Friday, April 9, 2021

Sen. Hawley: Biden ultimately seeks civilian gun confiscation, while permitting rioters and crime


Article by Charles Creitz in Fox News

Sen. Hawley: Biden ultimately seeks civilian gun confiscation, while permitting rioters and crime

Biden's ATF nominee David Chipman previously mocked Middle America gun owners, telling them to keep their AR-15s 'behind cans of tuna' in case of 'zombie' attack.

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said Thursday that President Biden sent the message earlier in the day that he has no regard for the Second Amendment despite words to the contrary, while it is evident gun confiscation is the true endgame for him.

Hawley told "The Ingraham Angle" and host Pete Hegseth that when Biden referred to the Second Amendment as a "phony" argument against gun control, he essentially admitted he sees it as a "phony amendment."

"He doesn't believe it's actually in the Constitution, he clearly does not believe in the right to keep and bear arms," said Hawley.

The senator added that Biden's plans and that of gun control activist David Chipman, whom he nominated to lead the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), are to "crack down" on the average American.

By appearing permissive of a years worth of rioting and saying or doing little about recurring gun crime in places like Chicago, Hawley said Democrats are "fine with criminals [being] out on the streets having all the firearms they want."

"[They're] fine with violence so long as it's done by criminals -- but when law-abiding citizens want to own a firearm legally as the Second Amendment guarantees, they completely lose their minds -- and that's what Biden is proposing to crack down on now."

"This is really about confiscating weapons. This is what the left has wanted to do for a long time. This is what half the presidential candidates or more on the Democrat side ran on just a year ago in their primaries and it, at the end of the day the only way to make work what Biden and the others want to do in the legislation they proposed, is to have a national gun registry and ultimately to take away firearms from law-abiding citizens."

Hawley added that Biden's actions on this and most other things betray claims he is working for the benefit of the American worker.

"This from Joe Biden, the guy who has presided over millions of jobs going to China, who has thought that that's a great deal, whose economic policies and the Obama-Biden administration hollowed out the working class and now he says 'if I take away your right to bear arms that that will be good for you economically'? I mean, it's just insanity."

Hegseth pointed out that Biden's choice for ATF chief, Chipman, has made egregious comments mocking Middle America, including a remark last year that they should hide their AR-15s "behind those cans of tuna and beef jerky" and only bring them out "when the Zombies start to appear."

"You're a fool," the host exclaimed. "But he knows better."

Chipman was also involved in the federal government's 1993 siege of the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas.


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The Deep State Just Made Its “Declaration of War” Against MAGA Official

The Deep State just sent a declaration of war to American Patriots. 
This time, at least, they had the courtesy to all sign it.

On Wednesday afternoon, a collection of more than one hundred former government officials published an open letter to Congress demanding an “independent and bipartisan national commission” to “investigate” the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol.

Dear Members of Congress,

We are former senior national security, military, and elected officials who have represented or served Democrats, Republicans, or administrations of both parties. We write to encourage this Congress to establish an independent and bipartisan national commission to investigate the January 6th assault of the U.S. Capitol Complex and its direct causes, and to make recommendations to prevent future assaults and strengthen the resilience of our democratic institutions.

We also write to you with great urgency in light of what we collectively see as an exigent and growing threat. The events of January 6th exposed severe vulnerabilities in the nation’s preparedness for preventing and responding to domestic terrorist attacks. The immediate security failings that permitted a lethal breach of the Capitol Complex by armed extremists raise serious questions and demand immediate solutions.

But January 6th was also the result of complex national security threats. These include coordinated disinformation campaigns, nontransparent financing of extremist networks, potential foreign influences, and white supremacist violent extremism, which the Department of Homeland Security identified in an October 2020 report as among “the most persistent and lethal threat[s] in the Homeland.” As FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to you recently, “January 6th was not an isolated event. The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it’s not going away anytime soon.” Understanding how these forces culminated in an attack on the infrastructure of our democracy is critical to preventing future attacks.

In the wake of September 11th, the administration and Congress jointly acknowledged that the attack’s causes were complex and that an independent and well-equipped national commission was an essential tool to aid the federal government. Congressional inquiries, law enforcement activities, and a national commission not only worked in parallel, but critically complemented each other’s necessary work. An independent commission should not supplant the ongoing work by the legislative and executive branches, but it can uniquely support them by providing comprehensive and expert recommendations for Congress to act upon.

Commissions — properly empowered, resourced, and led — can establish a full picture of events and an analysis of their causes, from which nonpartisan recommendations can authoritatively flow. With dedicated time, resources, and expert staffing, they can also exclusively focus on the matter at hand over an appropriate time horizon. Given the gravity of January 6th as a national security matter — the violent disruption to the transition of power and the continuing threat of future attacks — a national commission examining the lead up to the January 6th assault, and the attendant security lapses, is not only appropriate, but a critical component of the national response.

A failure to deploy the full suite of tools available to fully understand January 6th and address its causes will leave the Capitol, and the nation, vulnerable to future attacks. In bipartisan fashion, we have successfully marshaled these tools before, and we implore you to do so once again. [Former Nat. Sec., Military, & Elected Officials]

What an absolute masterpiece of cynical mendacity.

January 6 was not a case of “domestic terrorism.” There were no “armed extremists” executing a “lethal breach” of the Capitol Complex. Only one individual has been charged with illegally bringing a gun into the Capitol. The only shots fired at the Capitol on January 6th were fired by a Capitol policeman who shot unarmed civilian Ashli Babbitt through the neck. There was no planned assault. January 6 absolutely was an isolated event. The Capitol riot was the product of bad police crowd control rather than a concerted plan to attack anyone or anything.

This dishonest and error-ridden letter isn’t a call for an “investigation.” It is a call for an anti-MAGA Patriot Act. It’s a demand for a new War on Terror, this time aimed at the American people.

It’s all obvious from the wording of the letter, and all so predictable.

From the breathless wording of their letter, one can surmise that these federal goons believe that the only way to fight a so-called “coordinated disinformation campaign” is with restrictions on free speech, social media bans and criminal prosecutions for “disinformation.”

The Deep State will want to fight the so-called “nontransparent funding of extremist networks” with new financial laws to end anonymous political donations and dox those providing support to causes unpopular inside the Beltway.

They will use the phantom threat of “white supremacists” to transform patriots of all backgrounds into nascent terrorists who must be purged from America’s institutions as an internal ideological threat.

The wording of the letter isn’t unprecedented. The Deep State apparatchiks who authored the letter liberally employ rhetorical stunts that are typically used to stoke wars and color revolutions around the globe. What’s changed is that now, instead of targeting regimes that stand against the Globalist American Empire, their rhetoric targets domestic enemies instead.

Revolver warned about the rise of  “counter-American intelligence” a few weeks in the seminal expose, “Dark New Dem Bill Uses “Counter American Intelligence” To Wage War on MAGA”:

What we are witnessing, in effect, is a foreign counterintelligence operation turned inward and aimed directly at the American people. “Counterintelligence” concerns insider threats to the operational integrity of US military-intelligence organizations and missions. As originally designed, American counter-intelligence is meant to prevent the American security apparatus from being infiltrated by hostile foreign actors.

What we are seeing now, however, is something quite different — a deliberate effort to cleanse our entire security apparatus of patriots — perhaps as preparation for a full scale effort to cleanse the entire country of American patriots, or anyone, for that matter, who objects to the open air prison that the Globalist American Empire has become.

Traditional counter-intelligence techniques, strategies, and mindsets are being re-purposed domestically, in order to cleanse the entire U.S. national security apparatus, including the DOD, of latent political sympathies.

Today, the top target of this Counter-American Intelligence operation is President Trump’s MAGA movement.

Adding insult to injury, the U.S. national security state’s pretext for launching this operation was itself based on the wild-eyed conspiracy theory that thousands of Trump supporters in military and law enforcement are training in state-sanctioned violence by day, then secretly moonlighting as vigilante militiamen plotting government overthrow by night. They’re forming networks, the theory goes, and now it’s the nation’s top national security threat. [Revolver News]

But the most offensive part of the letter isn’t its hideous demands for a MAGA witch hunt. No, the worst part is simply the list of “senior officials” who put their name to the letter.

At least twelve of the signatories of this obscene and atrocious letter held senior positions at the Department of Defense. Thirteen are veterans of the CIA. Twenty-three were ambassadors. More than two dozen were members of Congress. The list of more than 100 names is a (sometimes literal) murderer’s row of the American ruling class from 1990 through the present; the class of dilettantes, mediocrities, incompetents, and frauds who squandered America’s superpower status, bankrupted the middle class with wars and bank bailouts, and led this country to the brink of ruin.

President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement arose in part to simply repair the damage caused by the Deep State’s catastrophic mismanagement of foreign policy. Now, the entrenched career bureaucrats of the Deep State want that movement annihilated.

The events of January 6th provided them with a fig leaf they needed to excuse their war on Trump and the America First movement. Without January 6th, they’d have found or fabricated some other excuse to say the exact same thing.

But if any group of people deserves a bipartisan commission to investigate their crimes, it’s the signatories of this letter.

James Clapper committed open perjury before the Senate Intelligence Committee. When asked directly whether the NSA collected bulk data from ordinary Americans, Clapper categorically said they did not. Mere months later, whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed Clapper’s lie. While Clapper should have been arrested and sent to prison, he was instead left untouched, and rewarded with a CNN job after leaving the White House.

Michael McFaul was Barack Obama’s ambassador to Russia, who in the last five years has reinvented himself as one of the leading advocates for “color revolutions,” or as McFaul prefers to label them, “democratic breakthroughs.”

Besides literally writing the book on such revolutions, McFaul spent years trying to foment a “democratic breakthrough” here in the U.S. Not always the brightest bulb, McFaul was shockingly blunt about what he was trying to do. In September 2020, he tweeted (and then deleted) the following:

Now, having executed his color revolution in America, McFaul wants an ideological crackdown to make sure the new regime cannot ever be challenged, externally or internally.

As CIA Director, Michael Hayden built his reputation telling one lie after another to bolster the U.S. intelligence apparatus while threatening its critics.

In 2017, Hayden reacted to President Trump’s allegation of wiretapping by saying it “couldn’t happen” since that would be illegal.

How quaint! In fact, after the 9/11 attacks, Hayden himself spearheaded a program to spy on Americans’ phone calls without running it by a single court.

Hayden “joked” about putting Edward Snowden on a targeted assassination list. He bragged that stealing the emails of foreign political parties is “what we do.” A 2014 Senate report on the CIA’s torture program concludes with more than three dozen pages of appendix breaking down all the lies Hayden told to the Senate Intelligence Committee. In the words of the Columbia Journalism Review:

Hayden has a long history of making misleading and outright false statements, and by the estimation of many lawyers, likely committed countless felonies during the Bush administration. It is something of a wonder that someone responsible for so many reprehensible acts is now considered a totally above-the-fray, honest commentator on all issues intelligence. [CJR]

Alexander Vindman is the Ukraine-born defense official who decided that he, not the elected U.S. president, had the right to set America’s foreign policy toward his home country. Vindman, who was three times offered the post of Ukrainian defense minister, went rogue after deciding his policy for Ukraine was better than President Trump’s. After President Trump requested an investigation into Hunter Biden’s corruption, Vindman violated Article 88 of the Code of Military Justice, deciding that he, not the Commander in Chief, got to dictate American foreign policy. Vindman more or less admitted this in his own 2019 impeachment testimony:

I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine. I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained. This would all undermine U.S. national security. [NPR]

Byron York’s 2020 book Obsession reveals that Vindman himself was the one who got the impeachment ball rolling by encouraging Eric Ciaramella’s politically-motivated “whistleblower” report to Congress. Vindman’s stunt did far more to undermine America’s democratic government than anything that happened January 6, but he’ll never face real consequences for it, because his rebellion was on behalf of the status quo rather than against it.

Zach Wamp, a 16-year Congressman from Tennessee, is one of the more obscure signatories of the petition. But Wamp’s signature is proof that nothing in the letter is motivated by actual fears of an insurrection against the government. In 2010, Wamp suggested that ObamaCare might be bad enough to justify a secession movement:

“I hope that the American people will go to the ballot box in 2010 and 2012 so that states are not forced to consider separation from this government.” [US News]

Wamp broaching secession is far more extreme than anything from Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, or the vast majority of the MAGA movement, and thus reveals the sham at the heart of this narrative. This isn’t about stopping secessionist or insurrectionist rhetoric. It’s about crushing anyone who wants serious changes to the American system. Even the most restrained and reasoned attack on the Globalist American Empire’s agenda of open borders, endless wars, and cultural imperialism, must now be met with maximum force–the full force of the American national security state.

Similarly, former Connecticut Congressman Chris Shays is very concerned about danger of “violent insurrectionists,” most of whom attacked nobody. This is a break from the past, where Shays has been tolerant of all kinds of wrongdoing:

“Now I’ve seen what happened in Abu Ghraib, and Abu Ghraib was not torture,” Shays said at a debate Wednesday. “It was outrageous, outrageous involvement of National Guard troops from (Maryland) who were involved in a sex ring and they took pictures of soldiers who were naked,” added Shays. “And they did other things that were just outrageous. But it wasn’t torture.” [AP]

Perhaps Shays was just eager to protect American troops from vicious attacks. Surely he’d be more incensed about sexual abuse of Americans.

The congressional sex scandal threatening House Speaker Dennis Hastert got even nastier yesterday, as Republican Rep. Chris Shays of Connecticut delivered a searing indictment of Sen. Ted Kennedy’s fateful actions at Chappaquiddick.

“I know the speaker didn’t go over a bridge and leave a young person in the water and then have a press conference the next day,” Shays fumed.

“Dennis Hastert didn’t kill anybody,” he told the Hartford Courant.

Shays slammed Kennedy after Shays’ Democratic opponent, Westport Selectwoman Diane Farrell, called on Hastert to resign because of his handling of Rep. Mark Foley’s seduction attempts on boys. Kennedy made a campaign appearance with Farrell last week. [NY Post]

Hmm, guess not.

Revolver could continue on for ages. Signatory Francis Fukuyama’s vision of The End of History provided the framework for the Iraq War and three decades of disastrous neoconservative interventions dressed up as campaigns to promote “democracy.” Eric Edelman agitated for the U.S. to impose sanctions on Turkey, because America evidently doesn’t have enough enemies and should punish its nominal allies. Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, and other lawmakers on the list spent years providing the votes for the globalist agenda of endless wars coupled with zero border security at home.

In a sane country, the signatories of this letter would be the ones getting investigated, or at least exiled from public life before they could utterly destroy the land they rule. Instead, they’re making a bid to render dissent against their corrupt, dysfunctional, evil, and illegitimate regime a criminal offense.

Just another day in the Globalist American Empire.

Yosemite National Park to limit summer visitors due to COVID-19


YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, Calif. — Yosemite National Park will require advanced reservations for day visitors during the peak summer season to limit the number of visitors and allow social distancing amid the pandemic.

Under the new rules, advance reservations will be required for day use visitors who enter Yosemite from May 21 to Sept. 30, the San Jose Mercury News reported.

The park’s superintendent, Cicely Muldoon, said large crowds already have been coming to the park in recent weeks, and there are still cases of COVID-19 spreading in California, and other states and countries where visitors are coming from.


 “The basic plan is to protect human health and safety and provide as much access as we can,” Muldoon said Thursday during a meeting with government and business leaders of the communities surrounding the park.



Rocky Mountain National Park and Glacier National Park are putting in place similar rules, which have been encouraged for decades by environmental groups but resisted by gateway communities whose economies depend heavily on tourism.

A similar day-use reservation system was in place last summer. It resulted in Yosemite’s visitation rates dropping by half. This summer the number of visitors allowed will range from 50% to 90%, depending on what levels of COVID-19 are found in Mariposa County on the park’s western edge. Currently, with Mariposa in California’s orange tier, Yosemite will allow 70% of normal summer visitation — or about 5,760 vehicles a day.

“We think these numbers will allow people to enjoy the park safely,” Muldoon said.

Reservations can be made at beginning at 8 a.m. on April 21. Each day-use reservation is valid for one vehicle for three days. Vehicles that arrive at park entrances after May 21 without reservations will not be admitted.

Due to pandemic concerns, park shuttle buses will not run this summer. Some, but not all campgrounds in the park will be open, with 585 sites available starting July 1, compared to 247 last year. 



Biden Can’t Boycott Olympics Because Coca-Cola Is a Sponsor


Article by John Hayward in Breitbart

Biden Can’t Boycott Olympics Because Coca-Cola Is a Sponsor

Chinese officials and state media on Wednesday warned the Biden administration not to boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics over human rights complaints, claiming such a boycott would “damage the spirit of the Olympic Charter” and inflict severe economic and political damage on the weakened United States.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian claimed allegations of Chinese abuses against Tibet, Hong Kong, and the Uyghur Muslims of Xinjiang province are false and warned of a “robust Chinese response” to any boycott.

“The politicization of sports will damage the spirit of the Olympic Charter and the interests of athletes from all countries. The international community, including the U.S. Olympic Committee, will not accept it,” Zhao said.

China’s state-run Global Times instructed the Biden administration to ignore “anti-China hawks” who are trying to pressure Western governments into boycotting the Olympics, and crowed that the United States no longer has the economic strength or prestige to lead a boycott movement.

After quoting “Chinese experts” who dismissed all human rights allegations against Beijing as “stigmatization” and “lies,” and predicted fickle activists would soon get tired of fighting the Chinese Communist Party’s diplomatic and propaganda counter-offensive, the Global Times said no one would risk alienating China and losing access to its “rising market for winter sports products.”

The Global Times approvingly cited a Newsweek article by Johns Hopkins professor David Lampton that argued China has grown too powerful to embarrass or punish with sanctions:

“Given the modern realities of Chinese global economic integration, today we can expect much more resistance to the boycott idea. Washington could well find itself the majorette for a marching band that is going in an entirely different direction,” he wrote. 

In 2008, anti-China forces like some Western politicians and Tibet separatists tried to play the same trick to boycott the Beijing Olympics, but eventually, they failed.

“Most major states will participate in the 2022 Winter Olympics … One key difference between now and 2008 is that today’s China feels much stronger diplomatically and economically than it did more than a decade ago,” wrote Lampton.

The Global Times described the Biden administration as “cautious” about the Beijing Olympics, but “confused” would be a better term. As the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) noted, the administration went from floating the idea of a boycott to denying it had ever discussed the possibility in a span of hours on Tuesday.

Another Global Times editorial on Wednesday derided “ridiculous notions and ideas” from Western politicians, such as “skipping the event, including changing the venue, asking athletes not to attend the event, calling on media distributor NBC Universal not to air the games, and pressuring businesses from sponsoring the event.”

The Communist paper sneered that American corporations are in no shape to join a boycott that could cost them billions by locking them out of Chinese markets:

Beyond the potential impact on the sports world, the radical calls are also causing burden on global businesses, which could result in heavy economic losses. Olympic sponsors, including Coca-Cola, Visa, General Electric and other multinational corporations, which count on the Winter Olympics to gain greater market share in the massive Chinese market, are now caught in the crossfire.

According to media reports, some anti-China forces have started harassing these sponsors “one by one”. Last month, a public letter asked Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky to withdraw its Olympic sponsorship or risk reputational damage. A similar letter has also been reportedly sent to Mars Wrigley CEO Grant Reid.

As these Western forces try to use Xinjiang-related affairs to further intensify the division and confrontation between China and the West, they create huge risks to economic and trade cooperation as well as foreign companies’ businesses in China. Some have already warned that if Western companies bow to the pressure and decide to boycott the Beijing Olympics, they could face serious consequences in the Chinese market.

The Global Times pointed to recent Chinese boycotts against Western companies that dared to criticize forced labor in Xinjiang province as an example of China successfully using its economic power to control foreign corporations – phrased, of course, as a “widespread backlash from the Chinese public” against apparel brands that refused to buy Xinjiang cotton due to “lies” about forced labor.

The Global Times warned:

With more than 10 months to go before the 2022 Olympics, anti-China forces will likely continue their boycott plot with endless slandering and smearing. But responsible countries and companies should keep sober and not to be carried away. Politicizing sports and commercial cooperation will only lead to ruinous consequences for all.

The problem facing President Joe Biden is he claims his predecessor Donald Trump’s approach to China was wrong, and he can build better diplomatic and economic relations with the CCP.  However, he also claims he will relentlessly badger the Chinese about human rights and as the Chinese made very clear in their fiery Alaska confrontation with Biden officials, they will not accept even tepid or purely rhetorical human rights criticism from Biden.

The bungled boycott messaging from Biden officials on Tuesday that prompted China’s threats and commands was, according to the WSJ, mostly about discussions of a possible “diplomatic boycott,” which means the U.S. would fully participate in the Beijing Olympics but would refrain from sending high-level officials to observe the event. Another idea floated by Congress is to require all American competitors to receive a briefing on China’s human rights abuses and the risks its surveillance-obsessed regime poses to their personal security while they attend the Games.

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Jen Psaki Admits Biden Gets Instructions from Obama: “we don’t read out those specific calls. We keep them private.”

Perhaps the most consistent question about the installed dementia patient occupying the oval office, is about who actually is planning the policy, scheduling the implementation and giving Biden his instructions after his breakfast pudding.   For those who have followed politics closely, the answer has always been obvious: Barack Obama and the Chicago crew.

JoeBama is not a meme, nor is it a snarky slap at the current White House occupant, it is a reality.

Barack Obama and his ideologues (who took over the DNC) are now completely in control over the leftist policy execution.   Obama with the help of his former administration crew, eliminated the remaining remnants of the Clinton machine, installed Tom Perez and then set about absorbing the AME church network…. that’s where James Clyburn came in, to endorse Biden as part of the final stages of the plan.

Today, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, the former spokesperson for Obama’s State Department, essentially admitted that Obama’s network was in charge, and Biden receives his instructions from the crew.  WATCH:

There is a history – a backstory – that only a handful of people genuinely understand. The answers boil down to the less discussed issue of ideological camps and the modern alignment that has taken place over the past decade. The most visible reference for the inflection point was the 2008 primary contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Throughout the first decade of this millennium there was an ideological shift, an inflection point, that became ¹most clear in the rise of a little known state representative who was appointed to become a Senator from Illinois, his name was Barack Obama.  In the background of Obama’s rise were the people who designed the modern political left. Those Obama creationists were/are hardline revolutionary communist types.

This RevCom group was comprised of the more radical elements of the progressive movement; those who wanted to “fundamentally change” the United States, and who have a very patient and methodical plan to do so.

Those elements took control by convincing the far-left labor movement to abandon the traditional Democrat apparatus and support a more radical approach.  The SEIU, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, UAW, UFCW and others were leveraged to this position through promised financial benefit if they went along.

Those groups became the more powerful ammunition needed by the radical community activist teams, which were entirely on the side of Obama.  Hillary Clinton’s first run for the presidency was crushed under the weight of the leverage all of the radicals aligned on the Obama side.  Clinton was only left with the option to support the extremists in exchange for support in 2016.

However, the support she received was not full-throated.  The ideological hatred that was created during the earlier inflection point, when the camps were at war, left scars.  Those scars never healed; and, quite frankly the radicals were not going to support someone they just didn’t like.

Radical footsoldiers operate best on feelings and emotions. Clinton just didn’t do it for them…  One by one the traditional democrat left was wiped out by the more extreme radical leftists.  [Remember the destruction of the Bart Supak “blue dogs”?]

Fast forward to today, very recently, and what we are seeing is the outcome of the radical-left in complete control over the internal club systems and political party apparatus.  It took some time for this takeover to matriculate.

We are there now…. and into this far-left soup of radical elements the new left-wing media is mixed.  The media are now activists for the radicals.  This is why there is a more brutally obvious bias present today that was not present before.  The bias was always present, but the scale of the ideological nature of the bias was not always as visible.  Today the ideological support is crystal clear.

The issue for the Andrew Cuomo’s and Gavin Newsom’s of the world is inherently a matter of club selection.  Barack Obama, meaning the people behind the Obama system of radical elements, were the decision-makers in the 2020 Democrat primary race.  They will never give up that control now.

Team Obama selected Joe Biden specifically because he was controllable; extremely controllable and almost cognitively disconnected from any functional capabilities.  Team Obama also selected and installed Kamala Harris as the Vice President with the intent to use her as the substantive and moldable ally.

When Biden is removed, willingly or by political power, the radicals are planning to use Kamala to continue their “fundamental change” priorities.  Biden is being thrown upon the spears of those who want to defend against the attack of the radicals.

The extreme policies we are seeing come from the Biden administration are being assigned to him specifically because he is disposable.  The radicals do not care about public opinion of the policies or outcomes because they have Biden in place to absorb all the negative attachments.

Kamala Harris is the key to seeing the hidden hand of the Obama control agents at work.  Harris’s associations are Obama’s associations.  Harris’s crew is Obama’s crew.  Anyone who is not Harris; and who carries a perspective of potential political influence; is now a thorn in the agenda.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was rising in influence, as a result he needed to be eliminated in order to retain the exclusive position of Kamala Harris as heir to the radical agenda.

Watch over the next several weeks, months and years and you will see prominent Democrats left with a decision…. Support Harris (meaning those behind her) and the RevCom agenda, OR be targeted for removal by the new radical system that includes a willing media taking targeting orders from the club.

That is what is going on…


[¹Any person who was 15 to 30 years old in 2007/2008 is lost to this level of manipulation.  They were the people who drank the Obama Kool-Aid and they became permanently infected.  Their sense of self, their matriculation, came into being during the Obama psychological war.  You will note they are currently, approximately, 28 to 40 years old (+/- a few years).   When you encounter a leftist person who appears to have totally lost their mind over the COVID stuff; and or they are going bat-shit crazy about the masks, in such a way they just cannot allow you to exist without their attempt to confront you; you will note the vast majority fit in this age group of 30 to 45.  There is no reasoning with those who defined their world views in the Obama era.  They are a lost generation; and, unfortunately, a few of them were breeders.]