After Conservative Deplatforming, Purge Moves to Ham Radio

The two things about living under a totalitarian regime is the constant tyranny and absurdity. 

After contriving to deplatform conservatives from every tech service and app they could manage, the purge boldly marches on to ham radio.

The US government is warning that groups could rely on radio equipment as an alternative to social media to plan future criminal activities.

In a stark warning Sunday, the Federal Communications Commission's enforcement bureau said people coordinating or conducting criminal activity over radio waves are breaking the law.

"The Bureau has become aware of discussions on social media platforms suggesting that certain radio services regulated by the Commission may be an alternative to social media platforms for groups to communicate and coordinate future activities," the FCC said in its warning Sunday. "Individuals using radios in the Amateur or Personal Radio Services in this manner may be subject to severe penalties, including significant fines, seizure of the offending equipment, and, in some cases, criminal prosecution."

Now that criminal activity has been redefined to mean questioning the results of elections won by Democrats (questioning elections won by Republicans is still patriotic), it can be banned by the FCC. Is there a wave of people taking to the incredibly secure platform of ham radio complete with built-in encryption?

I'm rather skeptical.

Totalitarians have to invent threats to pursue. There's always an emergency of one kind or another. And plotters are always engaging in increasingly implausible conspiracies and have to be put down.

And elements of the governments that were previously quiet can be militarized against this new threat. Like the threat of ham radio.

Now the Idiotic Left Hates Big Pickup Trucks: 'The Glorification of Violence and Domination'

You can’t make this shi stuff up. Here, try this on: #Petromasculinity. See what I mean?

A Canadian politician got his ass handed to him on Twitter after he posted a ridiculous tweet in which he shredded large pickup trucks — one in particular, at first —as “the glorification of violence and domination.” Just to make his tweet even more asinine, he added the hashtags #unnecessarytrucks and #petromasculinity — my fave, hands down.

The festivities began when Matthew Bond, a member of the Canada Council serving Vancouver, decided to share his disgust for the below tricked-out Dodge Ram on Twitter.


The truck, which had a large plate attached to the front reading “Global Warmer,” catalyzed Mathew Bond to slam it for its dismissive attitude toward global warming.

After blowback ensued from his tweet, Bond launched a Twitter thread addressing the issue in which he accused some of his critics of mocking him as unmanly, while he speculated that some of the owners of similar trucks were trying to prove their masculinity.

Many of the “blowback” tweets were pretty graphic — which, of course, made the thread even better — so I decided to just go with his first response from the onslaught, and let you fire up Twitter and take it from there, at your discretion.

From that point on, Bond seemed to only “open his mouth to change feet.”

“Wow, never expected to have so many people on this website thinking about my penis (especially dudes). Weird, but thanks? Trucks are necessary in many rural areas. Designing or modifying them to be more dangerous to others than they already are is unnecessary.”

“More dangerous”? How so? Please tell us more.

“Glorifying global warming, when millions around the world are suffering from its impacts, is sad, harmful and disgusting. Since everyone seems to be enjoying this pile-on, here’s [sic] a few more things you might enjoy as you head into the week.

“The fact is that trucks (all vehicles in fact) are being designed larger and more powerful than they have in the past. [Oh noes!!!] Pick your favourite light or mid duty model and compare today’s version to that of your parents (or grandparents if you’re young).” [Why? I’ll pass.]

Back to “more dangerous” — and more idiocy.

“The design, specifically the size and height of the front of the truck, is more dangerous and can cause more harm to others on the road than it used to,” he commented. “Lift it up 6″ inches plus, put a big bull bar on [the] front, and the affect [sic] is amplified.

“From the replies Twitter has shown me, it seems a lot of people haven’t thought about this. Or they have thought about it and don’t care about the impact on other people using the road.

“Or they’ve thought about it and decided that having a bigger, more powerful truck with modifications that are going to be more harmful to others in a crash is somehow more ‘manly.’”

And there it is. First, the guy brings up the “penis thing.” Then he frets that guys who drive big pickup trucks do so because want to be “more manly.” I’m no therapist, Matt, but you might wanna talk to one. Just sayin’.

Can it get more embarrassing? You betcha.

“And that a man that has thought about the impact of the size and mods on these trucks, or who cares about the harm that global warming is having on people around the world is a sissy, a p*ssy and a girl (as if being a woman is an insult). The misogyny is pretty disgusting.”

Dude. Therapy.


“The mental leap from ‘the message on the truck is harmful, glorifying global warming is violent and the size/mods on this truck make it more dangerous for others on the road’ to ‘Mathew is a d***less, ball-less, spineless, soy latte drinking, city living p*ssy who’s never done a day of ‘real’ work in his life, sits down to pee, hates all trucks, the hard working people that drive them and wants to control our lives’ actually illustrates the toxicity I was mentioning in the hashtags better than anything I could have done myself.”

Feel like you need a shower after that? Me, too.

Somewhere in this guy’s background, he probably — oh, never mind. I wouldn’t know anything about it, anyway.

The painful symbolism of the 26,000 National Guard troops in D.C.


Article by Andrea Widburg in The American Thinker

The painful symbolism of the 26,000 National Guard troops in D.C.

Those of you who are reading this post are the type of people who pay attention to things. That’s why you already know that 26,000 National Guard troops drawn from all over America and from Puerto Rico, have assembled in Washington, D.C., in advance of Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday. (That’s about three divisions worth of troops.) But have you given serious thought to what the troops’ presence means?

I’ve heard from some optimistic people who believe that the troops are the last phase in a Trumpian plan to reclaim America and maintain it as a true constitutional republic, rather than the socialist tyranny the Democrats seem to have planned. I’m a perennial pessimist, so I’m sorry to say that I don’t believe that the troops’ presence means anything good.

Instead, I’m inclined to agree with Tucker Carlson’s brilliant Monday night opening monologue regarding the deeper meaning behind a massive D.C. lockdown that makes it look like Baghdad, circa 2003. As Tucker noted, this troop build-up is five times the number of military personnel currently stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

In April 1968, when Washington D.C. was in flames following Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination, with a riot that injured more than 1,000 people, killed more than 13, and devastated D.C. for the next thirty years, President Johnson called in only half that number of National Guard troops to protect the nation’s capital. Even during the Civil War, at the height of the fighting, there weren’t 26,000 troops in D.C.

What’s the justification for the current troop build-up? According to the Democrats, it’s because of a dangerous insurrection. If you’re thinking that means an armed, murderous, determined attempt to overthrow the U.S. government and put a new government in its place, think again. Instead, the Democrats are referring to January 6, when a small number of people – a minute fraction of the 500,000 to 1,000,000 Americans who gathered to hear Trump speak – entered the Capitol without arms or a plan.

An even smaller number of those people committed property violence, and an even smaller subset of those people assaulted police officers with bear spray, fists, or heavy objects. Three people died, one at the hands of an unidentified government shooter.

I cannot condemn the violence strongly enough. I detest violence, political or otherwise. However, when the events on January 6 are compared to the riots that caused billions of dollars of damage across America over the summer and took at least two-dozen lives, January 6 wasn’t even small potatoes; it was small lentils, at most.

Nevertheless, it is that unfocused, semi-spontaneous event that Democrats are using to justify turning D.C. into a military occupation. The Congress critters are the heroes of their own drama and they are willingly abandoning even a pretense of being a free, democratic republic to heighten the magnitude of their over-the-top histrionic response.

As a reminder, when Trump was inaugurated, the video below, which contains newly released footage of events in 2017, shows the kind of violence that leftists visited on the city because they lost the election to a man who promised to – and did – govern within the rule of law and for the greatest good of the greatest number of people:

What’s even more disturbing about the military presence is that, as Tucker points out, it appears that the Pentagon has thrown its weight entirely to the Democrat party. Certainly, it is following the ludicrous “insurrection” narrative. We see clearly that the one institution in America that was entirely non-partisan, at least at the upper levels, has become just another part of the Deep State. It seems that Obama succeeded in changing management in the Pentagon.

Apparently, though, not all troops are viewed as trustworthy as their Pentagon superiors. The most disturbing part of the Tucker monologue, below, comes at 3:00, when Tucker plays footage of Rep. Steve Cohen, a Democrat from Memphis. According to Cohen, because 70% of the Guard troops are white males (as is Cohen himself), they are dangerous and must be vetted.

On Monday, Nancy Pelosi, who criticized Trump for offering National Guard troops to protect America’s burning cities last summer, tried to help get the troops in the correct frame of mind. She did that by telling them that President Trump, who is still their Commander in Chief, is a “clear and present danger to the nation that we all love.”

Kevin D. Zuban’s cartoon perfectly sums up the attitude of our Democrat-run military, working in alliance with the Democrat-party takeover of the federal government:


 In 2020, something went badly wrong in America. It became a warped simulacrum of itself, and nothing demonstrates that more in 2021 than seeing that America’s most trusted institution – the United States military – has chosen sides.

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If Biden Really Wants Unity, He Will Affirm Equality Under The Law Like Lincoln And Jefferson Did

If Joe Biden wants to unite America, he'd do well to ponder the speeches of Jefferson and Lincoln. Then, his words must be vindicated by his actions.

President-elect Joe Biden has spent a better part of the last 16 months calling for unity and healing. Although some of his cabinet picks and early policy proposals have cast doubt on the authenticity of that objective, it remains a noble goal.

We do need unity right now. No, not the faux “unity” that comes from one half of the country either meekly surrendering its principles or by being effectively silenced by its opposition, but sincere unity — a reaffirmation of our founding principles; a recognition that violent extremists must be routinely condemned no matter their self-identified political affiliation; and a commitment to defending the U.S. Constitution.

Biden’s inaugural address won’t mean much in the long run if his calls for harmony and reconciliation aren’t followed by actions that prove his sincerity. Still, his first speech as the 46th president of the United States is a one-time chance for Biden to set the initial tone for the next four years.

If Biden and his transition team possess the wisdom, they’ll have revisited two particular inaugural addresses given in dire moments in America’s past. The words of Thomas Jefferson in 1801 and Abraham Lincoln in 1865 are invaluable to our present national crisis, and it would be prudent for the president-elect to ponder them and their calming influence on the nation.

‘One Heart and One Mind’
Jefferson gave his first inaugural on March 4, 1801, in the tense aftermath of a bitterly contested rematch of his 1796 loss to John Adams. At the time, many international observers — Great Britain chief among them — expected the young American republic to devolve into violence and dissolution. Instead, doubters were shocked when Jefferson succeeded Adams in the first peaceful transfer of power from one party to another in the nation’s history.

To great surprise, Jefferson didn’t seize the opportunity to proclaim a partisan political victory or seek vengeance on the Federalists who stymied him for years. Instead, he reminded the citizenry that political parties did not define them, exclaiming, “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.” Indeed, they were, first and foremost, Americans.

The first duty of government, as Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, is to protect the people’s rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, natural rights that are fragile if not defended vigilantly. In the troubled time we live in — just as in 1801 and 1865 — politicians will be tempted to erode or curtail these rights instead of upholding them. Biden should enlist, as Jefferson promised, all the wise counsel and prudent advice he can get in this critical effort:

To you, then, gentlemen, who are charged with the sovereign functions of legislation, and to those associated with you, I look with encouragement for that guidance and support which may enable us to steer with safety the vessel in which we are all embarked amidst the conflicting elements of a troubled world.

As more than 77 million Americans voted for a candidate other than Biden, the president-elect must internalize and embrace Jefferson’s reminder that a democracy is only as virtuous as it provides the same rights and protections to all its citizens — regardless of whether they are in the majority:

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.

‘Leave Them Otherwise Free’
As Jefferson articulated in his first inaugural, during the next administration, repairing our local, familial, and religious associations must be an essential part of calming the temperature of the nation. Furthermore, just as religious tolerance must be a bedrock of our society, political tolerance is equally important to domestic tranquility:

Let us, then, fellow-citizens, unite with one heart and one mind. Let us restore to social intercourse that harmony and affection without which liberty and even life itself are but dreary things. And let us reflect that, having banished from our land that religious intolerance under which mankind so long bled and suffered, we have yet gained little if we countenance a political intolerance as despotic, as wicked, and capable of as bitter and bloody persecutions.

Finally, Jefferson’s first speech as president contains one of the most eloquent and succinct “mission statements” for what government should do, and what it should leave alone. It’s a message as relevant today as it was 220 years ago:

A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.

After four years of Donald Trump everywhere, all the time, unavoidable, and all-encompassing, Biden should take the closing sentiment of Jefferson’s first inaugural to heart: Upon securing law, order, and due process for the American people, the state should leave its citizens alone. In an ideal outcome, Americans across the country would forget Biden was president until a major public address or if, heaven forbid, Biden must lead America during a major war.

‘A Just and Lasting Peace’
Sixty-one years after Jefferson was tasked with uniting Americans, Lincoln faced an even greater challenge. Lincoln gave his second inaugural on March 4, 1865, more than three years into a bloody civil war that had already cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of men.

His speech contains fewer than 700 words and likely would have taken just eight minutes to deliver. Like the even pithier Gettysburg Address, Lincoln once again proved he could convey grand ideas with poignant brevity. With a few carefully chosen words, Lincoln laid the foundation for the long, hard road back to peace.

As with Jefferson’s defeat of Adams and the Federalists, Lincoln didn’t use his inauguration to gloat in the coming demise of the Confederacy or to be overly jubilant in recent Union victories. Instead, the address took on the tone and effect of a sober yet soothing sermon rather than a typical political speech.

Early in the address, Lincoln recalls how few predicted the full, true, terrible nature of the Civil War. It’s a chastening passage for us to reflect on in the wake of the capitol Riots of Jan. 6, an event we now know could have been marred by far more bloodshed:

Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. … Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away.

It is the closing of Lincoln’s second inaugural, however, that we must reassert, and that Biden must strive to live up to above all. Given our current tribal, identity-based, grievance-driven politics, and our ongoing battle with COVID-19, Lincoln’s peroration must be the guiding light that shapes the hearts of the American people as well as those who have been elected to represent them:

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

One thing Americans can agree on right now is that the country is hurting, frightened, and wary of what the future holds. And yes, asking Biden to emulate American titans like Jefferson in Lincoln is, admittedly, a daunting request.

To be sure, even if Biden’s inaugural rises to even a modicum of the gravitas, dignity, and equipoise of two of our greatest Founders it won’t restore America’s promise overnight, nor be a guarantee that Biden will continue to operate in accordance with the Constitution.

Yet, if he learns from the examples set by Jefferson and Lincoln, he has a chance to remind the vast majority of Americans — those who are willing to listen and want their country to succeed — that we can live amongst our fellow citizens as brothers and peacefully air our ideological disagreements without shedding any more precious American blood.

“The More a Broken System Tells You That You Are Wrong, You Must Keep Pushing Forward”

 President Trump will not relent and somehow, despite the challenges ahead, we will never relent from our mission to stand the wall in defense of our American values.

We are at an inflection point where each of us must make a decision to conduct a process of “spiritual hygiene” and disconnect from the 97% who do not hold the internal fortitude to keep moving forward.  CTH will never relent. We will never give up.

We are not going into this bloody and collectivist good night.  We will use our voice to keep focused on the truth, such that all history will remember us even if they despise us in the recollection of it.  STEADFAST !

Choose wisely… We Are Worth It….

The rebel alliance will live strong !

A Dangerous World


Article by Huck Davenport in The American Thinker

A Dangerous World

While the incoming kakistocracy is ridding the country of a treacherous evil — registered Republicans — the world’s real villains are patiently waiting for President “Insurrection” to leave Dodge. Lost in their hatred induced psychosis is that the bad actors of the world have been largely kept at bay by a shrewd champion of peace through strength. We’ve seen ISIS dismantled, Iran crippled by sanctions, North Korea’s belligerence subdued, and the impossible, peace spreading throughout the Middle East. 

The Democrats’ all-consuming pathological myopia has caused them to lose touch with that global reality, no doubt assured their resplendence will usher in a new woke utopia. Forgotten is that the world is full of other delusional tyrants, each with his own plan for subjugating free men to his inviolate vision. Here’s a reminder of what awaits the anointed once they’ve finished re-educating the new American Uyghers.

For Putin Incorporated, the Cold War never ended —” the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.” His utopian vision is simple: a Soviet resurrection. In 2008, with the US preoccupied in Iraq, Putin took full advantage, invading its former satellite Georgia. Despite the Georgians’ courageous fighting, Putin managed to pull two major provinces, about a third of the country, back behind the Curtain.

A few years later, Putin sent his henchmen into The Republic of Crimea and staged a coup. Our then-president, fecklessly ignoring our security guarantees, proclaimed, “in the 21st century the borders of Europe cannot be redrawn with force.” Putin, undaunted by Obama’s empty rhetoric, subsumed the Republic back into the Russian Federation inside of a month.

Today, with an equally impotent Biden entering the White House, Putin has been arming Ukrainian separatists and amassing his forces along the border of the former satellite states in the Baltic. If we remain fixated on pronouns instead of genuine threats, the Iron Curtain will assuredly re-descend across Eastern Europe.

China’s Xi Jinping, its President-For-Life, has made no secret of his vision to become the world’s new global superpower. China’s military spending is second only to the U.S.’s but undoubtedly without wasting any on sensitivity training and renaming military bases. While denying a policy of hegemony, in reality, they have been on a Borg-like crusade to assimilate all of Asia. Tibet was its first modern victim, leaving 1.2M dead and the country with no freedom of religion, speech, or the press. 

In Hong Kong, despite massive protests and an international treaty, China has essentially established itself as the de facto government. Pro-democracy activists have been imprisoned by the hundreds and criticism of the government is expressly illegal (note to Xi, arrange meeting with Jack Dorsey). And when freedom goes, so does prosperity. Hong Kong’s GNP, on a decades-long growth streak, is expected to tank over the coming years.

Next in Xi’s crosshairs is the Asian Tiger Taiwan. Even though Jimmy Carter — our last presidential pillar of strength, in a Chamberlain-esque act of appeasement, and against Senatorial challenge — annulled our military assurance pact with Taiwan, Congress responded by passing the Taiwan Relations Act which guaranteed arms sales and expressly stated Taiwan is not part of China — “the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means.”

If Taiwan believes this piece of paper means anything to our incoming administration, they should check with our good “friends” in Crimea. What has played out in Hong Kong is inevitable for the freedom-loving people of Taiwan. When Taiwan falls, the beast will then turn towards Southeast Asia. And all those consumed by the cauldron of Xi’s rule need look no further to see their future than the million Uyghers incarcerated in Sinocization camps designed to eradicate their ethnic identity. 

No doubt our melanin-obsessed administration will rationalize away the enslavement of its allies and trading partners in faraway lands, but other threats will be more difficult to ignore. China’s assault on the South China Sea, where more than a third of all maritime trade passes, is a grave danger to this country and the world. China has been exercising its sovereignty over existing islands and, where no islands exist, they have been constructing them.

The international courts have ruled against China’s nautical manifest destiny only to have their decision summarily dismissed as “ill-founded.” As a signal to the Big Guy’s administration, China has been conducting extensive military exercises in the South China Sea. In the competition between utopian dreams, it would be wise to remember that Xi’s One-China utopia comes backed by 1.4 billion disciples.

The mullahs of Iran look to Chinese hegemony with bitter envy. Since the revolution in ‘79, they have been on a crusade to impose Sharia Law on the entire Middle East through violent jihad. The world’s leading terrorist groups (Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda) and worst terrorist atrocities (Beirut Marine Barracks bombing, the USS Cole, 9/11) all have been linked back to Iran.

Even with US-led crippling sanctions that have led to 41% annual inflation, a collapsing economy, and growing domestic unrest, the Iranians recently shot down a US drone, launched a dozen cruise missiles into the oil refineries in Saudi Arabia, and, just this week, have threatened “to exact terrible vengeance upon America.“ Likewise, North Korea, our perennial adversary and the only country the U.S. is officially at war with, announced it has developed a larger multiple-warhead ICBM capable of reaching the U.S. and is restarting its nuclear program after a long hiatus engendered when “he who must not be named” established personal relations with Kim Jong-Un. 

From desperate militant nations, we can expect desperate militant actions. Hard choices will need to be made — continue with military and economic pressure until the despotic theocracy suffocates on its own iniquity or appease the savage in hopes you’ll guide him back to civility. History is replete with example after example of the latter leading to enormous human suffering, yet Biden has filled his cabinet with Obama holdovers who have no stomach for the former.

While our nation is consumed with exacting its own vengeance on anyone daring to object to the incoming party’s ideology through an orchestrated network of censorship, blacklisting, and intimidation, as well as dividing the country with humiliating the outgoing president with a meaningless impeachment, the threatening storm of a dangerous world is becoming more emboldened. Worse yet, having abandoned freedom for its own citizens, it is hard to envision this administration, when faced with hard choices, taking any action to preserve it for others. When America stops being the beacon of liberty for the world, a pandemic of despotism will sweep across the globe — one whose cure lies not in a miracle vaccine but in the blood of brave men.


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Some Thoughts On The Eve Of...

by E.P.Unum - January 18, 2021

“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny”
                                 James Madison

I woke up this morning thinking about the above words, penned by one of our Founding Fathers over 245 years ago, James Madison, and about the impending inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021. I’d like to share a few of these thoughts with you:

1.       For the first time in our 245 year history, we will be installing as the leader of the free world, an ill man shrouded in controversy, not just the many unanswered questions concerned with election fraud, but also his involvement in potentially criminal activities regarding the receipt of illegal payments from enemies of the United States like Russia and China made through his son Hunter Biden who is under federal investigation.

2.       Even as we are getting ready to celebrate the inauguration of a new President, we are witnessing for the first time in over a year, a new massive caravan of 10,000 migrants from Honduras battling police in Guatemala on their way seeking entry into the United States. This presents a unique challenge for Mr. Biden:

a.)    If he allows entry of these illegal immigrants into the United States, he will surely be regarded as a hero to the socialist wing of the democratic party and his action perceived as a slap to President Trump and his border wall, but;

b.)  in doing so, he will be openly inviting people into our country who have not been practicing “social distancing”; have not been wearing masks and many of whom have already been diagnosed with Covid…not to mention other diseases. In other words, he will be sanctioning a super spreader event to kick off his new administration….in effect, renouncing one of the very foundations of his entire presidential campaign and its focus on Covid and what a terrible job Trump did addressing this pandemic! Nothing could be further from the truth, but today what does it matter if you are telling the truth?

3.       As Joe Biden assumes the mantle of the Presidency, it is indeed frightening to learn that the Executive Branch of our government is looking more and more like ‘good old’ home week with former President Barack Hussein Obama and his minions in charge. Joe Biden has appointed Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor as the White House Domestic Policy Counsel, a position of great influence and one not needing confirmation from the Senate. In point of fact, many believe Susan Rice will be the shadow president essentially executing an Obama third term of office. For those who have short memories, Rice is a consummate liar (next to Obama and Biden of course), who participated in the repeated lying about Benghazi as well as the illegal unmasking of General Michael Flynn. Susan Rice will be running things for Obama and some feel she is a “veritable poster child for Obama-era corruption.” Our new Vice President Kamala Harris, a woman of few accomplishments and little integrity will be busy serving as the 101st Senator and tiebreaker for all things socialist put forth by the Biden Administration.
4.       I’m not entirely certain about this, but my guess is that Mr. Biden will be delivering his Inauguration Address to the 25,000 U.S. Troops, Secret Service Members, and FBI Agents now stationed in Washington D.C. providing security. I doubt we will see thousands of Biden supporters on the Mall cheering for the new President. 

5.       And I am wondering on this beautiful morning why it is that the mainstream media has not mentioned any of this in their coverage, preferring instead to focus on Nancy Pelosi’s decision to impeach President Trump for a second time, once again on frivolous, baseless grounds less credible than the first. Isn’t it curious that two days before President Trump is to leave office, he continues to garner more focus and attention than Mr. Biden?

Perhaps a great deal of this can be attributed to fear on the part of democrats because they know how much President Trump has accomplished and, more importantly, how much he knows…and they believe if they attack him continually, as well as his family, they can keep him quiet? If you think that is far-fetched, ask General Michael Flynn. 

For a list of the accomplishments of President Trump over the past four years, in the face of constant attack by democrats, liberals, socialists, and, yes, by some in his own party, click on this link:

6.     If you think that the suppression of free speech and ideas by companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google, and YouTube is wrong, rest easy boys and girls, more of this is on the way. Just look at the cast of characters Biden has surrounded himself with. Honesty and Integrity are words these people can’t spell let alone practice. Look forward to the merger of these entities to form a seemingly powerful YouTwitFace social media platform.

7.     If you go shopping at the supermarket and you notice an overabundance of bread on the shelves, what might you expect? Logic tells you that the price of bread will soon be discounted and will be cheaper to buy as the supermarket will want to sell as much as possible. What, then, do you think will happen to the U.S. Dollar as more and more dollars are printed by the U.S. Government to give away to citizens? Without an accompanying increase in productivity, the value of the dollar, and therefore its purchasing power will decline. 

Without productivity (more output of goods and services) and too many dollars chasing too few goods, you end up with inflation…As dangerous an enemy as recession. Joe Biden is getting ready to shower the American people with $5.1 Trillion in spending called the Great American Rescue Plan. Well, here is a far simpler way to help people get back on their feet, one which doesn’t risk inflation or radically increase our nation’s debt…OPEN THE ECONOMY AND LET PEOPLE GO BACK TO WORK!  

Americans don’t want hand-outs; they want to work! 

Two thousand years ago the great Greek philosopher, historian, and writer Plutarch warned us that “the great destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and benefits.”

I started this essay with a quote from James Madison. I will finish it with another quote from him: “We base all our experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government”. In those words, Madison captured the very essence of our nation.

This idea that government is beholden to the people, that it had no other source of power except that given to it by the sovereign people, is still the newest, most unique idea in all the long history of man’s relation to man. For over 245 years we have proven man’s capacity of self-government, but today we are told that we must choose between a right or a left, that some massive bureaucratic entity in a place called Washington D.C is far more capable of running our lives than we are ourselves; that to deny this fact is a crime against the state for which our minds and beliefs must be de-programmed.

Recalling the famous one-word response of General Anthony McAuliffe, Commander of the 101st Airborne Division surrounded by German forces during the Battle of the Bulge at the Siege of Bastogne, Belgium in WWII, to the German ultimatum for his surrender…..”Nuts”

That’s my response as well, although mine would also have a few more adjectives and adverbs prefacing it.

If There Hadn't Been Enough Crazy Already, Here's The Worst Suggestion of the Past Week

We’ve been seeing what can only be described as a scary amount of censorship being attempted to shut down opposing opinions in a little bit over a week.

Twitter booted the leader of the free world off their site and others on the right. As we wrote, they’re potentially going to go after any account that raises any election question. But they even booted people who just posted legal documents that related to the Russia collusion probe.

They’re also trying to go after right wing media and conservative voices. CNN had a very troubling segment with a former Facebook executive where they talk about how they can shutdown Newsmax and OAN, claiming they lie. Has CNN ever looked in the mirror? They’re known for their lies and being fake news.

But the Daily Beast decided to go all that one better with no doubt the worst idea of the week.

All find echoes in the events surrounding January 6. None dare say “wake-up call” or “lessons learned”—there’s been far too many of them over the decades. But one response to the 9/11 tragedy may well get renewed attention after the Capitol assault—especially if armed white nationalists are successful in carrying out more attacks in the coming days and weeks: The call for a secret police.

Oh, my, this is really what they want, a secret police, a Stasi here? Can the crazy get worse?

Now of course the FBI is supposed to investigate any domestic federal crime. But in the time of J.Edgar Hoover, there were some violations of rights. Given today is MLK Day, we should perhaps note that one of those violations was them spying on Martin Luther King and spying on people for political reasons. There are still questions as to what was done in the spying on the Trump team in the run up to the 2016 election. John Brennan’s CIA spied on Congress and he got caught lying about it. But we for sure don’t need to expand into some kind of a formal secret police, it was bad enough when people were doing it under the table. How could anyone claim to be a liberal and think that was a good idea?

HT: Twitchy

FBI Supervisory Special Agent Joseph Pientka Testified The Review of Chris Steele was...

Within recently released transcripts of documents by Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham there is a deposition by FBI Supervisory Special Agent 1, Joseph Pientka.

SSA Pientka has always been a little bit of an enigma because his name, exclusively, has been redacted from every official government document within the full investigation of DOJ and FBI misconduct.  Even in tangential court documents (Flynn), related to Joseph Pientka and Peter Strzok’s investigative collaboration, Pientka is ALWAYS redacted from everything.   The system in DC essentially ‘ghosted’ him in all things.  Now, the nature of that motive is surfacing.

If the recent Senate transcripts are an indication of SSA Pientka’s side of the stories, it would appear the testimony and truthfulness of Pientka’s statements would be adverse to the interests of EVERYONE who framed the Trump-Russia narrative.

Within his testimony; and if we accept it is likely consistent with internal investigative statements to the IG and others; it appears Pientka realized the activity of the FBI was intentionally taken to hide the truth of how intelligence was weaponized against the Trump administration.

Joseph Pientka wanted to investigate Chris Steele in November of 2016 because he knew something was sketchy.  Following the use of Chris Steele to get the FISA warrant on Carter Page -and by extension the Trump administration- Pientka wanted to explore the motives of Steele and the contacts he was using to push his narrative.  That’s where FBI Director of Counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, steps in and stops Pientka.

“I recognized the significance of his reporting, the use in a FISA application. I had questions about our intel validation was ongoing in the Counterintelligence Division, and all of that contributed to my professional disagreement.”

[…] “My request was to the FBI director of intelligence for them to do what is considered an enhanced validation review, something outside and independent of the Counterintelligence Division.”

Pientka said that he was told that the enhanced review was “turned off” at Priestap’s direction, which led him to request a transfer off of the Crossfire Hurricane team.

“I had a professional disagreement with stopping the enhanced validation review,” Pientka said.

“This was a concern that you were so passionate about that it made you terminate your association with the case, the team, and go back to the Washington Field Office?” a Senate staffer asked Pientka.

“It was,” he replied.  [Daily Caller, Chuck Ross]

Pientka wanted to explore the motives of Steele and the contacts he was using to push his narrative.  FBI Director of Counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, steps-in and stops Pientka.

Bill Priestap did not want SSA Pientka to do a deep dive on Steele’s objectives, and as a result Pientka asked to leave the Trump-Russia investigation.  Quite simply Pientka didn’t want anything to do with it… or what the FBI “Crossfire Hurricane” team was doing.


Supervisory Special Agent Joseph Pientka III was first identified by Senator Chuck Grassley in May of 2018 as the second FBI agent involved in the 2017 interview of Lt. General Michael Flynn.

Frustrated by the FBI stonewalling his Senate inquiry, Chairman Grassley dropped the revelation publicly on May 11th, 2018, in a letter to the FBI.

[…] the Committee’s oversight interest in the underlying documents requested more than a year ago now outweighs any legitimate executive branch interest in withholding it. So too does the Committee’s interest in learning the FBI agents’ actual assessments of their interview of Lt. Gen. Flynn, particularly given the apparent contradiction between what then Directory Comey told us in March 2017 and what he now claims.

[…] In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested documents… (link)

The FBI never produced Supervisory Special Agent (SSA-1) Joe Pientka for Chairman Grassley’s committee, and the conflict between the Senate Judiciary Committee and the FBI was never reconciled.  (The DOJ/FBI made it to the safety of the mid-term election.)

Additionally, every single document containing information about the investigative activity of FBI agent Pientka has kept his name redacted.  Not a single DOJ/FBI document has ever included his name.

However, around two months after Grassley outed his identity; we discover from the Inspector General that the DOJ-NSD (National Security Division) admitted to the FISA court that Agent Pientka was significantly less than forthcoming with “factual omissions” in the Title-1 surveillance application he assembled against Carter Page.

While the IG report doesn’t name SSA-1 as Joseph Pientka, all documentary evidence supported that Pientka was indeed SSA-1.  [This was also confirmed by Fox News reporter Gregg Jarrett writing an article about SSA-1 Pientka, and by Jarrett being contacted by the FBI as soon as he outed the agent.]

In addition to the Flynn interview, the Inspector General Report notes the importance of SSA-1 as he pertains to the FISA application.

FBI Supervisory Agent Pientka’s lies and omissions to the FISC were material – and made under penalty of perjury. He knew the dossier was fraudulent. He knew about witness denials. In short, Pientka was willfully blind to the court about the FISA application’s accuracy.

After the FISA Court was notified in about the issues (July 2018), and before the IG report outlining the conduct of SSA1 was complete (Dec. 9, 2019)… sometime in mid 2019 Joseph Pientka was promoted by FBI Director Christopher Wray and transferred to the San Francisco FBI Field Office

Pientka bailed out and went to work in the San Francisco Field Office.  The DC insiders then worked to keep Pientka far away, and put into place a network operation to keep him hidden.  Even his arrival at the San Francisco Field Office was scrubbed after CTH noted there was a brief mention of his new position:  BEFORE:


If the current statements made by Pientka had been made public, there is a strong likelihood the entire Trump-Russia narrative would have collapsed.

Throughout 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, SSA1 Pientka was in position to bring a lot of sunlight to the corrupt intents of the DOJ, FBI and the Robert Mueller team.

It now appears that after Joseph Pientka realized the FISA application was fraudulent; and after he notified the FBI and Mueller Team he was not willing to go along with the fraud and corrupt intent; he was ostracized and shipped to San Francisco.

From the testimony he gave on Tuesday August 27, 2020.  He was still there

Just like FBI Special Agent in Charge, Brian Dugan (ie. the James Wolfe investigation), there are FBI agents who could destroy the network of corruption that was taking place within the DOJ and FBI from 2015 (Strzok et al) though 2019 (Mueller et al).   This is not up for debate.

Keep in mind, as a personal commitment to the truth; and out of an abundance of granting the benefit of the doubt to the Department of Justice; I have personally walked through lead John Durham investigator, William Aldenberg, on the location of each of these potential whistle-blowers and the evidence they possess.

Both FBI SSA Joseph Pientka and FBI SSIC Brian Dugan hold information that is ultimately connected to the larger operations… which also touches deeply into the Senate Intelligence Committee motive and the Mueller probe motive.  The information is silo’d  and segmented, but CTH pulled each part out of the individual compartments and handed it to William Aldenberg (John Durham’s lead investigator).

To date, nothing has been done