Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Justice Department Is Struggling With January 6 Protest Cases -- an Overview

(AP Photo/J. David Ake, File)
Shipwreckedcrew reporting for RedState

The AP has a story out today detailing some of the struggles that the Justice Department is encountering in its efforts to prosecute hundreds of people who were in attendance at the protests in Washington, D.C., on January 6.

I’ve been watching this process from what I’d describe as a “macro” level for several weeks, trying to avoid getting sucked into focusing too much on one particular case or another.  But yesterday, I did write this story about what I believe is the first substantive appeals court decision of significance on the government’s efforts, a case that concerned the nature of the presentation of evidence made by the government — as well as the conclusions drawn by the district court judge from that evidence — in connection with a decision to hold Eric Munchel and Lisa Eisenhart in custody pending trial.  The District of Columbia Court of Appeals reversed the detention order entered against Munchel and Eisenhart and sent the case back to the district court for a new hearing — which language strongly suggesting that appropriate terms and conditions of pretrial release pending trial should be determined by the District Judge.

The factual analysis of the Court of Appeals — that Munchel and Eisenhart didn’t actually do anything other than entering the Capitol through an open door where Capitol Police were standing and allowing the crowd to enter — reflects some of the problems which the AP story highlights, i.e., the evidence the government is bringing before the courts doesn’t measure up to the rhetoric used by prosecutors and federal agents in their early comments, both in the courtroom as well as sworn affidavits.

From the AP story:

Authorities are still combing through a sea of evidence in what they say is likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Justice Department. More than 300 people are facing federal charges and more are expected. The most serious charges have been brought against 10 people described as members and associates of the Oath Keepers and several members of another far-right extremist group, the Proud Boys.

But as the sprawling investigation has unfolded, prosecutors have sometimes struggled to maintain a consistent narrative and had to walk back statements made in court hearings or in papers. It has created an opening for defense attorneys to try to sow doubt in the case.

This is where I have attempted to keep a “macro” focus. I was struck in the first few weeks, when arrests were taking place, by the repeated use by the government agents in sworn affidavits of the same 8-10 paragraphs of exposition on the events of January 6. The paragraphs — “scene setters” for lack of a better description — gave the reader the impression that the Country was imperiled in those hours on the afternoon of January 6, and it was only by the Grace of God that democracy wasn’t subverted and the government toppled.

These 8-10 paragraphs have become the fixed narrative of the DOJ that it has put out to the media through press releases, and has been the foundation of “proffers” made by prosecutors as part of efforts to hold as many defendants in custody pending trial as possible. Proffers are a process by which the prosecutors make representations to the Court about what evidence it possesses and what conclusions can be drawn from the evidence on the issue of whether the release of a defendant pending trial creates a threat to the safety of an individual or the community as a whole. The government doesn’t normally need to present witness testimony as part of a detention hearing because as officers of the court, and as official representatives of the Executive Branch, the prosecutors have legal and ethical obligations to not mislead the court about the nature of the evidence.  The prosecution often submits documents and/or other physical evidence such as audio or video to back-up the proffer of what its evidence would show.

What is beginning to happen now, as some of the January 6 protest cases are moving further into the judicial process, is that when the evidence the government’s claims about what the evidence shows is subject to greater scrutiny, the evidence fails to live up to the hype of the narrative that the government sought to establish starting back on January 7 and thereafter.

Authorities wrote in court papers that the group not only conspired to “forcibly storm the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 — they planned their attack in advance.” The evidence is “irrefutable,” prosecutors wrote in another document….

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta agreed in February to keep Thomas Caldwell, who authorities have portrayed as a leader of the conspiracy, locked up while he awaits trial, saying the evidence showed he “engaged in planning and communications with others … to plan a potential military-like incursion on the Capitol on January the 6th.”

But after Caldwell’s lawyer challenged that assessment, the judge reversed his decision and released Caldwell to home confinement. Mehta said there’s no evidence he entered the Capitol on Jan. 6 or had been plotting to do so.

“Last time we were here 30 days ago, I was convinced that it was a plan to execute an incursion on the Capitol building,” the judge told Caldwell’s attorney. “You’ve raised some evidence that, I think, rebuts that notion.”

The judge has since released other defendants, noting there’s no evidence they assaulted anyone at the Capitol or, in some cases, don’t appear to be as involved in the planning before Jan. 6.

I’ll go through more specific examples of these kinds of case developments in future stories, as well as cover this topic in a podcast that is being organized with soon-to-be co-host Leslie MacAdoo Gordon, a new RedState contributor.

But one issue that is percolating at this moment in several pending cases — but has not yet broken out into the public arena quite yet — is a determined and widespread tactical effort by the Department of Justice to keep the actual evidence it has in all these cases out of public view.

The government is currently attempting to strong-arm defense attorneys into agreeing to “protective orders” in connection with “discovery” in these cases. The government is attempting to coerce an agreement out of defendants that they will not include any discovery materials or reference the specifics of discovery materials in any public filings in the cases — everything would be filed under seal, and only released to the public upon an order by the court.

“Discovery” is the process by which the government is obligated to turn over to the defense the evidence it intends to use to prove the defendant guilty of the charged crimes. What the government is required to produce is set forth in Rule 16 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. The timing of the obligation to provide discovery is linked to a defendant’s appearance at an “arraignment and plea” hearing where the charges in an indictment are made public. Many times, I handed a package of discovery material to defense counsel during such a hearing.

But the discovery obligation is a “continuing” one, and the government often produces discovery on an ongoing basis as it becomes available.

Although this production obligation is mandatory, it can be made subject to certain “protections” to prevent the material from being put in the public arena — when there exists good cause for such protections. The most obvious example is when the discovery contains classified information. In such cases, the defense agrees that it will handle the classified information in the same manner that classified information is handled by government officials who have access to such information.

In the January 6 protest cases, the government is demanding that defense counsel agree that all materials produced in discovery related to its overall investigation be subject to a protective order, because the investigation remains ongoing and further arrests are contemplated.

The problems created by this effort are manifest, but I’m only going to mention two briefly. I’ll come back to this in the weeks ahead, as the subject shifts into the courtroom with public filings.

First, any such protective order like the one being sought would prevent defense counsel in different cases from collaborating. They would not be able to communicate with each other about the strengths or weaknesses of the government’s cases against different sets of defendants. They would not be able to discuss inconsistencies in the government’s theories as applied in different cases, nor would they be able to exchange exculpatory information, unless they developed that information themselves, separate and apart from the material provided by the government under the protective order.

Second, the inability to make public filings challenging the nature of the evidence in the government’s cases prevents the public from scrutinizing what the government is doing in its name to some individuals who have done little more than express political opposition to the party in power. Criminal cases in the U.S. Justice System are required to be open to the public, so the conduct of the government in the name of the people can be scrutinized by those same people.

The government has not been reluctant to establish a narrative in the public discourse about its view of the events of January 6 by setting forth in a narrative fashion, in dozens of public filings, its version and description of events on that day.

The protective orders being demanded would prevent any evidence supporting a countervailing narrative from taking hold in public opinion, when the actual evidence is made subject to scrutiny.

It will be a dark day for justice, if the government succeeds in this effort.

As every kid knows, you can’t force friendship

Article by Frank Liberator in The American Thinker

As every kid knows, you can’t force friendship

Friendship and affection have to be given freely. You can’t force someone to like you, just as you can’t be forced to like another person or even a group of people. Any attempt at this type of coercion will likely produce the opposite result.

Progressives want to use the power of government to codify favoritism and then manufacture kinship. That’s hardly a recipe for success. Nevertheless, they seem determined to force the issue until the country is so polarized that we can no longer see any common ground.

The left has heralded sensitivity training and instruction in critical race theory as the solution to America’s race and gender issues. Instead, they are no more than a thinly disguised form of coercion. Any appearance of success is more than likely just a veil that individuals wear to protect themselves from further abuse or even job loss.

How long before the state prosecutes people not only for what they believe you’re thinking, as in hate crimes but also for what they believe you’re not thinking, as in “you’re not really learning what we taught you in re-education camp”? A nation of automatons hardly seems like a productive use of resources. A great deal of time and money would be required to purge any unacceptable thoughts from an entire population and this “education” will have to be repeated with each new generation. The public schools are working on it already but if their success rate is equal to their rate in teaching academic subjects, it’ll be a rocky process.

The best path to a relatively colorblind society seems to be through virtue and success. People will respect each other if they share common goals and values. America’s objective has long been for all people to have the same opportunity to go as far as their skills and gumption will take them and for our laws to be applied equally across the board. It’s a work in progress but we were making great strides until the “modern era.”

People will gravitate to like-minded individuals regardless of race as long as they’re all a part of a wholesome and prosperous country that’s not obsessed with skin color. There will always be exceptions but that is what it means to be human. We’re not all of one mind and one point of view.

The left perpetually sermonizes about diversity while trying, all the while, to shut down freedom of speech. In a truly colorblind society, the greatest diversity would be diversity of thought and expression. This is seen as unacceptable in today’s liberal world. Anyone who thinks outside the box is dangerous and must be shut down.

Ours is not a perfect society but no society is. History shows, though, that the attempt to create a utopian world always ends up with tyranny and oppression. The Founders’ wisdom planned a limited government that would defend the country, provide an even playing field for people to prosper, and make sure that it doesn’t do much of anything else. The people are responsible for their own happiness. That is the American way. It hasn’t always lived up to the ideal, and we’ve strayed quite a bit from the original plan, but we continue striving to get there and, by comparison to other nations, it has worked remarkably well.

Leftists know that their fixation on race and ethnicity is destructive, but they have calculated that power arises by dividing and conquering. By trying to force our kinship through government action, they’re instead driving a wedge between us. They seem to want us perpetually at each other’s throats so they can look down from their lofty perches, squawk about how despicable we all are, and then corral all the votes that the division has wrought. The corrupt and sickly media dutifully echoes all their talking points, and the beat goes on.

President Trump has been called a racist nonstop since 2015. I’m confident that there is not a racist bone in his body but that had nothing to do with it. Progressives had to endlessly repeat that narrative to keep a grip on the African American vote which they knew was in peril right up until the pandemic hit. Trump’s roaring economy lifted all boats and, had COVID not provided the left with the opportunity to devastate American employment, I’m sure he then would have carried enough of the black vote to lift him past all the fraud.

Trump’s first three years do, however, provide us with an example of what a healthy, robust economy can do for unity. Even in the midst of the most vicious lies ever perpetrated by an American political party and their twisted news media enablers, we were doing pretty darn well.

When we’re all doing well there is just no reason not to get along. With success comes kinship. Harmony is linked to freedom and prosperity. Coercion breeds misery and strife.


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Former CDC Director's Narrative-Busting Comments to CNN on Coronavirus Origins, Timing

Almost immediately after Joe Biden was inaugurated in January 2021, CNN’s medical expert, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, interviewed “six of the doctors responsible for the previous administration’s Covid-19 response” in an attempt to conduct an “autopsy” of the pandemic. Over a period of weeks and in different locations, Gupta spoke with Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Brett Giroir, Dr. Stephen Hahn, Dr. Robert Kadlec, and Dr. Robert Redfield. The full interview airs Sunday evening, March 28, but clips were aired starting Friday morning.

The clip generating the most discussion is the one featuring the narrative-busting comments of former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield. As you read the equivocations in CNN’s write-up of the interview and listen to the on-air remarks of their commentators, be prepared. This is a crazymaking, gaslighting, rewriting of history.

From Gupta’s overview posted at

While every doctor harbored deep suspicions about the information initially coming from China, Redfield was the most vocal about it. He believes the current pandemic began in Wuhan as a localized outbreak in September or October of 2019 — much earlier than the official timeline — and then spread to every province in China over the next couple of months. The United States wasn’t formally notified of the “mysterious cluster of pneumonia patients” until December 31, 2019.

Of course, this will be spun (and has been spun in the past) as “Donald Trump knew and did nothing,” which is a lie, since we all remember Pelosi and others’ upsetness when Trump halted travel from China and then from Europe, and their very early claims that calling the virus the China flu or the Wuhan flu was racist.

Redfield claims that even his counterpart at the China CDC wasn’t fully aware of the magnitude of the problem until January 2020:

And while the rest of the world was told the only initial Covid-19 cases in China had originated from a wet market in Wuhan, Redfield is confident the evidence suggests that was simply not the case. According to Redfield, even his counterpart at the China CDC, Dr. George Gao, was initially left in the dark about the magnitude of the problem until early January. He described a private phone call he had with Gao in early January 2020, when Gao became distraught and started crying after finding “a lot of cases” among individuals who had not been to the wet market. Gao, Redfield says, “came to the conclusion that the cat was out of the bag.”

The initial mortality rates in China were somewhere between “5-10%,” Redfield told me. “I’d probably be cryin’ too,” he added.

Redfield addresses the “bat soup” origin claim. Looking back on it now, the story is so absurd that it’s almost embarrassing that so many people believed it.

So far, the official word has been that this pandemic started when the novel coronavirus was introduced through an intermediary species or jumped directly from a bat to a human….

Reminding me that his career has been spent as a virologist, he told me, “I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human. And at that moment in time, the virus came to the human, became one of the most infectious viruses that we know in humanity for human to human transmission … Normally, when a pathogen goes from a zoo, not to a human, it takes a while for it to figure out how to become more and more efficient in human to human transmission. I just don’t think that this makes biological sense.”

And, of course, Wuhan is the home of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and is known to do work on coronaviruses.

It’s my opinion – and I am allowed to have opinions now. I am of the point of view that I still think the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory, you know, escaped. Other people don’t believe that. That’s fine. Science will eventually figure it out. It’s not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are being worked on in a laboratory to affect the laboratory worker.

Redfield doesn’t assign any intentionality to the release of the virus from the lab, but again says that the level of sophistication of the virus as it came to the world wasn’t like a virus that originates in nature.

“Most of us in a lab, when trying to grow a virus, we try to help make it grow better, and better, and better, and better, and better, and better so we can do experiments and figure out about it. That’s the way I put it together.”

CNN is already downplaying Redfield’s comments, saying that the WHO didn’t back up those claims, and playing a clip of Fauci’s response to Redfield’s comments. Even though it’s CNN, Sunday night’s special looks like a must-watch.

Can the GOP stop Democrats from trashing the country?

Article by John M. Contino in The American Thinker

Can the GOP stop Democrats from trashing the country?

It's a jungle out there, disorder and confusion everywhere.
No one seems to care, but I do. Hey! Who's in charge here?

Randy Newman

It's common knowledge that Al Gore invented the internet.  And that Barack Obama invented the Office of President-Elect.  Now Joe Biden, by announcing his intention to run for re-election in 2024 after only a couple of destructive months in office, has de facto created the Office of Acting President Emeritus.  Another first for Democrats.

Kamala Harris calls foreign leaders on Biden's behalf.  The White House has instructed the media that going forward, they are to refer to the Biden-Harris administration.  Jill Biden does more than finish Joe's sentences for him: Biden reportedly consults with and relies on his wife to a larger degree than any president since Woodrow Wilson, whose wife Edith effectively took over after Woodrow suffered a debilitating stroke in 1919.

There were reports in February that several Democrats wished to deprive Biden of sole authority over the nuclear codes.  Do we now have a Committee for Commander in Chief?

Behind the scenes, Susan Rice, with the Pelosi/Schumer tag team out front, wields executive power that should rightly reside with the president.  It's a bit like the 1969 film Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice, but with the cast of characters swapping presidential duties instead of spouses.

After having brazenly installed a feeble, geriatric president through a dubious (at best) election process, and almost three months after that mostly peaceful demonstration on January 6, the Democrats still surround the Capitol grounds with thousands of troops and razor wire fencing.  Are those props — befitting the palace grounds of a tinpot dictatorship — evidence of the Democrats' insecurity, of their need to reinforce the notion that they are in charge?  Just as Biden does what he's told, so are we to shut up and do as we're told.

The filibuster is racist, didn't you know.  Antifa is a myth; there's no crisis on the border.  On and on it goes.  Most everything the Democrats and their media hack enablers say is an affectation and a canard.  Most everything the Dems do is a premeditated attack on their avowed enemies — namely, anyonewho didn't vote for them.  Will the people get a fair shot at turning the tide in 2022?  Not likely, especially if or when the Dems ram H.R. 1 down our throats.

Against this pathetic backdrop, with the exception of a few congressmen and senators, it's shocking how feckless and moribund the Republicans are.  They failed to capitalize on their majorities when they held them.  They must now stop playing paddy-cake and begin pushing back hard, especially at the state level, by asserting their 10th Amendment rights through declarations of "sanctuary" status, and by nullifying unconstitutional power grabs such as federalizing and corrupting the election process.  The First, Second, Fourth, and Tenth Amendments are under relentless assault.  There's not enough time to let this all play out in the courts, nor can the Roberts Supreme Court be trusted to uphold the Constitution.  If the Republicans go on offense, and start obstructing and defying the Democrats any way they can, they'll garner more public support than they can imagine.

The American people never signed up for a cultural revolution.  It's Do or Die for the Republican Party.


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Nike Factory Graciously Offers To House Unaccompanied Migrant Children

BEAVERTON, OR—Sneaker manufacturer Nike has graciously reached out to the Biden administration with an offer to house thousands of unaccompanied migrant children at their factories around the globe. 

“Nike is committed to being a good corporate citizen. We are proud to assist the Biden administration by caring for these unaccompanied migrant children,” a spokesman for the company said Friday. “We have plenty of factories all around the globe with lots of room for kids. We’re here to help!”

The spokesman said that the migrant children will be fed, clothed, and educated by Nike employees until permanent homes can be found for them. In addition to a regular school curriculum, Nike said they will focus heavily on recreational activities.

“The core of our plan is our arts and crafts program,” the spokesman said. “These lucky kids will get to spend up to 18 hours each day on fun activities such as leather-working, sewing, and embroidery. What could possibly be more fun than that?”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the move makes sense on many levels. “When it comes to looking after thousands of orphaned children from impoverished countries, nobody has more experience than Nike,” she noted. 

Is Joe Biden using illegal aliens to destroy American as founded?

Article by Patricia McCarthy in The American Thinker

Is Joe Biden using illegal aliens to destroy American as founded?

Joe Biden has pledged $86M to put up migrants in hotels.  The captive National Guard was deployed to D.C. on the phony pretense that members of Congress were in danger of attacks by right-wing extremists, even though there was never a credible threat.  Those soldiers in service of their country were made to sleep on the ground of a parking garage and fed contaminated food.  Meanwhile, there are 552K homeless Americans.  Los Angeles has 66K+ homeless people living on the streets without any of the assistance the people flowing over our southern border are receiving at taxpayer expense.  If this does not strike all Americans as obscene, well, they are not thinking rationally.

The Biden administration and the far-left radicals within it have turned this country upside-down; Americans bad, migrants are all good.  We native-born or naturalized citizens must be punished for our privileges; illegal migrants are victims of America’s success.  Kamala Harris has long wanted to decriminalize illegal entry into the country.  She has compared ICE and the Border Police to the KKK!  That is how the left thinks, how the Biden administration operates.  And they think we are all going to sit still for this grisly policy. 

The Biden “team” apparently think we don’t know that it is the Mexican cartels who control the border and have leapt at Biden’s invitation to surge across it in order to re-establish their oh, so profitable enterprise of trafficking in people, especially women and children.  Trump had severely interdicted their use and abuse of the victims they traffic.  Biden ended Trump’s Operation Talon his first week in office.  Now the cartels control who comes, who crosses into the U.S., and where they go, and they are getting fabulously wealthy doing it.  The minor children arrive with phones or phone numbers in their pockets.  Most of those contact numbers are not family members in the U.S.; they are cartel contacts.  The journey north for these women, girls, and young boys is treacherous.  The smugglers brag about “rape trees.”  Women and girls are routinely gang-raped, their undergarments tossed into trees then so named.  This is what Biden’s call for all comers to “surge the border” has set in motion.  And, as he reiterated at the not-press conference on Thursday, he thinks he is the nice guy, the moral guy.  But he has created a massive humanitarian crisis that is characterized first and foremost by vicious cruelty.  This is what the left, the Biden administration has set in motion.

In the meantime, while ignoring the major crisis on the southern border, our DHS, FBI, DOJ, and military have been tasked with purging all federal agencies, especially the military and law enforcement, of any and all conservatives and censoring all conservative voices.  The Los Angeles Police Department will no longer hire Christians or conservatives; they are deemed “domestic terrorists.”  While Biden gives carte blanche to China, Iran, and Russia to do whatever they will to weaken America, this administration is concerned only with a Stalinist/Maoist form of criminalizing dissent within our borders.  The new president is intent upon moving the U.S. toward an oligarchical totalitarianism.

Joe Biden owes his and his family’s wealth to China and Ukraine.  That acquired wealth was due to the Biden family’s wholesale corruption that rivals the Clintons’ financial profiteering in scope.  Biden is bought and paid for and will always defer to China.  He will never cross the Chinese in our interests.  He just won’t.  He cannot.  He owes them; they own him.  And do not forget what China has on Hunter Biden, the pedophile drug addict who got rich via Ukraine and China as those two nations bought the leverage they now can use to their benefit.  You can be sure they will use that leverage. 

Biden’s disastrous plan to orchestrate a humanitarian crisis and invite migrants to surge the southern border will only further prevent the re-employment of all those who lost their jobs due to the unnecessary COVID lockdown.  The Trump administration had achieved nearly max employment, especially among minorities, which is why more of them voted to re-elect him in greater numbers than for any other Republican in U.S. history.  Now we have Biden, who, by opening the border to anyone and everyone, will insure that those minority workers that had jobs before COVID will have to compete for work with the tens of thousands of illegal migrants now flowing into the country.  They are largely untested for COVID, sent on to the cartel smugglers who got them over the border, drugs and all.  Predictably, along with the tens of thousands of migrants, fentanyl and meth are again flowing into the U.S.  Biden surely knows this but does not care.  The “unaccompanied minors” are often mules for the cartels, then trafficked for sex and gang business.

Thus far, Biden as president is dangerously close to being a Castro, Venezuela’s Chávez, and then Maduro.  The Democrat party as currently constituted is an enemy of America.  If that is not clear to the American people, they are simply as uninformed as the media intends them to be.  If they have submitted to the fear-mongering about COVID, they are already submissives to a false narrative.  COVID, and all its attendant restrictions on our daily lives, is, like the open border scam, part of our self-appointed ruling elites’ plan to implement their "Great Reset."  We had all better stand up and fight back, or this is the end.  We will all be rendered citizens of the world, no longer individual humans, but mere chattel to our overseers.


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Biden Admin Suspends FBI Background Checks for Caregivers for Migrant Children


If Only Jeffrey Epstein Had Lived to See This

AP Photo/John Minchillo, File
Shipwreckedcrew reporting for RedState

News is leaking out late on a Saturday that the Biden Department of Homeland Security has quietly quit requiring FBI conducted fingerprint background checks for employees of DHS contractors who are being used to provide emergency caregiver services to unattended children streaming into the country at the invitation of the Biden Administration.

An actual — not virtual — Pedophile’s Smorgasbord has been created.

According to the AP report:

The Biden administration is not requiring FBI fingerprint background checks of caregivers at its rapidly expanding network of emergency sites to hold thousands of immigrant teenagers, alarming child welfare experts who say the waiver compromises safety.

In the rush to get children out of overcrowded and often unsuitable Border Patrol sites, President Joe Biden’s team is turning to a measure used by previous administrations: tent camps, convention centers and other huge facilities operated by private contractors and funded by U.S. Health and Human Services. In March alone, the Biden administration announced it will open eight new emergency sites across the Southwest adding 15,000 new beds, more than doubling the size of its existing system.

I will repeat a truism that I have stated many times before — pedophiles go to extreme lengths to introduce themselves into situations where they can have access to children under circumstances where they are less likely to draw attention.

Employees for contractors’ workforces that provide emergency services to care for migrant children with no background checks required? That seems to fit the description.

I’m sure the Biden Administration has considered the downside here but concluded that if something unfortunate happens, they can count on the press to follow along, when they blame the Trump Administration for not having created emergency programs big enough to deal with the consequences of the idiocy of Biden Administration policies.

These emergency sites don’t have to be licensed by state authorities or provide the same services as permanent HHS facilities. They also cost far more, an estimated $775 per child per day.

And to staff the sites quickly, the Biden administration has waived vetting procedures intended to protect minors from potential harm.

Staff and volunteers directly caring for children at new emergency sites don’t have to undergo FBI fingerprint checks, which use criminal databases not accessible to the public and can overcome someone changing their name or using a false identity.

$775 per day per child and Volunteer labor!!!!

What federal government contractor would turn down volunteer labor to provide services for which the contractor is being paid $775 a day per child???  FREE MONEY!!!!!

Seems like a “Win-Win”  — the Biden DHS contractor gets free pedophile labor to pad his bottom line on the contract, and the pedophiles get …..  let’s move on. (Which is what the Biden Administration might be saying soon.).

Just think about the organization Jeffrey Epstein could have thrown together with his money, and the network of volunteers he could have tapped into. He could have used his own plane to fly migrant, teenage girls to emergency shelter facilities set up on his private island in the Caribbean.

This only further underscores the complete and utter fiasco that the Biden Administration border policy has been since Day One. Maybe they should have paid more attention to what was predicted to happen on the border than they did to the Day One Executive Orders killing thousands of oil pipeline jobs, or rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, or ending restrictions on visitors from seven countries that are state sponsors of terrorism — or stopping all construction on the border wall and instead installing permanently on “Green Lights” along the entirety of the US-Mexico border.

Ok — they didn’t do that last thing, but the policy is effectively the same.

This problem did NOT exist during the Trump Administration.

This problem is 100% the result of the announced intentions of the Biden Administration as it came into office.

Remember this guy?

 Come on, Man!!!!!

President Trump Tells Jeanine Pirro He’ll Likely Visit the Southern Border

Earlier tonight during an interview with Jeanine Pirro, President Donald Trump said he is likely to visit the Southern U.S. border as requested by border patrol agents who need the support.

“Well, a lot of people want me to. The Border Patrol and all of the people of ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement], they want me to go. I really feel I sort of owe it to them, they’re great people.”

The segment begins at 05:45 of the video below (prompted):

College Debt & Military Service


Article by Thomas P. Kilgannon in Townhall

College Debt & Military Service

An injustice against our military and veterans' communities is being prepared in the halls of Congress at the same time the men and women of the National Guard stand post outside the Capitol building to protect lawmakers from an unexplained threat. 

Senator Chuck Schumer is demanding the President forgive up to $50,000 of student debt for some 43 million Americans who borrowed for college beyond their means. More than nine million Americans have defaulted on their education loans, and an estimated one-third of those who borrowed federal money for college never completed their course of study. 

President Biden is willing to reward the failures of these students by forgiving up to $10,000 of their loans. He may even up the ante after he and Schumer agree on just how much to put toward this baccalaureate bailout.  

It's bad policy, and morally tone deaf considering the sacrifices others have made for federal education assistance. Originally known as the Serviceman's Readjustment Act of 1944, the G.I. Bill was enacted to provide veterans with health care, low-interest mortgages, as well as farm and business loans. But it was the educational benefits that defined the World War II and subsequent versions of the bill. 

In short, the G.I. Bill was enacted to help those who served and sacrificed for our country. When the troops returned from World War I – more than half of whom were drafted – little consideration was given to the combat scars they carried in their hearts and minds. Known then as shellshock, today it is referred to as Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) which produces anxiety, stress, isolation, and creates an appetite for dangerous vices.

In crafting the G.I. Bill, the American Legion led the effort to ensure the veterans of WWII were better cared for than those who came home from “The War to End All Wars.” Whether it was through persuasion or conscription, the government's call to service produced hardship for veterans. There was a moral obligation to care for those who were seriously injured. But the G.I. Bill also implicitly recognized a "contractual" obligation to compensate veterans for lost opportunity or new adversities that resulted from their service.

In the January 1969 American Legion magazine, R.B. Pitkin wrote a detailed account of how the G.I. Bill came to be and why it was needed. 

Upon completion of their military service, Pitkin explained, veterans "found the world changed, while those who hadn't gone to war were ahead of them in wealth, training, careers and social advancement." He noted an account from David Camelon of the Hearst newspapers who described "a shocking, incredible story of disabled men…their minds twisted, bodies torn in battle – shunted out of hospitals, out of the armed forces into a world of callous reality, of heartbreaking delay and neglect." The G.I. Bill attempted to financially reimburse this difficult reality.  

Today's average college student, for whom loans may soon be forgiven, has made no such sacrifice. 

But Brandi Anderson has. She graduated in 2019 at the top of her class from Stetson University in Florida and qualified for the Post 9-11 G.I. Bill’s Fry Scholarship because her father, Michael, was killed in Al Anbar province in Iraq on May 2, 2004. Brandi was seven years old at the time. The provision is named for John David Fry, a Marine Gunnery Sergeant who died in Iraq as he attempted to disarm an explosive to save the lives of his fellow Marines. It provides education assistance to the children and surviving spouses of service-members who died in the line of duty after September 10, 2001.   

"I don't think it's fair," Brandi told me referring to Schumer’s proposal to broadly erase college debt. "I lost my father, and my mother lost her husband. I have friends who also lost their fathers. I'm grateful for the assistance I received, but it resulted from a loss that still causes great pain," she said. To ensure she graduated debt-free, Brandi also studied long hours to receive an academic scholarship from Stetson and worked her senior year and summers.   

The Post 9-11 G.I. Bill also helps returning veterans, as previous versions did dating back to WWII. To qualify, an individual must have served at least 36 months of active duty; served and been discharged with a service-connected disability; or received a Purple Heart, i.e., been wounded or killed by an enemy action. That is how veterans qualify for the kind of assistance Senator Schumer wants to provide for tens of millions of borrowers who never served.  

When he signed the original G.I. Bill, President Franklin Roosevelt said veterans "have been compelled to make greater economic sacrifice and every other kind of sacrifice than the rest of us, and are entitled to definite action to help take care of their special problems." 

Chuck Schumer’s proposal insults the sacrifice of millions of veterans and children of fallen heroes. 


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Border Crisis Gets Worse as Biden Ships Illegal Aliens Further Inland to....

Border Crisis Gets Worse as Biden Ships Illegal Aliens Further Inland to Reduce Overcrowding, DHS Contractors No Longer Need Background Checks for Custodial Care of Minors

Yesterday Kamala Harris rebuked the effort of Joe Biden to put her in charge of the collapsing border crisis he created.  Harris said through her spokesperson Symone Sanders: “I will just reiterate that the VP is not doing the border. The president asked the vice president to take on the diplomatic efforts with Mexico and countries of the North Triangle to address the root causes of migration.””  Apparently, even Kamala Harris isn’t stupid enough to take responsibility for a problem that is getting worse.

Today in McAllen, Texas, the Biden team were flying illegal aliens to other locations in order to reduce the overcrowding.  According to OAN journalist Jenn Peligrino: “Approx 40% of the airport traffic this morning at Texas’ McAllen International appear to be migrants headed within the US. They are carrying boarding passes & paperwork that indicates they do not speak English.”

SAN DIEGO (KUSI) – The federal government announced last week that the Biden administration would use the San Diego Convention Center to house migrant minors from across the U.S.-Mexico border.  Buses of children are expected to arrive in San Diego starting today. (link)

Meanwhile on the receiving end, the Biden administration has removed the regulation requiring background checks for those who take custody of unaccompanied minor children as DHS starts allowing emergency contractors to step-in and take over.

HOUSTON (AP) — The Biden administration is not requiring FBI fingerprint background checks of caregivers at its rapidly expanding network of emergency sites to hold thousands of immigrant teenagers, alarming child welfare experts who say the waiver compromises safety.

In the rush to get children out of overcrowded and often unsuitable Border Patrol sites, President Joe Biden’s team is turning to a measure used by previous administrations: tent camps, convention centers and other huge facilities operated by private contractors and funded by U.S. Health and Human Services. In March alone, the Biden administration announced it will open eight new emergency sites across the Southwest adding 15,000 new beds, more than doubling the size of its existing system.

These emergency sites don’t have to be licensed by state authorities or provide the same services as permanent HHS facilities. They also cost far more, an estimated $775 per child per day.

And to staff the sites quickly, the Biden administration has waived vetting procedures intended to protect minors from potential harm.

[…] Laura Nodolf, the district attorney in Midland, Texas, where HHS opened an emergency site this month, said that without fingerprint checks, “we truly do not know who the individual is who is providing direct care.”

“That’s placing the children under care of HHS in the path, potentially, of a sex offender,” Nodolf said. “They are putting these children in a position of becoming potential victims.” (read more)

But it’s all about the children, right?