Sunday, March 7, 2021

DC Will Remain Under Military Occupation As Long As Pelosi Rules

The contrast below between the security on the southern border and military presence in Washington, D.C., tells you all you need to know about today’s Democratic Party in charge.

While a migrant crisis mounts on the southern border, aided by President Joe Biden’s day-one executive order bringing a halt to construction of the border wall, Washington politicians have surrounded themselves with miles of fencing to provide protection not afforded to the American people.

An estimated 25,000 troops descended on Washington in the immediate aftermath of the Capitol riots in early January, bringing more armed military forces to lock down the capital city than remain in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. As of this month, 6,000 troops remain an occupying force, supported by fencing around the Capitol that still stands at the order of Democratic politicians hellbent on exploiting the eruption of political violence at the start of the new year.

Meanwhile, no such security measures were offered to the business owners down the street when their livelihoods were blown up repeatedly in the name of social justice during the summer Black Lives Matter riots.

The Democrats and their allies in a complicit media either endorsed, downplayed, or ignored the repeated outbreaks of widespread political violence that gripped the nation’s cities all last year before then capitalizing on the January riot that targeted Congress this year, which was roundly condemned by Republicans and conservatives alike. Some are still whitewashing the wave of deadly left-wing extremism that terrorized cities for months, claiming there was no violence. The property damage in major cities left by just two weeks of the George Floyd riots, however, was 66 times more devastating than the estimated destruction in the Capitol.

When a small force of federal troops was sent in to protect monuments of actual social justice warriors that were being vandalized by fake ones amid the unrest, their presence was vilified by the same Democrats now gaslighting the public with thousands of military men and women held in D.C. to protect the politicians.

Most Americans likely underestimate the size of the barricade erected around the Capitol guarding politicians. The video below will provide some perspective:

Democrats show no signs of relieving the thousands of Guardsmen protecting the Capitol from their duty, however, as they raise hysteria time and again to justify the troops’ presence.

First, an explosion of unrest was supposed to occur in the days leading up to President Joe Biden’s inauguration in state capitals across the country. That didn’t happen.

Then, on Wednesday, a second attempt at “insurrection” was supposed to target the U.S. Capitol. That didn’t happen.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said at a Wednesday press conference the House will now consider permanent security measures for the Capitol next week.

“We have to ensure we are safe enough to do our job, but not impeding,” Pelosi told reporters.

New York freshman Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman echoed the House speaker’s sentiment.

“We must do everything we can to protect ourselves,” Bowman said on MSNBC.

The business owners on Pennsylvania Avenue would have appreciated a fraction of the same concern as the politicians have afforded themselves, even in the aftermath of two false intelligence bulletins raising hysteria of renewed attacks on the Capitol since early January.

As long as Pelosi rules the Capitol, however, exploiting the crisis at the complex from a horde of Trump supporters, the people’s seat of government will remain in lockdown.

Gov. Abbott launches ‘Operation Lone Star’ to address security at the Texas border


Article by Andrew Schnitker 

Gov. Abbott launches ‘Operation Lone Star’ to address security at the Texas border 

  Gov. Greg Abbott and the Texas Department of Public Safety launched Operation Lone Star on Saturday to focus on smuggling at the southern border of Texas, according to a release from the governor’s office.

Operation Lone Star will send law enforcement personnel and resources to “high threat areas” of the border “to deny Mexican Cartels and other smugglers the ability to move drugs and people into Texas,” the release says.

The decision comes after a February meeting with Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety Colonel Steve McCraw about security at the border and what a release said were COVID-19 health concerns. According to the Feb. 9 release, Abbott and McCraw discussed “a recent surge of immigrants at Texas’ southern border and noted that this influx is related to the Biden Administration’s reinstatement of the ‘catch and release’ policy.”

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials told McAllen’s mayor last month that family units — undocumented migrants traveling with children who cross into South Texas — were now being paroled into the United States as they awaited their asylum proceedings. This is what occurred during previous border security apprehensions known as “catch and release,” when migrants were allowed to remain in the United States during their immigration proceedings however many years that may take.

“The crisis at our southern border continues to escalate because of Biden Administration policies that refuse to secure the border and invite illegal immigration,” Abbott said in a statement. “Texas supports legal immigration but will not be an accomplice to the open border policies that cause, rather than prevent, a humanitarian crisis in our state and endanger the lives of Texans.”

The newly launched operation will include Texas DPS with the Texas National Guard and will deploy air, ground, marine and tactical border security assets, the release says.

Gov. Abbott’s statement also comes days after a back-and-forth with President Biden about coronavirus restrictions and the Texas border.

“The Biden administration must stop importing COVID into our country,” Abbott told CNBC on Thursday, a day after he announced that a statewide mask mandate and business capacity restrictions will end next week. “That is a Neanderthal-type approach to dealing with the COVID situation.”

The day before, Biden called Abbott’s peel back of COVID-19 restrictions in the state “Neanderthal thinking.”

According to Border Report’s Sandra Sanchez, 108 migrants released in Brownsville during the past month were carrying the coronavirus, U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, said Wednesday. He said that is putting the South Texas border community, the volunteers who help them and the border agents, at risk. 


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French MP and billionaire Dassault dies in helicopter crash


French MP and billionaire Olivier Dassault has died in a helicopter crash in north-western France.

No details have been given of the accident which occurred in the region of Calvados.Normandy.

In his tribute, President Emanuel Macron said Dassault loved France and his death would be "a great loss".

Dassault was the son of the founder of the aerospace and software conglomerate Dassault Groupe. He headed the company's strategy and development.


 The Dassault Rafale , literally meaning "gust of wind", and "burst of fire" in a more military sense) is a French twin-engine, canard delta wing, multirole fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation.

‘Biden’s Boardwalk Bash’: Joe & Hunter Used Public Funds To....

‘Biden’s Boardwalk Bash’: Joe & Hunter Used Public Funds To

 Schmooze Reporters In Exchange For Favorable Coverage

Dozens of reporters, journalists, and news anchors enjoyed a close-knit relationship with Joe Biden and his family, dating back to his Vice Presidency and linked to his private parties – thrown at taxpayer expense at the Vice President’s residence – known as “Biden Beach Boardwalk Bashes,” the National Pulse can reveal.

The news may go some way to explaining why CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, The Washington PostThe New York Times, and many others ignored the Hunter Biden laptop story of 2020.

The Boardwalk Bash.

The Biden Beach Boardwalk Bash was a pool party held in June at the Vice President’s Residence (VPR) on the grounds of the United States Naval Observatory in northwest Washington, D.C. It was hosted by Joe and Jill Biden, with attendance by the entire Biden family, including Hunter.

According to White House visitor logs, dozens upon dozens of prominent Washington journalists were guests at this prestigious party three times—in 2011, 2014, and 2016. No reporters from right-leaning or conservative media outlets were invited.

An examination of the visitor logs suggests 2011 was the first year journalists were invited. And while invitations were extended for 2012 and 2013, none of the invitees were actually logged into the VPR. The event wasn’t held in 2015, as it fell soon after the funeral of Beau Biden.

Some reporters attended the pool party just once, while some attended all three times. Photos of the events appeared in the hallways of the West Wing.


Kid Gloves.

Few outlets have reported on the parties, and that’s how D.C. reporters wanted it.

Biden would often say things like: “You do something for my kids, I’m in your debt forever.” Well, Joe Biden did something for these journalists and their kids in bringing them to the VPR, and what did he get in return? The most accommodating news coverage in the history of presidential elections. Remember Tara Reade? Most Americans don’t.

CBS anchor and 60 Minutes correspondent Norah O’Donnell, along with her husband and children, attended all three pool parties – perhaps once of the reasons she was so accommodating to President Biden in her pre-Super Bowl interview.

Far worse than a corporate media love fest, O’Donnell’s heavily edited interview (20 minutes of camera time cut to 12 minutes of air time to cover for Biden’s fumblings) traded on her family’s personal relationship with President Biden’s family to offer him softball questions, capped off with her countenancing his lie about his past engagements with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“Why haven’t you called Xi Jinping?” O’Donnell asked reasonably enough.

Within three sentences, Joe Biden, the questionably elected President of the United States, told Norah O’Donnell, her Super Bowl-sized audience, and most importantly, the Chinese Communist Party that “I probably spent more time with Xi Jinping, I’m told, than any world leader has because I—I had 24-25 hours of private meetings with him when I was vice president.”

This is a lie. Nothing more than a cowardly Joe Biden falsehood to minimize the true extent of his ties to Xi Jinping and the CCP.

Beijing Biden.

How do I know it’s a lie? I went to China went with then-Vice President Biden twice (in 2011 and 2013) when he met specifically with Xi Jinping. I was also in when the two men met in 2012. There were, as well, several meetings between the two in Washington during then-Vice President Biden’s tenure. As the CCP knows, they spent a lot more time together than 24 hours.

Let’s address Joe’s lie of how he characterizes his relationship with Xi.

Here’s a sample of Joe Biden in 2012 bragging about his special time with his buddy then-Vice President Xi Jinping: “I would venture to say, if we added up the hours in the last six months, the Vice President [Xi] and I have probably spent 20 hours alone in conversation.”

Get that Biden addition? Twenty glorious one-on-one hours in only six months!

And that was before Joe’s second trip to China in 2013 (the one Hunter freeloaded on) or the numerous meetings they had in Washington during visits Xi made as president.

As Joe’s former stenographer, I can attest that, when he wanted to impress a crowd with his ties to Xi, he would brag repeatedly about the over “40 hours” he’d spent with him. He loved telling crowds he was the world leader who was on best terms with Xi Jinping.


Of course, Joe was also perfectly willing to reduce that number to suit his audience if they were from, say, Japan or Korea.

But then came President Trump’s tough trade measures with China, which most everyday Americans and many Asians appreciated. It was only the elitists and the Chinese who wanted them ended.


So when Norah O’Donnell asked, Joe lied. And Norah obliged.

How is this not propaganda? Thanks to Norah O’Donnell’s compromised journalism, the CCP knows what her viewers and reasonable Americans don’t—that Joe Biden during his vice presidency spent way more than “24-25 hours” in private conversations with Xi Jinping.

This isn’t just sloppy journalism; this is isn’t just a compromised president inviting further CCP encroachment; this is intentional elitist deceit that occurred because this “journalist” has a secretive personal relationship with President Biden.

This is unacceptable, and if CBS News had any integrity, Norah O’Donnell would be fired.

So now we have Joe Biden, a president, who has to lie about his past association with Xi.

But was something as mundane as a pool party that special? D.C. reporters certainly thought so.

In an off-camera moment just before she was to interview Vice President Joe Biden, I heard her express in hushed tones what a wonderful time she and her family had had at the Biden’s pool parties, and the Vice President was glad to hear it.

From that moment on I knew that these Biden pool parties were a “point of personal privilege” for the handpicked journalists who received an invite. Who got invites and who didn’t? Well, that depended on how you covered Biden and his family.

Greyhound CEO tells Biden’s DHS chief that his "migrants" must be COVID-free before boarding buses

Article by Dom Calicchio in FoxBusiness


Greyhound CEO tells Biden’s DHS chief that his "migrants" must be COVID-free before boarding buses

The bus line is also seeking ‘emergency funding’ from the government to provide transport services, the company’s leader writes in a letter

The president CEO of Greyhound has written to the head of the Department of Homeland Security, calling for the agency to provide proof that any undocumented asylum-seekers boarding its buses after release from DHS be COVID-free.

“Our top priority is the safety of our employees and passengers,” Greyhound’s David Leach wrote in a letter sent Wednesday to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

A Greyhound spokesperson confirmed the letter was sent to the agency and that the company "requested its assistance with the potential surge of migrants at the border."

The letter came during the same week that more than 100 migrants tested positive for the virus at a Brownsville, Texas, bus station as they prepared to board buses to northern U.S. destinations, according to Border Report.

“We need assurance that any detainees released by ICE have proof of a negative COVID-19 test, similar to the proof required for international airline passengers who arrive at US ports of entry,” Leach’s letter continued. “Greyhound already asks our customers to stay home and NOT travel if they are not feeling well or have been diagnosed with COVID. However, migrants simply do not have that choice unless the government or their sponsors house them while they quarantine. Therefore, it is critical to public safety that ICE provide 100% assurance that no one released that can be reasonably expected to ride a Greyhound bus be infected with COVID-19 (or mixed with other potential passengers that have tested negative).”


Leach noted that during previous surges of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2014 and 2019, Greyhound worked with regional partners and charities to help transfer migrants “with dignity and humanity” but he added that the coronavirus had helped create a “much more serious challenge” for the company.

“We simply do not have buses and drivers ready to meet surges in demand without emergency funding,” Leach said. “In order to properly serve immigrants coming into the southern border and traveling to their sponsor destination, Greyhound will be operating one-way moves throughout the country and in order to get the resources back (buses and drivers) to the border to continue operations, Greyhound needs funding assistance to cover the costs of repositioning buses and drivers from other parts of the country to wherever they may be needed.”

 Whether Mayorkas or any other DHS or Biden administration official responded to Leach this week was not immediately known.

Earlier this week, Mayorkas urged would-be migrants to “wait” before trying to enter the U.S. as the Biden administration worked to rebuild an immigration system that he described as “gutted.”

He claimed the migrant situation posed a “challenge” for the Biden administration but not a crisis.

Meanwhile, hundreds of migrants have been gathering near the U.S.-Mexico border, with one group in Tijuana, Mexico, reaching about 1,000 people, according to FOX 5 of San Diego. 

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‘Higher’ education a threat to America


Article by Eric Utter in The American Thinker

‘Higher’ education a threat to America

American colleges and universities pose an existential threat to our nation that hosts and so lavishly supports them. In fact, they are the single biggest threat to Western civilization, now over 2,000 years old.

If you are like most people, you probably think the previous two sentences were overly bold, hyperbolic, preposterous. Maybe even crazy. And you would be wrong. The rot emanating from institutions of higher learning in the United States is more dangerous even than the coronavirus. The virus of wokeism eats away its hosts’ mental capacity and renders them ignorant, bitter, hostile, unstable, overly emotional and intellectually impotent. COVID-19 will eventually disappear, but the brain damage inflicted by today’s universities likely will not. Neither mask mandates nor social distancing can protect us from the ravages loosed on us by modern American academia. Lockdowns don’t work, either. All of these may, in fact, be symptoms of the disease they have wrought.

This is unspeakably sad, as these self-same institutions once existed in large part to challenge and enlighten students and introduce them to the great works of Western civilization and the foundational principles of American society and Judeo-Christian ethics. They taught students how best to think, not what to think. Like a free and impartial press, these institutions were once beneficial-- indeed critical-- to the health of a free democratic republic. We have neither now.

Today’s colleges and universities serve only to further the goals of their elitist benefactors by indoctrinating their charges into a ubiquitous and homogenous Marxist mindset, one at loggerheads with the notion of a free, democratic republic based on the rule of law and governed by, of, and for the people.

Today’s colleges and universities give lip service to “tolerance,” fawn over “diversity,” and purport to be open and welcoming to all. Nothing could be further from the truth. Conservatives are shunned, canceled, threatened, fired, or assaulted as the case may be. Professors and students openly rejoice in the physical misfortune -- or even death -- of those who do not share their radical political agenda. “Activists” demand the removal of statues of historic figures… if they haven’t already defaced and toppled them. Even as they savage the past, colleges are repeating it by increasingly racially segregating their students and initiating separate, racially-based departments, dorms, and graduation ceremonies.

Colleges are degrading or eliminating their grading and behavioral standards in an effort to “help” minorities. How patrician and racist is that? They argue that absolutely everything is racist, unaware that by doing so they have refuted their own claim. Many are in favor of slavery reparations, or the massive transfer of wealth from those who never owned slaves to those who never were slaves. They are pushing to defund the police. And eliminate political opposition.

Big Academia is also wildly infatuated with the proposition that there are an infinite number of genders, that sexuality is a “construct” on a “spectrum,” and that drag queens are sacrosanct, the backbone of our civilization, so the avoidance of one or more is akin to a criminal act.

Universities have come to believe sexuality is Black and white, too, insofar as it is somehow different for each race, and therefore also requires separate classes, teachers and venues. Their fervent embrace of transgender theory has led at least one to teach that Jesus was “non-binary.”

Telling the truth about almost anything is now strictly verboten on campuses across the fruited plain. Universities have threatened to expel students for saying “a woman is a woman” and “a man is a man.”

Colleges aid and abet students in their attempt to repeal truth and cancel history. Which has led to some students’ avowed desire to repeal the Constitution. And professors to state that free speech is “racist.”

Universities haven’t just been given a free ride, they have been lavishly, almost obscenely, funded in recent years. Some have endowments making them wealthier than many nations. Grants, loans and debt forgiveness have allowed them to rapidly raise their tuition rates to obscene levels as well, even as they have the gall to denounce capitalism, business, and the “greedy rich.”

It is time for these indoctrination centers to be defundedc-- and deprived of the free ride and unearned esteem they have been granted for the past several decades — if we Americans are to once again live up to the ideals that made us great.

But a threat to the nation? Really?

What would you call an institution that rewrites history, denigrates and attempts to destabilize the country it is supposed to serve, seeks to resegregate society, and wishes to erase all distinctions between men and women?


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Deprogramming the Trump Voters


Tiger cages in a communist "re-education camp"


Article by Anthony J. Ciani in The American Thinker

Deprogramming the Trump Voters


How does the Left look at conservatives? We often overlook this, even though it's a critical factor in the "divisive" atmosphere grippingh the county these days. It wouldn't hurt to put ouselves into the mindset of your average professional left-leaing professional attempting to deal with the "Deplorables" -- perhaps an academic psychologist, or a domestic affairs bureaucrat...

Understanding how people were programmed is crucial to deprogramming them, yet amateur deprogrammers have assumed that censoring and discrediting Trump will free his voters from his siren song.  If the amateurs are wrong, they could become entrenched in their programming, possibly ruining decades of expert deprogramming.  Although strange to provide tips toward progressive objectives in a conservative journal, the amateur deprogrammers are advocating for extreme solutions as their efforts are met with failure.  If everyone understands, from the progressive perspective, how Trump supporters were programmed and how they are being expertly deprogrammed, those extreme solutions might be avoided.

Trump voters were taught that we have a representative democracy based on liberty and freedom; that we have an immutable Constitution that establishes those principles as the law of the land; and that representatives are elected by the will of the People as stewards of government, not as stewards of the People.  Trump supporters believe that government should be of the minimum extent necessary to assist a moral society, and believe in a moral system that respects property and person and punishes those who don’t.  Archival media (e.g., newspapers, books and movies) reveals that this brainwashing has occurred for centuries, perpetuated by education and common social belief.  Trump might not be the siren but a victim.  So, who started and perpetuates this brainwashing?

This deception stems from morals, and Trump supporters believe that morals are absolute and originate from God.  One of the their most embraced documents reads, “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator [God] with certain unalienable Rights.” That these morals have existed for eons in the greatest societies of the World and were absent from the worst lends credence to their belief that morals originate from some omniscient and benevolent Deity, rather than from government or society.  Due to their entrenched moral beliefs, Trump supporters reject the truth of social justice.  When a poor person appropriates a TV from a white person, Trump supporters see an immoral act, not the righting of white privilege.  When government seizes excess wealth and then gifts it to poor people who are incapable of living to the standards of white society, Trump supporters only see an unconstitutional theft.

The first mistake of the amateur is obvious: one of the programmers is God, who has programmed Himself as the absolute moral authority, superior to government or society.  Trump supporters have resisted secularization and moral correction and will continue to do so absent Trump.

Even after secularization, Trump supporters adhere to “the written law.”  Laws only exist when enforced, yet even though prosecutors and judges, the authorities of law, have repeatedly demonstrated that laws change based on who you are, Trump supporters continue to embrace an intransigent egality.  Prosecutorial discretion and judges exist to correct the law against societal injustices and to exonerate our superiors.  What better example than the 2020 election?  If not for administrative discretion to alter the rules of elections and for the courts to interpret the law, Trump would be president again.  Our superiors must act freely for our betterment, but the ability to form an independent comprehension of “the written law”, absent expert direction, has deceived the Trump tribe.

Trump supporters believe that words are immutable.  They think that dividing people by color or ethnicity is the definition of racism but weighing people against social injustices is actually anti-racism.  They believe that demanding obedience to our leaders and coercing those who resist is fascism, but this is only fascism when Trump is the leader.  They believe that men are XY and women are XX, and some accept that sex can change after physical alteration, but nearly all Trump supporters reject that sexual identity is defined by ones feelings.  They believe that words have meaning and reject feelings as the source of meaning.  They reject a living constitution and adhere to “the written law” because they have been deceived by the dictionary.

Only the elites can understand language and law, yet Trump’s followers reject the superiority of our leaders, failing to understand that being elected places them above all.  They ridicule our leaders who misunderstand positivity rates or believe that islands can capsize, rather than accepting the new realities.  Our leaders give advantage to other countries to compensate for our largess, but Trump supporters fault their generosity.  Our leaders do what is best for all of us, and so earn the privilege of enriching themselves from their offices, yet Trump supporters cling to the idea that our leaders are but representatives, again deceived by “the written law.”

Worse, Trump supporters have been trained as skeptics, despite believing in an invisible deity that dictates morals.  “Trust but verify” once said by a person who occupied the Oval Office, yet they refuse to obey our new leaders, the new authorities of culture, science and law.  Rather than accepting the truth of climate change, as authoritatively stated by a former Vice President, Trump voters demand evidence and facts.  They even reject the conclusions of boards and advisory committees when their truths contradict the facts.  This lack of trust runs deep and creates a significant trap to deprogramming.

If deprogrammers attempt to force progressive reality on them, they will question it, reference “the written law” or the dictionary, apply their own logic and reason, reach the opposite conclusion and label the deprogrammers as untrustworthy.  As long as written laws, copies of the Constitution, outdated dictionaries and other sources of information exist, Trump supporters will never be deprogrammed.

Deprogrammers need to first undermine the foundations of the programming: facts, morals, language and reason.  Change the definition of sex, publish annotated versions of the Constitution and interpretive versions of the Bible, and direct web searches to those corrected versions.  When Trump supporters search for facts contradictory to truths, direct them to the truths instead.  The teaching of civics, philosophy and history must be corrected to reveal the true motives of the “founding fathers,” to taint the morality of freedom and liberty, and morality itself.  These adjustments must be mild and incremental over generations, and as many expert deprogrammers know, are already well underway.

Trump supporters should be pressured into abandoning their beliefs and accepting the new truths, but this must also be done gently and covertly.  Many went through an anti-pressure training program called DARE, between 1983 and 2009.  The program has since been altered to discourage morals and encourage mindless compliance with authority, but        Trump voters between the ages of 25 and 55 could reflexively reject overt pressure.  By surrounding Trump supporters with media that covertly portrays the new reality, they will subconsciously adapt their world view.  Expert deprogrammers already have this well underway.

Trump was not a siren, but a victim of long-existing programming who resonated with other victims, who see themselves just as attacked and silenced as Trump.  The banning, canceling, rioting and name calling from amateur deprogrammers is putting Trump supporters on edge and alerting them to the more covert and effective deprogramming of experts.  Decades of deprogramming are put into jeopardy as they flee the nurture of Big Tech and reflexively reject ridicule and authority, and a more ultimate solution may be required.

So there you have it. The next time you hear a Democrat politician, or a left-wing academic, or some poor befuddled blue-state voter. Keep in mind how they think themselves into a logical cul-de-sac, trapping themselves in a nightmarish, paranoid worldview from which there is no escape. Needless to say, we have to assure that they don't trap us... 


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Swiss vote on whether to ban Muslim face veils


Switzerland is deciding on whether to ban Muslim face veils in a national referendum - a move that was instigated before the coronavirus pandemic.

Voters will decide on a far-right proposal to ban anything that covers the face, like burkas and niqabs, making it a poll that is seen as a test of attitudes toward Muslims.



Masks to protect against COVID-19 will still be allowed as they are covered by the potential exemptions, which say coverings are allowed at religious sites, for health reasons or during particular weather conditions.

Often referred to as "the burka ban", the initiative by right-wing groups also includes outlawing the wearing of ski masks and bandanas often used for protesting.

Currently, masks to protect against COVID are mandatory in busy public places in Switzerland due to the pandemic.

The proposal would ban the wearing of other face coverings in public, notably in the streets, on public transport and in offices, restaurants, shops and football stadiums. Exceptions are not allowed for tourists.



 It has been reported that only a handful of Swiss residents wear face coverings like burkas and niqabs.



 The proposal under the Swiss system of direct democracy does not mention Islam directly but local politicians, media and campaigners have said it is an attack on the religion.



Opinion polls have indicated the measure could pass narrowly and the proposal will become law.

Walter Wobmann, chairman of the referendum committee and a member of parliament for the Swiss People's Party, has said: "In Switzerland, our tradition is that you show your face. That is a sign of our basic freedoms."

He described facial coverings like the burka and the niqab as "a symbol for this extreme, political Islam which has become increasingly prominent in Europe and which has no place in Switzerland".



Five other European countries have already introduced such a ban, including France and Austria. Two Swiss cantons already have local bans on face coverings.

If the move fails, there is a possibility visitors may still be obliged to show their faces at borders.

It is one of three referenda taking place on Sunday. Voters will also be polled on a government-backed electronic identity scheme and a free trade accord with Indonesia.

In 2009, Swiss people voted to ban building any new minarets. 




How to get away with stealing an election


Article by Thomas Robinson in The American Thinker

How to get away with stealing an election

Please Note: The following message is intended for mature audiences.  Especially adults who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election that may ( or in the near future...) be embarrassed for choosing him.[i] 

I was not, by any definition of the words, a "Trump supporter" in the months leading up to the election.  I had read (..."been fed"?) the most critical opinions from news reports of his personality and behavior for the previous 5 years....  Plus, I had a few negative opinions of my own from his performances on "The Apprentice" tv show.  In other words, Trump was the last person I ever imagined the American people would elect as president in my absence (I live in Norway).

But something changed drastically in the weeks leading up to November 3, 2020... and the days following.

To explain further, I think the following discussions on "compartmentalization" and "diffusion of responsibility" are necessary:

"Compartmentalization" (...I know.  What ever happened to using simple English terms everyone could understand?)

1. Based on my experiences with Navy life and concepts, "compartmentalization" applies to the way ships are constructed; providing multiple sections of water-tight spaces.  When properly sealed by the crew, if only a limited number of those spaces get flooded, the ship will still have a chance to stay afloat.

2. In spy/terrorist situations, the concept of "compartmentalization" can also be utilized, although in a much different environment.  Instead of holding out water in multiple sections, "informational compartmentalization" is designed to prevent critical information from spreading to too many members in the organization.  With that particular feature, if a limited number of "cohorts" get discovered or infiltrated by the enemy, the remaining groups could theoretically continue towards accomplishing the organization's goals without "sinking".  

3. When I was in the Navy, I had a "Secret" security clearance.  As a new junior officer, I excitedly, naively assumed that I would have clearance to see all classified information below the level of "Top Secret".  But it didn't take long for me to learn that that wasn't the case.  You see, the Navy's security clearance efforts to "compartmentalize" its sensitive information also came with the qualifier:  "...and the need to know."  Even if the file was classified "Secret" or "Confidential," if I didn't have "the need to know" (...meaning it was "none of my business"!) I was not allowed access.

...If I had fallen (or been thrown!) off of my ship and captured by the "enemy", the only military things that I knew -- that could be "tortured out of me" -- were the memorized details of a 1960's-era destroyer, how to write subordinates' performance reviews, and, get this, what prescription medicines we kept in the first aid kit!  Tactically-speaking, I was pretty much a "nobody".  I didn't have, therefore couldn't give up, any significant, valuable secrets.  Conversely and thus, in this kind of a system, (the higher the clearance you have) + (the more you need to know), the more valuable info that can be lost to "the bad guys."

"Diffusion of Responsibility"

(I found the info quoted below on the internet which I sincerely doubt would be worth lying about.... But you just never know., do you?)  

On the topic of firing squad protocols:

"...Sometimes, one or more members of the firing squad may be issued a weapon containing a blank cartridge. In such cases, members of the firing squad are not told beforehand whether or not they are using live ammunition. This is believed to reinforce the sense of diffusion of responsibility among the firing squad members."  And "...In more recent times, such as in the execution of Ronnie Lee Gardner in the American state of Utah in 2010, one rifleman may be given a "dummy" cartridge containing a wax bullet instead of a lead bullet, which provides a more realistic recoil."

Based on my previous understanding and these confirming details, my interpretation of "diffusion of responsibility" is that efforts can be intentionally coordinated to alter the perception of what an individual in a team does (...or fears he does) by making it somewhat possible that it wasn't actually HIM that did it.  (E.g. Firing squad member) + (possibly fake bullet) + (shot aimed at victim's heart) = (possibly NOT actually responsible for victim's death).


So, combining "information compartmentalization" and firing squad "diffusion of responsibility", it's not so hard to imagine how a national election could be stolen; given enough motivation, money and time...  While simultaneously doing it all so that no one person or group (...other than, perhaps, "top leadership", that is...) has to feel totally guilty for doing it!

If no one in Detroit, Michigan needed to know, and thus didn't know, what was happening in Philadelphia, PA, they wouldn't have to feel particularly guilty afterwards.  If those responsible for feeding fake, duplicate and/or otherwise invalid ballots into an election machine in Fulton County Georgia after the polls were closed didn't know about internet connections and software "improprieties" in ANY of the targeted "swing states", they really couldn't be blamed for "that much fraud".   Catching one, or even several, election-center volunteers cheating would be the equivalent of the enemy capturing a low-ranking sailor floating helplessly in the long-gone wake of his more threatening "mother ship".

No one individual or small team caught at any of the lower levels would represent a "leak" big enough to change the election's outcome.  Breaking up the total cheating efforts into many smaller pieces, using various types of manipulation, with a well-trained damage control team on stand-by to fix any "accidental leaks and/or slip-ups" (such as placing cardboard sheets over observation windows) the "Ocean's 2020" star-studded thieves could have effectively turned an unimaginable operation into an almost "sure thing".

And, once pulled off, the payoffs would be far greater than their massive, initial investments required.

Oh yeah...  Even though a "Doubting Thomas" before, now I see at least one LIKELY way how "The Fix" could have been pulled off.  (By the way, didn't "they" brag about doing "it" in that Time magazine article in January 2021?)

...As if that wasn't bad enough, I see no reason why -- with much less effort -- that it couldn't be done again!

...And again.

...And again.  

...Until it never needed to be done at all.

So, if you're like I used to be where "winning means everything"... and your candidate won this time... No big deal, right?  

...Not so fast.

What if your candidate, disappointing as he already is, doesn't even make it in office past the Spring of 2021" and his "replacements" (...who you weren't really voting for in the first place) show themselves to be much worse?  What if you want -- or absolutely need -- to vote for the other side next time?  

But then, after voting for the other side next time, what if things turn out to be even worse than in Nov. 2020? As a voter, you'll certainly have the “clearance" to find out what's going on; our Constitution guarantees that.

But what if the government tells you... "Sorry, citizen, but you don't have the need to know"?

For middle class Americans who voted for Biden in 2020, I suspect winning will never seem so bad... so soon...

***sound of microphone dropping***


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