Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Reports of Matt Gaetz's Political Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Jennifer Oliver O'Connell reporting for RedState 

And you all know I am no fan of this politician, but I am even less a fan of wish fulfillment masquerading as journalism.

From the UK Independent:

If Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was Jack in Titanic, then his Rose, disgraced politician Joel Greenberg, just gently shoved his hand off the makeshift raft into the icy waters of the North Atlantic. And it would be a warmer ending than the real-life one Gaetz appears to be heading towards.

The effects of the recent Gaetz freeze could be felt as far away as ABC’s The View, where on Tuesday co-hosts Joy Behar and Meghan McCain sparred over exactly how much the congressman from Florida’s panhandle is reviled.

“He is out there having fun, making jokes about it, because he feels like he has cover in the Republican Party,” Behar said of Gaetz. His former purported wingman Greenberg formally accepted a plea deal on Monday that saw the Justice Department drop a whopping 27 out of 33 charges against him in exchange for what is expected to be his cooperation in a federal investigation of Gaetz for allegedly violating sex trafficking laws by paying a 17-year-old girl for sex, among other alleged crimes. “Because they don’t care what you do there as long as you say that Trump won the election.”

But McCain argued that even Gaetz’s unwavering support of Trump’s false victory narrative wasn’t enough for Republicans to hold their noses any longer.

“Trust me: the Republican Party and people on Capitol Hill are embarrassed by [Gaetz],” McCain said. “It’s gross. He is a deeply unserious person. He should be removed from his committees.”

I cannot take you seriously when your only source is the Harpies on “The View.” Especially Ms. Meghan McCain, who, like a broken clock, is right twice a day, but still broken.

Gaetz, as is his superpower, had this snappy comeback:

Gaetz and his freshman cohort Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Flame Thrower) will be in Mesa, Arizona tonight for an “America First” Rally, and large crowds are expected. Our intrepid editor and contributor Becca Lower will be in attendance to report on all the things.

Some preview from local Arizona Fox10:

Two of the most controversial Republican members of Congress will hold a rally in the East Valley on May 21.

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene will host event.

Doors open at 5 p.m. and the “America First” rally will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Phoenix Mesa Arizona Ballroom near 1st Street and Centennial Way.

Both members of the House of Representatives are very popular with their right-wing base, and much criticized by the left.

Gaetz is currently cooperating with a federal sex trafficking investigation, although he denies any wrong doing.

Taylor Greene was stripped of her committee assignments earlier this year, stemming from her promotion of several far-right conspiracy theories and expressing support for violence against Democratic leaders.

But their conservative supporters see the pair as freedom fighters who are standing up to the Washington elite.

No matter how much the Democrats and the Left want Matt Gaetz gone, and think this collusion with his ex-pal Joel Greenberg and the DOJ will be the smoking gun, I suspect these reports on the death of Matt Gaetz’s political career are greatly exaggerated. Emphasis on greatly.

Chinese State Media Just Tried to Fat-Shame Greta Thunberg


The 18-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has been viciously attacked on the Chinese internet for criticizing China’s carbon emissions.

In a scathing article published last week on China Daily, an outlet owned by the ruling Communist Party, Thunberg was mocked for her weight and labelled an “environmental princess” after she urged China to do more to address climate change. 

“Although she claims to be vegetarian, judging from the results of her growth, her carbon emissions are actually not low,” said the writer, Tang Ge, who originally posted the article on the social media and messaging app WeChat.

Chinese social media users have joined the attack on Thunberg, complaining about her “double standards” in faulting China for its carbon emissions and for not speaking up about problems elsewhere.


 Echoing the China Daily article, top comments on social media about Thunberg have criticized her for not talking more about Japan’s plan to release treated wastewater from the failed Fukushima nuclear power plants into the sea.


 The Chinese responses to Thunberg’s criticism underscore how politics and nationalism can infiltrate the public conversation about how to mitigate the climate crisis.


 Thunberg’s call for action wasn’t extreme. In a tweet earlier this month, which became the subject of the China Daily article’s criticisms, Thunberg was responding to a report saying that China’s annual emissions were greater than those of all developed nations combined in 2019




In a subsequent tweet, she posted a video showing that the United States had greater cumulative emissions since 1750 than any other country and called on developed countries to lead the effort to reduce emissions. 

The negative reactions to Thunberg could have come in part from China’s aversion to her brand of activism, which has inspired young climate campaigners in the country.

She was previously attacked in China for voicing her support for Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong, who has been imprisoned for organizing illegal protests. 




As attacks against Jews mount, whither the White Supremacists?

Leftists are openly attacking Jews in the streets. 
But remember folks, “white supremacists” are 
the greatest threat to the country since al Qaeda.

The conflict between Hamas and Israel has spilled over into the streets of American cities where attacks against Jews have reached a fever pitch.

And these attacks against Jews aren’t the product of tiki torch wielding “White Supremacists” the FBI is so convinced are the greatest threat to the country. Not at all. Instead, these attacks are being carried out by far-Left radicals whose anti-Israel/pro-Hamas rhetoric matches up very closely with several Democrat members of Congress.

Fueled by the anti-Israel/pro-Hamas rhetoric going mainstream within the Democrat Party, attacks against Jews over the last week have been bloody terrible. Not that the news media is amplifying it. They’re too busy perseverating about Liz Cheney to notice.

But social media is full of video evidence.

Well, whew!

At least they’re not marching with tiki torches, am I right?

A bunch of doofuses march through Charlottesville carrying tiki torches, and every damn media outlet demanded every Republican disavow them (as if any Republican was embracing them to begin with). The garbage media laid the blame for Charlottesville directly at the feet of President Trump.

But far-Left goons violently attack Jews in the street, and not one media outlet has called out the Hamas caucus in Congress. Not one.

Yesterday, in a bizarre and shouty speech, President Biden signed the COVID anti-Asian hate crimes law and declared “hate has no place in America.”

Really? Has he seen the attacks against Jews happening right now?

Well, probably not since the media is ignoring it, and it’s doubtful it was mentioned on a rerun of Matlock.

Members of the US House of Representatives are using inflammatory rhetoric – accusing Israel of apartheid, “murdering” children, and committing “war crimes” or “crimes against humanity.”

And lookie here! Their shock troops in the streets are doing the same thing while they launch attacks against Jews for the crime of walking while Jewish.

I think we might be zeroing in on why Richard Spencer and the organizer of the Charlottesville patio torch march endorsed Joe Biden for President.

Hate may not have a place in America, but it certainly found a home in the Democrat Party.

Build Your Own America

Stop yelling stop, and start getting to work with your friends.

William F. Buckley described his mission with the then-new National Review as “standing athwart History, yelling stop.” On an institutional level, for the last several decades, the old man’s yelling has been understood as “public education”; owing to tax laws that benefit supposedly non-partisan non-profit institutions, Buckley’s yells and shouts translated into an industry of conservative magazines and think tanks, functioning with varying degrees of effectiveness and sincerity. 

Many have written exquisitely rendered accounts of our decline. Cutting and perceptive tweet threads, articles, and books appear daily, taking a scalpel to our current situation. Chronicles of civilizational collapse go back to the Bible, or earlier. We have lost faith, corrupted ourselves and our society and, consequently, everything we love and believe will turn to ash. I understand the appeal of this doomsaying, both temperamentally and intellectually. It’s not shocking that this genre is a specialty of a movement which calls itself “conservative,” for the desire to hold on to the old ways presupposes a love of those old ways, and defense of them against the onslaught of History. Such a movement is, tautologically, both fearful of and disgusted by the future—if, as they say, “current trends continue.”

Suffice it to say that, for the present audience at least, this case about the fracturing of the United States and its recent, post-constitutional regime, has already been made. (And if, for reasons of ignorance or the congenital inability to know what time it is, the reader needs more convincing, he can turn to Michael Anton’s excellent book The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return.)

But “yelling stop” takes place in our personal lives, as well. Those of us on the Right who are interested in politics or in the sorry state of our civilization certainly do our share of yelling. “Wake up,” we say with each tweet, group chat, article, or phone call with friends who might be slow to realize the gravity of the situation. “You need to know what time it is.” 

You might, right now, belong to several Signal chats, email listservs, Twitter or Facebook threads, or other forms of group correspondence that make you feel like slamming your head against the wall. Your interlocutors may be wonderful friends, and the chats may be cordial and erudite. Just as often, though, these chats are not so nice; these conversations are even more frustrating. You’re fighting with your sister-in-law’s roommate on Facebook because you want to convince her, or to hone your rhetorical skills—but you’re wasting a tremendous amount of time and energy.

Even putting aside issues of social media censorship, deplatforming, or worse, the risks involved in having earnest, thoughtful political discussions and debates with non-intimates today clearly outweigh the rewards. Do you draw a paycheck from owning the libs on college campuses or on T.V. chat shows? Probably not.

Many of these conversations take place on what, for us, is already well-trod ground. For example, it’s been a half-decade since we’ve debated the trajectory and realignment of the priorities of American Right in the time of Donald Trump. The positions have hardened. By 2021, your Never Trump friend is not going to be convinced of the dangers to what’s left of the founders’ regime and the urgency of the moment. He will keep whining about “authoritarianism” and “nativism” and cite the corporate media’s tired mythological view of the last half-decade. 

This is one of the most common dead ends on the Right, even in high-quality American conservative punditry. Very little is left to gain by continuing to fight this battle as if it was an honest debate. If your goal is to convince your interlocutor, and convince him to abandon the fundamental, often emotion-derived premises by which he organizes his political opinions, you are wasting your time. 

(Shitposting (as it’s known), on the other hand, is an exception—and far more productive than it seems. It is, by definition, not intended to convince; it’s a MOAB rather than an intellectual volley, and it serves the key communications function of bolstering your side. The more biting, the more effective and entertaining. Remember Alinsky’s Rule 6: “a good tactic is one your people enjoy.”)

Even more important than your time, however, is your political mind, given the surprisingly limited amount of focus it is capable of maintaining. Your political mind is like an Overton Window, which is a way of understanding the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream at a given time. On either end of the window are radical conceptions which come to gain mass public appeal as you come toward the middle. The goal of the political communicator, strategist, or ideologue is to nudge the window open, moving a once-unthinkable policy into the mainstream center. Political professionals can do this in an infinite variety of ways, from public relations campaigns to media bombardments or expressions of power from woke capital. It shifts all the time, but only with intention.

It’s much the same on the personal level, as well. The space within the window can be understood to be your political imagination—but it could also be thought of as your attention. This is a finite resource, and the “location” of your battles within the range of that open window is important. By constantly fighting over the same turf, you are reaffirming the political location of your center. 

These debates waste a tremendous amount of productive energy by constantly retracing arguments that have been long settled in your mind. Cut this habit out of your life. Agree to disagree and don’t engage further. (This isn’t an admonition to cut people out of your life based on politics, or to make more enemies; you can talk about gardening, or music, or how fast the kids grow up these days.)

Then, the first step in the right direction is to clear your mind of pointless political conversations by selecting interlocutors with whom you don’t have to have mindless, basic fights on irreconcilable issues. Find a group of friends and colleagues with which you have a relatively close shared understanding of the problem, both the problems of the past and the likely future. The people in your tribe are those with whom you agree in most philosophical respects but may differ with when it comes to tactical considerations. You don’t have to agree on everything, but you need to be able to speak (or type) in a kind of shorthand and have a baseline level of agreement that doesn’t cause the same argument about the same basic concept to break out again and again. 

By establishing a new, more productive baseline for political discussions, you will be able to nudge the window open wider in the direction of your choice. This effort to detach isn’t walking away from the battlefield; it’s forcing you to husband and refocus your resources and time into making political change on a practical level. 

Because this new baseline—this mental real estate—is necessary in this crucial moment. 

Under the sway of a fashionable woke ideology, the Left’s politicization of all aspects of society won’t let up. What is coming will require considerable collaborative effort, focus, and interpersonal trust. It will involve the creation, eventually, of entirely new ecosystems and industries, from finance to culture. The vast scale of what needs to be created is daunting—build your own: social media networks; payment processors; banks; server farms; book publishers; supermarket chains; universities; dating apps; and on and on. At the same time, the Big Sort will intensify, as Americans relocate to states with which they’re more politically aligned. If we hope to combat a now-galloping Blue state anarchotyranny, Red America must be as autonomous as possible—culturally, politically, and economically—either within the context of federalism or under another type of construction. 

There is much work to be done. So much, in fact, that even surveying the scope of the problem becomes overwhelming, and a cause for inaction. Tackling this problem, however, requires a shift in political mindset, and allowing the space for thoughts and conversations that maybe, not so long ago, seemed unthinkable. 

You can only get there with friends. 

The Babylon Bee Guide To Critical Race Theory

Back in the good old days, CRT just stood for "cathode ray tube," as in, "Ugh, I've gotta pack up my giant CRT monitor and lug it over to Bert's LAN party." 

But no more! Now, it stands for "Critical Race Theory" apparently. Everyone's talking about it, so now we've got to google it and find out what it means. After extensive googling, here's what we found out about CRT:

Origins: God made everything good, and then this snake showed up in the Garden of Eden and was like, “Why can’t you have the fruit from that tree over there?” and the sins of pride, jealousy and all the rest were born, sowing the seeds for critical race theory. More recently, people were discontent with their lives despite living in the most prosperous time in human history and had to come up with something to be upset about, so they invented CRT in order to find discontentment and oppression in every situation.

Beliefs: People are inherently good or evil based on the color of their skin. There are some other minor details like wanting to topple Western Civilization, categorizing people into classes of oppressor and oppressed, and eliminating the individual in favor of group identities, but yeah. The hating people for the color of their skin is most of it.

Prominent adherents: Robin DiAngelo, Ibram X. Kendi, the aforementioned snake in the garden.

Opponents: Thomas Sowell, America, the gospel of Jesus Christ.

How to spot a CRT adherent: Look for someone who is obsessed with race, always talking about it, tweeting about it, and screaming at other people about it. It's a clear sign of a CRT disciple.

How do we fight critical race theory? Don’t worry about it. It’s not that big of a deal. Just let your kids go to public schools, watch whatever Netflix shows they want, and follow deranged CRT zealots on TikTok. Nothing bad will come of it.

If we just appease the CRT promoters, they'll eventually be satisfied and leave us alone, right? lol

What’s the difference between CRT and good old-fashioned racism? Here's a comprehensive list of all the differences:

Secret Service Agent Makes a Wild Claim About Michelle Obama

Bonchie reporting for RedState

Sometimes you hear a claim that is so ludicrous and improbable that it requires taking an immediate pause. That happened today in regards to a claim about Michelle Obama made by her “lead” Secret Service Agent.

According to Mike Sington, who claims to be formerly of NBC, Michelle Obama’s life as First Lady was so terrible that she could go “nowhere in public” without having racial slurs hurled at her.

Allow me to suggest that this is not only improbable but obviously nonsensical. One, the Obamas were largely adored by a segment of the American public, with screaming, fawning crowds everywhere they went. Now, are we truly supposed to believe that every single time Michelle Obama left the White House that rabid racists were yelling obscenities at her and not once was it ever 1) caught on video or 2) reported on by eyewitnesses? Further, are we to believe that Michelle Obama herself didn’t see fit to ever mention this while they were in office?

To put this lightly, give me a break. This is not a thing that happened, in my opinion. That’s not to eschew the possibility that at one singular point in time something inappropriate was said to the former First Lady, but there is no evidence that she was assailed by racist insults to the point where she could go “nowhere” in public. And to be clear, that’s the claim being made.

Of course, this all fits a broader narrative Michelle Obama has been pushing since her husband left office, which is that America is systemically racist and that she has been plagued with hardships instead of the obvious privilege she’s enjoyed throughout her life (see Michelle Obama Has One Heck of a Skewed Opinion of America and BLM). That doesn’t mean her life has been perfect (whose has?), but there comes a point where playing victim devolves firmly into gaslighting and ridiculousness.

In short, claims like this should be substantiated, not thrown out as authoritative. This thing politicians and the media do where they cast a dark cloud of racism over entire populations without providing any evidence is gross. Michelle Obama is, objectively, one of the most privileged people to ever exist in the United States, and that privilege was apparent long before she became First Lady. Michelle Obama should be the first person in line to extol the greatness of the American system instead of pretending she’s been oppressed by it even as she resided in the White House for eight years. It’s unseemly and insults the intelligence of everyone involved.

Ashli Babbitt’s Family Suing Capitol Police For Fatal Jan. 6 Shooting

Ashli Babbitt’s family is suing the U.S. Capitol Police for more than $10 million for shooting and killing her during the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“Right now, we have no accountability — zero accountability — they give no explanation to justify the shooting and they do not even identify the officer. That is what they do in autocratic countries, not in the United States,” Maryland attorney Terrell N. Roberts III told the Washington Times

The 35-year-old Air Force veteran was shot with a round from an anonymous officer’s “service pistol” in the Capitol building after she attempted to climb through a broken glass door in the hallway near the Speaker’s Lobby. Babbitt received aid in the Capitol from a Capitol Police emergency response team before she was transported to the Washington Hospital Center where she later died.

The family plans to sue the law enforcement agency under the Federal Tort Claims Act, which allows for monetary compensation if  “a personal injury or death, caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of a Government employee while acting within the scope of his or her office or employment, under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable in accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission occurred.”

The unnamed officer who shot Babbitt but did not receive any charges will also be sued by the family, the Washington Times reported.

“The purpose of the case is to hold the police officer and the Capitol Police accountable for violating Ashli Babbitt’s constitutional right — that is the purpose,” Roberts said, noting that he is “reviewing video of the shooting that was captured by private citizens using their iPhones.”

Roberts also expressed frustration that legislators — including those that voted for the partisan, power-grab Jan. 6 Commission — have not demanded further information or answers from the law enforcement agency.

“If we call ourselves a free people, you would think that Congress would be the first to demand transparency of its own police agency but you don’t hear that,” Roberts explained.

Biden gives Putin the Nord Stream prize and gets nothing in return

Biden gives Putin the Nord Stream prize and gets nothing in return

Much has been made of President Biden’s comment that “Nord Stream 2 is a bad deal for Europe.” Yet with the announcement by Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Nord Stream 2 sanctions are not in the U.S. national interest and will be waived, the Russian-financed European pipeline should glide to a speedy completion. There remains only German regulatory approval before Nord Stream 2 will become operational, unless Germany’s September elections yield some major surprises.

The Biden administration’s rationale appears to be that President Trump treated major ally Germany roughly, so we should give Germany what it wants — Nord Stream 2. Let our other European allies simmer; Trump hurt their feelings less than Germany’s, so they don’t count. And, besides, maybe a magnanimous gesture will bring Russia’s Vladimir Putin to a summit with Biden that will solve the world’s outstanding problems.

Trump, the alleged pro-Russian president, fought the Nord Stream 2 pipeline throughout his presidency; in that, he, like Biden, enjoyed the strong backing of the U.S. Senate. Trump wielded sanctions to scare off Western companies involved in its construction, leaving only Russian vessels, associated Russian oligarchs and the Nord Stream parent company, headquartered in Switzerland, at risk of further sanctions. Although the Nord Stream 2 project was launched in 2016, Trump managed to stave off its completion throughout his term before handing off the battle to the Biden administration. 

Although the Biden administration promised in Senate testimony to oppose Nord Stream 2, Biden’s lack of interest in sanctions, no matter how bad Putin’s behavior, quickly became apparent. On Biden’s watch, Russian opposition figure Aleksei Navalny was incarcerated in a notorious Russian labor colony, Putin ordered a massive military buildup on the Ukrainian border, the Kremlin initiated a silent takeover of Belarus and generally played the role of spoiler on the international scene.

Although notable for its lack of cohesion, even the European Parliament levied new sanctions on Nord Stream 2, as the international community waited for the Biden sanctions.

The Biden administration’s decision to waive Nord Stream 2 sanctions cites the need to repair relations with Germany that were supposedly strained by Trump’s tough treatment of the Angela Merkel government. Besides, argued Berlin, Nord Stream 2 is simply a commercial project and it is not fair to play politics with it; instead, we need “business as usual.”

The Biden administration, in its sanctions waiver, ignored the fact that most of Germany’s European Union partners have opposed Nord Stream 2, which “stress tests” show is not necessary for European energy security. Germany, which presents itself as the guardian of European unity, seems to have placed its economic interests above the European enterprise. The countries of Eastern Europe and the Baltic States are most opposed to Nord Stream 2, insofar as the existing pipeline system through Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus to the rest of Eastern Europe will be abandoned as Nord Stream 2 comes on line.

Among the early conditions applied by the Merkel government to the project’s approval was the preservation of the existing Ukrainian pipeline system. It is, however, no accident that the gas volumes scheduled to go through Nord Stream 2 will fully displace Ukrainian pipelines. At low volumes, the Ukrainian pipeline system will collapse. 

Former Putin advisor Andrei Illarionov points out the enormous political leverage that Nord Stream 2 will bestow on Russia’s Gazprom: Come winter, there can be service interruptions that threaten customers that oppose Russian policies; others may be favored in terms of price and delivery if they bend to Putin’s rule. Russia can continue to squeeze Ukrainian territory, while its European gas customers keep quiet.

It is notable that the Biden decision comes at the right political moment for Nord Stream 2. With a national election scheduled for September, Merkel retiring and scandals threatening the traditional German ruling coalition, the resurgent German Green Party seems scheduled for significant gains. Perhaps there will even be a Green chancellor, or a Green foreign or economics minister. In such a case, the official policy of Germany would turn against Nord Stream 2.

The Greens are on record as strongly opposed to Nord Stream 2, not only for environmental reasons but because it would significantly increase the EU’s dependence on Russian energy and pave the way for escalation against Ukraine. And the Greens already are threatening that they can use regulation to stop Nord Stream 2 in its tracks.

The Nord Stream battle is not over, however, and it is clear why Merkel’s Germany and Russia are trying to present the world with a fait accompli to head off a coming Green counterattack.

I suspect that Biden is playing the Obama administration’s “concessions to get concessions” game. If so, this will not work with Putin, who takes concessions as a sign of weakness. Even more threatening is the fact that Putin will never agree to a Ukrainian settlement that allows for a peaceful, Western-oriented and prosperous Ukraine. This means that the only path to any agreement would be one that sells out Ukraine by reintegrating it back into Russia’s sphere of influence.

Can't Find Ammo? Why the Great Bullet Shortage Could Last Years.


Article by Stephen Silver in The National Interest

Can't Find Ammo? Why the Great Bullet Shortage Could Last Years.

 According to the weapons website The Reload, those in the industry expect the shortage to continue for years.

 Another shortage reported: AmmunitionThe unprecedented pandemic of the past year has led to all sorts of unusual supply chain bottlenecks, which have led to shortages. We’ve seen that, last year, with toilet paper, coins, and laptop computers, and this year with gasoline and lumber.

Now, there’s another shortage: Ammunition.

According to the weapons website The Reload, those in the industry expect the shortage to continue for years.

“On certain products, we are certainly seeing backlogs that stretch out two years and beyond,” Brett Flaugher, president of Winchester Ammunition, told the website. “For those who shoot 9mm and 5.56 ammunition, which are both in high demand, it’s very uncertain how long it will be before people will consistently have ammunition readily available.”

The story added that the shortage has gotten so bad that “many gun owners have simply stopped shooting for months on end,” and that some ranges have run out of ammo to sell.

Guns and Ammo also recently looked at the ammo shortage problem.

“Manufacturing is not without hiccups; there have been COVID-required quarantines, causing plant and production line shutdowns,” the Guns and Ammo story said. “This applies to almost all industries, and there are ripple effects. Few ammunition brands manufacture all four components of a metallic cartridge (primer, case, propellant and projectile). When one component runs short, product is delayed.”

Another explanation is that while ammunition manufacturers are ramping up production as much as they can, they don’t want to be stuck with extra inventory once the demand curve goes back down. The Guns and Ammo story also suggested that, like with many supply bottlenecks, hoarding has become a concern.

CBS Chicago, meanwhile, looked at the similar specific bottlenecks in the Chicago area- and predicted that firearms sales could break records in 2021. It quoted the FBI as stating that there were  16 million background checks for firearm purchases nationwide between January and April, a 31 percent increase form the year before. 

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Joe Scarborough Completely Loses His Mind in Screaming Rant Against Trump Supporters

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The MSNBC and CNN guys who built their whole gigs around attacking President Donald Trump are losing their minds.

Trump really isn’t there to attack anymore. But they are still going after him as if he were and going after anyone who supports him.

Listen to this crazy rant as MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough just absolutely loses it talking about the Arizona audit.

“America, love it or leave it,” Scarborough screamed. If you don’t believe in “Madisonian checks and balances,” then leave, he said. There are millions of immigrants who will “buy into the creed and believe that we are exceptional,” Scarborough ranted. “That believe that American democracy is the greatest government on the face of the Earth.” “Stop this. Or leave,” he declared. “If you’re going to believe a reality TV show host’s lies about the American Republic, his desecration of American exceptionalism, then just get the hell out, we don’t want you here.”

Mika Brzezinski agreed with him saying she “couldn’t have said it better.”

So a few points here. Scarborough surely seems to be upset that there’s an audit going on. Let’s remind Joe about the past four years and his part in spreading ridiculous Russia collusion conspiracy. Let’s remind him of how his network has encouraged such conspiracy theories against our Republic for the past four years. Of course, it wasn’t just him and his network, but Democrats and most of the rest of liberal media. So did he call them out?  Did he call out himself for attacking the Republic? No, he’s never apologized for the division and the harm that he caused.

Another point? Trump has always held up American exceptionalism, so what a strange attack to make. Indeed, it’s the folks that Joe has now thrown in with, the folks on the left, who don’t actually believe in “American exceptionalism,” who even think the term is wrong and of course, somehow about racism, colonialism, or whatever the current word of the day is. They don’t believe that the American government is the greatest government on the face of the Earth, which is why Democrats are always putting the country down. It’s Republicans who believe that, Joe, not your liberal buddies with whom you’ve thrown in. You’re on the wrong side if you think you’re defending American exceptionalism by throwing in with the left.

It’s sort of hilarious that the liberal network is promoting a “love it or leave it” message when they are constantly attacking the country. Have they looked at themselves? Does Scarborough even know what his network has been pitching? Is he aiming it at his own network?

Imagine waking up and tuning into this cray-cray at 6 a.m. in the morning. No wonder MSNBC is hemorrhaging viewers if this is the nonsense they sell.