Sunday, January 31, 2021

Hunter Biden prepping for art career with shady dealer


OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 2:00 PM PT – Sunday, January 31, 2021

Hunter Biden is reportedly planning to unveil his first art show with a dealer who faced some serious charges. According to reports on Saturday, Biden will be holding his first solo show in the SoHo borough of New York City with George Berges.



Berges was arrested in the past for making terrorist threats as well as assault with a deadly weapon in California.

The shady art dealer also reportedly has strong ties with China. He has showcased Chinese artists and aspires to open a gallery in the communist country. 







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Is This the Normal You Voted For?

What voters truly want is a return to the true normal—namely, the normal that our free republic can once again inspire the world with what our free people achieve.

We are being bombarded by a triangulation of disinformation from the Left’s political hacks, complicit media, and crony corporations. This deceitful trifecta is a psychological operation against Republicans, populists, and conservatives—the sane coalition that alone can and must save our republic from the tyranny of “[their] democracy.”

Through this diaphanous prism of realization, one can starkly comprehend the Left’s game and aims: 

  • The reckless misuse and mistreatment of National Guard troops to paint a false narrative that anyone, not a leftist is a white supremacist and terrorist; and the re-weaponization of the federal government against the Left’s opponents for partisan advantage.
  • The Democratic Congress’ vindictive impeachment of a former president to decapitate a populist movement of over 74 million Americans; corrosive partisan lust to expand and pack the federal courts with judicial activists, including the Supreme Court; and angling to give the District of Columbia statehood to secure more Leftist senators and a representative. 
  • Our current executive sock puppet’s record-breaking torrent of job-crushing, science-denying, citizenry dividing executive orders; his pretending there was no plan for distributing the COVID-19 vaccine, while cynically plagiarizing his predecessors’ plan.
  • And, lest we forget, Mr. Biden’s mendacious invitations to “unity”—the rank hypocrisy of which gnaws at the fraying bonds of the elementary fairness that is one of the last shards of civic comity. 

We are inundated with this insanity as we are incessantly told that 80 million Americans voted for Biden. Why? Because the Left wants us to believe that those supposed 80 million Americans who voted for Biden also voted for his radical agenda.

They didn’t.

The 2020 election was a referendum on President Trump. All of his administration’s accomplishments over the preceding three years were eclipsed by the immediacy and urgency of the pandemic. Amid the tragic deaths, economic devastation, and constitutional infringements wrought by the virus and governors’ lethal lockdowns and policies, as well as the Left’s ongoing “mostly peaceful” riots, the Democrats and their media and corporate cohorts used the pandemic as a pretext to do everything in their power to unlevel the electoral playing field so their side would win. It worked.

Moreover, the Democrats and cronies didn’t spend over $1 billion—much of it “dark money”—to make sure voters were informed about their radical agenda and that they earned voter enthusiasm. They succeeded, with the help of the lapdog state media, because candidate Biden performed the role of a basement-dwelling avuncular uncle and played the lame political game of letting his words obscure his future deeds. In short, like Warren Harding, he campaigned for a return to “normalcy.”

But unlike Harding, Biden ran on a radical platform. Consequently, after a little over a week in office, we can already ask millions of Biden’s voters: “Is this the normal you voted for?”

It is a rhetorical question, of course, but one that needs to be asked. During the Left’s disinformation onslaught, never forget why they are hell-bent on demonizing, demoralizing, dividing, and destroying you and all who oppose their bilious radicalism. Never forget why Democratic candidates soft-pedal their agenda during campaigns and constantly redefine terms to disguise their aims. Never forget why the Left must resort to branding their opponents as racists, etc., and to changing the historic, plain meaning of words in real-time merely to further smear their opponents and suit their own heinous aims. 

It is because the Left’s radical agenda is demonstrably injurious to peace, prosperity, and forming a more perfect American union based upon liberty and equality.

So, the first, essential steps in the long struggle to reaffirm America’s revolutionary experiment in human freedom and self-government is to keep your head; keep your eye on the ball of the 2022 midterm elections; and keep reminding voters that populist Republican candidates will deliver a return to the true normal—namely, the normal that our free republic is again inspiring the world with what our free people achieve.

Systemic Contingencies – They All Knew – Lessons From Spygate About Severity of DC Corruption

To expand on the awakening…. and based on a recent call for clarity… here is some brutally obvious points about DC that connect through the stop-Trump operation commonly known as “spygate”.

Robert Mueller had two goals as special counsel.  Goal #1 was to continue the fraudulent DOJ/FBI “Stop Trump” operation initiated by James Comey, Andrew McCabe and their crew technically named Crossfire Hurricane.  Goal #2 was to bury the illegal action; to create the cover-up needed for everything that took place in the “Stop Trump” operation.

It is the second goal that most people never reconciled; however, it is also that second goal that’s the most important.  Everyone in DC knew Mueller’s objective.  Every person in every branch of government and every federal agency knew Mueller’s real purpose.

When you accept what Mueller’s objective was, I mean really accept it, then and only then can you move to the second part of that awakening.  Everyone else knew exactly what that purpose was, including AG Bill Barr and OIG Michael Horowitz. They all knew.

Everything was essentially a process of systemic contingencies; ‘if this, then that’.  If this happens then we react with that.  If this is likely to come out, then we proactively respond with this – that allows control. That is the nature of a cover-up operation.

From that baseline it becomes an exercise in intellectual honesty to see the bigger picture.

The entire system was united against the ‘outsider’ that Trump represented.  Every action taken by Rosenstein, Barr, Wray, Bowditch, Boente, Horowitz and the special counsel team itself was done purposefully, because they knew the Mueller/Weissmann objective was to cover-up all of the unlawful schemes previously used against Trump.

Generally people accept that Mueller Inc was in place to target Trump.  However, the lesser admitted reality is that Mueller was in place to cover for the branches, agencies and institutions that were part of the originating targeting.

All leaks to the media, by any entity – including the special counsel, were purposeful with this goal in mind.  All information released was done purposefully with this goal in mind.  All action taken by those in support of the Mueller unit were taken with full knowledge of what that second goal and intent was.

No-one was ever unaware of the purpose of Robert Mueller.

Everyone knew.

That list of everyone includes: Bill Barr, Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, Chuck Grassley, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Susan Rice, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Mitch McConnell, every member of the Senate intel committee; every member of the House intel committee… and yes, including John Durham and every member of every DOJ office everywhere.

The legislative branch knew. The judicial branch knew.  The executive branch knew. The FISA court knew… All of the insiders knew the Mueller probe was one big vacuum to suck up all of the evidence that would have exposed a corrupt system to We The People.

They did all of this because the scale of the originating scandal was so severe it would be almost impossible for our nation to cope with the consequences.  That fearful knowledge is also what’s behind the reality we are currently seeing with thousands of National Guard troops guarding Washington DC…. just in case.  Another systemic contingency.

On TV some voices railed against goal #1, the investigation itself; however, no-one every publicly talked about goal #2, the cover-up.  Yet they all knew it.

Bill Barr knew the cover-up operation when he repeatedly praised Robert Mueller.  So too did Lindsey Graham and all of the other voices in/around the DC system.

This is why all of those characters acted with disregard for any information that surfaced. They were all participants; and they knew the system would protect itself from sunlight.

Once you begin to accept this uncomfortable truth, then you start to realize just how far some voices went to keep the pantomime going.  Everything was orchestrated to keep everyone focused on the “injustice” within the details.

Think about the last four years, systemic contingencies everywhere. No-one ever publicly talked about what Mueller was really in charge of doing in the goal of protecting the institutions and systems within them.  The people inside that system all knew that Mueller was their protector.  Mueller was protecting very corrupt people.

Everything now visible, the blatant disregard and the ‘in-your-face’ approach with the JoeBama administration, is downstream from that origination point.  That’s why they all walk around as if they do not care…. because they have nothing to worry about.

Start from the position that everyone knew the purpose and intents of Robert Mueller, including people very close to President Trump, and then you start to realize just how brutally corrupt this DC system is.   President Trump was satiated by people who knew Robert Mueller was protecting all of those who tried, and failed, to keep him out of office and then hamstring him once he entered the system.

Everyone knew.

No-one did not know.

The only difference is… some were active participants, and some -out of fear- just sat silent to the cover-up operation.  That reality is why the FISA court did not react to Kevin Clinesmith aggressively.   Everyone knew…

Alexander Solzhenitsyn Takes On The Progressives


Article by Louis Markos in The Federalist

Alexander Solzhenitsyn Takes On The Progressives

A new essay collection, 'Solzhenitsyn and American Culture: The Russian Soul in the West,' illuminates how the vaunted Russian writer's warnings about secularism and progressivism are as prescient and insightful as ever. 

If there is one thing that 2020 has taught me, it is that the real political and cultural divide in our country is not between Republicans and Democrats, or even conservatives and liberals, but between traditionalists and progressives.

At the core of progressivism is not the optimistic American belief that things are improving and that our children can live better lives than we did, but the belief that man is a perfectible product of evolutionary forces. Rather than being made in God’s image and then fallen, progressives believe we must throw off the shackles and prejudices of the past in order to move forward to build utopia.

The traditionalist is not against growth and change, but he recognizes, as Edmund Burke did in his Reflections on the Revolution in France, the danger of trying to remake society and man in the image of a new ideology that radically redefines such words as truth, justice, and equality. The progressive has no qualms about running roughshod over the established beliefs, institutions, and mores of a nation if he can only achieve his goals. At its most extreme, progressivism can justify to itself any present-day atrocity as long as it claims to be helping usher in a future brave new world of absolute egalitarianism.

The genealogy of progressivism runs from Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s naïve belief in the noble savage to the bloody social engineering of the French Revolution to the deterministic dialectical materialism of Karl Marx, out of which arose the horrors inflicted on their own people by Lenin and Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Pol Pot, Fidel Castro and Kim Jong-Il. According to all these progressive leaders, history was moving unstoppably toward their worker’s paradise, and anyone who sought to hinder its arrival—by deed, word, or thought—was backward, unenlightened, and, to use a cherished word of Marxist elites, atavistic.

Since the true face of progressivism revealed itself in the French Revolution, a number of brave critics have risen up to expose its destructive pretensions and its false view of man. A short list of these critics includes Burke, Alexis Tocqueville, the authors of the Federalist Papers, Cardinal John Henry Newman, G. K. Chesterton, T. S. Eliot, George Orwell, C. S. Lewis, and Pope John Paul II. The critic, however, who saw and understood the dangers most clearly, partly because he suffered greatly at the hands of progressivism run amok, was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

The Man, The Writer, The Prophet

Born one year after the Russian Revolution, Solzhenitsyn was raised as a loyal Soviet and even served as an officer in the army—until he was arrested in 1945 for saying something negative about Stalin. He spent eight years in the prison camps of the Gulag.

After being released, he lived in exile in Kazakhstan, where he taught physics. He later returned to Russia and published a novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962), which he based on his experiences in the Gulag. Although he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1970, when his literary exposé, The Gulag Archipelago, appeared in the 1970s, he was forced to flee the country, eventually moving to the United States in 1976.

Hailed as a hero of democracy and freedom, Solzhenitsyn was invited to give the commencement address at Harvard University in 1978. After sincerely praising American freedom, Solzhenitsyn went on to criticize Western secularism, rationalism, and materialism. His address lost him the support of many in the media and academy, but it stands as a bold witness to the poisonous excesses of the progressivist spirit.

Similarly, when he was awarded the Templeton Prize in England in 1983, his speech, which drew a straight line from godlessness to the Gulag, caused him to be further labeled as old-fashioned, out of touch, reactionary, and, yes, atavistic. Solzhenitsyn, ostracized by the liberal thinkers who had once hailed him as a champion of freedom, lived the life of a recluse in Vermont until, remarkably, he was allowed to return to Russia in 1994, where he lived out the remainder of his long life in peace.

Like Ivan Denisovich, all of Solzhenitsyn’s major novels incorporate autobiographical elements. The three-volume The Gulag Archipelago critiques and exposes both Leninism-Stalinism and Western secular rationalism. Cancer Ward is a profound meditation on death by an author who almost died of cancer.

The First Circle is a conversation between inmates in a Soviet white-collar prison for educated scientists, with one of the characters based on the author’s own younger self as he moved from rationalism to religion. The four-volume The Red Wheel is a re-imagining of the Russian Revolution that blends fiction and non-fiction, historical documents and Solzhenitsyn’s own incisive analysis of how the “fated” revolution could have been avoided by different choices on the part of free, volitional individuals.

Thankfully for those who are familiar with Ivan Denisovich and the Harvard Address but have yet to work up the energy to read his long, complex, circuitous novels, a collection of essays has appeared that illuminates the many facets of Solzhenitsyn the man, the writer, and the prophet.

Edited by David P. Deavel, co-director of the Terence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, and Jessica Hooten Wilson, Louise Cowan Scholar in Residence at the University of Dallas, Solzhenitsyn and American Culture: The Russian Soul in the West explores Solzhenitsyn’s links to Russian culture, Orthodoxy, politics, and other Soviet writers, as well as the influence that he and his fellow Russians have had on twentieth-century American writers. Although the collection is wide-ranging in its analysis, it’s especially valuable for illuminating what Solzhenitsyn can teach us about the dangers of progressivism today.

The Ideological Lie

In the opening essay, “The Universal Russian Soul,” Nathan Nielson, a graduate of St. John’s College, quotes this passage from Solzhenitsyn’s 1993 speech “The Relentless Cult of Novelty”: “And in one sweeping gesture of vexation, classical Russian literature—which never disdained reality and sought the truth—is dismissed as next to worthless. Denigrating the past is deemed to be the key to progress. And so it has once again become fashionable in Russia to ridicule, debunk, and toss overboard the great Russian literature, steeped as it is in love and compassion toward all human beings, and especially toward those who suffer.”

Needless to say, the fear Solzhenitsyn prophetically expresses here has been realized in increasingly shameless attempts by American universities to ridicule, debunk, and toss overboard our Western heritage as a prelude to building an egalitarian, multicultural society, despite the fact that the legacy they want to jettison has provided the sole foundation for liberal democracy and individual freedom. Solzhenitsyn knew that no stable future could be built on hatred of the past, since hatred of the past inevitably leads to hatred of the self, not to mention hatred of one’s neighbor and one’s society.

The two essays that follow, “The New Middle Ages” and “The Age of Concentration,” are not analyses of Solzhenitsyn, but reflections by a modern Russian novelist, Eugene Vodolazkin, who shares Solzhenitsyn’s spirit and his mistrust of all progressive attempts to build a perfect society.

“It is wrong to think of utopias as harmless dreams,” he warns. “Combined with the idea of progress, utopian thought is a dream that motivates action. It establishes a goal so lofty that it cannot be reached. The more ideal it becomes, the greater the stubbornness with which it is pursued. There comes a time when blood is spilled. Oceans of blood.” In one way or another, all of Solzhenitsyn’s novels work out just that terrifying cause and effect, ripping away the façade of humanitarianism or revolutionary consciousness or classless equality to reveal the beast within.

In that vein, David Walsh, professor of politics at Catholic University, locates in The Red Wheel a central struggle “between those who seek to remake Russia in accordance with their own idea of it and those who seek to submit to the idea of Russia as itself the guiding principle of their action. It is the difference between ideology and truth. The protagonists of ideology are driven by the conviction of the superiority of their conception to all that has existed. The servants of truth subordinate themselves to what is required to bring what is already there more fully into existence.”

What is at issue here is not only the destructive nature of ends-justifies-the-means thinking, but the anti-humanistic arrogance that invests Marxist ideology (dialectical materialism, economic determinism, identity politics) with a sacred imprimatur for radically remaking society.

In his analysis of The Gulag Archipelago, Gary Saul Morson, Lawrence B. Dumas Professor of the Arts and Humanities at Northwestern University, considers a question that Solzhenitsyn asks himself: Why do Shakespeare’s greatest villains kill only a few people while Lenin and Stalin killed millions?

The reason, Morson explains, “is that Macbeth and Iago ‘had no ideology.’ Real people do not resemble the evildoers of mass culture, who delight in cruelty and destruction. No, to do mass evil you have to believe it is good, and it is ideology that supplies this conviction.” All of us are capable of small, independent evil acts, but progressivism, by allowing governments to submerge their moral qualms beneath a sea of ideology, unleashes that evil on all of society.

Joseph Pearce, who interviewed Solzhenitsyn in Russia in 1998 and wrote an excellent biography, teases out Solzhenitsyn’s anti-progressivism by contrasting him with Leo Tolstoy. Unlike Tolstoy, Pearce argues, “Solzhenitsyn laments the modern ‘belief in eternal, infinite progress which has practically become a religion,’ adding that such progressivism was ‘a mistake of the eighteenth century, of the Enlightenment era.’ Technological progress in the service of philosophical materialism was not true progress at all but, on the contrary, was a threat to civilization.” In his novels, Solzhenitsyn drives these points home, not by offering philosophical disquisitions, but by incarnating these ideas in the lives of flesh-and-blood characters.

James F. Pontuso, Patterson Professor of Political Science at Hampden-Sydney College, offers an example of this incarnation. In The First Circle, writes Pontuso, “Solzhenitsyn captivatingly captures the allure of ideology in the character of Lev Rubin. Despite all evidence to the contrary, including his own undeserved arrest and imprisonment, Rubin is devoted totally and insensibly to the Communist cause. . . . Rubin fails to acknowledge what he experiences; instead he accepts what he chooses to believe. For him every crime committed in the present is justified by the glorious future of peace, prosperity, and universal brotherhood that Marx’s principles purport to bring about.”

Such is the power of Marx’s progressive ideology that Rubin discounts his personal experience. If such self-deception in the name of ideology sounds unbelievable, just think of the American politicians and media people who, during the summer of 2020, watched businesses being looted and burned but could only see peaceful protests in the name of racial justice and economic equity. They are those who not only live and propagate the lie, but who come to believe it themselves.

Perhaps the best summation of what Solzhenitsyn can teach us about the dangers of progressivism is found in a reconsideration of The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn scholar Daniel J. Mahoney. “Central to Solzhenitsyn’s moral and political vision,” he explains, “is the nonnegotiable distinction between truth and falsehood. Solzhenitsyn’s target was precisely the ideological Lie that presented evildoing as a historically necessary stage in the fated ‘progress’ of the human race. He always asserted that the ideological Lie was worse than violence and physical brutality, ultimately more destructive of the integrity of the human soul.”

I can think of no better analysis of the true legacy of 2020: Not the Coronavirus itself, but the way it was used to justify the illegal power grabs of bureaucratic, progressivist elites; not the riots themselves, but the lie they were justified by (that America is riddled with systemic racism); not the attacks on Donald Trump per se, but the fact that his enemies in the government, media, and big corporations were willing to tell any lie to take him down. 

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Leftists Must Be Punished At The Ballot Box For Their COVID-19 Hypocrisy

Many deserve to be held accountable at the ballot box and in public memory for every shuttered business, stunted education, and livelihood lost.

Last July, I visited the historic Christ Church in Old Town Alexandria. It was where I took my son and daughter to show them where George Washington went to church, and where I had celebrated the baptism of my godson just three years before.

Now, the church was completely silent — an iconic American landmark in the era of pandemic policies that had crippled tourism and unconstitutionally kept Americans from worshipping together, something my own family had felt, having only been to church in person once since March. 

While there, I did a quick Skype interview near the church. During the interview, I joked that after the election, the coronavirus would “go away.” This was a reference to the brazen politicization of the virus, which was preventing the implementation of mitigation policies that would have provided the least amount of overall human harm.

Soon after that interview, news outlets claimed I believed COVID-19 was a “hoax” — an obvious mischaracterization of my words. Yet, in the weeks surrounding President Joe Biden’s inauguration, that sarcastic prediction has been more prescient than I could have imagined.

For example, when President Donald Trump said there may have been some promise in a cheap and resourceful drug, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), we saw that the pandemic would not be about “following the science” and how best to get through it, but rather whose opinion was politically correct.

The media warned incessantly about the dangers of the drug, leading some doctors to publicly refuse it to their patients even on a trial basis. Well, just this month, the American Journal of Medicine published an article highlighting HCQ as a treatment in fighting COVID-19. Where is the rancor and the controversy? 

Right on schedule, as power shifted in Washington, so did the tone of the headlines. The day before the inauguration of President Biden (who without a doubt gained politically through the destruction caused by the left’s politicization of the virus), NPR posted an article with the headline “As Death Rate Accelerates, U.S. Records 400,000 Lives Lost To The Coronavirus.” The day after the inauguration, its headline on the virus read, “Current, Deadly U.S. Coronavirus Surge Has Peaked.”

For months we saw story after story criticizing President Trump for appearing maskless at events, regardless of the distancing measures in place. Yet when the Bidens appeared sans-facial coverings at the Lincoln Memorial after the inauguration — in violation of his own executive order, mind you — those same headlines were nowhere to be found. Instead, his press secretary simply said, “We have bigger things to worry about at this moment in time.” And with that, the corporate media moved on.

Not to be left out, the World Health Organization also joined in on the great 180-degree flip. Just one hour after Biden was sworn into office, the international body issued a notice warning on COVID-19 PCR testing sensitivity thresholds and that relying on a PCR test as a diagnostic was wrong. We’ve known this the entire time, as PCR tests are not meant to be a sole diagnostic test but a confirmatory measure, and the high sensitivity of testing has been fully known and likely inflated the threat of the virus.

Local officials are joining the new narrative as well. In the lead-up to the inauguration, Gov. Andrew Cuomo — perhaps one of the loudest advocates for lockdowns — said New York must start to reopen. 

Gov. Gavin Newsom has lifted California’s stay at home order, despite low hospital ICU capacity.

The governor of Kansas has lowered the testing cycle threshold from 42 to 35, effectively making it harder to increase the tally of positive tests.

The anti-Trump Republican governor of Maryland changed his tune on school closures, as have local officials in Chicago.

Restrictions on bars and restaurants have also started to ease. To take just one example, the day after the inauguration, the governor of Massachusetts announced he would rescind curfews and stay-at-home advisories. The mayor of D.C. also decided that two days after the inauguration, it would suddenly be safe to eat and drink indoors, despite an increased number of cases. 

Well, at least Biden’s new political appointees won’t have to eat in the cold.

Over the past several months, we have seen businesses destroyed, rapid increases in mental health challenges, massive decreases in treatments for cancer and other deadly diseases, Americans dying alone as their loved ones grieved via video chat, and American children’s education sacrificed.

All of this was supposed to defeat a virus, but with each passing post-election news cycle, it becomes clearer that a lot of it was simply to defeat one man.

The flagrant disregard of the rights, way of life, and very humanity of Americans in response to this virus should not — and will not — be soon forgotten. For those of us who push back on seemingly innocuous mask mandates, it’s not for the mask itself, but because the government is using this all as a tool.

Those responsible for the destruction will be held accountable at the ballot box and in public memory for every shuttered business, stunted education, debilitating mental illness developed, missed cancer diagnosis, and livelihood lost.

Justice demands it.

You Will Be Made to Believe Implausible Things


Article by Clarice Feldman in The American Thinker

You Will Be Made to Believe Implausible Things

In George Orwell’s masterpiece 1984, he said, “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

To guide you along this path, I bring to your attention implausible things you are expected to believe this week. 

  1. Things that are not graft.

Outrageously generous book deals to present and former officials.

The Obamas’ $65 million book advances still lead the way to the most lavish, though the notion that even Democrat politicians’ relatives, like Chelsea Clinton, would offer ghostwritten pap worth anything is something you just have to believe.

Generous speaking fees.

The $25 million the Clintons garnered for just six months of speeches in 2014 and 2015, you must regard not as bribes for access and influence, but as well-earned compensation for minutes worth of pearls of wisdom. Not just former presidents and would-be presidents are the recipients of such largesse.  Janet Yellen, the Biden pick for Secretary of the Treasury, for example, raked in $7.2 million in speaking fees from Wall Street and large corporations like Citi, Goldman Sachs, Google, City National Bank, UBS, Citadel LLC, Barclays, and  Credit Suisse. The Great Iggy (an online friend) must be in error when he questions these fees:

These fees are for what? Some pointless stupid boilerplate speech that does not and cannot, in itself, contain anything of value to the payers. So its value is in the form of access and influence only; which used to be called graft and influence peddling.

Charitable Shakedowns.

You must ignore the suggestion that plea bargains in which the government gives a settlement payment to a bureaucrat’s favorite nonprofit constitutes anything unethical. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions halted this practice. If the new administration reverses this ban, avert your eyes from bad thinking. If the government claims a corporation ripped off yourself and fellow citizens illegally, you should be grateful they have to pay up to the agency head’s alumni association or some left-wing advocacy outfit. Why should you be compensated for the harm done to you? And from the viewpoint of the defendant, why not grease the palms of the prosecution’s favorites with some small amount rather than go through the expense and aggravation of defending?

Congressional Stock Trading

If you believed Hillary Clinton made so much money investing shrewdly in cattle futures and not out of some manipulation, you will certainly agree that speaker Nancy Pelosi’s $1 million investment in Tesla stock call options shortly before the Biden administration announced it planned to make the federal automobile fleet (645,000 cars) electric was just another example of stock trading genius by a high-ranking politician.

There’s certainly no graft in providing lucrative deals for politicians’ families.

Ignore Hunter Biden’s deals with Ukraine and China and Joe’s brother James, “who took out $650,000 in personal loans from a company that bankrupted local hospitals while trading on his brother’s name and connections to the campaign.” Or his brother Frank’s farming for clients for the law firm he’s connected with advertising with the not too subtle hint of access.  

2. You can Trust Dr. Fauci

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s handling of the China Virus was appropriate even though he placed the virus carriers in nursing homes and ignored the presence of the USNS Solace, the Javits Center, and Samaritan’s Purse hospitals which were fully staffed and ready to assist.

Dr. Fauci was right to praise him. Ignore the New York Attorney General Letitia James, who investigated and announced this week that the Cuomo administration failed to report thousands of COVID-19 deaths of nursing home residents after forcing these homes to admit COVID-19 patients. And you know you can ignore James’s report and credit Dr. Fauci’s praisee of Cuomo’s performance because Joe Biden said “Dr. Fauci isn’t just one of our foremost experts on combating viruses -- he is a good man and a tireless public servant.... Our administration, and our country, will be stronger because of his guidance.”

Dr. Fauci is one of our foremost experts on combating viruses and is totally nonpartisan. Ignore his waffling and misstatements.

This is the man who dictated coronavirus policy in the Trump administration. If mistakes were made, as the Biden administration claims, they are Fauci’s. 

Yet, astonishingly, Fauci told CNN Friday that a “lack of candor” from the Trump administration had cost American lives. 

If people’s lives really were at stake last year, why did he wait until now to tell us? 

Chalk it up to another convenient fib from a habitual fibber, who has deceived us on everything from masks to herd immunity. 

Even if you decide these are not lies but lapses of judgment by Fauci, they had potentially lethal consequences. 

Take, for instance, Fauci’s serenity back on January 21 last year, when he assured us that the virus convulsing China at the time “is not a major threat for the people of the United States and this is not something the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” [snip] The following week, he was at it again, vehemently opposing President Donald Trump’s proposed flight ban from China, which Biden at the time decried as “xenophobia.” 

[snip] Then there was Fauci’s advice on masks. 

Back in March, when the coronavirus was decimating New York, he told us masks were useless. 

“Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks,” he told “60 Minutes.” 

Three months later, he did a backflip: “Masks work... to prevent you from infecting someone else... but also, it can protect you to a certain degree.” [snip]

Turns out he lied about herd immunity, too. 

In December, Fauci admitted to the New York Times that he had “slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts” on the percentage of the population that needed to be vaccinated before “herd immunity” against ­COVID-19 was reached. 

“When polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine, I was saying herd immunity would take 70 to 75 percent. Then, when newer surveys said 60 percent or more would take it, I thought, ‘I can nudge this up a bit,’ so I went to 80, 85,” he said. 

Fauci is not precise with numbers, which is odd for a scientist who professes to care about facts. 

For instance, on Biden’s first day last week, Fauci said we would have “100 million people vaccinated in the first 100 days” and specified he meant both “primary and boost” shots, a total of 200 million shots in arms. 

On Sunday, he was forced to “clarify that, because there was a little bit of a misunderstanding. What we’re talking about is 100 million shots in individuals.” 

The 100 million goal is fake anyway,  since we’re already there. In the week before the inauguration, 912,000 shots were administered per day, according to Bloomberg News’ tracker. On Inauguration Day, it was 1.6 million shots. 

Disregard the Media’s covering up for Both Cuomo and Fauci.

Janice Dean, who lost family members in the New York nursing home mismanagement, must not be listened to. Trust Lester Holt to fairly report:


So @NBCNews @LesterHoltNBC @TODAYshow censored one of my friends who lost a loved one in a nursing home. She wanted to say “@andrewcuomo failed us” in the interview and they told her to say “New York failed us” instead. The mainstream is STILL protecting this guy. Disgusting.

Shame on you @LesterHoltNBC @NBCNews @TODAYshow. New York State did not fail us. The governor, his administration and his health department FAILED US. You are a disgrace to all families. Just like @andrewcuomo.

You should trust Holt to provide a clear account and not bloggers like Yaacov Applebaum who nailed Cuomo’s  horrid nursing home policies last May. 

3. All the White House efforts on the China virus are based on sound science, not politics

So when the White House calls for Florida restaurants and bars to close their doors, contrary to Governor Ron DeSantis’ directives to stay open, you must ignore Richard Grenell’s criticism of Governor Gavin Newsom and its application to the White House plan for Florida. Logic is now banned thinking.

Richard Grenell


It makes no sense to let people fly on an airplane for 5 hours but not be inside a restaurant or a gym for 1 hour.

Open up our businesses!

@GavinNewsom must be recalled.

10:07 AM · Jan 30, 2021

I’m 79 years old, and all the protocols indicate I should be among the first eligible for the vaccine. Although my D.C. ward (3) is mostly white and rich and taxpaying, too many of its residents want the vaccine, so it’s going first to wards where people have been most affected by the virus (and are in significant numbers still refusing to take it). Having registered at numerous sites, it’s still unavailable to me. On the other hand, if I had been a participant in terrorism against the U.S. like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others locked up in Guantanamo Bay, I would be scheduled to get it ahead of most Americans (until backlash compelled them to "pause" that plan). Don’t ask. Don’t question. Surely our leader has good reasons behind this.

4. Show trial and Impeachments are the Way to Unity

Daniel Greenfield explains, for those who are slow learners. Questioning an election is now sedition and incitement. A Capitol wrapped in barbed wire and with streets filled with National Guardsmen is not using a fake state of emergency, friends.

The show trial of President Trump and the city full of soldiers is just the opening act to the Great Purge of a domestic terrorism crackdown on anyone who ever retweeted the wrong meme.

Biden will embed a domestic terrorism office in the NSC, making the NSC's former abuses under Obama routine as a system meant to track foreign enemies is instead used to surveil domestic political opponents. Heading the effort will be Joshua Geltzman, who had formerly falsely claimed, "No, Black Lives Matter is not a terrorist organization."

Inside of a month, Democrats had redefined riots and election challenges from the highest form of patriotism to an attack on democracy. And by “democracy,” they mean the Democrat Party.

Popular leaders don’t take their false oaths of office in a deserted city surrounded by barbed wire and military checkpoints manned by 25,000 troops. Nor do they engage in show trials of their predecessors or unroll massive efforts to surveil, arrest, and silence their opponents.

That’s not the stuff of healing, but it is how you unite a country at gunpoint under your rule.

After four years of vowing to remove President Trump by any means from massive riots to illegal eavesdropping to coups, the Democrats declared an emergency because a few Republicans had done 10% of the things they had been doing, but without dressing up as human genitalia.

Democrats had been collecting bail fund donations for mass arrests in post-election protests and even a “separate fund to raise money for the families of anyone killed in violence on or around Election Day.” And then they pivoted from prepping body bags to declaring that insurrection was a national emergency which will require the National Guard to sleep in parking lots where they won’t annoy Democrat House members until Biden sees his own shadow.

That or the show trials wrap up before they get around to mandating that all future elections take place at Democrat campaign offices preceded by poll tests about equity and white privilege.

Meanwhile the Democrat media went from writing sympathetic pieces about BLM lawyers throwing Molotov cocktails at the police to demanding a thorough purge of every single person who had ever questioned the idea that Joe Biden might not be the most popular politician ever.

Any day now I expect the publishers who toss favors at Democrat officeholders to print and distribute gratis Biden’s Little Red Book for us to memorize, or redo paintings of him as they did in Russia of the doddering fool Brezhnev bedecked with dozens of  medals.


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Liz Cheney’s GOP Civil War Is Here, And She’s Losing

On this episode of “The Federalist Radio Hour,” Federalist Western Correspondent Tristan Justice joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss his dispatch from Rep. Matt Gaetz’s anti-Liz Cheney rally and what it means for the future of the GOP.

“He really branded Liz Cheney as emblematic of the old way of doing things and what the Republican Party had gotten away from under Donald Trump, and what the Republican Party needs to stay away from if they’re going to be successful in the future, and the crowd loved it,” Justice said. “Every single person I spoke to in the crowd, they complained about Liz Cheney, not necessarily because of her impeachment vote. A lot of them said that impeachment was just the last straw, they were already upset with Cheney. … They really just attacked her for being a symbol of the past.” 

Cheney’s battle, Justice said, is not an isolated one and signals the coming of more GOP splits after years of growing distrust in D.C. elites and politicians.

“Liz Cheney is in trouble in her own state. Trumpism has gripped the party, and I don’t think there’s a lot of space for the Republican Party to go back to the old way of doing things,” Justice concluded. 

Read more of Justice’s work here.

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