Thursday, January 28, 2021

Big Tech Colludes With Wall St to Protect Elites & Hedgefunds Against Ordinary Investors

It started with a bunch of smart ordinary Wall Street market watchers assembling on Reddit and noticing that hedgefunds were making millions destroying the stock value of GameStop (GME) -and others-  by short selling the stock and trading the position.

[Short Lesson to Understand Short-Selling Here]

The hedgefunds were so greedy the short-sellers borrowed more than 140% of the total number of shares of stock of GME (GameStop) in order to destroy it.  The stock value dropped from $20 to $4 as the sharks made millions in the short-sells.  That’s when the Reddit investment community,Wall Street Bets, noticed an opportunity.

One of the issues with short-selling is that short-sellers must always eventually purchase the stocks they borrowed.  That means if the stock value increases you are committed to buying it, you will lose money, and you cannot get away from the loss in your short-sell position so long as the stock value is high.

Knowing the borrowed shares were more than the total number of outstanding shares of the entire GME stock, the rebellious alliance knew the short-sellers (hedgefunds) would have to eventually buy them.  So the independent group, mass numbers of individual investors, started purchasing shares and driving up the GameStop stock value.

The GME stock skyrocketed and the short-sellers (hedgefunds on Wall Street) were freaking out.  The higher the stock went, the more it was going to cost the hedgefunds to get out of their short position.  Billions were being wiped out as the pesky rebel alliance kept purchasing shares and driving up the value.  [Go Deep] That’s when the biggest eye-opening series of events in financial history took place….

♦ First Big Tech jumped-in to protect the hedgefunds.  The servers that handled Reddit’s investor discussion “WallStreetBets” were shut down, essentially trying to break down the communication of the rebel alliance.  They used the oft-familiar “hate speech” justification, but that was really a ruse… Big Tech was supporting Wall Street.

♦ Then the New York Stock exchange stepped-in to protect the hedgefunds by blocking trades of GameStop and other Reddit targeted stocks (Nokia, Blackberry, AMC theaters).  Ameritrade also blocked any trades.  The NYSE was essentially trying to protect the institutional investors, billionaires, from the citizens, independent investors.   Wall Street went to war against day-traders, ordinary Americans.

♦ Then the stock trading App “Robinhood” which was used by the citizens to make their trades, actually stepped-in to stop users from purchasing GameStop shares.  The Robinhood app will now only allow sales of GME and the other stocks because the app is protecting the billionaire class from their short position.

Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange, the entire financial trading system is trying to protect the short-sellers by driving down the shares of stocks so that the short-sellers can get out of their positions.   Never has there been such blatant market manipulation by the organized efforts of the elite financial class.

Big Tech and Wall Street are working together to keep a rigged system tilted in their favor and their aligned efforts are spotlighting just how rigged that system is.

The elites don’t care what happens to the ordinary citizens in the stock market… they are protecting their own status.  All of this is brutally illegal market manipulation and collusion by the financial sector.   [Story Here and Story Here]

Keep watching….

Masks are dropping at an alarming rate as more people are witnessing in real time just how this market is rigged against the interests of ordinary Americans.



Don’t forget who owns the NYSE !!  {Go Deep}….  Things make sense now?

“It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it!”

Xi Twists Biden’s Arm at Davos

 Xi Twists Biden’s Arm at Davos 

Xi Jinping’s kick-off appearance at the winter Davos week this Monday had a simple message for newly inaugurated President Joe Biden: bring America back into the fold, or suffer the consequences. 

The speech, which opened and closed with World Economic Forum (WEF) Chairman Klaus Schwab heaping praise on Xi, was the Chinese president’s first appearance at Davos since he spoke there in 2017

The atmosphere this time around was no less surreal, at least at first glance. What is the strongman leader of the largest communist nation in the world doing headlining the premier event for the world’s free-trading liberal internationalist elite? 

Xi wants the world to believe that it is now China, not the U.S., that forms the linchpin of the international order.

Of course, there is no real mystery here. China’s use of global organizations to its advantage has been evident as far back as its entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO’s kowtowing to China throughout the coronavirus pandemic was an embarrassment observed by the entire world. 

In light of the past year, Xi’s speech had the tone of a victory lap crossed with a warning directed at the United States. The overarching theme was globalization and transnational integration — the more of it, the better, and no need to read the small print. 

Building an “open world economy,” according to Xi, means keeping “the global industrial and supply chains stable and open” and upholding “the multilateral trading regime,” a thinly veiled dig at the hawkish trade policy pursued by the Trump administration in the past four years. 

Such openness would also require taking down “barriers to … technological exchanges.” Technology transfers, both illegal and voluntary (in exchange for business deals) constitute perhaps the single greatest method of wealth extraction by China against the United States.

Xi was keen to push China’s interests on other fronts as well. A substantial, and perhaps unexpected, portion of the speech was dedicated to the worldwide “North–South gap,” which can be remedied only by giving developing countries “stronger representation and voice in global economic governance.” 

Needless to say, China’s interests and assets in the global South — particularly Africa — are vast and growing, both as part of the Belt and Road Initiative and through other projects. No doubt Xi wishes to maintain elite approval of China’s international economic agenda. But Xi’s push for greater representation for developing countries could come from a place of much greater ambition. China’s outsize importance for many African countries means that it has many of them in its pocket when it comes to votes at the UN and WTO and political allegiance on the world stage. Giving “stronger representation” to the global South, as altruistic as it sounds, is Xi’s way of pushing for further strengthening of the Chinese international coalition. 

At times, the speech veered into parody, such as when Xi implored that “the strong should not bully the weak” — another dig at the U.S., no doubt, but baldly hypocritical given China’s recent escalation of tensions with nearly every single one of its neighbors over territorial disputes.

All in all, the script was thin on policy specifics and thick on textbook platitudes about globalization, as is often the case with WEF speeches. What will prove more important than what was said will be the message sent by Xi’s appearance. Davos has always been a primarily European event, and the Chinese premier was flanked this year by heavyweights such as French President Emmanuel Macron and outgoing Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, as if symbolic of the growing ties between the EU and China. 

In short, Xi wants the world to believe that it is now China, not the U.S., that forms the linchpin of the international order. He is warning Joe Biden to keep well away from Donald Trump’s belligerence, lest the Biden administration be discredited in the eyes of the kinds of people who would attend Davos. 

What might a Chinese-led international order look like? According to Xi, it is one free of “ideological prejudice.” In other words: worry less about tyranny or totalitarianism and focus on keeping the gravy train running. That line surely got an extra round of applause out of Klaus Schwab.

Your Government Is Afraid of You

 Your Government is Afraid of You

The Swamp is terrified of Trump – still. Pictured: President Donald Trump boards Marine One as he departs the White House on his last day in office, January 20, 2021. (Photo by Eric Thayer/Getty Images)

The Swamp is terrified of Trump – still. That explains their fixation on eradicating him and his movement. "Trumpism" was not extinguished when Joe Biden raised his right hand to become the 46th president.

Fear grips The Swamp. Here is some evidence: the military occupation of Washington, DC; claims of "insurrection"; Speaker Pelosi's interference with the military command structure; more baseless claims of dark Russian conspiracies; serious discussion of reeducation camps for Trump supporters; marginalizing and criminalizing all things "Trump" – those are all expressions of fear.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and President Biden keep using the word "insurrectionists" to describe the rowdy Trumpsters who raided the Capitol building unlawfully two weeks ago. That is deliberate. It makes all the respectable, career politicians, government drones and DC political operatives appear to be "victims" – draped in the flag and bravely defending the Constitution. It also criminalizes all of their opposition. Not just the protestors who raided the Capitol, but all Trump supporters – across the USA – and those opposed to The Swamp mentality to which we have now returned.

There were more troops in Washington, DC guarding the inauguration of Joe Biden than are in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined. 25,000 National Guardsmen from 13 states, plus more than 2,000 Active Duty military from the Metro DC region. There was also the full panoply of federal and D.C. law enforcement. From Metropolitan Police to the Postal Service. Remember: No one was allowed to go to the Inauguration. The National Mall was closed. Blocks and blocks of downtown DC were shutdown with jersey barriers, 12-foot metal fencing and armed checkpoints. You are supposed to believe this is a "normal" security precaution. You are not supposed to question if the reaction is excessive, heavy-handed or unprecedented.

In two weeks, they have made Washington DC look and feel like the Brandenburg Gate area of Cold War Berlin; Nancy Pelosi unlawfully interfered in the National Military Command Authority; and Hillary Clinton suggested Trump coordinated the activities of the protestors with Putin.

You are also supposed to ignore the facts concerning months-long violent protests with killings and burnings across America's cities by Antifa and BLM. Months ago, Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser, demanded that the National Guard withdraw from her city amid violent demonstrations. She then named a street after those demonstrators and allowed them to paint their motto across the entire street.

The crowd of Trumpsters who raided the Capitol building unlawfully two weeks ago brought about 5 deaths: 3 "medical emergencies" (read: heart attacks); Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick reportedly succumbing to a fire extinguisher blow to the head; and, unarmed, female, civilian, Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt shot point-blank by Capitol Police in the chest while crouched in a window frame. Capitol Police failed miserably. There is clear video evidence of Capitol Police opening gates for some of the protesters to approach the building. You do not hear a word about accountability for law enforcement actions during the raid, nor about the Babbitt shooting. No marches by any groups seeking justice or an investigation. Nothing.

There is also a growing drumbeat for having Trump supporters "deprogrammed." Immediately following the election, the suggestion of reeducation camps was played-off as just a snarky remark, but in the last couple of weeks the sentiment has grown in frequency and sincerity. It is a threat we should all take seriously.

This is an attempt by The Swamp to place all Americans that supported Trump into a state of neurotic acute anxiety. This type of psychological conditioning is documented as what Communist propagandists tried to do to the West throughout the Cold War. The Castro regime had a technique for isolating and criminalizing resistance, and a particular word assigned to all who opposed their regime – "gusano" – worm.

Watch for the same sort of public treatment and language applied to Trump supporters going forward. It is consistent with a government that is in fear of its own people. The type of government that has 25,000 soldiers guarding a few politicians in an empty city.

Chris Farrell is a former counterintelligence case officer. For the past 20 years, he has served as the Director of Investigations & Research for Judicial Watch. The views expressed are the author's alone, and not necessarily those of Judicial Watch.

The Occupation Of Washington Is Pure Panic Porn — And You Are The Target

Just this week, we learned that thousands of Guardsmen could remain in Washington DC 'indefinitely.' Certainly through President Donald Trump's impeachment trial.

WASHINGTON, DC — The National Guard have been in D.C. for three weeks now.

Fences, military trucks, and armored vehicles crisscross our roads and neighborhoods. Major traffic arteries through the city have been closed. Concertina razor wire surrounds our noble government buildings. 

Originally called to secure the Capitol building from attackers, the Guard never left. By Inauguration Day, some newspaper reports put the number of uniformed troops deployed to the city at more than 25,000. Bridges were shut down, highway exits blocked, gates raised.

When asked, police and Guardsmen on the ground privately shared the belief they were here to stay. Soon, reports began to leak that indeed they would — through President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. Just this week, we learned that thousands of Guardsmen could remain “indefinitely.”

If this seems theatrical and excessive, it’s because it is. Worse yet, it’s about politics, not security, with the same politicians who claimed Antifa violence against their voters was a “myth” now insisting they need a full division of troops to defend them from a rebel army that doesn’t exist.

For months last year the American people endured hundreds of race riots, anarchist crime sprees, and literal occupations. As this lawlessness raged, calls to deploy federal forces were treated as if they were calls for fascism. When Sen. Tom Cotton published a New York Times op-ed in June calling to send in the U.S. Army — as Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and H.W. Bush had done to quell civil disorder before — readers and Times staffers rebelled, leading to the resignations of the editorial page editor and a senior editor with him.

In its scramble to apologize, the paper attached a 325-word mea culpa to the top of the op-ed. The senator’s call to restore order with U.S. forces “falls short of the thoughtful approach that advances useful debate,” the new editors charged. The cited constitutional duty to defend states, they claimed, should have been put into quotation marks. Cotton’s assertion that Antifa was a leader in the nationwide riots, they wrote in perhaps the most laughable portion, has “not been substantiated.”

When President Donald Trump ordered Guardsmen into the capital following nights of Black Lives Matter-inspired rioting, Maryland Sen. Chris van Hollen called it “an affront to our Constitution.” D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser “formally requested” they be withdrawn, and made them move to new rooms and hotels, declaring that the city would not “pay their hotel bills.”

Continuing the troop-bashing, in July Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi compared the federal officers defending the Portland Federal Courthouse against weeks of nightly Antifa rioting (with 140 officers injured throughout the siege) to Nazi “stormtroopers.” And on and on and on.

Yet on Jan. 20, the nation watched as a Democratic president was sworn into office before an empty National Mall surrounded by a division of uniformed soldiers ostensibly there to hold back the army of Klansmen and neo-Nazis waiting just over the river to invade our nation’s capital and sack its government.

Fear and distrust is already dangerously high in our country — and both are rising.

Local leaders, empowered with COVID hysteria, tell ordinary citizens to inform on their neighbors. Major newspapers join social media in lauding children who turn in their parents.

Earlier this year, as lockdowns dragged on and Black Lives Matter riots intensified and spread nationally, once-calm Americans began to stockpile ammunition and coordinate emergency escape routes with their close friends. The reactions to these inputs, panicked though some might have been, weren’t surprising given the outside forces driving them.

The Jan. 6 Capitol riots were an ugly, deadly, and tragic but ultimately isolated incident, spurred on by liberal toleration of political violence, Trump’s refusal to accept the loss, and corporate media’s open scorn of half the country and their legitimate election concerns. Democratic politicians took those riots and used them to reverse political course and order the complete militarization of downtown Washington, intentionally spreading the fear and distrust deeper into America in an effort to make their point.

A once-calm relative, one Marine officer candidate told me this week, drew up waypoints to evacuate his family from their suburban community far outside Washington. MAGA insurrection, he feared, might be camped in the woods nearby.

This behavior might also seem panicked to calmer minds, but it’s neither isolated nor unexpected given how hard our leaders have worked to spread it. And make no mistake: They know as well as any other reasonable person in Washington that 25,000 troops and razor wire aren’t needed, but protection isn’t the goal here — the occupation of Washington is a massive undertaking in panic porn. The fear we see in the capital is simulated even if it is exciting. It’s also ugly, and it obscures the truth.

Poorly trained Capitol Police officers and a Democratic mayor and House that declined security reinforcements don’t make the rioters who attacked the Capitol a marching rebel army, as we’ve seen in the weeks since when the televised theater spread to state capitals only to end with more reporters than protesters on the much-touted day of attack. Similarly, keeping the capital under military occupation while the former opposition leader is put on trial isn’t necessary for national healing, as Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer now insists.

None of this matters to the leaders in Washington: Not walling themselves from the public they serve, nor spreading even more fear and distrust among their supporters than already existed. What matters is that the Democrats and the troops be seen as the only things standing between America and a Ku Klux MAGA apocalypse.

Longtime D.C. residents and experienced frequent flyers might think all this sounds foggily familiar. Indeed, like the closing of Pennsylvania Avenue and other “temporary security measures” following Sept. 11, the permanence of the Jan. 6 security state might echo longer than the loudspeaker recording that “unticketed passengers are no longer permitted in the terminal boarding area” — a temporary announcement entering its third decade this year.

Just as in the aftermath of the terrible Sept. 11 attacks, many of the indignities we’ve been subjected to are pure security theater. Unlike the aftermath of those attacks, however, the people the theater is meant to frighten off aren’t foreign terrorists — they’re you and me.

Federal Reserve Warns Joe Biden Policies are Weakening US Economy

The Federal Reserve panel sent a warning about the U.S. economy starting to suffer as the JoeBama administration starts to institute “America Last” policies.  The financial media will not directly point to the Biden policy agenda as the primary source of the issue, but the background context of a new administration is exactly the difference.

Even during the worst aspects of the 2020 COVID-19 impact during the Donald Trump administration, the underpinning of the U.S. economy remained strong.  However, now that JoeBama has taken office the 2021 COVID-19 impact is being used as an excuse.

WASHINGTON DC – The Federal Reserve on Wednesday struck a more somber tone about the U.S. economy, saying the recovery is weakening as the country waits for widespread vaccinations against the coronavirus.

“The pace of the recovery in economic activity and employment has moderated in recent months, with weakness concentrated in the sectors most adversely affected by the pandemic,” the Fed’s rate-setting committee said in its post-meeting statement. That contrasts with its observation last month that the economy had “continued to recover.”  (read more)

Movie Logic and the Democrat Party THINK Tank....Hollywood's Language of Cinema!


We THE people, being played like a violin.

Hollywood has always played make believe, and we all know that broadcasters is simply HOLLYWOOD for the UGLY....

Combined, after 70 years, McCarthy warned us....
we are now being gaslighted into believing the unbelievable....

I call the re-conditioning of those willing to fall for it.. #movieLOGIC

Word Feminism/women/etc

Key word Trump

Key word Media

Key Word - Muslim, Islam

Key word, CNN

Key word - Black, Race, black privilege, etc

Key word, OBAMA

Key word - Clinton

Key word - Communism

Metaphors and MEME's ....Why the Left is Triggered when We the People USE them

  A visual metaphor is the representation of a person, place, thing, or idea by means of a visual image that suggests a particular association or point of similarity. It's also known as pictorial metaphor and analogical juxtaposition.


Biden Goes Big on Climate Change...


Biden Goes Big on Climate With Several Sweeping Executive Orders
President Biden promised to make a big-government green agenda a priority in his administration, and early signs suggest that wasn’t just talk.
“President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed a series of executive orders that prioritize climate change across all levels of government and put the U.S. on track to curb planet-warming carbon emissions,” CNBC reports.

“Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development,” the report continues. “In addition to the pause on leasing, Biden will direct the federal government to conserve 30% of federal lands and water by 2030 and find ways to double offshore wind production by that time.”

What’s the downside?

Well, such sweeping government actions always have a wide array of unintended consequences. But right off the bat, the Wall Street Journal editorial board warns this will “erase thousands of blue-collar jobs—and billions of dollars in revenue that states use to fund education.”

Trump Can Turn The Impeachment On The Insiders And Put Congress On ‘Trial’.

As former President Trump faces the second sham impeachment effort of Speaker Nancy Pelosi in just over a year, opportunity arises, both for him and for the America First movement. Within this shameful political charade, the overreaching Democrats included accusations that allow for Team Trump to make a robust case before the nation about the material problems that mar the November 3rd presidential vote, in a forum of unparalleled prominence and reach.

If Trump dives headlong into this challenge with courage, imagination, and the charisma that only he can command, then he will transcend the absurdity of this tribunal, crystallize his own political viability, and propel the populist nationalist cause forward into 2022 and beyond.

Repelling the illogical and unfounded incitement charge will prove relatively easy, given the then-president’s own clear exhortation to his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” before the Congress.

But Pelosi’s snap-impeachment also includes the scurrilous accusation that President Trump “repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people or certified by State or Federal officials.”

Clearly, this allegation by the impeachment resolution opens the trial proceedings to a full adjudication of whether Trump’s post-election assertions were, in fact, “false statements.”

In a perverse sense, Pelosi and her minions unwittingly did the country a service.

At last, our deeply divided nation is afforded a trial setting to fully weigh the countervailing arguments about the validity of the 2020 presidential vote in the highly contested states. After all, recent polling reveals severe skepticism about the official results among tens of millions of voters.

A November 23rd CNBC survey  found that a scant 3 percent of Trump voters believe Biden won legitimately.

Even after constant efforts of corporate media to affix blame for rioting to Trump, varied polling shows his supporters remain solidly supportive of the 45th President. For example, in battleground states, McLaughlin & Associates polling found that fully 76 percent of Republican voters reported that they are less likely to support any member of Congress who supports this second impeachment.

The proper way to bridge this wide chasm regarding the November 3rd vote involves a serious presentation of evidence before massive national broadcast audience.

Media charlatans constantly claim that Trump lost dozens of court cases contesting results. In reality, most of these cited lawsuits were brought by non-campaign plaintiffs, and almost all went unheard on procedural grounds.

The most serious courtroom deliberations, that aired a detailed vetting of official campaign objections, unfolded in Wisconsin.

That state’s Supreme Court decided by a narrow 4-3 ruling against Trump. In a blistering dissent, Wisconsin Chief Justice Patience Roggensack wrote that a “significant portion of the public does not believe that the November 3, 2020 presidential election was fairly conducted… four justices on this court cannot be bothered with addressing what the [state] statutes require.”

As such, this open wound upon our democracy festers.

Our country’s best hope to coalesce and form some consensus lies in a vigorous presentation of arguments to the nation.

For Trump and his defense team, this exposition should center on the three verticals of election irregularities.

First, convey the stunning confluence of statistical anomalies in the swing states that make the likelihood of a Biden win so improbable as to be impossible. Second, provide the immense evidence of demonstrable frauds perpetrated across the six most controversial states. Finally, explain the grave Constitutional violations that invalidate the election procedures in these states which used the cover of the COVID virus to subvert constitutional protections of process. In particular, the defense team must fully elucidate the swing states’ evisceration of 14th Amendment guarantees against creating de-facto different classes of voters.

As Donald Trump methodically lays out this case before the American voter, he can essentially turn legal guns around and effectively put the Congress itself on trial. Such a tactic would illuminate the true battle lines of this political struggle, which is not so much Republican vs. Democrat, but rather outsider vs. insider.

Trump should resist the temptation to pursue a narrow, technical “not guilty” verdict and instead charge toward a broader exoneration. Such a triumph would prove his own indispensability to the America First cause and catalyze the movement’s momentum toward retaking Congressional majorities in 2022.

In addition, once Trump educates the public on the myriad abuses present in the 2020 vote, the task of election reforms among state legislatures clarifies.

This impeachment represents a farce, an unprecedented, and vindictive witch hunt. But it also presents irreplaceable opportunity, with just the kind of stage on which Donald J. Trump can shine.

The Pen of a Mindless Dictator

Candidate Biden calls President* Biden a dictator.

Joe Biden sure changed his tune, hasn’t he? The candidate who warned against presidential overreach through executive orders during the campaign has transformed himself into the mighty wielder of the Pen.

He has become, as he himself claimed, a Dictator.

Biden has, through the wave of his mighty pen, signed more executive orders in his first week in office than the previous three Presidents combined.

During the Democrat debate in September of 2019, it was Joe Biden who warned Kamala Harris about legislating by the stroke of a pen.

So what happened?

What made Joe go from “It’s unconstitutional” to “Yes we can (*cackle*cackle*cackle*)”?

Well, part of it is Joe isn’t the President and Chief Executive. As I said last week, Interagency Consensus is back in charge:

Biden will go back to the Obama way. He will outsource US foreign and domestic policy to nameless, faceless drones completely unaccountable to the voters. They will once again determine US policy. Biden’s only job is to sit down at his desk and sign his name to everything they place before him.

Joe isn’t calling the shots; he isn’t leading this band.

And all his twaddle during the campaign about following the Constitution and not bypassing the Legislature doesn’t make a damn bit of difference.

The people really in charge of the Biden White House don’t care about the Constitution, Separation of Powers, or any of that pesky stuff. And they sure as hell don’t give a tinker’s fart if the crap Executive Orders they’re forcing Biden to sign are not at all what the American people want.

And when Joe sits down to start signing a stack of executive orders he’s never even read, what are the odds that he even remembers his stern words of warning about their overuse?

This is the guy who last week repeated the phrase “Salute the Marines” instead of, you know, saluting the Marines.

For crying out loud, the guy gets defeated by a pen!

The Biden White House is relying on executive orders to ram through the far Left agenda because they know these radical ideas would never make it out of Congress – even with the slim Democrat majorities. They know this is not what the American people want.

Representative government means nothing to these cranks.

And since they can’t get their way using the Constitutional process, they’ll just bypass it altogether and have their mindless Dictator and his pen enact their agenda by fiat.

Candidate Joe was right about one thing: this is how dictators rule. It is not how things are supposed to work in a Constitutional Republic founded on self-government.

But Candidate Joe’s words are long gone from his memory — lost somewhere inside that fetid stew he calls a brain.

And even if he could summon them up, President🤣 Joe isn’t the one calling the shots in this dictatorship.

His only job is to read words off a teleprompter then sit down, pull out his trusty pen and start signing.

And as we begin to suffer from the impact of these executive fiats, old Joe won’t even remember signing a single one of them.