Thursday, April 1, 2021

Passivity Is a Choice, and We Made It


Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

Passivity Is a Choice, and We Made It

There’s always an uproar when we see Asian-Americans being beaten to a pulp or murdered on video and the people around them just stare instead of intervene. But why are we surprised? They are just doing exactly what society has told them to do. It’s not necessarily cowardice. They are making an entirely rational choice based on our society’s unequivocal message that we should stand back and watch.

If we, as a society, want to have people leap into the fray, and I would like that, then we need to do the things that make it a rational choice to do so instead of one that might very well bring ruin, imprisonment, injury, or death.

But we do the opposite, then act stunned when people conform to the reality we create. Let’s look at the logistics. The people pummeling others are usually pretty big, and they’re criminals for whom violence is a way of life. Most normal people are not streetfighters, and taking on the criminals is extremely dangerous and can easily get you hurt or killed. Now, a civilized society would want to encourage people to intervene, and that means not interfering with normal citizens’ right to bear arms. Many states do not, but the Ninth Circuit just informed us that the right to “bear” arms doesn’t actually mean you have a right to bear arms. So, in many places, society has deprived you of the ability to intervene with some measure of safety and effectiveness.

But if you do intervene, your trouble just begins. Even if you are in the right does not mean an intervention will go your way. If you are in the wrong jurisdiction, with one of those leftist-bought district attorneys, then you run the risk of being prosecuted even if you did everything right. Take it from a lawyer – innocent people get shafted all the time by the system, especially when the system wants them shafted. Maybe you eventually get acquitted, after a couple years of hell, some time in jail, and financial ruin – congratulations!

Or, if someone videotapes the encounter, maybe your life gets ruined because the thug you shot is of an SJW-favored group. Do you think the facts matter? Do you think the crook’s criminal record, actions before bystanders started filming, or anything else is going to get in the way of the narrative? Come on. 

You cannot rely on objective truth to protect you in a world of subjectivity and lies.

Maybe you just get sued for hurting the poor, misunderstood degenerate – do not for a second think that there is some magic legal defense in most places that is going to keep you from getting dragged into court if you actually hurt the attacker. Oh, and your insurance might not even cover your defense if it’s characterized as an intentional act. You get the privilege of paying to defend a frivolous lawsuit too! 

I bet you’re just chomping at the bit to help your fellow citizen right about now.

So, a couple strangers get into a conflict in front of you and you have no weapon and absolutely no assurance that you will not, at a minimum, be dragged through hell if you get involved. What do you do? 

Well, as we have seen, people conform to what we ask for as a society, and we could not more clearly be asking folks to just stand there and watch. When we choose, as a society, to punish those who intervene, it’s hard to be shocked when people don’t. People can rationally calculate risk and reward – “Okay, that nice Asian grandma is going to have a black eye, and that’s bad, but I’m going to go home in one piece tonight and not be bankrupted or tossed in jail forever, so I can live with it.

And this is not merely the rational choice citizens are making. Cops make it too, as we have seen in the last year. They let criminals run rampant, especially in Democrat cities, because to stop the punks puts themselves at an unreasonable risk – not the reasonable risk they signed up for, but the risk of getting stabbed in the spine by the people they protect and serve. The use of force has risks for regular Joes, but they're exponentially greater for a cop. A routine encounter with a guy selling single cigs – which our reps made illegal for some reason – or one with a guy passing counterfeit bills can escalate into violence and maybe death, and where does the cop end up then? With the brass and politicians backing them, or in the defendant’s chair in a murder trial? When’s the last time you saw a blue city mayor stand by his, her, or xir cops?  All other facts aside, Derek Chauvin was using the tactics and techniques he was trained in and now he's looking at the rest of his life in jail. His trial is a joke, with no change of venue and biased jurors and an establishment that desperately wants him convicted irrespective of justice because they fear riots. Don’t think every cop in America isn’t seeing that, and many will hit the gas to get out of the bad neighborhood and home to mama – leaving the citizens who elected the people who created these incentives to deal with the carnage.

I guess elections do have consequences. 

If you are a cop, why would you go out of your way to risk your future for people who hate you and will not stand behind you? You won’t. And is that a moral failing? This is not mere cowardice like that beta who refused to rush into Parkland and put a slug in that scumbag’s brainpan or die trying. This is about the routine betrayal of America’s janitors in blue. Voters let this happen and they were free to do so. After all, your city has a right to set the parameters of its policing, and their Democrat electorates have made it quite clear that they do not want to accept the risk of ugly incidents where civilians get hurt. That is unequivocal, and that is the priority. Fine. That means that staying in your patrol car and driving on by as chaos reigns is simply following your instructions – implied instructions to be sure, but crystal clear instructions nonetheless.

And if robberies, rape, and murders skyrocket, well, the cities prefer that to videos of petty criminals colliding with the cops, so that’s what they get. Enjoy!

We could do it another way as a society. We could encourage, instead of discourage, heroism. Some parts of America, primarily the ones the Establishment hates, do. And, weirdly, you don’t see chaos there. We could choose to let citizens be armed everywhere to neutralize the criminals’ advantage. We could institute extremely strict laws barring prosecution for interventions at the outset so commie DAs can’t victimize heroes. We could do the same for civil liability. And we could bar employers from jettisoning internet-famous employees who do act to protect others. We could treat these citizens – and cops – as heroes instead of trashing them as racists. 

That is, if we wanted interventions. But apparently, many of us don’t.

This abdication is democracy. It’s simply what some voters asked for. Just stop pretending to be surprised that people are doing what they are told to do – nothing. 

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Belgium police break up fake festival started as April Fools' joke


Police in Belgium have used tear gas and water cannon to break up a crowd of people who had gathered for a fake concert that was announced on social media as an April Fools' Day joke.

About 2,000 people attended the event in Brussels' Bois de la Cambre park, in defiance of the country's Covid-19 measures.

When police arrived, on foot and on horseback, some in the crowd shouted "Freedom!" and threw projectiles.

Police said four people were arrested.

Three police officers were injured in clashes, according to officials. Reuters news agency reported that at least two other people were injured.

The announcement for the concert was posted on Facebook in March, promising a host of famous DJs.



Organisers said the invitation was a hoax, but many people still showed up.

"We are all depressed. I'll be 18 in two weeks, we want to take advantage of our youth," one student who attended the gathering told Reuters. "We came not to annoy the police, but to show that we also have a life and want to enjoy it."



Under coronavirus restrictions in Belgium, outdoor gatherings are limited to four people.

Prosecutors say they have started an investigation to find out who was behind the Facebook post.

Brussels Mayor Philippe Close said he could understand people wanting to go outside in the spring weather, but such gatherings would not be tolerated.

Belgium, with a population of 11.5 million, has recorded more than 882,000 coronavirus cases and 23,000 deaths.

French left tears itself apart over ‘non-white’ meetings


PARIS – French left-wing parties have spiraled into a bitter fight over whether white people should be asked to shut up – or be banned outright – during meetings about minority issues.

The controversy erupted after revelations that a left-wing student union, called UNEF, organizes meetings that are off-limits to white members.

Anne Hidalgo, Paris mayor and Socialist presidential hopeful, stepped in Wednesday after a candidate from the same party, Audrey Pulvar, failed to condemn such meetings.

“The field of politics is not a therapy session, it’s the domain of the universal, where we seek unity, and defend our secularist values,” Hidalgo said on BFMTV.

Pulvar, a Black former news anchor running under the Socialist banner in the upcoming regional elections, said on Sunday that white people should not be banned from discussion groups on minority issues, but that “they can however be asked to keep quiet and be silent spectators.”

Asked whether she would have said the same thing, Hidalgo said “obviously not.”

The clash over non-white discussion groups has reignited a debate in France about the growing influence of U.S.-style identity politics, and how it challenges the country’s existing political traditions.



Pulvar’s comments incensed the far right and the right, with Valérie Pecresse, a rival at right-leaning Les Républicains, accusing Pulvar of promoting “an ‘acceptable’ shade of racism”.

But they also sparked anger among the old guard of the Socialist Party, which is seeking to rebuild itself after a stunning defeat at the 2017 elections.

For many on the left, the universal values of égalité, fraternité, liberté should transcend religious or ethnic alliances, and more integration and assimilation, not less, is needed in the fight for social justice. This faction does not understand the new guard coming up through organizations such as UNEF.

Pulvar’s words are “more than clumsy, they are regrettable, it doesn’t correspond to our common ideas, nobody should be asked to keep quiet,” said Olivier Faure, the leader of the Socialist Party on French television channel LCI.

“Ultimately, [non-white discussion groups] lead to segregation and that is something I cannot agree with,” said Richard Yung, a Socialist senator. “We should be able to talk together, disagree, even oppose each other in the same room.”




Not what I meant

The backlash against Pulvar was such that she felt compelled to justify her statements, while stopping short of apologizing. “Some thought I was telling people to be silent. That is wrong,” she wrote in Le Monde. “Some thought I wanted to exclude them, that is not what I said nor what I meant. I have always been in favor of speaking, of discussions.”

Chloé Morin, a researcher for the Jean Jaurès Foundation and former adviser to a Socialist government, said this was the latest sign of “a real chasm between the generations”.

“And the chasm is becoming greater because what was an ultra-minority movement a couple of years ago, is becoming more and more present within the staff of the far left and the Green Party,” she added.

Pulvar found more supporters among her rivals in the far-left party France Unbowed and with the Greens than among the Socialist Party which officially backs her.

“Audrey Pulvar is not racist,” tweeted Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of France Unbowed. “She understands what a discussion group is. Those attacking her are putting their sexist and prejudiced opinions on display.”

The far left sees the claimed defence of traditional political values as a veiled attack on minorities seeking emancipation.

“Nobody complains when you see board meetings at big companies in France that are all-male, all-white,” said Eric Coquerel, an MP for France Unbowed.




A taste of things to come?

The controversy is the latest example of the left’s internal divisions at a crucial time.

The Greens, the Socialists and France Unbowed stand little chance of making it to the second round in next year’s presidential election if they don’t present a united front, recent polls show.

However, there have been few signs of this happening over recent months.

The Greens and the Socialists have failed to rally behind one candidate for regional elections, currently planned for June, in key regions including the Paris area.

On Monday, green leader Yannick Jadot called on left-wing leaders to unite and discuss a common left-wing project to fight President Emmanuel Macron, “who doesn’t protect us from the far right, nor from climate change.”

The main left-wing parties have agreed to meet while signaling that it might be difficult to find common ground.

“The problem of the left is that it keeps shooting itself in the foot,” said the researcher Morin.


 “Instead of creating controversy over issues that unites it, such as the environment or social justice, and where it is supported by a majority of voters in the country, it keeps tripping over issues that divide it.” 


 Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, right, with Audrey Pulvar 



Pelosi-Backed Push to Steal Iowa House Seat Fails, and the Reason Why Was the GOP

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
Sister Toldjah reporting for RedState

The dispute in Congress over Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District race is now officially over.

Democrat nominee Rita Hart, who took her case to the Democrat-controlled House in December, instead of the courts, after losing the election by 6 votes to her Republican opponent, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, released a statement on Twitter just minutes ago declaring that she was withdrawing her petition to the House Administration Committee because she couldn’t effectively combat the wave of negative PR she and her fellow Democrats brought on themselves over the issue:

“After many conversations with people I trust about the future of this contest, I have made the decision to withdraw my contest before the House Committee on Administration. Since Election Day, and throughout this entire process, my mission has been about ensuring the voices of Iowans who followed the law are not silenced. I am saddened that some Iowans’ votes will not count through no fault of their own,” she said.

“Despite our best efforts to have every vote counted, the reality is that the toxic campaign of political disinformation to attack this constitutional review of the closest congressional contest in 100 years has effectively silenced the voices of Iowans. It is a stain on our democracy that the truth has not prevailed and my hope for the future is a return to decency and civility.”

The reality of the situation can be viewed once one reads between the lines of Hart’s statement. Once you dig beyond her hilarious spin about “disinformation” and “democracy,” what she’s really saying here is that the sustained efforts by Republicans to publicly point out the terrible optics of Democrats essentially trying to steal a House seat just two months after they impeached Trump, in part, over not accepting the results of the presidential election were too much for her to overcome.

She put Democrats in a bind the moment she took her case to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who ended up backing her bid and in the process made some wild statements during interviews that further exposed Democrats for the hypocrites that they are.

As further evidence, this report from NBC News’ Jake Sherman indicates that Democratic leaders had become increasingly divided over the issue with some wanting Hart to drop her case before the war of words and embarrassment got worse:

In a prior post, I pointed out that Republicans were using the best tool they had at their disposal (the microphone and social media) to publicly shame Pelosi, Hart, and all the rest of the bad actors on the left for what they were trying to do to Miller-Meeks.

Hart’s withdrawal today shows that Republicans were right to continue to bang the drum instead of meekly retreating to the corner and letting this play out in Democrat-run committees. When even staunch Democrats like former Clintonista George Stephanopoulos are using Republican arguments to question fellow Democrats on the wisdom of trying to overturn a House election that was already certified with the winner sworn in and seated, you know you’ve lost the argument.

Republicans need to remember the reasons Hart cited for her withdrawal and tattoo them on their foreheads if necessary: Sometimes the easiest way to defeat Democrats is by using their own arguments against them and not letting up on them one bit until they concede.

The French armed forces are planning for high-intensity war

 After a decade of counter-insurgency, plans are changing

IN THE FORESTS and plains of the Champagne-Ardenne region, where once the great powers went into battle, the French armed forces are beginning to prepare for the return of a major conflict. Planned for 2023, Exercise Orion is a full-scale divisional exercise that will last several days, based probably out of camps at Suippes, Mailly and Mourmelon. It will involve the full range of French military capacity on a scale not tested for decades. The drill will include command-post exercises, hybrid scenarios, simulation and live-fire drills. Around 10,000 soldiers could take part, as well as the air force and, in a separate maritime sequence, the navy. Belgian, British and American forces may join in.

There are other signs that the French armed forces are in the midst of a generational transformation. In January the general staff quietly established ten working groups to examine the country’s readiness for high-intensity war. French generals reckon that they have a decade or so to prepare for it. The groups cover everything from munition shortages to the resilience of society, including whether citizens are “ready to accept the level of casualties we have never seen since world war two”, says one participant. The spectre of high-end war is now so widespread in French military thinking that the scenario has its own acronym: HEM,  (hypothesis of major engagement). 




Following Massive Success Of The War On Drugs, Democrats Propose Same Approach For Guns

U.S.—After carefully reviewing the massive success of the War on Drugs, Democrats have suggested applying this same strategy to eradicating guns.  

“We believe the time to act is now. So today we are launching the War On Guns,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “History has shown over and over again that when you make something illegal that people stop trying to acquire it.”

She explained that studies have shown that the War On Drugs has cost the US over $1 trillion. “Even if that’s just a down payment, it’s worth it if we can eliminate guns forever,” commented President Biden. “I mean, c’mon! I just signed a $1.9 trillion bill like it was nothing!”

The War on Guns is expected to begin immediately with the President’s authorization. It will be a full-blown gun prohibition that will be enforced by the US military. Democrats have suggested simply raiding the homes of anyone who doesn’t turn in all of their guns. They are confident that this will in no way be a disaster and that the War on Guns will run smoothly without any blowback. 

At this time, Nancy Pelosi has refused to comment on whether or not the War on Guns will be fought with guns. 

Radical New Rules for Post-America

Americans privately fear these rules, while
 publicly appearing to accept them.

There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.  

1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much. 

Prior presidents ran up huge annual deficits. But at least there were some concessions that the money was real and had to be paid back. 

Not now. As we near $30 trillion in national debt and 110 percent of annual GDP, our elites either believe permanent zero interest rates make the cascading obligation irrelevant, or the larger the debt, the more likely we will be forced to address needed income redistribution. 

2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions, and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law. 

Crime rates do not necessarily matter. If someone is carjacked, assaulted, or shot, it can be understood to be as much his fault as the perpetrator’s. Either the victim was too lax, uncaring, and insensitive, or he provoked his attacker. How useful the crime is to the larger agendas of the Left determines whether a victim is really a victim, and the victimizer really a victimizer. 

3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our particular ethnic or religious tribe, only secondarily—if at all—by an American commonality. Unapologetic and explicit exclusion of whites from dorms, graduations, safe spaces, welfare, and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of “good” racism. Falsely being called a racist makes one more guilty than falsely calling someone else a racist. 

4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen. The newcomer, unlike the host, is not stained by the sins of America’s founding and history. Most citizens currently must follow quarantine rules, social distancing, stay out of school, and obey all the laws. 

Yet those entering the United States en masse and illegally need not follow such apparently superfluous COVID-19 rules. Their children should be immediately schooled without worry of quarantine. Immigrants need not worry about their illegal entry or residence in America. Our elites believe illegal entrants more resemble the “founders” than do legal citizens, about half of whom they consider irredeemable.

5) Most Americans should be treated as we would treat little children. They cannot be asked to provide an ID to vote. “Noble lies” by our elites about COVID-19 rules are necessary to protect “Neanderthals” from themselves. 

Americans deserve relief from the stress of grades, standardized testing, and normative rules of school behavior. They still are clueless about why it is good for them to pay far more for their gasoline, heating, and air conditioning. 

6) Hypocrisy is passé. Virtue-signaling is alive. Climate change activists fly on private jets. Social justice warriors live in gated communities. Multibillionaire elitists pose as victims of sexism, racism, and homophobia. The elite need these exemptions to help the helpless. It is what you say to lesser others about how to live, not how you yourself live, that matters. 

7) Ignoring or perpetuating homelessness is preferable to ending it. It is more humane for both the homeless and the public that thousands live, eat, defecate, and use drugs on public streets and sidewalks than it is to green-light affordable housing, mandate hospitalization for the mentally ill, and create sufficient public shelter areas. 

8) McCarthyism is good. Destroying lives and careers for incorrect thoughts saves more lives and careers. Cancel culture and the Twitter Reign of Terror provide needed deterrence. 

Now that Americans know they are one wrong word, act, or look away from losing their jobs or livelihoods, they are more careful and will behave in a more enlightened fashion. The social media guillotine is the humane, scientific tool of the woke. 

9) Ignorance is preferable to knowledge. Neither statue-toppling, name-changing, nor the “1619 Project” require any evidence or historical knowledge. Heroes of the past were simple constructs. Undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees reflect credentials, not knowledge. The brand, not what created it, is all that matters. 

10) Wokeness is the new religion, growing faster and larger than Christianity itself. Its priesthood outnumbers the clergy, and exercises far more power. Silicon Valley is the new Vatican, and Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter the new Gospels.

Americans privately fear these rules, while publicly appearing to accept them.

They still could be transitory and invite a reaction. Or they are already near-permanent and institutionalized.

The answer determines whether a constitutional republic continues as once envisioned, or warps into something never imagined by those who created it.

#BlueAnon tackles Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

The BlueAnon conspiracy theories to explain
 Black-on-Asian hate crimes are weapons-grade insane.

BlueAnon tackles Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

BlueAnon is real. And compared to it, QAnon is penny ante.

But that’s mostly because, unlike the Q people, the BlueAnon kooky conspiracies aren’t disseminated by random nobodies on 4-Chan. Instead, they’re found on the pages of the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, and verified Twitter accounts.

In an effort to continue to smear Donald Trump, the media is shining a gigantic Klieg light on hate crime attacks on Asian Americans.  See, it’s Trump’s fault that Asians are getting attacked on the street or in the subway. Trump caused this by calling the Wuhan virus the Wuhan or China virus.

Even Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psircle is a BlueAnon believer. After the scraggly-bearded sex addict shot up massage parlors in Atlanta, Psircle said:

“I think there’s no question that some of the damaging rhetoric we saw during the prior administration blaming … you know, calling Covid the ‘Wuhan virus’ or other things led to … you know … perceptions of the Asian-American community that are inaccurate, unfair, have raised … you know … threatening … has elevated threats against Asian Americans. And we’re seeing that around the country.”

“No question.” You know.

In QAnon, you must “trust the plan.”

In BlueAnon, you must not … you know … question the plan.

Of course, attacks against Asians have been quite commonplace in certain parts of the country – namely in large urban areas. And they’ve been happening for … you know … decades. The most infamous example was during the LA Riots in 1992 where black rioters targeted Asian-owned businesses for looting and destruction.

Those attacks gave rise to the legendary “Rooftop Koreans” who stood guard over their businesses armed with rifles and shotguns.

But for the BlueAnon “Trump is to blame” narrative, pointing out how long-standing this racial tension has been between inner city blacks and Asians is not allowed because all of human history began on January 20, 2017.

Nor are you allowed to point out that the majority of the current spate of targeted assaults are being perpetrated by black men in cities Biden won by an astronomical margin.

The most recent attack happened just the other day and was caught on security video. It is a grisly and infuriating thing to watch — not just because of the attack itself, but also because of the horrifying indifference from those who witnessed it.

Thankfully, the monster who brutally attacked this woman has been apprehended. And, no. He wasn’t a white supremacist fueled by Trump’s use of the term “China Virus.” He is a black man with a violent criminal record.

Reality keeps intruding on the “roving bands of White Supremacists are attacking Asians” narrative. 

So how does BlueAnon handle this intrusion from reality?

If you guessed “They still blame White Supremacy,” you get a cookie.

Here’s Eugene Gu – the former Trump Troll and now BlueAnon devotee:

Blue Anon - Eugene Gu

Now, as kooky as Eugene’s hot take might be, it is still nowhere near as insane as famous blue-check grievance peddler Tariq Nasheed’s:

Tariq Nasheed - BlueAnon

Okay. Let me see if I can noodle this out.

Tariq is implying that some shadowy White Supremacist is working behind the scenes to coordinate and organize these attacks?

How does that work exactly?

I mean, does Tariq imagine somewhere in a hidden lair deep within a mountain, a white supremacist mastermind with Olympic-level powers of persuasion is recruiting and deploying inner city black men to carry out a series of attacks on Asians — all to deflect blame away from white people?

Those must be some industrial strength crazy flakes Tariq is eating. Because that isn’t just hilariously insane, it’s rises to the level of “you best call the men in white coats, Ma” insane.

But I have no doubt cable news idiots like the hapless Joy Reid or the gullible Chris Cuomo would gobble up Tariq’s conspiracy theory with a spoon.

BlueAnon’s central premise appears to be based on this: “We have a narrative, and facts that can’t be ignored completely must be twisted into insane knots to keep our narrative alive.”

Meanwhile, will anything be done in high crime urban areas where these kinds of attacks are a near-daily occurrence?

Probably not.

Most of these cities are either defunding police or slashing police budgets. Many of them have decided to no longer enforce “minor” crimes. And several of them have radical Leftist District Attorneys who are more focused on playing defense lawyer for the perpetrators than getting justice for victims.

But don’t worry. That won’t stop BlueAnon kooks from finding a way to blame it on white supremacy.

Corrupt Monopolies Are A Constitutional Loophole For Fascism

While Twitter trolls ridicule Republicans for coining 'corporate communism,' state actors are letting companies decide the limits of your freedom through vaccine passports.

“Corporate communism” began trending on Twitter Tuesday afternoon due to a video of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene coining the term.

The freshman Republican was talking about the Biden administration’s ambitions to buddy up with so-called private companies in creating a way to identify who has been vaccinated against the Wuhan virus. These “vaccine passports” would allow some combination of companies and the government to prohibit unvaccinated people from traveling, going to events or gatherings, or otherwise participating in a free and normal society. 

Perhaps more troubling than the ruling class telling Americans they must receive a vaccine in order to participate in normal life is the prospect of the government colluding with monopolistic corporations to accrue private health data from American citizens and restrict their lives accordingly.

Vaccine passports “would mandate your ability to be able to travel, your ability to be able to go to events, your ability to be able to buy and sell,” Greene said in the video, likening the “disturbing” endeavor to “Biden’s mark of the beast.” All of this is being done, she said, under the guise of trying to keep everyone safe.

“Well, let’s analyze that,” the congresswoman continued. “It’s still the same thing. It’s still fascism or communism — whatever you want to call it — but it’s coming from private companies. So I have a term for that. I call it ‘corporate communism.’” 

Detractors immediately attacked the idea, calling Greene’s phrase an oxymoron:

Words have meaning, of course, and communism historically means government fully controls the means of production, while among corporations there is a broad range of government influence that typically does not include full government ownership. But criticizing Greene’s wording or bickering over semantics is a huge distraction from the root of the issue.

While perhaps technically inaccurate, Greene is absolutely right on principle and implications: Corrupt monopolies, with vaccine passports as with other regulations and invasions of privacy, are a gaping constitutional loophole for fascism.

Vaccine Passports Rely on Private-Public Fusionism

First, consider the fact that the government is working with corporations to create these vaccine passports. As first reported by the Washington Post, the Biden administration is working with private companies to create the passports, which “are expected to be free and available through applications for smartphones, which could display a scannable code similar to an airline boarding pass.”

This implies two things: first, that the government is using private companies to accomplish its goals, meaning the resulting vaccine passport won’t be a private good unadulterated by government input. This move by the Biden administration will result in a sort of public-private fusionism that enables it to issue a centralized and authoritarian program while sidestepping constitutional landmines. 

The hands of federal and even state governments are tied in ways that those of monopolies parading as innocuous private companies are not. Therefore, this could comprise government outsourcing to technically private industry that which it is constitutionally and legally barred from doing.

Second, the fact that these passports will be coordinated through smartphone apps implies the government and corporations will use existing tech infrastructure to create them. We’ve already seen this with creepy smartphone contact tracing, through which Apple and Google worked together to use Bluetooth on your smartphone to collect and transmit information about when one person crosses paths with another who tests positive for COVID-19.

Worse still is the troubling word “free.” Nothing is free with technology. Users of tech services always pay at least with their data, a reality that becomes particularly concerning when the currency is private health information and when the option is to comply or else be banned from returning to normal life.

In that way, vaccine passport apps won’t be like TikTok. Deciding your data and privacy are more important than possessing the app won’t just mean you forgo watching dance videos. It could mean you can’t travel, can’t go to certain stores or venues, and thus can’t be truly free.

This Effort Is Backdoor Fascism

We’ve seen this trend before, whereby so-called private companies control the means of production and thus operate as authoritarian gatekeepers of information and goods and services. It’s about as close to “corporate communism” as you can get.

Big Tech, the unaccountable monopolies that we’ve entangled in nearly every aspect of our lives and the veritable gatekeepers of our information, are the nastiest culprits. Throughout the 2020 election cycle and immediately following, these companies, including Facebook, Apple, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, and Amazon, went on a censorship spree.

That included suppressing information that didn’t service their preferred political candidate, de-platforming conservative voices that cut against their prevailing narrative, digitally burning books they found offensivenuking videos and channels that offered a dissenting perspective, robbed alternative platforms of the digital infrastructure of the internet, and even silencing the sitting president of the United States.

Much like their response to Greene’s “corporate communism” rant, the left piled onto conservatives over their fears of Big Tech throughout that purge. Private companies have a right to kick users offline, they said. It isn’t “censorship,” if it isn’t the state doing the silencing. “At least it’s not the government,” short-sighted libertarians, weak-kneed conservatives, and complicit Democrats responded.

Meanwhile, corrupt monopolies violated users’ privacy, muzzled their voices, and interfered in an election, only to walk away with their man in the White House and absolutely zero consequences for their corporate despotism. Now that same monopolistic power threatens to further gut the remaining blessings of American life by creating a passport system that will determine the limits of your personal liberty.

“I cannot say this forcefully enough: This is literally the end of human liberty in the West if this plan unfolds as planned. ‘Vaccine passport’ sounds like a fine thing if you don’t understand what these platforms can do,” said Naomi Wolf, author of “The End Of America,” on Fox News this week Monday. “I’m the CEO of a tech company. I understand what this platform does. It is not about the vaccine or the virus; it is about your data. What people need to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all.”

Stop pretending authoritarian rule by mammoth actors, government or not, is not a threat to liberty. While Twitter trolls ridicule Republicans over “corporate communism,” state actors are giving private companies the reigns to decide the limits of your freedom.