Monday, June 7, 2021

Rockstar Reception, Crowd Goes Wild For Governor Ron DeSantis During Gulf Coast Beach Music Festival

The crowd went wild for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during a surprise appearance at the Pepsi Gulf Coast Jam Sunday night. DeSantis briefly addressed the thousands of music lovers in the audience during what he described as “largest concert held since the COVID-19 pandemic began last year.”

Governor DeSantis blasted government officials who locked-down everyone during the COVID Plandemic saying “Florida chose freedom over Faucism” and urging members of the audience to pressure their state officials to open up and drop the mask mandate. Video’s and pictures below:

Video Shows Fauci Lied to Congress About Funding Virus Weaponization at Wuhan

Jennifer Van Laar reporting for RedState

Fox News Channel’s Steve Hilton aired a video from December 17, 2012, showing Dr. Anthony Fauci explaining what types of research experiments constitute “gain-of-function” — and that, surprise, surprise, those very types of experiments were funded by NIH at that time and continued through 2020, despite government moratoriums on such research.

So, what does that mean? It means that Fauci lied to Congress on May 11 (and probably on other dates) and that NIH Director Francis Collins repeatedly blatantly lied to the public in interviews.

As a refresher, here’s Fauci’s exchange with Sen Rand Paul.

Within 24 hours of that May 11 testimony, RedState’s Scott Hounsell posted a lengthy takedown of it in a piece titled, “Dr. Fauci’s Testimony to Rand Paul on ‘Gain-of-Function’ Research Certainly Seems Like It Was Untrue,” and referenced several NIH-funded studies, partially conducted in Wuhan, that fit the accepted definition of gain-of-function research.

While our piece was well-sourced, we stopped short of calling Fauci a liar in it — remember, less than four weeks ago, we were living in an entirely different world, one in which simply being open to investigating the “lab leak theory,” let alone actually believing that it was a very viable scenario, led to one being labeled as a conspiracy theorist or, in the case of a conservative publication, being silenced entirely. Still, we pushed forward, labeling Fauci as a liar without coming right out and saying it.

Dr. Shi Zhengli of WIV participated in the majority of the NIH-funded studies Hounsell referenced in the piece; two of those studies produced new, engineered coronaviruses with increased transmissibility and host range. He also linked directly to documents showing funding going from NIH to EcoHealth Alliance, and from EcoHealth Alliance to WIV.

During a 2012 conference in which a “framework” for conducting gain-of-function research in the United States was being debated, Fauci defined gain-of-function for the attendees. He first described “natural” gain of function, where investigators examine the changes in a virus after it has mutated in the wild. Then he says:

“What historically investigators have done is actually create gain-of-function by making mutations, passage adaptation, or other newer genetic techniques such as reverse genetics and genetic reassortment….

“But the bottom line is that gain and loss of function research is critical to understanding disease pathogenesis, antimicrobial resistance, and host responses, as well as to developing better techniques of surveillance, vaccines, and therapeutics.

He then explained to the attendees what types of research would be considered gain-of-function for purposes of federal grants and the research moratorium.

Specifically…what we’re talking about now is the gain-of-function research in studies that increased predominantly the transmissibility, increase the pathogenicity, and/or alter the host range of these viruses.

If you give a gain of function of a pathogenic virus to make it more transmissible, that’s a whole different story than some of the other things we faced.

So, to recap, studies that increase transmissibility (makes it easier for the disease to spread from person to person), increase pathogenicity (the ability to cause harm/disease), or alter the host range (increase the number of species affected by the virus) are gain-of-function, and those viruses can be altered by using reverse genetics, passage adaptation, or genetic reassignment.

In 2015, results of an NIH-funded study spearheaded by Dr. Ralph Baric at UNC-Chapel Hill and Dr. Shi created a new coronavirus, as we’ve reported. How did they do that? Reverse genetics.

Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone.

So, using reverse genetics they engineered a virus that “grew equally well to SARS in human cells,” as Dr. Baric explained to Vice that year. That certainly sounds like altering the host range of that virus, which had been found in bat guano in a cave 900 miles from Wuhan (yes, *that* cave).

But there’s more. A key feature of this coronavirus was a “novel,” or new, spike protein. The study revealed that available immune-therapeutic and preventative modalities weren’t very effective against it, and vaccine approaches “failed to neutralize and protect from infection.”

Kinda sounds like that research led to increased pathogenicity of the virus, right? And, as Hounsell has pointed out, Baric was asked by NIH to pause that research in 2014 due to a federal moratorium but somehow received permission to go ahead — from Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Fauci also approved a $3.7 million grant to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance — of which $500,000 was sent to Wuhan — in June 2014 (during the moratorium) for a study titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” Its purpose:

“This project seeks to understand what factors allow animal Coronaviruses to evolve and jump into the human population by studying virus diversity in a critical group of animals (bats), at sites of high risk for emergence (wildlife markets) in an emerging disease hotspot (China).”


How did they plan to do that? One method mentioned in the abstract:

“Predictive models of host range (i.e. emergence potential) will be tested experimentally using reverse genetics….”

So, this one is studying the host range — one of the criteria mentioned by Fauci — using reverse genetics — another thing mentioned by Fauci as gain-of-function. Donald Trump revoked funding for that grant in April 2020, but was bullied into restoring it in July 2020. Permission to resume the research has not been granted, though, until EcoHealth Alliance can meet certain biosafety criteria. (As of February 2021 EHA had not met that criteria.) 

Of course, Fauci will have an explanation for this, too. He and his apologists will say anyone who falls for this is just a stupid Trump supporter incapable of understanding the nuance about why this research isn’t gain-of-function. The number of people who aren’t buying Fauci’s lines anymore is increasing exponentially.

Biden snubs D-Day's 77th anniversary, angering veterans


A Homeland Security source told Fox News that service members and veterans are upset after President Biden failed to acknowledge the 77th anniversary of D-Day on Sunday. 

The source tells Fox News the fact that Vice President Harris tweeted about D-Day while Biden tweeted about the 1921 Tulsa Massacre on Sunday clearly underscores the administration’s priorities. Roughly 2,500 Americans died on D-Day.



"As a veteran I find it reprehensible that the president ends his speeches with ‘God bless the troops,’ which now seems to be in words only. He blatantly forgot to acknowledge the tremendous sacrifice of our greatest generation," an Afghanistan and Iraq wars veteran told Fox News on Monday.

A second Homeland Security source told Fox News that White House press secretary Jen Psaki had "the perfect opportunity" to mention D-Day during her CNN interview on Sunday but failed to do so.



A search through the White House website and social media turns up only two tweets from Harris and first lady Jill Biden mentioning the day when U.S. soldiers stormed Normandy to liberate France from the Nazis, turning the tides in favor of the Allies during World War II. The day is typically honored by the American president.

"On the 77th anniversary of #DDay, we honor the heroes who stormed the beaches of Normandy and liberated a continent. We will never forget their courage and sacrifice," Harris wrote on Twitter on Sunday



Jill Biden also shared a D-Day message.

"77 years ago, families gathered around radios and heard FDR pray for a ‘peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil.’ Let us never forget those who fought, their families, or sacrifices, and let us always pray for peace. #DDay," the first lady wrote on Twitter.



The president did honor fallen servicemembers including those who died on D-Day in his Memorial Day remarks last week.

"War and conflict, death and loss are not relics of our American history; they're a part of Americans' story.  Here in Arlington lie heroes who gave what President Lincoln called ‘the last full measure of devotion,’" Biden said. "They did not only die at Gettysburg or in Flanders Field or on the beaches of Normandy, but in the mountains of Afghanistan, the deserts of Iraq in the last 20 years."

Former Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump all acknowledged the anniversary of D-Day in some capacity in their first year in office. Bush commemorated D-Day's 57th anniversary in a speech in Bedford City, Virginia, in 2001.

President Trump commemorated the anniversary with a tweet in 2017 and traveled to Normandy for D-Day's  75th anniversary in 2019. 







A belated check from President Biden

 It seems ludicrous that I, living in the south of France, should be able to restock my wine cellar at the largesse of the Treasury




Montpellier, France

I got a letter from Joe Biden, which doesn’t happen every day. In the envelope was a check, made out to me, for $1,400. The letter is headed






 and dated April 22 although it has taken some time to drop into the boîte aux lettres due to the President experiencing confusion over my address.


 ‘My fellow American,’ he began. Although I am not one I did once work there and paid Social Security contributions, apparently qualifying me for the President’s generosity. ‘I am pleased to inform you,’ he continued, ‘that because of the American rescue plan, a direct payment was issued to you.’


 Having attracted attention, Joe, my new best friend, continues. ‘This has been a hard time…brighter days are ahead…the economy is on the mend…our children will be back in school.’ President Biden concludes, ‘I truly believe there is nothing we can’t do as a nation, as long as we do it together.’ Perhaps this isn’t Rooseveltian, but it will do. All this is repeated in Spanish on the reverse.


 Several points arise from this communication. Obviously the immutable rule of cashing all checks applies, even if it seems ludicrous that I, living in my semi-detached chateau in the south of France, should be able to restock my wine cellar at the largesse of the United States Treasury, with enough left over for two of those exquisitely thin Baccarat glasses with which Mrs Miller and I might drink it.


 The second is the apparent inability to encash the instrument, since I have no American bank account and my Swedish bankers won’t accept it. Perhaps they think it will bounce


 I am thus thwarted for the moment in my plan to spend my windfall memorably and pass on my good fortune, as I am advised by Bianca, my counselor on Christian charity. I appeal to anyone who knows how I might turn America’s gift into euros.


 One final reflection on these events is that notwithstanding my personal circumstances, I am left deeply impressed by President Biden, or whoever it was in the master control room who made this letter so, and the sheer political chutzpah that the money comes from President Joe, himself.


 This was a clever maneuver. President Trump had wanted to sign an earlier round of ‘economic impact payment’ checks personally (I never got one — Donald owes me) but this was determined to be unlawful. The check I’ve got is signed by an unheard-of Treasury official, but Biden’s team found a way of exploiting the crisis for his political gain regardless.


 Sending money to voters, money conjured out of thin air, costs nothing after all, or if it does, it’s someone else’s problem. When you start throwing cash out of the sky, if some of it lands in a corner of a foreign field, what’s the difference?



By Jonathan Miller 



This Is Definitely the Dumbest, TDS-Infused Conspiracy Theory Ever

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

I wondered why Hope Hicks was trending this morning on Twitter.

When I checked to find out why, I tripped over what has to be one of the dumbest, liberal Trump-related conspiracy theories of all time.

Now that says a lot, given all the dumb conspiracy theories that they’ve come up with. But I think you might agree, when you hear the TDS nonsense they were spreading.

This was spread in part by Brandon Friedman, an entrepreneur and a former Obama official — someone who has written for the New York Daily News and other publications.

Um, Brandon? You’re wrong. This is what crazy TDS does to your brain. How this guy ever got to be an entrepreneur is beyond me, when he’s so dumb as to believe and promote this stuff. But, it explains exactly how he got to be an Obama official and likely why he’s writing for liberal publications — because you don’t need sanity or reality for those jobs.

Notice the original video is from that trusted news service “AC Junior.” This is why these folks are always wrong; they have no critical thinking skills.

But, now you know why Hope Hicks was trending — because they claimed that she was needed to help Trump put his pants on correctly.

No, guys, sorry, Trump is not Joe Biden. That’s a lot of projection there.

But, they are off to the races, reality or logic be damned.

“Sulu” needs to get his eyes checked.

“Meathead” earns his name.

One of our favorite folks to skewer was, no surprise, all-in on the crazy.

Because, of course. That’s what the Lincoln Project folks do: throw anything up against the wall, if they think it can hurt Trump.

But, what this shows is just how delusional these characters all are. It’s why they all believed things like Russia collusion.

You would think they’d learn their lesson. But, that would require some self-reflection. They still are completely focusing all about their hatred of Donald Trump. They must really be worried he’s going to win again in 2024. They were literally staring at his crotch all night. How insane is that?

So, here’s a little reality for Friedman, Wilson, and the other crazy buggers that went over the slide on this. Here’s a still photo showing, yes, the pants are not on backwards. As though this should even need to be said.

Yes, they’re absolute morons.

Yeah. They’re absolutely going to lose their minds if he wins in 2024.

BREAKING: Unanimous Supreme Court Upholds the Law Against Illegal Immigrants


Article by Tyler O'Neil in PJMedia

BREAKING: Unanimous Supreme Court Upholds the Law Against Illegal Immigrants

On Monday, the Supreme Court unanimously rejected an illegal immigrant’s attempt to twist immigration law and create a loophole that would allow thousands of illegal immigrants to become lawful permanent residents. Democratic senators and attorneys general advocated for this loophole, but a liberal justice wrote the opinion for a unanimous Court.

“Petitioner Jose Santos Sanchez entered this country unlawfully from El Salvador. Years later, because of unsafe living conditions in that country, the Government granted him Temporary Protected Status (TPS), entitling him to stay and work in the United States for as long as those conditions persist. Sanchez now wishes to become a lawful permanent resident (LPR) of the United States. The question here is whether the conferral of TPS enables him to obtain LPR status despite his unlawful entry. We hold that it does not,” Associate Justice Elena Kagan, an Obama appointee, wrote in the opinion.

In Sanchez v. Mayorkas, Kagan noted that U.S. immigration law, “applied according to its plain terms, prevents Sanchez from becoming an LPR. There is no dispute that Sanchez ‘entered the United States in the late 1990s unlawfully, without inspection.'”

Yet Democrats and immigration activists twist the law to argue that if an illegal immigrant obtains temporary protected status due to violence or bad conditions in his or her home country, he or she can be considered “admitted” for the purposes of obtaining LPR status. While TPS does protect illegal immigrants from removal and authorizes them to work in the U.S. as long as the TPS designation lasts, the Court rightly ruled that this provision does not erase a person’s unlawful entry into the U.S. for permanent residency status.

Kagan’s conclusion is blunt: U.S. law “generally requires a lawful admission before a person can obtain LPR status. Sanchez was not lawfully admitted, and his TPS does not alter that fact. He therefore cannot become a permanent resident of this country.”

This decision will come as a blow to many Democrats. Sens. Mazi Hirono (D-Hawaii), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) joined Reps. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.), Darren Soto (D-Fla.), and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) in supporting Sanchez’s claim. Democrat attorneys general for Washington, D.C., Massachusetts, California, and 17 other states also backed the illegal immigration loophole.

Kagan’s opinion represents a blunt refutation of this sleight-of-hand attempt to undermine immigration law. Jonathan Turley has suggested that the Court’s recent string of unanimous decisions like this one may be a subtle message to Democrats, warning them against packing the Supreme Court. While Turley has a point, the Supreme Court often hands down unanimous decisions — yet these decisions do not often gain the same coverage as 5-4 rulings on controversial issues.

Many immigration advocates will lament the fact that many of the 400,000 people with temporary protected status are illegal immigrants and that these people will not be able to become permanent residents. Yet blatant violations of immigration law do not disappear when Congress grants illegal immigrants a temporary status due to horrible conditions in their home countries.

The Court made the right decision in this case.

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Boeing MQ-25 Becomes First Unmanned Aircraft to Refuel Another Aircraft

 The MQ-25 T1 test asset has flown into the history books as the first unmanned aircraft to ever refuel another aircraft - piloted or autonomous - during flight. During this June 2021 flight test, the #MQ25 T1 test asset transferred fuel to an F/A-18 Super Hornet. After additional flight tests, this unmanned aerial refueling test asset will head to a U.S. Navy carrier for deck handling trials.




The Lethal Wages of Trump Derangement Madness

In their uncontrolled aversion and detestation, 
Trump haters suspended all the rules of empiricism, 
logic, and rationality—–and people died as a result.

Think about it: For about five years, anything candidate, president-elect, and President Trump said or did, the media, the Left, and progressive popular culture opposed in Pavlovian fashion.

 Anything that Trump touched was ridiculed or discredited—regardless of evidence, data, or cogency. The merits of a Trump policy, a Trump assessment, a Trump initiative were irrelevant—given the primordial hatred of the Left of all things Trump: the president, the person, the family. 

Under the reductionist malady of Trump Derangement Syndrome, facts and logic did not matter. Instead, anything not said or done in opposition to Trump empowered the supposed existential Trump threat. Ironically, some of the most deductive and reductionist Trump haters were supposedly professionals, the highly educated, and the self-proclaimed devotees of the Enlightenment. And yet in their uncontrolled aversion and detestation, they suspended all the rules of empiricism, logic, and rationality—and people died as a result.

Most Americans did not care much when the apparently sane went completely insane in their irrational hatred of Trump. Few cared whether Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) wished to destroy his career in trying to predicate his crackpot policies in opposition to Trump. Who worried that Anthony Fauci seemed to have tarnished his distinguished career by his anti-Trump triangulations? Did it matter to anyone that the obsessed Lincoln Project grifters were rendered utterly disgraced, or that the NeverTrumpers were left irrelevant and inert by their irrational and uncontrollable venom?

Yet, existentially hating everything Trump said or did—as opposed to expressing political opposition to him and his policies—did not just implode elite careers. It also turned deadly. The result of such knee-jerk revulsion was a great deal of damage to the country in general and unnecessary deaths of Americans in particular

For over a year, anyone who questioned the official NIH/NIAID/Fauci narrative that the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of a new viral mutation that had jumped to humans from bats (or pangolins)—perhaps carved up in the Wuhan wet market—was attacked both personally and professionally. Why? Mostly because Trump himself had questioned just that improbable hypothesis. And Trump certainly could not be right. But even if he were, it was still the moral thing to say he was not.

Connecting the dots of a biosafety level-4 virology lab, at or near the first recorded cases of COVID-19, was a mortal sin—simply because Trump had alleged just that. Instead, we were to discount the twisted relationships between the known gain-of-function viral research going on in the lab, the absence of any known animal infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the connections of the lab with the Chinese military, the lab’s known lax safety record, the systematic efforts of the Chinese Communist government and the World Health Organization to lie about the origins and nature of the virus, the year-long effort to stonewall Wuhan investigations, and the conflict-of-interest statements, behaviors, and policies of prominent American health officials who routed funding to gain-of-function research at Wuhan. 

Instead, we were to believe a Chinese/American media-fed narrative of a sick bat, far from Wuhan, infected with SARS-COV-2 (any such culprits are as yet still undiscovered) that jump-started a chain of mutations that eventually turned the pathogen into a human strain that became a highly infectious pandemic in a way not seen since the Spanish flu over a century ago. 

Had the country removed such knee-jerk, venomous hatred from the equation, and instead encouraged scientists to examine the evidence in disinterested fashion in early 2020, then we might have known what we are only beginning to learn now—a year earlier and with hundreds of thousands of Americans perhaps still alive.

In the months when COVID-19 was sweeping the country, frontline doctors the world over were desperately seeking to recalibrate known drugs, through modeling and theories that they possessed anti-viral or anti-inflammatory properties useful for either attenuating the virus or ameliorating the lethal “cytokine storm” immune reaction. 

Doctors in poor countries such as India were attracted to one, hydroxychloroquine, an old, cheap, anti-malarial drug, generally recognized as safe and also known for its efficacy in treating inflammatory diseases such as lupus. 

When stories surfaced that both American and European doctors had independently claimed clear effectiveness of the drug in treating some COVID-19 patients, Trump in reaction tweeted that it couldn’t hurt to take the drug, either as a medicine or a prophylactic. Rumors swirled that he had taken the drug himself. 

Furor ensued. Outrage followed. And soon the time-tried hydroxychloroquine was considered an existential evil on par with Trump himself. If prior to Trump, the drug had been hailed by the United Nations as an essential medicine, especially in poor countries for its dirt-cheap cost, effectiveness, and general safety, suddenly it was now considered little more than a toxic witch’s brew. Fauci’s legions demonized the drug and soon it sometimes proved illegal for doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine for off-label usages. 

 “Double-blind” studies supposedly “proved” that the drug was useless, even though there was not comprehensive research conducted at different dosages and at different stages of the COVID-19 disease. Additional reports from India that some doctors there felt that the sudden widespread use of hydroxychloroquine and the anti-parasitical drug Ivermectin were responsible for decreases in COVID-19 lethality were likewise mocked. 

Now we read this week that new study conducted at the Saint Barnabas Medical Center, New Jersey, found that when the dosages of hydroxychloroquine were calibrated and adjusted by patient weight, and fortified by the antibiotic azithromycin, there was a more than 100 percent increase in survival rates among COVID-19 patients—without any correlation to heart arrhythmias. 

More specifically in this context, maverick frontline doctor and infectious disease specialist Dr. Stephen Smith, of the nonprofit Smith Center for Infectious Diseases and Urban Health, recently argued that perhaps 100,000 lives might have been saved had the medical guild not demonized the drug and utterly dismissed it. Note that we are learning that once-heralded, far more expensive and difficult to administer drugs, such as plasma therapy and Remdesivir, offered little efficacy in treating COVID-19. Why were the latter drugs considered legitimate experimental protocols in desperate times to treat the seemingly untreatable disease, but not hydroxychloroquine? 

The answer may be that Trump advocated the latter and not the former. Ergo, the safe, cheap and well-known hydroxychloroquine was transmogrified into deadly and useless, and “the jury is still out” on plasma therapy and Remdesivir.

We are now in a surreal relationship with Russia. Vladimir Putin is capable of anything and everything, especially when appeased as the Obama Administration’s 2009-2015 “reset” policy demonstrated. But we know now that he and Donald Trump did not conspire or “collude” to rig the 2016 election, despite the false assertions of the charlatan Christopher Steele, the media, the FBI hierarchy, John Brennan’s CIA, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and multiple top officials in the Obama Justice and State Departments. 

In a Trump nanosecond, we went from the prior Obama appeasement of Putin (or is that too kind an appraisal, given Obama’s own hot mic, quid pro quo deal with Putin to put the interests of his own reelection campaign above U.S. national security—specifically dismantling missile defense in Eastern Europe if Putin would only calm down and give Obama space during his reelection efforts) to a Cold War-style “Russian Under Every Bed” national mania.

The result was that the Left talked loudly and insanely about Russian “collusion” while carrying a tiny twig. The most dangerous formula in foreign policy is to aggravate, goad, and incite a volatile enemy (with 7,000 nuclear weapons), with no intention of keeping him cornered and caged. Before Trump, we had the Obama reset appeasement of Putin. After Trump, we do again. In both cases, we also get the obligatory anti-Russian rhetoric in a way not accorded to the more dangerous Chinese Communist government.

Now emboldened hackers, with likely Russian connections, are targeting key U.S. and North American industries, specifically pipelines and meatpacking. 

The hackers are diabolically clever and do some of their damage on the following assumptions: 1) an American-obsessed Putin is providing them sanctuary, and in return, they are according him with “deniability of culpability” as fake-independent contractors; 2) both bad actors believe that the Biden Administration, with its carry-over Obama people, will talk trash but in reality either pay ransom to stop the hacking, ignore it, or claim it is a “private industry” matter; and 3) the hackers assume that, secretly, the American Left sympathizes with the hackers’ cynically selected targeting of “fossil fuels” and “environmentally incorrect” meat consumption. 

It is almost as if the hackers are saying to Americans, as they cause continental damage and disruption and endanger lives, “What do you care, since your government canceled your own pipelines and is demanding less meat consumption? So why get mad at us for speeding up the implementation of your own agendas?”

If, as some 15th-century Spanish Inquisitor, you damn Trump as a Russian collaborator on no evidence, devour nearly two years of his administration in collusion conspiracies and impeachment, and ignore the fact that Trump had been harder on Russia than any prior president (e.g., more sanctions on the Putin apparat, sales of lethal weaponry to the Ukrainians, efforts to depress oil prices by massive new fracking, pulling out of asymmetrical missile treaties, killing Russian mercenaries in Syria, etc.), then you have destroyed any workable relationship with Russia, pushed it into a de facto alliance with China, and ended up with the sort of dangerous hacking attacks that we now endure and apparently will not or cannot prevent.

The lethal examples of the wages of irrational and deranged Trump hatred are nearly countless. A once calm Trump border is now the scene of utter chaos,  misery—and death—as the erstwhile advocates of immigrant children abruptly grow mute. A once calm Middle East and the successful Abraham Accords disappeared and were supplanted by mayhem, death, and destruction. A once-booming energy sector and inexpensive fuels are now mired amid spiking prices at the pump, an end to new federal gas and oil leases on federal lands, the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve put off-limits, and pipeline projects canceled.

Irrationally hating everything Donald Trump touched was not just pathological, it often became downright scary—and deadly—for Americans.

Jeff Bezos and brother to fly to space in Blue Origin flight


The Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has said he will fly to space with his brother on the first human flight launched by his space company, Blue Origin.

In an Instagram post, Mr Bezos said space flight was something he had wanted to do "all my life".

Blue Origin is also auctioning off a seat in the capsule, for someone who will join the pair on the inaugural manned flight.

Jeff Bezos is one of the world's richest people.

He has a net worth of $186.2bn (£131.5bn), according to Forbes magazine



"On July 20th, I will take that journey with my brother," he wrote in the Instagram post. "The greatest adventure, with my best friend."

Mr Bezos's brother Mark called it a "remarkable opportunity" in the video.

1px transparent line

Bidding for a seat on the New Shepard - the name of the Blue Origin vehicle - had reached $2.8m when Mr Bezos announced his plan to take the flight. The auction concludes on 12 June.

The New Shepard booster can land vertically on the ground after returning from space. It is named after Alan Shepard, the second person and first US citizen to fly into space.

According to Blue Origin's website the company plans to launch its passengers more than 100km (62 miles) above the Earth's surface, allowing them to experience microgravity. The six-berth capsule will return to Earth under parachutes.

The first manned flight comes just two weeks after Mr Bezos plans to step down as CEO of Amazon.

Instead he will serve as executive chairman of the e-commerce giant he founded 30 years ago in his garage, allowing him "time and energy" to focus on other ventures.




The Problem with a ‘Woke’ Military


Berg in The National Review

The Problem with a ‘Woke’ Military

A push for progressive policies in the military bureaucracy threatens the unity and meritocracy that make our armed forces effective.

I used to belong to a war-fighting organization, where we were taught a shared set of Army values. We were taught mission accomplishment before all else, enforced by “mission first and people always.” Within the Department of Defense (DoD) Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan we are told that “diversity is a strategic imperative — critical to mission readiness and accomplishment.” We are also told, by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, that it must be a priority for the military “to look like America and not only in the ranks, but our leadership should look like America.” On the surface, this sounds okay. But it flips what had long been a soldier’s commitment to the Army and mission: The new priority turns the Army into a social experiment at the cost of mission readiness. The new push within the DoD for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goes well beyond measures to ensure equal opportunity and instead looks to create preferences that have nothing to do with merit. Our military will suffer if it does not change course.

Believing that the Army should be and has been the best example of a meritocracy in the history of the world has become a forbidden position. The only acceptable position now is full acceptance of all elements of DEI. Examples abound, from the more benign recent recruiting messages depicting cartoon stories — one of an “activist” soldier — all the way to creating a new permanent DEI infrastructure to push policies in line with critical race theory. That I am not allowed to openly hold the position that war-fighting and combat readiness should be the Army’s top priority, while being force-fed a radical DEI agenda, demonstrates the open erosion of mission-first principles within the military.

This is a real and serious change, and politician veterans such as Senator Tom Cotton and Representative Dan Crenshaw are right to be worried about it. The Army used to be a values-based organization focused on mission accomplishment above all else. These values were drilled into every soldier during initial entry training and reinforced at unit level. This was done through two long-standing Army traditions, an inability to spell and the overwhelming need to make everything an acronym. So we settled on LDRSHIP (pronounced “leadership”): loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. These values were all pitched toward the idea of leaving your past behind, as you had become part of an organization with a larger purpose. Diversity is not our strength; our shared values and singularity of purpose toward mission accomplishment is our strength. In fact, to “fight and win our nation’s wars,” we need conformity toward the mission-first mindset. We were taught that what came before the Army did not matter. All that matters was how you form a team to accomplish a wide range of demanding mission sets.

The Army does not exist to care for soldiers. Soldiers should not join the Army to be cared for by the Army. It is called “service” for a reason, and military members are still the most respected profession in the country because of the acknowledgment of the sacrifices required for service. Soldiers enter the Army fully understanding the individual sacrifices required for service. While individual welfare is important, it is secondary to mission accomplishment.

By definition, the Army is not inclusive. You can be excluded from service for a wide range of reasons, many (though not all) of which are out of the control of the potential recruit. We have all heard that over 70 percent of our youth are not qualified for military service, because we are exclusively looking for people who can meet the physical and physiological demands of service. If Austin really wanted a military that “look[ed] like America,” he would have to abandon such requirements entirely. Now of course, military exclusivity should be directly related to one’s ability or inability to perform the role one is potentially being recruited for. But to say that DEI policies are always strategic imperatives, without offering any evidence as to why, is simply fantasy.

It is true that recruiting from a broad breadth of society will strengthen the military, by ensuring the whole of the country is vested in defense of the nation. However, the idea that celebrating and promoting “diversity and inclusion” — emphasizing things such as race, religion, gender, or other non-merit-based traits instead of focusing on common culture and combat readiness — enhances the Army lacks evidence. In fact, DEI should not be used in any decisions within military manning or policy after initial recruitment. Attempting to highlight these external “traits” as bearing weight in making decisions for assignments, policy, or training ignores what the real strength of the military is. Unity of purpose and a shared set of core military values of individual merit is what binds us, not lumping people into “diversity” buckets.

Instead of focusing on war-fighting principles and shared values, the Army has decided to engage in a constant bombardment in the name of equity, from rolling out ill-conceived training on everything from unconscious bias to critical race theory and standing up DEI offices at every level. The Special Operations Command Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2021 outlines what the rest of the force can expect: “Establish corporate diversity and inclusion infrastructure throughout the enterprise . . . to build a permanent framework for sustained, meaningful efforts.” The idea is to create a new permanent bureaucracy to enforce “equity” regardless of merit. The document even boasts, under best practices, that they have added “unconscious bias [training and] . . . diversity and inclusion modules to its Executive Training with the goal of advancing and messaging diversity and inclusion.”

The Army People Strategy from September 2020 has an entire annex dedicated to “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” This document calls for the creation of permanent organizations with the following as an ultimate goal: “Army resources all DEI agencies and staff to levels that allow continuous monitoring, assessing, and updating of DEI policies, programs, and procedures which seek to prevent biases against any Soldier or Civilian.” In other words, you will comply or else, and diversity is a strategic imperative because we say so. “The Army . . . must also understand how to communicate why DEI is critical to the success of the Army profession and how to appreciate, leverage, and integrate principles of DEI into all aspects of its operations.” (Emphasis added.)

I fully expect to see DEI officers at every level — who will operate outside of the command they are there to “support” — to ensure that quotas are met and that radicalized, race-based training is conducted. The strategy states that it is imperative to “ensure DEI principles and policies are integrated into the Army Campaign Plan, Army People Strategy, and Army talent-management processes for all military and civilian personnel.” In other words, goals and targets will be met regardless of the effect on the fighting force, and the new DEI bureaucracy will be there to ensure your compliance. It goes on to say that the Army will “establish and implement procedures for achieving desired Army diversity outcomes through diversity policy and talent management principles and practices.” (Emphasis added.) Let there be no doubt, this is well beyond equal opportunity: This is race- and sex-based preferences.

Military skills are unique, so your past experiences lend you little aid. The military truly is a humbling experience to all. It forces people to either rise to the occasion or fall by the wayside, neither of which has anything to do with race, sex, or other immutable (but superfluous) traits. The only way to succeed is to conform to the military team mindset and judge those around you by how they contribute to the team and mission, while rejecting those who refuse to honor the military values and individual merit. To remain the fighting force this country needs, military leaders should discard this nonsense that the military is systemically oppressive and requires DEI-based correction. They should instead highlight the military as the example where your past does not matter, but only your willingness to work toward a common mission does. Show the military for what it is: an organization in which our unity and our values are our strength.

These DEI efforts are not designed to unite us but instead look to create a permanent structure to ensure that “woke” policies are enforced throughout the Army, with little or no thought given to mission priorities. I have yet to see a single document about DEI that makes a creditable case that DEI efforts are designed foremost with mission accomplishment in mind. These new DEI policies and offices are not designed to unite us. Indeed, they go well beyond a simple distraction from mission priorities. They are being pushed as the priority. Bring back war-fighting and mission-first mindset as our priorities. After all, it is only the defense of the free world at stake. 

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