Thursday, April 22, 2021

'Girl in the Pink' Has Some Important Things to Say About Columbus Police Shooting

From bodycam footage of Columbus police shooting of Ma'Khia Bryant

wrote earlier about the reaction of Valerie Jarrett and some other terrible, awful, no good takes from people on the left to the police shooting of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant.

One reporter wondered why the cop couldn’t have just shot Bryant in the leg? He apparently didn’t understand the concept of center mass and the importance of not missing in the context of that life and death situation. The officer had a split second to decide how best to protect the life of the girl in pink, indeed, he walked into one of the worst situations evolving that a cop can walk into and he had to immediately evaluate it: who was the danger and how to stop her attack without hurting anyone else.

Warning graphic:

Others just downplayed it as a “teenage fight.” Do not pay attention to that knife coming down on the girl on the pink! Didn’t you have teenage fights like this?

One BLM activist, Bree Newsome, even suggested teens have been fighting with knives “for eons.” What unadulterated crap. Was she really trying to justify a stabbing attack?

Perhaps one of the worst takes, as I said, was that of Jarrett, who called it a “knife fight” thus victim-blaming the girl in the pink who was attacked, was unarmed and almost stabbed, but for the quick action of the police officer. But Jarrett didn’t seem to give a darn about the girl in the pink.

Now there’s more video out and it has a few words from that “girl in the pink,” who recognizes just how close she came to death, but for the cop. Those folks spouting off on the left might want to give it a listen.

A cop who is walking with her, trying to interview her about what happened. “She f**king came at me with a knife,” the girl says. The officer asks, “She came at you with a knife earlier?” “No, she just did,” the girl corrects him. “That is why, that’s why the police did it. She came after me.” “With a knife?” the cop inquires again. “Yeah, so he got her,” the girl replied, clearly thankful.

You can tell, whatever Valerie Jarrett or any of these other people say, this girl gets it, but for the quick action by the officer, she might not be here, you can almost hear the weightiness of the thought in her head as she tells the officer. She knows the first officer saved her.

More Evidence That the FBI Is Completely Compromised Arises

While most Republicans seem to be of the mind that the FBI lost the plot long ago, the once storied agency seems intent on providing even more evidence of that.

The latest example comes via an obscure, yet incredible admission by FBI Director Christopher Wray. Rep. Brad Wenstrup, who was shot at the day of the Congressional baseball shooting that almost took Rep. Steve Scalise’s life, says that the FBI ended up labeling the incident as a “suicide by cop”

Yes, I’m serious.

Of note is that the FBI has had no problem calling what happened on January 6th domestic terrorism. During that event, not a single Congressional member was harmed, but the mere threat was enough for Wray to not mince words in his press conferences and while giving testimony before Congress. Yet, here’s the same organization calling the attempted assassination of GOP Congressional members a “suicide by cop.” It’s almost as if politics have completely permeated the bureau and they are making determinations based on what fits their preferred narratives.

Remember, the shooter in question had a list of names. He had planned his attack, staked out a firing position, and was waiting to kill as many Congressional members as he could. It was a mixture of sheer luck and him being a terrible shot that led to the shooter not landing more hits. There has been no evidence, that I’m aware of at least, that shows he was some apolitical figure just looking to have police kill him. Quite the contrary, as we know his attack was politically motivated. Somehow, the FBI came to a nonsensical conclusion it was suicide by cop, though.

That brings me to a broader point. Have you ever wondered why “white supremacist attacks” and the like are always claimed by the FBI and the media to be so prevalent when you hardly ever see them occur? Every year, we get a headline over at the Post and Times about how “right-wing terrorism” is the most dangerous threat to the country. What Rep. Wenstrup exposed here is how that narrative gets created. The system is rigged in how they categorize these crimes. If a left-wing Bernie Sanders fan tries to assassinate Republican representatives and says he did it over politics, that gets jotted down as a ho-hum suicide by cop. Yet, the standard for labeling something “white supremacy” or “right-wing” appears to be so broad as to lose all meaning.

We all have eyes. We see the terrorism of Antifa and the growing scourge of gang violence compared to the almost complete lack of “right-wing violence.” But we are being told to not believe our eyes while the FBI does their best to categorize crimes in a way that fits the political wants of the careerists and their political allies.

Meanwhile, the FBI is laser-focused on what really matters.

We may have just had another mass shooting in which the FBI was tipped of about the shooter multiple times, but at least Wray has hired a chief diversity officer.

If we are fortunate enough to garner another Republican president, their first order of business should be to absolutely clean house at the FBI and DOJ, and I’m not just talking about political appointees.

Government apologises over failure to commemorate black and Asian troops


The government has apologised for failures to properly commemorate black and Asian troops who died in World War One fighting for the British Empire.

Some troops were commemorated collectively or their names were recorded in registers, while their white counterparts had headstones.

A report by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission found the reason for this was "pervasive racism".

In the Commons, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace expressed "deep regret".

He told MPs there was "no doubt" prejudice had played a part in what happened after WW1.

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, which is tasked with commemorating those who died in the two world wars, has also apologised over its findings.



Mr Wallace said: "On behalf of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the government both of the time and today, I want to apologise for the failures to live up to their founding principles all those years ago and express deep regret that it has taken so long to rectify the situation.

"Whilst we can't change the past, we can make amends and take action," he said.

He said there were cases where the commission "deliberately overlooked evidence" that would have allowed it to find the names of the dead.

And he said there were examples of officials employing an "overarching imperial ideology connected to racial and religious differences" in order to "divide the dead and treat them unequally in ways that were impossible in Europe".



Outlining the next steps, Mr Wallace said the Commonwealth War Graves Commission will:

  • search in the historical record for inequalities in commemoration and act on what is found
  • renew its commitment to equality in commemoration by building physical or digital commemorative structures
  • use its online presence and wider education activities to reach out to all the communities of the former British Empire touched by the two world wars to make sure their hidden history is brought to life
  • and, over the next six months, assemble a global and diverse community of experts to help make this happen

Mr Wallace also announced a public consultation over plans to waive the visa fee for service personnel from the Commonwealth and Nepal who choose to settle in the UK in order to honour their contribution.

An inquiry by the commission was set up following a 2019 Channel 4 documentary, called Unremembered, which was presented by Mr Lammy.

The report found that at least 116,000 casualties from WW1, most of whom were of African, Indian or Egyptian origin, "were not commemorated by name or possibly not commemorated at all". 




But that figure could be as high as 350,000, it said.

It also cited racist comments such as the governor of a British colony saying in 1923 that: "The average native... would not understand or appreciate a headstone."




Shadow justice secretary Mr Lammy told the BBC that while making the documentary in Kenya and Tanzania, he discovered mass graves in which Africans had been "dumped with no commemoration whatsoever".

He said it was a travesty that men who served the British Empire were not commemorated properly, but welcomed the report.

"I'm just really, really pleased that the dignity that these men deserved - who were dragged from their villages and commandeered to work for the British Empire - that dignity that they deserve in death can be granted to them," he said.

Mr Lammy added that work must be done to find their names in archives where that is possible, and to establish how local communities would like them to be commemorated.

He also said Commonwealth soldiers should not be "whitewashed" out of history books, while Mr Wallace said it was a "deep regret" that his own WW1 education had included "very little about the contribution from the Commonwealth countries and the wider at the time British Empire".

Historian Prof David Olusoga, whose TV company produced Unremembered, told BBC Breakfast that apologies were not enough and resources would need to be committed if the commission was serious about restorative justice.



"If the Commonwealth War Graves Commission had set up a committee and discovered that 100,000 white British soldiers lay in mass graves - unmarked, uncommemorated - and the documentation proved that that had been deliberate, what would they do?" he said.

Six million soldiers from the British Empire served in WW1.

Between 45,000 and 54,000 Asian and African personnel who died in the conflict were "commemorated unequally", the commission said.



What was the role of British Empire soldiers in WW1?



  • World War One was the first truly global war, fought not just in the trenches of France but in the Middle East, Asia and Africa
  • Britain's colonies sent millions of men to fight for the empire during the conflict
  • India, which at that time included Pakistan and Bangladesh, sent the most soldiers - more than 1.4 million
  • The British Army in East Africa was mainly composed of African soldiers by November 1918, according to the Imperial War Museum
  • At least 180,000 Africans served in the Carrier Corps in East Africa and provided logistic support to troops at the front
  • Around 15,000 people from the West Indies enlisted in WW1, including 10,000 from Jamaica, according to the National Army Museum
  • Colonies as far away as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) also sent a similar number between them
  • Britain had soldiers from six different continents: Europe, North America, South America, Australasia, Asia and Africa 



'The Enemy Within' reveals how a totalitarian movement is destroying America


Fifty years ago I was a Marxist revolutionary editing the largest magazine of the New Left, and hell-bent on bringing the American Century to an end. About that time – the 1968 riot at the Democrat Convention would be the precise date – the anti-American left set out to destroy the liberal wing of the Democrat Party and transform it into a movement dedicated to destroying American democracy and establishing a one-party state. 

At that time, I was side by side with Huey Newton and the leaders of the Black Panther Party, who were regarded by leftists as “the vanguard of the Revolution,” and who were the forerunners of the Black Lives Matter Marxists of today. The Panthers had contempt for the civil rights movement and dismissed its leader as “Martin Luther Coon.” Today, King’s dream of a color-blind society is considered “racist” by Black Lives Matter and the Democrats. But it is their “identity politics” that is the true racism of today.

In February 1975, the Panthers murdered a woman whom I had recruited to keep the books of the Panther operations. The left blamed her death on “the white power structure.” Two months later, the left won its greatest victory, helping the Communists to win the war in Vietnam. There were no leftist protests when the Communists proceeded to slaughter two and a half million Indo-Chinese peasants. These events opened my eyes to the evils that anti-American radicals had made possible. That’s when I left their ranks.

In 1984, I cast my ballot for Ronald Reagan and never looked back. I created the David Horowitz Freedom Center to fight the left, and dedicated my writing to exposing what I and my writing partner called the Destructive Generation. In 1988, Bush campaign manager Lee Atwater made our book required reading for his staff. His disciple, Karl Rove did the same for the staff of the next Bush campaign in 2000.

I had become a dedicated defender of America and its freedoms because I knew first-hand the threat we were facing, I knew what was at stake if the American people didn’t take this threat as seriously as I did. We would lose our country. Forever.

That prospect is now before us. The Democrat Party has become a racist, anti-capitalist party, demonizing and de-platforming its political opponents with the help of network media and the Silicon tech lords; opposing all attempts to secure the integrity of the electoral system; promoting election fraud; opening borders to illegal immigrants whom they are confident will be Democrat voters; destroying industries; promoting policies that will bankrupt the nation; denouncing anyone who challenges their electoral malpractices as “armed insurrectionists” and “white supremacists.” All these goals have one explanation – their drive to create a one-party state.

I spent the last 6 months writing The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America to explain what has happened to the Democrat Party and the battle we are facing now: – how the Democrat Party has been infiltrated and taken over by the communist/fascist left; how it has become a racist party deploying its hatred as a political weapon to silence its opponents; how it has systematically attacked the constitutional foundations of the country by abusing the impeachment power, working to eliminate the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, censor its opponents and undermine the integrity of the electoral system. I have shown how its unwavering goal is the creation of a one-party state; how its chief political weapon is to demonize its opponents by slandering them as “white supremacists” and worse; how its attacks on white America are really attacks on America’s constitutional founding through the infamous “1619 Project.” How it is empowering black and white BLM Marxists, racists and violent criminals as its paramilitary contingent of domestic storm troopers.

I wrote The Enemy Within because I knew that if America stood a chance, Americans had to understand exactly how sinister and dangerous this anti-American movement actually is.

I wrote The Enemy Within because I was the enemy within — and I know in my bones what it will take to defeat them.

I wrote The Enemy Within because we’ve reached the point in our history where we either win these political battles or lose everything that makes us prosperous and free.

Not Dead Yet


Article by Tom McAllister in The American Thinker

Not Dead Yet

As we approach the hundredth day of the Biden “presidency,” any logical, patriotic American has to wonder what more would someone do if they were trying to systematically destroy every ideal and virtue our nation has stood for in its history. From porous borders to suppressed citizen freedoms, unbridled spending yet throttled economic growth, inciting divisiveness while promoting untethered morality, our enemies must imagine themselves in an Old Milwaukee commercial, “It doesn’t get any better than this.”

We’re a long ways from 1776, Toto. Our nation began with an initial declaration of independence and now every law and executive order from this administration is leading us toward dependence -- debtor dependence, energy dependence, and government dependence for the begged permission to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. The list of grievances and offenses are staggering and too numerous to mention and if one does, they are censored or banned by the government’s confederate oligarchs of Big Tech.

It’s a depressing situation and the truth of the matter is a sobering one. The diagnostic is that in the predawn darkness of the morning of November 4, 2020, the American Republic flatlined. The nefarious and somewhat dubiously defined Deep State does not want it revived.

We’ve got some work to do.

Our nation was founded upon these principles recognizing God as Creator and Supreme Judge of the world. Our Constitution recognizes Jesus Christ as our Lord. Our nation has an official worldview that aligns with the psalmist who wrote “blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.”  The inspired beauty of our First Amendment is that the American people do not need to hold this official national viewpoint but are free to believe whatever they choose without the fear of government oppression, incarceration, and re-education camps. (Well, at least not yet). Our Founders also professed faith in God as Divine Providence. Has God given up on America?

Judging by our moral condition, we have little to argue in our defense. The slaughter of 55 million unborn is more than sufficient to condemn us and our depravity and insolence to God goes much deeper.

However, God is not dead despite our culture’s increasing trend to shun Him. If conservatism is grounded upon the Divine, then conservatism is not dead either. Even if it was, then we have a God who can raise it back up. The guiding principle and solution to our current dilemma is the same as it was written roughly three thousand years ago: “If we the people, who are called by God’s Name will humble ourselves and pray, seek His face and repent of our wicked ways, then God will hear our prayer, forgive our sin, and restore our land” ( cf 2 Chron 7:14). If conservatism is truly anchored upon God, then it’s time to turn to Him in prayer, repent and like true patriots, act.

The situation is dire and the enemy is strong. The Deep State is a foreboding, modern-day Goliath. Yet, we have the weapon of truth for all truth is God’s truth. Instead of fear and intimidation of the giant before us, our God-dependent, conservative response should be, “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” That’s the heart and mindset we need to guide our actions if we want to revive our Republic.

Fortunately for us, it takes a little while for a republic to die.

It is in that spirit of pursuing truth that all eyes, as well as thoughts, prayers, and support should be focused on the brave group of individuals and legislators who have taken action to conduct a forensic audit in Maricopa county, Arizona. This will be the first application of the paddles to try to shock our nation’s heart back to life. Those who do not act in the best interest of our nation are apoplectic over this. The smell of fear on their side is palpable. Truth is a sword forged with a metal no falsehood can withstand.  These brave actions and initiatives must be followed by the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada as well as the efforts in New Hampshire, Virginia, and others. All states should investigate themselves. What is there to hide? The pursuit of truth is never wrong. The discovery of truth may be shocking and its findings even disgusting. We may uncover a stunning level of deceit and depravity. Many suspect that corruption has metastasized throughout our institutions and agencies and fatally so. That is dire, but we have the cure as described above. As Ronald Reagan noted, “If we forget that we are a nation under God, we will be a nation gone under.” We are at that moment of remembrance and our Republic’s life hangs in the balance.

Has God given up on the U.S.? Never. Have we given up on God? If so, then conservatism as well as America is dead. If not, then it’s time to humble our hearts, put God first, and get to work. We need to gather five truth stones; we’ve got a Goliath to kill.

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No, Mr. President, the ‘soul of America’ isn’t racist

President Joe Biden is already starting to push people too far with his constant refrains about how racist this country is.

He is overstating a very weak case, and he risks becoming like former President Jimmy Carter when Carter’s so-called “malaise speech” had the annoying effect, in the insightful words of Vice President Walter Mondale, of “urging the people to be as good as the government.” The public and American culture are better than Biden says we are. He may soon see a backlash against him not just for hectoring us but for enlisting big government’s might to promote and enforce his racialist agenda.

Biden did it again Tuesday evening in his remarks responding to the three-count conviction of former Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin. He indicted the entire American judicial system, without proof, by saying that accurate and just verdicts are “much too rare” and that Chauvin’s just conviction was possible only because of a “unique and extraordinary convergence of factors.” He said that “systemic racism is a stain on our nation’s soul” while asserting, without evidence, that Chauvin’s murder of George Floyd was the result of such systemic racism. He cited the “racism and racial disparities” supposedly endemic to policing and criminal justice. And he described a Manichean “battle for the would of this nation” and “the harsh reality that racism has long torn us apart.”

His message seriously exaggerates the relevant grains of truth therein. To start with, numerous careful (non-right-wing) studies actually show only the mildest of racial “disparities” in the system. Yes, more black people are arrested, but that stands to reason because black people commit more crimes on average.

Now, all decent people wholeheartedly reject the notion that criminality is somehow a racial trait. But poverty, family breakups, subpar education, and numerous other factors, many of them, of course, the lingering, evil generational effects of slavery and Jim Crow, surely play a role. The point here is not the “why.” The point is that the numbers do not lie about the “what” of criminal incidences, despite the narrative pushed by Biden and so many in the media. The statistics just do not show major racial bias in policing and convictions — although there is indeed disturbing evidence that sentencing is, on average, harsher for black convicts.

The bigger problem with the Biden/media-driven “systemic” racism narrative is not with the statistics but with the labels that misstate the nature of the problem.

Let us posit that “racism” means what, for decades, everyone agreed it means, namely the assumption that people of a certain ethnicity will possess inherent traits (such as character or intelligence) by virtue (or vice) of that ethnicity. Particularly egregious racism occurs when the stereotypes involved are negative ones. Racial “discrimination” is what happens when people (or systems) act in deliberate or obviously implicit furtherance of those racist assumptions. By these simple definitions, anybody can be racist, and anybody can act racially discriminatorily — but the obvious and horrific reality is that white racism and discrimination historically has been far more deleterious to black people in this country

There is no doubt that many of the systems and institutions, private and public, in the United States were racially discriminatory against black people for hundreds of years. Yet, that is an entirely different thing than to say that systems and institutions still discriminate that way. The reality is that the U.S. is one of the most multi-ethnic societies on earth, that in ordinary life (away from the media and identity politics), it is one of the most harmoniously multi-ethnic societies on earth, and that its guarantees of civil and human rights are stronger than almost every nation ever known to man.

As every sentient American can readily see, almost every instrument of government at every level, along with almost every leading cultural institution, not only has abandoned pro-white racism but for half a century has consciously and, yes, systematically worked against it. Some, indeed an increasing number, have become not just anti-racist but aggressively so, and more than a few have gone beyond even that, systemically trying to right past wrongs and current “inequities” by discriminating in favor of ethnic minorities.

Today’s racism, in other words, is absolutely not systemic or institutional. This remains true even though many inequities and social ills are surely rooted in the institutional racial discrimination that quite hideously existed in the past. But inequities are not “racism,” even if they began due to racism. To say otherwise, as Biden does, is to misstate the problem and thus leads to wrongheaded attempts at solutions.

Meanwhile, no fair-minded person would deny that racism and racial discrimination still exist. But they exist in individual human hearts and minds — probably (by extrapolating from multiple data points and from lived experience) within a far-from-insignificant minority of hearts and minds. Much of today’s racism is clearly less overt than during Jim Crow days — and also less palpably, physically burdensome than in the past.

Piercing glances, rolled eyes, and whispered asides can cause wounds to a psyche. Yet, where the racism does not show up in hiring, in public accommodations, or in harassment by bad cops, it is not within government's expertise or just powers over a free people to “fix” it. Government has no business punishing thoughts, even horrible ones, or even their distasteful utterances. That way lies tyranny.

The answer to racism lies in intermediate cultural institutions that promote true tolerance. Tolerance, in its proper sense, means not some ideological attempt to browbeat people about their inherent guilt, but a simple respect for human dignity and differences, along with, quite crucially, an even greater emphasis on commonalities. Put another way (and contra the identity politics fetishists), individual differences should be quietly respected but not dwelt upon, while commonalities, human and humane unities, should be celebrated.

Americans are, on the whole, a good and fair-minded people, full of the compassion that made huge majorities recoil at the video of Floyd’s death. We need no collective scolding from the bully pulpit.

The Democrats’ Divide and Conquer Policy is on Steroids


Article by Vince Coyner in The American Thinker

The Democrats’ Divide and Conquer Policy is on Steroids

Evidence of a "cold" American civil war has been playing out in the streets of America for the last year and the reality is it’s been percolating for decades. From the 1999 WTO protests to the hordes calling George Bush a Nazi to Occupy Wall Street, the hyperbole and violence have been ratcheting up for years.

The catalyst that put us on the path to today was Barack Obama’s nomination. Not because of Obama himself, but rather because of the cudgel Democrats crafted from his race. Anyone who opposed Obama’s policies was racist. Suddenly, conservatives who reiterated policies they’d supported for decades were racists as was anyone who opposed Democrat policies.

But race was only the beginning. If you opposed gay marriage: Homophobic. Opposed women in combat: Sexist. Supported the police: Fascist.

Such was the beginning of the journey that brings us to America circa 2021. Today you’re either on the side of angels or the side of Hitler. There’s no middle ground. George Washington was a slave-owning racist and nothing else matters. Michael Brown and George Floyd were innocent victims of racist cops. Period. All women should be believed… unless they accuse Democrats. There is an infinite number of genders. Clearly. America is systematically racist and any evidence to the contrary is fiction. "Border wall" is a dog whistle for white nationalists.

The reality is, there are racists among us. So too sexists, homophobes, and fascists. There are also bad cops, sexual predators, and evil people. But here’s the thing: Most Americans are none of those. It wouldn’t be possible to build the free, thriving, diverse and prosperous nation America so recently was if they were. If America were systematically racist, we’d never have had a black president: many of the most popular and highest earning entertainers wouldn’t be black; Asian Americans wouldn’t make up 40% or more of the student body at some of America’s best colleges; and minorities wouldn’t own 30% of businesses.

But of course, none of that matters to Democrats. The only thing that matters is setting Americans against one another via victimization and leveraging that conflict for power.

But here’s the other thing about all of this: There’s not an American alive today who can’t claim victim status for one thing or another. If you’re black, you’ll undoubtedly encounter racists. If you’re short you’ve likely been the butt of short jokes, while if you’re 7’ tall “How’s the weather up there?” is a ritual greeting. Beautiful women are taken for dumb while rich men are in the IRS crosshairs. Fat people or ugly people often find themselves ostracized or worse. An Asian might be expected to be good in math while gays no doubt have heard countless whispers that communicate disapproval or disdain.

The point is, if people want to see themselves as a victim, they can… every time. But that’s not traditionally what Americans do. In early 20th century America, when Jim Crow reigned in the south and redlines crisscrossed the country, black Americans moved to places like Harlem and Chicago’s south side and built thriving communities. In the latter half of the 19th century, two million Irish came to America and, despite facing extraordinary hatred, built successful communities. Millions of Jews came at the turn of the century and despite virulent anti-Semitism, built a pantheon of successful businesses. Chinese, Vietnamese, and Mexican immigrants had similar experiences. And up until the 1970s, there were places where women weren’t allowed to get credit cards or open bank accounts without their husbands’ signatures!

Virtually all Americans alive today can point to some injustice in their lives or those of their ancestors that they could use to paint themselves as victims. But again, historically Americans have not done that. In fact, American history is a story of a people, a diverse mix of people really, overcoming extraordinary adversity and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps to build a nation out of a sparsely populated continent and, in the process, changing the world for the better in virtually every area of culture, charity, science, commerce and, of course, freedom.

That is the story of America. Americans, largely (but not exclusively) white males, built a nation unlike anything the world has ever seen. Americans, again, largely white men, but not exclusively so, united to save the world from self-destruction in two hot wars and one cold. Americans, largely white men, but not exclusively, put men on the moon. Along the way, they invented television, air conditioning, movies, mobile phones, safety elevators, the Internet, the iPhone, the Pet Rock and, sadly, Facebook.

A nation made up of imperfect men and women, in the short expanse of two centuries, has also created prosperity unlike anything the world has ever seen. It’s not perfect -- at times it’s even been ugly -- but for the most part, it’s been spectacular. Not for everyone, and not all the time, but for most people of every race, creed, and color, America has been a Godsend.

Not sure about that? Would black Americans be better off moving back to Africa? Would Italian Americans be better off moving back to Italy? Chinese to China? Mexicans to Mexico? Iranian Americans back to Iran? The answer is likely no in almost every instance.

But again, none of that matters to Democrats. America’s greatness doesn’t matter. America’s freedom and prosperity don’t matter to Democrats. What matters to Democrats is raw power. The proof is easy to see and can be found in the fealty black Americans pay to the Democrat party. Democrats don’t care about black Americans but use their votes to get and maintain power. For 50 years Democrats have had a stranglehold on the black vote, and what they’ve done with that power shows exactly how much they value the lives of black Americans. Not much…

And that’s the template for the Democrats’ endgame: Divide and conquer. By seeking to turn every American into a victim, by seeking to demonize the group that played the single biggest role in building the nation that we inhabit today (white males – because of numbers, not because of DNA or some special gift from God), Democrats are seeking to build a coalition of us vs. them, where the “us” is characterized by victimhood and the “them” are evil incarnate in the form of white males.

The beauty of that plan is that, when literally every single person can point to something today or two decades ago or two centuries ago that constitutes a slight or injustice to be rectified, the pool of potential soldiers is bottomless and all that’s necessary is a promise of salvation. Army not big enough? Craft a few more victim narrative promises of salvation and presto, more soldiers.

But the consequence of those votes will be anything but salvation. Once they set the entire population at war against itself, Democrats will step in to pick up the pieces and their literal death grip on power will bring the end of individual liberty, limited government and, in time, the Republic itself. And with it will go the prosperity that gave so many Democrats the luxury of focusing on our differences and fabricating victimhood in the first place. Caveat emptor. 


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7 Non-Lethal Alternatives For Police To Use Instead Of Guns

Police shootings are a major problem in this country. We know this because everyone says so. Why can't police just stop using their guns? We'll tell you why: because they haven't heard about these 7 much better options, that's why! 

If you're a cop, here are 7 non-lethal techniques you need to start using immediately:

Show them a series of Jordan Peterson clips on your phone: Within 2-3 hours of viewing, the criminal suspect will be ready to take personal responsibility and find the meaning in life!

Squirt gun filled with pee: Right in the mouth. Works every time.

Bring Joe Biden with you: Biden is widely feared in the criminal underworld ever since his courageous showdown with Cornpop. One look at Biden and the criminal will surrender.

Try a Three Stooges finger-jab: Moe famously used this ancient technique to non-lethally neutralize Larry. Follow it up with a cheek slap and a nose pinch if the suspect continues to resist. 

Call a compassionate social worker: Within 30-45 minutes, a professional will arrive with a clipboard to question the suspect about their relationship with their father. While you wait for the social worker to arrive, be sure to distract the suspect with the pee squirt gun. 

Declare a thumb war: best 2 out of three wins! The loser has to drop their weapon. Foolproof!

Walk back to the police car, drive away, and get a job in sales: This is probably your safest option. 

See how easy it is? Now go out there and make a safer world! 

We are witnessing the Democrats’ final revenge for losing the Civil War


'Twas always thus

Article by Andrea Widburg in The American Thinker

We are witnessing the Democrats’ final revenge for losing the Civil War

The British brought African slavery to American shores. The Democrats elevated slavery to a sacrament and fired the first shots in the Civil War to defend it. When the Democrats lost the Civil War, they initiated Jim Crow laws to marginalize Blacks. Despite this, Black Americans prospered, until the Democrats unleashed the mightiest weapon of all: Killing them with “kindness.” We’re seeing the results of that play out across America.

In Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio brought Katherine the shrew to heel by abusing her ferociously while calling it love. Eventually, the cognitive dissonance broke her, and she became the wealthy, subordinate woman of Petruchio’s dreams. Democrats, apparently, have studied their Shakespeare.

Since the start of LBJ’s “Great Society” and the welfare state, Democrats have been breaking American Blacks in the same way Petruchio broke Katherine. If one were to pay attention solely to the rhetoric, there can be no greater love than that which leftists in politics, the media, academia, and the corporate world have for Blacks. The results of this abundant affection have been devastating.

“Hands up, don’t shoot.” “I can’t breathe.” “I’m a crazy white lady screaming at cops on behalf of Black people.” “Math is racist.” “Ambition is racist.” “The English language is racist.” “Whites are born racist.” “Melanin makes people superior.” (That last is a paraphrase of Kristen Clarke, Biden’s nominee to head the equal rights division of the Justice Department.) Lower academic standards. Separate dorms. Separate dining halls. Critical Race Theory. White Privilege. Ibram X. Kendi bestsellers. BLM. Defund the police. ACAB. It’s all so gosh-darn loving.

It’s love that makes LeBron James, a multimillionaire who will do anything for Chairman Xi Jinping, and appears unaware that the Chinese are ferociously racist, threatens a white police offer who saved at least one and possibly two Black women from being knifed to death.



 Bree Newsome insists that it’s perfectly normal for one teen to attack another with a vicious, long-bladed knife:


Two days before Bree’s tweet, when one 13-year-old Black teenager engaged another in that fun, teen rite of passage known as a knife fight, she stabbed that other girl to death.

All this kindness from Democrats to Blacks has devastated Black communities. Welfare, which young White social workers urged on Blacks in the 1960s as reparations, replaced men as the family breadwinner. Many of them, deprived of purpose, drifted into crime. Then, in 1994, Biden’s crime bill ensured that these lost men would vanish from the community altogether.

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It's Not Enough To Be Passively Anti-Leftist.... RESIST


1. Every time I want to get out of this culturally Marxist fight.... they keep dragging me (and our nation) back in.ImageImage
2. Fine.... !

No currently known individual/group has more background information on the origin of this ideological effort than a crew of rag tag misfits that deconstructed and exposed the Chicago Crew's objectives in the past decade.Image
3. In full transparency, we knew this would happen, AGAIN. It is, quite simply, their playbook.Image
4. This is sociopathic level political manipulation by the Obama Chicago crew; the real team behind the administration. Continuing to push the ‘anger games’ in the United States is an ongoing effort of the Obama-minded leftists and communist activist groups who support them. 
5. From the moment representative James Clyburn aligned his AME church network with Barack Obama’s Chicago machine there was a strategy at work.ImageImageImage
6. If the JoeBama administration wants to return, yet again, to the strategy and approach they used in 2012 through 2016, then I will go back into that matrix and expose the entire construct soup-to-nuts.Image
7. Clyburn used the old-fashioned racial playbook through the AME church network. The AME network includes Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Meanwhile Obama historically used the modern race-based network: the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party. 
8. Now the two factions have aligned in common cause with the outcropping of Tom Perez's former construct "The Dream Defenders". The new alignment, same ideology, is rebranded within Black Lives Matter!Image
9. Tom Perez (current DNC Chair) was the head of the DOJ Civil Rights Division… which is not coincidental because the election of 2020 was an example of a time when both networks merged upon, and activated, the Black Lives Matter crowd.Image
10. The first time they merged was in Orlando and Miami during the 2012 “Justice for Trayvon” movement.ImageImageImage
11. The newly blended Black Lives Matter network had their first heavy visibility with the “Justice for Mike Brown” movement that destroyed Ferguson, Missouri.Image
12. After Mike Brown pretense collapsed the BLM group moved to Baltimore to exploit the false narrative surroundin the death of Freddie Gray.

Baltimore was set ablaze by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake who famously said it was important to give the riot crowd “space to destroy”Image
13. The BLM team has been reactivated back onto the streets to create the Alinsky inspired chaos. Meanwhile the AME team (including Congressional Black Caucus) advocate for Joe Biden policy which is structurally Barack Obama 2.0... Hence:Image
14. Obama doesn’t care so long as the larger goals are achieved. Advance radical leftist policies, destroy the American capitalistic system and fundamentally change the United States by diminishing it,.... cont. 
15. ...while simultaneously keeping all the wealth under the control of an elite group of aligned interests.

That’s the longer term JoeBama goal.

[Please notice how many 'people of color' are represented. They don't care about "black lives". It's all just a strategic con.]Image
16. What people do speaks so loudly you should not hear a word they are saying....

...And once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never go back to that time when you did not see them. It really is that simple.