Thursday, May 27, 2021

Facebook Gives American Journalists Permission to Write About COVID Originating From Wuhan Lab

Comrade Citizens, the magnanimous leader of Facebook has decided to allow the previously censored discussion to take place. Big Technocracy has given permission to the U.S. media to write investigative articles about COVID-19 originating from the Wuhan bioweapons lab.

WASHINGTON  – Facebook will no longer take down posts claiming that Covid-19 was man-made or manufactured, a company spokesperson told POLITICO on Wednesday, a move that acknowledges the renewed debate about the virus’ origins.

A narrative in flux: Facebook’s policy tweak arrives as support surges in Washington for a fuller investigation into the origins of Covid-19 after the Wall Street Journal reported that three scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were hospitalized in late 2019 with symptoms consistent with the virus.

The findings have reinvigorated the debate about the so-called Wuhan lab-leak theory, once dismissed as a fringe conspiracy theory. (read more)

Please remember to thank Dear Leader Mark Zuckerberg for his decision to allow conversational debate on Facebook.  However, also remember your responsibilities as good citizens to remain compliant to the topics that are permitted, and do not stray into conversations that are not approved by the technocratic command and control authority.

‘House of One’: Berlin lays first stone for multi-faith place of worship

 Religious leaders and politicians in Berlin laid the foundation stone Thursday for a new multi-faith place of worship which aims to bring Christians, Jews and Muslims together under one roof.



“The idea is bigger than the building,” project director Roland Stolte said at a ceremony to mark the beginning of construction work on the so-called “House of One”.

Conceived a decade ago, the ambitious project is scheduled to open by 2025 on Museum Island in central Berlin.

Built on the site of a former church which was demolished under the former East German communist regime, the building will contain three separate places of worship for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

Yet the mosque, the synagogue and the protestant church will be connected by a large communal hall designed to host communal events and festivals.

“It’s a very symbolic step forward for us,” said Kadir Sanci, who will be the imam of the future mosque.

“In these times of polarisation which cast a huge shadow on the world, the ‘House of One’ embodies the constructive spirit of faith and spirituality,” he added.



 The multi-faith building would be “a place of peace and security” at a time when tensions between Berlin’s Jewish and Muslim communities have flared in the wake of the recent conflict in the Middle East.

 There was outrage in Germany in recent weeks after Israeli flags were burned and anti-Semitic slogans chanted at some pro-Palestinian demonstrations across Germany.



Speaking at the ceremony, Berlin mayor Michael Müller said “hatred, violence, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and incitement to racial hatred have no place in our society”.

The imam, pastor and rabbi all said short prayers before symbolic objects from all three religions were cast into the concrete.

The project is estimated to cost around €47 million, and is financed in part by the German state and the city of Berlin.

The Bogus January 6 Commission Poses…

 The Bogus January 6 Commission Poses a Real Threat to Freedom

  • cap

“Truth will out” is the most popular fairy tale in Washington. Members of Congress are clashing over whether politicians will appoint an “independent” commission to reveal the facts behind the January 6 Capitol ruckus. Proponents are portraying the issue as a simple choice between “truth or Trump.”

Recent history provides no reason to expect a politically controlled process to expose facts that undermine powerful politicians. Congress has long been worse than useless as a fact-finding agency. “Oversight” is a euphemism for stupefying congressional procedures designed to avoid discovering information that might embarrass their allies. A senior House Republican admitted in 2004: “Our party controls the levers of government. We're not about to go out and look beneath a bunch of rocks to cause heartburn.” Most members of Congress are more likely to grovel before federal agencies than to challenge their power. “How are you so great and how can we help you?” is the usual response when the FBI director testifies, as Guardiancolumnist Trevor Timm noted in 2016.

There is no reason to presume that a commission investigating January 6 would not be hogtied official stonewalling. Former Senate Intelligence Committee staff director Andy Johnson observed in 2014: “The fog of secrecy made a mockery of oversight” of the CIA torture scandal. The Obama administration did not object even when the CIA illegally spied on a congressional committee to thwart the torture investigation. Both Bush and Obama administration officials repeatedly lied during congressional testimony on war on terror policies but faced no consequences. But everything would be different in this investigation, right?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her team want a congressionally appointed commission in lieu of disclosing what actually happened on January 6. Cameras posted in and around the Capitol recorded fourteen hundred hours of film on January 6, but very little of the evidence has been publicly disclosed. Fourteen news organizations have requested that the Justice Department publicly release key videos on the federal court’s electronic dockets but no such luck. Capitol Police chief lawyer Thomas DiBiase warned that “providing unfettered access to hours of extremely sensitive information to defendants who already have shown a desire to interfere with the democratic process will … [cause that information to be] passed on to those who might wish to attack the Capitol again.” But it is also “interfering with the democratic process” to withhold evidence of actions which have been endlessly demonized by the president, top congressional leaders, and their media allies. 

Disclosing the video could settle the question of whether most protestors behaved like violent attackers or gaping tourists. Julie Kelly, writing for American Greatness, recently posted a forty-five-second video clip of protestors after they entered the Capitol that day. Capitol Police officer Keith Robishaw tells a group of protestors: “We’re not against … you need to show us … no attacking, no assault, remain calm.” The citizens shown in that clip don’t appear to have been hell-bent on overthrowing the government that day.

The media is touting the fact that Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton, the cochairs of the 9/11 Commission, have endorsed a commission to investigate January 6. But invoking Kean and Hamilton is like relying on the Three Stooges as references for a job application at a pie factory. 

Kean and Hamilton issued a joint statement boasting about the 9/11 Commission: “We put country above party to examine, without bias, the events before, during, and after the attacks…. The January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol was one of the darkest days in our history. Americans deserve an objective and accurate account of what happened. As we did in the wake of September 11, it is time to set aside partisan politics and come together as Americans in common pursuit of truth and justice.”

The 9/11 Commission “pursued truth and justice” by permitting the White House to edit the final version of their report before it was publicly released. Despite its canonization inside the Beltway, that report would not be admissible in a court of law, because it relied on torture for many of its key assertions. The New York Times’s Philip Shenon, the author of The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigationnoted that “more than a quarter of the report’s footnotes—441 of some 1,700—referred to detainees who were subjected to the CIA’s ‘enhanced’ interrogation program.” Shenon reported that commission members “forwarded questions to the CIA, whose interrogators posed them on the panel’s behalf. The commission’s report gave no hint that harsh interrogation methods [including waterboarding] were used in gathering information.” The commission’s report was released months after shocking photos from Abu Ghraib and key Justice Department and Pentagon memos leaked out, exposing the Bush administration’s torture regime. Yet, as Shenon noted, “The commission demanded that the CIA carry out new rounds of interrogations in 2004 to get answers to its questions.” The 9/11 Commission became profoundly complicit in the torture at the same time it pretended to objectively judge the Bush record.

The commission report was released in July 2004 at the same time that Bush was exploiting the 9/11 attacks and the Iraq War for his reelection campaign. The commission ignored evidence compiled by a joint House-Senate investigation revealing that Saudi government agents bankrolled multiple Saudi hijackers in the US prior to the attacks (fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were Saudis). But the Bush administration suppressed those twenty-eight pages of that congressional report and they were not released until 2016. Bush embraced Saudi leaders while insisting that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was somehow to blame for 9/11. If the 9/11 Commission had quoted the 2002 FBI memo stating that there was “incontrovertible evidence that there is support for these [9/11 hijacker] terrorists within the Saudi Government,” Bush might have been seriously damaged, but 9/11 commissioners chose to serve the White House rather than truth. Kean and Hamilton remain venerated by the media, because their kowtowing buttressed public trust in the political system.

Would an investigation of January 6 be more honest than the investigation of September 11? President Biden and Democratic congressional leaders are vested in the “terrorist attack/Pearl Harbor” narrative that they established within hours of the fracas. Democrats still refer to the protestors murdering a Capitol Police officer long after the belated revelation that he died of natural causes. The New York Times noted that that advocates of a January 6 commission insist it is "an ethical and practical necessity to fully understand the most violent attack on Congress in two centuries." Tell that to the Puerto Rican nationalists who shot up Congress in 1954 or to Congressman Steve Scalise and two other Capitol employees who were shot by a Democratic Party zealot in 2017. If such “facts” are the baseline for accuracy, then citizens can start scoffing long before a commission issues a final report.

The biggest illusion behind the push for a January 6 commission is that there is a political constituency in Washington for truth. But that hasn’t been the case for decades. As French essayist Paul Valery warned long ago, “At every step, politics and freedom of mind exclude each other.”

In the same way that it took almost fifteen years for some key facts about the 9/11 attacks to be revealed, it may be months or years until key damning revelations about the Capitol clash are extracted from federal agencies or private individuals and groups. Creating a pseudoindependent commission is more likely to codify a deceptive but politically profitable storyline than to expose facts that undercut powerful Washingtonians or government agencies. 

A façade of political “truth” can be more dangerous than no disclosure at all. Biden and congressional Democrats are seeking to turbocharge their push for a new domestic terrorism law to permit widespread federal crackdowns on their opponents. Any rigged commission would likely pour gasoline on a fire that could singe far more American rights and liberties.


James Bovard

James Bovard is the author of ten books, including 2012’s Public Policy Hooligan, and 2006’s Attention Deficit Democracy. He has written for the New York TimesWall Street JournalPlayboyWashington Post, and many other publications.

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Insurrection Obsession

  1. Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall


    Insurrection Obsession

Okay, let’s say out loud what the regime doesn’t want said – there was no insurrection.

At least not in Washington, D.C. Now, in places like Portland and Seattle, there were and are insurrections, actual ongoing occupations of actual territory by actual criminals where the government is expressly told it’s not in charge and to stay out. And, of course, the government tolerates those insurrections. It does so because the Democrats in charge – this nonsense never happens in Florida with DeSantis in charge – perceives the actual insurrectionists as political allies, so they do nothing. Some insurrections, it appears, are more insurrectiony than others.

Despite the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth, the fracas on Capitol Hill was barely a brawl – what if they gave an armed insurrection and nobody showed up with arms? It certainly was not even close in damage, violence, or casualties to the routine BLM/Antifa rioting last year – rioting the Democrats tacitly supported. But these rioters were not allies of the elite, and the elite felt threatened, and so we’re now all supposed to accept – without bursting into laughter – that this was the worst thing in the history of ever.

George Will, who we were all surprised to find still offers his fussy insights to those few elderly network TV viewers who still remember who George Will was, pronounced this nothingburger to be on par with 9/11. Well, he does seem like the excitable sort, and all those uncouth ruffians on the TV in their red hats and denim must have left him literally shaking. Remember, at one time George Will was taken seriously by serious people – really.

1/6 > 9/11? Yeah, no. It’s hard to formulate a response to something so inane without profanity. You could observe, for instance, that 3,000 people were murdered on 9/11. You could also observe that, unlike with the Capitol Hill thing, we know who did the killing on 9/11. And you could observe that 9/11 resulted in a war that we are still fighting and – thanks to the woke jokes who now control our military – are still losing. 

I guess there’s sort of a war going on against those naughty “extremists,” a term that is defined as anyone who rejects the current regime, like you. The FBI is constantly tweeting out grainy pics of vicious trespassers and asking for help from narcs and stoolies when it’s not breaking down the wrong doors chasing alleged laptop liberators. It would be nice if maybe these ace gumshoes devoted a comparable amount of time to stopping some of the mass shooters who inevitably seem to have been known to the Bureau beforehand. Just a thought.

It’s unclear who still cares about this ancient history except for licensed, registered journalists and blue check lackeys on Twitter. Maybe Democrat polling says it’s useful – get Lumpy Luntz on that pronto. Regardless, the Democrats and their adjuncts in the stubby Cheney-Kinzinger-Fredocon wing of the GOP can’t let their insurrection go. Their media toadies pimp it non-stop, as if Americans drive by their local Chevron and think, “Gee, that’s pricey, but what really bothers me is that darn insurrection. At least there are no mean tweets.” Of course they want to talk about a minor tussle from months ago – would they want to talk about inflation, or the border, or the fact that China is laughing at us instead?

The Democrats are now demanding a commission to investigate this most investigated of events – but not their friends’ year of rioting. That rioting doesn’t count, because they don’t care if your neighborhood burns. But they saw this riot-ette as a threat to their power. And it’s hilarious not just to see them try to hype it into Civil War 2: The Trespassers Strike Back and to wrap themselves in phony patriotism. You know, I was informed – by the Democrats – that America is a racist country built on racism and more racism, so shouldn’t patriotism be…bad? In their calculation, wouldn’t traitors be…heroes? And wasn’t I also told – by them – that the 2016 election was stolen by Trump, yet it’s now driving a stake into the heart of democracy to believe the 2020 election was rigged? Did the election system suddenly get completely fixed during the four years in between ’16 and ‘20…when Trump was president? You know, it’s not just the hypocrisy that annoys me – it’s all the effort you have to invest to try to keep their everchanging lies straight. 

 At least some of the usual dim bulbs in the GOP, the norms n’ rules crew that perpetually steps on the Dems’ rakes, have figured out what this is – a chance to distract from the total failure of the Asterisk *dministration to vault over even the low bar set by Jimmy Carter. Can you imagine these goofs getting their commission, holding court as if this was the most significant incident in American history, intoning their cliches, and leaking and lying just like they did with the prior fake frenzy about Trump and Russia? 

Spoiler: They’re going to blame Trump, conservative politicians, and you. There, no need for a commission – that’s the end result. 

If you think we’ll find out who the mystery cop who killed Ashli Babbitt is, think again – they’ll probably give him a medal. Maybe we can see the video footage the government is hiding – because you know that if it was useful, it would have been released by now. Maybe they can explain how people are trespassing when the police let them in…to a public building. Maybe we can find out why Antifa/BLM rioters got their charges dismissed but those loitering on Capitol Hill get felony charges and denied bail. And maybe Jen Psaki can circle back and explain how zero is a number when explaining how her statement that a number of officers were killed is not a total lie. 

Fortunately, McConnell sees through this, so it’s probably not going to happen – despite Miracle Whip Mitt again betraying the GOP. The media will just have to pull George Will out of the cupboard, rehydrate him, and set him to talking again about how this was the worstest of the worst thing to ever happen. But no one’s listening.

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Newly Released 2019 DOJ Memo Debunks BlueAnon Narrative About Bill Barr

( and possibly signals activity by Durham )

The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) released a partial memo from 2019 this week, per a federal judge’s orders, detailing how former Attorney General Bill Barr did not stop charges of obstruction of justice charges against former President Donald Trump because there was no basis for charges in the first place.

The memo shows lawyers at the OLC suggested that the allegations brought against the former president did not meet the standard of obstruction even before Barr would’ve determined prosecution. 

“We recommend that you conclude that, under the Principles of Federal Prosecution, the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense,” the memo, signed by Barr in March 2019, stated.

The OLC’s ultimate recommendation was that the DOJ “reach a conclusion on whether prosecution is warranted based on the findings in Volume II of the Special Counsel’s report.”

Democrats and their cronies in the corporate media who often peddle lies such as the Russia hoax hinted that Barr was somehow responsible for covering up Trump’s alleged wrongdoings but even after hearings, the Mueller report, and other events unfolded. The then-attorney general insisted there were flaws in the case for obstruction of justice charges, but the left dismissed Barr’s arguments.

The left assumed that Trump used his legal nominee to hide his own wrongdoings and that the release of this memo would prove that, but it ultimately proved the opposite. The Washington Post claimed the content in the memo is “likely to fuel and frustrate Trump’s biggest critics, particularly Democrats who have long argued that Barr stage-managed an exoneration of Trump after Mueller submitted a 448-page report describing his investigation into whether the 2016 Trump campaign conspired with Russia to interfere in the election, and whether Trump tried to obstruct that investigation.”

For months, Democrats hounded Barr to release the memo. It was only after Judge Amy Berman Jackson ripped into the DOJ and Barr over the memo, complaining that “[t]he fact that [Trump] would not be prosecuted was a given.”

She also accused the Trump admin of  “getting a jump on public relations” by asking the attorney general’s advisers to create the memo in the first place.

"What Do They Have to Hide?": Republican Officials Kept Out of DEA Border Facility With No Explanation

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

If you want answers as to where your taxpayer dollars are going and how they’re being used, the Drug Enforcement Administration doesn’t seem to want to tell you much as they refused entry to a Republican delegation that ventured down to a DEA border facility for some answers.

According to Fox News, 12 Republican officials took a trip to El Paso, Texas, where they were restricted from entering. The visit wasn’t even a surprise one as Republicans had reportedly been attempting to gain access to the facility for weeks. According to the lawmakers, this lack of access was a decision made by the Biden administration and it’s an illegal decision at that as Biden is stopping them from their “constitutional duty to have oversight over these facilities that are paid for by taxpayer dollars.”

“All I can say is, I don’t know what they have to hide,” Texas Rep. Brian Babin told Fox News reporter Sara Carter. “For some reason, we were not allowed in. I can only imagine what is it that they want to hide and not show the very representatives of the American people that have oversight over this facility that fund it and that authorize it. What don’t they want us to see?”

“This is not something we surprised them with,” added California Rep. Mike Garcia. “We’ve been trying to get in there for a couple of weeks and it’s coming from the top. It’s Coming from the White House. They don’t want us to see what it is. You can make a conjecture about why they won’t let us in there. In my opinion, they have data they are gathering at this intelligence center which clearly indicates that our open borders are actually a more serious than the average American understands right now.”

“I would have liked to have the opportunity to visit with the FBI and the agents there to learn more about what the drug cartels are doing and what strategy we’re employing to stop them,” said Missouri Rep. Vicky Hartzler, “but we were denied that opportunity.”

There must be something going on there that Democrats don’t want seen, not just because they’re restricting access to Republican elected officials but because this restriction is getting no media coverage from mainstream sources. If it was a Democrat delegation being refused access by a Republican administration, there would be wall-to-wall coverage with experts and talking heads pummeling every talking point half to death.

So far, only Fox News seems to have this story running and if the left-leaning media is actively avoiding it then something is definitely going on. That’s the pattern at least.

It’s all speculation at this point, but Republicans should utilize the power given to them by the people to pull on this thread as much as possible and get down to the bottom of things.

Time to Confront the U.S. Capitol Police About Its January 6 Lies

House Republicans unanimously voted against 
Pelosi’s $60,000,000 payback to the USCP. 
GOP senators should do the same.

The body of U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick wasn’t even cold before his employer leveraged his untimely death to stoke more outrage about the events in the nation’s capital on January 6.

“At approximately 9:30 p.m. this evening . . . United States Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty,” read a press release issued January 7. “Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots [and] was injured while physically engaging with protesters.  He returned to his division office and collapsed.  He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. The death of Officer Sicknick will be investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department’s Homicide Branch, the USCP, and our federal partners.”

The agency intentionally included the word “homicide” to suggest Sicknick was killed by homicidal Trump supporters. The next day, the New York Times, citing two anonymous law enforcement officials, claimed “pro-Trump rioters . . . overpowered Mr. Sicknick, 42, and struck him in the head with a fire extinguisher.”

“With a bloody gash in his head, Mr. Sicknick was rushed to the hospital and placed on life support. He died on Thursday evening.”

We now know that gruesome account was completely fabricated. Can anyone doubt, given their flagrant partisanship in the wake of the Capitol protest, the U.S. Capitol Police planted the now-retracted fire extinguisher story?

Rather than act as a politically neutral law enforcement agency tasked with protecting government grounds and public officials on behalf of the federal taxpayers they serve, the USCP has contributed to the fabulism about January 6 while covering up other aspects to help Democrats and Joe Biden’s Justice Department keep the “insurrection” narrative alive. There’s no question many Capitol Police officers acted heroically in the face of several protesters bent on violence that day, however, USCP brass have helped Democrats define the January 6 groupthink from the start.

“The violent attack on the U.S. Capitol was unlike any I have ever experienced in my 30 years in law enforcement here in Washington, D.C.,” former USCP chief Steven Sund wrote in a statement posted January 7. “[M]ake no mistake—these mass riots were not First Amendment activities; they were criminal riotous behavior.”

In exchange for USCPs subservience, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants to reward USCP in a $1.9 billion emergency appropriations bill that barely passed the House last week. The kickback includes more than $60 million in new funding for the department, including $31 million in overtime pay, nearly $7 million for “hazard pay,” and more than $6 million for retention bonuses and tuition credits. 

Another $4.4 million would help create a “Wellness and Trauma” support program named after a Capitol Police officer who reportedly committed suicide a few days after the protest. USCP issued another press release on January 10 announcing the off-duty death of Officer Howard Liebengood, which became another talking point to bolster the description of a so-called “deadly insurrection.”

But USCP does not deserve an infusion of new tax dollars. Rather, it deserves to face harsh scrutiny from congressional Republicans and the news media for its conduct over the past few months.

Not only did USCP initiate the lie that Sicknick was killed in the line of duty, the agency continued to perpetuate the falsehood for months. “The family of U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick thanks the Congressional leadership for bestowing this historic honor on our fallen American hero,” the department said in a statement after Pelosi announced Sicknick’s remains would lie in state in the Capitol rotunda.

When two men were arrested in March for allegedly spraying Sicknick with a chemical irritant, USCP cheered the news, again repeating the lie that the late officer “was injured while protecting Congress during the riot at the U.S. Capitol.” (After the fire extinguisher tale fell apart, the media and Justice Department quickly pivoted to a new excuse—Sicknick suffered a fatal allergic reaction to bear spray.) “After the attack, he was taken to a hospital where he succumbed to his injuries on the evening of January 7.”

But there were no injuries. Sicknick didn’t die as a result of deadly blows or a bad reaction to a chemical spray. The D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office in April finally revealed Sicknick died of natural causes, a stroke caused by blood clots near his brain.

Even after the autopsy results were made public, USPC honchos continued to lie both to the public and in congressional testimony. Acting USCP chief Yognanda Pittman told the Senate Appropriations committee the January 6 protest “resulted in the deaths of Officer Sicknick,” two days after the Medical Examiner released its report on the cause of Sicknick’s death.

The flacks at the USCP press office also refused to accept the coroner’s findings. “This does not change the fact Officer Sicknick died in the line of duty, courageously defending Congress and the Capitol,” read an April 19 press release. “The Department continues to mourn the loss of our beloved colleague. The attack on our officers, including Brian, was an attack on our democracy.”

No one killed Brian Sicknick. But the USCP purposely misled tens of millions of people into believing someone did. 

Rank-and-file officers are also helping to bolster the narrative about January 6. In a lawsuit filed against Donald Trump, James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby accused the former president of encouraging the “insurrectionist mob” that resulted in their physical and emotional injuries. “During his 2016 campaign, and throughout his presidency, Trump had threatened violence towards his opponents, encouraged his followers to commit acts of violence, and condoned acts of violence by his followers, including white supremacists and far right-wing hate groups,” the pair wrote. “Thousands of Trump’s followers congregated on the National Mall near the White House. Many were armed members of far right-wing hate organizations like the Proud Boys.” (An accusation that is patently false.) Blassingame claimed he was called racial slurs and the experience left him with “severe emotional distress”

While USCP intentionally misleads Americans about what happened on January 6, the agency is concealing the truth about other important matters including the name of the officer who shot Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed veteran killed on January 6. The Justice Department in April announced it had closed its investigation into her shooting, determining the unidentified officer did not commit any crime by killing her. USCP placed the unidentified officers on administrative leave pending the investigation; it’s unclear if he has since returned to duty.

USCP also doesn’t want the American public to see a full video account of January 6. The agency, according to an affidavit filed in March by the general counsel, has successfully argued to keep more than 14,000 hours of footage captured during the “attempted insurrection,” the term used by the USCP lawyer, under wraps. USCP warns release of the video could help wannabe “insurrectionists” plot another attack on “our democracy”; the Justice Department has sought and received protective orders that inhibit access to defendants and their lawyers.

The department also should disclose who wrote an anonymous letter released last week threatening to withhold security from lawmakers and their staff if Congress didn’t pass legislation creating a 9/11-style commission. (The letter also suggests Sicknick and other officers died as a result of the protest.)

House Republicans unanimously voted against Pelosi’s $60 million payback to USCP; Republican senators should do the same—but not before confronting the department about its numerous lies, obfuscations, and flagrant politicking on behalf of Democrats.

Army Introduces New Gender Reveal Grenades For Trans Soldiers

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Pentagon revealed today an exciting new standard-issue piece of equipment for all soldiers in the United States Army: a gender reveal grenade. Instead of exploding in a deadly blast of shrapnel to neutralize America's foes, the grenade will simply detonate in a harmless puff of smoke to indicate the soldier's chosen gender identity. 

"Our foes will cower in fear as our brave soldiers pop off a grenade that announces their gender identity," said a spokesperson for the Army. "Imagine the look on Chinese soldiers' faces as they hide in their bunkers and a grenade comes screaming in, only to pop open and bravely declare, 'It's a girl!'"

The Army has already performed field tests in the Middle East. As U.S. soldiers stormed an ISIS stronghold, one trans soldier screamed, "Grenade!" and threw her grenade, which exploded in a cloud of pink. The other soldiers applauded their sister in arms for her bravery. The soldiers were, of course, slaughtered by ISIS, who just shrugged and laughed when they saw the pink smoke. But what's important, according to the after-action report, is that everyone felt included.

According to the spokesperson, the old frag grenades will be slowly phased out, as they are harmful and triggering to the opposing side in a war. "We look forward to a utopian future where war is just two sides taking turns throwing gender reveal grenades at one another. Surely, that day is coming soon."

America's foes and geopolitical threats all said they are 100% in favor of the change.

Hillary Clinton looks a bit forlorn as flirty Bill focuses his attention on rocker Sting's wife Trudie Styler as they're seen dining with friends at upscale Upper East Side restaurant


Hillary and Bill Clinton were spotted having dinner with friends on Manhattan's Upper East Side Tuesday evening.

Exclusive photos show the presidential pair arriving separately with a Secret Service detail to posh uptown restaurant Fleming by Le Bilboquet.

But Hillary, sipping her favorite white wine, looked glum as her ever-engaging husband was deep in conversation with Sting's wife Trudie Styler, who at one point rested her head on Bill's shoulder for a group selfie.



Bill was dressed in a blue suit with a checkered button-down shirt - no tie - while Hillary wore a three-quarter-length striped wool coat as she drank her wine. 

The couple were joined in the outdoor seating area by Trudie and two others. The friends appeared to enjoy their lively conversation and meal together at the high-end restaurant - where entrees range from $23 to $43.

Biden Admin Shut Down State Dept Investigation into COVID Originating From Wuhan Bioweapons Lab

CTH says it often because it is critical to understanding the motives: “When the institutions need a public relations team to get out in front of sunlight upon their corrupt activity they follow a consistent pattern.  (1) The FBI leaks to the New York Times and Politico; (2) The CIA leaks to The Washington Post; and (3) The State Dept leaks to CNN.”  This pattern has been consistent for well over a decade.

As a result it does not come as a surprise to see the Biden State Department turn to their stenographers at CNN when they are worried the sunlight is getting too intense.

In this example it is because the “Wuhan Lab Leak Theory” is no longer a theory, and the origin of the COVID virus is again under intense scrutiny.  As the walls close in, the corrupt network within the Dept. of State (DoS) attempt to get in front of their duplicity.

Washington (CNN) – “President Joe Biden’s team shut down a closely-held State Department effort launched late in the Trump administration to prove the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab over concerns about the quality of its work, according to three sources familiar with the decision.

The existence of the State Department inquiry and its termination this spring by the Biden administration — neither of which has been previously reported — comes to light amid renewed interest in whether the virus could have leaked out of a Wuhan lab with links to the Chinese military. The Biden administration is also facing scrutiny of its own efforts to determine if the Chinese government was responsible for the virus.

Those involved in the previously undisclosed inquiry, which was launched last fall by allies of then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, say it was an honest effort to probe what many initially dismissed: that China’s biological weapons program could have had a greater role in the pandemic’s origin in Wuhan, according to two additional sources.

[…] The decision to terminate the inquiry, which was run primarily out of the State Department’s arms control and verification bureau, was made after Biden officials were briefed on the team’s draft findings in February and March of this year, a State Department spokesperson said.”

And now comes the cover….

“On Wednesday, Biden issued a statement that he has directed the US intelligence community to redouble its efforts in investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic and report back to him in 90 days.” (LINK)

Obviously the State Dept knew someone from that prior task-force was going to leak the story about Biden shutting down the investigation into the Wuhan Bioweapons lab as an origin of the COVID outbreak.

Biden supporting the agenda of China and the WHO by shutting down the investigation is politically damaging; so here comes the spin, spin, spin….

It Sure Seems Like Dr. Fauci Just Admitted to Committing Perjury

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

RedState has been driving the news cycle surrounding Dr. Anthony Fauci’s connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and funding that went there for gain-of-function testing. The obvious indication here is that Fauci, via grants he did not exercise proper oversight of, actually played a role in COVID-19 being developed and released into the world.

Scott Hounsell has covered that topic extensively, recently noting that Fauci’s denials to Sen. Rand Paul appeared to be a lie (see Dr. Fauci’s Testimony to Rand Paul on ‘Gain-of-Function’ Research Certainly Seems Like It Was Untrue). His article is extremely thorough so make sure and go read it.

Here’s his conclusion:

There are those who state that the funding that went to EcoHealth Alliance was for something other than gain-of-function research; however, as stated above, the purpose of the funding was to study coronaviruses in bats and how they could infect people. In other words, the entire purpose of the grant was to enable the study of coronaviruses in a lab the US State Department had been warned was unsafe and in which documented gain-of-function research was being conducted.

As an aside, NIH announced in December 2017 that it was lifting the moratorium on gain-of-function research. It has been reported that Fauci ordered the resumption of funding without consulting the White House or, by extension, the HHS, which is required under the gain-of-function research guidelines.

In closing, Dr. Fauci’s statements to Senator Paul are misinformed at best. We are left with very few options as to Dr. Fauci’s misstatements. Either Dr. Fauci intentionally lied to Senator Paul or, as a result of his incompetence, doesn’t know or understand what research the NIH is funding and where.

It looks like Scott’s painstaking research and highlighting of the issue has paid off because Fauci is now suddenly changing his tune. While speaking to Sen. John Kennedy, the supposed “top doctor” in regards to COVID began to hedge, now claiming that there’s “no way of guaranteeing” that the funding in question didn’t go toward gain-of-function research to produce COVID-19.

Fauci’s original denial was not nuanced. In his attempt to embarrass Rand Paul and create another “yasss king” moment for the media, Fauci pointedly said that no NIH funding went toward gain-of-function research.

“Sen. Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

This latest admission sure makes it seem as if he committed perjury given he is now admitting he does know if funding went to gain-of-function research.

Now, I suppose Fauci could claim ignorance, but if he claims ignorance, why did he lie about his lack of knowledge in response to Paul, instead speaking in absolutes? What does he have to hide? Those are serious questions that need answers. Once we get them, it’ll likely explain why Fauci turned into such an anti-Trump force. That may have been a self-preservation play knowing that he was partially responsible for the virus he was now heading up the response to. After all, if you oppose Trump, you get a pass for everything else. That’s the Washington way.

Fauci is a snake, and if there were any justice within our system, he’d have already been forced into retirement or worse. But there isn’t so he can lie to Congress with impunity while garnering glowing press coverage in response.