Tuesday, April 13, 2021

CNN: Our Focus Was to Get Trump Out of Office

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Minneapolis Police Release Body-Cam Footage of Officer Shooting Daunte Wright

•The situation started just before 2 p.m Sunday when officers tried to stop a vehicle for a traffic violation on the 6300 block of Orchard Avenue in the Brooklyn Center area of Minneapolis. •During the stop police learned the driver, Daunte Wright (20), had an outstanding warrant.  •Police attempted to take him into custody, but Daunte Wright fought with police and got back into the vehicle. •As the man got back into the vehicle an officer fired her gun hitting Wright.  •Daunte Wright was able to drive several blocks before hitting another vehicle. •Police said they attempted to revive Wright but he died at the scene.

Today police released the body camera video of the police shooting of Wright during the traffic stop in Brooklyn Center.  Police Chief Tim Gannon said the fatal shot was the result of an accidental discharge, and that the officer who shot Wright had intended to reach for her taser, but discharged a handgun instead.

… And the riots and looting began almost immediately.

… And Ben Crump is en route.

John Durham Deploys Records Subpoena Against Brookings Institute For Dossier Primary Source

Durham Deploys Subpoena For Steele Dossier Primary Source, Igor Danchenko

 Brookings Then Tips-Off New York Times – Lawfare’s Trail

The content of the story is less important than the network within it.

The New York Times writes a story about John Durham issuing subpoenas to the Brookings Institute for records of Igor Danchenko’s work there.   Danchenko was Chris Steele’s primary sub-source for the infamous Steele Dossier.

The material provided by Danchenko to Steele was described as unsubstantiated “gossip”, “rumor”, “hearsay” and innuendo by Danchenko himself after he was questioned by the FBI.

New York Times – […] Mr. Durham has keyed in on the F.B.I.’s handling of a notorious dossier of political opposition research both before and after the bureau started using it to obtain court permission to wiretap a former Trump campaign adviser in 2016 and 2017 and questioned witnesses who may have insight into the matter.

In particular, Mr. Durham has obtained documents from the Brookings Institution related to Igor Danchenko, a Russia researcher who worked there a decade ago and later helped gather rumors about Mr. Trump and Russia for that research, known as the Steele dossier, according to people familiar with the request.

By asking about the dossier, Mr. Durham has come to focus at least in part on re-scrutinizing an aspect of the investigation that was already exposed as problematic by a 2019 Justice Department inspector general report…. (read more)

The Backstory is…. In essence Chris Steele put a bunch of garbage inside his dossier, and his dossier was used to get the Carter Page FISA warrant to conduct surveillance against the Trump campaign (October 21, 2016).  Danchenko then disavowed the veracity of all the information he provided during FBI interviews in January, February and March 2017; but the FBI ignored the Danchenko discussion and used the dossier for two more FISA renewals in April and June 2017.


The issue of import with the story today is not about the content of the Danchenko work while inside the Brookings group, but rather how the leak from Brookings to the New York Times about the subpoena begins to unravel the Lawfare network.

The Lawfare group are largely funded by The Brookings Institute.  Brookings is largely funded by the Chinese.  As we pointed out during our research, essentially when you follow the trail you realize the Chinese Communist Government were financing the information that went into the Steele Dossier.  But wait, it gets better….

The Lawfare group are also the “beach friends” group.  The Lawfare group includes James Baker, Lisa Page, Benjamin Wittes and Daniel Richman.  Once you realize who Lawfare consists of; and then you realize The Brookings Institute is behind Lawfare; you then realize the Lawfare group was likely feeding the opposition research into Danchenko while he worked for Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson who actually contracted Chris Steele for his dossier.

The FBI and DOJ officials working with Lawfare essentially provided raw information to Danchenko, who then packaged it and sent it to Chris Steele.  Steele then puts the Danchenko package in his dossier and that is sent back to the FBI and DOJ for use in their FISA application.  It is a laundry of weaponized political opposition research.

  • FBI/DOJ extracted intelligence to Lawfare.
  • Lawfare sends to Brookings (Danchenko)
  • Danchenko sends to Chris Steele (dossier).
  • Chris Steele sends Dossier back to FBI/DOJ.
  • FBI/DOJ use dossier in FISA application.

See the laundry?

The Brookings institute tipping-off the New York Times about the Durham subpoena is actually more telling than the content of the subpoena itself.

Brookings is Lawfare.  Benjamin Wittes runs Lawfare. He is personal friends with James Comey.

Benjamin Wittes is also personal friends with another Lawfare colleague Daniel Richman:

Daniel Richman is also personal friends with James Comey.

James Comey used Richman to leak his memo content to the New York Times:

China is Funding the Brookings Institute.

The Brookings Institute is funding Lawfare.

Lawfare is a group of current and former DOJ and FBI officials.

As a consequence, China funded the attack position of Lawfare and the DOJ/FBI against the Trump administration.

…. And no, I do not expect John Durham to expose any of this.

It’s Not Okay For Corporations To Take Away Our Freedom Just Because They’re Not Government


Article by Tristan Justice in The Federalist

It’s Not Okay For Corporations To Take Away Our Freedom Just Because They’re Not Government

Many Americans don't see the erosion of liberties as major threats because they're coming from corporate, not government.

If you want to take over the world, build an American corporate empire to monopolize the public square and ban dissent. Then, form a corporate coalition of like-minded peers who graduated from the same elite universities where wokeism is indoctrinated as a secular religion to strategize on circumventing republican governance. Over the weekend, more than 100 corporate executives met to do just that.

“More than 100 of the nation’s top corporate leaders met virtually on Saturday to discuss ways for companies to continue responding to the passage of more restrictive voting laws across the country,” CBS News reported, in “a signal that the nation’s premier businesses are preparing a far more robust, organized response to the ongoing debate.”

Representatives from Twitter, the NFL, and airlines, which held thousands of jobs hostage to rake in billions in coronavirus bail-out money masked as “stimulus,” joined the call with dozens of other high-powered businessmen to strategize how to punish states in pursuit of common-sense election reforms after a November contest in which Democrats radically re-wrote rules with last-minute regulations, in many cases regulations that contradicted state laws.

“The gathering was an enthusiastic voluntary statement of defiance against the threats of reprisals for exercising their patriotic voices,” Yale University Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld told CBS, who helped organize the meeting. “Threats of reprisals,” however, is pure gaslighting launched by Democrats and perpetuated by a complicit media to lie about Republican reforms considered nationwide to secure election integrity.

At the heart of those reforms is mandating voter ID for ballot access, a requirement often implemented by the same corporations publicly campaigning against it as racist while President Joe Biden ridiculously likens reform to “Jim Crow on steroids.” Anything the left disagrees with must be racist.

One catalyst for the corporate blowback was in Georgia, where Republicans passed reforms  characterized by corporate media as racist restrictions passed to deter black people from the ballot box, when in reality the new laws dramatically increased voting access. The lie Georgia Republicans barred voters in line from refreshments at poll locations even cemented itself among those who should have known better. In response, Major League Baseball stripped majority-black Atlanta of its summer all-star game worth $100 million in local revenue and moved it to Denver, where less then 10 percent of its population is black, according to the Census Bureau.

Other corporations began to pile pressure on Georgia lawmakers to reverse course while intimidating politicians in others from pursuing the same reforms. Georgia-based companies Coca-Cola, Aflac Insurance, and Delta Air Lines released statements condemning the new rules lied about in the press as congressional Democrats ram through the largest federal takeover of elections in recent memory.

News of Saturday’s call shows the episode likely to repeat in other states where corporate conglomerates are prepared to launch a campaign against voting integrity.

If this works, the pressure on voting laws will be tomorrow’s pressure on gun laws, and next on immigration laws, abortion laws, and education laws. Corporations, which for decades lobbied merely on issues pertinent to their financial interests, have now begun to capitalize on aggressive wokeism. Soon, woke corporate boardrooms will be weighing in on every facet of American life. That’s the existential threat to American liberty flying under the radar.

Americans think they’re somehow special and immune from tyranny. The United States has a long tradition as a beacon of freedom. The nation was founded on a revolution to overthrow a despot, and the Constitution protects individual rights. The United States, however, isn’t invincible.

The blessings of a free society might also contribute to its downfall. Massive private enterprises have cracked the code on how to compromise free enterprise. Corporate powers are engineering an opposition campaign to states passing needed electoral reforms.

Tech oligarchs ruling from Silicon Valley have suppressed debate on lockdown measures. Cultural currents manipulated by corporate America have shifted the Overton Window to bend the populace into allegiance with the exhaustive wokeism bred on university campuses that produced the executives who demand it.

A large part of the American population has now exposed themselves as sheep willing to do whatever people in power tell them, cloaked in the moral righteousness of saving lives and social justice. Many don’t see the erosion of liberty because it’s coming from corporate boardrooms capitalizing on the culture war, not government as usual. The former is driving the latter.

Yet many Republicans in power appear to have fallen victim to this deception, often citing libertarian philosophy to justify their decisions. This, however, is where libertarianism fails. What good is the absence of a government mask mandate if private businesses implement their own? What good is the absence of a government vaccine passport if private businesses implement their own?

In Tennessee, for example, Republican Gov. Bill Lee opposed a government prohibition on private businesses requiring proof of vaccination for service or entry. In Arkansas, Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson vetoed legislation to ban genital mutilation in children. In South Dakota, Republican Gov. Kristi Noem spoiled her GOP star-power and caved to corporate interests who demanded the fictionalized extinction of evolutionary differences between men and women in sports. Don’t question the left’s dogma of transgenderism online, because corporate tech giants will shut that down too.

Republicans would be wise to take note of eroding liberties coming at the behest of corporatists pulling the levers to manipulate public opinion and their representatives in turn. In the meantime, Americans are kidding themselves if they think their nation in lockdown ruled by unelected corporatists often with higher loyalty to China is still a truly free country.




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Biden Admin Returns to Trump-Era Policy of Central American Agreement to Secure Honduras and Guatemala Border

The JoeBama administration are pathetic in their manipulation of policy.

After taking apart the Trump agreement with central American nations (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador) to secure their own northern border the mass migration toward the United States began…. a crisis created.   However, once the crisis turns public opinion against them, the JoeBama administration then proposes to return to the exact same policy President Trump initiated and Biden destroyed.

The White House and the media then herald the return of the Trump agreement as a groundbreaking new policy initiative instituted by JoeBama.  It would be funny, if it were not so ridiculous to watch it in real time.

(CNN) – The Biden administration has secured agreements for Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala to tighten their borders and stem the flow of migration, Special Assistant to the President for Immigration for the Domestic Policy Council Tyler Moran told MSNBC Monday.

“We’ve secured agreements for them to put more troops on their own border. Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala have all agreed to do this. That not only is going to prevent the traffickers, and the smugglers, and cartels that take advantage of the kids on their way here, but also to protect those children,” Moran said.

The Biden administration has struggled to keep up with the influx of migrants coming to the border and as there has been a major spike in the number of migrant children in US custody. (read more)

Not a Parody – CNN’s Brian Stelter Runs Entire Segment Complaining About Not Seeing Fox News Vaccine Selfies

Good grief this man is an imbecile and a joke.  At first I thought all those tweets and mentions of Brian Stelter complaining about the lack of Fox News vaccine selfies was just a spoof.  Eventually I had to go look. Alas…

The 35-year-old CNN pundit actually did an entire segment on his television program complaining about Fox News hosts not posting selfies while they were getting COVID-19 vaccinations.   This new generation of media pundits are psychologically troubled, and their emotional growth has been apparently stunted by their ideology.

I am developing a theory on the mass disappearance of intellectual matriculation amid an entire generation of people.

My hypothesis starts by tracking the ages of people in 2007 when the psychological narrative engineers created the Potemkin village (complete with Greek columns) of Barack Obama… “planet healing”, “tides begin to fall” etc. etc.

In 2007 Brian Stelter was 21 years old.  My theory gains another affirmative data-point.

The Derek Chauvin Murder Trial -- Where It Stands After Two Weeks of Testimony

Former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin’s placement of his knee across the neck and upper back of George Floyd played no role in the death of Floyd.

That should be the top-line takeaway from the first two weeks of the murder trial of Chauvin, as that fact was testified to by the top medical expert called by the prosecution, Dr. Martin Tobin.

After a string of embarrassing expert witnesses whose testimony helped Chauvin more than it helped the prosecution, Dr. Tobin took the stand and testified with regard to his opinions about what caused the death of Floyd.  During his testimony, he clearly stated that the positioning of Chavin’s knee had little or no effect on Floyd in connection with the mechanism which caused his death.

For more than 10 months, the media reporting on this incident and the police and prosecution demonizing the conduct of Chauvin have focused public attention on Chauvin’s knee.  The prosecution put witnesses on the stand who called what Chauvin did a “blood choke” leading to Floyd’s loss of consciousness and death.  Others described the shock and horror they experienced watching Floyd die on the street while Chauvin’s knee pinned his head to the asphalt.

And it was all simply wrong — and the prosecutors knew it was wrong because they knew what their expert was going to say.  But they put on the false evidence anyway.

They knew from the autopsy report leaked in the summer of 2020 that Floyd’s airway showed no signs of damage and his breathing was never impaired in that respect.  They knew he had not suffered a loss of blood flow to the brain from Chauvin’s knee — rudimentary understanding of a carotid artery chokehold includes knowing that both arteries need to be constricted at the same time to induce someone to pass out and that such a result happens in a matter of seconds, not minutes as was the case on that street in Minneapolis.

As Dr. Tobin explained, Floyd died as a result of the position of his body on a hard surface, the fact he was handcuffed behind his back, and because the four officers at various points in time were using their body weight to pin him to the ground in order to keep him from moving.  The combination of these factors caused a decrease in the ability of Floyd’s lungs to expand and contract to take in oxygen.  The reduced intake of oxygen into his lungs led to a gradual reduction in brain activity over the few minutes he was kept in that position — as Dr. Tobin explained, brain function consumes 20% of all the oxygen taken in via the lungs.  As Floyd’s oxygen intake decreased his brain function declined — including the brain’s signals through the nervous system to Floyd’s respiratory system to breathe. This problem grew gradually worse until he simply stopped breathing altogether.  This respiratory arrest led to a heart attack which killed him while he was on the street.

Dr. Tobin is a widely recognized expert who testifies in civil litigation across the country as part of his medical practice which is based in Chicago.  The prosecution knew what his testimony would be far in advance of him taking the stand — but only delivered to Chauvin’s attorney the slides and video that would be used by the prosecution the night before he took the stand.

While the media has legal commentators have focused on Dr. Tobin’s testimony and how it points the finger of blame at Chauvin — and the other three officers as well — one aspect of this issue that has received little if any attention.  The law provides that even if Chauvin’s conduct was a “substantial contributing factor” in Floyd’s death, Chauvin is still not guilty of any crime unless the prosecution ALSO PROVES that Chauvin’s conduct was “wrongful”.  In other words, shooting and killing a suspect is not “wrongful” when the suspect poses a threat of great bodily injury to the officer.  The same rationale holds true if Chauvin’s actions towards Floyd were not “wrongful” — a standard which is based on the “totality of circumstances” and based on what a “reasonable officer” in the same situation would have done.

Dr. Tobin’s testimony takes Chauvin’s use of his knee out of the equation.  Finding Chauvin guilty is going to come down to a question of whether the specific acts that impaired Floyd’s breathing were “unreasonable” and thereby “wrongful” under a totality of the circumstances.  Based on Dr. Tobin’s testimony, that is going to focus on three main issues — 1) that Floyd was on a hard surface in a face-down position, 2) that Floyd was handcuffed behind his back, and 3) that Chauvin and the other officers used their body weight at different times to keep Floyd pinned down to the ground while they waited for EMS to arrive.

To convict Chauvin of “second degree” murder, the jury will be instructed that they must find that “Chauvin intended to kill Floyd”, in that he acted “with the purpose of causing death and believed the act would cause that result.”

There is simply no evidence presented anywhere in the prosecution’s case that would support such a finding, and I would not be surprised if the Judge dismissed this count when the prosecution rests its case.

To convict Chauvin of “third degree” murder, the jury will be instructed that they must find that Chauvin’s “intentional act was imminently dangerous to human beings and was performed without regard for human life.”

Again, the “knee on the neck” is no longer an issue based on Dr. Tobin’s testimony. It was the other three factors that led to Floyd’s inability to breath — being handcuffed in a prone position with Chauvin using body weight to keep him from moving.  How will the prosecution argue to the jury that it was “imminently dangerous” and “without regard for human life” when those three tactics are taught to officers as part of their training?  Was there a bad outcome in this particular episode? No question.  But an atypical bad outcome in this episode is NOT evidence that the actions of Chauvin were “imminently dangerous” or done “without regard for human life.”  I would not be surprised if the Judge dismissed this count as well based on the trial evidence.

That leaves the state with the manslaughter charge — a killing of another person by way of a culpably negligent act.  To convict Chauvin of manslaughter, the jury will be instructed that they must find that Chauvin’s conduct created an unreasonable risk and that he took a chance of causing death or great bodily harm to Floyd.  Chauvin’s conduct must have been intentional, and he may not have intended harm to Floyd, but an ordinary and reasonably prudent officer in the same circumstances would have recognized the strong probability of causing harm to Floyd from the conduct.

As with the murder charges, Chauvin’s knee is not an issue — Dr. Tobin said his analysis was that it did not play a role in Floyd’s inability to breathe.

This is where the “use of force” experts called before the medical experts have greatly undermined the prosecution.  You would not know this if you only listened to the direct examination or the media coverage of the direct examination.  The cross-examination of those experts by Chauvin’s defense attorney was excellent, and he obtained admissions from all of them that there were circumstances present during the process of Floyd’s arrest and detention that altered the conclusion about what a “reasonable officer” would be expected to do in Chauvin’s position.

Direct examination is ALWAYS effective because it is rehearsed.  The prosecutor and the expert have carefully gone over the expert’s opinions, and the questions and answers are carefully scripted out so the jury hears exactly what the prosecutor wants the jury to hear.  But an expert’s opinions are only as good as their ability to withstand scrutiny under cross-examination.  Every “use of force” expert called by the prosecution took multiple hits when the “unfriendly” questions began.  I’m not going to recount them here, but if you want an excellent and detailed analysis, I suggest you listen to the podcasts done last week by attorney Andrew Branca.  He’s on Twitter under @LawSelfDefense, and is posting daily blogs about the testimony at Legal Insurrection.

Branca makes it clear that the national media reporting that most are seeing is solely focused on what the experts testified to on direct examination, and are completely ignoring the other evidence the jury is hearing that has dismantled in many ways the carefully presented narrative of the direct exam testimony.

As Branca indicates, in some instances it’s simply a matter of the witness not being properly prepared — or not having any real expertise at all — and in other instances is simply a matter that obvious and plain evidence cannot be ignored as if it didn’t exist.  For a simple example — Floyd is on the ground and handcuffed behind his back because Floyd refused to remain in the backseat of the police car where the officers had attempted to secure him, and his medical distress claims meant, pursuant to MPD policy, that the officers had to leave him outside the car while waiting for EMS to arrive.  This fact was never mentioned during direct examination by the expert, but he was forced to concede the officers’ actions were consistent with MPD policy under cross-examination.

Branca offers numerous other examples and points out that it is always a bad sign when the defense attorney keeps the prosecution’s expert on the witness stand for a substantial period of time longer than the witness testified for the prosecution.

What will happen?   What should happen on the evidence is that Chauvin should be acquitted on all the counts because there is no evidence that the actions he took which contributed to Floyd’s medical emergency that led to his death were “wrongful” in that they were all “reasonable” under the circumstances based on Chauvin’s training and experience.

It’s a matter of EVIDENCE, not pithy sloganeering.

Even if convicted, what should happen is that his conviction should be tossed aside because this has been a fundamentally unfair trial process by Fifth and Sixth Amendment standards.  If he is convicted, at some point in the future a detached appeals court — most likely a federal appeals court — will take note of all the biased and unfair procedures that have been employed by Minnesota against Chauvin, and find that he was denied “due process” under the United States Constitution.

For Maximum Protection, Vaccine Now Offered In Continuous IV Drip You Carry Around For The Rest Of Your Life

WORLD—The world will return to a new normal now as every major manufacturer of COVID vaccine has begun offering a continuous intravenous drip that you will have to carry around for the rest of your life. 

The ingenious new vaccine delivery system from Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca will slowly and continuously drip the vaccine into a person’s bloodstream presumably granting immunity to the coronavirus, so long as it is never removed from your body. When your IV bag runs out of vaccine fluid, you can simply go back to your local pharmacy for a refill at a nominal fee.

“Immunity? Yeah, of course,  that’s the idea,” said Pfizer’s Chief Business Officer. “Americans desperately hope that if they are stuck by enough needles that they can go back to work, fully open their businesses, and have their kids in school again, and this continuous drip is an option for that.” 

The IV drip version of the vaccine comes in the wake of many prominent politicians signaling that life still couldn’t return to normal despite the millions of normal vaccine jabs many Americans had already received. However, if they hook themselves up to this continuous drip system, they might have a shot at that someday.

“Now this is a game-changer, and I think it will do a lot of good, though experts don’t foresee life getting back to normal until at least late 2022,” said Dr. Fauci when asked about the new state-of-the-art vaccine delivery system.

At publishing time, Dr. Fauci confirmed that though this IV delivery system is a great measure in the fight against COVID-19, Americans must continue to socially distance and wear masks at all times in public.

Covid-19: US agencies call for pause in Johnson & Johnson vaccine


US health authorities are calling for a pause in the use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, after reports of extremely rare blood clotting cases.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it was acting "out of an abundance of caution".

It said six cases of severe blood clotting had been detected in more than 6.8 million doses of the vaccine.

The recommendation follows similar rare cases in the AstraZeneca vaccine, which has prompted some curbs in its use.

In a series of tweets, the FDA said it and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were reviewing "six reported US cases of a rare & severe type of blood clot in individuals after receiving the vaccine. Right now, these adverse events appear to be extremely rare".

"We are recommending a pause in the use of this vaccine out of an abundance of caution," it said.

This was to "ensure that the health care provider community is aware of the potential for these adverse events".

A joint statement from the FDA and CDC clarified that the blood clotting was cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST).

It said that this type of blood clot needed a different treatment than usual.



The common treatment - an anticoagulant drug called heparin - "may be dangerous", it said and an alternative was required.

All six cases were in women aged between 18 and 48, with symptoms six to 13 days after vaccination.

The New York Times quoted officials as saying one woman had died and a second, in Nebraska, was in a critical condition.

Johnson & Johnson statement

The joint statement said that "people who have received the J&J vaccine who develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath within three weeks after vaccination should contact their health care provider".

Johnson & Johnson, a US health care company, issued a statement saying that safety was its "number one priority" and that it shared "all adverse event reports" with the health authorities.

It added: "We are aware that thromboembolic events including those with thrombocytopenia have been reported with Covid-19 vaccines. At present, no clear causal relationship has been established between these rare events and the Janssen (J&J) Covid-19 vaccine."

It said it would continue to work closely with the regulators.



AstraZeneca vaccinations

The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, which has been given safely to tens of millions of people, has also seen some extremely rare blood clotting cases.

The reports led some nations to suspend its use but most have now resumed, although in a number of cases with a recommended minimum age, for example 60 and over in Germany.

In the UK, authorities advised that those under 30 should be offered an alternative.







Amid Renewed Rioting in Minneapolis, a Lesson on the Second Amendment

Armed citizens defend business from looters during Minneapolis riots.  


Article by Bryan Preston in PJMedia 

Amid Renewed Rioting in Minneapolis, a Lesson on the Second Amendment

 Minneapolis, Minn. suburb Brooklyn Center is once again the scene of rioting in the wake of the fatal police shooting of Duante Wright. Townhall Media’s Senior Writer Julio Rosas is on the scene providing updates.

Some business owners were prepared and are defending their property. Some weren’t and aren’t.

 The natural right of self-defense is what the Second Amendment is about. Not hunting. Anyone who interjects hunting into discussions of the Second Amendment is either trying to deceive or doesn’t know the amendment and its true purpose. The right to keep and bear arms is about the citizen’s ability to defend himself or herself and their family and property against tyrants. Sometimes those tyrants are from the government. Sometimes government breaks down, and self-defense is a matter of life or death.

 Joe Biden doesn’t want citizens who are empowered to defend themselves in either situation.



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