Friday, May 21, 2021

W³P Open Thread: Obey Held Me Hostage, Oh And Biden Is A Doofus Edition 😯

Well well well ... here we are once again ... this place we find our selves in. A place that comes around weekly every few months, a place called Nowhere.

I know, that was deep. Sometimes I just can't help it. It just flows like fine wine from a ... whatever fine wine flows from.

It's everyone's favorite consistently inconsistent thread, the fabled WWWP Open Thread. Like Sasquatch, many have claimed to see it and even have an experience with it, but it so rarely shows up that most people think it's a myth. You can blame me for that. And you can blame Obey for having an Open Thread this week. Did you know he posted a threatening gif to me yesterday? I had to post a "hiding behind a tree" gif to feel safe. I have exclusive video footage of the hostage situation as it unfolded:

But for real, I do wish I could do more of these. I've just been enjoying playing the role of "commenter on the internet" the past several months. I'll get bored with that and then I'll be in the Blogger admin panel every day, fixing up articles, fixing pixelated pictures, and posting regular meme/open threads.

This is a WWWP Open Thread y'all!!! Shenanigans will ensue, music will be shared, memes will be stolen, Biden will be made fun of, and much much more. It will be a fantastic episode.

As usual I've scoured the internet for the best content to share with you ... from the same people I always share content from. Hey now, don't be a hater ... If you want to see different food and drink videos from other youtubers, post who you want to see down in the comments and we'll make it happen. Just ask Obey ... we do custom Open Threads around here. All you need to do is threaten me a little with a gif or meme and kindly demand that your idea be turned into an Open Thread. Alright, enough rambling ... let's get on with it.

Memes that made Joe Biden Fall Up the Stairs




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Trump Force One Coming Back After Refurbishing

President Trump’s 757, Trump-Force-One, is coming back into service and will be used again for the upcoming series of rallies.  From the desk of President Trump:

President Trump – “Many people have asked about the beautiful Boeing 757 that became so iconic during the Trump rallies. It was effectively kept in storage in Upstate New York in that I was not allowed to use it during my presidency. It is now being fully restored and updated and will be put back into service sometime prior to the end of the year. It will soon be brought to a Louisiana service facility for the completion of work, inspection and updating of Rolls-Royce engines, and a brand new paint job. When completed, it will be better than ever, and again used at upcoming rallies!” (link)

Reports: GOP unified, aiming to retake the House in 2022


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 8:42 AM PT – Friday, May 21, 2021

Despite a recent reshuffling of leadership positions, reports point to the GOP being more unified than ever. These recent reports acknowledged disagreements between Republican lawmakers, but noted that GOP voters are “united and energized.” They also suggested these voters are doing what it takes to make Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) the next Speaker of the House.

Reports also pointed to blockbuster fundraising efforts by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and GOP candidate recruitment ahead of pace heading into the midterm cycle.



Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) discussed party unity when she took over as conference chair.

“We are unified and I look to the voters across America,” she stated. “Republican voters are unified in their support and their desire to work with President Trump, and we are unified as Republicans.”

Reports also pointed to the unified stance Republicans took toward the conflict in Israel compared to the divide between centrist and left-wing Democrats on Israeli support. 




Regime vs. Regime

We who swear to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic 
owe no allegiance whatever to the oligarchy that now runs this country. 

The attempt of America’s ruling class to convict 455 persons of “armed insurrection”—i.e. of waging war against the United States, a species of treason—for protesting insufficient scrutiny of the 2020 election on January 6 in the Capitol, while at the same time it excuses and even cheers the burning and looting of courthouses, police stations, and downtowns all over America, is not the exercise of a “double standard.” 

The people in and out of government who do this are not corrupt. Instead, acting as part of the regime—the oligarchy—they are replacing the American republic and waging war to crush its remains.

The sooner Americans realize that we are being governed by people at war with our Constitution and contemptuous of ourselves, the sooner those people may be treated as the enemies they are.

In the Washington Postthe Justice Department explained why the words of its indictments of those it claims trespassed on the Capitol will not result in the severe prison sentences they imply. Those words try to fit acts prima facie of mostly peaceful protest into the Democratic Party’s and associated oligarchy’s narrative of “armed insurrection against our democracy.” But in the Post story these “legal experts” mention regretfully that, their best efforts notwithstanding, what remains of the U.S. legal system cannot wholly erase the fact that “trespassing is still only trespassing, even in the U.S. Capitol,” and that “a misdemeanor is still only a misdemeanor.” Drat, still

Nevertheless, these prosecutors and friendly experts fill most of the article with how they combine unlimited pretrial detention under harsh circumstances and limitation of legal assistance to press the accused to accept maximum penalties and to forgo bringing cases to juries.

The Narrative vs. Reality 

Keeping evaluation of cases within the administrative-judicial system—out of the hands of the accused’s peers—is an essential part of suppressing the reality of what happened and did not happen on January 6. Forcing the accused to plead guilty to charges formulated according to the narrative that white supremacist Americans unlawfully obstructed the 2020 election is essential to establishing the validity of that fraudulent political claim. 

That, in turn, is an essential weapon in the oligarchy’s attack on the American republic and its supporters. Reality is the opposite: the oligarchy itself committed the only unlawful acts of interference during the 2020 election. Anyone looking for evidence of oligarchic interference may begin with Time magazine’s February 4 story, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” and continue to the ongoing campaigns to thwart audits of vote counts.

Today’s Justice Department, acting as part and parcel of the oligarchy that calls itself “our democracy” has pushed partisanship to the point of war by one regime in favor of another. Inevitably, this has created the horrid reality of political prisoners among us—people who are being punished for supporting the republic against the oligarchy. When regimes war on each other, whose side you are on becomes the practical definition of justice.

The following shows that the oligarchy’s system of justice consists precisely of negating what the U.S. Constitution defines as right. The founders passed the Bill of Rights, especially the Fourth through Eighth Amendments, precisely to place the judicial power’s capacity to hurt individuals ultimately and firmly in the hands of the people. They did it to prevent those in power from using that power to cow opposition and force support. But that is exactly what the regime that calls itself “our democracy” is doing.

Consider: The Fourth Amendment prohibits officials from searching a person or his home and papers without prior consent or a legal order. A warrant must be based on probable cause, or reasonable suspicion of criminal behavior. It must also be very specific in describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. The Fourth Amendment is intended not just to prevent bothersome “fishing expeditions” into innocent matters. It also means to outlaw using investigations themselves as a form of punishment and intimidation.

And yet first the Justice Department, and now regime-friendly judges, have used and are using investigations to draw a dragnet through American society to embarrass, punish, and chill countless persons who are or may be opposed to the oligarchy’s desires. Having been at the Capitol on January 6, or merely in Washington, D.C., has been enough to earn a SWAT team’s intrusion and trashing of one’s home. Other departments of government including the armed forces, plus any number of corporations, examine social media posts for heterodox views. Though punishment does not always result, spreading fear always does. Which is the main point.

Political Power vs. Constitutional Rights

The Fifth Amendment’s prohibition of compulsory self-incrimination was meant to prevent officials from pressuring suspects into admitting guilt for crimes they did not commit. Guilt and innocence were supposed to be determined at trial. But the modern American justice system relies almost entirely on over-charging offenses and then discounting them to obtain a guilty plea—the truth of what really happened be damned. This has placed dictatorial discretion in officials’ hands, resulting in laxity for socio-political favorites and oppression for those out of favor. 

Misuse of the plea bargain system is playing a major role in the oligarchy’s attack on the republic because the oligarchs are combining it with neglect of the Sixth Amendment’s guarantee of a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, to hear and question witnesses, and to be defended by a lawyer. Trials for the events of January 6 are not to begin until at least some nine months after the fact, on no particular schedule. During this lengthy and indeterminate time, the accused are held in solitary confinement under conditions harsher than most murderers ever experience. Their lives have already been ruined. And for what? The pressure on them is enormous to sign anything and at least set a date by which their nightmare will end. 

This is possible because the Justice Department also acts in defiance of the Eighth Amendment, which protects against excessive bail or fines. The Constitution’s framers assumed that all but a few dangerous defendants would be granted bail—money pledged in exchange for the promise to appear for trial. Overheated rhetoric aside, none of the persons arrested in connection with January 6 actually injured anyone, or have a history of injuring anyone. The allegation that they are dangerous is purely a political one, and the purpose of denying them bail is all too obviously to pressure them to support a political narrative and to warn the oligarchy’s potential opponents of what the administrative system has in store for them. 

Deny Their Legitimacy

The Eighth Amendment also forbids cruel or unusual punishment. What might that be for trespassing? What is cruel or unusual punishment for disagreeing with the socio-political agenda of powerful people? 

The Bill of Rights has long since applied to the states. Erasing the distinction between what had been public and private, between the powers of those in political office and those of corporations, institutions, etc., is oligarchy’s essence. 

Arguably, the imposition of very cruel penalties on persons out of step with people and institutions that are part of the ruling oligarchy is contemporary America’s most prominent feature. These include deletion of careers and livelihoods, public imputations of racism, etc. They amount to something like outlawry. 

And for what, specifically? Loud and clear is the ruling narrative: “our democracy” is under armed assault by hordes of white supremacists who lurk throughout society, ready to unleash another, deadlier version of January 6. But the reality is that “trespassing is still only trespassing.” 

To keep this reality in context, one might recall Arlo Guthrie’s hilarious 1967 song “Alice’s Restaurant,” the saga of a hippie arrested for dumping trash, whom the legal system throws in with “all kinds of mean nasty ugly looking people . . . Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Father rapers! . . . nasty and ugly and horrible crime-type guys sitting on the bench next to me! . . . And the meanest, ugliest, nastiest Father raper of them all . . . he said, ‘What were you arrested for, kid?’ And I said, ‘Littering.’ And they all moved away from me.” 

Humor and irony, however, are powerless against the logic of warring regimes. The oligarchs are not fooling around. Appealing to the Constitution can only increase their determination to bury its remnants under the administrative powers it creates or enhances. This is a regime alien and inimical to ours. 

That is good as well as bad news. The good aspect of it is that we who swear to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic owe no allegiance whatever to the oligarchy that now runs this country. Nor can we persuade them about right and wrong. If we are to avoid becoming the oligarchy’s mere subjects we can and must treat them as the enemies they are: deny their legitimacy, and rebuild the republic amongst those of us who love it.

The Age of Coercive Control: We're in an Abusive Relationship with Our Government. Now What?

Article by Megan Fox in PJMedia

The Age of Coercive Control: We're in an Abusive Relationship with Our Government. Now What?

 I know what you’re thinking. “We weren’t expecting the ‘Age of Coercive Control.’ We have iPhones. There are robots that run our lives —like the Jetsons, only with fewer flying cars. We’re so advanced! We just came off the Age of Information and Globalization and we expected an Age of Enlightenment to follow!”

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re entering the Dark Side. As I’ve been observing humanity since the pandemic began I’ve come to the conclusion that the proper name for the age we are currently in is the Age of Coercive Control.

Coercive control is a form of abuse. It is defined as “a pattern of controlling behaviors that create an unequal power dynamic in a relationship. These behaviors give the perpetrators power over their partner, making it difficult for them to leave.”

Mostly, this term is used when describing a domestic relationship. But I argue that the relationship between government and citizen is much like a domestic relationship, only with the government holding a far greater ability to harm the individual in a variety of different creative ways, most of which entail the weaponization of whole institutions against the individual. At least the victims of domestic abuse sometimes have institutions that will help them escape. The citizens of the free world are facing an enemy that holds access to and the power of every institution in the land, including the power to fine, imprison, stalk, harass, steal your children, or bankrupt you under the color of law. It’s not a crime for the government to do these things to you because they’ve written themselves protections in the law called immunity.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re entering the Dark Side. As I’ve been observing humanity since the pandemic began I’ve come to the conclusion that the proper name for the age we are currently in is the Age of Coercive Control.

Coercive control is a form of abuse. It is defined as “a pattern of controlling behaviors that create an unequal power dynamic in a relationship. These behaviors give the perpetrators power over their partner, making it difficult for them to leave.”

Mostly, this term is used when describing a domestic relationship. But I argue that the relationship between government and citizen is much like a domestic relationship, only with the government holding a far greater ability to harm the individual in a variety of different creative ways, most of which entail the weaponization of whole institutions against the individual. At least the victims of domestic abuse sometimes have institutions that will help them escape. The citizens of the free world are facing an enemy that holds access to and the power of every institution in the land, including the power to fine, imprison, stalk, harass, steal your children, or bankrupt you under the color of law. It’s not a crime for the government to do these things to you because they’ve written themselves protections in the law called immunity.

Here are the signs that you are a victim of coercive control, according to Medical News Today:

Monitoring Activities:

A person may exert control by deciding what someone wears, where they go, who they socialize with, what they eat and drink, and what activities they take part in. The controlling person may also demand or gain access to the partner’s computer, cell phone, or email account.

The perpetrator may also try to convince their partner that they want to check up on them because they love them. However, this behavior is not part of a healthy or loving relationship.

This sounds familiar. With the implementation of COVID restrictions on our formerly free society, we have all been subject to unlawful monitoring of normal behaviors, including what we wear (on our faces), where we can go, who we can socialize with, what entertainment we can have—and they even wanted access to our phones through contact tracing apps. The perpetrators of this crime against us told us it was because the government cares about our health. But according to science, this is not loving behavior, but dangerous abusive control.

Exerting Financial Control:

This occurs when a person controls someone’s access to money and does not allow them to make financial decisions. This can leave a person without food or clothing and make it harder for them to leave the relationship.

We all know the government picked winners and losers in the COVID panic of 2020. They decided which businesses would thrive and be “essential” (Walmart, Target, Big Box stores) and which ones would fail and be “non-essential” (small restaurants, shops, and family-owned businesses). Choosing whom to exert financial pressure on allowed petty government agents to punish their political enemies, which they did and are still doing (see all the pastors arrested for having church while Walmart was fully open).


A controlling person may try to get their partner to cut contact with family and friends so that they are easier to control.

They may also prevent them from going to work or school.

Do I even need to opine here?


Insults serve to undermine a person’s self-esteem. This may involve name-calling, highlighting a person’s insecurities, or putting them down.

Eventually, the person experiencing this abuse may start to feel as though they deserve the insults

If you don’t wear a mask, you’re a grandma killer!

Hey, Maskhole!

If you don’t wear a mask you deserve to die, gasping for breath on a ventilator.

These are just a smattering of the types of insults that I hear every time I object to wearing a dirty gag rag everywhere I go.

Threats and Intimidation:

Threats can include threats of physical violence, self-harm, or public humiliation.

When I flew for the first time after COVID there were announcements every ten minutes threatening to put me on a terror watch list if my mask slipped. A new report by Michael Tracey uncovered thousands of coercive punishments handed out by abusive police to people for attempting to live normally.

Here are some examples of “unauthorized or otherwise unlawful acts” which allegedly contributed to “jeopardiz[ing] the health, welfare, and safety of the people” that police accused people of committing:

  • Sitting in park
  • Sitting and talking to others
  • Sitting on milk crate
  • Visiting with no legitimate purpose
  • Hanging out
  • Being in the street in the company of another
  • In street in the company of others
  • Sitting on bench smoking
  • Encouraging others to not social distance
  • Standing outside enjoying the weather
  • Socializing with another
  • Not Social Distancing
  • Standing without mask

These violations are punishable by up to six months in prison and a fine of $1,000.

Involving Children:

The controlling person may use children or family pets as another means of controlling their partner. They may do this by threatening the children or pets, or by trying to take sole custody of them if their partner leaves.

Parents who are involved in family court have reported that since COVID their visitation with their children was stripped for an entire year—and counting— and other parents had their children removed for not wearing a mask while posting selfies on social media. Those of us not in divorce or custody battles have had our children used as pawns and their educations trashed by the abusers in power with no recourse against them because, after all, “it’s a pandemic, Karen.” Listen below as Judge Dale Cohen abuses a mother from the bench because she didn’t wear a mask in a selfie. He took visitations with her son away from her over this.



Gaslighting is a form of manipulation where the abuser makes the victim believe things that aren’t true, making the victim doubt their own sanity. There is no better example of this than the constantly changing mask guidance: “Don’t wear masks; if you want to wear masks go ahead; MASKS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW OR WE WILL JAIL YOU; if you’re vaccinated you still have to wear masks; WEAR TWO MASKS; wear a mask outside; take off your masks but still social distance…” the list goes on. No one understands any of it and if you say to someone that “Dr. Fauci said masks are ineffective at stopping viruses,” because that’s what he said, you’re sure to run into someone who will quote him directly contradicting himself, because he did, multiple times! And yet, we’re the ones who are crazy. This is gaslighting.

Medical experts recommend getting away from a coercive controlling abuser, if possible.

Have a safety plan. “When deciding to leave, victims should have a plan regarding where to go and who to stay with,” Patrick adds, “recognizing that the initial period of separation might be the most dangerous in terms of an abuser attempting to reconcile — through both legal and illegal conduct.”

But how do we leave and where do we go? The coercive control being exercised on us is mostly “legal” as our lawmakers just write their abuses into law, and the rules that are illegal aren’t being challenged fast enough to help anyone. There’s no one to tell, no one to call, and nowhere to go. You’re a victim of abuse. The question now is, what are you going to do about it?

I believe some of us warned you at the beginning of this that giving up our rights in the face of an “emergency” would lead us to a place where the only option was to shoot our way out. If anyone is seeing an exit that doesn’t involve violence, please let me know in the comments below because if one exists, I’m not seeing it.

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Fauci and the Fed: America’s….

Fauci and the Fed: America's Technocratic Frauds

This past March, Dr. Anthony Fauci sparred with Dr. Rand Paul over any public health benefit that came from wearing a mask if one had developed immunity to the virus. In dealing with both a democratically elected senator and a medical doctor, Dr. Fauci was dismissive and condescending. He demonstrated the degree to which he held himself higher than the Senate.

Dr. Fauci was also wrong.

A medical expert in Dr. Fauci’s position losing a debate on the science to an ophthalmologist—even one of Dr. Paul’s great reputation—would itself be enough to declare them a fraud.

But Dr. Fauci is much worse than a fraud; he is a technocrat. He doesn’t see himself as simply someone to explain “the science” of the virus but appointed himself a covid czar. He leveraged the corporate press’s personality cult and used it to manipulate the public to behave the way he wanted them to behave.

He prioritized control over presenting the science.

He also has no shame in doing this. He has repeatedly boasted about it to his devoted followers in the media.

For example, this morning, Fauci explained on ABC that his wearing masks indoors was about optics—not science.

I didn’t want to look like I was giving mixed signals but being a fully vaccinated person, the chances of my getting infected in an indoor setting is extremely low.

This is not the first time Fauci has given himself the authority to act beyond "the science." Last December, Fauci started changing his claims about the necessary rates of vaccination to achieve a state of postcovid normality. The original aim of 70 percent was moved as high as 90 percent. As Fauci explained to the New York Times:

When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent…. Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, "I can nudge this up a bit," so I went to 80, 85. We need to have some humility here…. We really don’t know what the real number is. I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent. But, I'm not going to say 90 percent.

America has subjected itself to a lost year of economically devastating, mentally abusive policies—all based on the authoritarian impulses of a learned ignoramus.

This has also become the norm for Washington’s imperial federal government.

While Fauci’s thirst for the camera has made him an easy target for ridicule, most of the true power of the federal government rests in the hands of similar unelected “experts.” For all the arguments that can be made against democracy, it is in these unelected institutions of power that we have seen the most aggressive expansions of state power in pursuit of the most radical policies.

Take the institution most challenged now by the success of Fauci-ism: the Federal Reserve.

Though he doesn’t make enough television appearances to earn his own progressive prayer candle, Jay Powell has received his own fawning praisefrom the slice of the corporate press that follows the Fed. Senate Democrats have even begun to push for Biden to keep Powell on board when his term comes up next year.

Outside the Beltway, however, Americans are feeling the impact of inflation. Google searches for “inflation” hit record highs in March, long before the 4.2 percent reported increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Perhaps an American consumer seeing their paycheck buy less and less would be comforted by the fact that inflation is precisely what the Fed has been explicitly calling for.

Of course, the consequences of the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented monetary policy go beyond simply the devaluation of money. The Fed’s low interest rate policy has massively increased risk in the financial system by depriving investors—both large and small—of safe, conservative investment options. Doing so has been great for large corporations, which have seen stock prices soar since 2008, both richly rewarding CEOs and subsidizing attempts to purchase smaller potential competitors. Those Americans who just wanted to simply save money, avoid debt, and avoid the volatility of the stock market have been less lucky.

At least they can look forward to funding the bailouts when the collapse of a stock market bubble ends up designating Facebook a systemically important company.

Even better, the Federal Reserve continues to give itself greater and greater authority to expand its mission far beyond monetary policy, with policy aims such as “greening the financial system.”

These bold and aggressive power grabs come in spite of the fact that the Fed’s own actions have repeatedly demonstrated that it has no idea what it is doing. Examples include not only the inability to identify the financial crisis in 2008 but its failure to reverse quantitative easing (QE)—as it repeatedly claimed it could do—and its repeated inability to forecast economic growth. The Fed has gone from one crisis to another, expanding its power, creating new tools for itself, and without any clear or coherent vision or economic theory.

Just like Fauci and the other parts of America’s technocratic class.

As the Trump era showed, the problem of these unelected policy czars is not solved simply by a presidential election. They are embedded deep within the structure of the federal government. To reign them in, we either need systemic change or pressure from the states.

Ultimately, what forced the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to break itself from the propaganda of Dr. Fauci were the counterexamples offered by Florida and other open states, which were grounded in science rather than a personality cult. While it is easier for a state to nullify public health guidelines than it is to separate a state from America’s central bank, we have seen states like Wyoming and Texas take legislative action to promote alternatives to the Fed.

Hopefully, the example of Dr. Fauci will help kill some of the faith in “policy experts” that government schools spend so much time instilling in the public.

There It Is: Harris Calls COVID an 'Opportunity to Transform' America as We Know It

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

I’m going to “bury the lede,” as they say, on purpose.

The reason being, a clear understanding of the fundamental truths of today’s far-left — which now includes the majority of the Democrat Party — is in our best interest to have in mind while watching and closely listening to the clip of COVID-related-comments made by Kamala Harris, further down the page.

Rush Limbaugh was fond of saying he “understands liberals better than they understand themselves.” Rush was right, as was usually the case. Moreover, those today who fail to follow Rush Limbaugh’s lead do so at their own peril.

Among the fundamental truths of the left is “divide and conquer.”

The Democrat Party has known for decades it must patch together disparate groups if it is to remain a competitive national political party — people of color, the LGBTQ community, (liberal) women, et al. — and today, of course, illegal immigrants (future Democrat voters) enthusiastically recruited by Biden to stream across the border unchecked.

If we’ve learned anything over the last five years, it’s that today’s Democrat Party is not the Democrat Party of not all that long ago. Democrats are now hellbent on destroying America as we know it, and “pragmatic moderate” Kamala Harris is among those leading the charge.

(We’ll get to her in a minute.)

A second fundamental truth, as admonished by former Obama stooge Rahm Emanuel:

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

To people and political parties not intent on destroying the fundamental principles of America, Emanuel’s admonition can be wise advice.

To today’s radical left — again, now the majority of the Democrat Party — it is an omen to be taken seriously by the rest of America to stand and fight for the fundamental principles of liberty and justice — not “racial” justice or “social justice” and other bulls**t terms created for the sole purpose political expediency, simply justice — and the fundamental principles on which America was founded.

The Democrat Party, Kamala Harris, and COVID…

The left will never say it out loud — within earshot of non-leftists, that is — but make no mistake: the Democrat Party has viewed the COVID pandemic from the outset as the best crisis to come along in a generation; a golden opportunity they were determined to not only not waste but to exploit the ever-loving hell out of. And they gleefully set about doing exactly that as we speak. (St. Fauci unavailable for comment.)

And now, Kamala Harris:

“As we emerge from the pandemic, I believe that we are at the start of a new era. I believe that we have a unique opportunity to now — to shape our nation’s future. To transform how we live, how we work, and how we vote.” 

Let that sink in for a minute, gang.

If those words — from Kamala Harris, of all people — send chills down your spine, you’re likely a conservative. Think about it. Think about the actions and behavior of Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats throughout the presidency of Donald Trump. Think about the actions and behavior of executive-order-happy “Biden-Harris” over the last 121 days. Think about Democrat promises — make that threats — of things to come.

Potential packing of the U.S. Supreme Court. Elimination of the Electoral College. Ridiculous restrictions due to “climate change” — AKA: “The existential threat of our time” [rolling-eyes emoji). The purposely misnomered “For the People Act“; legislation that would codify at the federal level various Democrat-driven state laws on early voting, same-day registration, and voter ID rules, first and foremost among them.

The last president to promise — threaten — to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” was a guy named Barack Hussein Obama. I’m not sure how much Obama “fundamentally transformed America,” but I am sure of the legacy left by Barack “If I had a son he’d look like Trayvon” Obama after eight years of purposely dividing America along racial lines.

And now, Biden-Harris, along with Pelosi-Schumer, in just 121 days have already made Barack Obama look like a piker. Just think about what’s yet to come.

These Parents Are The Real Resistance

NH Police Arrest Maskless Parents Attempting to Confront School Board – Following Arrests Board Cancels Meeting To Avoid Parents 

Comrades, it is interesting -some would say disturbing- to watch law enforcement arrest people for not violating laws.  The requirement to wear a mask is a local school board policy, created by random fiat, not a law.   The arrested maskless parents were proactively accused of ‘disturbing the peace’, before any disturbance could be identified.

PLAISTOW — Tempers flared at Thursday night’s Timberlane Regional School Board meeting after a Sunday school teacher was arrested moments after she and several other unmasked attendees showed up to demand an end to a school mask mandate.

The meeting was planned to be held in person at the district’s Performing Arts Center, but board Chairwoman Kimberly Farah quickly shut it down before it began and required that it be held remotely.

“I didn’t want to jeopardize the health of the staff and the students,” Farah said as several Plaistow police officers and state police troopers swarmed inside and outside the auditorium.

The abrupt end to the 7 p.m. in-person meeting happened shortly after Atkinson resident Jackie Wydola watched as police arrested her mother, Kate Bossi, when they entered the building without masks as required by school policy. (read more)

..”If the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them.”..  ~Sam Adams

A maskless rogue citizen could put a compliant society at risk of infection. They may not carry biologics they could carry a more alarming virus of wrong-thought against the interests of the state. Rogue citizen assembly at this critical juncture would be subversive to our new society.

During these stressful times maskless exhibitions of assembled thought, without regard for collective need, is an indication a citizen may be a subversive. Please report non-mask-wearing subversives to the New Hampshire Ministry of COVID Compliance, so they may be monitored, blocked from the benefits of the new union; and re-educated with enhanced support.

If wrong-thoughts or unmasked social assembly continue to be expressed, it may become necessary for the regional Ministry of COVID Compliance to deduct 200 credits from your social compliance score. Please do not put the Ministry in the position of having to make such decisions. Vaccination compliance is in your best interest.

Those who construct the systems of control need to weaponize fear. Fear of arrest; fear of losing a business; fear of losing liberty or financial security. Local, regional and state officials rely on fear. As soon as We The People are no longer fearful, the control ends.

The overwhelming majority of dictates around COVID-19 mitigation are not laws. There was no debate; no input from representative government; and no option for the public to weigh-in on the decisions.

All unilateral rules are arbitrary, and despite many proclamations to the contrary, they rely upon voluntary compliance. As soon as citizens no longer voluntarily comply, the term of the rules has expired.  Liberty is inherent. The removal of liberty requires consent.

How do We The People retract our consent? We simply refuse to comply.

When the majority of people simply refuse to comply with unilateral dictates, and laugh in the faces of those who attempt to enforce them, the government no longer has power.

If one person refuses to comply government can, and likely will, intervene. However, if tens of thousands rebuke these unconstitutional decrees, there isn’t a damn thing govt can  do to stop it… and they know it.

Orange County, CA, Parents Rally Against Forcing Kids To Wear Masks in School

Friend of the Treehouse John Spiropoulos attended a rally in Orange County, California, organized by parents who are confronting the insufferable rules and dictates from the local school board.

The event took place on Monday at the Orange County Department of Education.  More than 300 Orange County California parents demand the Department of Education eliminate the requirement that students must wear masks at schools.  The event is covered in four video segments:

Report #1

Report #2 (Features 4 mothers who pulled kids out of public schools to home-school them)

Report #3 (Features a school teacher and a martial arts champ who is now a city councilman)

Report #4 (Emotions are running high. One mom says she’s “pissed off” while a father chokes up about seeing his eight year old daughter go to school in a mask.)