Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Over 120 generals and admirals warn that administration policies are ‘national security threat’

Article by Carol Greenwald in The American Thinker


Over 120 generals and admirals warn that administration policies are ‘national security threat’

A day before the Senate markup of HR1 on May 11, 2021,( the Democrats’ power grab to federalize election laws in favor of progressive candidates), 124 retired admirals and generals issued an open letter to the American people warning that “Our nation is in deep peril. We are fighting for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776.”

Among the dangers facing the nation created by the Administration’s policies, the retired flag officers singled out H.R.1 and S.1. Without fair and honest elections, they warn that “our Constitutional Republic is lost”. Under our federal system, the states and not the federal government set the controls to ensure election integrity: that there is one legal vote cast and counted per citizen.  State legislatures are tasked by the Constitution with setting the election rules.

Using government IDs and verified signatures are just commonsense controls, the flag officers argue, to ensure honest elections.   But today, many are calling such commonplace controls “racist” in an attempt to avoid having fair and honest elections. The flag officers blasted as a “tyrannical intimidation tactic” the use of racist slurs to stop criticism of the Democrat power grab. The flag officers compared these tactics to those used by fascist and Marxist regimes to silence their critics. The flag officers warn that HR1 and S.1 , if passed, would destroy election fairness and allow Democrats to forever remain in power, “violating our Constitution and ending our Representative  Republic.”

The retired generals and admirals cited the Administration’s appeasement of China as the most important external danger, but they also decried the Administration’s determination to return to the disastrous Iran nuclear deal.

But the flag officers focused on the numerous internal threats created by Administration’s policies like the destruction of our border security, condoning anarchic violence, politicizing our military to create the illusion of rightwing threats, spreading the divisive critical race theory, and undermining our energy independence.

It is highly unusual for retired generals and admirals to engage in political actions. But these retired flag officers signed this letter because they still felt bound by the oath that they had taken “to support and defend the Constitution of the U.S. against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” The retired flag officers acted because “our Constitutional Republic is under tremendous assault coming from those believing in Socialism and Marxism which is the opposite of the freedoms, liberty and Bill of Rights that form the basis of our Constitution and our traditional values."

They call on the American people to become engaged in political activity to confront these dangers by throwing out these left-wing politicians in the 2022 elections in favor of  representatives  at the federal, state and local levels who  will act to  save America.  

“Under a Democrat Congress and the current Administration”, the flag officers lament, “our country has taken a hard left turn toward socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government which must be countered now by electing congressional and presidential candidates who will always act to defend our Constitutional Republic. The survival of our nation and its cherished freedoms, liberty and historic values are at stake.”


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Biden picks ex-Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel as US ambassador to Japan


Joe Biden has picked the former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel to be his ambassador to Japan.

The selection ends months of speculation over whether Barack Obama’s first chief of staff, a former congressman and longtime Democratic operative, would be nominated to an administration role.

In the first days of the Biden presidency Emanuel, 61, was mentioned as a possible secretary of transportation. Biden ended up picking Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who ran strongly in the Democratic presidential primary.

Some progressives view Emanuel as a major antagonist within the party. He is often criticized among liberals, for example, for his handling of a shooting of an African American teenager during his time in Chicago.

Emanuel served two terms as mayor but opted not to run a third time, in the face of a potentially brutal campaign.

His selection as ambassador was first reported by the Financial Times. The Guardian confirmed it on Tuesday.

The selection, which will be officially announced later this month, is one of a number of appointments Biden plans to make in full ambassadorial roles. There has been grumbling among Democratic donors that the president has not followed in a longstanding tradition of appointing major donors to plush diplomatic posts.



Biden has reportedly eyed major American political figures for diplomatic jobs. In April, for example, Axios reported that he plans to pick Cindy McCain, the wife of the late Republican senator and presidential nominee John McCain, to be ambassador to the United Nations World Food Programme.

Biden reportedly plans to nominate Ken Salazar, a former cabinet secretary and senator from Colorado, as ambassador to Mexico.









Reports: Bill Gates appears falling out of favor with Democrat media


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 8:32 AM PT – Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Microsoft founder Bill Gates appears to be falling out of favor with mainstream media amid claims of his ties to sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

According to reports Monday, almost every major media outlet has reported about the Gates-Epstein connection and its potential implications Meanwhile, the same media were suppressing the reports of Hunter Biden’s corruption and depravity.

Gates has often been the subject of controversy, particularly regarding the work of his international organization the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as remarks he’s made implying he wishes to reduce the world’s population.

“The world today has 6.8 billion people, that’s headed to about 9 billion,” he stated. “Now if we do a really good job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health, we could lower that by 10-15 percent.”

Mainstream media criticisms of Bill Gates also come despite the efforts to manipulate narratives by the Gates Foundation as revealed by the Columbia Journalism Review.











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Tuning Out Wokeism

The current madness is the stuff of history 
as we watch it predictably unfold, until
—and if—a few, a “happy few,” finally 
say to the mob, “no mas.” 

If wokeness should continue and “win,” by now we all know where it will end up. After all, this is not a prairie-fire, peasants-with-pitchforks, spontaneous bottom-up revolution.

The woke Left seeks a top-down erasure of America, engineered by the likes of LeBron James from his $40 million estate talking revolution to Oprah at her $90 million castle, as Mark Zuckerberg throws in $500 million here, and his colleagues $400 million there, and as the top executives of Coke, Target, and Delta Airlines believe their $17 million-a-year salaries make them experts on the crimes of non-diversity, exclusion, and inequity. Anytime revolutionaries at the outset of their enterprises seek exemption from the consequences of their own ideology, we know their plans will end badly for everyone else.

911 No Longer

As big-city prosecutors choose not to prosecute “property crimes” or “brick and mortar” arsons and thefts, or what they consider “minor” misdemeanors or “nonlethal” felonies, crime spikes. The ancient principle of human nature then reigns supreme. The criminally inclined conclude the upside of hurting the weak, killing the innocent, stealing, destroying, looting, or simply causing mayhem far outweighs the rarer downside of being arrested, convicted, incarcerated, or worse. So all deterrence is lost. A cycle of chacun pour soi prevails.

Police in response make the necessary adjustments. Consider their bleak choices. Either they: 

1) Go into increasingly high crime areas and get attacked or shot in the failed effort to make an arrest or restore calm; or

2) proceed to make an arrest, but the suspect, usually with prior felony convictions, resists, bolts, or attacks, and they use force to subdue him. In some cases, they can make a decision to risk doing so lethally, if they judge, rightly or wrongly, that the arrested is a threat to their lives. As a result, they are suspended, ruined, doxxed, vilified in the media, and their families and homes are put in danger; or 

3) they apprehend the suspect, make the arrest without incident, but the woke district attorneys decide the suspect was not worth the time and controversy of prosecuting or find that the police acted in a way that might be suspect or at least alienate a jury of the suspect’s peers. Therefore, the arrested is released—omnis effusus labor; or

4) they safely arrest the suspect without incident. The state successfully indicts and prosecutes the accused. And if he is found guilty, he is incarcerated to protect society and to pay for his crimes.

In these revolutionary times, I think plenty of police officers—if they still have career choices and can afford temporary financial losses—will make the necessary adjustments. So they will decide that the odds of scenarios one through three are as great or greater than number four.

Therefore they will quit, retire, or move to rural, mostly crime-free jurisdictions. Or if not, they simply will not respond promptly to 911 calls from high-crime areas, and perhaps suggest that other police, those less likely to inspire community wrath, go in their stead. 

The logic of these choices results in another series of likely unfortunate consequences:

Either: Police are still dubbed racists for not responding to the cries for help of vulnerable inner-city residents and for putting greater onus on minority officers who then must take greater risks than their colleagues. I think the above is already occurring and explains in part deracinated police forces, dangerous increases in crime, and essential no-go zones of chaos in our major cities. The upscale who demanded these changes are exempt by their own security measures or ZIP codes from suffering from them. 

Or: All the above become irrelevant. Our major cities revert to 1970s criminal badlands, and most people steer clear. Others cannot worry about cause and effect, because, as the trapped, they struggle to survive in the fashion of Mad Max or Robocop. In response, the government likely will propose a nationalized police force, properly trained in uniform wokeness. Or maybe some well-insulated experts will continue to insist that crime is social justice, and so hope it spreads to the suburbs in justified redistributive and compensatory fashion.

Wokeism Everywhere

The public is now increasingly bombarded by 360-degree, 24/7 wokeness in the fashion of the Maoist Red Guard gangs. There appears little refuge from it. Not in television commercials. Not from CEOs. Not from professional sports. Not from movies or television shows. Not from Wall Street, the internet, and social media. Not from the administrative state, and not from the military. Not from the K-12 teachers, much less the professors.

It is largely the well-off professionals, the “privileged” and the rich—CEOs, news anchors, actors, star athletes, college presidents, foundation heads, corporate board retired military brass, Wall Street grandees—who usually do the woke remonstrating (or fund it) to the supposedly non-privileged but guilty un-woke.

So how does half a nation of proverbial Winston Smiths react to this revolutionary panopticon? The targeted seek escapes. They craft a mental refuge from the progressive lynch mob outside the Western jail. And half the country is also doing that already. 

Does the propaganda of NPR and PBS news and editorialization cancel out their good programming of art and culture, such as they are, that is not propagandistic? Sadly, yes. People will tune both out. They’ve had one too many sermons from one too many condescending, nasal-toned grandee. 

Do they put up anymore with network news? No, half the country has no idea who is currently the NBC, ABC, or CBS evening news anchor. Do they care about the New York Times or Washington Post? Nope. For a large number of Americans, being an editor at those places is not prestigious but an embarrassment. Is the nerdy Silicon Valley billionaire their model of can-do entrepreneurism? No, again. To half the country, they appear either like Charles Manson or those peach-faced adolescents who are really 40 or 50. 

Movies? Tens of millions have not gone to a theater in years. Many never will again. They find watching revived 1960s comic book heroes, dressed up as narcissistic social justice warriors, boring and pathetic—a “see Spot run” primer script, a Kindergarten experience, despite the pyrotechnics and surrealism of computer-created special effects that poorly hide the lack of ideas.  

Sports? Ditto. The NBA is an ancient memory. The NFL Superbowl half-time show has become politicized soft-porn and easily tuned out. The last rampart of Major League Baseball is breached. Multimillionaires too, baseball players cannot put up with three minutes of reverence, despite their $5 million-a-year salaries (about $30,000-a-game per season), for the flag and National Anthem. 

Ask anyone to distinguish a Grammy from a Tony from an Emmy from an Oscar, and you encounter, “Who gives a f–k?” about these strange runes. 

Does anyone but some captive students and a few faculty read the periodic communiques of terrified university deans, provosts, or presidents? 

Is there a sort of Turbo-Tax formula that churns them out, “We will not tolerate systemic racism . . . ,” “We confess that our past was . . . ,” “We will immediately hire the following . . .,” “We will take steps to make amends by . . .” These are the psychodramatic versions of the 1930s-era Soviet show trials, when terrified provincial officials testified to all sorts of counterrevolutionary thought crimes in hopes of saving either themselves or their families. Do most Americans know the name of a single university president? Do they care if they don’t? 

What is saving the country, for now, is not the third of Americans who have bachelor’s degrees, given the university has become a woke deductive, anti-empirical, anti-Enlightenment institution. For now, the more practical two-thirds of the population who did not graduate, and either never experienced the academic mind or got out quickly after they did, are our rear guard at Thermopylae. I concede, with the sadness of a former believer in higher education, that an entire institution has failed its pledge to the Enlightenment and we are back 2,700 years to Hesiod’s warning that with material progress comes moral regress.

An Epidemic of Cynicism

Most non-woke don’t always know which words in a given day are dangerous, so they listen more than speak. If referring to a high-crime area, the correct terminology is “an underserved” or “marginalized” area to virtue signal the fault is society’s, not any individual’s. If they hear there is an epidemic of “white” anti-Asian crimes, they assume there is not, in the sense the qualifier “white” signals “nonwhite” perpetrators. If they read the latest post that someone wants to gas whites, Auschwitz-style, or promises to avoid whites when the quarantine ends, or compares them to an infestation that destroy the human and natural world, they shrug a sort of nonchalance, “Hmmm, he must be a professor, a journalist, a lawyer or some sort of privileged elite or one of the wealthy—and all that much unhappier and angrier for it.”  

The public translates the woke ethos into the vocabulary of reality—like segregation, racism, hatred, and derangement. Jaded, they decipher rather than read the news: if a suspect is not described and not pictured, they assume he is intersectional; if he is, he is not. A story appears if the victim and the victimizer fit narratives; ignored if they do not. Half the country has become like wary Poles and Hungarians circa 1956, with the D.C. bureaucracy now a politburo of sorts. 

The most law-abiding of Americans now, rightly or wrongly, seem terrified of the law—the FBI of James Comey vintage, John Brennan’s legacy at the CIA, the same old IRS of Lois Lerner, the Justice Department once branded by Eric Holder, and the predictable court order of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Enlisted men fear their inquisitional officers, and why not if they listen to what they hear from the active and retired military in 2020? 

So Americans, conservatives especially, fear that the once-revered FBI can become analogous to the Stasi, the once indomitable CIA after 2015 began emulating the KGB, and the federal prosecutor has become a vindictive Inspector Javert. And just when you think they are crazier for such fears, another couple is rousted out of bed by agents for supposedly being at a riot they were not at, or a federal attorney is on TV, virtue signaling how the law can be warped to go after “them.” 

One-hundred million Americans fear not that they are targeted for committing a real crime, but rather accused of an even more dangerous thought crime. 

Our Oceania

In dystopian novels from Nineteen Eighty-Four to Fahrenheit 451, the dissident from the omnipotent state seeks refuge in an alternate universe. So now some Americans quietly still revere Jefferson, Lincoln, and Washington—as if they are Christians reading their gospels in secret under Diocletian. They pray their neighborhood school will not be renamed. They think their school’s or corporation’s “diversity training” is not much different from what they saw in “The Manchurian Candidate,” or popular stories of “brainwashing” from North Korea. So they prep for it, and are ready to nod, smile, parrot “yes” and “of course” but have pre-programmed themselves to have the edicts and commands of the “facilitator” or “trainer” and “educator” go in one ear, pass unnoticed, and zoom out the other. 

They trade private tips on how to endure the mandatory three-hour video on racism, sexism, and the potpourri of -isms. That is, how best to multitask and see whether a brief tap-in to the 10-minute screed suffices to pass the moronic multiple-choice, endless gotcha questions that follow. 

When they pass by a statue of a president, a general, a donor at a university or municipal square, even if a liberator, an abolitionist, or a philanthropist, the non-woke assume the stone and bronze are doomed. If it is skipped over by this month’s mob, it won’t be by next year’s. After all, can any reader cite the case of a statue toppler, or a monument defacer who has ever been arrested, prosecuted, and convicted of a felony? 

So most of the beleaguered are defiant, but in silence and in refuge. They know most, when canceled, issue profuse apologies, and play the part of Gollum rather than Aragorn. 

The current madness is the stuff of history as we watch it predictably unfold, until—and if—a few, a “happy few,” finally say to the mob, “no mas”, and pop this nightmarish balloon.

White House Occupant Reads Teleprompter, Desperately Attempting to Spin Horrific Policy Outcomes

The White House occupant appeared today to deliver remarks on some key issues that are catastrophic to the long-term goals of the leftist administration.

First, let’s be clear; there’s no-way the Chicago control agents would allow the installed occupant to speak on any issue, publicly, that was not a direct and measurable threat to their long-term goals.

The remarks today by Joe Biden are carefully scripted to diffuse political damage that is pending as a direct outcome of the executed policies.

The risks and remarks are in the following order:

(1)  Gas Prices – The JoeBama energy policy is “necessarily” making fuel prices at the pump jump dramatically.  The teleprompter is loaded with disinformation to place the blame for higher gas prices upon a pipeline hack, which JoeBama intentionally points out is a private sector issue – that now needs government intervention as part of his infrastructure program. This nuanced shift is clearly part of the Chicago maneuver toward socialist control of all levels of energy development and distribution.

The political risk is obvious.  Massive increases at the gas pump will hit the middle class extremely hard.  Democrats are to blame for these gas prices and they are worried about the political fallout.  Ergo, JoeBama is told to read his script.

(2) Mass Unemployment  and Terrible Jobs Numbers –  The COVID bailout has created massive incentives for people not to return to work.  It is only not a laziness and comfortable dependency issue, it is also an economic decision.  Low wage workers can make more sitting at home getting unemployment to combine with their COVID bailout money than they can returning to work.

The political risk is again obvious.  As overall policy destroys the middle class in favor of Wall Street, multinational corporations and the investment class, it doesn’t take an economist to see the dependency model creates a disincentive.  The Chicago crew is concerned about the backlash from obvious economics.  The teleprompter is loaded with obtuse talking points that deflect and deny this reality.  Additionally,  the teleprompter message to blue states lets them know more money is coming into their coffers; so hold the line.

(3)  Unemployment and Dependency policy – As the American electorate see in their daily lives how massive government spending is creating both inflation and a lack of good jobs, the Chicago team need JoeBama to say publicly that people need to go back to work.  The optics and narrative are good, but they run counter to the incentives that are contained in the policy.  JoeBama knows reality will drive the behavior, not his “must take the jobs” word salad.  The words are for sheeple and media to deflect.

(4)  Pushing the Vaccine – The vaccination issue is a toxic problem as people start to realize the government is talking out of both sides of its mouth.  At the same time the Chicago crew is using every narrative distribution network to push the vaccine, claiming it is safe, OSHA is telling employers that all mandated vaccination side-effects must be recorded as “workplace injuries”.

If the un-tested, non-FDA approved vaccine is safe, then why are employers being held liable for vaccine side-effects?  Think about it.  This is the actual text of the new question and answer on the OSHA website:

“If I require my employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of their employment, are adverse reactions to the vaccine recordable?

“If you require your employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment (i.e., for work-related reasons), then any adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is work-related. The adverse reaction is recordable if it is a new case under 29 CFR 1904.6 and meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7.” (link)

The downstream consequences of this double-speak are very predictable.  Employment lawyers are going to have a field day against employers who force the vaccination; yet the federal government is telling employers to force the vaccination.  You can smell the crippling lawsuits cooking from over the horizon.

The bottom line is simple…. The Democrats can see a political backlash coming that is going to overwhelm them.  No amount of spin or manipulative talking points will change the outcome of the reality people are feeling.   Massive increases in gas prices combined with massive inflation is the exact policy outcome from Jimmy Carter.  The Chicago crew is trying to find a way out of the blast zone for what is coming….

A Powder Keg, Courtesy of Washington

written by Caroline Glick

Since the Democrats took control of the White House and both Houses of Congress a hundred days ago, the Middle East has become a powder keg. But Israel’s ruling class sees nothing.

In Afghanistan and Iraq, violent attacks against U.S. forces are rising steeply. From January through April, attacks on U.S. forces increased 40%. President Joe Biden’s announcement that the U.S. will withdraw its forces from the country by September 11, the 20th anniversary of the jihadist attacks on the U.S. worsened the situation by communicating a message of profound American weakness and defeatism. The Taliban, al Qaeda and Iran clearly believe they are now free to humiliate and bleed the U.S. as they take control of the country

In Iraq, Iranian-controlled Shiite militias launched three missile strikes against U.S. bases in the past week. Hoping to avoid confrontation with Iran as its emissaries appease it in Vienna, the Biden administration is assiduously avoiding acknowledging that Iran is behind the attacks, and so it guarantees that more attack will soon follow. As in Afghanistan, Iran reads U.S. behavior as an invitation to strike with immunity.

In Syria, Iran’s Syrian proxy President Bashar Assad and Iran’s Lebanese proxy Hezbollah continue to wage a war of extermination against Syrians who oppose them. In southern Syria last weekend, after opposition forces from the village of Am Batana, six kilometers from the border with Israel attacked a joint Syrian military and Hezbollah base nearby, the military ordered the entire village to evacuate by 2 pm last Saturday, or else. Most of the villagers reportedly fled their homes.

While turning a blind eye to Syria, the Biden administration continues to empower the Lebanese armed forces and government – both wholly controlled by Iran through Hezbollah. Last month, the administration transferred armored trucks valued at $14 million to the Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese military and asked that Congress provide financial assistance to the government. Hezbollah for its part has launched a charm campaign on the public. Having caused the government to go bankrupt and forced the people of a once prosperous land into destitution, Hezbollah is now carrying out a well-publicized food drive, handing out Iranian basic foodstuffs to starving Lebanese along with Hezbollah membership cards.

Just months ago, hope abounded that Saudi Arabia would join the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan in the Abraham peace accords with Israel. But the picture is now reversed. Recognizing the U.S. has changed sides, the Saudis no longer believe that with Israel they can contain Iran. So now they are hoping to cut a deal with the ayatollahs.

Ties between Israel and the UAE are also showing signs of stress. Last week, the UAE joined the anti-Israel cavalcade, releasing a statement condemning Israel for quelling Arab violence against Jews in Jerusalem. And this week reports emerged that Iranian Foreign Minister Mohamed Javad Zarif paid a visit to the Emirates.  

In Vienna Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Arachi told journalists that the U.S. team has agreed to remove economic sanctions from Iranian oil sales, banks, maritime shipping, firms and officials. Arachi said that the U.S. has agreed to release $7 billion in frozen funds and Britain has agreed to release an additional $400 million pounds in return for four American and one British hostage being held in Iran. The U.S. also agreed to release four Iranians being held in U.S. prisons. After days of vague denials, the State Department confirmed major sanctions relief is on the table.

While the Biden administration has yet to focus on the Palestinians, its statements and appointments have empowered Fatah and Hamas to launch a new campaign against Israel.

Following Palestinian Authority and Fatah Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s cancellation of the Palestinian elections, Fatah returned to killing Jews. For the first time in years, Fatah’s Nablus office took credit for Monday’s terror attack in northern Samaria where one seminary student was murdered and two more were critically wounded in a drive by shooting as they stood at a bus stop.

Ahead of Israel’s Jerusalem Day next week, Iran’s Jerusalem Day this week and the end of Ramadan, both Hamas and Fatah are focused on Israel’s capital. Although the focal point of Arab violence was initially the Damascus Gate to the Old City, where Arab gangs beat Jews in the street, it has now moved to Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in north-east Jerusalem.

After decades of court battles, and countless court orders requiring Arab squatters to be removed from the Jewish owned homes in Sheikh Jarrah, the Supreme Court is set to end the legal saga with a final verdict May 10. Hamas leaders Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh announced this week that May 9 will be “a turning point for the war against the occupation and the settlers.” 

Hamas’s terror kingpin Muhamed Deif joined the threatening chorus as well. In his first statement since 2014 Deif threatened, that if Israel evicts the squatters, “The move will not go unanswered and the occupation will pay a heavy price.”

Thursday night the riots in Sheikh Jarrah began in earnest with Arab mobs setting fire outside Jewish homes and assaulting Jewish residents of the neighborhood. Earlier in the week, the Palestinians launched their political warfare campaign to demonize Israel.

As the excellent Telegram page, “Abu Ali Express” which tracks events in the Arab world reported, the Palestinians put English subtitles on a video of Israeli police arresting an Arab suspect in Sheikh Jarrah. In it, the suspect says, “You are suffocating me,” as the police restrain him on the ground and handcuff him.

The purpose of the video is obvious – the Palestinians seek to draw a direct line between the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Israeli law enforcement in Jerusalem. And it is working.

Thursday the EU and the governments of most major EU states along with the Biden State Department issued statements condemning Israel and insisting that Israel’s control over its unified capital along with Judea and Samaria is “illegal.” Whatever is coming next week will be the first expression of a coordinated Palestinian-Western assault against Israeli control over Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria since Biden entered office.

The Palestinians understand two key truths. First, the only unified foreign policy the EU has is delegitimization of Israel. And second, for the Biden administration and Democrats as a whole, there is no difference between foreign policy and domestic policy. The administration is supportive of Iran and the Palestinians because Biden and his advisors apply the same identity politics to their foreign policy as they do to their domestic policy.

Identity politics hold that the U.S. was born in sin and systemically racist. To cleanse its soul, America must adopt a two-tier system of governance in which members of recognized “victim” groups are given extraordinary rights and members of recognized “oppressor” groups must be punished. And just as America is morally infirm and must mend its evil ways, so its allies –particularly Israel – must be similarly punished and forced to transform itself.

Biden gave voice to this position in his speech before Congress this week. There he presented a portrait of the U.S. as an inherently racist state. This racism, he claimed was preserved and enforced by the law enforcement system which suffers from “systemic racism.” Police reform laws that he and his fellow Democrats intend to promulgate, he said, will remedy the situation.

To understand what Biden was referring to we can look to New York State, where the Democrat-controlled government passed a bail reform law in 2019. The new law effectively gave tens of thousands of violent criminals a get-out-of-jail-free card by making it extremely difficult for judges to either remand criminal suspects to custody pending their trial or impose bail as a condition for pre-trial release. The consequence of the reform has been a massive increase in violent crimes statewide.

This week, and not for the first time, New York’s Jews were victimized by their state’s no-bail policy. For 11 days, a black assailant terrorized the Jewish community of Riverdale in the Bronx. Jordan Burnette vandalized four synagogues, some multiple times before police arrested him. After one judge imposed $20,000 bail on Burnette, the local prosecutor went to a more politically savvy judge who cancelled her colleague’s ruling and set him free.

Thanks to Democrat control over the White House and both houses of Congress, soon the entire country will have the two-tiered justice system now in place in New York, where favored groups are protected and disfavored groups are left to fend for themselves.

The tyranny of the identity politics driven Democrats has brought about a level of social and political polarization in America unseen since the Civil War. It is not a stretch to say that today there are two Americas and two American peoples living side by side in hostility and fear. While it is impossible to foretell how things will develop, it is also impossible to believe that a positive or peaceful outcome to this explosive situation is likely.

This brings us to Israel. At this moment of profound and perilous uncertainty, Israel’s ruling class – particularly in the media and the security establishment — is dangerously blind to what is happening. On Tuesday, Avi Benayahu, a former IDF Spokesman and a fixture in the media-security establishment gave voice to the ruling class’s myopia in post on his Twitter account. Benayahu presented the current situation in the U.S. as utopian and gushed that Israel can enjoy the same lucky fate if Likud and the rightist bloc are replaced by what the left has euphemistically dubbed a “government of change.” That is, a leftist government joined by anti-Semitic Arab parties and opportunistic formerly rightist parties.

Benayahu gushed, “You want to see what ‘change’ looks like? Look at the U.S. under Biden. Look and listen to the quiet, to the normalcy, to the sanity and tranquility that have fallen on America. There’s no fake news, no racist statements, no attacks on the media and the judges and there’s great attention being paid to domestic affairs. Biden is working for America’s citizens. For everyone. That’s what change looks like!”

Benayahu’s position owes to two factors. First, like his fellow leftists, Benayahu shares the Democrats’ progressive mindset. Second, Israel’s ruling class gets its information on Israel’s most important ally from media organs like the New York Times and CNN. Benayahu and his fellow elitists fail to recognize that these outlets have long abandoned their role as news organizations and have transformed themselves in to the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.

The reality obscured by the Democrats’ media echo chamber is that Biden’s domestic policies have launched American society into a downward spiral driven by hatred and fear. His foreign politics have placed Israel in the eye of a storm of epic proportions.

With its members now grasping the reins of power, Israel’s ruling class must face the truth of the situation.

Van Morrison Is Being Blacklisted for Anti-Media Song


Article by John Nolte in Breitbart

Van Morrison Is Being Blacklisted for Anti-Media Song

Van Morrison, the 75-year-old legendary singer-songwriter behind “Moondance,” “Gloria,” “Brown-Eyed Girl,” “Tupelo Honey,” and countless other classics, is being blacklisted for his latest act of WrongThink.

If you recall, late last year, Morrison began speaking out against the coronavirus lockdowns, which open states like Texas and Florida have exposed as anti-science.

“[T]hose who are shutting down our economy haven’t missed a paycheck since lockdown began. We are not in this together,” he tweeted in December. In a separate tweet, he added, “10 months on and the @niexecutive still hasn’t presented the science for the Northern Ireland lockdown.”

In September of last year, Morrison released three songs blasting the world governments’ lockdown policies.  In November, Morrison teamed up with fellow legend Eric Clapton for “Stand and Deliver,” another song attacking lockdowns.

Naturally, Morrison and Clapton were vilified by the anti-science Woke Gestapo, especially those who  infest the establishment media. Well, now, and only because he’s all kinds of awesome, Morrison has released “They Own the Media,” a blistering critique of the fake news media. Here’s a sample of the lyrics:

They tell us that ignorance is bliss
I guess by those that control the media, it is
They own the media, they control the stories we are told
If you ever try to go against them, you will be ignored

They control the narrative, they perpetuate the myth
Keep on telling you lies, tell you ignorance is bliss
Believe it all and you’ll never get the truth
Never get wise, wise through their lies

All true. Every word, true; and this is an artist actually being brave, not pretending to be brave as the establishment gushes over him…

 Here’s the full song:



And so, now the blacklisting of Van Morrison has begun with the usual-usual racist/crazy/stupid narrative the establishment uses to destroy those guilty of WrongThink.

Here’s a sample…

Far-left Variety: “‘They Own the Media’: The 10 Craziest Lyrics From Van Morrison’s Latest Album”

His new release, the double album “Latest Record Project, Vol. 1,” spans over two hours and consists of a series of bizarre rants and blues numbers that criticize millennial culture, Facebook, the mainstream media, psychiatrists, judges and, with no apparent irony, people who bitch.

The new album came under fire before it was even released, with the song title “They Own the Media” accused of mirroring a common antisemitic trope, although he leaves unspoken who the media-controlling “they” are in the lyrics.

For good measure, Variety added that “Van Morrison put the ‘crazy’ in ‘Crazy Love’” and “his recent tracks have often been invoked in the same breath as ‘tinfoil hat.’”

The far-left L.A. Times: “After riling fans with anti-lockdown songs, Van Morrison now accused of anti-Semitism.”

“Latest Record Project, Vol. 1,” a new two-hour, 28-track double album, doesn’t include those tunes. Instead, it veers off in a conspiratorially cranky direction with songs titled “The Long Con,” “Big Lie,” “Why Are You on Facebook” and “Stop Bitching. Do Something.”

The far-left Guardian: “Van Morrison: Latest Record Project Volume 1 review – depressing rants by tinfoil milliner.”

The far-left Rolling Stone: “Van Morrison’s ‘Latest Record Project’ Is a Delightfully Terrible Study in Casual Grievance.”

His repetition sounds less like the trance-like mysticism of a Caledonia poet and more like a furious customer demanding a refund.

Morrison’s new record bears a strange resemblance to the unhinged, rambling feel of the pandemic-era internet: more often than not, its 28 tracks come across as a collection of shitposts, subtweets, and Reddit rants set to knockoff John Lee Hooker grooves.

This is how modern-day blacklisting works… Although plenty of left-wing artists have released songs every bit as blatantly political as what Morrison has, because his protest songs are guilty of WrongThink, because he’s protesting against fascism instead of lobbying in favor of it, he’s being eviscerated and turned into something socially unacceptable —  not for the quality of the music, but for his message.

Suddenly after a 50-year career, he’s a bigot with no talent, a crazy, a tinfoil hat-wearer, dangerous, scary, off his rocker, uninformed, and dangerous.

We’ve seen this a million times. As soon as an Oscar-winner like Jon Voight or a world-class comedian like Dennis Miller come out of the closet as right-leaning, they can no longer act, they are no longer funny, and they’re raciststupidcrazies no one would dare work with.

 As far as I’m concerned, Morrison and Clapton and Who frontman Roger Daltrey are three of the very few artists from the 60s and 70s who have remained true to what that era was supposed to stand for, which, if boiled down to a word, is Individualism. The rest, like the decrepit Rolling Stones, have completely sold out to The Man.


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