Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Olympics Will Not Tolerate Athletes Protesting, Wearing ‘Black Lives Matter’ Apparel

Athletes who wear Black Lives Matter apparel at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games will face repercussions.

Last month, The International Olympic Committee said athletes are not permitted to protest due to the committee’s stance against “demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda.” Adding to this rule, the committee announced that BLM apparel will be banned. There will be no international fans at the summer games in Tokyo. 

“The IOC is very concerned about the risk of politicisation of the athletes and the risk that athletes may be put under external pressure,” the group said in April. “It is important to protect athletes from the potential consequences of being placed in a position where they may be forced to take a public position on a particular domestic or international issue, regardless of their beliefs.”

While the committee has banned the verbatim phrase “Black Lives Matter” from being advertised or celebrated by athletes, other words like “peace,” “respect,” “solidarity,” “inclusion” and “equality” are permitted. The Olympics group did not say what punishments those who violate the rules will face.

In clarifying its position against athletes protesting during events, the IOC relied on Rule 50, the Olympic Charter’s prohibiting of propaganda. “Divisive disruption” will be characterized in Tokyo as kneeing, making hand gestures that imply a political position, or not allowing a medalist to step up to the podium.

Some groups claim they will provide legal support for athletes that violate the IOC’s rules. An activist group in Germany has announced it will assist those who are “fighting racism.”

“Should German athletes decide to peacefully stand up for fundamental values such as fighting racism during the Olympic Games, they can rely on the legal support of Athleten Deutschland,” Johannes Herber, an executive for the union told the Associated Press.

Brendan Schwab, executive director of the World Players Association union, also told the AP his organization will assist if players choose to violate the IOC’s rules. “This is precisely the outcome we expected,” Schwab said. “The Olympic movement doesn’t understand its own history better than the athletes.

American athletes have grown increasingly political. When the National Basketball Association’s shortened season began in July 2020, many players wore BLM shirts and kneeled during the national anthem.

Enough with the COVID Zealots

 Enough with the COVID Zealots

A man wearing a protective mask takes a picture in Times Square in New York City, March 25, 2021. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters)
The time for acquiescence has passed. The moment instead demands mockery, exasperation, and, if it comes to it, a thorough raising of the middle finger.

Here we sit, smack dab in the middle of the winter of our discontent, our arms chock-full of liquid innovation — and yet, for some utterly insoluble reason, we remain surrounded by resistance to summer. Has there ever been a people this indifferent to their liberation?

I have never been of the view that our responses to the pandemic were all unnecessary or illegitimate. Certainly, I never bought that it was a “hoax.” Yes, yes, COVID wasn’t the Second World War; but it also wasn’t just “the flu.” And so, to mitigate the risk to myself and others, I’ve played along with a good deal: I’ve been happy to wear a mask when asked to by businesses or the law; I have been happy to get vaccinated, having waited in line for my turn; and, unusually for me, I have happily supported at least some of the government’s spending, on the grounds that a state that is willing to deprive people of their liberty and livelihood should do at least something to mitigate the damage. All in all, I have agreed to eschew my usual absolutism in favor of the sort of balanced, scientific, and ultimately moderate approach that was adopted from the start here in Florida. Now, though, the time for such acquiescence has passed, and in its place we need something different: mockery, vehemence, resistance, dudgeon, exasperation, and, if it comes to it, a thorough raising of the middle finger. Enough!

In recent weeks, it has become increasingly obvious to me that the life I am living here in Florida bears no resemblance whatsoever to the lives that are being lived by my colleagues in the Northeast, in the Beltway, on the West Coast, and abroad. My kids have been in school since last August; theirs are stuck at home. We go out to eat whenever we want; they can count their excursions since last year on one hand. Their minds remain addled by the rules and customs of the Coronavirus Age; mine has been re-rewired back to normal without my ever having noticed. Here, we do our own risk assessments; there, they are micromanaged like children. And yet, among the powers-that-be, it is their model that is being praised and perpetuated — even though Florida’s approach has resulted in its sitting below the middle of the pack for deaths while maintaining a strong economy, full classrooms, and a more normal lifestyle than has existed anywhere else in the world. This is utterly ridiculous.

Worse yet, it’s hysterical. Last week, the CDC insisted that vaccinated Americans should still wear masks outdoors in crowds and indoors at all times — instructions that Joe Biden, the president of these United States, quickly described as “patriotic” — while on MSNBC, Joy Reid summed up the delirium that has taken hold in much of the press by declaring that, despite being fully vaccinated, she now wears two masks when she goes jogging. In wealthy and highly educated areas such as Brookline, Mass., and Montgomery County, Md., meanwhile, local officials were busy protecting their outdoor-mask mandates despite the governors of those states having abandoned the idea on the rationale that it was quite unfathomably stupid. So bad has this tendency become that, in the nation’s capital of Washington, D.C., residents can now be overheardclinging to their masks lest anyone suspect they might be a Republican, and the mayor has summarily reversed her decision to lift the city’s indoor mask mandate and made it illegal to dance at wedding receptions for good measure.

Oh, and the schools still aren’t fully open.

The architects of this collective madness remain immovable, and proud of it. Now, as ever, they meet every move toward normality with accusations of “murder” that are invariably proven incorrect, and yet are repeated in precisely the same tone and with precisely the same confidence the next time around. Now, as ever, they greet evidence to the contrary by either dismissing it out of hand, filtering it through a conspiracy theory, or issuing a never-to-be-revisited injunction to “wait a couple of weeks.” And, on the rare occasions that their position becomes untenable, they quickly change the subject, moving the material question from whether there is any evidence that one needs to wear three masks while skydiving to asking impatiently what harm can come from doing so. Every deadline is delayed; every argument is elastic; and nothing but COVID is written in on the ledger’s negative side. They’re zealots, for whom it will always be March 12, 2020. They must be stopped. I 

I do not believe that the initial panic over the coronavirus was driven primarily by cynicism or by expedience. But I do think that there is something both cynical and expedient about the glacial pace at which this country is being permitted to return to normal. For a certain sort of political progressive, our COVID-led status quo — with its rampant safetyism, its reliance upon experts, and its outsized role for government — is just not that big a deal, especially now that it can be used as an all-encompassing pretext for the Biden administration’s attempt to “remake” the United States. Add in that progressives seem to wildly misjudge how dangerous the virus really is — the chance that somebody with COVID must be hospitalized is between 1 and 5 percent, and yet 69 percent of Democrats believe that the number is more than 20 percent, and 41 percent believe that it is more than 50 percent — and you have a recipe for disaster. In the press, in the blue states, and in the federal government, that recipe is still being followed . . . well, well past the point of being overdone.

Your move, America.

AuntiE says....

Why The ‘Jeopardy!’ Three-Finger Farce Is A Sinister Sign For America

The mob was not amused, former ‘Jeopardy!’ contestants calling Kelly Donohue’s 
refusal to apologize for something he did not do ‘problematic.’

Following decades of grooming, our once-liberal society teeters on the edge of totalitarian control. Proof of this thesis appears daily, with no more surreal example than last week’s demand that a gameshow contestant prove himself not a white supremacist.

Last Tuesday, when cameras panned to “Jeopardy!” champion Kelly Donohue, he flashed a smile while tapping three outstretched fingers to his chest to celebrate his previous victories. After a rando on Twitter with 30 followers claimed Donohue had displayed a white supremacy sign, more than 450 former “Jeopardy!” contestants issued a public letter “to speak out against the messaging that these choices communicated—either intentionally or unintentionally—by the contestant Kelly Donohue and, implicitly by association, the producers of “Jeopardy!” 

The letter went on to condemn Donohue for answering “gypsy” to a question posed during the April 26 show, before targeting the “Jeopardy!” champion for his three-finger victory sign displayed at the beginning of the April 27 show:

During his on-camera introduction, Kelly made a gesture with his hand that he has since claimed was an indication that he had won three games. He had, on previous episodes, indicated with one finger and two fingers that he had won one and two games, and no reasonable person would have interpreted those gestures differently. However, this gesture was not a clear-cut symbol for the number three. He held his thumb and forefinger together with his other three fingers extended and palm facing inward, and he tapped his chest. This, whether intentional or not, resembled very closely a gesture that has been coopted by white power groups, alt right groups, and an anti-government group that calls itself the Three Percenters…Regardless of his stated intent, the gesture is a racist dog whistle.

Initially, Donohue saw the “controversy” for what it was—laughable—responding in a Facebook post “That’s a 3. No more. No less.” He also tossed in a little shade to the hyperventilating ninnies by adding a photograph behind his profile picture of Frank Sinatra flashing an OK sign.

The mob was not amused, with the former “Jeopardy!” contestants’ letter calling Donohue’s refusal to apologize for something he did not do “problematic.” After his Facebook page filled with vitriol and corporate media pushed the story as a serious one, Donohue bowed:

Rather than an apology, Donohue’s inquisitors deserved a one-finger salute. Of course, that’s easy enough for those of us beyond the glow of the torch lights to quip. To the average citizen looking up at the tines of a pitchfork, apologizing for a non-sin proves much preferrable to public impalement. So people seek forgiveness as the innocent Donohue did, hoping to end the matter.

This comedy of the absurd illustrates how conditioned Americans have become to cave to the mob. It represents but a small facet of our slide towards totalitarianism.

The totalitarian tag may sound hyperbolic. It is not. It represents an accurate label for the oppressive environment threatening our country.

What Is Totalitarian? 

Totalitarianism need not stem from dictatorship. Polish philosophy and political science professor Ryszard Legutko recognized this reality in other Western countries some 50 years ago, and in “The Demon in Democracy: Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies,” he catalogued the many “similarities between communism and liberal democracy.”

Legutko, who lived under Soviet rule before Poland regained its independence, serving as the editor of Solidarity’s underground philosophy journal, first saw the same totalitarian tics in the 1970s when he traveled, as he put it, “to the so-called West,” then later again when he served in the Polish Senate and on the European Parliament.

Those same totalitarian impulses have since seized our country—something Legutko experienced when he traveled to Vermont to lecture on “The Demon in Democracy.” Shortly after he arrived at Middlebury College, administrators canceled his speaking engagement in response to campus protests.

In an interview with The American Conservative’s Rod Dreher, Legutko identified the qualities characteristic of communism also replete in our civil society: “pervasive politicization, ideological zeal, aggressive social engineering, vulgarity, a belief in inevitability of progress, destruction of family, the omnipresent rule of ideological correctness, severe restriction of intellectual inquiry, etc.” 

Last week’s “Jeopardy!” outrage represented a thread on the “omnipresent rule of ideological correctness” patch of the totalitarian quilt being quickly stitched across America. While a laughable example, it is emblematic of the ideological zeal running through society, more seriously seen in the other spheres.

We’re Being Forced to Embrace Absolute Insanity

Transgender ideology represents a more sobering example, with the government forcing citizens to profess the falsehood that man can become women, or women men, with children as young as five indoctrinated in the ideology; teachers fired for refusing to pretend along; lawyers reprimanded by judges for failing to fall in line; bakers investigated by the state for refusing to celebrate genital mutilation; social media outlets silencing dissent; retailers banning books; athletic organizations and corporations punishing states for standing up for science; parents losing custody of their children; and children chemically castrated before the age of consent.

Further features of totalitarian regimes exist throughout our country: pervasive politicization; “destruction of social, legal, and political traditions”; branding dissent evil; “permitting large-scale organized violence”; the police targeting of political enemies; “severe restrictions of intellectual rigor”; destruction of religious ties; and “mass conformity to the beliefs and behaviors sanctioned by the state.”

The pervasive politicization of race provides another clear example of the totalitarian temptation permeating our country, with students and employees indoctrinated in critical race theory, the revisionist 1619 Project seeking to destroy the classical liberalism on which our country was founded, voter integrity laws branded as Jim Crow and corporate America punishing states and their citizens for refusing to capitulate, justifiable police shootings peddled by politicians and the press as evidence of systemic racism while shredding the social fabric of our nation, and black politicians of the “wrong” party targeted and impugned.

This same extreme politicization paints all Donald Trump supporters as violent insurgents or their supporters while the government permits self-professed anarchists to riot, loot, maim, and kill, and cartels to control our borders.

Further, while America may not be a police state nor have a state-run media, the law and the ethics of journalism restrain neither. Illegal spying on the Trump campaign and obtaining surveillance warrants based on altered evidence later morphed into the criminal targeting of Trump and his associates, all while Hunter Biden avoided criminal gun charges. Along the way, the press propagandized utter lies to cover up and obfuscate all these stories.

Now, news breaks that the Biden administration seeks to enlist private corporations in spying on Americans. Should what’s left of the Constitution stand in the way, pack the courts.

Never-ending Lockdowns Are Also Totalitarian

Intellectual rigor vanished long ago, with science declared “settled”—unless it is the science of sex or human development—academics silenced, education unlearned, and debates and debaters canceled. We haven’t even broached the government’s overreach with COVID by closing businesses and school, barring disfavored (read: religious) gatherings, mandating masks, coercing vaccinations, and manipulating or silencing science.

The COVID case study proved two things: Our government seeks authoritarian control, and a large segment of society will willingly accede to its ever-increasing dictates. And politicians took note, now suggesting climate change and systemic racism equal the pandemic in emergency.

America in no way compares to the killing fields, gulags, and horrors of totalitarian regimes, but the impulse of total control has overtaken our country, from the mob to corporations and the corrupt media—social and legacy—to educators and intellectuals all demanding allegiance.

What good are our individual liberties of freedom of speech, association, and religion if a tyrannical society silences and separates us? When dissent is squelched, the social fabric torn, and traditional mediating units disbanded, how long before “popular support permits the state the widest latitude of action of any form of government”? How long before the consent of the governed becomes acquiescence to complete control?

Last week’s “scandal” over Donohue’s innocent hand gesture provided conservatives another eye-rolling-worthy example of the idiocy of wokeness. It should have instead awoken Americans to the precipitous cliff on which our country stands.

The Babylon Bee Fact-Checks 10 Controversial Statements From President Biden

It's hard to know what's true these days. That's why our fact-checkers work around the clock to protect you from dangerous misinformation that could lead your feeble little mind astray. 

How do Biden's most influential statements stand up to our rigorous fact-checking? Read and find out! You can trust us. We're fact-checkers.   

1. "So you go ahead and you stack spaghetti sauce at a store, and and and a supermarket, you control the guy or the woman who runs the brings out the carts on on on ah, on a forklift." 


After researching this claim from Biden, we found there are indeed people who stack spaghetti sauce at grocery stores. We could not confirm whether the spaghetti sauce stackers actually control the people who bring out the carts, or whether they use a forklift to do so. While some facts of the claim are unconfirmed, we're rating this true because Biden is a really good guy. 

2. "High-speed rail at 200 miles an hour from Charlotte, one, and another line going from, in Florida, down to Tampa. Another line, if we had moved Gov, we would have had that tunnel fixed in New York now. The money was there to get it done."


According to our research, there are some high-speed trains that can reach speeds of 200 miles per hour. Charlotte, Florida, Tampa, and New York are all real places. Money exists. It doesn't get more accurate than this. 

3. "Could.. take care if you were a quartermaster, you can sure in hell take care running a you know, a department store, thing, uh, you know, where the second floor of the ladies department or whatever."


While the specific meaning of this isolated Biden quote is unclear, it was spoken in the context of a larger discussion about Biden caring about poor people and doing good things for minorities. He's the best. 

4. "And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. So I learned about roaches, and about kids jumping on my lap. And I love kids jumping on my lap.”


We'll get back to you on this. 

5. “Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID.”


While the specific numbers of this claim aren't technically accurate, they speak to a deeper truth that COVID is really bad. Thanks for protecting us, Mr. President!

6. “I may be Irish but I’m not stupid.”


Our researchers determined Biden has English, French, and Irish heritage, so the first part of his statement is true. He also has an IQ of 76, which technically means he doesn't fall under the definition of mentally handicapped. Another true statement! 

7. "I guess what I'm trying to say without boring you too long at breakfast—and you all look dull as hell, I might add. The dullest audience I have ever spoken to. Just sitting there, staring at me. Pretend you like me!"


The crowd was indeed very dull. We know because we were in it. And we are very dull. We appreciate Biden calling us out here and encouraging us to be better. 

8. "His mom lived in Long Island for ten years or so. God rest her soul. And- although, she's- wait- your mom's still- your mom's still alive. Your dad passed. God bless her soul."


Biden made this statement regarding Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen’s mother, who sources confirmed was indeed alive at the time. Biden also called Cowen's deceased father a "her." Since it is unclear what gender Cowen's father identified as at his death, we are giving Biden the benefit of a doubt and rating this "true." 

9. "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."


...we know what you meant Mr. President. It's ok! 

"You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent... I'm not joking."


Biden's statement was spoken during an exchange where he was praising the vibrant culture brought by Indian-Americans to the area of Delaware where he lives. It was actually the opposite of racist, and shame on you for thinking otherwise. 

10 out of 10 successful fact-checks for President Biden! 

Did Adjudication of These Votes Provide The Hologram’s Margin of Victory?

AP Photo/Ben Gray
Stu Cvrk reporting for RedState

All eyes are on the ongoing forensic audit in Arizona despite fierce Democrat resistance:

Other audits are likely in Georgia, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin. But is there something else that has been overlooked in the frenzy to investigate or suppress (depending on one’s political persuasions) claims of “election irregularities” during the 2020 election? Retired senior DoD analyst Ray Blehar has examined an underreported election story pertaining to write-in and minor party ballots/votes. His investigation has resulted in some startling conclusions and a working theory: that Biden’s margin of victory in several key states could have been provided by shifting write-in and minor party ballots through ballot adjudication.

Let us examine his statistical analysis and conclusions in more detail. First, a definition of terms:

Write-in ballots. These are ballots marked by voters who choose to vote for a candidate other than those listed on the printed ballots.

Minor party ballots. These are ballots marked for candidates of minor parties who were qualified to be on the election slate, such as the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, and the Constitution Party. Approved minor party candidates will vary by state, depending on qualification requirements.

WIMP. This is an acronym that stands for the sum of write-in and minor party ballots in a given state.

Adjudication. This is a manual process by which the “intent of the individual voter” is determined when a given ballot cannot be determined by automated tabulation devices.  Adjudicated ballots are typically write-in ballots, mismarked ballots (double votes), misaligned ballots, and other categories. Note: it is also possible to program voting machines in order to recognize a “straight party” ballot as misaligned and automatically sending it to the manual adjudication process. Adjudication is really where the vote shifting happens, particularly if the election officials in a given precinct are all from one political party and/or vote shifting malware has “infected” tabulation devices.

I have previously summarized his analyses of WIMP votes in Pennsylvania here and in Wisconsin here. Blehar’s findings from his Pennsylvania analysis include the following:

  • The total number of WIMP votes in Pennsylvania declined by ~113,000 votes from 2016 to 2020. This is highly unlikely given the massive number of mail-in ballots cast in 2020 compared to previous elections.
  • Only 453 write-in votes were received by mail-in ballot out of 2.6 million mail-in ballots cast. This is an improbably low number given that Howie Hawkins, the Green Party write-in presidential candidate, received ~34,000 fewer votes by mail-in than down-ballot Green Party average. Note that a similar situation occurred with Jill Stein in 2016 in Pennsylvania, causing her to refer to the Keystone State’s election system as a “national disgrace.”
  • Jo Jorgenson, the Libertarian candidate for president, received ~20,000 votes fewer by mail-in than down-ballot Libertarian candidates. This is a highly unlikely circumstance and a historical anomaly that strongly suggests vote shifting took place.
  • Vote-switching analysis determined that ~64,000 absentee ballot votes were taken from Trump and switched to Biden through the adjudication process, while ~30,000 Trump Election Day and absentee votes were directly shifted to Biden.

Blehar believes the following happened:

  • Conclusion #1: The total adjudication manipulation resulted in Biden winning the state by ~80,500 votes, but in reality, President Trump actually won Pennsylvania by over 186,000 votes.
  • Conclusion #2: Biden’s margin of victory could have only been obtained through adjudication manipulation.

Blehar’s findings from his Wisconsin analysis include findings similar to those in Pennsylvania:

  • The total number of WIMP votes cast in Wisconsin declined by 132,307 votes from 2016 to 2020
  • There were no WIMP votes tabulated during the infamous early morning ballot spike on 4 November. Based on historical comparisons, there should have been approximately 10,000 WIMP votes during that ballot spike.
  • Howie Hawkins, the Green Party presidential candidate, received only 1,089 write-in votes compared to the 31,072 votes received by the 2016 Green Party candidate. This is highly suspicious and an indication of probable ballot adjudication manipulation. Note that Stein made similar allegations of machine miscounts in 2016.
  • The total missing (improperly adjudicated) WIMP ballots in Dane and Milwaukee counties was approximately 33,000 votes, with the rest of the missing 132K WIMP votes scattered in other counties across the state.
  • Conclusion: the “missing” WIMP votes that were adjudicated to Biden almost certainly provided his ~20K margin of victory in the state of Wisconsin.

Blehar has examined the national implications of missing WIMP votes and their likely mis-adjudication here. First, he provided a summary table comparing 2020 results with 2016:

WIMP Vote Tabulation Nationwide

As the table shows, Biden received over 15 million more votes than Hillary Clinton did while President Trump exceeded his 2016 vote total by over 11 million votes (unprecedented for a presidential reelection campaign in which he also received the highest percentage of non-white votes of any Republican candidate since 1960). The Democrat popular vote margin over President Trump increased by ~4.2 million votes from 2016 to 2020 while the WIMP vote from 2016 to 2020 decreased by nearly the same amount (~4.3 million). The similarity of the numbers is highly suspicious.

Here are some of his other national-level findings and conclusions:

  • Despite an increase in nationwide voter turnout of over 30 million from 2016 to 2020, there were three times fewer write-in votes in 2020 than in 2016. This makes no sense, especially given that Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Wisconsin relegated the Green Party to write-in status in their states.
  • Across the country, write-in votes fell from 698,990 in 2016 to just 217,465 in 2020, with an impossibly low 13,803 of those votes coming from absentee ballots. Since nearly 48 million absentee ballots were cast in 2020, this means that only .00029% of absentee voters wrote in a candidate for President. This is highly unlikely, given that in 2016, scattered write-in ballots accounted for .05% of the total vote.
  • In Pennsylvania, Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins received just 611 votes overall (absentee ballots plus in-person votes) compared to other Green party statewide candidates who each received over 70,000 votes. Biden’s margin of victory in Pennsylvania was 80,555, which is remarkably close to the potential number of “missing” Green Party (write-in) presidential votes.
  • In Georgia, the decline in the write-in votes from 2016 to 2020 (~20,000) was also greater than Biden’s margin of victory (~12,600) in 2020.
  • In Arizona, Trump’s victory margin in 2016 was 91,234 votes, but in 2020, the margin was almost completely erased by the decline in minor party votes from 2016 (89,207).
  • Also in Arizona, the 2020 Biden victory margin was less than the decline in write-in votes from 2016. Biden won the state by approximately 10,000 votes while the number of write-in votes declines by nearly 17,000.
  • The decline in write-in votes from 2016 to 2020 in Wisconsin (~27,000) could easily account for Biden’s margin of victory in the state (~20,000).
  • Conclusion #1: the massive decline in write-in votes from 2016 to 2020 likely points to a nationwide, systemic issue that was shifting votes through the adjudication process.
  • Conclusion #2: forensic audits of paper ballots and the ballot images are needed to determine what actually happened in 2020.
Where are the legacy media investigations into the irregularities associated with the WIMP votes that have been identified by Ray Blehar? Crickets…

President Trump Activates Web Page – Direct from The Desk of Donald J Trump

President Trump has activated a website platform where he can communicate directly with the American People.   It’s a sub-page within the Donald J Trump website:



I would anticipate Big Tech to disable the sharing functions of the web page.

Our Country Was Founded by Geniuses, but It's Being Run by Idiots

Signing of the Constitution


Article by J.B. Shurk in The American Thinker

Our Country Was Founded by Geniuses, but It's Being Run by Idiots

The eminently quotable Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana said sometime back: "Our country was founded by geniuses, but it's being run by idiots."  I heartily agree, and the problem is not self-correcting.  

The principles behind the formation of America's government were and are exquisite, but the American government, like all forms of government, is corrupt as hell.  This isn't an extraordinary statement.  Exquisite things often break, and even the noblest of institutions become distorted over time until the original purposes for their creation are eclipsed (and often contradicted) by the personal motives of the men running those institutions into the ground.  

This phenomenon is apparent anywhere there is power. 

John O'Sullivan, a senior policy adviser for Prime Minister Thatcher, wrote a short essay thirty years ago that should have made freedom-minded conservatives rethink any lingering attachments to institutional authorities.   

He asked a question we often ask ourselves: how is it that almost all institutional bodies — whether governmental agencies or purportedly "nonpartisan" scientific academies or even religious groups and charities — transform over time into left-leaning entities?  In grappling with what might seem inexplicable, he corralled three insights about organizational behavior: (1) Robert Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy asserting that all forms of organization, regardless of how democratic their foundations, will come to be run by an elite group of people; (2) Robert Conquest's Second Law stating that every organization behaves as if "headed by secret agents of its opponents"; and (3) O'Sullivan's very own First Law positing that "[a]ll organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing."  In other words, Michels tells us that the key to understanding any institution is its leadership, not its charter.  Conquest argues that the leadership will always have objectives at odds with the organization's intended purpose, if for no other reason than that the leadership's continued employment and future power paradoxically depend upon never completely succeeding.  And O'Sullivan takes this insight farther by noting that the type of person who staffs such organizations tends to disdain private profit and the historic composition of Western civilization's free-market culture. 

Note also that these three observational laws explicitly take as a premise that the organizations have not been actively infiltrated by Marxist saboteurs or actual enemy agents, but rather evolve over time by the weight of natural sociological tendencies.  When we add Occam's Razor into the mix, it is just as persuasive to suppose that all institutions become increasingly socialist over time at the rate of success that Marxists have in quietly but persistently insinuating themselves into the hierarchical ranks of absolutely any institution with power, whether those with legal teeth such as the FBI and CDC or those with cultural teeth such as Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball.  Hence, if Gramsci's "long march through the institutions" seems to have succeeded, it's probably because the political left has never stopped marching. 

Driven by internal mechanisms of organization; cancel culture campaigns given legitimacy by corporate journalists and social media platforms (ironically, the self-described "defenders" of the First Amendment); and the covert efforts of dark money groups to coerce, co-opt, and undermine any entity not yet "turned," institutions are under sustained pressure at all times to bend toward total leftist control.

Taken together, the three "laws" above not only aptly describe how Marxist-socialists have succeeded in assimilating everything from the public school system to the CIA, but also make plain that the fight for conserving liberty requires much more than fighting to conserve institutions, even when (or perhaps especially when) those institutions have traditionally safeguarded American freedoms.  

This seems to me a remarkable indictment of any Establishment position for defending and preserving institutional powers of any kind when the stated goal is to protect and strengthen American freedoms. 

The political left consistently advances its aims by either refashioning existing institutions to advance its agenda or so compromising those institutions that their original purpose is moot.  By doing so, Marxist-socialists create win-win scenarios for themselves by forcing societies to choose between keeping those corrupted institutions intact or tearing them down and starting from scratch.

Would you rather keep the illusion of an impartial Supreme Court committed to the rule of law even while it's intimidated into making politicized decisions by Democrats threatening to expand its membership, or do you accept that the Judicial Branch gave up any pretense of fidelity to the Constitution long ago?

Can the Constitution be preserved as our governing document even though the plain meaning of its words has been bastardized by all three branches to authorize government powers it does not delegate, to justify discrimination among groups of people where it demands the opposite, and to encroach upon personal liberties where it explicitly protects them?

Can real representative government exist in the United States when elected officials choose to ignore their constituents by collecting cash and talking points from Washington lobbyists, and even though the unelected bureaucrats of our Leviathan administrative state govern with no voters to constrain their actions at all?

If the stated reason for the FBI's inception was to pursue federal crimes that might otherwise be unenforced or overlooked in the interstate wilderness separating local jurisdictions, should it be allowed to survive when the bureau's domestic intelligence force is instead harnessed to intimidate political enemies?

Should the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court continue to be seen as a legitimate check on the government's unlawful surveillance of citizens when it readily excuses the FBI's outrageous lawbreaking and its routine intrusion into Americans' private electronic records? 

Should Americans continue to depend upon a public school system that has replaced education with ideological indoctrination and knowledge with "social justice"?  Or the Centers for Disease Control when it is inexplicably taking its cues from the teachers' unions?  

Doing nothing is no longer an option.

The Frankensteinian metamorphosis of America's institutions is the fundamental reason why there is now an irreconcilable break between the small group of Establishment Republicans who have ostensibly run the party for decades and the actual voters who overwhelmingly chose President Trump as a much needed countervailing force for arresting our descent into tyranny.

Tradition is valuable, but giving legitimacy to institutions that actively work against us for tradition's sake is foolish.  And if all institutions become leftist siblings over time, we are best served by fearlessly seeking and destroying those who encroach upon our freedom, not conserving them.  

Establishment Republicans keep insisting, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater."  But who has been watching the baby?  American independence was a singular moment for liberty, and enemies of freedom have worked assiduously to smother it ever since.  While Republican leadership has for decades remained preoccupied with making sure the bathtub is of the finest porcelain-enameled cast iron and ensuring that the water is neither too hot nor too cold, the political left has gleefully absconded with the newborn, so that it may finally abort two hundred and forty-five years after delivery!

"That government is best which governs least" was Thoreau's motto.  Surely the opposite is equally true, that government is worst when it governs most.  When limited government is abandoned and liberty is deemed "selfish," then America's institutions have become a threat to America's existence.

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