Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Split in The Republican Party Showcased By Kevin McCarthy and Liz Cheney

During a press question and answer period the dividing line inside the republican party became publicly clear again today.  When responding to a question about whether President Trump should speak to the CPAC audience Kevin McCarthy said “yes he should.”  However, Liz Cheney -who is the #3 leadership position- said: “I don’t believe he should be playing a role in the party going forward.”  WATCH

Thus the ridiculous position of the Republican party is on display.  Keep in mind the party caucus recently agreed to keep Liz Cheney in her leadership role after she voted to impeach President Trump.  Her remarks today were intentionally antagonistic and intentionally public.  She is sneering in the face of 80,000,000 voters and laughing while she does it.  Ms. Cheney could have chosen to say nothing… but she made a choice.

The DeceptiCon wing of the party feels emboldened by the lack of the MAGA contingent to push back forcefully against them.   There are times when it becomes necessary to separate from bad people and unfortunately the Republican party does not seem capable of getting rid of the conniving corrupt internal elements.  It will be up to the voters of Wyoming to remove Cheney from politics.  Let us hope a strong primary candidate will do the job.

Biden’s Foreign Policy Is Obama All Over Again: Empowering Our Enemies At Our Expense

President Biden seems determined to 
go down the same path as his former boss, 
which will no doubt strengthen America's foes 
to the detriment of the country.

President Biden says his foreign policy goal is to promote American values. Yet serious questions deserve to be raised as to whether these were only empty words following the Biden administration’s recent controversial moves on China and Iran that seem all too eager to appease America’s adversaries.

In a recent CNN town hall, when asked about the genocide of the Uighur Muslims enacted under Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping, Biden sounded like a spokesperson for China’s Foreign Ministry, repeating the CCP’s talking points, and explaining the CCP’s treatment of the persecuted Uighur population as a different cultural “norm.” 

Tony Blinken, Biden’s secretary of state, stated in his Senate confirmation hearing that he agrees China is committing “genocide” in Xinjiang but had a change of heart after Biden dismissed the CCP’s actions. Following his boss’s lead, the State Department now claims “insufficient evidence to prove genocide.”

The intrinsically discernible fact is that no cultural norm could ever justify the systematic elimination of the identity, culture, and religion of an entire group of people. As the numerous news reports about the plight of Uighurs in China indicate, more than 1 million have been “systematically dehumanized, humiliated, and brain-washed” in prison-like internment camps.

Uighur women reportedly have suffered the worst, including rape, sexual assaults, forced sterilization, and forced abortions inside the camps. Besides these unspeakable physical sufferings, Uighurs are losing their religious sites and cultural heritage.

Refusing to Hold the CCP Accountable

Under the Trump administration, the United States took a series of actions to hold the CCP accountable for its human rights abuses, such as sanctions targeting senior CCP officials. On his last day as the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo officially declared that the Chinese Communist Party’s actions against Uighur Muslims and other minorities in Xinjiang constitute “genocide” and a “crime against humanity.” 

By doing so, Pompeo removed a challenging barrier for his successor, making it easier for the Biden administration to take tough actions to hold Beijing accountable while providing the new administration powerful leverage to use in future negotiations.

In its zeal to erase all things Trump-related, the Biden administration is giving up the leverage gifted by the Trump administration and relinquishing America’s legal responsibility and moral leadership. If this appeasement is being done in hopes of a change in the CCP’s behavior, it’s both ignorant and arrogant. Already, there are now credible reports regarding the CCP’s deployment of identical tactics it used in Xinjiang against the Uighurs to populations in Tibet and Inner Mongolia.

The Biden administration’s moral cowardice will only drive allies further into China’s sphere of influence, emboldening the CCP to intensify its domestic aggression, and accelerating the rise of a dangerous Sino-centric new world order.

Rewarding Iran’s Bad Behaviors

Former President Obama, along with then-Vice President Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry, handed the American people and the rest of the world a bad Iran nuclear deal in 2015. Since then, the deal has provided Iran millions of dollars, enabling Iran’s mullahs to fund menacing activities to regain and expand their influence in the Middle East. 

Most importantly, the deal never served its intended purpose: stopping Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons. Last November, the Institute for Science and International Security released a report stating Iran’s low enriched uranium stock exceeds the limit set by the 2015 Iran nuclear deal by 12-fold:

[Iran] now has sufficient low enriched uranium to produce enough weapons-grade uranium for a second nuclear weapon, where the second one could be produced more quickly than the first.

Since the foundation of the 2015 nuclear deal was the Obama administration and the European Union’s willful ignorance of and blind trust in the Iranian government, no one should be surprised with this finding. The Trump administration pulled out of this bad deal and re-imposed economic sanctions on Iran in 2018. The idea was to weaken Iran’s clerical authoritarian regime so the United States could negotiate a more effective nuclear deal.

The sanctions worked as they were intended. Along with the Iranian regime’s mismanagement and corruption, Iran’s economy crumbled. Its currency lost 80 percent of its value to U.S. dollars. The overall unemployment rate reached 15 percent, and between 40 and 50 percent among young people.

Fed up with economic hardship, Iranians staged mass protests demanding political change from late 2017 into 2018, and then again between 2019 and early 2020. The coronavirus pandemic further weakened Iran’s clerical authoritarian regime. 

With the Trump administration’s facilitation, Israel and several Arab nations in the Middle East signed historic peace agreements last year, partially driven by their collective concern about Iran’s menaces in the region. As Brian Hook, the U.S. State Department’s special envoy for Iran under the Trump administration, stated: “Peace between the Arabs and the Israelis is Iran’s worst nightmare.”

Wasting Opportunities

The Biden administration should have taken advantage of the leverage gifted by the previous administration, demanded the Iranian regime indefinitely abandon developing nuclear weapons, and make real progress toward establishing long-lasting peace in the Middle East. Instead, President Biden acted as if the much-weakened Iran is the one that has a stronger hand than the United States.

Even before he was sworn into the office, Biden’s team reportedly partook in covert talks with Iran about returning to the 2015 nuclear deal. Biden’s appointment of Robert Malley as his special envoy to Iran — a man with a long history of sympathy to Iran’s authoritarian regime and of overtly anti-Israeli sentiments — signals that appeasement of the mullahs will be the new foreign policy of the United States.

Last week, Iran threatened to limit international agencies from monitoring its nuclear activities. A day later, an Iran-backed militant group fired rockets into the U.S. military base in Iraq, injuring at least one U.S. serviceman. Rather than making it clear to Iran that the United States will neither tolerate nor be intimidated by such attacks or threats, the Biden administration demonstrated that its desperation to appease the mullahs has only grown.

In the latest troubling developments from last Thursday, the Biden administration made what the administration calls “goodwill gestures“ to Iran. First, the United Nations Security Council was informed the United States was rescinding a Trump administration claim that all U.N. sanctions had been re-imposed on Iran. Second, the U.S. state department publicly announced it will return to nuclear negotiations with Iran with no pre-set conditions. Last but not least, the U.S. lifted “severe movement restrictions“ on Iranian diplomats in New York.

None of these concessions were made because Iran’s regime did anything to earn them. All were made after the Iran-backed militant group attack on the Iraqi US. base. Iran never offered any “goodwill gestures” in return. When asked why the administration rewarded Iran for its displeasing behavior, a State Department official elaborated that “these are not concessions to Iran. These are concessions to common sense.”

Reading the Signs

When our adversaries perceive American desperation, they will take advantage of the situation and extract maximum concessions. That’s exactly what Iran is doing. As Frontpage Magazine reports, “Javad Zarif, Iran’s Foreign Minister, has shown he believes that the Biden Administration can be threatened into rapidly submitting to Iran’s demand that it lift all sanctions on Iran without there being any change to the 2015 nuclear deal.” It seems Iran’s read on the Biden administration, which is full of veterans from the Obama administration, is far more accurate than the Biden administration’s read on Iran.

Former American hostage in Iran Xiyue Wang tweeted: “The US can’t exchange goodwill with IRI, because U.S. goodwill is regarded as a sign of weakness and IRI will exploit it. IRI’s compliance with JCPOA is not goodwill. It is a necessity, as IRI’s nuclear file is itself a gigantic tool for extortion.”

The Biden administration’s appeasement of Tehran will not only harden Iran’s resolve to demand maximum concessions from the United States without giving up its nuclear ambitions but also will send a clear message of weakness to all of America’s adversaries around the world that all talk from the Biden administration about promoting and defending American values are nothing but a fig leaf.

Biden’s foreign policy is clearly a potentially worse retread of Obama’s foreign policy, rarely backing up lofty rhetoric with needed tough actions. The foreign policy of the Biden administration looks poised to treat America’s foes with kid gloves, both ignorant of the true uncharitable nature of our adversaries and too arrogant to learn otherwise. It’s an ideology that mistakes wishful thinking as sound policies that will somehow induce desired changes.

From the South China Sea to the Middle East, Obama weakened U.S. global leadership, accelerated American decline, and alienated some of our most important allies while empowering our rivals. It seems President Biden is determined to retake the same path as his former boss, which will no doubt strengthen antagonists to American interests at the expense of peace and security of the United States and our allies.

Mail-in ballots and voting machines banned in France


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 6:35 AM PT – Thursday, February 25, 2021

In the aftermath of the 2020 elections,many are looking to make widespread reforms to the voting systems used in America. One America’s Jack Posobiec spoke with a French member of the European Parliament to see whether foreign countries use the same kinds of election practices as the U.S. 




Capitol Hill hearing targets Fox News and lays the groundwork for government censorship


Article by Peter Barry Chowka in The American Thinker

Capitol Hill hearing targets Fox News and lays the groundwork for government censorship

One of the most chilling examples in modern times of the accelerating full-spectrum assault on free speech and the First Amendment took place yesterday on Capitol Hill, courtesy of a subcommittee of the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Energy and Commerce. For over three hours on Wednesday afternoon, the subcommittee held a virtual hearing titled Fanning the Flames: Disinformation and Extremism in the Media. The target was conservative media in general and Fox News in particular.

Conservatives who have bought into the fake meme that Fox News has “gone left” might want to take note of how the authoritarian leftists who have taken control of the Democrat party and their allies in big media have now openly embarked on a carefully crafted and well-orchestrated propaganda campaign to destroy Fox News. The Democrats are also targeting FNC’s two competitors, Newsmax TV and OANN.

Indications of where the hearing would go were provided on Monday when two of the subcommittee’s  members, California Democrat Reps. Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney, sent a letter demanding answers to seven extensive and intrusive questions to twelve of the biggest cable and satellite television providers and streaming services that carry Fox News. The letter challenged the providers to defend their policies that make the Fox News channel and its two conservative competitors available to Americans.

On Monday, Fox News released a brief statement that to date is the channel’s only on the record comment about these goings on.

As the most watched cable news channel throughout 2020, FOX News Media provided millions of Americans with in-depth reporting, breaking news coverage and clear opinion. For individual members of Congress to highlight political speech they do not like and demand cable distributors engage in viewpoint discrimination sets a terrible precedent.

The Democrat who ran the hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA), chairman of the committee’s communications and technology subcommittee, echoed the opinions of Eshoo and McNerney early on in his opening statement.

So did his fellow Democrats and three of the four witnesses in this kangaroo court. The only dissenter was George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, a Democrat who sounds like no other Democrat in public life these days. Turley remains an extremely knowledgeable and articulate advocate of free speech and the First Amendment despite receiving what he said were death threats.

The tone of the hearing was set early on by one of the witnesses, the self-identified “Latinx. Queer” Kristin Danielle Urquiza, who started a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization last year called Marked by COVID. At the hearing, Urquiza blamed her father’s death on alleged and unspecified misinformation about Covid-19 that – visibly on the verge of tears – she insisted was spread by President Donald Trump and his “accomplices, enablers, and complicit parties,” mainly Fox News.

Let me start by stating the obvious. The primary purpose and entity responsible for my father's death and hundreds of thousands of people in the United States is Donald Trump and his administration.

Like everyone I know, my dad received his information through an intermediary. And his media of choice was Fox cable news.

I did my best to fight back. But there is no way that one person can compete with the microphone of the office of the president nor the propaganda machine that has become Fox cable news.

During the hearing, which lasted almost three and one-half hours, almost every Democrat committee member at some point took time out to praise Urquiza. And why not? Last summer, Urquiza spoke at the virtual Democrat Convention in support of Joe Biden – a two-minute address that earned her several fawning New York Times profiles.

A press release on February 17 announcing the hearing, authored by Doyle and Commerce Committee Chairman Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), spelled out the hearing’s purpose and its broad agenda:

The prolonged severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and the attack on our Capitol on January 6 have driven home a frightening reality: the spread of disinformation and extremism by traditional news media presents a tangible and destabilizing threat. Some broadcasters’ and cable networks’ increasing reliance on conspiracy theories and misleading or patently false information raises questions about their devotion to journalistic integrity. We look forward to hearing from media experts about what is being done and what more can be done to address this growing problem moving forward.

The two other “media experts” on the witness list were Black Latina leftist feminist TV reporter and program host Soledad O’Brien and British leftist Emily Bell, Director of something called the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at the Columbia School of Journalism. Bell, whose native country lacks anything close to a First Amendment protecting freedom of speech, was constantly pitching an expanded but nebulous role for the U.S. government to rein in media that she and her fellow travelers don’t approve of.

For her part, O’Brien, a sanctimonious propagandist who wears her various “minority” identities as badges of qualification and honor, began her statement with a vicious attack on Lou Dobbs for what she alleged was an egregious on air “lie” going back to 2007 when he hosted a program on CNN.

The Republicans on the committee, including Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), who survived an assassination attempt by a Bernie Sanders acolyte in 2017, were unified in their opposition to the entire undertaking. The most passionate and articulate of the group was Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who represents a largely rural district in Eastern Washington State.

Reading her opening statement via a Cisco WebEx video interface that connected everyone who participated in the virtual hearing, McMorris Rodgers said:

In all my time on this committee, there has never been a more obvious direct attack on the First Amendment. Elected officials using their platform to pressure private companies to censor media outlets they disagree with—that sounds a lot like actions from the Chinese Communist Party, not duly-elected representatives of the United States Congress. Here we cherish free speech and a free independent press. We believe in dialogue and in the battle of ideas. Rather than censor and silence constitutionally protected speech, the answer is more speech. That’s the American way. 

Now more than ever, we need to uphold the First Amendment. It states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” This is unique to us as Americans. It’s been fought for and defended all through our history for free expression without censorship from the government. 

It’s foundational to our personal rights and liberties. So, we should all be troubled today on what appears to be an attack on the First Amendment by elected officials to coerce private companies to censor political speech.

It’s a long, frustrating, and very aggravating slog to take in the whole hearing. But for people with some time on their hands and a strong stomach, I highly recommend accessing the complete hearing video archived at YouTube. It represents an early warning and a chilling indication of what the Democrats have up their sleeves as they take a more focused and active aim at their enemies. And while earlier criticisms of the rampant censorship of conservatives by social media as potential violations of the First Amendment have been met with objections that “Big Tech is private industry and it’s not the government doing the censoring,” yesterday’s hearing – and what it may portend – is different. It’s the government taking direct aim at the only examples in the mainstream media that are not a part of the Democrat-MSM authoritarian groupthink alliance.

As I emailed a friend while I was watching the hearing live online, “It’s must-see TV. But I have a barf bag close at hand.”


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Project Veritas Exposes More Big Tech Censorship, Salesforce.Com

James O’Keefe with Project Veritas has another insider leak to his organization from a person connected to “Salesforce” a Customer Relations Management (CRM) group.

In this expose’ O’Keefe walks through the ideological decisions made by the executives within Salesforce where they are deciding which companies they will remove from their platform of services.   Project Veritas was one of the companies removed.  WATCH:

I’m not sure what CRM business Salesforce was doing for Project Veritas but it likely has to do with organizing contact networks from the Veritas donor base.  In the era of deplatforming and political targeting this is another example of the importance to protecting the privacy of your “customers, subscribers and supporters.”

Note to the Rebel Alliance who keep asking why CTH is so stringent: Never, never, ever outsource or export user data for any reason…. ANY REASON….. EVER!

If Salesforce is willing to remove PV under the auspices of a “business decision”, one has to ask what their “legal team” would/could do with the internal data provided as a result of the relationship?  Potentially worrisome.

Cancelling Will S.


Article by Phyllis Chesler in The American Thinker

Cancelling Will S.

(No that's not 'Willis'---sheesh!)

 “Woke” culture is hardly even awake. It is a devouring force that means to eviscerate all excellence that has come before: The Greek classics. Chaucer. Milton. These authors are all white cisgender Western men -- enough said.

A friend and I were wondering how long it would be before the Bard would also be cancelled. We did not have long to wait.

In an article in the School Library Journal, librarian Amanda MacGregor conceded that Shakespeare was a “genius wordsmith” but that his work is full of “problematic, outdated ideas, with plenty of misogyny, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, and misogynoir.”

I do not know what “misogynoir” is. Might it refer to Fifty Shades of Grey which, as I understand it, does not even reach the shiny silver boot buckle of The Story of O.

According to Ben Jonson, Shakespeare  “was not of an age but for all time!”  “Woke” folk ask: But is he “relevant?” Do we want to keep privileging his stories over and above those written more recently, by women, people of color, queers, trans, and especially non-westerners? 

As a founder of Women’s Studies which, at its long-ago best, sought to expand, not retract the Canon, even I think that “relevance” is a bit overrated. Call me crazy, but I like time-traveling, I enjoy being transported to an earlier time, another place, which is why I do not love most modernizations of operas that were set in castles of yore, or on wild heaths and shorelines. We lose something if we wrench them out of their place in time and set them in a more recent time. Rigoletto in Frank Sinatra’s Las Vegas, ITAL Gianni Schicchi and Macbeth both set in the 1930s.

I stand almost alone. In 1984, the beloved poet, novelist, and essayist, Audre Lorde, wrote that “The Master’s tools will never dismantle the Master’s House,” and yet she used the English language and read widely. Nevertheless, those in favor of “cancelling” writers take Lorde at her word and believe one can create out of the thinnest air, the air that only they themselves can breathe today.

All the teachers and professors quoted in the School Library Journal, feel that it’s time for the Bard to retire or be presented in accessible ways. Worse: If one insists on using him, one must use him against himself. A teacher must discuss his biases and failings -- which are considerable and possibly not forgivable.

According to Arizona State University English professor and Shakespeare scholar, Ayanna Thompson: “Shakespeare was a tool used to ‘civilize’ Black and brown people in England’s empire.” (She capitalizes Black, but not brown). Shakespeare’s plays were “part of the colonizing efforts of the British in imperial India.”

I am a woman and yet I never felt myself “colonized” by Shakespeare. His plays have given me great joy. I am thinking of one extraordinary performance at the Globe/Sam Wanamaker Theater in London. The players performed The Tempest and the ensemble acting moved me from laughter to awe. Enchanted, I did not want to leave that theater and was one of the last to depart.

Another teacher, in a Michigan high school, Jeffrey Austin, is quoted as saying that teachers need to “challenge the whiteness of the assumption that Shakespeare’s works are “universal.”

Claire Brunke, a Washington State public school teacher, exiled Shakespeare from her classroom. She wanted to stop “centering the narrative” on works by “white, cisgender, heterosexual men.”

Cameron Campos, an English teacher at a high school in Alberta, Canada skipped Shakespeare and chose the works of an Indigenous author instead.

Sarah Mulhern Gross, an English teacher in New Jersey said that when she teaches Romeo and Juliet, she analyzes it in terms of its “toxic masculinity.”

Silly me. And all this while, I though Romeo and Juliet was a play about young, doomed love, about how two teenagers, a boy and girl, were willing to break with their hot-blooded feuding families for the sake of first love -- and to commit suicide for that love as well. I thought it was a story of love and death, a tragic tale about tribal family quarrels and how two youngsters sought to heal that breach through marriage. My God! The play is West Side Story but without music, only with immortal verse.

To be fair, the high school teachers are trying to reach their students but in doing so they are encouraging narcissism and ignorance. Everything has to be about now! Me! My world! Yes, but this also cheats students of their heritage, which they can build on, critique, reject.

This world view is one that leads to statue toppling and erasure of historical figures who, by our lights, are flawed, unacceptably so. Out with Lincoln and Washington. 

Lorena German, an Austin educator insists that “your kids will be fine if they don’t read Shakespeare.” Instead, she suggests Amiri Baraka, Zora Neale Hurston, Ntozake Shange, and Athol Fugard as also “deep and powerful.” They are. But they are very recent, written in the 20th century. Does she believe that their focus on Black life in America or Fugard’s white anti-apartheid views are more universal than Shakespeare? Why not teach them all? Why not read them all -- in excerpted form if time is the salient issue?

If Shakespeare is taught at the high school level, even in part, I would be open to also teaching the most creative “retellings” of his plays. As long as both are taught, not either/or. 

In terms of the colonization critique: Let me note the following. V.S. Naipaul, a Caribbean-based Indian writer and Suzanna Arundhati Roy, also an Indian writer, both won the distinguished British Man Booker Prize. Neither of them refused it. Naipaul was also knighted. Jean Rhys, a Caribbean-born and bred writer (Dominican Creole mother, a Welsh father), wrote a wondrous prequel to Jane Eyre titled The Wide Sargasso Sea. I assume that she read Charlotte Bronte in order to do so. Rhys was appointed a Commander of the British Empire for her writing. She did not refuse the honor.

My point: While I may reject Naipaul’s misogyny and cruelty to his wives, I would never dream of refusing to read his work. And while I disagree, most profoundly, with Roy’s Marxism and anti-Zionism -- that would never compel me to “cancel” her or refuse to read her novels and essays. Although we may be ideologically and geographically apart, we have inherited a literary legacy that spans the continents. 

Jean-Paul Sartre, in an Introduction to Paul Nizan’s Aden Arabie, describes what happened to his friend, the author of eight novels, when he became an ex-communist. 

“Communists do not believe in hell, they believe in nothingness. It was decided that Comrade Nizan should be obliterated. He had already been hit (and killed in World War Two, “but this liquidation satisfied no one. It was not enough that he had ceased to live. He must never have existed at all... Communists intimidated the publishers, who left (Nizan’s) books to rot in basements, and they intimidated readers who no longer dared ask for them.”

My dear friends: This is an earlier form of Cancel Culture. Perhaps it’s the prototype. Do not go down this terrifying road of obliteration and cultural oblivion. Embrace more writers not fewer; time travel when you can. It is our common global legacy.


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Apparently, Hunter Biden’s life was even more sordid than we knew


Article by Andrea Widburg in The American Thinker

Apparently, Hunter Biden’s life was even more sordid than we knew

I’m sure that there are some Americans, somewhere, who voted for Joe Biden because the media assured them that Joe is an honest, decent family man – all of which is patently untrue. Because they were unaware that the only thing “abnormal” about the Trump administration was the relentless attacks from the Democrat party and the media (but I repeat myself), they thought Biden would bring an era of peace and even honor. No wonder, then, that the media and the tech tyrants corrupted the election by quashing any reports about Biden’s sleazy son Hunter. And now, it turns out that Hunter was even worse than we realized.

Those people who paid attention to conservative media outlets and learned of Hunter Biden’s laptop, knew that Hunter Biden functioned as a conduit by which foreign governments, most notably Ukraine and China, funneled millions of dollars to the “Big Guy,” aka then-Vice President Joe Biden. They also knew that Hunter Biden is one of the sleaziest men in America.

It was public knowledge that Hunter Biden was a crack cocaine addict which had resulted in his being booted from the Navy, that he’d had an affair with his sister-in-law after his brother died from cancer, that he impregnated a stripper, and that he refused to pay for his children and, instead, married another woman. The media rather successfully dressed all this up in the story of a troubled young man trying to make good.

What the laptop revealed, in addition to the Biden family cartel, is that Hunter’s personal life was even worse than anyone realized. A Taiwanese outlet made public videos showing Hunter, a man with a foot fetish, smoking crack and cavorting with multiple women. Additionally, tweets on the computer indicated that the women in Hunter’s life worried about him and underage girls. In this regard, Hunter must take after his father who has been shown in endless video footage fondling and nuzzling little girls. It doesn’t matter to me if that public behavior is the only and worst thing Joe Biden does to little girls. It’s sufficient to make him a creep and a pervert.

It turns out, though, that Hunter’s unutterably sleazy sex life was even worse than those paying attention knew back in 2020. Get a gander at this Daily Mail headline: “EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden was living with his brother Beau's widow Hallie while sending raunchy texts and FaceTiming in the shower with her married SISTER as they declared their love and she called him her ‘prince’”

You can read all the sordid details in the Daily Mail. For now, I’ll just quote from the bullet points at the top of the article:

  • Hunter Biden began dating his late brother Beau's widow, Hallie Biden, shortly after Beau died of brain cancer in 2015
  • The unconventional relationship was first exposed in March 2017 with Joe Biden issuing a statement giving his blessing to the couple
  • can reveal Hunter was also exchanging sexual text messages with Hallie's then-married sister Elizabeth Secundy around that time
  • In a 2016 text conversation recovered from his abandoned laptop hard drive, Hunter offered to teach Secundy 'how to masturbate'
  • Secundy, 49, who was married to husband Joel Secundy, referred to Hunter as her 'prince' and told him she loved him in the texts
  • Another conversation showed Hunter texted Secundy telling her he had been up late watching 'bad porno movies like I'm 13'
  • Secundy separated from her husband and father of her three children in 2015 after 15 years of marriage. Their divorce was finalized three years later

What’s really baffling is Hunter’s success with women. Despite being a total loser with a terrible drug habit and some weird sexual perversions, Hunter managed to seduce his brother’s widow, her sister, a stripper, and the woman he married, all over the course of four years. It’s enough to make one think that Hunter’s charm had less to do with the man himself and more with the benefits flowing from the Biden family cartel.

The American people knew what they were getting with Trump: A flamboyant man who had sown his wild oats, raised five extremely successful children, and loved America. Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America.


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Former Andrew Cuomo Aide Accuses New York Governor of Sexual Harassment

In a lengthy and detailed Medium post by Lindsey Boylan titled, “My story of working with Governor Cuomo”, the former aide is accusing New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, of sexual harassment and hostile targeting to silence her from making her claims public.  [Read Medium Post Here]

Amid the alarming details outlined in her writing, Boylan claims Cuomo asked her to play strip poker on a flight in 2017, and a year later kissed her without permission.   She also writes: “I should have been shocked by the Governor’s crude comment, but I wasn’t.”

[Full Outline Here]

Teachers Unions Say Schools Cannot Reopen Until We Are Safe From Our Kids Ever Having A Future

U.S.—A representative speaking on behalf of the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, and dozens of other teachers' unions said today that schools cannot reopen until we are safe from our kids ever having a future. 

"Until American kids' education has suffered so much that they have no future career, no prospects, and no hope, we cannot go back to teaching," she said. "We must destroy them. We must end their lives. Their childhoods, their futures, their ability to contribute to society in a meaningful fashion: we must demolish it all. Bring it all crumbling to the ground."

"Then, and only then, will we return to teaching. We think that's reasonable."

The teachers' unions say this will help their teachers maintain their jobs, since no one will have an education and therefore cannot replace them.

The Important Thing Is No Mean Tweets


Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

The Important Thing Is No Mean Tweets

Americans are a spoiled people who do not understand just how good they have it – sure, the economy is tanking, our kids are locked out of school, and President Badfinger is handing the Chi Coms our country on a platter, but that ignores the big picture.

There are no more mean tweets.

Donald Trump has been successfully banished by means of the most honest and legitimate election ever, according to important and smart people who would never lie to you and who have zero personal interest in reinforcing the power and position of their garbage Establishment. Gone along with him, thanks to the brave help of the social media overlords, is his ability to tweet. No more mean tweets people – think of it! Savor it. And forget everything else that is going on.

You know, there have been legendary epochs in human history before now where everything changed for the better. The Age of Pericles. The Pax Romana. The Renaissance. The Obama years. And now joining these fabled eras, is the era of No Mean Tweets.

What a time to be alive!

Instead of mean tweets, we live in an age when we embrace science. Okay, some science. Not the science that says life begins at conception. Not the science that says men can’t menstruate. And certainly not the science that says public school teachers should go do their damn jobs. The other science, the good kind. Like the science that teaches that the world is getting hotter because you peasants have cars and barbecues. Science teaches us that it recently got cold in Texas because of global warming. And when it gets hot in Texas this summer, that will also be because of global warming.

Wow! Science and no mean tweets. We are experiencing a new dawn here, people.

The dearth of mean tweets does call for some trade-offs. It’s not all dessert, folks – you have to eat your broccoli too! These trade-offs include having tens of thousands of people put out of good American jobs because the Keystone pipeline was shut down and fracking banned. But the suffering of some people in the uncool precincts of the United States is an affordable price to pay for erotically unsatisfied wine moms in purple suburbs not having to get onto the Twitter machine and encounter mean tweets from the Bad Orange Man. And it’s a particularly affordable price to pay since these suburban swells aren’t the ones paying it. After all, their husbands have soft, girlish hands, unlike those wrench-wielding brutes.

Our military was once the most feared fighting force in human history, but under the command of Matlock-Fan-In-Chief President *, it is taking a two-month interregnum not to figure out why it hasn’t won a war since before Britney Spears went crazy, but to figure out how it can cleanse the ranks of people who like America and don’t announce their pronouns. Sure, there’s the risk of a bloody disaster where thousands of our troops will die because the brass chose to focus on college campus ideological fetishes instead of, you know, fighting and winning wars, but there is an upside.

No mean tweets.

In fact, we can carve that in the tombstones of the dead, if we can actually recover any of the bodies from the ships the People’s Liberation Army Navy sends to the bottom of the soon-to-be renamed Chinese Ocean: “Here lies Seaperson John Doe (He/Him). He died so that you would not have to endure any more mean tweets.”

Let’s have some perspective, people.

The First Amendment right to speak freely is under assault? But no mean tweets!

The First Amendment right to worship freely is under assault? But no mean tweets!

The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is under assault? But no mean tweets!

A dual-track justice system, where Capitol Hill trespassers languish without bail under a mountain of hyped-up charges while BLM/Antifa rioters go free with charges dismissed? But no mean tweets!

Fanatical leftist racism enshrined in every aspect of private and public life? But no mean tweets!

An illegal alien red carpet without all those pesky COVID tests? But no mean tweets!

Hey, Jen Psaki, is it true the administration wants us to tie diapers around our faces for the next few years even after everyone gets vaccinated? Sure, but let’s circle back to the real story – no mean tweets!

Now, there are some people out there who might weigh the terrible, crushing burden of knowing that Donald Trump is tweeting mean tweets against the wholesale devastation of the Asterisk Administration’s leftist program and think, “Gee, perhaps my aesthetic objections to some of the rough edges of our former president are not as important as ensuring that America does not sprint downhill into decline. Maybe, just maybe, in the big picture, Trump’s mean tweets were not as important as the things he actually did and did not do.”

Well, such people are racists, sexists, transphobes, and insurrectionists.

We are blessed, no longer with superficial things like freedom, prosperity, and national security, but now with the comfort that comes with knowing that not only will our current not-at-all-crusty president not tweet mean things, but that he probably can’t even figure out how to.

America, rejoice!

No mean tweets. 

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