Saturday, March 20, 2021

President Cackle

Make no mistake, Kamala Harris is a
 woke authoritarian. And she’s likely to be 
president sooner rather than later.

We have all seen her and the idiomatic cackle. It is so haunting that it is difficult to forget. It is absolutely nightmarish. In fact, the cackle has become her hallmark and very calling card. 

And, likely soon, she will formally become our 47th president.

A cackle is a harsh, raucous sound made when laughing. It resembles the cry of a goose. The sharp manner recalls Shakespeare’s “crones that cackled of evil deeds.” The cackle often follows pain and destruction, to let you know that the villain is happy with his or her handiwork. 

In other words, the cackle is pure arrogant pride.

Kamala Harris, for the moment junior to sleepy Joe Biden, the oldest president in the long American saga, is acting president. Within months, however, as many predicted, Joe will be declared unfit for office and pronounced medically senile. He will either step down, fall down, or be pushed down by his own party and she will assume the full title and be sworn in. 

It is inevitable. The transition is already underway in full view for all to see.

In the Oval Office daily and taking calls from foreign heads of state, the cackler-in-chief is elbowing her way into complete and supreme power. She most certainly is not Joe’s nurse but the executive leader-in-waiting. In her black pantsuits behind the Resolute Desk, she obviously has adroitly positioned herself. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say someone else did so on her behalf, making her something of a puppet cackler. That somebody is Barack Obama, only Kamala’s most recent promoter.

“Fweedom” (and Other Fabrications)

Let’s look at her qualifications to be commander-in-chief, keeper of the secret codes and what they portend for these United States. We have had vice presidents accede to the presidency before, after illness or assassination. Most have proved to be weak, ineffective, and short-lived. A few made it on their own, but they are the exception rather than the rule. Think of Millard Fillmore, Chester Arthur, Andrew Johnson, or Gerald Ford.

Kamala Harris, the most left-wing senator in the entire U.S. Senate, was herself a candidate for the presidency against golden oldie Joe Biden way back in 2019.  

She doggedly attacked him and his lackluster record, decrying his age, his judgment, his policies, and his groping of women. With around just one percent of the Democratic voters choosing her, she dropped out of the race only to resurface in the vice-presidential sweepstakes because a woman of color was seen as “desirable,” if not mandatory, so as to placate progressives. No actual qualifications necessary.

You have to admit Kamala Harris does have a strange pedigree. Actually, she is not African American, poor, or ghetto. But she does embody evil much like Scene 1 Act 4 of Macbeth: “Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt, and toe of frog, . . . Fire burn and cauldron bubble.” 

Her father was a Jamaican Marxist economist who got a token placement at Stanford. He has admitted that his aristocratic family of some wealth actually owned slaves in the colonial era. After a few years, he divorced Kamala’s mother, whom he had met in the 1960s at radical Berkeley, an Indian of the highest Brahmin caste (the highest varna in Vedic Hinduism), who was a medical researcher. With her sister, they next fled to Montreal for her entire youth. In Canada, besides French, Kamala learned the anti-Americanism that defines her to this day. Her borrowed story about demanding “fweedom” as a toddler rings hollow.

Returning to all-black Howard University (the “Harvard of the Negro colleges” as it was once called), Harris became more involved in racial antipathy and protest. She came to see herself as a sort of victim. Returning to law school in California, she was soon ready for her big break.

Becoming 79 Comments to then-State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, a married man 30 years her elder, Kamala sealed her political future and received jobs, promotions, and eventually ran for office herself in San Francisco, all with his full blessing and financing. 

The overly ambitious star dropped him when she ran for state attorney general in order to avoid scandal. Winning a close race, she became not just a local favorite but gained national attention. After two controversial terms, she threw her hat in the ring to take over the seat of the retiring Democratic California senator, Barbara Boxer. With the support of the Obamas, Harris ascended one rung higher. 

Untamed ambition is in her DNA; it flows through her veins and animates her being.

Hypocrisy and Dishonesty

A total hypocrite, Harris had her high point in the two Democratic primary debates where she performed swimmingly, largely because she tore into Joe Biden by insinuating he was a racist on the busing question decades ago. She told a moving story about her own school, which turns out was also fabricated—as her yearbook clearly shows. 

Notably, the uber-woke slick pol said that she would be a “prosecutor president”—whatever that is. Perhaps she would fail to go after prison reform, more likely she would be an attacker in the endless culture wars upon which she thrives. Kamala Harris personifies identity politics gone wild. 

The records show as California attorney general, Harris put more than 1,500, mostly poor, black and brown men in jail for smoking or possessing pot. But then she laughed about smoking weed in college while listening to Tupac Shakur, who, strangely, would not release his debut album for another five years. Oh, well, caught again in deceit.

Kamala Harris has built a monumental career out of hypocrisy and dishonesty. The soon-to-be president sets new low standards even for a politician. One thing she does consistently is to oppose the constitutional rights of individuals, on speech, on assembly, on bearing arms, on fair trials, on just about everything.

Kamala—and please pronounce her first name correctly or you will be in really big trouble—the now future president of the United States, a chief cackler well beyond the novice abilities of a Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi, is—make no mistake—a woke authoritarian

Her phoniness is fraudulence in spades. But her cackle? Pure evil.

Making Americans Your Enemies

How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy 

to target the mainstream

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream. The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:

They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.

The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”

Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

How did we get here? And what do we do about it?

Cleaving Extremists from the Mainstream

Early in the Global War on Terror, the U.S. government decided to regard its Islamic terrorist foes as unconnected to any larger political or theological movement. Al Qaeda (and all its predecessors and successors) came to be regarded as a handful of extremists unconnected to any larger ideological base. As former U.S. Army intelligence analyst Stephen Coughlin noted in his book Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad, early in the war the government became allergic to the notion that Islamic terrorists were anything other than extremists on the very outskirts of an ideological movement. “The prevailing theory is that Islamic ‘extremists’ are at the periphery of Islam,” Coughlin wrote. “Hence, all that is needed is to cleave the radicals from the mainstream.”

In reality, jihadist terrorists are the militant vanguard of a larger ideological movement, known as Islamism or political Islam, which is fundamentally hostile to the United States and its foundational principles and favored by a group far larger than the U.S. government was comfortable admitting, including domestic pressure groups. “Extremist” became the preferred term because the word contains within itself an explanation of the relationship between the extremist and the rest of society. An extremist, by definition, is not part of the mainstream.

Forbidden from discussing the actual nature and ideology of the threat which they were instructed to counter, America’s intelligence and law enforcement officials lived and died by euphemism. And like the bureaucracies which perpetuate them, government euphemisms tend to expand even beyond the original logic for their creation. So, when “Islamic extremist” was no longer sufficiently vague, the phrase “homegrown violent extremist” was adopted, where “homegrown” paradoxically refers to those operating in service to a foreign ideology perpetuated by international terrorists.

The very logic of denying that foreign terrorists could be motivated by an ideology developed from within the context of their own society necessitated believing that any mainstream American within our society could be a potential threat. As Angelo Codevilla writes in To Make and Keep Peace: Among Ourselves and with All Nations:

It demanded that the American people put aside the distinction between fellow citizens and those who despise us, between our culture and theirs; that, as a gesture of peace toward the Muslim world, Americans make no distinction between themselves and the people, culture, and causes responsible for 9/11 and nearly all other acts of terror. That meant demanding that Americans believe that any among ourselves are as likely as not to be terrorists. In sum, it demanded that Americans trust each other less than ever, but that they trust the authorities more than ever [emphasis in original].

This concept of course is amply demonstrated every time you see a wheelchair-bound nonagenarian from Des Moines manhandled through the technological gauntlet of the TSA at your local airport.

Some Extremists are More Equal than Others

Redirecting the massive security apparatus built after 9/11 from foreign to domestic threats did not mean redressing all perceived domestic threats equally. Instead, it meant that there was political power to be gained based on who could most clearly identify the fringe of their political opposition as the most dangerous extreme. For the past several years, the media, backed up by left wing think tanks, pushed claims that “right-wing” or “white supremacist” terrorism was the largest and most dangerous of threats, while minimizing or even denying the existence of any other. In doing so they often mischaracterizedminimized, or refused to count violence coming from favored classes.

A perfect illustration of this has been the successful effort by the left to eliminate the category of “black identity extremism,” which the FBI had previously used to categorize violence coming from black separatist or black nationalist groups. This became especially relevant following the 2014 Ferguson riots, when the targeting of law enforcement by those with ties to black separatist groups became more common.

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus—whose members have expressed their own support for extremists ranging from the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan to Fidel Castro—took umbrage, and called the FBI to account in hearings.

The FBI abandoned the term in favor of the appropriately euphemistic Racially and Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists. This new catch-all included both black identity extremists as well as white supremacists. This created the advantageous situation where the left could blame even black supremacist violence on white supremacists, which they gladly did. In a 2019 domestic terrorism bill, for example, they included an attack on a New York Jewish religious school among a list of white supremacist incidents. In fact, the attack was carried out by adherents of the Black Hebrews, an antisemitic black identity group.

This worked so well that the FBI would go on to do the same with the term “anti-government extremists,” slapping the same label on so-called “right-wing” militias, “boogaloo bois,” COVID lockdown opponents, as well as Anarcho-Communists like Antifa.

Through bureaucratic sleight of hand, the government managed to promote the farcical claim, perpetuated by the left in the early days of George Floyd riots, that violence in progressive cities across the country was the work of white supremacists hoping to start a race war. Meanwhile, during the riots in Washington D.C., military officers, federal law enforcement and even elected members of congress literally knelt to the black identity extremism of BLM.

Having successfully banned the nation’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies from using any useful descriptive term for threats other than “white supremacist,” the left crowed that government reports show that white supremacy is the biggest national threat. And because actual white supremacists are an unpopular and poorly organized subgroup with no powerful constituency (like a Congressional Black Caucus) behind them, they remain the one group that can be targeted without facing any significant political opposition.

Everything is White Supremacy

The twisted logic of this strategy has, predictably, spread like wildfire. At the same time the government’s intelligence and law enforcement apparatus became conditioned not to categorize any threat other than white supremacy, the American academy and media expanded the term “white supremacy” to cover essentially everything once understood as simply “American.”

As the New York Times wrote, “‘White Supremacy’ once meant David Duke and the Klan. Now it refers to much more. The phrase has poured into the nation’s rhetorical bloodstream. Organizations from the N.F.L. to art museums to colleges requiring the SAT are accused of perpetuating it.”

White Supremacy, we are told, has “framed the entire American story” and “has its roots in American Christianity.” In Oregon, requiring students to show their work in math class is “white supremacy.” In fact, 2+2=4 reeks of “white supremacy,” but don’t worry about that, because re-opening closed schools is “white supremacy” too—which makes it all the easier to label those COVID lockdown protestors as a threat. It’s a neat trick: domestic extremists on the left have forced into the mainstream the toxic, destructive idea that domestic extremists on the right made white supremacy mainstream. And as my fellow 2017 Claremont Lincoln Fellow Christopher Rufo has worked to document, we did not arrive by accident in this world. We arrived here by revolutionary design.

Critical Race Theory has been mainlined into schools, corporate HR departments, and local and national government agencies. The U.S. Army’s “Equity and Inclusion” agency declared the political slogan of its own commander and chief—”Make America Great Again”—to be a symbol of white supremacy. In this way Critical Race Theory has served as kind of auto-immune disorder within the body politic. By identifying the American regime itself as “white supremacy,” and identifying that as the only possible threat to the regime, the security apparatus of the state has now been turned inward upon the state itself, and with it, our society—or in other words, upon us.

We have seen the schizophrenic response to the events of January 6: immediately after calling out the National Guard, elites became obsessed with the notion that the National Guard was full of white supremacist infiltrators. Similarly, the Democrats’ proposed domestic terrorism legislation, which one might expect to be focused on beefing up law enforcement assets to take on the perceived threat, is almost entirely focused on rooting out “extremists” from within the law enforcement and military. America’s security apparatus has adopted wholesale the very logic of the foreign ideologies it was created to combat.

Leaving the Mainstream

Following the disorder of January 6, elites touted their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, telling us the time had come to wage the same strategy of counterinsurgency against “insurrectionists” at home that we used to “defeat Al Qaeda” abroad. Never mind that we have yet to rid Afghanistan of extremists, despite having occupied it now for two decades at the cost of more than $2 trillion.

Suddenly it became a necessity for counterterrorism officials to note that terrorists exist within a broader ideological community. Robert Grenier, formerly CIA station chief for Pakistan  and Afghanistan and director of the CIA’s counterterrorism center did in the New York Times, offered a more astute analysis than one has come to expect from our elites:

There has long existed in this country a large, religiously conservative segment of the population, disproportionately (though not entirely) rural and culturally marginalized, that believes with some reason it is being eclipsed by a politically and culturally ascendant urban coalition of immigrants, minorities and the college-educated secular elites of tech and mainstream media. That coalition, in their eyes, abridges their religious freedoms, disparages and ‘cancels’ their most cherished beliefs, seeks to impose “socialism” and is ultimately prepared to seize their guns. This, in very general terms, is the core segment of the nation that has been unified, championed, and politically energized by Donald Trump.

At least Grenier recognizes that the 45th president had a large and viable political constituency with actual political concerns. But, of course, that political constituency is understood as no more than the backwoods equivalent of the Taliban, as Grenier told NPR:

the thrust of our campaign there was, yes, to hunt down al-Qaida, but primarily to remove the supportive environment in which they were able to live and to flourish. And that meant fighting the Taliban. And I think that is the heart of what we need to deal with here.

When it comes to their own countrymen, counterinsurgency gurus are prepared to acknowledge that the beliefs of a “tiny minority of extremists” are shared by large swathes of the population,  who must now be defeated and (as they said of the Iraqis loyal to Saddam Hussein’s party) “de-Baathified.”

Typical of the CIA over the past 20 years, Grenier’s solution was to decapitate the enemy’s leadership, although thankfully just with impeachment, not (this time) drone strikes. And our present elites don’t even intend to offer Trump the courtesy they are said to have extended to Osama bin Laden of a ritual burial.

Counterinsurgency experts believe it is insufficient merely to unperson and humiliate a man half the country voted for. His voters, these insurgents, must also be humiliated. So noted Malcom Nance, an MSNBC counterterrorism analyst and Russian collusion trutherwidely despised within the military community and known for urging ISIS to bomb a Trump Hotel.

Nance warned that pro-Trump insurgents were especially dangerous, given that they were heavily armed… with “white privilege”:

Achieving Trump’s disruptive goals on a national scale might be simpler than we want to admit. An NBC poll reveals Trump commands the loyalty of 87 percent of Republicans—even after the Jan. 6 assault. And his followers have successfully employed a cultural tool so powerful many deny it even exists: White privilege.

Privilege, extremism, supremacism—it’s all spun as the same, and all spun as an evil on par with Islamic terrorism that must be stamped out, in the same ways by the same people. When it comes to their fellow Americans, for many of our supposed counterterrorism elite, the imperative to separate the actions of a handful of ‘extremists” from the beliefs of large percentages of the populace has totally disappeared. While claiming to use lessons learned from Iraq and Afghanistan, in fact what these counterinsurgents propose for their fellow citizens is the one thing they dared not countenance against foreigners.

The Elites are the Extremists

This is not sustainable. The mainstream of a society cannot be extremist. It might be foolish, or misled, or prone to irrational things, as crowds often are. The mainstream of a society might even be immoral or wicked in an objective sense when measured against other societies. But what it cannot be is extreme. An elite, however, can be extremist. An elite’s views may be so outside the mainstream of the society, beholden to foreign ideologies, that their views are unrecognizable to those they purport to lead.

Perhaps it is finally time that America’s elite, who have been increasingly acting as occupiers, to pay mainstream Americans the same respect they previously deigned to provide only to foreigners committed to their ways of life.

Respect the mainstream’s traditions, and don’t mock their customs. Drink a cup of tea, or three, with their elders. Sit quietly, and nod politely, during their religious ceremonies. Let them run their own affairs. 

And don’t treat them as the root cause of all the world’s evil.

The Healthy Joe optics take a tumble

Clearly the White House was stung by
 Putin’s backhanded dig about Joe’s health. 
So they let the old man bound up the stairs 
like a half-grown puppy. It backfired.

Misery Biden - Healthy Joe

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

So Putin decides to make a backhanded remark about Joe Biden’s declining health, and what does the White House do? They decide to stage a little Healthy Joe optics this morning and it all goes horribly wrong.

Now, I confess, the first dozen times I watched this clip, I laughed.

What can I say? I’m a fan of slapstick.

Say, you want to hear something mind-bogglingly ironic?

Six years ago this very day, March 19, 2015, I did a post called “Whoopsie” that had video of Michelle Obama tripping and nearly lumbering into the diminutive Emperor of Japan.

I watched that about a dozen times too. And laughed. A lot.

What is it about March 19th?


Let me tell you what I think the White House was hoping to accomplish here.

Stung by China’s treatment of Secretary of State Blinken and Putin’s not-so-subtle dig about old Joe’s health, the White House decided to use the opportunity of Biden boarding Air Force One for a little Healthy Joe optics.

Despite the fact that the man can barely amble in a straight line on a completely flat surface, his staff urged old Joe to trot up those stairs like Rocky on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

After all, as I said this morning, the whole world is watching. So they wanted to treat the whole world to some Healthy Joe Optics to give the impression that grandpa isn’t the doddering, barely-there coot Russia and China know he is.

So there he was on the tarmac ready to have his moment in the spotlight – Healthy Joe in command and effortlessly trotting up those stairs.

But reality doesn’t always cooperate with staged optics.

And old Joe goes down – not once, not twice, but three times.

The Healthy Joe optics take a tumble

Man, that last one had to hurt.

You know how I know this was a staged moment?

Because nobody, not one person, went up to make sure the President of the United States was okay – not even the Secret Service whose job it is to keep him safe.

Well, of course not.

Sending someone up to make sure grandpa wasn’t hurt would have done even more damage to the Healthy Joe Optics than the triple stumble did. So they let the old boobie struggle to find his footing on his own.

The other reason I know it was staged is because every single time Joe Biden emerges from hiding, everything is staged down the very last detail. They never leave anything to chance.

Believe me it was a conscious decision to send Joe up there like Rocky. They wanted Healthy Joe — the Joe who bombastically threatens to take people out behind the gym and give’em a knuckle sandwich.

Joe didn’t need to trot up those stairs like he’s the high school quarterback on his way to the championship. He could’ve held onto the railing and walked up like any other mature adult and nobody would’ve cared.

But that wouldn’t have signaled vim and vigor. So they made him bound up the stairs like a half-grown puppy.

The idiots.

And in their haste to stage a “I’ll show you healthy and mentally sound, Vlad!” photo-op, the Biden White House only succeeded in shining a gigantic Klieg light on the fact that Joe is demonstrably not healthy nor sound.

Great work, Team!

‘Hate Crimes’—The Nail for Thought Control’s Hammer


Article by Eric Rozenman in Townhall

‘Hate Crimes’—The Nail for Thought Control’s Hammer 

 Accusations of “racist” are the ultimate malediction in the Church of Woke Progressivism. Racists commit “hate crimes,” so the secular fundamentalist catechism goes, and such offenses require extra punishment.

Sometimes the devil isn’t just in the details; he’s in the concept itself. So it is with the hate crimes classification.

Since the 1960s, civil rights groups have supported hate crimes legislation. Some of these laws increase prison time and/or fines for assaults motivated by the perceived religious, racial, national origin or sexual identity of the victim.

In other words, otherwise identical assaults differ and some victims are more victimized than others. George Orwell’s Animal Farm, prescient again.  

In a staff meeting in the late 1990s, a few of us at B’nai B’rith, the venerable Jewish humanitarian and human rights organization, objected to joining a push for new hate crimes legislation. We argued that assault is assault, regardless of cause. Punish the deed, not the thought.

We failed. How could B’nai B’rith, founded in 1843 to help Jewish immigrants in the United States and fight antisemitism internationally, not support statutory recognition of and additional punishment for the kind of hate-fueled attacks inflicted on Jews individually and en mass for centuries?

As columnist Charles Krauthammer once observed, we all hate crime. However, defining criminal hatred seems uncomfortably close to codifying thought crimes. And defining and punishing thought crimes are repression’s ultimate tool, from Big Brother in Orwell’s 1984 to Xi Jinping’s China today.

Americans value free thought and free speech as central to individual liberty, economic creativity and political-social health. Debate—informed debate—among contending opinions, some no doubt wrong, even reprehensible, leads in the long run to better thought, more useful ideas.

Or so we believed until the Internet emerged as not only an information superhighway but also a sewer system of rumor, superstition and conspiracy theories. Digitization enabled outrage mobs demanding censorship via Big Tech, on campus and in news and entertainment industries.  

But unless expression is likely to lead directly to crime, it’s constitutionally protected. If someone assaults me, I care less why he or she did so—to rob me or to disrupt my microscopic role in what they imagine to be the international Zionist conspiracy—and more that he gets what’s coming to him. Punish the illegal act, not the thought. Otherwise, for example, Jimmy Carter—who long ago confessed to “lust in my heart”—might have been a convicted “conceptual rapist,” not president.

Bad as the potential is for hate crimes codes to open the door to censorship, worse is their function as grease on the slippery slope of indoctrination. Examples, big and small, abound. Here’s one:

Viewers of a late-season college basketball game between Butler and Creighton universities—perennial March Madness hopefuls—likely noticed a screen-filling close-up of a black T-shirt with white letters in the style of the Black Lives Matter logo. It asserted “Racism Never Ends!”

It doesn’t? Then hate crimes bills, regulations, speech codes and social conventions must multiply endlessly. How else to fight an enemy not only insidious but also shape-shifting, often unconscious and whose wondrously malleable definitions always cover the latest target?

Can’t objectively prove “systemic racism?” Then cancel objectivity and move on to “structural racism.” And if structural racism remains inexactly quantifiable, use “disparate impact” or certainly “implicit racism.” If racism never ends, then no offense is unintentional—at least not subconsciously. Even more, differences between whites and non-whites must result primarily from lingering or disguised white racism.

Therefore, no whites condemned as racists in the virtual tumbrels en route to digital guillotines can be innocent. Blacks aboard must be Uncle Toms.

It turns out one doesn’t always need Orwell’s Big Brother or Charles Dickens’ Madame Defarge. Sometimes Alice in Wonderland’s Red Queen will do: “Sentence first, verdict afterwards!”  

In medieval Europe Jews were massacred as demonic agents of Satan. In 1690s Salem, Mass., those convicted of consorting with the Devil as witches were hanged. We’ve made a lot of progress; today we don’t execute “the other” as demons or witches, we merely silence them as racists when they dissent from woke progressivism. You may hate it, but they’ll tell you it’s not a crime. 

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Instead Of Traditional Warfare, Chinese Military Will Now Be Trained To Shout Wrong Pronouns At American Troops

BEIJING—The Chinese military has announced that they will no longer be investing in weapons, tanks, aircraft, or traditional warfare training techniques. Instead, the People's Liberation Army will simply be trained to shout the wrong pronouns at U.S. soldiers, who will collapse and shake uncontrollably at the advanced maneuver. 

"Brave soldiers of the People's Liberation Army, prepare to launch a pronoun assault!" cried one platoon leader in a training exercise. "Go!"

The Chinese soldiers then began shouting "He/Him!" and "She/her!" at American soldiers, whom Biden had loaned to the Chinese government for the practice session. They immediately collapsed to the floor. "No!!! I'm a xe/xer; it says so right on my dog tags!" cried one weeping American soldier huddled in the corner in the fetal position, rocking back and forth. "You can't call me the wrong pronoun -- it's literally violence! It's against the Geneva Convention!"

"President Biden will be hearing about this!" he shouted as he ran away.

"See? That's all we need to do to defeat the puny American soldiers," said the sergeant. "We don't even need to fire a shot. We just need to say the mean words they don't like."

A recent computer simulation predicted that using this tactic, the Chinese military would defeat America in approximately seven minutes.

The Chinese know very well with whom they’re dealing




Article by Andrea Widburg in The American Thinker

The Chinese know very well with whom they’re dealing

On Thursday, during a meeting in Anchorage, China’s top diplomat and its Foreign Minister showed Secretary of State Tony Blinken (an empty suit) and national security adviser Jake Sullivan stunning disrespect. It was almost as if the Chinese knew that these are weak, self-loathing, confused men – and it turns out they did know. Tucker Carlson revealed on Friday that the Chinese have a word for Biden and the other White wokesters now in power. They call them “baizuo,” and can describe their values with stunning and disdainful accuracy.

Blinken opened the meeting with a two-minute attack against China for its failure to follow global rules and norms. To his credit, he did mention “our deep concerns with actions by China, including Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber-attacks on the United States, [and] economic coercion towards our allies.” However, he somehow failed to mention either COVID or the Uighurs – that his actual or negligent biological warfare and mass genocide. Hmmm.

The Chinese were not impressed. Top Diplomat Yang Jiechi, who was there with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, launched into an 18-minute long lecture against America which showed how closely the Chinese watch American news. He castigated America for an election that caused many Americans to doubt our democracy, the way Black Lives Matter highlighted human rights problems, Washington’s many alleged cyberattacks, and America’s habit of meddling in foreign affairs. It was the verbal equivalent of slapping Blinken across the face with a glove and calling him a knave and a churl.

Tucker Carlson touched upon all these things in his opening monologue on Friday night. He made it clear that America is governed by a feckless, ignorant political class and that the Chinese are miles ahead of us in understanding who we are – and, more significantly, in understand who America’s new leadership class is.

As part of that understanding, the Chinese have coined a term – “baizuo” – which roughly means “White liberal” (although it applies with equal accuracy to non-Whites such as Obama and Kamala Harris). Tucker adds that “it is definitely not a compliment.” The stunner is how Chinese state media defines the term baizuo:

“There are people who only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT, and the environment, who have no sense of real problems in the real world, who only advocate for peace and equality to satisfying their own feelings of superiority, and who are so obsessed with political correctness that they tolerate backward Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.”


Other observations about baisuo as reported by Chinese state media include the fact that they “advocate inclusiveness and antidiscrimination but cannot tolerate different opinions.” Baizuo’s political opinions are “so shallow that they tend to maintain social equality by embracing ideologies that run against the basic concept of equality.”

As Tucker says, “Amazing!”

If you can, take the time to watch what Carlson has to say about how China understands the Biden administration and the deep fissures in American society:

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