Thursday, February 18, 2021

Watch NASA’s Perseverance Rover Land on Mars!


Live coverage of NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover landing is about to start on NASA TV and YouTube. More information about how to watch these streams, which include a 360-degree view from inside mission control, is on the mission’s watch online page. Share photos of you and your loved ones watching landing with the hashtag #CountdownToMars. 

In the next several minutes, mission controllers are expected to turn off the transmitter sending commands to the spacecraft. At that time, they will have effectively taken their hands “off the wheel,” leaving Perseverance to complete the programmed landing sequence on its own. The spacecraft is expected to hit the top of the Martian atmosphere at around 3:48 p.m. EST (12:48 p.m. PST) and touch down at around 3:55 p.m. EST (12:55 p.m. PST). Perseverance will land with NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter attached to its belly.  

A New Conservatism Must Emerge

America is currently engaged in a regime-level struggle that will preserve or destroy the purpose that has defined it. On one side stands the American way of life, characterized by republican self-government and the habits of mind and character necessary to sustain it. On the other side stands identity politics, which demands the perpetual punishment and humiliation of so-called oppressor groups combined with the unquestioned rule of the so-called marginalized. These two regimes are in conflict and cannot coexist.

The regime of identity politics has already conquered nearly all of America’s major institutions and dominates the moral high ground. The universities and schools, Fortune 500 companies, much of the media and image-making industries, Big Tech, and the administrative state are put to use waging war on the American way of life. Many of these institutions attack, ban, and slander everything for which America stands, alleging that the rule of law is racist; that freedom of speech is white supremacist; that the family is misogynist and homophobic; and that anything short of open borders is xenophobic. The nation cannot survive this trajectory.

But the conquest of these institutions does not prove that the arc of history bends left. Rather, it has occurred largely because of the weakness of the opposition. Mainstream conservatism today cannot reverse these potentially fatal trends and cannot conserve the American way of life because it lacks clear understanding of its own purpose. In its purposelessness over the last generation, it too often outsourced its thinking to economists, while allowing the Left to define its conscience — and its culture. This mistake will prove disastrous if not corrected.

With some notable exceptions, much of the conservative establishment came to view the pinnacle of human life as private consumption and personal license, defining national health by GDP growth. It did not understand that this perspective led not only to spiritual enervation, the weakening of patriotic sentiment, and the demotion of political liberty but also to the creation of a new oligarchic elite openly hostile to the nation.

The will to fight cannot exist without real purpose, which is why many establishment conservatives simply fear the Left while also secretly craving its prestige and praying to its gods. Many have been shamed into becoming radically feminist, making them incapable of adequately defending the differences between men and women, let alone conjuring the manliness necessary to defend borders. Still others may soon support identity politics, no longer willing to defend either genuine standards of merit or equality under the law, the central principle of our country.

Intellectual and moral confusion on the Right helped accelerate the Left’s fanaticism. Once the party of the working class, the Left now stands for identity politics, which demands the perpetual punishment of, and open hatred and discrimination against, so-called oppressor groups while anointing so-called marginalized groups as pure, blameless, and deserving of unquestioned rule. This ideology requires the destruction of America’s foundations, including freedom of speech and the equal rule of laws. The Left, using its institutional powers, forces Americans to make a choice: Comply and submit to this ideology, or become a hated, persecuted enemy, denied employment and civil rights, deemed worthy of harassment and even violent assault. These doctrines and tactics, unworthy of a great and just nation, cannot but produce hatred and conflict, and will bring economic and scientific decline. They will either lead to tyranny or they will provoke genuine resistance.

In the struggle between these two regimes, institutional power and political momentum currently favor the Left. The Right, at present, is not up to the fight. A new Right is needed, one that understands itself as rooted in the noble cause of the American Revolution — unabashed and zealous in its determination to restore political liberty and politics itself.

A restored Right must take two broad approaches. First, its immediate energies must focus on disrupting and weakening the Left’s institutional centers of power. Only parity of power can moderate the Left’s fanaticism. A new Right needs a tougher, more sober approach to the Left’s assets: the adversarial press and media, Big Tech oligopolies, and corrupt universities. This approach requires new legal strategies on issues that the professionalized Right is too scared to touch; bold new actions in the states to liberate them from the Left’s consolidation of powers; and large-scale activism. New strategies are needed for a new world.

Second, and most important, the Right needs to reclaim its mental and moral toughness, and that can come only from reviving its purpose — the preservation of the American way of life. The Right must be morally unflinching in refuting the Left’s ideologies. It must speak clearly and confidently about the effects of radical feminism, “antiracism,” and globalism. It must be prepared to protect its children, its property, and its standards from encroachments. And it must ground its efforts firmly in America’s central principle: equal protection under the law, without exception. This is the basis for forming a common good that the majority of Americans still desire. But achieving it will require that the Right reinvent its political party. Unless it does so, there will be no future political victories — and no country left to defend. Ultimately, this is much more than the cause of conservatism. It is the cause of America itself. 

Lies About Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick Ominously Foreshadow Democrats’ ‘Truth Commission’

It is plain to anyone with eyes to see that in this nation justice is not being equally applied. If people don't think this is a problem, they are part of it.

Democrats’ calls for an indefinite commission to investigate the non-leftist Capitol riot should prepare you for another multi-year Russia collusion hoax-style narrative with intricate webs of players, evidence, and lies.

One of the key facts in this accelerated use of police powers against Democrats’ political opposition is the death of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick. As Tristan Justice explained Monday, Democrats used Sicknick’s death in the aftermath of the riot to help construct their narrative of murderous Trump-supporting thugs attempting an “insurrection.” 

Five people died related to the Jan. 6 violence, including Sicknick. Three died of “medical emergencies,” not violence. One, Ashli Babbit, was a rioter shot by police as she attempted to enter the Speaker’s Lobby inside the Capitol. Sicknick’s is the only death that could directly implicate the rioters in “murder.”

We can expect that the lies and coverups that already have occurred related to his death will be magnified across every other fact related to these events. This possibly comprises a major purpose of the “9/11 commission” Democrats are demanding, if their history of running this play with every single major “investigation” since the Obama years is any indication (Russiagate, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Brett Kavanaugh, Ukraine, Crossfire Hurricane, impeachment one, impeachment two, Hunter Biden, you name it). They have squandered more than enough public faith for no one to believe their claims until they stop systematically and compulsively lying for political gain.

As Byron York notes, this is already happening, giving the lie to Democrats’ pretense they care about finding the truth: “significant parts of the Capitol riot are now shrouded in official secrecy. And the existence of multiple investigations will only make that worse, giving officials an excuse not to speak publicly because there is an active investigation going on.”

In this environment of constant manipulation of facts to control public perception, truth becomes all the more important to seek and find. This is another reason the truth about Sicknick’s death matters.

For truth’s sake, therefore, we must recognize there is a difference between dying of a heart attack or of an adverse reaction to pepper spray versus being bludgeoned to death by murderous rioters wielding a fire extinguisher. Laws recognize such distinctions by providing different degrees of culpability for those accused of homicide, from manslaughter to premeditated murder.

The law recognizes such degrees of criminal activity because they matter. Justice means fitting the punishment as closely as possible to the crime committed. This requires establishing exactly what the crimes were, and were not. Truth thus serves justice, because it forms the basis for administering justice.

This is why there is such an erosion of justice in our nation: Because there is constant, purposeful, politically motivated untruth. Until the lies are restrained, injustice will reign.

Justice also includes in its meaning equality in application — that no matter who someone is, how much money he has, who he knows, or what he believes, he will be treated the same as someone who has committed a generally equal infraction both by the law and those whose duty it is to apply that law faithfully.

Now, regardless of how Sicknick died, the riot appears to be a factor. Establishing the extent of that relationship matters to his family and to justice. Anyone who chooses to participate in mob violence is culpable for the eventual outcomes of such an idiotic decision, which can include many unintended evil consequences such as triggering heart attacks. 

This standard, however, if equally applied, would make Black Lives Matter partially culpable for the murder wave with mostly minority victims that swept U.S. cities amid their violent political pressure to get police to retreat from their jobs. It would make BLM culpable for attempting arson at historic icons near the White House and repeatedly firebombing federal buildings.

An equal-justice nation would consider a group that operates across state lines and openly calls for the overthrow of the U.S. government to be worthy of a federal investigation that you bet your buttons would be happening if the group expressed right-wing sentiment. An equal standard of justice would mean that local, state, and federal authorities employ equal fervor in finding and charging the thousands of leftist rioters who blanketed the nation with violence in 2020 as they are aiming at non-leftist rioters, rather than bailing out and refusing to charge leftist rioters while working overtime to find the non-leftist ones.

The vice president of the United States helps bail out rioters and then has the gall to help lead a party that insists anti-government riots at a Republican rally are “insurrection” while she calls anti-government riots at Democrat rallies “brilliant” and a “mark of a real democracy.”

It is plain to anyone with eyes to see that in this nation justice is not being equally applied. If people don’t think this is a problem, they are part of it.

Kamala Harris’s support for obvious injustice is not by any means an anomaly. It is openly supported by all her party’s prominent leaders, including those in media. Their appetite for using this violence to smear and destroy nonviolent political opponents and the rights and legal procedures that protect all of us — such as our freedoms of association and speech — can only be described as hellish.

Our nation clearly has a massive problem with equal justice under the law. It is a problem that many of our political leaders refuse to see and indeed seem deeply invested in making much, much worse. This is exemplified by the rush to declare and seek to investigate not only those who committed crimes on Jan. 6 but also any peaceful person in a MAGA hat as a potential “domestic terrorist” or “insurrectionist.”

This is what is happening right now before our eyes. In a Jan. 27 bulletin, Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security issued a “national terrorism advisory” that relates “domestic terrorists” to people who have concerns about COVID lockdowns, illegal immigration, and the 2020 election’s integrity:

Throughout 2020, Domestic Violent Extremists (DVEs) targeted individuals with opposing views engaged in First Amendment-protected, non-violent protest activity. DVEs motivated by a range of issues, including anger over COVID-19 restrictions, the 2020 election results, and police use of force have plotted and on occasion carried out attacks against government facilities.

Remember, “violent extremists” is the term the Obama administration used instead of “terrorists” in policy documents and public briefings. They were trying to telegraph delicacy and nuance about Islamism, a delicacy and nuance Democrats clearly don’t care to convey or even consider about Trump-supporting Americans.

Remember: the original 9/11 Commission stripped people the government labels “terrorists” of many key rights, such as allowing them to be held in indefinite detention. Many of our remaining rights might not survive another 9/11 Commission, especially with people who hate our nation and its Constitution running the show.

These people are openly criminalizing verbal disagreement with their politics while decriminalizing violence that supports their politics. They are openly proclaiming that speech is violence for Republicans, and violence is speech for Democrats. These people have no morals, they only want power, and your God-given rights and historic freedoms are in their way.

This situation is deeply dangerous and utterly untenable. It is an open provocation to further violence. Every single American should utterly refuse to get into this mental cattle car.

To only punish the crimes of one political side while allowing the other political side to openly commit crimes without punishment is injustice. Anyone who supports this state of affairs, tacitly or directly, supports injustice.

Anyone who supports this level of systematic injustice has disqualified himself from holding any position of leadership in this nation. Anyone who is a leader worthy of his or her duties will work to ensure equal justice in this nation instead. It’s that simple.

The First Step Towards Righting America Is Refusing To Believe The Left About Anything

Article by Jesse Kelly in The Federalist

The First Step Towards Righting America Is Refusing To Believe The Left About Anything

The weakness and stupidity of America’s right has allowed false narratives to cement in the minds of the public. It’s killing our freedoms. It’s killing our jobs. It’s killing our families.

Did you know that you can see The Great Wall of China from outer space? Is that not absolutely incredible? I heard this cool little fact from a friend some time ago and began telling everyone I knew about this cool trivia nugget.

What really blew me away was how almost everyone I told had already heard this and agreed with me that it is a very cool fact. A man-made wall you can see from outer space. That is just incredible.

I mean, it would be incredible, if it were true. You see, it is not true—not even a little. NASA and multiple individual astronauts have debunked this myth. Yet much of the general public believes it to be a fact, as NASA points out.

But why? The narrative. That is why. There is nothing more powerful (and destructive) in today’s world than the narrative.

The narrative, as I define it, is simply an assumption or set of assumptions widely accepted by the general public as facts. As we know, facts cannot be changed. That is why they are facts.

This is also why it is so critical to ensure the general public gets an accurate narrative. Otherwise, if the base set of publicly believed facts is wrong, every step after that will also be incorrect. It’s like getting swallowed up by an avalanche and digging ferociously in the wrong direction.

The weakness and stupidity of America’s right has allowed false narratives to cement in the minds of the public. It’s killing our freedoms. It’s killing our jobs. It’s killing our families. It’s killing our schools. It’s killing our nation.

Take coronavirus, for example. Remember the beginning? Remember the mass panic pushed from every single American institution? “EVERYONE GO HOME AND HIDE OR MILLIONS WILL DIE!”

News story after news story after social media post after politician’s speech hammered away at the American public. In very short order, even 90 percent of the people on the right were parroting the narrative that you should shut down your business and bunker down at home or everyone will die. After all, shutting down an economy is the only way to stop coronavirus, right?

That’s what the narrative was in the beginning, and to this day the vast majority of Americans believe it. Of course, that all turned out to be wrong. In very short order, the left realized these lockdowns could be a very useful tool in destroying the President Trump economy that was leading to his re-election. Where were your favorite politicians and pundits on the right in the beginning when this false narrative was being set?

Remember George Floyd? I am quite sure you do. How could you possibly forget the modern-day saint honored with more funeral services than any other human being in the history of mankind.

Immediately after the man’s death, everyone with a microphone or a social media account was sprinting to prove how not racist they were. Outcries about cops hunting down black men for the color of their skin were heard from sea to shining sea.

Every major corporation had a statement out dumping on cops and pretending America is some rancid, racist dump. Even my sons couldn’t log into their video games without a special Black Lives Matter landing page. The professional athletes kneeled for the anthem, and Aunt Jemima changed its name and logo.

Of course, none of this narrative, either about how Floyd’s death happened or the riots that followed, was based on facts. Not a single word. Yet where was the right? What did we get out of the single entity with a chance to speak the truth in the face of lies? We got a federal police reform bill and GOP senators talking about the need to change military base names.

Who can forget the violent insurrection at the Capitol building on the 6th? Have you not heard the government was almost taken over and five people were MURDERED?

I heard it on every news channel. I read it in a thousand articles. I saw endless social media posts about it. In fact, it was so violent and insidious, they impeached a guy who’s no longer in office for it. That must be really bad, right?

Five people murdered is no joke. Of course, and please stop me if you’ve heard this before, that is all a complete lie. Would you like to hear about the five “murders” you believe happened on the 6th? One man died of a heart attack, one woman collapsed for yet unknown reasons, one woman was shot and killed by a police officer, one man had a stroke, and one police officer died. As of the time of this writing, the medical examiner has been unable to prove the police officer died from any external force.

There. Those are the five “murders” you believe happened. They are just as real as viewing the Great Wall of China from outer space. Yet to this day the vast majority of politicians and pundits on the right will repeat the “violent insurrection with five murders” lie told by the left.

My point here is not the lies. The left lies. All communists do. Lying is simply part and parcel part of the ideology. My point is that we are in very serious trouble right now in the United States of America.

We are coming apart at the seams. The left has never been in such a position of power in our institutions, and they know it. They are aggressively trying to stamp out the opposition.

Our side needs to be smarter and stronger. We must be the adults who stand soberly by while the whole world shrieks and panics about something.

We no longer have the option of riding the initial news cycle and accepting it at face value. Our failure to hold the line and speak hard truths has made the left’s job of cementing a lie in the minds of the people infinitely easier. From now on, when the next major event arises, let us resolve to set the narrative ourselves instead of being consumed by it.

Jesse Kelly is the host of "The Jesse Kelly Show" on KPRC 950 in Houston. Jesse is a Marine Corps combat veteran 

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Iranian judoka Saeid Mollaei competes in Israel


An Iranian judoka who refused to return to Iran after reportedly being ordered to throw a match to avoid facing off with an Israeli is competing in Israel.

Saeid Mollaei has said he fears for his life if he goes back home following the episode in the 2019 Judo World Championships in Japan.

Israeli media has called his presence at the Tel Aviv games "historic".

Mollaei is representing Mongolia in the two-day IJF Grand Slam in Tel Aviv.

After he arrived in Israel on Sunday, Israeli judoka Sagi Muki, who Mollaei says he was told to avoid competing against in Tokyo, posted an image on social media of the two of them with their arms around each other, with the heading: "Welcome brother".



The two men could now face off in the Tel Aviv games.

"This is a great message to the world," Muki told Israeli radio. "This is something that can even bring Iran closer to Israel. It simply shows how sports can bring together people and break boundaries."

Israel's Sport 1 website carried a homepage banner with the word "historic", while YNet, one of Israel's most popular news sites, described Mollaei as "courageous" and "heroic" for competing in the country.

Mollaei was granted refugee status by Germany after he defected there in the wake of the Tokyo games and has been allowed to compete under the Mongolian flag the by International Olympic Committee (IOC) since March 2020.

He previously said he was "afraid of what might happen to my family and to myself" if he returned to Iran.

Iran reacted with disdain at the news of his participation in the competition in Tel Aviv.

"This is not an honour but a stain of shame on your forehead that will stay with you forever, because you have turned your back on the ideals of the system, on your homeland, and are proud of it," said Arash Miresmaeili, president of the Iranian Judo Federation.

Iran is appealing its suspension by the IJF, calling Mollaei's allegations "false claims".


 The Islamic republic does not recognise Israel's right to exist and its athletes are ordered to avoid encountering Israeli opposition in international competitions. 




2020 made it really hard to take Washington seriously

Article by Richard Jack Rail in The American Thinker

2020 made it really hard to take Washington seriously

The problem with pretending the November election was legit is that we now have to pretend what Nancy and Joe & Gang did to steal it somehow makes it legit.  Nobody wants to just throw up his hands and quit, but upwards of 80 million Americans saw what happened and are in no mood for further games that drive the country ever deeper into bankruptcy, put ever more power in the hands of the unsavory, and jeer in the faces of decent people.

One is hard pressed to imagine how a former president can be impeached.  The term doesn't even make sense, as the whole idea of impeachment is to remove a president from office.  If said president isn't even in office, there's no squaring the circle.  The notion seems to be to close any avenue Donald Trump may use to re-establish himself in national politics.  Not a thing constitutional about it.

That Pelosi & Company fear Trump even out of office is beyond dispute.  He is a threat to their crooked lives because America is no longer blind to the extraordinary criminality that has Washington by the throat.  The hope that was America for centuries was predicated on sincere efforts to hamstring the corruption that otherwise ran rampant across the world.  Now the whole world has seen that not even America can stand honestly in the sunshine.

We read about efforts to "reach across the aisle" and can only shake our heads.  Why reach across the aisle?  With precious few exceptions, Washington is all crooks in it together.  Even Amy Coney Barrett, who broke my heart by abandoning Donald Trump at the crucial moment, apparently is in on the scam.  And I thought her Catholicism, her mother's heart, and her judicial principles meant something.  Boy, did I ever read Amy wrong.  When you can clearly see what's going on and you stand on word games to stay your hand from decisive action to head it off, you are not worthy of the Supreme Court.

Whatever comes out of D.C. anymore is just more taxpayer largesse ladled out to the sticky-fingered.  Adam Smith told us there's a lot of ruin in a nation.  He never imagined; one looks down the road maybe two or three more years before there's just nothing left to steal.

That assumes that ordinary Americans sit on their hands and watch as the crooks go to town.  That may not be what happens.  Real power resides in the offices of the county sheriffs nationwide, who in some cases have plainly stated that BLM criminality will not be tolerated in their jurisdictions.  Making us proud here in Arizona was Darryl Daniels, black sheriff of Clay County, who pointedly warned rioters that if they stepped beyond the bounds of the constitutional in their faux protests, he would deputize legal gun-owners throughout the county to enforce the law.  "You have been warned."

This is the sort of ballsy stand America needs to see more of.  Donald Trump inspired Americans with his patriotism and straightforwardness.  I think it can work again. 

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Why You Should Be Skeptical Of The New ‘Tough On China’ Joe Biden

The Biden administration is stocking up with 
the same Democrat establishment cast that 
supported China’s rise to global dominance.

The Biden administration and its corporate media cheerleaders are at pains to tell you that career-long China kowtower Joe Biden is “tough on China.” But toughness can only be proven by action. Contra the official narrative, however, President Biden’s initial policies and those tasked with implementing and building upon them do not indicate strength. Rather, to America’s detriment, they signal a reversion to the status quo ante of weakness.

The media has trumpeted Biden administration rhetoric on three key China-related issues: the administration’s affirmation — with caveats — of the Trump administration’s designation of the Chinese Communist Party’s atrocities in Xinjiang as constituting “genocide”; its pledge of a “rock-solid commitment” to Taiwan; and its promise to maintain a “free and open” Indo-Pacific — again, with caveats

The media also celebrated the Biden administration’s most authoritative statements on U.S.-China policy yet, from a readout of the president’s first call with Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping, and related statements by officials on the administration’s China strategy. Headlines about the call claimed Biden “confronted” Xi with “concerns” about contentious issues such as human rights, trade, and Taiwan. Chinese state media, of course, saw it quite differently — as an amiable and welcome reversal of Trump’s tough on China stance.

American corporate media also reported that Biden staffers embraced the idea America is in an “intense strategic competition with China,” and would be maintaining some of the Trump administration’s policies — a tacit admission of Trump’s relative toughness.

Caving to China on Multiple Fronts

Still, actions speak louder than words, and notwithstanding its continuation of certain policies, and convening of a Pentagon China Task Force too green to be judged, the Biden administration has undercut its rhetoric on several fronts.

It is recommitting America to the self-defeating Paris Climate Accord, on which peerless polluter China will almost surely cheat. 

It is returning America to the CCP-dominated World Health Organization, for which it was rewarded with scorn by the lone American on the panel investigating the coronavirus’s origins.

It is extending the New START nuclear arms reduction treaty and excluding China from it, delaying implementation of an investment ban on certain companies suspected of working with the Chinese military.

It is barring executive branch employees from calling the Chinese coronavirus by its rightful name and withdrawing a Trump administration draft rule requiring schools to disclose financial ties to Trojan Horse Confucius Institutes.

It is shelving U.S. companies’ acquisition of TikTok, suspending an executive order that would bar the government’s purchase of equipment for the U.S. electric grid from adversaries, and demonstrating ambiguity on whether it would keep Huawei on the Commerce Department’s “entity list.”

Biden’s Troublesome Personnel 

Even more consequential than these policies will be the individuals to whom President Biden has entrusted his China strategy. Because personnel is policy, from “The Big Guy” on down, there are glaring weaknesses.

President Biden’s disastrous record on China and the compromising nature of his family’s continued dealings with CCP-tied individuals and entities are troublesome enough. That he also refuses to recant his biggest blunders suggests China may well “eat our lunch” — or at least his.

The same can be said of his senior-most advisors. Given the national security and foreign policy establishment’s historic accommodation of China’s rise, one would think a “tough” president would seek some outsider, contrarian appointees. Yet President Biden has overwhelmingly appointed those who served with him in the feckless Obama administration, in which the status quo of engagement and integration with, and appeasement of, Communist China reigned.

One will search in vain across the top ranks of the Biden administration for anyone who has distinguished himself as an outspoken critic of the CCP, or prognosticator of its malign acts in pursuit of hegemony. Few have publicly engaged in self-reflection about past failings concerning China, let alone demonstrated a newfound understanding of the challenge that would justify belief in superior results going forward.

Co-operation or Co-ordination? 

Consider even exceptions to the rule. Two of President Biden’s top China-related appointees include former Obama administration colleagues “Asia czar” Kurt Campbell — who is rumored to have been responsible for that administration’s weakness in 2012 at Scarborough Shoal — and Pentagon China Task Force leader Dr. Ely Ratner.

In 2018, Campbell and Ratner wrote a mea culpa of sorts in Foreign Affairs, where they admitted the establishment they had served had failed on China. Yet their essay was more descriptive than prescriptive. The authors concluded vaguely that instead of trying to grapple with China directly, “Washington should … focus more on its own power and behavior, and the power and behavior of its allies and partners.”

Yet months after publishing the essay, the authors were calling for “cooperation” with China. Notwithstanding China’s predominant culpability in the coronavirus pandemic, in April 2020 as the crisis was accelerating, Campbell, Dr. Ratner, and future Biden administration colleagues Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines signed onto a letter calling for “cooperation between the United States and China,” the “logic” for which the signers found “compelling.”

Meanwhile, consistent with the president they serve, and the China-abetting ruling class from which most of them hail, many senior Biden administration officials have fostered troubling ties to China that would indicate potential vulnerability.

Secretary of State Blinken co-founded WestExec Advisors, a consultancy that on top of other China-related business, helped American universities solicit donations in China without threatening Pentagon-funded grants. DNI Haines and Press Secretary Jen Psaki both worked there.

Blinken also served as managing director of the Penn Biden Center. Tens of millions of anonymous Chinese dollars allegedly flowed into the University of Pennsylvania’s coffers, and potentially the center following its establishment.

Colin Kahl — Biden’s pick for undersecretary of defense policy, who has also been linked to China via his perch at Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute — was a strategic consultant at the Penn Biden Center.

Central Intelligence Agency director nominee William Burns presides over the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which in recent years has reportedly received up to $2 million from CCP-tied businessmen and think tanks.

United Nations Ambassador-designate Linda Thomas-Greenfield received a $1,500 honoraria in 2019 for speaking in front of a Confucius Institute at Savannah State University — a speech in which she spoke positively about China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

The aforementioned Kurt Campbell, was, until August 2020, listed as board vice chairman of the U.S.-China Strong Foundation, a Confucius Institute-linked “student language exchange” outfit reportedly sharing additional deep ties to the CCP. Separately, Campbell has already had to promise to recuse himself from certain issues given business conducted in Asia under the auspices of the consultancy he founded.

‘Engagement’ As a Code for Weakness

Consider this background against the part of the Biden-Xi call readout the media glossed over: President Biden’s commitment to “pursuing practical, results-oriented engagements.” That China has done nothing to merit such a commitment is a red flag. Is immediately indicating a desire to work with China a sign of strength?

China, after all, is a ruthless, ambitious, determined power that has proven uniquely capable of exploiting the West’s greed, naivete, and openness in the pursuit of its ends. It thrives on “engagement.”

And these are not just any areas of common interest we are talking about. The readout of the Biden-Xi call indicated that both leaders acknowledged “the shared challenges of global health security, climate change, and preventing weapons proliferation.” It’s hard to see how it demonstrates “toughness” to work with China in these domains.

The same question can be asked of the Biden administration’s expressed desire to pursue multilateralism to “compete” with China, at the same time Xi is singing the praises of multilateralism — right after inking a massive investment pact with the very European partners and allies Biden seemed to think he could court for some kind of China-focused coalition.

Given its early actions, and with the same Democrat establishment cast running the show that has supported the project of China’s rise to global dominance for years — to say nothing of Biden’s broader ruling class backing from Wall Street to Silicon Valley — all signs point to a high likelihood of a soft-on-China policy.

Talk is cheap. Americans will ultimately pay the price if the Biden administration speaks loudly and carries no stick.