Report: San Diego scraps plans to build tent city for illegal immigrants


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 9:00 AM PT – Saturday, May 8, 2021

San Diego County has rescinded its plans to build a so-called “tent city” for illegal immigrants amid public outcry. According to reports, the county sent a letter to farmers searching for agricultural land for migrants to live on while being offered California’s “wrap around” services, including mental health, schooling and health care.



Hours later, the county issued a “rescission notice,” following a warning from county supervisor Jim Desmond who called the plans “outrageous.” The state originally denied plans of a “tent city,” but has now officially canceled the request.

Meanwhile, as detention facilities overflow and illegal immigrants cross the border at record numbers, Kamala Harris has decided to plan a tax-payer funded visit to Guatemala. She detailed these efforts during a virtual meeting with the country’s president last week.

Additionally, seizures of fentanyl on the U.S. southern border have soared as the border crisis rages on. The opioid, which is 50 times more potent than heroin, has been smuggled into the country at record rates since the beginning of the fiscal year 2021. In response, the DEA has ramped up efforts to combat the onslaught, which was arguably caused by weakened border security under the Biden administration. 







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It’s Time For A New Cultural Tea Party To Offer Its Vision For America

The nation finds itself in a new time for choosing, and warrants the 
rise of a new cultural Tea Party born out of the ashes of the first.

Parents began to take over a local school board last weekend with the triumph of two parents who captured seats on a platform to rid classrooms of state-sanctioned racism under the disguise of critical race theory.

Cameron “Cam” Bryan, a civil engineer and father of four, and Hannah Smith, an attorney and mother of four, each picked up seats on the Carroll Independent School District school board in Southlake, Texas, between Dallas and Fort Worth. 

“They can’t argue with us,” Bryan said upon victory, branding their win as a community mandate to restore the district’s focus on academic excellence as opposed to leftist indoctrination.

Their wins could mark the early stages of an escalating grassroots movement to reclaim K-12 schools infected by the racism of critical race theory. What happened in Southlake, Texas last weekend ought to be a preview of the local battles preparing to sweep the nation as a new cultural Tea Party rises from the ashes of the first, born out of disillusionment with a radical leftist in the White House coinciding with an apathetic and out of touch Republican establishment more than a decade ago.

Similar circumstances are presented today that gave rise to the first Tea Party movement, only this time, the stakes are far higher with conditions ripe for a new takeover.

Within his first 100 days, President Joe Biden has redefined what it means to run a far-left presidency, outshining his Democrat predecessor whose inflammatory engagement in the culture wars set the scene for 2016. To compliment Biden’s embrace of socialist central planning, the new Democrat administration is adopting critical race theory as a new state secular religion woven throughout government and schools. 

Biden’s White House Domestic Policy Council lead Susan Rice has been tasked with “rooting out systemic racism” as the focal point of her mission. Biden’s U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield smeared her own country as one steeped in white supremacy on the world stage.

Biden’s Education Department is pushing federal grants to make classrooms “incorporate teaching and learning practices that reflect the diversity, identities, histories, contributions, and experiences of all students.” Works encouraged in curriculum to achieve those goals include The New York Times’ anti-American “1619 Project” and Ibram X. Kendi’s “How to Be an Antiracist.”

Conservatives are just now discovering ways to fight back in the early stages of a new grassroots movement. President Donald Trump’s 1776 Commission was a start, promoting an alternative patriotic curriculum to counter the 1619 Project already implemented in some 4,500 classrooms. A new nonprofit organization, Parents Defending Education, was also launched last month to organize parents nationwide and go on offense to combat this state-sanctioned racism overwhelming schools.

Parents taking over their local school boards will serve as the most effective form to protest as the once-fringe ideology of critical race theory becomes the dominant doctrine of U.S. schools at breakneck speed. Every other institution has already become infected by the exhaustive wokeism from universities, which for decades graduated students dismissed as kids who would surely grow out of their leftist indoctrination. 

The true rebels on college campuses of the prior decade haven’t been the woketopians who dye their hair and chant “RESIST” into a megaphone on the university quad, because at the end of the day, it’s hard to find who’s against them. Their administrators are with them, their professors are with them, the media is with them, Hollywood is with them, and now, corporate America is too. The true rebels on campus are the ones who worship Jesus Christ, value the family structure as the most fundamental pillar of society, and reject the contemporary orthodoxy insisting our futures are pre-determined by our skin color.

A new cultural Tea Party must champion these points and give rise to a great awakening before it’s too late. And it’s getting late.

The nation’s cultural ills extend far beyond the confines of the K-12 classroom. That’s just where the fight has gone as dueling forces compete for influence among the next generation, on which conservatives have conceded ground for too long. But as aggressive wokeism is now the norm, with dissent suppressed, religiosity declining, birthrates reaching a four-decade low, and loneliness skyrocketing as American decline coincides with the embrace of cultural progressivism.

Pandemic lockdowns, meanwhile, featuring the most radical erosion of American liberty in decades, only exacerbated each of these devastating trends and showcased increased distance from religion with select persecution of churches and synagogues. The current moment warrants a new time for choosing.

Cheney, the Caucus, and the Crux

It is the role of the U.S. House GOP conference chairman 
to attack Democrats and aid Republicans, not vice versa.

As of this writing, there is considerable doubt as to whether U.S. Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) should continue in her House Republican leadership position as its conference chairman. One scenario has her losing a caucus vote; another portends she will walk away from this internecine GOP battle and leave the position rather than betray her principles, most notably her opposition to the past and continued role of Donald Trump within the party. In either scenario, Cheney’s expected departure will be hailed by the corporate leftist media as the latest Republican martyrdom in the noble cause of resisting the cult of the “bad orange man.”

Is it? Cheney is not being run out of Congress. That is solely a matter for her Wyoming constituents to decide next year. Nor is Cheney being removed from her committee assignments; and her congressional office budget is not being reduced. Cheney is on the cusp of being replaced as conference chairman. Nothing more, nothing less. It is decidedly not the end of our free republic or of the Republican Party.

The conference chairman of the House Republican caucus is responsible for the development and implementation of the party’s unified messaging. In many ways, it is as if the House GOP is hiring one of its own to act as its PR director. One cannot overestimate how critical this position is for the House GOP conference. Past individuals who have held this position include former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and former Vice President Mike Pence (R-Ind.). 

This position—like all other House leadership positions in both parties—requires the confidence of one’s colleagues that the peer they elect will prioritize and actually put the interests of the caucus above her own. 

As a result, the election to leadership does not elevate a representative above his or her colleagues. Just as a general election subordinates the winner to the sovereign citizenry (i.e., the voters), a leadership election subordinates the winner to the caucus (i.e., the voters in Congress who choose that member to lead), individually and collectively. If someone in the leadership of either party places—or is perceived to be placing—a personal agenda ahead of the good of the conference, that individual has broken the implicit agreement upon which her delegated authority rests.

This does not mean that a U.S. representative in leadership must necessarily silence or censor his own views. Especially in the instance of “conscience votes,” which are not whipped based upon “party loyalty,” one may vote with a minority of one’s caucus or even be a minority of one. Indeed, this is likely the reason Cheney survived an early caucus “no confidence” vote. 

But in politics, it is important to do the right thing in the right way. In this, Cheney seemingly has been found wanting by a majority of her colleagues. This is bitterly ironic, as the House GOP conference chairman must necessarily understand what and how to best message for the caucus. Cheney has chosen, prioritized, and expressed her personal views on subjects in ways both substantive and stylistic, leading her colleagues to believe her leadership does not redound to their benefit individually or to the conference as a whole. 

After surviving her initial “no confidence” vote, rather than find more constructive means to reconcile her views to her voluntarily sought duty to promote the good of the entire caucus or, alternately, resign from her leadership position, Cheney chose to view that previous vote as a license to continue her messaging course. It was a grave miscalculation. Today, more than ever, her colleagues believe Cheney’s stewardship is hurting the conference; and, as a result, she likely will be replaced. 

For their own political interests, both “NeverTrumpers” (who have risibly compared Cheney to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn) and “EverTrumpers” (including the former president who injected himself into an internal House GOP election) will claim the former president is the critical issue. But such is not the case vis à vis the House GOP conference—many of whom fall into either camp. (Though whether they publicly admit it or not is another matter.) 

Cheney fell and then played into the corporate leftist media’s perpetual snare of hyping “Republican-on-Republican violence.” Thus, for Cheney and the caucus, this is the crux: It is the role of the U.S. House GOP conference chairman to attack Democrats and aid Republicans, not vice versa.

Again, by continually letting herself be used as a cudgel against her fellow caucus members, Cheney has repeatedly violated the cardinal duty of a conference chairman. 

Bluntly, politicians are venal creatures. If you make it harder for a politician to get what he wants—such as getting reelected—that politician will make it harder for you to get what you want. The issues and individuals involved are irrelevant to this elementary political fact.

Yet, most importantly, 2022 is on the horizon. This is one of the reasons why the press prostitutes itself covering for the Biden Administration, including its use of the “Republican on Republican violence” trope to make the GOP appear to be the problem rather than the solution to this (mis)administration’s chaos. This is why the House Republican conference cannot have a conference chairman who enables the press to continue that.

The GOP must focus the public spotlight like a laser upon the damaging policies of the leftist Biden Administration. It must stop the internal squabbling that only hurts Republicans, because—news flash!—there are a whole lot of lefties standing in line to do it when we’re finished pounding each other. The sooner the GOP stops providing grist for the corporate leftist media’s trope of “Republican-on-Republican violence” and starts offering sound policies and an aspirational vision for Americans, the sooner our free republic—and the free world—will be spared from the perils of this proglodyte (mis)administration. 

Good writing in short supply


Article by Eric Utter in The American Thinker

Good writing in short supply

If any of you have had the misfortune of reading print rags such as The New York Times or The Washington Post lately, or online abortions like Slate, Salon or The Daily Kos, you know that the English language is being abused, butchered and ironically used to attack the concepts of free speech and reason. Others have noticed the decline in standards as well, some believing that many readers no longer possess the attention span necessary to absorb a long sentence, or that they just don’t care.

It is possible to write with reason and passion, logic and emotion, style and structure. Indeed, the best and most persuasive writing may well have all of these elements. P.J. O’Rourke in his prime was an example of this. Today, authors such as Mark Steyn, James Lileks and Steve Rushin use their command of the language to entertain, amuse and illustrate. Rushin, who writes primarily about sports and culture, has the uncanny ability to make readers laugh heartily at one paragraph and feel a lump in their throat and a tear in their eye with the next.

Conversely, the left can’t write. At least not well or with good humor. Which makes sense. Leftists are an angry lot. Victimology and entitlement don’t lend themselves to rationality or pleasing prose. Ideologues and preachers of propaganda typically aren’t reflective enough to enlighten anyone.

Good writing is like good art. You know it when you see it. And feel it. And believe it.

Progressives demand that “Black” be capitalized, but “white” remain all lower case. They demand that we use the “preferred pronouns” of people who identify as “non-binary.”

As Churchill once said, tongue in cheek, after being chastised by a lesser light for ending a sentence with a preposition, “This is precisely the sort of pedantic nonsense up with which I shall not put.”

Ernest Hemingway once encouraged aspiring writers to be honest. “Papa” said, “Write the truest sentence that you know.” I will endeavor to do that now.

The truth shall set you free.

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The Abolition of Gender


Article by Fay Goshell in The American Thinker

The Abolition of Gender

At the height of the French Terror, Maximillian Robespierre recommended that in the name of equality all church steeples be demolished.  The reason? They towered over other buildings and thus signified conflict with the principles of equality.

For the Left, destruction is always the means for achieving “equality.” The inexorable logic of leveling differentiations, be they institutional or in nature itself, has now reached the level of insanity.

Today’s revolutionaries have taken the principle of destruction of hierarchies, including religious hierarchies, even further than the most ardent advocates of the Terror. In the name of liberty, equality, and fraternity, they have pronounced Nature itself, including the biological distinction between men and women, as inherently unjust. 

As the collective “Laboria Cuboniks” posted on Twitter, “If nature is unjust, change nature.”

The annihilation of Nature itself, including the abolition of gender is a goal: “XF is vehemently anti-naturalist.  Essentialist naturalism reeks of theology -- the sooner it is exorcised, the better.

The view of nature as unjust is a succinct description of the neo-gnostic, secularist ideology that is foundational to the transgender wing currently driving the LGBTQ+ movement.

The neo-gnostics see the material world, including the binary of male and female as inherently evil and oppressive. Sexual identity as given at birth can be reformulated by individual and collective will. The human being can be transformed by pharmaceutical and technological means, with the result that the human being is transhuman. 

As Mareile Pfannebecker wrote in an extensive review of Helen Hester’s Xenofemminism, today’s most radical feminism requires “regeneration, not rebirth, and the possibilities for our reconstitution include the utopian dream of the hope for a monstrous world without gender.”

Modern trans feminists must combat “the unwillingness to share and change the shape of womanhood, and thus to the defense of an essentialist gender identity category… The overall goal to overcome gender as a system of domination is translated into an offer of creative bodily autonomy.”

The goal: “A ‘fully automated luxury communist gender proliferation’ that includes ‘self-determined healthcare for all impregnatables and access to the tools for changing gendered embodiment for all who want them… the demand for women’s rights also means the right for everyone to be a woman, or not, or anything else. [Italics mine.]

Laboria Cuboniks adds that every human being has the right “to speak as no one in particular.” Admittedly, such a goal “is an arduous assertion of freedom against an order that seemed immutable… the old order of 'sex'.”

In sum, “Xenofeminism is gender-abolitionist… ’Gender abolitionism' is shorthand for the ambition to construct a society where traits currently assembled under the rubric of gender, no longer furnish a grid for the asymmetric operation of power…”

“Nature” will and must yield to technological manipulation. Admittedly, “the project of untangling what ought to be from what is, of dissociating freedom from fact, will from knowledge, is, indeed, an infinite task.” But “In the name of feminism, 'Nature' shall no longer be a refuge of injustice, or a basis for any political justification whatsoever!”

O, brave new world in which one is neither male nor female! 

But echoing Eric Voegelin’s remarks about the unchangeability of Nature, Benjamin Wilker writes in “The New Gnosticism:”

“Being divided into male and female is not a punishment from which we escape, but a privilege, an intended gift of the Creator that defines, for each person, the very depths of his or her being.”

Wilker adds that the new Gnosticism puts forth a non-Christian plan of salvation:

“Human beings themselves perform the function of the redeeming deity; their increasing technical power saves humanity from the ill effects, the suffering, and the limitations of the human flesh; the scientist himself becomes the savior who reveals scientific knowledge -- gnosis -- that allows us to escape from the evils of the material world into a paradise of our own making… the natural distinction of male and female is one more natural limitation that the new Gnostic seeks to remove.”

Seldom has a movement been more destructive to the very idea of what it means to be human than the LGBTQ+ religious/political movements.  Such are essentially anti-human in their desire to remove gender altogether.

The consequences of the trans movement are unfolding before our eyes as girls are reduced to the status described by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, in which women become freemartins intentionally sterilized by the injection of male hormones, thus becoming infertile.  Meanwhile, young men are being castrated, essentially becoming eunuchs.  Some fifty clinics in America are dedicated to the project of eliminating gender via pharmaceutical and surgical means.

All this could be dismissed as a temporary craze if it were not for the fact the trans movement has gone mainstream and has become a cornerstone of America’s domestic and foreign policies. Such is the ascendancy of the trans madness that the former Bruce Jenner, who now goes by the name Caitlin, is being put forth by some Republicans as a viable candidate for the governor of California.

As for the Christian view of the human being as created male and female in the image of God?

Christian churches are now warned that more than the elimination of steeples is in the offing. The goal of the LGBTQ+ movement, as now led by the trans movement, is the elimination of male and female and thus also Jesus Christ, the Son of Man.

The current ideas of the LGBTQ+ movement are a return to the gnostic idea that Christ could not have had a human body. His humanity is become irrelevant, as the trans movement repudiates the relevance of human flesh or regards its current forms as male and female abhorrent and intrinsically unjust. The Christ of history disappears. In place of the Son of Man who came to seek and to save those who are lost is the being redeemed by pharmaceutical and technological means.

In sum, hatred of and the passion to eliminate the distinction of male and female is hatred of the Christian proclamation that the Word could become flesh, die and resurrect as the Redeemer of mankind.

A strong word of warning for the Church: It is quite clear the reason for the rapid spread of neo-gnostic ideas throughout all institutions, including the churches, is that the passion of its adherents is too often far greater than the passion of the Church for the gospel of Christ.

The Church needs passionately committed leaders who understand and stand up against the Gnosticism of the trans movement. Pastors and priests must stand up like Athanasius and be counted among those who believe in the creed named after him:

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Spirt of the virgin Mary and was made man and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate.


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Professor says heterosexuality ‘tragic’


Article by Eric Utter in The American Thinker

Professor says heterosexuality ‘tragic’

Jane Ward, Sexuality Studies Professor at the University of California-Riverside, was recently featured in an Insider article in which she stated, "It really looks like straight men and women don't like each other very much, that women spend so much time complaining about men, and we still have so much evidence of misogyny. From an LGBT perspective, [being straight] looks actually very tragic."

The article, titled “Why heterosexual relationships are so bad for us, according to a sex researcher,” cites an increase in relationship problems among straight couples since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown -- but says nothing of homosexual couples. Being straight is “very tragic,” and “so bad for us?” That doesn’t seem very welcoming, reassuring and inclusive. In fact, it seems judgmental and intolerant. Condescending. A macroaggression.

Ward also said, "I think in some ways the pandemic is revealing the tragedy of heterosexuality to people who might not have otherwise paid attention to it.” Well, it’s hard to keep track of all the tragedies happening lately. I wonder where The Tragedy of Heterosexuality ranks in comparison to other tragedies such as The Worldwide Pandemic, massive unemployment, the skyrocketing crime and suicide rates, the opioid crisis, terrorism, societal loss of purpose and confidence, etc., etc.?

She told Campus Reform via email that, “Research on heterosexual marital satisfaction over the life course shows that straight couples are struggling to balance work and family obligations, and this leads to frustration and resentment for many straight women, in particular.” Well, gay people and couples do earn more on average than their straight counterparts, and have fewer children to suck up their income, so perhaps they are fairing better in that respect.

She also claims heterosexuality pushes straight men to objectify women because they are seen as more masculine when they do so. She labels this phenomenon the “misogyny paradox,” and says it leads to a lack of respect for women. And we know that gays and lesbians never objectify men or women, really don’t care about physical appearance or attributes at all. Just as straight women never wish to be objectified nor ever objectify men…as we know from stupefyingly successful books such as the Fifty Shades series and television shows such as the Bachelor.

 Ward, who teaches courses focusing on feminist, queer, and heterosexuality studies, has also written a book, called The Tragedy of Heterosexuality, that a school-sponsored event promoted last fall.

Those who believe in traditional values are being summarily silenced, but it is okay -- indeed fashionable -- to decry heterosexuality. Amazing.  

Those who think that the way all life was designed to be created is “tragic” are beyond the pale. Complementarity is beautiful. Symbiosis. Mutually beneficial. Win-win. Yin-Yang. Screw-nut, peanut butter-jelly. Male-female.

Is heterosexuality tragic for all other animal species, too? Or would it perhaps be more tragic if there were no males, females, complimentary sex organs, other animals or people? No…them. Nothing. Or at least no one to perceive anything.

The tragedy of heterosexuality? The tragedy of reproduction? The tragedy of Genesis? The tragedy of being?


This is hate speech. It is evil. It is incitement. It is unscientific. It is fake news.

It is the tragedy of mental illness.

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When you incentivize unemployment, you get unemployment

Why earn a living when the government 
will pay you more to stay home?

The April jobs report came out today and for some reason people are stunned that the unemployment rate ticked up. Apparently they were expecting a million jobs created in April. Instead, payroll employment only rose by 266,000. But that’s what happens when you incentivize unemployment.

If you pay people more for not working, what’s the incentive to go look for a job?

Whenever you incentivize something, you get more of it.

This isn’t rocket science.

Yet the Biden White House was caught flat-footed.

Apparently old Joe was planning an 11:30 am Victory Lap press event to brag about the new jobs numbers.

Whether he will still emerge from his hidey hole to do so remains to be seen.

Does the so-called “smart set” in DC not understand that if you incentivize unemployment, you get unemployment?  Or do they know that’s the case and are perfectly fine incentivizing unemployment?

Are they stupid or is this by design?

Honestly, I don’t know which worries me more.

Many states are facing a worker shortage because Biden’s “Help is on the way” COVID “relief” bill made it more profitable to stay unemployed than to go back to work.

It used to be that the only way you got unemployment benefits was to show that you are actively looking for a job. But with this extended unemployment, you don’t need to actively look for a job to continue drawing a weekly check.

When you incentivize people to stay home, they aren’t going to go back to work.

There’s an episode of “Downton Abbey” where a young widowed mother applies to be a house maid at the Abbey. Mrs. Hughes is puzzled since a woman with a child rarely if ever works outside the home. But the young widow explains it simply. She has no husband and, as she tells Mrs. Hughes, “I have to earn.”

The incentive for holding a job is simple: you have to earn in order to pay your bills and take care of yourself.

But now that incentive to earn is gone.

Why work? Why earn? Why take the trouble when the Federal Government has extended unemployment indefinitely and removed the requirement that you actively look for a job?

It doesn’t take an economist to understand that this would be the outcome.

And yet the news media and the Biden White House are gob-smacked that the million jobs they expected didn’t happen.

Honestly, we are either governed by supremely stupid people or we’re governed by people who want to wreck our economy.

Joe Biden has never done anything to boost employment. Sure, he likes to brag about how he “saved the economy” back in 2009, but it’s a lie. Anyone with half a brain should’ve seen this coming.

And yet, short-sighted brainless idiots voted for Biden anyway.

But, no mean tweets, am I right?

JK Tweet Incentivize Unemployment, get unemployment

CNN Praises Biden For Efficiently Liberating Thousands From Wage Slavery In First 100 Days In Office

U.S.—Everyone agrees that President Joe Biden has been a relentless and unstoppable force in his first 100 days in office, exuding the youth and vigor of men half his age, but reporters from CNN are pointing out that Joe Biden really hammered employment as the unemployment figures were released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

”Employment” is a term used in official statistics to denote what is better known today as wage slavery, a holdover arrangement first started in an economic system known as capitalism, in which one person is literally forced at gunpoint into working for another person, rather than just staying at home and getting money from the government.

“Experts agree that it is a cruel practice that is on its way out in the history of ideas,” said Don Lemon on his CNN program. “Joe Biden is efficiently keeping his progressive agenda in just a short amount of time by delivering this big blow against employment, thus freeing thousands of Americans.”

“He has been busy and laser focused on his agenda of keeping his promises to the American people,” beamed a joyful Brian Stelter on his program Reliable Sources.”These statistics we are reporting to you now bear that out! Dow Jones estimates expected 1 million new jobs and unemployment to drop to 5.8% in this report, and Joe Biden did the exact opposite of that,” continued Stelter. “Unemployment actually rose to 6.1%. Can you imagine anyone else pulling that off?”

Progressive activists celebrated the news of rising unemployment as that means that more and more Americans are being freed from the drudgery of providing services to greedy business owners in exchange for money.

At publishing time, CNN was praising Joe Biden again for causing the sun to rise this morning.

American conservatives are being ‘otherized,’ just as Jews always have been


Article by Gary Gindler in The American Thinker

American conservatives are being ‘otherized,’ just as Jews always have been

What is the name of the police officer at the Minnesota show trial? His given name is Derek Chauvin, but the circumstances of this trial suggest that perhaps his last name may as well be Dreyfus. French officer Alfred Dreyfus was neither the first nor the last to suffer from the mass hysteria of the brainless crowd. He was eventually acquitted on appeal, but there is no guarantee that the same fate awaits this Minnesota police officer. What’s common to both the Chauvin and Dreyfus cases is that a phony press, high-ranking politicians, and well-brainwashed citizens played a decisive role in something that the law and only the law should have operated.

The mass-disinformation media create their own reality, and in this reality, officers Alfred Dreyfus and Derek Chauvin are guilty. In America, this alternative reality is based on the fact that we allegedly have systemic, institutional racism. If we accept this point of view, we then must acknowledge that the systemically racist American judicial system delivered Chauvin a guilty verdict. Of course, this is a logical contradiction – if institutional racism exists, why would Chauvin be spending decades in prison?

Was the jury’s decision fair? From the jury’s point of view, of course. Otherwise, their lives and the lives of their families would not be worth a penny. From the point of view of the city of Minneapolis, it was very fair. Otherwise, the city would have been burned to the ground. From a legal point of view, this was a gross, unforgivable, but possibly deliberate mistake. It is entirely plausible that there is a sober calculation here – to postpone the pogroms until the appellate court’s decision. Most likely, the appellate decision will coincide precisely with the next presidential election or a Republican president’s inauguration.

With braggadocio, Antifa proudly proclaims that Chauvin’s conviction was possible only because of their “daring” campaign of mass terror and calls for further violent actions and attacks on law enforcement. “All cops are Derek Chauvin” – read their post-trial slogan. This also applies to flippant or frightened police officers who flinched and knelt in front of BLM and thereby demonstrated their weakness to the Leftists.

With grief, conservatives in America are now assigned a second-class status, just like the Jews in Nazi Germany. The appropriate term to describe this new political phenomenon would be Judenization.

The chaos on the streets of many American cities began in 2018 with Jewish pogroms. BLM and Antifa attacked Jews and synagogues. The chaos continued for years. In 2021, this Judenization of all American dissidents reached a new level.

Currently, American citizens who legally acquire or inherit firearms face the threat of confiscation. Most conservatives have been banished to digital Gulags and internet concentration camps. Conservatives are the only ones who warn that these virtual, digital Gulags are paving the way for the real Gulags.

Germany from 1933 to 1938 followed a similar path. The Nazis outlawed firearms for everyone except members of organizations associated with the Nazis. Censorship was rampant, including the public burning of “unwanted” books. Finally, an attempt was made to the “final solution to the Jewish question” – first in the Third Reich and then in the Soviet Union.

21st century America has so much in common with the Third Reich and the USSR, especially the juxtaposition of European Jews and American conservatives – and, indeed, all White Americans who have not abased themselves before the left. America is still far from full-fledged Nazi or Soviet terror. Today, this is just an inquisition against conservatives, Republicans, and other dissidents, but this may be just the beginning. If left unhindered, it is clear that the American Left is setting the stage for a “final solution to the conservative and White question.”

Chauvin’s trial may mean that soon the conservatives will have to wear an American flag badge on their clothes – as a sign of their second-class citizen status. The first-class citizens will not wear a swastika (after all, it’s the 21st century) but a badge with a hammer and sickle. An American professor, a BLM supporter, said immediately after Chauvin’s verdict: “One cop almost down. A massive carceral system and a million other cops, capitalism, White supremacy, patriarchy, ableism, misogyny, to go.”

Judaization came about because the reasons the Left hates America and the reasons the Left hates Jews are essentially the same. Anti-Americanism has always paralleled anti-Semitism, and the persecution of conservatives in America is strikingly similar to the persecution of European Jews.

Unfortunately, America has not learned the lessons of the pogroms of 2018-2020. For example, Minneapolis’s “autonomous zone” posted new rules that all Whites who enter the zone must follow. The rules oblige Whites to make every effort to actively demonstrate their position as second-class citizens.

Another example of Judenization in America is in Washington state. There, coronavirus vaccination is available foremost only to blacks, American Indians, and everyone else of color. Some medical institutions do not even schedule vaccination appointments for Whites at all – Whites are put on a separate, segregated waiting list.

There is no conclusive evidence for the existence of systemic racism in America. But there are signs of systemic Judenization.

In the slave era, Democrats masterfully used Blacks for their own purposes. After that, during segregation, the Democrats skillfully used Whites for their own purposes. Now the Democrats have switched back to Blacks and are using them to the fullest for their political ends. However, the mistakes of White Democrats in the 19th century against Blacks cannot be corrected in the 21st century by bullying White conservatives. We cannot get rid of the consequences of the existence of second-class people in the past by creating new second-class people.

The leftwing bandits’ incitement, along with legal, financial, and political support for persecuting conservatives and Whites is contrary to the Constitution and leads to an unnecessary confrontation in society. America does not need Judenization of any part of society; only anti-American forces need it. Of course, the primary victims of societal disintegration will be Black and White citizens who follow this sinister leftist ideology. At present, these forces are united against the common hated capitalist enemy – America, but the time is not far off when they will begin to gnaw each other’s throats.

When the Founders adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776, that marked the beginning of our country. Almost 250 years later, many brainless Americans advocate adopting a Declaration of Dependence.

The Left wants American citizens to be entirely dependent on Washington. They want citizens to depend on handouts from the federal government. They want the welfare of citizens to depend on the degree of their conformity to ideas of narrow-minded Democrat gerontocracy. They want individual freedom and freedom of speech to depend on sincerity in supporting leftist dogmas. To achieve this, they must break our existing social compact. To that end, the Chauvin-Dreyfus affair means that most of America’s law-abiding citizens are undergoing a violent Judenization process, which will naturally be followed by an attempt at a “final solution.”

In the not-too-distant future, many unsuspecting Americans will be faced with the unfamiliar word Judenfrei or more precisely, they’ll face its Newspeak equivalent.

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