Sunday, April 11, 2021

Iran nuclear: 'Terrorist act' at underground Natanz facility


A nuclear facility in Iran was hit by a "terrorist act" a day after it unveiled new advanced uranium centrifuges, a top nuclear official says.

He did not say who was to blame but urged the international community to deal with nuclear terrorism.

Israeli media suggest the incident was a result of an Israeli cyber attack.

Last year, a fire broke out at the Natanz underground facility, which the authorities alleged was the result of cyber sabotage.

The latest incident comes as diplomatic efforts to revive a 2015 nuclear deal - abandoned by the US under the Trump administration in 2018 - have resumed.

On Saturday, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani inaugurated new centrifuges at the Natanz site, which is key to the country's uranium enrichment programme, in a ceremony broadcast live on television. 



Centrifuges are needed to produce enriched uranium, which can be used to make reactor fuel - but also material for nuclear weapons.

It represented another breach of the country's undertakings in the 2015 deal, which only permits Iran to produce and store limited quantities of enriched uranium to be used to produce fuel for commercial nuclear power plants.



What has Iran been saying?

On Sunday, a spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), Behrouz Kamalvandi, said an "incident" had occurred in the morning involving the nuclear facility's power network.

Mr Kamalvandi did not provide further details but told Iran's Fars news agency there there had been "no casualties or leaks".

Later state TV read out a statement by AEOI head Ali Akbar Salehi, in which he described the incident as "sabotage" and "nuclear terrorism".

"Condemning this despicable move, the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasises the need for the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] to deal with this nuclear terrorism," he was quoted as saying.

"Iran reserves the right to take action against the perpetrators."

The IAEA said it was aware of the reports of an incident but would not comment.

Last July, sabotage was blamed for a fire at the Natanz site which hit a central centrifuge assembly workshop.



How could Israel be involved?

Israeli public broadcaster Kan said that it could be assumed that the incident was an Israeli cyber operation, citing the discovery in 2010 of the Stuxnet computer virus, believed to have been developed by the US and Israel, which was used to destroy centrifuges at Natanz.

Haaretz newspaper also said the incident could be assumed to be an Israeli cyber attack.

Ron Ben-Yishai, a defence analyst at the Ynet news website, said that with Iran progressing towards nuclear weapons capability it was "reasonable to assume that the problem... might not have been caused by an accident, but by deliberate sabotage intended to slow the nuclear race accelerated by the negotiations with the US on removing sanctions".

The Iranian nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), has been in intensive care since Donald Trump pulled the US out of it.

Under the Biden administration diplomatic efforts have been redoubled to revive it.

But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned against a return to the deal, and declared last week that Israel would not be bound by a new agreement with Tehran.




What happened to the deal?

The nuclear deal only allows Iran to produce and store limited quantities of uranium enriched up to 3.67% concentration. Uranium enriched to 90% or more can be used to make nuclear weapons.

President Trump said the accord was based on "a giant fiction that a murderous regime desired only a peaceful nuclear energy programme" and reinstated crippling economic sanctions in an attempt to compel Iran to negotiate a replacement.

Iran, which insists it does not want nuclear weapons, refused to do so and retaliated by rolling back a number of key commitments under the accord.

It has since accelerated the breaches in an attempt to increase pressure on the US. They have included operating advanced centrifuges to enrich uranium, resuming enrichment to 20% concentration of the most fissile U-235 isotope, and building a stockpile of that material. 





Pentagon Orders Updated Screening of Military to Identify “Extremist” Views in Preparation for What is to Come

Let me be clear…. I fully expect to see the standing U.S. military deployed against any state who stands up against unconstitutional federal demands. I have made this assertion since the jaw-dropping revelations about the Pentagon during the first impeachment effort in August 2019 and the lack of leadership from the military in removing Lt. Col Alexander Vindman from his compromised position.

♦ WHAT: As I look forward the likely origination point for military deployment will be federal COVID mandates, though it could also be state election issues.  ♦ HOW: The hardline leftists are weaponizing the military for political benefit.  ♦ WHEN: As a result of severe federal government intrusion it is only a matter of time before states start to rebel against federal COVID demands. That, in my opinion, will be the inflection point and posse comitatus will be suspended.

The majority of the U.S. military rank and file are patriots; America-first nationalists with a patriotic outlook toward the United States as a constitutional republic.  The majority of the military also come from red states.  This is an identified risk to the Obama objective of fundamental change.  Additionally, thanks in large part to a purge during the Obama era, the majority of the flag officers are not in alignment with the rank and file.   This sets the stage for a problem….

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Friday ordered new steps to tackle the threat posed by extremism in the ranks of the military, including updated screening questionnaires for recruits, a review of the department’s definition of extremism and efforts to prevent veterans from being drawn into violent movements.

The move follows a 60-day stand-down across the armed services that Austin ordered to allow commanders and troops in every unit to discuss how to confront the problem of white supremacist or other extremist ideology within the military. The Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump thrust the issue into the spotlight, as some of the mob were former or current members of the military with links to ultra-rightwing groups.

In a memo Friday to top officials and commanders, Austin said the department was still reviewing the results of the stand-down but he had decided to move ahead with “several immediate steps.”

Under Austin’s instruction, the Pentagon’s top lawyer and other officials will review and update the department’s definition of “prohibited extremist activities” for all service members. Critics have said the Pentagon needs to take into account how extremism has evolved in the digital era, and how some adherents engage in more loosely formed networks.

The secretary also called for updated screening questionnaires for potential recruits to gather information about current or previous extremist behavior ”to ensure that only the best qualified recruits are selected for the services,” according to the memo. (read more)

It is well known and accepted that most of the rank and file military come from Red States, and/or the Southern U.S. region.   This has been a reality in the military for as long as I can remember.   Again, this is a problem if the government is going to weaponize the military against the citizens.  Hence, they need to quantify the issue in advance.

[HISTORIC NOTE:  This is not the first time the Pentagon has undertaken such an assessment.  In the aftermath of the Chinese regular army refusing to turn their fire on the protesting students at Tienanmen Square (remember, the Mongolian divisions were called in); the world noticed.  The U.S. Pentagon did a similar internal assessment.]

♦ My prior warning with the examples and citations of data to back-up my prediction are HERE and repeated below:

Considering the specific examples over the past few years, I would argue the Democrats are positioning for use of the military in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act -or- by an expressed act of congress.

Following the evidence to its logical conclusion is simple.  The political apparatus of the DC state has framed a fraudulent narrative that “insurrection” against the federal government is an ongoing possibility.

Toward that end the U.S. military national guard troops have been sent to Washington DC indefinitely (current deployment extended through May).

If we consider there is a reasonable argument now surfacing about states choosing to nullify federal laws, it is not a stretch to see the insurrection narrative as a proactive assertion to support the deployment of active military against any state who would be non-compliant.

Would this violate the Posse Comitatus Act? Quite possibly, yes; it would depend on whether congress passed an expressed act authorizing military troops against specific state action.

When we consider that most of the constitutional checks and balances have been deconstructed or usurped by hardline leftist action; including the weaponization of the intelligence community, and specifically the FBI as a federal law enforcement agency; we are left to recognize that any Posse Comitatus violation would likely be supported by a leftist and aligned media arguing that the military is needed in order to stop a rebellion of states.

If my suspicions/predictions are correct, this would explain exactly why there has been a recent uptick in the visual politicization of the military; including empirical examples of emboldened U.S. military leadership openly engaged in domestic political advocacy against Tucker Carlson.

The marching of the U.S. military through the Capitol building to the offices of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene would be another orchestrated optic sending the same political message.

These are not examples of the military “woke” community advancing political correctness, instead these are examples of advanced politicization of the military (in an open context) in preparation for domestic political use.   The “insurrection narrative” is then considered a seed planted to blossom later in support of the overall agenda.

One of the data-points highlighting future intent was clearly visible and seemingly overlooked by almost all media.  It happened when Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman first became a political whistle-blower against the office of President Trump.

It was not the details of the Vindman accusation that stood out, though that was the aspect the media focused on.  What was more concerning was the lack of action by the Pentagon after Vindman compromised his position as an advisor to the commander in chief.

2019 – When we consider that Lt. Col. Vindman was carrying out what he believed to be his role; and when you overlay his military purpose; and when we accept Vindman was assisting CIA agent Eric Ciaramella in constructing his dossier to remove President Trump; and when we stand back and look at the aggregate interests involved, including Vindman’s divided loyalties toward a foreign power; and when we consider there was ZERO push-back from the ranks of military leadership, specifically the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and when you accept Vindman was simply allowed to return to his post inside the White House – where he remains today; well, the alarming aspect increases in direct proportion to the definition of the word: “coup”.

I would encourage all readers to think long and hard those factual data-points.

Despite his admitted usurpation of President Trump policy, Vindman was sent back to his post in the NSC with the full support of the United States Department of Defense.

The onus of action to remove Vindman from the NSC did not lay at the feet of the White House and National Security advisor Robert O’Brien; upon whose action the removal of Vindman could be positioned as political.  The necessary obligation to remove Lt. Col Vindman resides purposefully with the Dept. of Defense.

The Pentagon could easily withdraw Vindman from his position at the National Security Council; yet, it does not…. and it has not.   WHY?

There is a code within the military whereby you never put your leadership into a position of compromise; ie. “never compromise your leadership”.

In this example, President Trump cannot remove Vindman from the White House NSC advisory group due to political ramifications and appearances… The Joint Chiefs certainly recognize this issue; it is the very type of compromise they are trained to remove.  Yet they do nothing to remove the compromise.  They do nothing to assist.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was the majority (#1) source for the material CIA operative Eric Ciaramella used in a collaborative effort to remove President Trump from office.  Let me make this implication crystal clear:

The United States Military appears to be collaborating with the CIA to remove a U.S. President from office.

The Pentagon has done nothing, absolutely nothing, to countermand this implication. The Secretary of Defense has done nothing to remove the conflict that Vindman represents within the National Security Council.  The Joint Chiefs of Staff have done nothing, absolutely nothing, to diminish the appearance of an agenda toward the removal of President Trump.

This is not a complex issue.

No-one in the foreign policy group is going to take any advice or opinion from Vindman.  No-one is going to allow him to engage in material of a sensitive or confidential nature.  Lt. Col. Vindman has compromised himself; and therefore eliminated any usefulness to his prior assignment.  Yet his command does nothing? (more)

That was the alarming lack of action from the Pentagon everyone seemed to overlook.  Why did senior military leadership not remove Vindman from his post at the White House once he clearly compromised his ability to carry out his duty?  Their lack of action was stunning when you consider their primary obligation.

Fast forward to 2021 and now a very political military officer, General Russel Honore’, is appointed by Nancy Pelosi to be in charge of the military deployment around Washington DC.  When you consider the political ramifications of the military supporting a false narrative, this is more than just another data-point.  Then the military openly attacked the position of Tucker Carlson based entirely on political ideology.

The increased frequency of the military being politicized is what leads me to believe this phase is all just a public relations pre-positioning.  I fully expect to see the standing U.S. military deployed against any state who stands up against unconstitutional federal demands… the likely origination point will be federal COVID mandates.

The leftists are weaponizing COVID mandates for a political agenda.  It is only a matter of time before states start to rebel against federal COVID demands.  That, in my opinion, will be the inflection point.  That will be when the U.S. military is held as a compliance activation against any rebellious state.  It could be another issue that activates this triggering of the military (ex. state election laws), but as it stands right now federal COVID compliance seems the most likely trigger.

Bottom line… The American electorate are being positioned to accept deployment of the U.S. military against U.S. citizens, under the guise of insurrection and/or a public threat.  That is why we are seeing so much willful politicization of the military.

If you live in a region or state that values individual liberty and/or freedom, you are likely in a location that leftists consider a risk to their ability to execute their agenda.  You are likely right now being defined as a ‘dissident’, or possibly a “domestic terrorist.”  As a result, get ready to see this type of activity in your neighborhood.

A Pandemic And Power Failures Made Prepping Every Smart Person’s Strategy

The past months of COVID, supply chain instability, and power failures prove it's foolish to rely on large institutions during times of chaos.

In February, a winter storm stranded 4 million Texans without power, heat, or access to water and supplies for days. With many roads frozen, residents struggled to survive. At least 111 Americans perished from hypothermia, carbon monoxide poisoning, vehicular crashes, and house fires. As a result, no fewer than seven House proposals in Texas seek to “prevent [electrical grid] breakdowns from ever happening again.”

Unfortunately, as the coronavirus pandemic demonstrated, reactive legislation can’t mitigate the immediate effects of unpredictability. The government could not offset the economic impacts of shutdowns, which hit Americans hard. Grocery shortages spawned by panic-buying demonstrated the fragility of supply chains under duress. 

Yet some were prepared for the pandemic’s upheaval, and the weather-related devastation in Texas. An estimated 3.7 million American “preppers” guarded against uncertainty by accumulating stockpiles of necessities and creating contingency plans to survive in a variety of emergency circumstances.

Preppers were enthusiastically mocked for their inclination to preparedness — and their affection for firearms — when they went primetime in National Geographic Channel’s “Doomsday Preppers” and Discovery Channel’s “Doomsday Bunkers.” New York Times critic Neil Genzlinger found the shows were “full of contempt for humankind.” “What an easy target,” he wrote, “the prepper worldview is for ridicule.”

Most in the legacy media painted preparedness as a sort of madness inspired by a “doomsday” fixation. According to Morgan Rogue, of Rogue Preparedness, however, the purpose of preparedness is to have plans for an uncontrollable future. “Conquer tomorrow,” she says, “by preparing today.”

Recent events showed Americans that having solid preparedness protocols in place is more logical than relying on the government, the supply chain, or even private industry during emergencies. For those looking to gather the right knowledge and equipment to help themselves survive the unexpected, Rogue shares common-sense strategies to help beginners stockpile food and water, survive without electricity in heat or cold, and create the plans and mindset that will help them react to incoming dangers or adverse conditions at a moment’s notice.

Stockpiling Food and Water 

First, Rogue says it is “essential” to accumulate a store of food and water. “Three days’ worth of food is the absolute minimum,” she explains, but “ideally two weeks or more is better.” Yet she also warns against “go[ing] into debt or mak[ing] yourself broke just to be prepared. Preparedness is supposed to be an asset, not a hindrance.”

To ensure your stockpile is adequate, make a meal plan based on the food you expect to store. This can curtail any “aimless” purchasing, and gives you “a vision and goal … to spend your time and money more wisely.”

To accommodate a budget of even as little as five dollars per month, Rogue suggests grabbing a few gallons of water and several extra non-perishable items on every trip to the grocery store. These purchases “add up very quickly.” Back home, organize those supplies so they are easily accessible and identifiable.

For those stockpiling in a small living space, Rogue suggests storing supplies under the bed or in stacked containers inside closets. Stacks of supply containers, covered with a tablecloth or blanket, can even double as makeshift furniture. In small spaces, some water can be stored in the freezer and the refrigerator. At the first sign of alarm, Rogue also advises filling up all available pots, bathtubs, and sinks for adequate long-term water access. 

Apartment-dwellers can even grow their own food. Rogue suggests focusing on growing vegetables in containers, using grow lights, or even growing microgreens or sprouts.

Surviving Without Power

If it fits your budget, buy a generator that can work with either gas or propane to prepare for power outages. Propane, Rogue says, “is easier to store than gas.” Gas can be stored for “about a year” with proper fuel stabilization, so long as it is rotated regularly. Solar generators or solar panels provide an alternative option.

If you rely on an electrical medical device every day, you may look into battery power banks, which can be used with USB devices, or solar generators, which generally work with items that require plugs. If your devices work on battery power, keep extra rechargeable batteries on hand.

To stay warm in cold weather, Rogue recommends investing in a propane heater, like a Buddy Heater. To retain warmth in the home, she suggests “staying in one room,” preferably near a fireplace, propane or natural gas oven, or wood stove. To keep heat in, cover windows with blackout curtains or heavy blankets, wear layers, “use lots of blankets and drink warm liquids.” 

During a summer power loss, keep hydrated and stay in the shade. Blackout curtains can keep a house cooler during the day while opening windows will let in cool air at night. Rogue also recommends “battery-operated fans with a foldable solar panel and rechargeable batteries,” or an above-ground pool or a baby pool filled with water to stay cool.

Rogue reminds those interested in getting prepared that carbon monoxide poisoning, which kills 430 Americans each year, is a concern when using generators, heaters, or grills. Furthermore, while a carbon monoxide detector is an asset, it may not be effective if it is far from the source of emissions.

To operate a generator safely, Rogue advises it be used “outside, at least 20-50 feet away from any windows or doors, with an extension cord to reach your home.” Finally, grills should always be used outdoors, and propane camp stoves should be used outdoors, or near an open window.

Making Plans to ‘Bug Out’

Disaster may arrive with little notice and require a quick evacuation from the home. This is why many preparedness experts have a “bug-out bag,” a bag packed with the necessities evacuees will need to survive for 72 hours while traveling to a safe location.

Rogue says that making an evacuation plan is the first step of creating a bug-out bag, as the contents of your bag will reflect where you plan to escape. If you bug out to a park, for instance, you might need a tent, while those planning to head to a hotel will need currency to cover their stay.

When filling the bag, Rogue says it is best to “look at your daily needs,” and consider the “food, water, shelter, first aid, tools, cooking, extra clothing,” and items like electrical chargers and medicine you will need when away from home. If you have pets, don’t forget to think about their needs as well.

Many use a sturdy backpack as their bug-out bag. Rogue says a “travel roller bag or a tote” can also be effective.

The Preparedness Mindset

Several intangibles, like one’s mindset, are important when preparing for the unexpected. Indeed, as Rogue relays, the aftermath of a disaster is “usually the hardest thing to deal with.” Those with a strong mind can “focus, quickly de-stress, and help others” during times of uncertainty. Additionally, because some emergencies can test a person’s physical endurance, Rogue advocates for getting at least 10-30 minutes of exercise per day.

Finally, Rogue encourages parents to make preparedness a “part of family life,” without making it a large “theatrical” production. As the mother of two children, she “leads by example,” using “logical terms” to explain simple activities to her children, and getting them involved with growing food in the garden and filling emergency kits.

The preparedness lifestyle does not have to be all-consuming. “Preparedness,” she says, “is a journey, not a race.” Those looking to learn more can find a wealth of information on Rogue’s websiteInstagramYouTube channel, and Rogue Preparedness Academy.

The past twelve months of market fluctuation and supply chain instability, and the recent power failures in Texas, have proved that it is foolhardy to rely on familiar, large institutions during times of upheaval and natural disaster. By taking cues from the practical and self-reliant, and with the right skills, equipment, and stores of necessities, when the next disaster strikes, Americans can meet future uncertainty with confidence.

Pete Buttigieg: Racism Is 'Physically Built Into' the Nation's Road System


LOL! I think bridges are racist, too!
Article by Alex Parker in RedState

Pete Buttigieg: Racism Is 'Physically Built Into' the Nation's Road System

While driving around America, have you noticed the racism built — physically — into the road system?

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has.

And he’s speaking out.

Talking to TheGrio, the former presidential candidate asserted a highway in D.C., specifically, was built with bigotry.

He’s heard:

“[I]f you’re in Washington, I’m told that the history of that highway is one that was built at the expense of communities of color in the D.C. area. There are stories, and I think Philadelphia and Pittsburgh [and] in New York, Robert Moses famously saw through the construction of a lot of highways.”

TheGrio provided examples of possible prejudice in the planning:

Biden Transportation Secretary Pete…noted how in some cities there are overpasses that were built low in Black communities as well as racially dividing roadways.

Former Obama Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx agrees — the road system is racist.

“If you think about it, much of this infrastructure was paid for and designed before the Voting Rights Act of 1965.”

That infrastructure includes roads, airports, schools, power grids…

“That was a time before Black people were at the table,” Anthony told the website.

Per the article, he “highlighted the inherent racism in America’s interstate and highway systems” while head of the department.

The history, Foxx figures, ain’t short:

“There is a long history that has not been fully excavated on the interstate system, our airports and different modes of transportation that in one way or another has divided this country.”

But now the nation’s taking a turn.

As stated by the site:

Equity is now being built into the soon to be updated black-and-white road maps of yesteryear.

That reworking, the outlet asserts, is part of “efforts to correct America’s racist wrongs.”

Joe Biden’s giving it a go via his Justice40 Initiative.

A White House fact sheet, notes the goal.

As listed beneath “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad Executive Order”:

The order creates a government-wide Justice40 Initiative with the goal of delivering 40 percent of the overall benefits of relevant federal investments to disadvantaged communities and tracks performance toward that goal through the establishment of an Environmental Justice Scorecard.

Washington will fight transportation inequity via government contracting.

From TheGrio:

Buttigieg says former U.S. ambassador Susan Rice, who serves as director of Biden’s Domestic Policy Council, is in charge of the plan to begin equally distributing minority contracts.

As stated in the piece, Biden brings “a targeted approach to bring jobs to the historically underserved in addition to literally striking down the road barriers that are dividing communities.”

Pete’s all about it, and the gang’s determined to get minority-owned businesses up to snuff:

“Sometimes you hear folks say, ‘Well, look, we tried to find a Black business to bid on this project, but they just weren’t out there.’ Well, if that’s actually true, we got to take responsibility for why they’re not out there and build more businesses up that maybe exist, but they haven’t been certified.”

Some may have struggled, and the government’s here to help:

“Maybe they haven’t been big enough to get the bonding or go through these hoops to even have a shot. They’re bidding on a federal project. We’ve got to work on all of that.”

Pete notes, “We’ve got to have intention.”

Also at issue: the black unemployment rate.

According to U.S. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, such has historically been affected by racism.

With an Amen to intention, Marty makes it clear:

“[There needs to be] real intention about the investments that are made there, and job training, workforce development, creating opportunities and pathways into the middle class for Black and brown people.”

The prejudice that caused a low rate of employment, Pete says, “wasn’t just an act of neglect,” but a “conscious choice.”

And here’s the biggie from Buttigieg:

“There is racism physically built into some of our highways, and that’s why the jobs plan has specifically committed to reconnect some of the communities that were divided by these dollars.”

Will Pete Buttigieg fix America’s road-oriented racism?

From the sound of things, it’s a mighty big job.

And the former Indiana mayor’s an unusual choice — how many secretaries of transportation…travel by bicycle:


The nation’s twisting highway system is immense.

Hence, so must the systemically racist problem be.

Here’s to hoping — via Biden’s $2 trillion infrastructure plan —  it gets straightened out.

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