Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Op-Ed: I Know I'm On The Right Side Of History Because Every Corporation In America Agrees With Me

I'm on the right side of history, and my political opponents are on the wrong one. 

How do I know this? 

I know this because every major corporation in America agrees with me. From Oreo and Coca-Cola to Delta Airlines and Disney, they all have come around to my point of view on every major social issue. This means I am correct.

If I'm being honest, I was a little unsure of my positions a year ago. I felt really lonely knowing I was only on the side of the NFL, NBA, and Disney. But when Major League Baseball came out in favor of my politics, I decided it was time to make a brave stand. Not because Google, Facebook, and Twitter all said my ideas are good -- but because it was the right thing to do.

Fiction can help us understand this reality. In every sci-fi movie of the past 50 years, do you know who the good guys are? The corporations. They are on the right side of history in these prophetic films because they eliminate all the competition and then get to write the history themselves. 

I'm going to take a stand against the majority, even when it's unpopular. And I know I'm in good company, because Subway is on my side.

2 terrorist suspects in custody after attempting to illegally enter U.S.


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 6:56 AM PT – Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Two undocumented terrorist suspects wanted by the FBI have been detained. In a statement on Monday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed two illegal immigrants from Yemen who were on the FBI’s terror watchlist and no-fly list are in custody after they were apprehended while illegally crossing the border near California ports of entry.

Agents from the El Centro Station arrested one of the suspects in March. During an interview on Monday, California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa stressed the 26-year-old terrorist suspect is a high value target.

“We have always been just one slip up away from another 9/11,” he stated. “The kind of disaster that happened on 9/11 can be done again with a truck load of fertilizer…can be done again with a stolen aircraft.”

Meanwhile, the second Yemeni man was caught sneaking into the southern border in January while carrying a secret sim card hidden in his shoe. Issa warned if the two aliens had been able to slip back into the general population, they could have been very difficult to find. This presents a grave national security threat.

“They’re simply coming into the neighborhoods to make money,” explained the representative. “Hezbollah for example, targets trying to raise money for unsolicited activities and then fund attacks in Israel and Lebanon.”

The congressman thanked Border Patrol agents for keeping California safe, especially as they are facing increasing strain under the recent surge of migrants.


 Deputy Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz also weighed in by stressing their resources are stretched “awfully thin right now.” He noted that unfortunately, due to the shortage, “way over 100,000” people have managed to get across the border. Ortiz added, he’s concerned for the upcoming summer months as criminal organizations are already taking advantage of the Biden administration’s weak border policies.






Bronze Age slab found in France is oldest 3D map in Europe


A freshly unearthed Bronze-Age stone may be the oldest three-dimensional map in Europe, researchers say.

The 2m by 1.5m slab (5ft by 6.5ft), first uncovered in 1900, was found again in a cellar in a castle in Brittany, France, in 2014.

Archaeologists who studied patterns engraved on the 4,000-year-old stone say they believe the markings are a map of an area in western Brittany.

They say this makes the slab the oldest 3D map of a known area in Europe.



The piece of rock, known as the Saint-Bélec Slab, is believed to date from the early Bronze Age, between 1900 BC and 1650 BC.

It was first unearthed in 1900, during digs on an prehistoric burial ground in Finistère, western Brittany, by local archaeologist Paul du Chatellier.

The slab was apparently forgotten for over a century, stored for decades under a moat at Mr du Chatellier's home, the Château de Kernuz.

But researchers hunting for the slab found it in a cellar in 2014.



After analysing marks and engravings on the stone, the researchers suspected it could be a map.

The "presence of repeated motifs joined by lines" on its surface suggested it depicted an area of Finistère, a study in the Bulletin of the French Prehistoric Society said.

The researchers say the indentations are a 3D representation of the River Odet valley, while several lines appear to depict the area's river network.

Geo-location revealed the territory represented on the slab bears an 80% accuracy to an area around a 18 mile-long stretch of the river.

"This is probably the oldest map of a territory that has been identified," Dr Clément Nicolas from Bournemouth University, one of the study's authors, told the BBC. 




"There are several such maps carved in stone all over the world. Generally, they are just interpretations. But this is the first time a map has depicted an area on a specific scale."

Dr Nicolas said the map may have been used to mark a particular area.

"It was probably a way to affirm the ownership of the territory by a small prince or king at the time," he said.

A Government of Thugs, by Thugs, for Thugs

The Democrats seem to have taken their cues 
from earlier totalitarians in the way they have 
built bridges to the world’s thug population.

In The Origins of Totalitarianism, a massive work first published in 1951, Hannah Arendt, a refugee from Nazism, noted striking similarities between Hitler’s and Stalin’s regimes. In both of those state-of-the-art tyrannies, the governing classes forged a mutually profitable alliance with society’s criminal elements. These totalitarian governments, which were concerned with ferreting out and removing opposition, took full advantage of their unsavory connections. 

They enlisted inveterate criminals to spread terror, lest anyone question their ruthlessness in settling scores. The designation that the father of the late Hitler biographer Joachim Fest ascribed to the Third Reich as a “Verbrecherstaat” (criminal state) was true in two senses. Not only did the Nazis break those laws that characterize civilized societies. They also incorporated criminals into their political operation and often rewarded them. But the party leadership also eliminated some of these hellraisers when they were no longer useful, as Hitler did with the Brown Shirts in 1934.

Readers who suspect I intend to attribute these characteristics to the government that the Democratic Party and its allies are inflicting upon us have guessed correctly.

The Democrats seem to have taken their cues from earlier totalitarians in the way they have built bridges to the nation’s thug population. Not only did Democratic leaders like Kamala Harris spend last summer inciting Black Lives Matter and Antifa mobs and bailing out these practitioners of violence, Democratic appointees in the military, up to and including Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, are teaching soldiers to revere BLM vandals while being put on guard against “domestic terrorists”—i.e., Republican voters. Antiwhite mobs that burn down cities and shoot police have been redefined as “antiracists” and are depicted as the natural allies of soldiers and the Secret Service. 

Similarly, the lawlessness at our southern border has been abetted by the Biden Administration to enlarge the constituency of the Democratic Party. Indeed, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has removed from his advisory board anyone who still clings to the idea of legally required border control. No wonder Kamala Harris laughed when asked whether she would visit the Southern Texas border.

A “crisis” caused by the continuing invasion of illegals does not exist for Harris. Violating entry laws may be exactly what she wants if it results in turning Texas blue. Unlike the Trump voters who are treated as racists and terrorists, the illegals rushing across our Southern border can benefit the present regime.

Nor is it of any concern to the Democratic administration that drug cartels and MS-13 are entering the United States from Mexico. These criminals may also assist the present administration by keeping the Democrats’ opposition from the polls, an activity that the obliging BLM performed last November. Indeed, BLM was given a place at the table of honor when the electronic media giants and other woke capitalists and, not surprisingly, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, planned the necessary steps to ensure the electoral defeat of President Trump.

In our large cities, run by the Democrats, those with illegally held firearms are routinely released without bail, even after they have committed criminal acts. Illegals with multiple criminal offenses are encouraged to stay in the country under the Biden Administration, without any danger of deportation. But law-abiding citizens who are gun-owners have earned the hostility of the Democratic Party, which holds these people, not real criminals, responsible for gun violence. If we could only remove firearms from these troublesome conservative voters while weakening and possibly defunding the police, this seems to be the message, we might be able to deal with domestic crime. 

What is being aimed at here is quite practical. The Democrats plan to punish people they hate, e.g., those who cling to their Bibles and guns, while turning a blind eye to the violence perpetrated by their present or would-be voters. Democratic politicians, who do nothing to bring down crime and—as in the cases of the district attorneys in Philadelphia and Los Angeles—happily release violent criminals, are not displeasing Democratic voters. These enablers of crime are kept securely in their positions, as they make war on the working and commercial classes.

A recent incident in Washington, during which an Uber Eats driver was killed as two teenage girls occupied and crashed his car, shows how Democratic interests encourage the pampering of criminals. The mayor, Muriel Bowser, an exuberant BLM celebrant, tried to shift blame from the teenage murderers onto their hapless victim. 

Bowser tweeted that the driver of the auto that the killers were stealing did not do enough to protect his property from being stolen. She thereby scolded the victim, and by implication, exonerated the murderers. This need hardly surprise us. The killers’ families may be among Bowser’s most loyal constituents, and the homicidal girls may be released in time to vote for her reelection. Who says Democrats, at least in the short run, are hurting themselves by becoming the party of criminals? 

CBS "60 Minutes" Blows Their Last Bit of Credibiity, Desantis Wins (3 posts in 1)

Governor Ron DeSantis Fires Back Against Ridiculous CBS 60 Minutes Attack

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appears on Tucker Carlson television program to debunk the insufferable CBS attack against him, his administration and the most effective COVID strategy in the nation.  In the interview Governor DeSantis outlines the facts that were intentionally ignored by the CBS production crew.

“They [CBS] had an intentional disregard for the truth.”

The likely top four GOP candidates for 2024…

Ron DeSantis = MAGA

Kristi Noem = MAGAlite with a twist of Koch

Nikki Haley = Decepticon. Jeb Bush/Mitt Romney type. GOPe establishment.

Ted Cruz = Decepticon plant with intent to split the base on behalf of Haley.

Democrat Palm Beach County Mayor Calls 60 Minutes Segment on Governor DeSantis “Intentionally False”

After the CBS news program 60 Minutes ran a fraudulent attack against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, accusing him of a pay-to-play scheme for vaccine rollout in Palm Beach County, the DEMOCRAT mayor of the county, Dave Kerner, eviscerates CBS with a statement saying “The reporting was not just based on bad information – it was intentionally false.

Apparently the mayor of the county attempted to provide clarity to the false accusations of CBS; but the network refused to listen to him because they had a political agenda to broadcast and the truth of what Mayor Kerner could provide was against the interests of the network objective.   Mayor Kerner full statement {HERE} and below:

“I watched the 60 Minutes segment on Palm Beach County last night and feel compelled to issue this statement. The reporting was not just based on bad information – it was intentionally false. I know this because I offered to provide my insight into Palm Beach County’s vaccination efforts and 60 Minutes declined. They know that the Governor came to Palm Beach County and met with me and the County Administrator and we asked to expand the state’s partnership with Publix to Palm Beach County. We also discussed our own local plans to expand mass vaccinations centers throughout the county, which the Governor has been incredibly supportive.

We asked and he delivered. They had that information, and they left it out because it kneecaps their narrative.

We have confronted this pandemic for over a year. Our residents, like all Americans, are tired. And the media is making it worse. They are hellbent on dividing us for cheap views and clicks. 60 Minutes should be ashamed.

I thank the Governor for supporting the residents of Palm Beach County. Because of his efforts, working in coordination with Palm Beach County officials, over 275,000 seniors in our county-which is over 75% of the total senior population- have been vaccinated. I am proud of how our county and state leadership have executed on this important mission, and the results speak for themselves.”

Dave Kerner
County Mayor

In order for left-wing ideologues, including corporate media, to continue their attack narrative against the principle values of the United States, they have to pretend not to know things….

Publix Responds to Ron DeSantis Hit Piece 

as Things Just Get Worse for 60 Minutes

Last night, 60 Minutes released one of the most blatantly dishonest hit pieces you’ll see targeted at a politician not named Donald Trump. For background, see RedState’s prior coverage herehere, and here.

The short version of what happened is that CBS decided to take two unrelated facts and present them as an all-encompassing narrative of scandal around Florida’s vaccine roll-out. Specifically, they accused Publix, a massive grocery store chain in the state, of paying off Gov. Ron DeSantis to garner preferential access to vaccine distribution.

Of course, none of that is true, which is why even two Democrats, including the former head of Florida Emergency Management, called out 60 Minutes for their lies. Now, Publix has responded, and it just makes things even worse.

It’s absolutely unconscionable that a private company that was simply helping distribute vaccines now has to put out a statement like this to counter a blatantly false report by a major news organization. CBS News isn’t some far-left, online blog. They are supposed to have basic standards, though, they clearly don’t.

The reality of what happened in Florida is simple. Publix is the largest grocery store and pharmacy chain in the state. But more importantly, they were the only major company ready to start facilitating vaccine distribution at the time. The suggestion that Publix, a beloved company in Florida, was somehow able to buy off DeSantis with a PAC contribution is asinine on its face.

It’s not even clear that Publix made money off its distribution efforts. As they say in their statement, they felt they were simply serving their community, and I would guess it’s actually an inconvenience to their bottom line to have their parking lots full of people waiting in line for a vaccination. Further, how disgusting is it to attack a company like this with unevidenced innuendo when they were simply trying to save lives and help their state?

This 60 Minutes report has fallen apart in record time, and it feels like a big deal at this point. Whether that will elicit any corrections is an open question. I suspect that’s unlikely. What is certain is, though, is that CBS News’ already tattered reputation has taken another massive hit. No one should trust their coverage of anything going forward. The Democrat Mayor of Palm Beach said he tried to give a comment to 60 Minutes to show them their report was false. That offer was refused.

In other words, this was a hit piece from the very beginning. CBS News didn’t want the facts. Rather, they wanted a scalp, and now they’ve swung at the king and missed. DeSantis will come out of this stronger on the other side.

The Left is very afraid of DeSantis

Clarence Thomas Provides Legal Roadmap To Tearing Down Social Media Censorship

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas offered a roadmap to eliminating rampant social media censorship from online monopolies on Monday.

In a ruling for writ of certiorari on the case of President Joe Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, Thomas concurred in an opinion to send the case back to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit with instructions to dismiss as moot, now that Biden is in the White House. The case, launched in August, questions whether the First Amendment strips government officials of their ability to block third-party accounts on Twitter if the personal account is used to conduct official business. The lower court ruled Trump violated the First Amendment when blocking users on the platform, which served as a public forum. 

“I write separately to note that this petition highlights the principal legal difficulty that surrounds digital platforms,” Thomas wrote, “namely, that applying old doctrines to new digital platforms is rarely straightforward.”

Thomas went on to outline a blueprint for breaking up protections that enable corporate tech monopolies to engage in widespread censorship frequently in one direction. The conservative justice’s argument rests primarily on the monopoly power Big Tech conglomerates possess in Silicon Valley, where unilateral control of the public forum means no real public forum at all.

“It seems rather odd to say that something is a government forum when a private company has unrestricted authority to do away with it,” Thomas wrote. “The disparity between Twitter’s control and Mr. Trump’s control is stark, to say the least.”

In January, Twitter kicked then-President Trump from the platform altogether.

“Today’s digital platforms provide avenues for historically unprecedented amounts of speech, including speech by government actors,” Thomas emphasized. “Also unprecedented, however, is the concentrated control of so much speech in the hands of a few private parties. We will soon have no choice but to address how our legal doctrines apply to highly concentrated, privately owned information infrastructure such as digital platforms.”

Aside from Twitter, Thomas highlighted the dominant influence of Google and Amazon. Google, Thomas noted, serves as the “gatekeeper” between users and speech with power over 90 percent of internet searches.

“It can suppress content by deindexing or downlisting a search result or by steering users away from certain content by manually altering autocomplete results,” Thomas wrote. Amazon, meanwhile, as the distributor of a majority of e-books and half of all physical books, “can impose cataclysmic consequences on authors by, among other things, blocking a listing.”

Earlier this year, Amazon deplatformed conservative scholar Ryan T. Anderson and his book “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment,” a book critical of the left’s efforts to mainstream transgenderism to a radical degree.

Now, when users search Anderson’s book title into Amazon, it’s not his book that shows up. Instead, it’s a work titled “Let Harry Become Sally: Responding to the Anti-Transgender Moment.”

Thomas himself has fallen victim to Amazon’s censorship. In February, during Black History Month, the company removed a documentary about the only black justice currently serving on the Supreme Court from its streaming service.

The PBS title, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” appeared ripped from the platform while Amazon still promoted other titles under the category of Black History Month, such as “All In: The Fight For Democracy,” with Stacey Abrams, and two movies on Anita Hill, Thomas’s accuser of sexual misconduct who attempted to derail his confirmation.

“It changes nothing that these platforms are not the sole means for distributing speech or information,” Thomas wrote. “But in assessing whether a company exercises substantial market power, what matters is whether the alternatives are comparable. For many of today’s digital platforms, nothing is.”

Tokyo Olympics: North Korea to skip Games over Covid-19 fears


North Korea has announced it will not take part in the Tokyo Olympics this year, saying the decision is to protect its athletes from Covid-19.

The decision puts an end to South Korea's hopes of using the Games to engage with the North amid stalled cross-border talks.

In 2018, both sides entered a joint team at the Winter Olympics which led to a series of historic summits.

Pyongyang says it has no cases of the virus but experts say this is unlikely.

The country's health system is thought to be completely inadequate for dealing with the Covid pandemic, the BBC's Tokyo Correspondent Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports.

The announcement makes North Korea the first major country to skip the delayed 2020 Games because of the pandemic. The event is due to begin on 23 July.

This will be the first time North Korea has missed a Summer Olympics since 1988, when it boycotted the Seoul Games during the Cold War. 



Hopes dashed

Pyongyang's decision was made at an Olympic committee meeting on 25 March, according to a report by the state-run site Sports in the DPRK.

However, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said it had not "received an official application" from North Korea to step back from the Games.

It added that despite repeated requests, the country's National Olympic Committee had failed to "hold a telephone conference during which the Covid-19 situation in North Korea should also have been discussed".

North Korea has taken stringent measures against the virus since it broke out last year.

It shut its borders in late January and later quarantined hundreds of foreigners in its capital.

Since early last year, trains and wagons have been forbidden to enter or leave North Korea, with most international passenger flights stopped as well.




There were hopes from South Korea's President Moon Jae-in that the Games could be a catalyst for progress between both Koreas.

That had been the case in 2018, when North Korea sent 22 athletes to the Winter Olympics in South Korea, along with government officials, journalists and a 230-member cheering group.

Among the contingent was North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's sister, Kim Yo-jong - a move which helped it initiate diplomacy with South Korea and the US. 




The talks that followed led to a series of historic, high-profile meetings between the North Korean leader and former US President Donald Trump.

There were hopes for improved relations after the meetings, but nothing materialised and the atmosphere has since deteriorated.

North and South Korea are technically still at war because no peace treaty was signed when the Korean War ended in 1953.

Japan and North Korea also have their own enduring tensions, rooted in Japan's 35-year colonisation of Korea, Pyongyang's pursuit of nuclear and missile programmes, and the North's past abduction of Japanese citizens.

Japan's Covid concerns

Meanwhile, in Japan, an Olympic preparatory event was cancelled after Covid infections broke out at a training camp for the Japanese water polo team - with seven people testing positive for the virus.

It follows the announcement that the Osaka leg of the Olympic torch relay will be cancelled after infections in the city hit record highs.

There have been growing concerns in Japan that more infectious strains of the virus could be driving a potential fourth Covid wave in the country. 







Maybe Coke Should Be Cancelled for Its Nazi Past


Article by J.B. Shurk in The American Thinker

Maybe Coke Should Be Cancelled for Its Nazi Past

Woke Coke seems less concerned with selling sugar water these days than selling Americans on the idea that whites are not worthy of respect or equal protection under the law.  A few weeks ago, a whistleblower revealed Coca-Cola’s discriminatory employee training program equating racism with “whiteness.”  In a series of online work assignments, Coke goes so far as to instruct its white employees to, “try to be less white.”  How does one “be less white”?  Coke answers that explicitly: by being less “oppressive,” “arrogant,” “certain,” “defensive,” and “ignorant,” and being more “humble” and “break[ing] with white solidarity.”  For Coke, judging people based on the color of their skin is not only tolerated but also company policy. 

If the company’s “de-whitening” efforts weren’t sufficient proof that Coca-Cola prioritizes a person’s skin color over a person’s talents and individual character, it drove the point home with a letter sent to its outside legal counsel demanding that law firms assign attorneys representing the Coca-Cola Company based, not upon the quality of lawyers’ work, but rather upon lawyers’ racial classification.  Going forward, Coke will penalize and reduce its fees to law firms unable to hit certain racial quotas.

Now Coca-Cola’s CEO is joining other race hucksters to claim that sensible voter ID laws meant to curb fraud in Georgia’s elections should be seen as nothing short of white Americans’ attempt to disenfranchise black voters — a loaded accusation not based in reason or analysis of the law’s merits but rather in raw emotionalism intended to pit one group of Americans against another. 

Surely a company that regurgitates nasty racial stereotypes against whites so effortlessly while seeking to eliminate them from its workforce doesn’t really believe white people can ever scrub all that icky whiteness away for good, no matter how many rounds of re-education they are forced to endure.  As Coca-Cola’s training materials suggest, racism is just part of whites’ DNA.  Perhaps the company could have saved future employees a lot of trouble by simply hanging a sign on its front door reading, “No Uppity Whites Allowed.”

Racial stereotypes, racial classifications and quotas, explicitly racist indoctrination — why is Coca-Cola so obsessed with discriminating against people based on the color of their skin rather than evaluating all of the individual characteristics that make each person a unique member of the human race?  Perhaps racism is in the company’s own DNA, not at all different from the way the beverage company judges white Americans as racists for historical injustices in which they claimed no part.

Did you know that Nazi Germany was one of Coca-Cola’s biggest markets?  Have you ever seen an official Coca-Cola advertisement promoting the company’s partnership with the Nazis during the 1936 Olympics under a jingoistic tagline — “One people, one country, one drink, Coke is it” — that would have made Adolf Hitler proud?  No?

Does Coca-Cola not highlight its financial history with Nazi Germany when crowing about its racial purity tests today?  Or the fact that Germany’s inconvenient declaration of war against the United States made it sufficiently difficult for Coca-Cola to maintain its prominent reputation within the Reich that the company’s German representatives repurposed the operations of hundreds of bottling plants toward the production of a new drink called Fanta to serve thirsty German soldiers throughout the war?  Does the Coca-Cola Company not brag about Fanta’s wartime genesis as a Nazi beverage?  How strange. 

One would think that a company so dedicated to rooting out “white supremacy” that it forces its white employees into racial re-education training seminars would first want to take a hard look at its own rather awkward historical relationship with actual white supremacists intent on building a world-dominating “master race.”  That’s what “racial justice” requires, right — the punishment of one generation of Americans for the sins of generations past?  So why should Coca-Cola’s questionable corporate history be off-limits when it goes out of its way to demonize white Americans for no other reason than the color of their skin?

On the other hand, everything about Coca-Cola’s racial indoctrination program today sounds as if it could be ripped right from the pages of Nazi Germany’s own race laws, with Jews and other “undesirables” being crossed out and “whites” scribbled in their place.  All the racial animosity that nearly destroyed humanity last century is back in “woke” form, and some of the same companies that underestimated the Nazi threat then are underestimating the evil intent of the new racialist agendas that are taking over the corporate world today.  Isn’t that, after all, why Critical Race Theory exists — so that pretend intellectuals can repackage discredited race-based theories from the past into academic language that can be used once again to justify outright racism?  If so, 2021 Coke and 1936 Coke still have much in common.  The only thing really differentiating the symbolism of a Nazi swastika and a Black Lives Matter clenched fist, after all, is which racial group is being targeted and which racial group is doing the targeting. 

There is nothing new under the sun.  Perhaps if Coca-Cola were capable of seeing the similarity between the racial grievances of its old Nazi partners and those of its new “woke” ones, it wouldn’t be so enthusiastic to repeat history all over.  And maybe if Coke remains so intent on “cancelling” white Americans for the problems it sees in America’s history, then Americans should cancel Coke for the problems it overlooked in Nazi Germany’s.


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Keep Up The Delta Airlines Boycott – Delta Cancels Over 100 Flights on Sunday, But Cites “Staff Shortages”

Last week President Donald Trump asked for a full and unrelenting boycott of several corporations who are operating as political activists to advance an agenda on behalf of the far-left.   The corporations spoke against election integrity and are opposed to secure election reforms.

Among those corporations cited for immediate boycott was Delta Airlines.  On Sunday Delta cancelled over 100 flights: ” Websites at three Delta hubs showed 33 canceled flights arriving or departing, the newspaper notes, with 19 canceled flights at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, 11 at Detroit’s Metropolitan Airport and three at the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport.” (link)

Delta is claiming “staff shortages” suddenly appeared in multiple states, simultaneously; that had never happened before, immediately after the boycott began.  This story reeks of Delta cancelling the flights because of the boycott, but they don’t want to admit the reason for the cancellation so they make up an artificial justification.

You decide what is likely.  A coincidental cancellation across multiple states, affecting multiple flights, in multiple locations… or the boycott is working?

Regardless, keep up the pressure !  This can work if the American people commit to the boycott: Major League Baseball, Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, ViaCom CBS, Citigroup, Cisco, UPS and Merck.

President Trump has created a movement and collected the largest factual constituency of voters in the nation. This is the hill we stand upon, there is no other fallback position.

The MAGA coalition is the most diverse, widest and deepest part of the entire American electorate. President Trump’s army consists of every creed, color, race, gender, ethnicity and orientation. It is a truly color-blind coalition of middle America patriots and middle-class voters that cuts through the political special interest groups.

Beyond the politics… this 75 to 100 million MAGA-vote assembly are consumers of products, goods and services generated by the same elites that hold us in contempt.  If President Trump transfers and directs that energy, entities and even entire industries can be wiped out.

There is no precedent here.  Seventy-five to one-hundred million angry Americans resolved to a common objective is not something to be trifled with.

We do not yet know where this current political crisis and ongoing battle is going to end; but we do know that 75,000,000 Americans will not accept the outcome of a political process transparently filled with fraud and manipulation. That makes President Trump a very dangerous entity to the DC system, regardless of whether they admit what surrounds them.

There is no reference point for 75 to 100 million Americans being disenfranchised by Wall Street, bribery, corporations, media and big tech. That 75 million person army is fuel for a stunning and cataclysmic shift in the American landscape.

MAGA, Bitches… Trump because F*CK YOU, is a very powerful force!

This is a long way from over….