Monday, May 10, 2021

Direct Evidence of Intentional Dominion Ballot Counting and Tabulation Fraud Submitted to Court

Direct Evidence of Intentional Dominion Ballot Counting and Tabulation Fraud Submitted to Court in Michigan Following Forensic Audit of Antrim County Ballot Counting Systems

This appears to be a rather big deal.  In the Antrim County, Michigan lawsuit, the lawyer for plaintiff William Bailey has just submitted direct evidence of ballot counting manipulation within the electronic ballot counting system.

Attorney Matthew DePerno has submitted the results of a forensic audit showing how votes were manipulated in the county tabulation system.  [Supplemental Brief Here]  – [Forensic Audit Results Here]

[Supplemental Brief Here]  – [Forensic Audit Results Here]

The evidence and further court arguments were presented today.

AZ GOP Chair Exposes The Big Lie Behind Maricopa County Refusing to Permit Review of Router System

Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward provided an update this morning about the Maricopa County audit.

The Maricopa board of supervisors previously denied the auditors access to the full electronic trail of ballot counting.  The board held a closed-door emergency hearing and then stated allowing the auditors to review the rounter system, and/or providing passwords for the router network, would compromise sensitive law enforcement data.  Kelli Ward debunks that claim by outlining that none of the electronic networks used in elections are connected to any other governmental agency or office.

There are no other networks or servers connected to the voting system.  The boards justification is a fraud.  The auditors are demanding a review of the electronic router system used in the ballot tabulation process.  The auditors and State Senate are likely to battle Maricopa county in court.  This is an interesting update….  STAY WITH IT:

The Revolutionary Road

The emerging post-Right must disabuse itself of tolerance as a principle 
—as the Left has— if it intends to do more than lose with grace and grit.

There is, at times, an onanistic debate on the Right over whether politics is downstream of culture or culture is downstream of politics. To concede the former is to tip the hat at Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist theoretician from whose mind sprang the concept of cultural hegemony.

Gramsci broke with his contemporaries, like Lenin, who viewed capturing the state as the only means to securing political power in Western Europe and the United States. Why had revolution not materialized in the West as it had in Russia?

“In the East,” Gramsci observed, “the state was everything, civil society was primordial and gelatinous; in the West, there was a proper relation between state and civil society, and when the state trembled a sturdy structure of civil society was at once revealed.” The state in the West, he concluded, “was only an outer ditch, behind which there stood a powerful system of fortresses and earthworks.”

The “fortresses and earthworks” are composed of religion, linguistics, education, symbols, popular opinions, manners, and customs; the totality of ways society sees and thinks and speaks about “reality”—what Gramsci defined as cultural hegemony, and characterized as the “spontaneous” consent that gives power to ruling elites.

Though it appears to the ruled as simple common-sense “reality,” spontaneous consent, Gramsci wrote, is “the consent given by the great masses of the population to the general direction imposed on social life by the dominant fundamental group; this consent is ‘historically’ caused by the prestige (and consequent confidence) which the dominant group enjoys because of its position and function in the world of Production.” Hegemony protects the state, and the state enforces hegemony through coercion veiled behind manufactured consent, allowing the ruling class largely to avoid violent confrontations with the ruled. 

Seizing and exercising political power without cultural hegemony would almost necessarily result in the kind of state repression that occurred under Stalin. Real, lasting power rests on hegemony, not violence. It would therefore be necessary, according to Gramsci, for the Left in places like America to create a counterculture to discredit, deconstruct, and discard the existing cultural hegemony that legitimated and protected the power of the state. Gramsci’s American disciples took this theory to heart and successfully seized control of institutions capable of creating a new cultural hegemony conducive to their ends while deconstructing the old.

The basic narrative of this story is familiar to most people on the Right: the Left took over the institutions that create taste, thought, and opinion. Some of those same institutions, like academia, also train award credentials to the elites who go on to influence other institutions, like media, industry, and government.

Nevertheless, some on the Right, perhaps resenting the total victory of Gramscianism, insist that culture is downstream of politics: legislation changes culture. It’s certainly true that laws can habituate us to live a certain way—this forms the basis of the Aristotelian view of ethical development, in which laws inculcate virtue or unleash vice. In this sense, they are on better footing than their counterparts, who insist it is either impossible or undesirable to “legislate morality.”

But take, for example, the legislative efforts to ban critical race theory. The basic narrative of critical race theory about American original sin and white guilt already pervades every tissue of every organ of American life. Journalist Christopher Rufo recently revealed that cultural titan Walt Disney Corporation claims that America was founded on “systemic racism,” encourages employees to complete a “white privilege checklist,” and separates minorities into racially segregated “affinity groups.” 

The political skirmishes against critical race theory are noble and laudable, but ultimately they will be swallowed up in the cultural gullet of the regime unless a different grand strategy comes into view. Gramsci himself acknowledged a circular interaction between culture and political power; the two reinforce one another.

Therefore, there is the possibility of using political power to change cultural institutions. But where the Right must go now requires abandoning preconceived principles and rules of engagement, leaving its old self behind to fight a new kind of war, more akin to Leninism than the senescent republican ideology that cannot, under its own limited government terms, enter the fray properly.

Rather than dismantling the National Endowment for the Humanities—which supports research, education, preservation, and public programs in the humanities—the post-Right should aim to take control of the institution to construct a cultural hegemony supportive of its political ends. Abolishing tax exemptions, subsidies, and federal contracts for academic and professional institutions that provide the ideological lifeblood of the prevailing cultural hegemony is an imperative and practical step.

What’s more, it should seek to ban NGOs like the Ford Foundation because virtually all of them are associated with and supportive of the incumbent cultural-political regime and spare no legal or political instrument in reining in or dismantling similarly aligned corporations. Instead of complaining about dirty Democratic political machines and crying to courts about unfair elections, the post-Right must learn to fight dirty and build political machines to serve its own interests. 

A precondition to all this is distinguishing between friend and enemy, something that we so far seem incapable of doing properly, in part because the Right has deluded itself with “big tent” thinking. A recent study found political appointees in the Trump Administration were only about 50 percent Republican, compared to more than 80 percent Democratic appointees under Presidents Clinton and Obama. The post-Right must disabuse itself of tolerance as a principle—as the Left has—if it intends to do more than lose with grace and grit. 

Thus, the real division is not over which way the river of power really flows, but between reformists and revolutionaries; those who want to merely take over cocktail parties, and those who want to assault, discredit, and replace the culture and the ruling class and the regime it sustains. 

Biden's Woke Military Will Embarrass America


Article by Robert L. Maginnis

Biden's Woke Military Will Embarrass America

Something is happening in the halls of the Pentagon, and it bodes ill for America's future military.  Wokeness is crawling out of the shadows to neuter America's fighting power.

This is a dangerous move because of the criteria likely to be used to identify "extremists."  These will not only further divide the military ranks, but also diminish our fighting readiness and make us the laughingstock of modern militaries, prominently including existential enemies in Russia and China.

Evidently, secretary of defense Lloyd Austin's military-wide stand-down wasn't enough for the Biden leftists in the White House and Congress, along with appointees now walking the Pentagon's E-ring.  No, they are trending full-rudder left like other federal agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency.  The aim is to make our bloated federal government more "woke" — a slang term meaning alert to so-called injustice in society and especially racism — regarding so-called "extremists."

This isn't a joke.  Recently, our premier intelligence agency's recruiting arm posted on twitter a 36-year-old Latina CIA officer who spouted her wokeness with words like "intersectional" and "cisgender."  The CIA officer confirmed her wokeness by stating, "I am a woman of color.  I am a mom.  I am a cisgender Millennial who has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder."  Then she communicates that she is part of mainstream wokeness: "I did not sneak into the CIA.  I earned my way in, and I earned my way up the ranks."  Translation: The agency embraces wokeness.

The Pentagon is close behind.  Although the military brass failed to define non-woke "extremism," leftist media volunteered that it means anyone belonging to a racist or violent ideological group such as the Proud Boys or the QAnon movement.

The Biden administration has plenty of congressional leftists and members of the administration at the ready to define non-woke "extremism."

Before Mr. Biden's swearing in to the presidency, a group backed by congressional Democrats recommended that the new administration take action against the non-woke.  A 28-page document by "Secular Democrats of America" called on the president-elect to strip First Amendment rights from non-woke extremists like Christians who endorsed traditional biblical positions on life, marriage, and education. 

The Democrats' document, "Restoring Constitutional Secularism and Patriotic Pluralism in the White House," called for educating the "religious right" on the need to keep their "dogma" to themselves.  Further, it called for purging social conservatives from government by labeling them "white nationalists" and "conspiracy theorists."

The administration has a stable of woke leaders, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, who showed her "woke" credentials last fall when she addressed the difference between "equality" and "equity."  She explained that "equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place."  However, "equity" happens only when government uses its power to disadvantage one group over another in order to reach a desired outcome.

Expect the Pentagon's "extremist" review, due out this July, to produce woke-friendly restrictions that align with the CIA's and Harris's ideological leadership.  Their message is clear: fall in line with leftist woke ideology or leave.

The primary driver of wokeness in 2021 is Critical Race Theory, a Marxist revolutionary concept that originated in the 1990s.  In CRT, race is substituted for class in Marx's economic dialectic to create a coalition of the dispossessed based solely on race.

Unfortunately, CRT is spreading across the nation and now infects the Pentagon.  It is camouflaged by euphemisms like "equity" and "social justice."  President Donald Trump eliminated it from government training, but Biden re-introduced it.

Before Trump ended CRT's woke "diversity" training, numerous government agencies mandated participation, such as the FBI, which hosted so-called intersectionality workshops.  The Department of Homeland Security shamed white employees for committing "microinequities," and some employees at Sandia National Laboratories attended re-education camp, where they were told that "white male culture" is analogous to the "KKK" and "white supremacists."

Now that CRT is back in government, according to the Washington Post, the Pentagon is drilling down on mandated woke behavior for our troops.  It is expected to publish regulations that prohibit service members from participating in "extremist" organizations by fundraising, attending rallies, and distributing literature.  Further, it's expected to prohibit even "passive" membership, which includes possessing a group's literature.

What does that really mean?  Will the woke reviewers produce a list of prohibited groups for service members?  It really comes down to who identifies the non-woke "extremist" groups.

Some members of the Democratic Party and some Biden appointees would identify any group aligned with former President Trump as "extremist."  The Democrats are also aligned with radical groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has a list of "hate groups," which include many conservative and Christian organizations. 

Who builds and approves the Pentagon's woke "extremist" list?  A defense official said that if the speech of a group "isn't in line with our values, then it makes it arguably impossible for that individual to be a good teammate."

The pregnant question is, whose values are "our values"?  Are they the values of Vice President Harris, who advocates "equity" as opposed to "equality"?  Are they the values of the CRT crowd, who insist that "white male culture" is analogous to the "KKK"?  Or are they the values of the Southern Poverty Law Center that hates Christians and conservatives?

For now, Pentagon lawyers are taking a cautious approach to new restrictions on service members' First Amendment rights.  But there are lawmakers pushing for expansive woke prohibitions, like Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), who asked Biden to strengthen the military's review of the troops' social media.

The Pentagon's "extremist" review backed by the Biden administration's woke agenda steps dangerously toward ideological indoctrination, where being in the future military could no longer be about merit and expertise, but about ideological purity, where the left's definition of "extremism" rules the day. 

That outcome will produce a weak military and encourage our enemies to view us as an easy opponent.

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When satire becomes reality


Article by Genghis Gary in The American Thinker

When satire becomes reality

After reading Andrea Widburg's May 6 blog post entitled "Media are in love with Jen Psaki's honesty and her 'competence porn,'" I knew it was time to update and reprise a satire I wrote for American Thinker a few years ago during Obama's second term.  It lampooned Barack and his minions for playing so fast and loose with facts, truth, and reality.  Here it is an updated version of that original satire, with a fresh coat of paint — but be prepared to realize that, while it is satire, it sounds remarkably close to the truth.



JOB TITLE: Director of the Office of Sophistry

DEPARTMENT: Executive Branch


DIVISION: Propaganda, Disinformation, and Logical Fallacy

SALARY RANGE: Vastly Overpaid Consistent with Other W.H. Staff Positions

SUPERVISED BY: Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Consulting Adviser Barack Hussein Obama (via Zoom)


The art of sophistry, using information that sounds correct but is deliberately false, is essential to the effective operation of this administration.  This is a highly responsible position that supports every employee of the Executive Branch.  This includes collaborating with devious Marxist leaders; propagandizing administration spokespeople; and egotistical, conniving redistributive apparatchik White House staff members who are all dedicated to facilitating an anti-American "Reset" agenda by deceiving the public at every turn.


  • Graduation from elite Ivy League university in which candidate excelled in regurgitating subversive ideologies; collectivist utopian dogma; and politically correct, approved thought.
  • Degree in manipulative journalism with special emphasis in subterfuge, hoodwinking, and fabrication
  • A portfolio demonstrating skills of duplicity, deception, and prevarication.
  • Experience in hyping media, misdirecting legal authorities, and finessing responses to congressional inquiries is highly desirable.
  • Familiarity with historical and modern masters of propaganda and the ability to apply their essential communication memes — for example:
    • "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
    • "It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them."
    • "It is not truth that matters, but victory." —Adolf Hitler
    • "The press must grow day in and day out.  It is our party's sharpest and most powerful weapon." —Joseph Stalin
    • "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." —Barack Obama


  • Be highly creative, imaginative, and dishonest
  • Be comfortable with half-truths, fairy tales, and fabrications
  • Have strong writing skills that can seamlessly deny reality and easily torture the truth
  • Have the ability to conceal disdain for the middle class; the media; and especially racist, homophobic GOP deplorables clinging to their guns and religion
  • Be deaf to reason, rationality, and virtue
  • Be able to redirect blame, cast aspersions, and concoct groundless accusations against political enemies
  • Have proven skill sets in manipulating social media to shadowban, deplatform, censor, and cancel opponents, dissenters, and free speech advocates


  • Prepare all presidential speeches, talking points, and presentations using distortion, deception, and deceit written in very short sentences
  • Develop justifications for White House and federal agency staff that invent, dodge, and cook up schemes that exonerate their illegal, anti-American actions while expanding their authority
  • Convincingly employ coercive language in new ways to indict moral, hard-working, patriotic Americans and impugn America as a racist, hateful, homophobic, xenophobic while advancing progressive socialism
  • Concoct false narratives including pro-China stances and recruit smooth-talking dupes to deliver them
  • Invent believable strategies that employ "climate change" as a rationale for all administrative actions
  • Create new "Wars on" (fill in the blank)" to deepen the concept of victimization in support of the W.H.
  • Ensure that all allegations of misconduct, overreach, or malfeasance against the president and his/her staff are turned against the accusers, to their everlasting regret — additionally, that every accuser is added to the W.H. enemies list and that the confabulated narrative created about them devastates their career, future, and personal life


The Sophistry Director is accountable for checking all White House and federal agency communications to ensure that they contain sophistry and propaganda consistent with the administration's goal of resetting and fundamentally transforming America into a third-world fiefdom of Communist China.

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Resistance Rises at America’s Top Prep Schools

Wack  at  Harvard-Westlake

America’s elite schools are either toxic nests of racism, or insufferably woke indoctrination camps.

As the saying goes, Why not both?

The last few weeks have seen the first wave of real pushback against radically dumb wokification at formerly prestigious private schools—and this time it’s coming from inside the school.

Much has been written recently about the war taking place on America’s premiere private school campuses. A teacher at Grace School in New York wrote a brutal takedown of the woke regime. A parent at Brearley went viral with a scathing letter to his daughter’s school. Bari Weiss covered some of these recent skirmishes in her excellent City Journal pieceLos Angeles Magazine slapped the Brentwood School wokelash on its April cover.

The latest field of battle for woke critical race theorists and their civilian opponents is Instagram. Instead of waiting for journalists to expose the controlled detonation of their schools, brave prisoners trapped inside the schoo-lags are fighting back as citizen journalists. No one at the top will risk their bloated salaries by pushing against the madness, so that job has been left to an underground group of students, parents, and staff.

It’s not political with them; I doubt many of them are conservatives. But some of them dimly remember how things used to be long ago, like back in 2019, and they have not yet gouged out their own eyes and performed lobotomies on their own brains.

They simply see that it was better before.

Going on Offense

One intrepid anonymous insider started an Instagram account called Woke at Harvard-Westlake to leak the ridiculous and insipid propaganda being fed to students at this, the top-rated school in California. Alumni and students include Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jason Segel, Billie Lourd (Carrie Fisher’s daughter), Les Moonves’ kid, the president of ABC News Ben Sherwood, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, recalled California governor Gray Davis, late Clinton confidante Steve Bing, Tom Hanks’s kids, Nixon enforcer H.R. “Bob” Haldeman, Will Ferrell’s kids, Bob Iger’s kids, CNN reporter Jessica Yellin, and many more.

Harvard-Westlake is still the #2 school in California, but not for long. It recently declared an unconditional surrender to their BLM masters. They didn’t just kneel to the mob; the administration at HW dropped their trousers, clutched their ankles, rubbed some baby oil on their backsides, and shouted “Thank you, Sir, may I have another!”

According to the Woke at Harvard-Westlake Instagram bio, they are “Documenting the self-destruction of an elite private school. Led by concerned students, parents, faculty, & alums.” With over 1500 followers at a school of 1600 students, they have stumbled upon a potent weapon against the wokeness.

The American Mind talked to the anonymous hero behind the Woke at Harvard-Westlake account, and here’s what we learned.

Their supporters may not yet be a silent majority, but “there are a significant number of parents and students (and HW staff) who are involved in this effort, and we know of many more who are afraid to get involved in fear of the woke mob. We’ve always been heartened by the amount of support we receive, much of it being quiet encouragement.”

How do students who aren’t on board with these changes make it through? According to Woke at HW, it’s easy: they just stay quiet. “Most of them simply shut up. They know there are consequences, including punitive grading, for openly opposing wokeism or expressing certain opinions, so they simply choose not to rock the boat. We don’t blame them. They’re in a difficult position.”

Imagine paying $50,000 a year to have your child’s mind poisoned by people who hate you. Some parents are doing their best to protect their children from the corrosive curriculum, but it’s a losing battle. Woke at HW reports that “one of the most common complaints we hear is parents talking about how tired they are of ‘deprogramming’ their kids every night—helping them unlearn the toxic identity politics they are inculcated with every day. A lot of parents feel trapped. Their kids are several years into school, and it’s not so easy to pull them out a year or two before graduation. And for what—to attend another woke madrasa?”

Attention entrepreneurs: the opportunity to start a network of non-woke schools has never been greater!

So far, Harvard-Westlake itself has been powerless to stop the leaks. “We know the page has been a source of significant fear and loathing inside the school among some, and gratitude among many others. If school officials think we’ve gotten something wrong or would like to respond to something we’ve posted, we would welcome that. But it shouldn’t be surprising to anyone who’s been around the woke that they don’t really do dialogue or debate. They try to hide their activities behind ridiculous slogans like ‘antiracism’ and when you do catch them doing something inhumane and awful, they attack you as a racist.”

The “Black at” Movement

The “Woke at” moniker, of course, is in direct response to the “Black at” movement, which started in June 2020 on Instagram. That’s when black students at the nation’s elite prep schools took their grievances public. Dozens of “Black at ___”  Instagram accounts popped up, including “Black at Harvard-Westlake,” to document in vivid detail every macro and micro aggression ever inflicted on these oppressed graduates. It is an epic Airing of the Grievances by privileged children who are virtually guaranteed acceptances to the most prestigious colleges in the world.

Just do a search for “@blackat” on Instagram and you will see accounts for dozens of schools. East Coast glamour schools like Dalton, Fieldston, Brearley, Chapin, and Deerfield are bristling with hate.

Attendees at the radically progressive Crossroads School in Santa Monica—a celebrity finishing school of sorts for alumni like Jonah Hill, Gwyneth Paltrow, Maya Rudolph, Jack Black, Shaquille O’Neal’s kid, Steven Spielberg’s children, Lebron James’s kids, and Judd Apatow’s kids— act like it subjects students of color to daily Klan rallies. One student posted: “You have failed your BIPOC community members for fifty years. Today, we present you with an opportunity to change your ways. Will you take it?”

There’s even a “Black at Sidwell Friends,” the white supremacist hate camp the naive Obamas sent their poor daughters to.

If you believe the “Black at” movement, being forced to attend one of these schools is a traumatic experience that subjects kids to years of psychological abuse and torture which not even a free ride at Princeton can heal.

Now is the Time for Action

The Woke at HW group offers this excellent advice for other people watching their own schools circle the drain: “Copy us. Please, please copy us! Talk to each other, band together, take a stand, and get the truth out. The best way to get the truth out is an anonymous Instagram page. Post what the school is doing. Let the world see how crazy and toxic it is. Don’t let slick school spokesmen characterize the revolution for the outside world—show the outside world the revolution yourself. The woke despise being criticized because they have no real ability to debate, since debate requires thinking and persuasion, and wokeism is about power and intimidation. Get together with like-minded parents and start an Instagram page!”

Yes, you should do that. But don’t stop there. As always, it’s the alumni and donors that control the kill switch at these schools. If the money dries up, things can change. According to Woke at HW, “the single most important thing other than getting out the truth about what’s happening in classrooms is for alums, donors, and parents to stop giving to private schools—and to tell the schools why. Behind all the pious and self-congratulatory nonsense you hear from private school leaders about ‘equity and inclusion,’ the fact is they still need to hit fundraising targets. We know it’s not realistic for many parents to pull their kids out in the middle of high school. But you can stop giving to the annual fund, and donors can tell the board they’re suspending support until the wokeness stops.” 

The good news, if you can call it that, is that the future does not look bright for these schools. Woke at HW sees reason for hope. “They are at a fork in the road. Wokeness is toxic, and is making these schools toxic. They will destroy themselves with it. Reputations take decades to build and minutes to destroy. Harvard-Westlake is in the process of destroying its reputation. That is entirely a choice its board and leadership has made.”

Parents, you too have a choice. Choose to save your children from these horribly racist and very woke schools.

VA School Board Shuts Down Parent’s Objections To Racist Indoctrination

The Fairfax County school board in northern Virginia ordered an upset parent raising objections to state-sanctioned racism called critical race theory in their schools to “go to your seat.”

The altercation took place Thursday, after former Wall Street Journal reporter and local parent Asra Nomani spent three minutes scolding school officials for their blatant double-standards in pursuit of “antiracism” that endorses racism and cultural erasure. 

Nomani, who writes for The Federalist, began her remarks outlining dismissals from each school board member of parent concerns at Thomas Jefferson High School, then highlighted members’ comments declaring the parents toxic and racist for opposing racism in the high-ranking school district.

“By the fall every single one of you voted to remove the merit-based race-blind admissions test to [Thomas Jefferson High School]. And we plead with you — as Asians, as an immigrant, I came at the age of four, I knew no English — and you didn’t listen to us,” Nomani said. “And now I sit here listening to these empty proclamations and declarations you’re making about your great value of Asian Americans.”

Nomani continued, complaining students were told by school officials that salsa dancing amounted to “cultural appropriation,” and therefore the formerly selective high school’s mostly-minority mostly-Asian students needed to “check their racism.”

“And so your empty proclamations are just that,” Nomani said.

Nomani, who serves as the vice president of Parents Defending Education, a national grassroots group organizing parents to reject state-sanctioned racism in schools, moved on to raise complaints about a board survey of parents aiming to establish institutions as sites of “re-education.”

The May 6 survey from the New York Leadership Academy seeks input from parents to shape leftist curricula. NYLA already signed a contract with the school board that Parents Defending Education estimates would cost the district upwards of $700,000 at minimum, and up to millions in taxpayer dollars. The survey filled with leading questions cost nearly $50,000, according to Parents Defending Education, based on payments already made this year.

More details of a four-year contract signed between the Virginia school district and the New York Leadership Academy remain hidden from the public, with officials demanding Freedom of Information Acts be filed before their publication.

Before Nomani could raise her objections to the partnership, however, board officials cut her off, directing Nomani to “go to your seat.”

“You all need to have a conscience,” Nomani told the board.

Stefanik Reportedly Has Made Private Promises to Leave House Leadership in 2023

Shipwreckedcrew reporting for RedState

New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, now backed by House Leadership and Pres. Trump, appears to be in position to replace Rep. Liz Cheney as House GOP Conference Chair, the No. 3 position in the House Leadership for Republicans. Stefanik would fall in line behind Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise.

But in a significant twist, it was reported late on Friday that in calling around to gauge support for her move to replace Cheney, Stefanik was telling members that she would step aside from the leadership position at the start of 2023 in order to return to the House Education and Workforce Committee.

If true, this likely reflects an understanding by McCarthy and Scalise that the moderate Stefanik would be received with mixed reactions from the more conservative members of the GOP caucus, notwithstanding her “good standing” with the MAGA community and the endorsement from Pres. Trump. As I covered previously, Stefanik has a moderate-to-liberal voting record on many issues that are important to the more conservative members of the caucus, most notably on immigration and cultural issues, where she voted against the Trump Administration and GOP policies.

Stefanik’s promise to step aside is likely designed to ease her way into replacing Cheney, even though Cheney’s voting record is far more conservative. Cheney has made herself radioactive with the GOP base because of her unwillingness to focus her attention on the mid-term elections in November 2022. Instead, she beats the drum — much to the delight of the Democrats and media — for the NeverTrumpers who somehow think there is some magical exorcism ceremony that can cleanse the GOP of the influences of the Trump presidency. She has quite deliberately made herself the poster-child for a return to the Bush-Cheney-McCain-Romney years of the GOP.

Donald Trump won the GOP nomination for president because he hammered at the Bush-Cheney-McCain-Romney establishment wing of the GOP.  It may simply be true that Liz Cheney can never divorce herself or alter her politics to fit into the new political reality of the post-Obama GOP. If true, then she doesn’t belong in the position of Conference Chair, because she is out of step with the GOP House Caucus.

But Stefanik’s politics put her out of step, as well. What she is not, however, is radioactive with the GOP base.

The GOP expects that it will recapture the House Majority in 2022, and all signs point to that happening. McCarthy will need to fight for the votes he is going to need to become Speaker because of his own checkered past with the more conservative elements of the GOP caucus. He knew he could not protect Cheney any longer and have any hope of becoming Speaker, if the GOP does capture the House.

At the same time, the GOP is trying to win back some of the suburban female voters who voted for Democrats in larger numbers in 2018 and 2020. Sacking a woman from the No. 3 Leadership position and replacing her with a man would have been used against the GOP politically, leading up to 2022. That’s why finding an acceptable female to replace Cheney was crucial to making the move now, 18 months prior to the 2022 elections.

While Stefanik would not be acceptable from a political standpoint, given her very moderate voting record, her strong support for Pres. Trump on all the issues where he came under personal attack endeared her with him and his MAGA constituency. She checks all the boxes as a short-term fix to the Cheney problem. Her pledge to step down from the position in 2023 solved the problem of her politics and voting record in a leadership position.

A member of the House of Representatives usually makes a selection early in their career if they want to pursue a position in party leadership in the House, or whether they want to advance as fast as possible in seniority on a particular Standing Committee in the House, which will ultimately give them significant influence on budget matters and legislative language. This is typically an “either-or” decision.

Stefanik is currently sixth in seniority on the House Education and Workforce Committee. The current Ranking Member is GOP Rep. Virginia Foxx from North Carolina, who turns 78 this year.  Another member ahead of Stefanik in seniority is Joe Wilson of South Carolina. But Wilson is second in seniority on the Armed Services Committee, and would likely prefer being Chair of that Committee to the Education and Workforce Committee. Another ahead of Stefanik in seniority is Rep. Glenn Thompson of Pennsylvania, who is currently the Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee, and would be in line to become Chairman of that Committee, if the GOP takes the House.

It is quite likely that Stefanik is bargaining with her willingness to replace Cheney on a short-term basis, in exchange for support to either become Chair of the Education and Workforce Committee or at least to Chair one of its main Subcommittees, should the GOP take over the House in 2022. Her political profile is such that she would likely never be in line to be Speaker, if she remained in leadership.

If McCarthy’s bid to be Speaker is derailed again — he was in line after John Boehner’s resignation, but Paul Ryan was elevated because the GOP caucus was divided over McCarthy — it is a virtual certainty that Steve Scalise will become Speaker. Stefanik would have been a poor candidate for House Majority Leader and would have likely faced a strong challenge from a more conservative member for that position. Her promise to step aside indicates that she understood this problem well.

Liz Cheney is Positioning to Support the Deep State With an Independent Run

Newt Gingrich gave an interview to Maria Bartiromo this morning that is worth reviewing in total.  However, for this moment I want to key-in on a specific conversation topic at the 09:30 point of the video below.

The former Speaker is exactly correct.  Cheney is pre-positioning herself to run against the potential for a 2024 Trump re-election bid.  The objective here is transparently obvious.  Liz Cheney is the 2024 version of former 2016 candidate Evan McMullin.   Both Cheney and McMullin come from the same origin within the intelligence apparatus.  Let me be very clear about something…. The Intelligence Community are the deep state operatives who control government.

At the 30,000 foot level, the U.S. Intelligence Community, known as the “IC” are the people and institutions behind the entire operation of the United States government.  There are no longer three branches of government.  All branches (executive, legislative and judicial) now defer to the IC.  {Go Deep Here}

The IC network, including their ability to reach into all systems, networks, institutions and agencies for surveillance, contains all of the elements of control over all other institutions.  Former CIA operative Evan McMullin, running for president in 2016, was part of this system effort.  It is now crystal clear that Liz Cheney, daughter to former Def Sec. Dick Cheney, is operating on behalf of this same system effort. THAT is the connective tissue.

Understand Modern DC HERE

The way we defeat all of the issues which we face on a daily basis is to first understand who the enemy is, what the allies can/cannot do to assist us, and what functional issues exist in the battle.

When you realize the Intelligence Community is now in total control over government; when you realize there are no checks and balances within this system; when you realize the three branches of U.S. government have been deconstructed; only then can you honestly start to formulate solutions.

One of the IC biggest weapons is also their weakness.  They operate in the shadows…. their systems rely on leverage, blackmail, and fear… they count on people not knowing how the levers are pulled.  Expose the problem to the larger American electorate and the IC is weakened.