Thursday, June 10, 2021

IG Report: Lafayette Park WAS NOT Cleared Using Tear Gas So Trump Could See St Johns Church

Another False Narrative Exposed 

In May and June of 2020 Antifa and Black Lives Matter protestors were rioting all over Washington DC, attempting to destroy statues, looting businesses and lighting fires.  The Mayor of DC allowed the protestors space to destroy the city.  The epicenter of the left-wing rioting and violence was Lafayette park, across the street from the White House.

Thus began a major controversial narrative in June of last year as the media and democrats decried how the U.S. Park Police cleared protestors from Lafayette Park shortly before President Trump walked to St. John’s church.  The media shouted that President Trump told park police to fire tear gas into the crowd and dispurse the protesters in any manner or method.  However the report today [pdf here] shows President Trump had nothing to do with it.  It was all lies, all of it.

The DOJ Inspector General released a report reviewing all the events and found the decision to clear the park was made to clear the park of protestors several days before President Trump walked to St. Johns, and the White House had nothing to do with the decision.

From the Report: “The evidence we obtained did not support a finding that the USPP cleared the park to allow the President to survey the damage and walk to St. John’s Church. Instead, the evidence we reviewed showed that the USPP cleared the park to allow the contractor to safely install the antiscale fencing in response to destruction of property and injury to officers occurring on May 30 and 31.

Further, the evidence showed that the USPP did not know about the President’s potential movement until mid- to late afternoon on June 1—hours after it had begun developing its operational plan and the Fencing contractor had arrived in the park.”  (report pdf)

It was all lies…

(link to pdf)

This Isn’t Your Father’s Left-Wing Revolution

Today’s revolutionaries aren’t fighting “the Man”
—they are “the Man.”

Starry-eyed radicals in the 1960s and 1970s dreamed that they either were going to take over America or destroy it. 

One of their favorite psychodramatic mottos was “Change it or Lose it,” even as protests focused on drugs, music, race, class, sex, fashion—and almost anything and everything. 

Sixties radicals tutored America on long hair, wire-rim eyeglasses, and who was a drag, a square, a bummer, and who was hip, cool, groovy, mellow, and far out. Most of these silly revolutionaries were not unhinged Weathermen killers or SDS would-be Communists, but just adolescents along for the good-time ride.

With the end of the draft in 1972, the winding down of the Vietnam War, the oil embargoes, and the worsening economy, the ’60s revolution withered away. Cynics claimed the “revolution” was always mostly about middle-class students with long hair, kicking back during the peak of the postwar boom, indulging their appetites, and ensuring they would not end up in Vietnam. 

It is not even true that the ’60s at least ensured needed reform. The civil rights movement and equal rights for women and gays were already birthed before the hippies, as were folk songs, and early rock music. 

Instead, what the ’60s revolution did was accelerate these trends—but also radicalize, manipulate, and coarsen them. 

The grasping “yuppies” of the 1980s were the natural successors to let-it-all-hang-out hippies. The ’60s were at heart a narcissistic free-for-all when “freedom” often entailed self-indulgence and avoiding responsibility. 

By 1981, the Reagan revolution finished off the dead-enders of the Woodstock Generation. Most eventually grew up. They rebooted their self-centered drug, sex, and party impulses to fixations on money, status, and material things. 

Sixties protestors mainlined divorce, abortion on demand, promiscuity, drug use, and one-parent homes. But in the end, most veteran cultural revolutionaries by the late 1970s and 1980s had gotten married, were raising families, bought homes, got jobs, and made money.

But this time around, their offspring’s left-wing assault is different—and far more ominous. The woke grandchildren of the former outsiders are now more ruthless, systematic insiders. The woke and wired new establishment knows how to use their money and power to rebirth America as something the founders and most current Americans never envisioned.

Name one mainline institution that the woke Left does not now control—and warp. The media? The campuses? Silicon Valley? Professional sports? The corporate boardroom? Foundations? The K-12 educational establishment? The military hierarchy? The administrative state? The FBI top echelon?

The Left absorbed them all. But this time around it really believes that “by any means necessary” is no mere slogan. Instead, it is a model of how to disrupt or destroy 233 years of American customs, traditions, and values.  

Woke revolutionaries are not panhandlers, street people, or Grateful Dead groupies. They are not even a few ragtag, nutty, and murderous Symbionese Liberation Army terrorists fighting against “the Man.” 

They are “the Man.” 

Our 21st-century revolutionaries are multibillionaires in flip-flops, tie-dye T-shirts, and nose rings, but with the absolute power and wish to censor how half the country communicates—or cancel them entirely. 

They don’t flock to campus free-speech areas; they are the campus administrators who ban free speech. 

They don’t picket outside the Pentagon; they are inside the Pentagon. 

They don’t chant “eat the rich”; they are the rich who eat at Napa Valley’s French Laundry. 

They don’t protest “uptight” values, because they are more intolerant and puritanical than any Victorian. 

Their leaders are not stoners who smoke dope, but the stone-sober who scan data on spreadsheets, downloads, and page views.

They don’t believe in racial quotas based on “proportional representation,” because they are racists who demand underrepresentation of “bad” racial groups and overrepresentation of “good” groups. The color of our skin is their gospel, not the content of our character.

They are top-down revolutionaries. None of their agendas, from open borders and changing the Constitution to critical race theory and banning clean-burning fossil fuels, ever polls 50 percent.

Their guidebook is “ never let a crisis go to waste.” Only in times of a pandemic, a national quarantine, or volatile racial relations, can the new upscale leftist revolutionaries use fear to push through policies that no one in calm times could stomach.

Our revolutionaries hate dissent. They destroy any who question their media-spun hoaxes like Russian collusion, the bat origin of COVID-19, or the idea that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian plant. 

Truth is their enemy, and fear is their weapon. Sixties paranoid revolutionaries warned about George Orwell’s 1984; but our revolutionaries are 1984.

While this elitist leftist revolution is more dangerous than its sloppy 1960s’ predecessor, it is also more vulnerable given its obnoxious, top-heavy apparatus—but only if the proverbial people finally say to their madness, “Enough is enough.”

The Single Best Thing Americans Can Do to Retake America

 If millions of American parents withdrew their children 

from the public school system, the country would turn 
around as fast as you could say "teachers’ unions."

The most frequent question people pose to me is: What can I do to fight back against the nihilistic anti-American destruction of virtually all the country’s major institutions?

There is an answer.

The single best thing Americans can do to counter the left-wing attack on America—against its freedoms, its schools, its families, its children, its governmental institutions, its sports, its news and entertainment media, its medical establishment, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department, and the military—is to take their children out of America’s schools.

Other than in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), the vast majority of America’s elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities teach your child or grandchild almost nothing important; prematurely sexualize them, thereby robbing them of their innocence; and harm them intellectually and morally. They rarely teach them, for example, art or music because they are too busy teaching them race-centered hatred of whites, of America, and of America’s values. 

Sending your child(ren) to most American schools is playing Russian roulette with their values—but unlike the gun in Russian roulette, which has a bullet in only one of its six chambers, the schools’ guns hold four or five bullets. 

In many elementary schools, your child is taught that gender is chosen and that there is no difference between boys and girls (in a growing number of schools, the teachers are told not to call their students “boys and girls”); they are taught about masturbation; and many children from first grade on attend “Drag Queen Story Hour,” wherein an obvious man wearing women’s clothing, garish makeup, and a wig entertains them.

Given that all this is well-known, why do any non-Left—meaning, liberal or conservative—parents send their children to an American school?

One reason is they are in denial. Many parents do not want to know what their children are being taught and the consequent damage done to them. They don’t really believe school(s) will ruin their child, let alone their child’s relationship with them.

These parents should speak to any of the millions—yes, millions—of Americans whose children have contempt for America, for free speech, and for their parents as a result of attending an American college or even high school. I meet such people at every speech I give, and I speak to them regularly on my radio show. Ask these parents, if they could redo their lives, whether they would keep their child in school.

A second reason is they feel they have no choice. If they remove their child from the local public or private school (most private schools are just as committed to anti-American indoctrination over education as public schools), what will they do with their child? They often cannot find a local school that does not harm their child. They cannot necessarily even rely on Christian or Jewish schools. Most of them are as “woke” as most secular schools. And if they do find a school that teaches rather than poisons, they may not be able to afford the tuition.

The only other option, then, is to home-school one’s child. The problem is that many parents assume this is essentially impossible. For one thing, they assume that one of the parents would have to leave his or her work, which would mean a serious reduction in the family’s income. In addition, home-schooling strikes most people as simply too daunting a task, even if they could afford to take it on.

Neither fear is entirely justified. It is true that, at least at the outset, a working parent may have to cut back from full-time work, and it is true that no matter what the family’s financial condition, there are challenges to taking one’s children out of school and home-schooling them.

But given the low intellectual state of most American schools, the damage they do to young children’s innocence and the anti-American, anti-white, anti-Western indoctrination in most schools, if you are a parent of school-age children, what is your choice?

Other than a) finding a good school that b) you can afford, you have no other choice. You are fooling yourself if you think the odds are that after attending American schools from kindergarten through college (not to mention through graduate school), your child will turn out well-educated, intellectually alive, rational, kind, happy, well-adjusted, grateful to be American and respectful of you and your values. 

While there are some wonderful young Americans who recently attended American schools, and there are some lost souls who were home-schooled, American schools are largely producing the following:

Poorly educated students. Ask your college son or daughter to diagram a sentence; identify Joseph Stalin, The Gulag Archipelago or the Soviet Union; name the branches of the American government; identify—or just spell—Ludwig van Beethoven; date the U.S. Civil War; identify the Holocaust; and name which sentence is correct—”He gave the book to my friend and me” or, “He gave the book to my friend and I.”

Angry young people. Why wouldn’t they be? First, they graduate college with a huge load of debt, having received almost nothing useful for their money. Second, if they are anything other than a white heterosexual Christian male, they have been taught to regard themselves as victims of oppression. Third, their future is so bleak they may not even have one: They are threatened with extinction by climate change.

The single best thing Americans can do to fight the left-wing destruction of the country is to withdraw from the “educational” system that is actively, deliberately miseducating them by the tens of millions. If millions of American parents did so, the country would turn around as fast as you could say “teachers’ unions.” If they don’t, their children will continue being used as guinea pigs in the left’s sick and dystopian experiment.

The ‘Can’t Do’ Narrative Continues


Article by Cal Thomas in mrcNewsBusters

The ‘Can’t Do’ Narrative Continues

(Acting) President Biden has pledged to “help narrow the racial wealth gap and reinvest in communities that have been left behind by failed policies.” He used the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre in Greenwood, a thriving African American community ravaged by a racist mob in 1921, as the occasion to promise more federal contracts for minority-owned companies and address discrimination in home appraisals for black families.

The Tulsa mob murdered more than 300 Black men, women and children over a two-day period, May 31 to June 1, forcing thousands to flee for their lives while watching their homes and businesses burn to the ground. No one was ever held responsible for the devastation.

But Biden's Tulsa appearance and speech continues a narrative favored by Democrats that reinforces the wrong belief that African Americans can do nothing without government. Of course, if government were their savior, would it not have solved all the problems Democrats continually talk about, but do little to fix?

Democrats want to keep reminding us how bad race relations have been historically and how bad they are now, but even Democrats must admit we've made significant progress. I offer just a few statements from accomplished African Americans who faced crippling discrimination and racism in their day but still became successful. These motivational words point us in the direction we need to go and could move many from a dependence on government to lives of self-sufficiency.

If Ken Burns were presenting these statements as one of his great documentaries, it might start with a picture followed by these quotes:

“If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.” Marcus Garvey (a Black nationalist and leader of the Pan-Africanism movement, which sought to unify and connect people of African descent worldwide).

A case could be made for school choice for low-income students denied a good education in failing inner-city schools: “The purpose of education is to create in a person the ability to look at the world for himself, to make his own decisions.” (James Baldwin, writer).

Speaking of the need for school choice, here's one from Frederick Douglass: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

On giving up because one believes there is no way out of one's circumstances: “We may (en)counter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” (Maya Angelou)

“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don't sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.” (Madam C.J. Walker, an African American entrepreneur, philanthropist and social activist).

Need more? Here's one from Rosa Parks: “Each person must live their life as a model for others.”

This one seems absent from all American culture today, regardless of one's race: “We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.” (Jesse Owens, Olympic runner)

Why do we rarely hear such thoughts expressed by especially Democrats and even Republicans when speaking to and about African Americans? Why aren't the successful used as role models instead of the constant focus on the unsuccessful?

The narrative should be: This is how we became successful, and this is how you can be successful too. Changing the narrative offers potentially better outcomes than the one presently being promoted by liberal politicians. 



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10 Most Devastating Impacts Of Homeschooling Your Kids

So-- you wanna homeschool your kid, huh? Well, it might not all be as great as you think. Read on for a list of reasons homeschooling may completely ruin your kid. 

1. Homeschooling makes your children much more likely to grow up to become cisgender: Is that what you want, Mom and Dad? Another cis-normative oppressor making trans people feel unsafe?

2. If you homeschool, your child will miss out on up-to-date works of literature written by trans people of color: Do you really want them to settle for outdated works like The Bible or The Tuttle Twins?

3. Homeschool proms are really awkward: Don't make your poor kid go through that, for goodness sake. 

4. Homeschooled girls will never experience the magic of sharing a locker room with a 6'4" trans woman named Larry: Don't let your kids miss out on this important life experience.

5. Homeschooled kids usually grow up to be really polite: This is not a very useful character quality for social revolutionaries.

6. If kids don't sit through 8 hours of soul-crushing zoom calls in public school, how will they ever be prepared for a soul-crushing corporate job?: Your children are destined to be good little corporate worker bees. You NEED to prepare them.

7. They will miss out on delicious school lunches: Square pizza and ultra-pasteurized skim milk from a cardboard box? Scrumptious! 

8. Denim skirts cause chafing: Just inhumane. 

9. They might finish their curriculum early and have more time to be radicalized on YouTube by Jordan Peterson videos: Jordan Peterson is a dangerous cult leader who may radicalize your child into making their bed. Not good!

10. Children may learn that human beings have inherent value as made in God's image: Children who learn that their dignity comes from God and not race, class, or gender identity are not very useful for revolutionary Marxist social change-- er, we mean, a meaningful movement towards greater equity.

Deutsche Bank Issues a Terrifying Warning for America Under Biden


Article by Tyler O'Neil in PJMedia

Deutsche Bank Issues a Terrifying Warning for America Under Biden

On Monday, Deutsche Bank released a report that further confirms a portent of doom for the U.S. economy and Democrats led by President Joe Biden. While many economists and policymakers claim that the recent uptick in inflation is temporary, Deutsche Bank warned that Biden’s profligate spending, the Federal Reserve’s low interest rates, and global economic trends threaten to unleash persistent inflation, which amounts to an insidious tax on the poor and middle class that benefits the government.

“Few still remember how our societies and economies were threatened by high inflation 50 years ago,” David Folkerts-Landau, Deutsche Bank chief economist and head of research, wrote in a paper co-written by his colleagues Jim Reid and Peter Hooper. ” The most basic laws of economics, the ones that have stood the test of time over a millennium, have not been suspended. An explosive growth in debt financed largely by central banks is likely to lead to higher inflation.”

“We worry that the painful lessons of an inflationary past are being ignored by central bankers, either because they really believe that this time is different, or they have bought into a new paradigm that low interest rates are here to stay, or they are protecting their institutions by not trying to hold back a political steam roller,” Folkerts-Landau added. “Whatever the reason, we expect inflationary pressures to re-emerge as the Fed continues with its policy of patience and its stated belief that current pressures are largely transitory.”

The authors warned that “neglecting inflation leaves global economies sitting on a time bomb.” They noted similarities between the 1970s and today.

“Rising oil prices could compound any consumer-driven inflation. Indeed the price of oil has haunted the Fed before. A series of oil shocks contributed to the ratcheting up of inflation during the 1970s, but the Burns Fed chose to focus more on the CPI excluding oil. Then it excluded surging food prices and the idea of ‘core’ inflation took shape. Subsequently, more and more items were excluded. Eventually, however, the Fed recognised that all the supposed transitory sources of inflation had spread everywhere and double-digit inflation had leaked into the ‘core’,” Folkerts-Landau wrote.

“Already, many sources of rising prices are filtering through into the US economy. Even if they are transitory on paper, they may feed into expectations just as they did in the 1970s. The risk then, is that even if they are only embedded for a few months they may be difficult to contain, especially with stimulus so high,” the authors warned.

The Federal Reserve, acting on the assumption that current inflation trends are temporary, may be too slow to damp the rising pressures on inflation, Folkerts-Landau warned. “The consequence of delay will be greater disruption of economic and financial activity than would be otherwise be the case when the Fed does finally act. In turn, this could create a significant recession and set off a chain of financial distress around the world, particularly in emerging markets.”

Inflation is a serious threat, and Biden’s policies have made it more likely.

The core personal consumption expenditures index — which Federal Reserve officials consider the best indicator of inflation — rose 3.1 percent in April, above the 2.9 percent economists predicted. The Fed considers 2 percent to be healthy, although it will allow the price index to grow in the interest of promoting full employment. Unfortunately, unemployment remained above 6 percent in April despite economists predicting that it would dip below 6 percent.

This persistent unemployment should not surprise Americans who are familiar with the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion blue pork bill masquerading as a “COVID-19 relief” stimulus. Only 8.6 percent of the funding went directly to combatting the pandemic, while hundreds of billions went to blue-state bailouts. The bill also sent $1,400 checks to individuals, and extended the $400/week “enhanced” unemployment benefits.

Thanks to this “enhanced” unemployment, many workers make more money without a job than they did when they had one. Rather than reconsidering this perverse incentive not to work, Biden and his fellow Democrats further entrenched it.

Biden’s other policies would also make the economic situation worse. The president has called for Congress to spend trillions more in social programs that his tax plans cannot hope to fund. Essentially printing money decreases trust in the U.S. dollar and sparks inflation.

The Deutsche Bank report gave two other macroeconomic reasons to expect inflation.

First, over the last 40 years, the integration of China and other emerging markets into the global economy has meant that hundreds of millions of cheap workers entered a globalizing workforce, putting downward pressure on wages and prices. Yet in the years and decades ahead, the working-age population will decline across the globe. This scarcity of workers will press wages up and increase the prices of goods and services.

Secondly, the COVID-19 pandemic has shocked many countries into realizing the weaknesses of their supply chains. “The desire for resilience means there will likely be a bias towards investment in home production, especially in critical sectors, such as personal protective equipment, drug manufacturing, and semiconductors. The likely result is higher production costs. These will eventually be passed on to the consumer,” the Deutsche Bank authors wrote.

Some inflation may represent an overdue correction to unsustainable global trends like these, but Biden’s profligate spending and his woefully inadequate tax plans will only worsen the situation.

As PJ Media’s David Goldman wrote, “inflation is an insidious tax that robs the poor and the middle class. It favors the U.S. government, the world’s biggest debtor, because the government expects to pay back its creditors in Monopoly money. It crushes the real earnings of the vast majority of American households and destroys their savings. That’s what the Democratics are up to. And that’s what might bring them down–just as 12% inflation brought down Jimmy Carter in 1980.”

Unfortunately, inflation will bring down the U.S. economy along with the Biden Democrats. America needs tighter economic policy in order to fight inflation. That may call for another Reagan-style revolution.

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Tucker Carlson's Takedown of Kamala Harris Is Hilarious and a Must-See

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Kamala Harris has finally thrust herself into the spotlight the last week with her much-ballyhooed trip to Central America. Instead of actually visiting the border where the illegal immigration crisis is, something she’s still neglected to do at all during her tenure, she went to countries like Guatemala to lecture them on climate change. You know, because that’s the supposed “root cause” that we can fix or something along with systemic poverty in these countries — something we can’t even fix at home.

Yet, even the Guatemalan President, who has every incentive to play nice because we give him money, told Harris the current crisis is a result of her and her boss’ decision making, including the gutting of Trump-era provisions that greatly slowed illegal immigration. Harris would later sit down with Lester Holt of NBC News (or at least it aired during her trip) for a cringe performance where she pronounced “I haven’t been to Europe” when pressed on why she hasn’t visited the border. Her oddly timed, hysterical laugh also made an appearance.

This gold-mine of material wasn’t lost on Tucker Carlson, who launched into a hilarious and must-see monologue on the vice president last night. Grab a drink and enjoy.

Tucker hits every aspect, from Harris’ pathetic presidential campaign to the media now treating someone so obviously unimpressive as a transformational figure. At one point, he plays a montage of various news outlets talking about her Guatemala trip and every single one is obsessed with the fact that she’s a “person of color.” You know, because race dictates results when it comes to diplomacy or something. Later, Tucker gets more serious by pointing out how weak she and other Biden officials makes the country look when they spend all their time apologizing for past sins and not on solving current problems. 

But honestly, I’m underselling the video. Take the time to watch it. It’s worth it.

In short, Harris’ first big public tour has not only been a failure on the policy front but it’s also been an embarrassing spectacle for her as a politician. Everyone has been reminded why she flopped so hard despite having so much establishment support before being appointed to vice president. If Joe Biden can’t run again in 2024, they’d better have a plan to not allow Harris to be coronated.

Radio Free America – Rush’s Legacy

Article by John Green in The American Thinker

Radio Free America – Rush’s Legacy


During the dark days of the Cold War, eastern Europeans were isolated from the rest of the world behind what was warmly referred to as the Iron Curtain.  Everything behind the Iron Curtain was autocratically ruled by the Soviet Union.  As part of its effort to control the populace, all regional news outlets (print and broadcast) were in fact, state-sponsored propaganda outlets.

The only exception to the blackout of truthful news was a powerful network of transmitters in western Europe, known as Radio Free Europe.  This network of transmitters broadcast news and entertainment deep into eastern Europe.  In addition to broadcasting the truth to those under communist rule, it also provided hope and a vision of what was outside of communist rule.  It was instrumental in preparing those behind the Iron Curtain for the eventual downfall of the Soviet Union.

Unfortunately, while we were fighting propaganda overseas, citizens back home were subjected to a uniquely American version of propaganda.  For decades -- before the internet and satellite TV -- news in America was controlled by a select few entities, all of which were closely aligned with the Democrat party.  ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN controlled television and radio news.  The New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, and Los Angeles Times set the tone for printed news.

The media and leftist politicians they supported were creating narratives to shape public opinion.  They crafted their narratives by being selective in what news they presented, or by outright distortion of facts.  I remember watching Dan Rather on the CBS nightly news in the early 1980s when he read a suicide note on the air.  The author of the note stated that he was committing suicide because Ronald Reagan had taken away his welfare benefits.  This was followed by a series of stories about the damage Reagan’s economic policies were having on the poor in America.  There was no mention of how those policies had also benefited millions.  This was just one of many narratives being crafted for American consumption.

  • Walter Cronkite told us the Vietnam war was lost after the Tet Offensive. In fact, Tet was a devastating loss for the North Vietnamese.
  • We were told that socialism was superior to capitalism. It just needed to be implemented correctly.
  • We were told that Ronald Reagan was a fool and a dangerous warmonger.  Yet he won the Cold War without firing a shot.
  • We were told that Cuba was a workingman’s paradise with free education and medical care.  Yet people were fleeing the island on anything that would float.

We knew what we observed didn’t quite fit the narrative being presented, but we weren’t sure why. We began to question our worldview.  We were being gaslighted.

And then in 1988, Rush Limbaugh started broadcasting on the AM radio.  Hardly anybody listened to AM radio anymore, but there he was.  He was loud, boisterous, and totally irreverent.  He called himself El Rushbo -- said he had talent on loan from God.  He was the happy warrior that was saying things that we had been feeling for years.  He showed us that we were being manipulated by forces on the left.

  • He validated our belief that liberty is essential to prosperity
  • He proudly professed the greatness of America
  • He preached the purity of the founding vision
  • He reaffirmed that God is central to American Exceptionalism

Rush was a zealot preaching the virtues of limited government and capitalism.  And while doing all this, he mocked the enemies of liberty relentlessly.  The NAACP became the NAALCP (National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People), and radical feminists became feminazis.

And with that, we had our Radio Free America.  Rush Limbaugh called it the Excellence In Broadcasting (EIB) Network, but it was performing the same function in America that Radio Free Europe was performing overseas.  For three hours every day, Rush labored to counteract the damage done by the propaganda ministry -- and he succeeded beyond anyone’s imagination.

In response to Rush’s success, hundreds of conservative talk radio shows began appearing all over the nation.  Once the internet became a thing (for our young readers, it wasn’t widely used in the 1990s), thousands of conservative news and opinion sites appeared.  There are an estimated 1,500 conservative radio broadcasts, producing approximately 2,570 hours of conservative content each day!  45 million listeners tune into conservative programming each week.  Conservative broadcasting and online commentary have become so prolific, that it can no longer be silenced by those who wish to censor it.  Rush created a giant that is challenging the propaganda ministry -- and it’s here to stay.  The propaganda ministry is rapidly losing control of the narrative, because of something started by a guy from Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

Aside from the media network that he spawned; Rush was an old-fashioned tent revival pastor that converted millions of Americans to conservatism -- one person at a time.  He revived the conservative movement in American.  At the time of his death, his radio program was being carried by 590 stations across the country and was reaching an estimated 16 million people each week. The legacy media is taking the blue pill and those choosing to see the truth are taking the red pill.  Rush Limbaugh “red pilled” untold millions of people -- and his work will continue, long after his death. 

Oradour-sur-Glane ,France Nazi massacre site. 10 June 1944


What happened to the village?

On 10 June 1944, a detachment of SS troops surrounded the tiny hamlet of Oradour-sur-Glane in the Limousin region of south-central France.

It is believed by some that the troops were seeking retribution for the kidnap of a German soldier but some say that resistance members were based in a different, nearby village.



Most of the victims were women and children. Many of them were herded into a local church into which hand grenades were thrown before it was set on fire.

The men were locked in a barn. Machine-gunners shot at their legs, then doused them in petrol and set them alight.

An investigation years later saw some 60 soldiers brought to trial in the 1950s. Twenty of them were convicted but all were later released.



Biden to Harris: Disaster 1 to Disaster 2


A post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; you wonder who put him there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down."

Article by Steve Feinstein in The American Thinker

Biden to Harris: Disaster 1 to Disaster 2

That “President” Biden is an unmitigated disaster as our chief executive is so painfully apparent to everyone that it hardly seems necessary to point it out.  Nonetheless, just briefly consider:

Catastrophic Governance

His policies -- anti-energy, anti-business, anti-military, anti-America First -- have wrecked the economy, driven gas to over $3.00/gallon, given us the absolute worst illegal immigration crisis in our history and bankrupted the country. In a warped way, it’s kind of impressive that he’s done that in only a bit over four months.

Leadership Vacuum

No one believes Biden is calling the shots, He’s totally malleable to behind-the-scenes operatives, acting in a confused, unknowing fog, reading as best he can from the teleprompter, and hiding behind his weird “I’ll get in trouble if I answer any more of your questions” excuse.

Made America Weak Internationally

The ayatollahs from Iran, Russia’s Putin, and Xi Jinping of Communist China are licking their chops at the prospect of having their way with poor ‘ol Joe.

Family Corruption

Has there ever been a “First Family” with anywhere near the decades-long, indisputable record of dishonesty, financial misdealings and outright graft that even approaches that of the Bidens?

Diminished Mental Capacity

For those among this readership who have a compromised older family member, it isn’t merely the grotesquely obvious signs of dementia that mark Biden as severely limited. It’s the more subtle behaviors that betray his overwhelming incapacity. A clear example occurred just recently when the ever-admiring and forever-excusing liberal media caught up with Biden as he was eating an ice cream cone. Breathlessly shouting out, “What flavor?” the media proceeded to float a softball his way, asking if there was any possibility that the Republicans might compromise with him on his infrastructure proposal.

That Biden (pre-coached, no doubt) predictably belittled the Republicans is not the point. The issue for those who have the experience with elders is the manner in which Biden was eating his ice cream cone: the tentative little bites and the way in which he seemed so preoccupied and protective of his treat, in an almost childlike way. It’s tough to put into exact words, but anyone with a badly slipping elder family member or friend recognizes this demeanor. Biden is well past even the vaguest pretense of mental competence.

This brings us to Kamala Harris. For these and other reasons, the Democrats will ditch Biden for Harris when they believe Biden has outlived his usefulness and feel that a Harris presidency can be leveraged for maximum political advantage. But other than transparently boasting that Harris is the country’s first female president, how would a Harris administration benefit the country? It won’t.

In modern times (since, say, 1960 Kennedy vs. Nixon), there has never been a vice-president or vice-presidential candidate more ideologically radical and more singularly unqualified to be president than Kamala Harris. Cabot Lodge, Miller, LBJ, Muskie, Shriver, Dole, Mondale, Ferraro, Bentsen, Kemp, Gore, Lieberman, Edwards, Palin, Ryan, Kaine and Pence all had their strengths and shortcomings, but each one was a serious, experienced politician who was qualified to be president if the need arose.

The mainstream liberal media would be quick to say that GHW Bush’s VP -- Dan Quayle -- was not qualified presidential material. As they are wont to do, the liberal media jumped all over his totally inconsequential “potatoe vs. potato” spelling controversy and lined up against him when he opposed the TV show Murphy Brown’s character’s decision to have an out-of-wedlock child. How dare he have the temerity to question the moral decision that the distinguished and sophisticated liberal icon Candice Bergen would bring to a mass television audience?  Conservatives will rightly point out that while Quayle had a penchant for saying inopportune things, he was not the ideological extremist that Harris is, nor was he beholden to the farthest reaches of his party the way Harris is and he certainly was not the inexpert, experiential lightweight that Harris is.

With her constant situationally inappropriate hyenalike cackling, her astonishingly unserious, wild proclamations about matters of critical national import (such as her preposterous assertion that “climate change” is a root cause of illegal immigration), and her bizarre narcissistic need for self-promotion as evidenced by her passing out “Kamala Harris” cookies to reporters, it is clear that Harris is nothing more than a hastily cobbled together collection of progressive checked boxes: Person of Color? Check. Female? Check. Victim of discrimination? Check. Radical ideology? Check.

Yet these boxes remain distressingly unchecked:

  • Detailed understanding of economics and taxation
  • Job creator
  • Successful manager in the “take no prisoners” private sector
  • Scientific/technical expertise
  • Awareness of American and world history.
  • Knowledge of military strategy, hardware and weaponry

To be fair, not all great presidents check every single box. But every passable president checks at least a few of them. Harris comes up totally empty.

Exactly when the Democrats will decide to discard Biden like three-day-old bread remains to be seen. Perhaps it will be after the Democrats have passed all the extreme legislation and executive orders they feel they can get away with. That would make some sense: get as many radical policies in place as possible, have them fall on Biden, then get rid of Biden in order to distance and inoculate Harris from Republican attack for those policies in 2024.

The flaw in this thinking is Harris’s incredible weakness and unsuitability for the job of commander-in-chief. Her leadership tenure would be a total catastrophe for America. She’ll be far more concerned with satisfying woke obligations than acting in the country’s interests as a whole. America under a Harris administration will be more divided and polarized along racial, gender and ideological fault lines than ever before.

The Republicans had better get this entire election integrity/fraud situation resolved by the 2022 midterms. Every thinking person knows that Joe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 presidential election. His term has been the absolute fiasco for America that people feared it would be. A President Harris will be even worse. If she “wins” in 2024, the negative consequences for the country will likely be permanent and irreversible. That is the very definition of “disaster.”

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