Sunday, January 24, 2021

Leftwing Activist Journalists Claim the Gadsden Flag Is a Sign of Insurrection and Hate

One of the more ridiculous things we’ve seen over the past four years has been a push by the left, often abetted by nominally conservative outlets, to define certain symbols and images as being associated with one of their favorite bogeymen. We’ve seen the American flag banned from schools, presumably because the idea that the school was in America made it unwelcoming to illegal aliens in attendance. Sometimes the results are hilarious, like the claim that the “ok” sign made with thumb and forefinger is a secret shout-out to fellow white supremacists. An internet meme, Pepe the Frog, also sets their sphincters aflutter. Their campaign against the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia’s battle flag has reached psychopathic proportions…again, they are assisted by some prominent pseudo-right publications in this particular effort. The purpose of defining the symbols has less to do with the symbols than attacking anyone associated with them.

The riot in the US Capitol reinvigorated this whole nonsensical endeavor. The video imagery of the rioters and casual bystanders served as a veritable cornucopia of new symbols that needed to be banned.

Here is an example of this Bizzaro World perspective:

“Decode the symbols.” You gotta love it; it’s like the goobers putting this together imagined they were a rather dim version of Dan Brown and writing their own version “Da Vinci Code,”  but about the 75 million people who voted for Donald Trump.

Some of the things they call symbols of a group aren’t. The “Armor of God” patch, for instance, is not associated with any group other than people who have read St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians.  Because of the angst it is causing, I’m going to buy one. The Three-Percenter paraphernalia doesn’t signify anything more than you like the gear. The organization isn’t violent, nor is it white-supremacist. It is patriotic, which definitely sticks in the craw of most journalists. But thanks to this video, I just ordered a Three-Percenter sweatshirt.

One obvious thing is that this thread’s research didn’t research much deeper than the SPLC slime-list. Calling the Oath Keepers a militia is rather bizarre since its purpose is to encourage people in the military and law enforcement not to violate their oath and oppress everyday Americans. And if we’re tracking behavior and attributing motives, do you know who else showed up, armed, at BLM demonstrations:

I caught a lot of crap a few years ago for criticizing them (see The Malignant Nature of the Oath Keeper Movement). I’m re-evaluating that stance because when it was written in would never have occurred to me to imagine that the Intelligence Community and FBI would spy on and interfere in a US presidential election. I would have laughed in your face if you’d told me that those same organizations would conspire, at least twice, to have a lawfully elected president removed from office. If you’d told me I’d see police officers break up funerals, I would have quietly called for the nice men in white suits with the straitjackets and Thorozine cocktails to take you away.

By now, everyone knows that Jacob Chansley is a nutter and not even a Trump supporter. Note the verbal jiujitsu here. He has symbols. Some white-supremacists and neo-Nazis (we are never told exactly who these folks are) use some symbols that are maybe or maybe not like the ones he is wearing. Therefore? This argument is about as substantial as saying white supremacists and neo-Nazis correspond to each other in English.

I really don’t understand the wadding of panties caused by QAnon. I mean, two major newsrooms shared a Pulitzer Prize for spreading unfounded conspiracy theories about President Trump mainly sourced from a document that is no more trustworthy or substantial than and QAnon rumor. Is the point that the left is allowed to reward its conspiracy theorists publicly and no one else is?

The Gadsden flag joins the American flag in the annals of ignominy. Full disclosure, I’ve flown one for over a decade, and if you are offended, you don’t need to visit me. I’m not terribly sure what the “Camp Auschwitz” shirt is about other than bad taste. I think it’s a safe bet to assume it is not a call to kill Jews but rather a grim parody of where a lot of us feel like we are headed under a Biden-Harris regime.

This is one of those things where crap is asserted without evidence. There is no evidence that the “ok” sign is more prevalent among white supremacists than it is among people signifying “ok” or making a harmless and meaningless gesture while speaking or among people trying to get a rise out of hyper-woke journalists out do decode the evil symbology of the right.

What you are seeing is a blatant attempt to pick out a few symbols carried by a few people at the US Capitol demonstration and by some of the rioters in the US Capitol, claim that these are symbols of extremism of one kind or another, and then use those unfounded and unsubstantiated claims to label anyone else using those symbols as some kind of “insurrectionist.”

Economic Wrecking Ball

With the wave of his pen, Joe Biden delivers the death-blow to an economy already 
crippled by the foolish and cynical COVID lockdowns.

Economic Wrecking Ball

posted by Dianny at Patriot Retort

I confess I have a strange sense of satisfaction over the kvetching and dismay coming from people who voted for Joe Biden thinking he would “fix” the economy.  It’s as if these idiots have been in a coma for the last fifty years. Joe Biden was never going to “fix” anything. He’s not a fixer; he’s a wrecking ball.

During the election Biden vowed that he would save the economy because, as he put it, he did it before (When? Who the hell knows?).

Instead, President🤣 Wrecking Ball has done more damage to the US economy in his first three days in office than Obama did in his first year.

And Obama did a lot of damage in that first year.

Joe the Wrecking Ball promised that, not only would he shut down the Wuhan Virus, but he’d get our economy roaring again.

And yesterday, he admitted that he can’t shut down the virus …

… and our economy is not going to get better.

Now, for those of us who didn’t let Trump’s tweets bother us, none of this is a surprise. We spent the entire campaign saying Joe Biden would deliver the death-blow to an economy already crippled by panicky and cynical governors who locked down their states to “slow the spread.”

And by “slow the spread,” I mean “hurt Trump’s reelection chances by destroying the economy he created.”

JK Tweet-01: Economic Wrecking Ball
JK Tweet-02: Economic Wrecking Ball

It takes a hell of a lot of wishful thinking to believe that the people who deliberately killed the economy just to win the election will now put the economic interests of the American people first.

And crying “this isn’t what I voted for!” only reveals your own lack of common sense.

We told you that Biden would come for the US Energy Sector with a vengeance.

Joe Biden told you as well.

Then, of course, when he needed to win Pennsylvania, Joe pretended he never said it. And Kamala pretended he never said it.

And what did this economic wrecking ball do in the first days of his clown administration? Why, he came for the US Energy sector.

What kind of brain-dead halfwit would actually believe the bumbling, incompetent Joe Biden of all people was going to “fix” our economy?

Then again, “brain-dead halfwit” pretty much defines the NeverTrumpers who voted for Biden.

Now those same NeverTrump halfwits who spent the last year convincing themselves that Biden would accomplish all the things Biden failed to accomplish in his half century in DC are now waking up to the realization that Joe is a wrecking ball.

And let’s just say they’re suffering from a voter’s remorse.

Now, to be fair, my sense of satisfaction over their stunned dismay is fleeting.

Because at the end of the day, Joe Biden is an economic wrecking ball. We are all going to pay a steep price for turning the keys to the White House over to this brain scrambled quarter wit and his army of unelected, unaccountable Social Justice Warrior bureaucrats.

No President should have the power to erase tens of thousands of jobs and cripple an entire segment of our economy all with the flick of a pen. But that’s exactly what this wrecking ball did.

President Trump used executive orders to liberate our economy from government overreach.

In his first three days in office Joe the Wrecking Ball used executive orders to restrain and hobble our economy through government overreach.

And this should come as a shock to nobody.

Destroying the US energy sector will destroy tens of thousands of jobs. But it will reverberate throughout our economy. Every single American will be paying more at the gas pump, and more to heat and power their homes. In turn, the cost of goods will climb as fuel and energy costs make trucking those goods more expensive.

And Joe the Wrecking Ball is doing all that after nearly a year of deliberately-inflicted economic hardship over a virus with a 99% survival rate.

The very virus Joe promised during the campaign to “shut down,” but now says he can do nothing about.

While we all will suffer because of this economic wrecking ball, my one satisfaction is knowing that we will be suffering beside millions of Americans who, by voting for this incompetent booby, truly deserve every ounce of pain coming their way.

Germany to use corona meds that helped former US President Trump

 Germany will become the first European Union country to start using the same experimental antibodies treatment credited with helping Donald Trump recover from Covid-19, health minister Jens Spahn said Sunday, January 24th.



"The government has bought 200,000 doses for 400 million euros," Spahn told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper, working out at 2,000 euros per dose.

The so-called monoclonal antibody cocktails will be deployed to university hospitals in the coming week, he said, adding that Germany was "the first country in the EU" to use them in the fight against the pandemic.

Spahn did not name the manufacturer that will be supplying the drugs but confirmed it was the same medicine given to then-US president Donald Trump when he fell ill with Covid-19 last October.

"They work like a passive vaccination. Administering these antibodies in the early stages can help high-risk patients avoid a more serious progression," Spahn said.

Trump, who was briefly hospitalised with the coronavirus, was given the antibody therapy developed by US firm Regeneron, known as REGN-COV2, even before the treatment had won regulatory approval. He later said the medicine did "a fantastic job".




US company Eli Lilly has developed a similar therapy. The novel treatment is a combination or 'cocktail' of two lab-made antibodies: infection-fighting proteins that were developed to bind to the
part of the new coronavirus that it uses to invade human cells.

The antibodies attach themselves to different parts of the virus's spike protein, distorting its structure - similar in a way to knocking a key out of shape so it no longer fits its lock.




Germany's order comes at a time of growing frustration in the EU over a slower-than-expected rollout of vaccines.

Vaccine makers Pfizer/BioNTech and AstraZeneca have both said they would be delivering fewer doses to Europe than anticipated in the short term because of production problems.

The German government has said it nonetheless expects to be able to offer all Germans a jab by the end of August 




Democrats 'waging a scorched earth campaign to silence' opponents


"Peaceful protesters"

Article by J. Peder Zane of Real Clear Politics in World Net Daily


Democrats 'waging a scorched earth campaign to silence' opponents

Everyone who thought Biden’s victory would lower the temperature was sold a bill of goods'

The Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the crisis Democrats were waiting for, and they are not going to waste it. Those few hours of lawless mayhem became unimpeachable proof that the muddy smears they’d thrown against Donald Trump supporters were all true.

Through the funhouse mirror of hyper-partisanship, that angry mob of thousands became all 74 million Americans who voted for Trump in November. The crowd’s explicit anger over the 2020 election was cast as an implicit push for white supremacy.

Never mind that almost all prominent Republicans and conservatives recoiled from the violence and immediately condemned it, or that one of the main organizers of the rally was a black Arab American. There’s enough scattershot evidence for Democrats and their allies to add “demonstrated violence” to their list of conservative crimes and justify a radical program of repression. While Joe Biden issues calls for unity, many of his allies are waging a scorched earth campaign to silence all who oppose them.

Since the violent attacks, left-leaning tech companies have been given a free hand to quash dissent. On Jan. 8 Twitter permanently President Trump’s account and later purged more than 70,000 accounts it said were affiliated QAnon, whose members subscribe to various conspiracy theories and question the integrity of the government.

That same day it was reported that Facebook removed the #Walkaway Campaign, which featured testimonials from Democrats who had left the party because of its hard-left turn. Facebook deemed this “hateful, threatening, or obscene.” On Jan. 10, Amazon pulled the plug on the libertarian social media platform Parler because a handful of its estimated 2.3 million active users were connected to the violence.

Government is also policing thought. On Jan. 18, the New York Times reported that the Pentagon “is intensifying efforts to identify and combat white supremacy and other far-right extremism in its ranks.” Network news reported that several unnamed National Guardsmen were pulled from the ranks of those protecting the Capitol after the FBI said it discovered fringe political views in their social media footprint or digital communications with friends.

That same day, Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee (pictured) questioned the loyalty of the National Guard because it is “90 some-odd percent male, and only about 20% of white males voted for Biden; you've got to figure the Guard is more conservative. ... There are probably not more than 25% of the people that are there protecting us that voted for Biden. The other 75% are in the class who might want to do something."

Cohen’s rant is not only alarming; it’s inaccurate in its own terms. White men under age 30 (the average age of an enlisted man in the National Guard is 29.5) broke for Trump, but only narrowly – 51% to 46%, according to exit polls.

Now the Biden administration is promising to make “domestic terrorism” a priority for the National Security Council. You don’t need a dog whistle decoder to know this means they will be targeting conservative groups. Anyone who says the innocent have nothing to worry about should bone up on the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

It is tempting to compare this to the McCarthy-era probes that challenged people’s patriotism and worked to weed out communists, homosexuals and other alleged subversives and deviants. But that ugly movement was weak tea by comparison, as it targeted a relatively small percentage of Americans. Today, in the broadest sense, one half of the nation is working to demonize and silence the other half.

This effort didn’t begin after Jan. 6. The illiberalism that has infected many American schools, the cancel culture that has propagated across social media and the left-wing demand that everything – what you eat, wear, watch and care about – be seen through the lens of politics, was metastasizing long before. But the attack on the Capitol is the made-for-television moment being used to smother dissent in the name of patriotism.

Everyone who thought Biden’s victory would lower the temperature was sold a bill of goods. Instead of normalcy we’re getting a purge.

This is inevitable because of the leftist ideology Democrats and their allies have embraced. It sees everyone -- except, of course, their enlightened selves -- as unthinking empty vessels. They believe their mission is to fill these pathetic puppets (i.e., you and me) with their virtuous brew of truth. They honestly think they are doing us a favor and expect we’ll thank them once we see things their way.

This is the faith of the victim culture, whose sinners are those who have been corrupted by the dark forces of conservatism and whose saints are those who walk the path of liberal enlightenment. This is why media figures such as Katie Couric describe Trump supporters as cult members and columnist Eugene Robinson wonders how they can be deprogrammed.

“Never Trump” Republicans are echoing these sentiments. In his Jan. 14 New York Times column, David Brooks asserted that there is now a split on the right “between those who have become detached from reality and those who, however right wing, are still in the real world. Hence, it’s not an argument. You can’t argue with people who have their own separate made-up set of facts.”

George W. Bush strategist Mark McKinnon argued the same point on MSNBC this week: “You can't just confront them [Trump supporters] with the facts because they don't believe it. They live in an alternate universe where they have been told other reality, quote ‘realities,’ that they think are realities.”

To be sure, some Trump supporters fit this mold. The former president often did himself. But whether they mean to or not, these voices – in the media, no less – provide the rationale for abandoning the First Amendment in the name of censorship. It’s why the left is cheering Big Tech’s embrace of cancel culture and pushing cable providers to stop airing One America News Network, Newsmax and other “conservative influencers.”

It’s why the so-called Trump Accountability Project, which seeks to prevent administrations officials from gainful employment, is not widely denounced for the thuggery that it is and why 250 publishing professionals feel comfortable circulating a “No Book Deals for Traitors” petition that says former Trump officials shouldn’t be allowed to publish their works. It’s also why Harvard students think it’s reasonable to circulate a letter demanding the revocation of degrees earned by Republicans who questioned the 2020 election, and why demands that the Senate not give Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley any committee assignments.

Note that antifa – the anarchist hate group spurred on by Democrats -- has been stirring up trouble in Portland, Ore., this week, even shouting epithets against Joe Biden. Eventually the revolution eats its own. It is hard to know how any of this ends. History shows that such campaigns have no goal but total victory. For their perpetrators, there is no accommodation with an enemy they define as dangerous and irrational; there is only submission.

I keep hoping that reasonable liberals will rise up and speak out against these illiberal forces.

Finally, a plea: President Biden, please work to rebuild the decent, fair United States you celebrate in your rhetoric. It is under siege by those around you. 

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Stabbing Hector’s Corpse

Americans hate one thing more than a sore loser, and that is 
an arrogant, vindictive—and bullying—winner. 

In Homer’s epic Iliad, the Greek hero Achilles finally kills his hated archenemy, the often trash-talking Trojan warrior, Hector. 

After Hector dies, once frightened but now gloating Greek soldiers encircle and cowardly stab his limp corpse. 

Achilles even ties the ankles of the dead Hector to his chariot and in fits of mindless rage drags him around the walls of Troy. 

Homer then brilliantly shows how Achilles’ vindictive excess ensures sympathy even for the once-braggart Hector. Eventually, the adolescent Achilles relents, grows up, allows Hector to be buried, and accepts the tragic nature of a common humanity. 

If Democrats and the Left had wished to reinvigorate the Trump legacy, they could have done no better than unleashing their unhinged and often repulsive hatred of the last two weeks.   

The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson recently boasted, “There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed.”   

What method does Robinson advocate for the required mind-rinsing of these millions? The Chinese, Soviet, or North-Korean model? 

CNN’s Don Lemon claims that those who voted for Trump—nearly half the electorate—are synonymous with the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazis. Would Lemon include one in three Hispanics or one in five black males? 

The Lincoln Project, in good McCarthyite fashion, wants to create lists of former Trump officials to destroy their reputations. Is that the spirit of their namesake, Abe Lincoln, who urged Americans to heal the nation’s wounds “with malice toward none, with charity for all”? 

Was it not enough to rush through a slipshod, one-day second impeachment of Trump, the first in our nation’s history? 

Or after he leaves office, will Trump also become the first private citizen in history to be the target of a Senate impeachment trial—an act as unnecessary as it is likely unconstitutional.  

So far the Left has produced no consistent standard by which the public can judge Trump’s excesses. Indeed, for months, blue-state mayors and governors contextualized nonstop summer rioting, arson, and looting. 

Politicians like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Vice President Kamala Harris, and Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), have themselves either revved up angry protestors, urged mass street demonstrators to continue indefinitely, or directed followers to hound and harass government officials. 

Trump, unlike Iran’s strongman Ayatollah Khamenei who advocates the destruction of Israel, is banned for life from Twitter. So are many of his followers—unlike those of radical Antifa and BLM who used social media to coordinate their often violent protests, looting, and arson.  

The small conservative alternative to Silicon Valley’s left-wing social media monopoly, Parler, was crushed by Big Tech in one fell swoop.  

Does Joe Biden really believe he can unite the country by smearing two U.S. senators as no different from the genocidal Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels 

Already Biden’s premature promises of mass amnesties and lax border enforcement have sparked caravans of undocumented immigrants to head for the border. Are they going again to crash through without background checks—right in the middle of a spiking COVID-19 pandemic, with already crammed ICUs and long lines for vaccinations? 

Joe Biden has promised to cancel pipeline contracts and curtail fossil fuel production. 

How popular will that be? 

Fracking made the United States a net energy exporter and crashed gas prices. America is no longer dependent on Middle East oil and gas. It has no need to intervene in endless wars out of worry for secure energy supplies.  

The transition to clean-burning natural gas allowed the United States to reduce carbon emissions more rapidly than almost any other major industrial nation. And high-paying gas and oil jobs sparked economic booms from Texas to North Dakota.  

Lots of departed Republican Trump officials are now loudly trashing their former boss. Few admit that their once-stalled careers were revived only after they successfully lobbied to work for the Trump White House.  

Efforts of Republican House members to join House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s push to impeach Trump were widely praised as “bipartisan” in the media and by the Left. But impeachment won the support of less than five percent of Republican House members. 

No wonder, since some national polls put Trump’s national popularity unchanged or even above where it was on Election Day. About 85 percent of Republicans still support him. 

The irony is that all these frenzied efforts to mutilate the political corpse of Trump are reviving him.  

Banning Trump from his often self-destructive Twitter addiction, smearing his supporters as racists, and bulldozing through a far-Left agenda will only ensure Trump a ninth life. 

Americans hate one thing more than a sore loser, and that is an arrogant, vindictive—and bullying—winner.  

If Trump for now can finally exit office silently, and if his enemies continue to be loud, petty, vengeful, and extremist, then the public will very soon make the necessary adjustments. 

The Dangers of Leftist Groupthink


Article by Derek Hunter in Townhall

The Dangers of Leftist Groupthink

If you were a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation, you are familiar with the Borg – a half human, half cyborg species with a collective consciousness; if a thought occurred to one Borg, it occurred to all Borg. When attacked, they acted in unison without orders being given. In nearly every way, they are the science fiction version of the Democratic Party.

The United States is a nation of “rugged individualism,” or at least we used to be. People took care of themselves, and when something happened where they couldn’t, family, friends, neighbors, and churches stepped up to help out when it was needed. Starting with the “Great Society,” Democrats pushed government into that space, supplanting that community-based infrastructure with a centrally planned one. This wasn’t naturally occurring or by accident.

In the years since government’s insertion into the care and feeding of individuals, the left has redefined the word “community.” What once used to mean your neighborhood has been twisted to mean people who look like you or share the same sexual orientation. They’ve trained people to care more about what happens to someone on the other side of the country with whom they share those irrelevant characteristics than what happens to someone on their block who doesn’t. And it happened seamlessly. 

That’s how easily the left changes the world around us. If you weren’t paying attention, you likely didn’t even notice it had changed. 

But they do telegraph their punches, you just have to pay attention. 

An idea gets floated – from a think tank, on TV, or some op-ed somewhere – and normal people laugh at it. 

We laugh because it sounds stupid, or in some cases it really is stupid and has no basis in reality. But it’s out there, and once a thought occurs to one of them, it occurs to all of them.

They don’t move quickly on it. Unlike conservatives, who push for an idea and, as long as it’s not tax cuts, try to implement it and abandon it once they fail (see: Obamacare repeal), Democrats are fine with working incrementally when they have to. That’s why it’s important to see what they’re saying on fringes, what seemingly random ideas the “intelligencia” is floating. 

On its face, when Washington Post columnists Max Boot tweeted, “Biden needs to reinvigorate the FCC to slow the lies and sedition from Fox and other right-wing broadcasters. Or else the terrorism we saw on Jan. 6 may be only the beginning, rather than the end, of the plot against America,” it was laughable, but not surprising. The left would love nothing more than to silence every non-liberal outlet for information. 

Boot linked to a piece he’d written entitled, “Trump couldn’t have incited sedition without the help of Fox News.” It’s filled with the usual left-wing babble, whining about Fox, etc. But in his conclusion, he shows his cards. He write, “CNN (where I’m a global affairs analyst) notes that the United Kingdom doesn’t have its own version of Fox News, because it has a government regulator that metes out hefty fines to broadcasters that violate minimal standards of impartiality and accuracy. The United States hasn’t had that since the Federal Communications Commission stopped enforcing the “fairness” doctrine in the 1980s. As president, Biden needs to reinvigorate the FCC. Or else the terrorism we saw on Jan. 6 may be only the beginning, rather than the end, of the plot against America.”

Putting aside the stupidity of the “fairness doctrine” and how the FCC has zero authority over cable television (it doesn’t use “public airwaves,” so they have no power over it), they want Fox. Get Fox News, and by extension, damage everything else. Fox is just a proxy, the big prize. Aim for it, and if you get it, you take out a lot of the rest with it. Miss, and you can still do some damage to others with the crossfire. 

It’s a wildly un-American concept, to silence critics/competitors/anyone, but it’s who the left is. They’ve been flirting with the idea for years, grumbling about “Fox News’ lies.” This is different, this is the plan moving to the next phase. 

They’re blaming death and a “plot against America” on those not on their team. Everyone from college journalism professors to cable news talking heads are suddenly asking “Should Fox News be allowed to exist?

With Democrats in control of government, they will position themselves to take a run at Fox, at talk radio, at everyone. A crazy idea doesn’t mean the collective won’t act, and it doesn’t mean they won’t succeed. 

And succeeding in silencing, or even just coming close, will only embolden them more. From there, it’s an easy leap for a collective to make from targeting ideas to targeting people. That’s the danger of groupthink, and it’s only just now starting to roll. 

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'Unity' Will Lead to Death of America

Article by Wayne Allyn Root in Townhall

'Unity' Will Lead to Death of America

Remember the old New Orleans Saints coach Jim Mora, who went nuts at a press conference? "Playoffs? Are you kidding me? Playoffs?" he said.

You can quote me today: "Unity? Are you freakin' kidding me? Unity? There's no unity. President Joe Biden can mouth the word 'unity' all he wants. It's a lie. Democrats don't want unity. They want to censor us, ban us, purge us, wipe away American history like it never happened and then intimidate us into meekly going along with it all. They want us to kneel and say thank you while they destroy America and the American way of life. That's what they mean by 'unity.' So, you can take your unity and shove it where the sun don't shine."

Got it?

I won't even discuss the statements in the past week by liberals and Democratic politicians that sounded like acts of war. I won't get into how they dragged conservatives -- and, of course, white males -- into the gutter. I won't get into the way they slandered us, attacked us, denigrated us, slimed us, aimed hate speech at us.

I'm an SOB (son of a butcher). My butcher father had great common sense. He taught me, "Watch what a man does, not what he says." So, I'll just point out Biden's first acts as president.

-- Biden had a record-setting first day in office. In a matter of hours, he killed an estimated 70,000 to 100,000 jobs. He killed the Keystone XL Pipeline. He suspended all new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits on federal land. He halted construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall.

These weren't just any jobs. These were high-paying middle-class jobs in construction and energy. And ironically, these were union jobs. This is a disaster for the U.S. economy.

-- Biden offered up a radical amnesty plan for every illegal alien in the United States. Biden wants to give every one of them (a Yale University study says there are 22 million) a fast-track to citizenship in only eight years. This is a disaster for America in many ways.

First, this radical amnesty plan rewards lawbreakers. The rule of law and the U.S. Constitution no longer matter. We're not America anymore; we're in "Mad Max."

Second, these 22 million will no doubt become new Democratic voters. Republicans will never win again.

Third, they will take jobs from and lower the wages of American citizens.

Fourth, these new citizens will bankrupt America as they all qualify for welfare, food stamps, free Obamacare and 100 other welfare programs.

Fifth, they will overcrowd and bankrupt our public schools and health care system.

Sixth, this will overwhelm the police, court and prison system.

Seventh, this will encourage millions of additional foreigners to invade our border. Soon none of us will recognize America. This will be a country foreign to Americans.

Lastly, Biden will have to dramatically raise taxes on American citizens and business owners to pay for this massive cost.

-- Biden put a 100-day freeze on deportations of illegal aliens. How many American citizens will die because illegal alien felons were allowed to stay?

-- Biden required noncitizens to be included in the census, thereby increasing funding for sanctuary cities and broke Democratic welfare states, while adding new Democratic members of Congress for cities and states filled with illegal aliens.

-- Biden reversed the Trump ban on travelers from seven terrorist-friendly countries. Just what the American people desperately need -- more visitors from Yemen, Somalia and Iran. I can't wait.

-- Biden rejoined the Paris climate accord and promised to add tons of new environmental regulations. This will destroy manufacturing and energy companies, kill millions of high-paying jobs and dramatically raise energy bills for the middle class.

-- Biden forced women's sports to allow transgender males to compete on women's teams, use women's bathrooms and dress in women's locker rooms. This is a declaration of war on women -- even if liberal mothers are too blinded by feminism, atheism, communism and dumb political correctness to see it.

Biden is not a "moderate." He is either a radical Marxist out to destroy America or a feeble old man with dementia being used as a puppet by George Soros, former President Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Ilhan Omar and other radical, extreme, crazed America haters to destroy this country. But it really doesn't matter. Either way, he's leading us down the road to disaster, ruin, misery and poverty. He is going to turn America into Venezuela.

This isn't "unity." It's the destruction of America and everything that ever made it great. I'm not in unity. Are you?

Count me as "the Resistance." 

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