to care about attacks on Catholic symbols and Catholic officials as little as he cares about Catholic beliefs. Search online for then-candidate Biden’s harsh condemnation of the desecration of St. Serra’s statue, its toppling, and the threats to return to break into the church and scatter the saint’s remains into the Pacific Ocean. The only thing you’ll find if you search this is his picture looking solemn for the Vatican photo-op in 2015.

“The devil has changed his tactics,” Msgr. Charles Pope, a Capitol Hill priest and one of the archdiocese’ three exorcists, said in late 2020. “He’s no longer hiding in the shadows.”

It’s a frightening thought, but isn’t surprising. Since 2016, influential members of America’s elite in politics, media, entertainment and business have excused and even encouraged violence in America, and under this elite cover, anti-Christian attacks have multiplied and spread.

Satan isn’t afraid right now, and why would he be? Evil is taught so freely in our society it’s celebrated and those who stand up for innocent life, traditional marriage, the family, man and woman, and Christianity are hated. It makes sense that they’re hated, too: When you live in darkness so long your eyes get used to it, the light burns.

It’s sad, because when people are in need, when legal or illegal immigrants need help, when our communities are suffering from homeless and drugs and hungry, and when people are victimized by bigotry, Catholics are — and have long been — on the the front line.

When Catholic leaders have marched against violence and hate and hunger, politicians have been proud to walk with them. When the clergy gives communion during Mass, politicians have been eager to be seen in line. After all, they like the photos such opportunities provide. But when churches are desecrated, when believers are humiliated, when The Washington Post came after a local D.C. priest for tending his flock during lockdowns, those same politicians lick their fingers, put them in the air, and decide to keep quiet. 


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