Friday, January 15, 2021

Our Faustian Bargain

Our Faustian Bargain

There was an assault on our Democracy recently, and I’m not talking about the breach of the Capital on January 6, which was put down in a matter of hours, and was not an existential threat to our democracy.

The real threat we are witnessing before our eyes is the systematic silencing of a political movement and political thought. The collusion of very powerful forces to shut down people’s voices. Some of the most powerful companies in the world, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Google, have all colluded with the Democratic Party to silence the opposing party’s voices.

President Donald Trump’s accounts have been permanently suspended on these social media sites, along with other prominent conservatives. Conservative social media site Parler has been de-platformed on Amazon servers under the pretext of a failure to moderate and remove certain potentially violent rhetoric on its site.

“Stop the Steal” and other references to fraud in the 2020 election is deemed as potentially inciting violence, and has been banned. Yet, people are still allowed to post about the debunked Russian Collusion hoax questioning the results of the 2016 election, and about the charges of election fraud in the 2000 election without fear of banishment. It’s only wrong to charge voter fraud about an election a Democrat won.

Social media never cared about vitriolic rhetoric inciting violence prior to January 6, 2021. Black Lives Matter and Antifa, who were the instigators of the 7 months of riots that tore our cities apart in 2020, schemed and planned the riots on these social media sites, yet they still have their accounts intact. Many of the prominent Democratic politicians, such as Kamala Harris and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who defended, supported and even help fund these riots have yet to be banned on these sites. Known terrorists and murderous dictators around the world still have accounts on social media sites that Donald Trump and other conservatives have been banned on.

Violent, pornographic, and even child-pornographic videos, litter the internet, and are easily assessable through a simple Google search, and are not blocked by Amazon’s servers. Movies by people like, Quinton Tarantino, which glorify violence with no redeeming message would never be censored or cancelled, and they shouldn’t. Social media sites and internet providers only became interested in banning dangerous or violent speech and content when it can be used as a pretext to silence political views they do not like.

This inconsistent application of their policies is consistently applied against conservatives, and consistently not applied to Democrats. This is the codifying of the cancel culture. The cancel culture has always been a political movement not a cultural one. It was never meant to protect people or reduce violence in our society. It has always been about silencing certain political voices. 

All this does is drive people into their own separate echo chambers. Millions and millions of conservatives are getting off of Facebook and Twitter, and looking for other outlets. The country will just become more and more divided, the more certain people and certain thoughts are canceled or banned. You do not change peoples’ minds or win over their hearts by banning their words or canceling their thoughts. You change their minds and win their hearts with facts and evidence, and reasoning and rational thought, but far too often, the people who want to ban words and thoughts are not rational or reasonable, and are truly afraid of the actual facts and evidence.

If the facts and reason are on your side, then you want more discussion and more debate. That would be like going into a game with the Kansas City Chiefs’ offense versus the Detroit Lions’ defense. You would be licking your chops. If you do not want debate, if you want to silence opposing voices, that’s a strong indication that your arguments are weak, and the evidence supporting your arguments is lacking.

Free speech and open debate are paramount to the strength of our political discourse. There’s a reason why sports teams play the games. There’s a reason why teams compete. To find out which team is the best. There’s a reason why we need debate; to find out which arguments, which philosophies, which ideologies are the best. Just as you can never find out which is the best team solely by watching them scrimmage against themselves, you can never find out which is the best political or philosophical positions to hold unless the sides are tested in rigorous debate. But sadly, we no longer have rigorous debate in our country. How good would a professional athlete be if he never had live game experience? If he was never tested against other opponents? Are we getting smarter, sharper, more open-minded in our echo chambers, or dumber, duller and more closed-minded?

For those who believe that social media companies can do whatever they want because they are private entities, the Supreme Court would rule otherwise. In the 1946 case, Marsh vs Alabama, Justice Hugo Black representing the majority opinion wrote, “the more an owner, for his advantage, opens up his property for use by the public in general, the more do his rights become circumscribed by the statutory and constitutional rights of those who use it... Whether a corporation or a municipality owns or possesses the town, the public in either case has an identical interest in the functioning of the community in such manner that the channels of communication remain free.” Meaning, because these social media sites have become such a large part of the public domain and the companies benefit from that large public domain, the owners cannot hide behind the fifth and fourteenth amendment protections to deny you your first amendment rights on their sites.

But these tech companies and the politicians colluding with them truly do not care about our Constitution, our Bill of Rights or our country. They are only concerned with solidifying their power. What they fail to realize is that our freedom, our Bill of Rights, our Constitution are the well-spring of the wealth and power they are enjoying, and to work against them is to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. We are the wealthiest country in the world, not because of our resources, but because of our free and Democratic system of government, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, which they are corrupting and dismantling by the day.

The Democrats are using the power and reach of tech companies to sway the political debate and influence the election results to gain and solidify their power, while the tech companies are using the influence of the Democrats, they put into power to expand their wealth and power through legislation, like the section 230 protections that will never be taken away as long as the Democrats are in charge. 

But this is truly a Faustian bargain between the tech monopolies and the Democratic politicians. Empowering the tech companies like this, risks them becoming so powerful that they will want to dictate to politicians which in turn risks triggering the politicians to use the full force of the government and military to take over these companies as is done in socialist countries. It comes down to who is going to overplay their hand first. Which side wants the power? Which side no longer wants to cater to the other? Insurrectionists always eat their own. They collude until they see the opening to consolidate the power around themselves. Stalin murdered all the Bolshevik revolutionaries to become the supreme leader of the Soviet Union that the revolutionaries created.

This is inevitable because they don’t care about freedom or human rights or fairness. Those words are just tools to get what they want. And they want power. The more power the better. And when necessary they will stomp on your freedom, your human rights to get power, as they have shown a propensity to do. Freedom and human rights are never won by the people. They are gained temporarily, earned every day because they are always under attack. The moment you drop your gloves, you will be smacked in the face.

The mechanisms used to silence Trump and his supporters today, will be used against you tomorrow. You cannot cheer one silencing and decry the other silencing. As proof of this, the country of Uganda shutdown all social media in its country on Tuesday after the country’s longtime leader accused Facebook of taking sides in the upcoming Presidential election.

Twitter responded by saying, “Access to information and freedom of expression, including public conversation on Twitter, is never more important than during democratic processes, particularly elections.”  Twitter’s statement is absolutely right except Twitter does not believe their own statement. Twitter was good with censoring Trump and banning the New York Post and Breitbart News for stories they disagreed with in the lead up to our Presidential election, but now condemns Uganda for blocking of Twitter and Facebook by because they were using their power and reach to unfairly sway Uganda’s Presidential election. 

Let’s be clear, Twitter’s statement was not about free speech and human rights for average citizens, nor was it about insuring free and fair elections, it was solely an attempt to maintain their disproportionate power and influence over political processes worldwide. These are dangerous corrupt companies.

But we the people have empowered them. We have engaged in our own Faustian Bargain with these companies. We have voted in their power every time we use their platform for our own purposes. We can vote them out by deleting their platforms. Do we really need Twitter, Facebook and other social media? Do they really make our lives better? They were created in 2005. The world did not start in 2005. I, like many of us, lived a full and happy life prior to 2005, prior to Twitter and Facebook, probably even happier. They are unnecessary, or to use a more up to date term, non-essential. When you delete them, you will find your anxiety level will decrease dramatically and your happiness level will increase equally. 

Erase and Criminalize

 Erase and Criminalize

(Image source: iStock)

Welcome to America's Cultural Revolution.

China's Cultural Revolution (1966-76) sought to purge remnants of impure non-Maoist thoughts from Chinese society and economy. It was a radical period of persecution.

We are witnessing and experiencing a perverse and dangerous effort to purge America of all things Trumpian — but more importantly — the conservative, traditional values of millions of Americans. It is not only about erasure, but criminalization. Ordinary Americans who support President Trump — and at least 75 million that voted for him — are being targeted with a barrage of efforts to sensationalize and marginalize their beliefs. The professional political and media classes of America's East and West Coasts are striking hard and fast to eliminate Trump. There is a concerted effort to tar every Trump supporter with the brush of Capitol mob protester. That is a lie. It is deliberate and malicious. It is a plan to intimidate and silence.

Facebook is purging all content referencing "stop the steal" — although there is ample evidence of voting irregularities and cause for election reform. Twitter is suspending and expelling hundreds of thousands of users. President Trump is among them. Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei, who leads public cheers of "Death to America!", is not. There is little or no public criticism of the big social media corporations' censorship.

The protests of January 6, 2020 were gravely marred by the sad and unnecessary deaths of five Americans. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick's death is tragic. So is the death of unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt. Other "public" deaths in the last nine months have resulted in huge public protests and cities such as Portland burning for weeks. No such reaction to the Sicknick and Babbitt deaths. One wonders why. Where are Antifa and BLM now? Why so quiet? No justice, no peace! — right? Maybe not.

Meanwhile, many are clamoring for Donald Trump's immediate removal from office. Trump gave a speech stating: "if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore." That remark is supposed to qualify as "incitement to insurrection." What a pathetic, transparent lie! Think of the number of times innumerable politicians have invoked "fight" to express encouragement for active public policy engagement. We "fight" for healthcare, justice, human rights, entitlements, civil rights — even peace.

The hypocrisy is breathtaking — and dangerous. Trump supporters are supposed to be rhetorically beaten into silent submission, erased from public discourse, and subject to a new sort of bill of attainder, criminalizing all they believe in and support — because Trump succeeded in disrupting official Washington DC, but was not quite savvy enough to win a second term.

The criminality of Hillary's outlaw email server, the phony Russia Hoax, the fake Ukraine Impeachment, FISA Warrant abuse, the politically contaminated and compromised FBI — that all gets a "pass" — but Trump telling supporters to fight for their country — THAT is impeachable?

For some people, even raising these points for discussion is "scary." They would rather "wait for things to settle down," or "see how the inauguration and the opening days of the new administration go," before raising objections to the bulldozing of Trump supporters' civil rights. Well, that is too little and too late. Many critics are overplaying their hands. They sense weakness and seek to snuff out, permanently, any idea that Trumpism could manifest itself again on the American political landscape. It's time to institute the Uniparty and get consensus. They want to roll the clock back and return to the old rules of the DC game. They are even having an "event" to symbolize it. Ironically, it is a wreath-laying at Arlington Cemetery featuring The Establishment. Everything and everyone Trump fought against. Former presidents of both parties. There are many Americans who want nothing to do with those former presidents and what they represent. Biden did not win in a landslide. Many feel disenfranchised. Erasing and criminalizing those Americans will only exacerbate the deep divisions in America.

Chris Farrell is a former counterintelligence case officer. For the past 20 years, he has served as the Director of Investigations & Research for Judicial Watch. The views expressed are the author's alone, and not necessarily those of Judicial Watch.

How We Can Fix This Great Country, Starting With 3 Easy Steps

Article by Neil Patel in The Daily Caller

How We Can Fix This Great Country, Starting With 3 Easy Steps

It’s been obvious for quite a while that our country is coming apart at the seams. People on all sides are upset, and they want to punish their political opponents. We aren’t able to disagree in a productive way. We demonize one another; we are too partisan; and we are definitely too angry. This isn’t unique to the right or the left. It’s all of us.

If the riots in Washington, and those before them in cities across America, didn’t prove we have grown out of control, then nothing will. There were, of course, well-meaning people in Washington who were there because they love their country and who did not condone the worst behavior. The same was true of the Black Lives Matter marches around the country, which were populated by a lot of people with good intentions coupled with a radical element intent on destruction. Nonetheless, the images from the Capitol are hard to watch.

The big question is, what do we do now? How do we come together and heal a broken country? There are certainly policy changes we need to debate, but our problems are deeper than policy. Before we begin those debates, we need to change our culture. 

The first step is for those in positions of power to realize how frustrated and unhappy many Americans are. Low wage growth coupled with massively increasing costs for things like health care and education have left people feeling stagnant and worried about a lack of opportunity for themselves and their children. People at the upper ends of our income scale are not just surviving but thriving like never before. Globalism, automation and all that comes with them are an amazing boon for a tiny number of Americans, and they are causing a lot of pain for a great many more.

COVID-19 has exacerbated this dynamic. Addressing our growing inequality without killing our economic growth and the dynamism so essential for our economy is amazingly difficult and complicated. We have spent too little time and effort thinking through these issues. It’s easy for those doing well to laugh at the crazies, and some of last week’s behavior gave them all the more reason to do so. But that is precisely the attitude that brought us to the sad place we are at. (RELATED: How Has Coronavirus Impacted America’s Small Businesses? Here’s What The Data Says)

For those of us not in positions of power, the vast majority of Americans, we have to decide if we have a country worth saving. If we do, then we all have to change our behavior. There are practical things each of us can do. I’ve already started, and it’s working for me. Maybe this plan can work for others.


No. 1: Turn off the TV.

Cable news is bad for you. It doesn’t matter if you are addicted to Fox or MSNBC. It’s all infotainment. With some notable exceptions, and there are some, TV is not designed to inform or educate you. TV producers are a lot like the engineers who obsess over how to keep us in casinos. Casinos famously spend amazing amounts of time and money figuring out how to keep people at the tables: the sounds, the air pumped in, the free drinks and the confusing layouts with the hidden exits. These are not perks or design flaws. They are all deliberately placed to keep you in your seat gambling more than you planned on.

Most cable news is the same. They know what you are emotional about, and they play it up to keep you watching. If guests aren’t partisan enough, the producers tell them to up the volume and the rancor. This can make for entertaining programming, but it’s not good for us.

Try stopping. You will feel better. 


No. 2: Read news from a variety of sources. 

The largest newsrooms with the most in-depth news coverage are still the traditional liberal corporate media behemoths. If you aren’t reading The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times or The Washington Post, you are missing out on a lot of good reporting. But if you are only reading those outlets, then you are missing out on a great deal of news they are either too biased to cover or determined to cover unfairly. Each of those outlets has grown even more liberal over the years, so if you want a more complete picture, balance that diet out with reporting from newer, independent news sources working hard to bring you information and ideas that are missing from corporate media.

I founded the Daily Caller, so I don’t pretend to be unbiased here, but we have a 100-person newsroom producing a couple of hundred pieces of real news, grounded in hard facts, every single day. We fill in many gaps that the corporate media overlooks because of their own biases. And we aren’t the only ones. The Washington Examiner, for example, does the same.


No. 3: Speak with more people outside your political bubble. 

We are spending too much time in our bubbles. The internet has made everything more efficient, and we can easily find news or information that confirms our personal biases and read nothing else. Too many people do this. It’s lazy. It’s not healthy. We all have friends or family that we disagree with politically. It’s good to debate people with different views. You may learn something new, or at least understand where the other side is coming from. They can do the same. Anyone who isn’t doing this regularly should really start.

Our country is in pain right now. If we don’t begin to heal, there is no telling where things will go. If recent events don’t convince every American that we need to try to come together, then God help us all. We have an amazing country, unique and impressive in so many ways. It’s worth fixing. Given where we are, though, things are not going to fix themselves. It’s easy to pretend that the problem is just with our leaders or with the people who think differently, but it’s not. We have the leaders we deserve. We are the problem. We each have some responsibility for the sad place we are at, and we each have a role to play in fixing it. I hope we try. 

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Joe Biden’s Weird Version of Goebbels’ Big Lie


Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels

Article by James S. Corum in The American Thinker

Joe Biden’s Weird Version of Goebbels’ Big Lie

 At his press conference on July 8, Joe Biden offered a rather bizarre interpretation of history, in which he likened Ted Cruz and his challenge to some electoral votes to Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and the “Big Lie.” Biden illustrated his point by referring to the Allied bombing of Dresden in February 1945 in which, he said, “250 or 2,500 people” were killed. And yet Joseph Goebbels inflated the number to 25,000, even 250,000, thus perpetrating “The Big Lie.” Biden added, “like Goebbels and the Great Lie. You keep repeating the lie, repeating the lie.”

As an historian I am flummoxed at Biden’s illustration of Dresden as a Big Lie. In fact, the best estimate is that 28,000 people died in the bombing of Dresden. In a bizarre way, however, Joe Biden has accurately linked the Allied bombing campaign of Germany to the Big Lie of Nazi propaganda. Except the Nazi Big Lie was not about Dresden. Rather it was about the British and American bombing of Hamburg in 1943. From July 24 through August 2, 1943, the Allied air forces, mainly the RAF, unleashed a series of massive bomber raids against Hamburg involving as many as 700+ planes at a time. 

Hamburg, one of Germany’s greatest industrial centers, was struck in a way no previous city had been. The raids were especially devastating, inflicting an estimated 34,000 to 38,000 dead. The raid of 27 July 1943 alone, in which atmospheric conditions created a firestorm, killed more than 18,000 Hamburg residents. The Allied attack on Hamburg destroyed or damaged more than 60% of the housing in the city and wrecked more than half the factories, a serious blow to German industrial production. The Hamburg raids came as a gigantic shock to the Nazi leadership and Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels admitted to his diary that Germany was losing the war.  

The Big Lie about Hamburg was the official position of the Nazi government put through the German news media: Hamburg had been bombed but casualties were not heavy, damage was not severe, and the city was carrying on. Indeed, it sounded plausible at first.  Up to summer 1943, Germany was coping well with RAF bombing raids. The German civil defense system was well-organized and able to quickly repair infrastructure, put damaged factories back into operation, and efficiently feed and rehouse civilians made homeless.

But in Hamburg the German government and military were simply overwhelmed.  More than half the city’s inhabitants lost their housing and possessions, and the streets were choked with the dead. A million civilians were immediately evacuated from Hamburg, broken into groups and dispatched from suburban train stations to towns all across Germany so that no single area would be overwhelmed by the mass of refugees who needed food and housing. Thousands of concentration camp prisoners (unable to communicate the horrors they saw) were brought into Hamburg to collect and bury the tens of thousands of dead in mass graves and to clear streets of rubble. The destruction was so severe that Hamburg never recovered during the war.

The shell-shocked survivors of the Hamburg bombing were warned by the Gestapo not to speak of what they had experienced—or else. Every effort was made by the Nazis to insist that Hamburg was still a functioning city. In 1943 Germans who listened to the news from British radio (which provided accurate accounts of the scale of casualties and damage of the Hamburg raids) could be arrested and even executed.  Hamburg survivors who told their new neighbors about the devastation they witnessed invited arrest by the Gestapo. Every effort was made to keep the truth of Hamburg from the German public.

Yet survivors still talked. One cannot go through such a horrific experience and keep silent. A million witnesses saw the inability of the Reich government to prevent a major city from becoming a literal Hell. The stories all rang true, and the common people of Germany believed the survivors. Only diehard Nazis believed the official German government line after Hamburg and increasing numbers of Germans turned to listening to forbidden British radio rather than the state propaganda. German civilian morale plummeted when people realized that if the Allies could totally devastate one of Germany’s greatest cities in a few days, then the war was truly lost. 

The big lie failed.  Still, the Gestapo made sure that Germans carried on the war effort to the end.

It’s interesting to watch the Democrats constantly making historical analogies to Naziism because, at every attempt, they display their astounding ignorance of history.  From the historical context, a Big Lie is a demand by political leaders that the public believe something highly improbable.  This belief is repeated by a government-controlled media and its public acceptance is coerced by government agencies and a co-opted judicial system. Ted Cruz and a handful of minority senators and congressmen publicly contesting corrupt and illegal actions of state and local governments does not fit the historical definition of the Big Lie. For Biden’s charge to work we must accept, as an article of faith, that election fraud is virtually nonexistent, that one-party Democrat machine cities in the swing states are devoted to serving the public, and that the humble and devoted leaders and civil servants of these cities would never, ever break the law for political and personal gain.

The Big Lie of 2020 is that it was a clean and honest election. Like the Big Lie of Hamburg raids, the Big Lie will fail. Like Hamburg in 1943, there are simply too many witnesses. There are the videos of election observers being blocked in several cities and videos in Atlanta of observers sent away, and in their absence election workers piling ballots into the counting machines.  There is sworn testimony from hundreds of election workers detailing illegal actions. There are the Dominion machines in Michigan that were set up to create ballot errors which were “adjudicated” (flipped) in favor of Democrats. There is hard documentary evidence of the dead voting by mail, or of (supposedly) living voters receiving and returning their ballots by the postal service within a day. There are thousands of Georgia voters who illegally provided post office box numbers as their place of residence. There is the analysis of highly respected IT experts and statisticians who have spotted statistically implausible vote spikes, unusual local turnout, and voting patterns not seen in previous elections. The evidence presented at state legislative hearings (I watched some on One America News) is thorough, well-documented and plausible.

Joe Biden is beginning his presidency with one of the biggest lies in the history of American politics. On top of the “honest election” lie, he will have to maintain lies about his family’s Chinese and Ukrainian business connections, as well as his involvement in illegal deep state surveillance of political opponents. With so many lies, we’ll have an interesting time seeing the Democrats defending Biden over the next four years. Still, the historical pattern is consistent. Even the most coercive states cannot maintain the Big Lie.

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The Language of the Unheard

 The Language of the Unheard

The establishment would like to talk about anything and everything except its own power.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

When the Black Lives Matter riots raged in cities around the country a spectrum of the leftist oligarchy, from the New York Times to the ACLU to the leadership of Washington State University justified them with Martin Luther King’s quote, “A riot is the language of the unheard.”

It was a strange claim to make about a movement that had the backing of the Democrat Party, the entire media, Coca Cola, IBM, and American Express. There was hardly a Fortune 500 company, university, or major organization of some sort that didn’t issue a statement of support for the race rioters rioting, looting, and killing their way across America.

Come read about our oppression in these press releases from Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

Plazas were renamed after the black supremacist movement and streets were painted with its racist slogan. Drivers who drove over those slogans became the subject of police investigations.

BLM was very definitely ‘heard’.

Rioting mobs can be subjective in a system where law and morality have become relative. A mob of rioters can be seen as a threatening mass of the ‘other’ or a heroic group of crusaders. The mobs of rioters that the establishment unleashes and identifies with are heard and cheered.

And then there are the bad kind of mobs. The mobs of the unheard.

In the weeks leading up to the Capitol Hill protest, claims of election fraud weren’t just ‘unheard’, they were actively suppressed with the media refusing to even air remarks by President Trump and administration officials on the subject. Tech companies censored any questions about the election. Elected officials took to describing such conversations as ‘sedition’ and the media deemed them ‘disinformation’ and called for even heavier censorship of the internet.

The oligarchy had spent the years since President Trump was elected laboring to silence the political opposition even while its own cultural messaging machine dispensed with everything from journalism to comedy to academic freedom in favor of political haranguing. A monolithic cultural environment in which there was no journalism, entertainment, or education, whose political messages were broadcast by Fortune 500 companies, did not create a new utopia.

Internet culture instead went down a digital rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, racism, identity politics, social media mobs, and trolling. The official culture was met with a counterculture of a thousand subcultures whose sole unifying element was contempt for whatever the culture was. That counter-culture was a visionary, brilliant, insane, horrifying and evil fragmented vision of America reflected through the shards of a culture that had lost its mind, its hope, and its faith.

Caught in between them were the actual ‘unheard’.

The ‘unheard’ aren’t a race. They’re not necessarily even a class. They are the culturally unheard. It might be their politics, their geography, their religion, their jobs, or some combination of the above. They’re easy enough to spot because you don’t see them represented in our culture anymore except as villains or buffoons. Once upon a time we called them Americans.

The unheard don’t live in the right places, wear the right clothes, have the right beliefs, and don’t occupy the right place in the culture. They have no role in the oligarchy’s future except as cautionary examples of what happens to those who don’t adapt to the establishment order.

They’re not Republicans. Most have a profound suspicion of the system. But many end up voting for the GOP because it’s become the party of the people who were left behind once the Democrats shifted from ‘workers and peasants’ class warfare to an identity politics technocracy.

Justifying violence as the “language of the unheard” is a bad cliche that’s been used to cover for everything from Islamic terrorism to shooting up schools to looting local pharmacies. Black Lives Matter, the Weathermen, and over a century of terrorism carried out by the scions and allies of wealthy elites show that violence is more likely to come from the ‘heard’ than the ‘unheard’.

The powerless are less likely to resort to violence than the powerful. The essence of power is if not always a monopoly on violence, a corner office on the ground floor of violence. That’s why the same political machine that did little to restrain the worst brutality of Black Lives Matter keeps warning about the threat coming from the unheard who don’t share its political views.

The people most likely to resort to political violence have the most political cover for violence.

But the unheard do exist and they aren’t simply unheard because they’re not listened to. The unheard are the victims of a sustained effort to suppress their existence. A generation ago they were virtually erased from the cultural institutions that had been open to them. Now they’re being eradicated from corporate spaces, as consumers, and from the platforms of the internet.

A multipronged campaign was launched against Facebook by everyone from Michelle Obama to Borat demanding that it deplatform dissenting political views after the former Ivy League social network was overrun with older deplorables who had been using it to keep in touch with family. Like other corporations, Facebook is being forced to choose between its class and its business model, and is choosing its class because the oligarchy matters more than the user base.

But the oligarchy’s user base aren’t its customers. Facebook’s customers are multinational advertisers like Unilever, Diageo, and Honda who pressured it over conservative content, and Chinese sellers and organizations who run $5 billion in ads on the social media giant. When the Left captured the culture, it got advertising along with it, and that put it in charge of a new economy in which companies gave away free services to lure in users and resell their data to advertisers. The only customers that multinationals and their advertisers want are lefties.

The fundamental power shift between the oligarchy and customers, and between those at the axis of the culture and those at the outer rim of it, has overshadowed the political system.

The unheard vote, but they feel that their votes don’t count. And they often don’t, less because of fraud than because their votes have little impact on the centers of power that run the country. Republican voters have seen elections come and go without anything really changing. They’ve sent generations of representatives to D.C. only to have them adopt D.C’s mores and agendas.

To understand the fundamental alienation that drove huge crowds to D.C., the vast majority of whom did not try to break into Congress, or the spread of conspiracy theories like QAnon about the elemental evil of the powerful people who seem to run everything, that’s the place to start.

Conspiracy theories are an expression of powerlessness and deep distrust. And the response to them over the last four years has been a public-private campaign of suppression carried on by elected officials, the media, the non-profit errand boys of billionaires, and dot com monopolies that validate their distrust and increase their powerlessness until something explodes.

This isn’t a formula for unity, healing, or reclaiming who we are. We’ve seen exactly what it is.

Banishing political dissent to marginal spaces doesn’t build trust in the system. It destroys all trust and makes even the most implausible conspiracy theories seem like credible alternatives. If you have to choose between a partisan media that acts as a propaganda firehose while calling for further crackdowns on ‘disinformation’: anything else suddenly sounds plausible.

Truth, facts, and trust depend on an open marketplace of ideas. When that market is forcibly shut down, it doesn’t matter how much the new owners shout that they represent truth, facts, and science, and that their only opponents are extremist purveyors of disinformation. Replacing truth with lies and debate with propaganda makes that into the new normal across the board.

People in a totalitarian society are prone to believing the wildest fantasies and the most insane conspiracy theories because the system has destroyed any concept of truth. Americans used to wonder how Muslims could simultaneously believe that the 9/11 hijackers were CIA agents and heroes, that the Jews run the world from a tiny country that is about to be destroyed, that Neil Armstrong converted to Islam, or that Tom and Jerry were a masonic plot against Islam.

A generation later we live in a country in which people routinely embrace equally insane ideas.

The radicals poisoned the well by hijacking trusted institutions and not just biasing them, but ‘pravdaizing’ them until they became widely distrusted. They used those institutions to polarize society, spreading a culture of lies across the centers of power, and then enlisting governments and corporations in the suppression of their political opposition for being too dangerous.

A riot is not the language of the unheard. Most often it’s the language of extremists, radicals, and agent provocateurs. The real language of the unheard is frustration, mistrust, and despair. The job of the former is to covertly ally with a totalitarian regime to radicalize the unheard, polarizing society, and leading to a murderous confrontation that will affirm the establishment.

The establishment has spent generations claiming that it represents the forces of liberation because of its advocacy of class warfare and then identity politics. But all that class warfare has left the heartlands of its former political influence in the South and the Rust Belt in utter misery. And its identity politics has made the urban ghetto into an even worse place than ever. The same is not true for the bedroom communities of D.C., the mansions of Marin County, or the multi-million condos of the Upper East Side. The latest Black Lives Matter revolution is, as usual, brought to you by Coca Cola, Harvard, Goldman Sachs, and the Washington Post.

The Trump administration was a threat because it gave voice to the unheard and the inherent scam of a political system that claims to be representative, but only represents itself. Treating its overthrow as a liberation movement funded by some of the biggest and most powerful figures, organizations, and interests in the country, gets at the heart of the leftist political hoax.

It was far from perfect, but it frightened enough of the right people that it had to be destroyed.

The unheard now have less of a voice than ever. And many of them have learned the lesson that this brute use of establishment force was meant to teach them: that voting is futile. It’s not true, but it is what the system and its agent provocateurs want them to take away from 2020.

The establishment is not afraid of riots. It thrives on them.

There are two classes of riots. Those riots funded, encouraged, and deployed by the operatives of the establishment to demand “change” are protected and legitimized. Opposition riots are allowed to go far enough to cause a crisis and justify a ruthless crackdown, not on the agent provocateurs behind them, but on the non-violent political opposition to the establishment.

That’s why dot com platforms terminated President Trump’s social media accounts while the anti-Trump alt-righters who helped drive the violence still retain their blue checkmarks.

The more violence the establishment encourages from the ranks of the unheard, or most often, the provocateurs pretending to represent them, the more it can suppress the opposition. Its depiction of the unheard as violent and dangerous, irrational and a threat to society, allows it to wield unchecked power and further marginalize the unheard while feeding the cycle of violence.

The establishment offers healing and unity to conservative members of its own class, and more jobs shipped to China, illegal migration, and political censorship for the rest of the unheard.

The last generation has seen two political revolutions by the unheard, the Tea Party, and the Trump campaign, that were brought down from without and within. The establishment understands the threat of the revolutions that it dismissively labels as ‘populism’ because despite its constant posturing about values and the oppressed, it is wholly illegitimate.

America was never meant to be ruled by a single cultural class operating out of D.C., New York, San Francisco, and a handful of other cities and suburbs for its own benefit. No amount of black nationalist cosplay or advocacy for infinite genders can hide the illegitimacy of this system from anyone except the junior members of the establishment blinded by university indoctrination.

The establishment would like to talk about anything and everything except its own power. Everything in our politics is a basic distraction from that question. A populist conservative movement that can convincingly stay on that question and hammer it home will win.

And then the unheard might finally have a voice.

Democrats Cling Desperately to Trump Hatred

The Democrats are not going to be able to hide much longer behind their Trump hatred. 
But it’s really all they’ve got.

These are among the darkest days of American democracy. With nearly airtight totalitarian uniformity, the American media robotically repeat that there is no possible argument to be made that the 2020 presidential election produced an unjust result. In the same magical spirit of post-electoral unanimity, President Trump has been condemned for his remarks to hundreds of thousands of his supporters in Washington on January 6, and it is now a political commandment that he is responsible for the ensuing illegal forced entry and fatal violence at the United States Capitol.

He actually told his supporters that they should “peacefully and patriotically make your voices be heard” when they proceeded on to the Capitol; this is a minor inconvenience to the confected consensus that the president shouldn’t serve out the last week of his term.

There remains no conclusive evidence that Richard Nixon broke any laws in the Watergate affair, though some members of his entourage did. But it was not hard to foresee that driving him from office (a very capable president who had been reelected by what remains the greatest plurality in U.S. history) would addict the American political system to the criminalization of policy differences.

As the patriotic traditionalist he was, Nixon resigned rather than put the country through the humiliation of an impeachment trial, an extremity that had only occurred once in U.S. presidential history, a silly and unsuccessful action against Andrew Johnson in 1868. President Clinton was impeached in 1998-1999 over a dishonest answer to a grand jury about his extramarital sex life, tawdry but inadequate grounds for removing a president from office. The impeachment of President Trump last year over an innocuous telephone conversation with the president of Ukraine was fatuous: the charges were not impeachable offenses and there was no evidence that they actually occurred.

No honest and informed person can doubt there is room for skepticism about the accuracy of the presidential vote in five or six states in the November presidential election. As with the elections of 1876 (Rutherford Hayes), 1960 (John F. Kennedy), and 2000 (George W. Bush), we will never know who really won, but once the system has produced a result, it doesn’t matter, except to the individuals involved.

The Democrats generally assumed that after four years of constant defamatory mockery of Trump by 95 percent of the national political media and with a two-to-one campaign spending advantage, in the midst of a pandemic, they would bury Donald Trump and take the Congress and the country easily. They only won by a whisker after recourse to questionable voting methods under cover of the pandemic, and with Joe Biden invoking the virus as his reason for staying at home while the rabidly partisan media campaigned for him. They lost ground in the Congress and the country. Instead of a tidal wave generated by Trump-hate, almost half the country believes, for the first time in American history, that they were cheated.

Last Wednesday, there was no audible complaint about the president’s lengthy and detailed recitation of the irregularities in the election when he addressed a crowd of approximately 300,000 people. But when a small fragment of that crowd assaulted the Capitol, the Democrats saw the opportunity to hang it around the president’s neck and impose a morally imperative myth through their sycophantic media and social media allies that Biden had won a clear-cut victory.

Democrats replicated the opportunism they exhibited last year when they reversed the president’s lead in the polls by demanding a politically destructive economic shutdown to fight the coronavirus (that only endangered the lives of just over one percent of the population). That gambit, and the electoral dirty tricks division with the mighty media chorus and censorship by the social media cartel, enabled them to squeak through to victory.

We have seen this week the complete suppression of any acknowledgment of legitimate questions about the election outcome, along with the persecution in the U.S. Senate and by the social media cartel and many corporations across American industry of anyone supporting Trump’s claim of an unjust election. And we have had an orchestrated demand that the president resign because of his alleged responsibility for the Capitol violence, failing which he should be removed for mental incompetence, or that he be impeached and removed for incitement of insurrection.

Trump said nothing illegal, though he blundered badly in publicly demanding that the loyal Vice President Mike Pence, unto himself, reject the Senate confirmation of the choice of Electoral College members who formally choose the president—a mad idea.

Trump was addressing representatives of the 74 million Americans who voted for him, most of whom felt the election had been stolen, and felt that both the Congress and the Supreme Court were completely indifferent to their grievances. He was urging peaceful anger, not the months of arson, vandalism, and destruction of federal buildings, monuments, and billions of dollars of assets of small business owners across the country that the Democrats considered to be “peaceful protest” in favor of civil rights last summer. All polls show only about 11 percent of Americans respect the Congress (and only 15 percent believe the media), and what Trump was asking did not affront current public opinion.

The Democratic Party and national and social media (now coextensive), used the misrepresentation of Trump’s remarks as grounds for the suppression of freedom of expression on the subject of the recent election: the Trump-voting 48 percent of the country was canceled. Not only is Trump to be impeached for an offense he did not commit, but the Senate is to be asked to try the issue of his removal from an office after he has, at the expiry of his constitutional term, retired from the office. This meets Napoleon’s description of history as “Lies agreed upon.”

The imagination beckons: if Nixon was driven from office without serious evidence of criminal wrongdoing, and Trump can be impeached and removed from an office he no longer holds for offenses he did not commit, and if the unsettled vagaries of recent American political history are to be suppressed everywhere in the media, then let us revisit the previous 43 presidents.

George Washington may have been too severe in suppressing the Whiskey Rebellion (1791-1794, 15 Americans dead); Thomas Jefferson had no business imposing his Embargo Act on all foreign trade in 1807, and besides, both men were slaveholders. Abraham Lincoln had no right in 1861 to suspend habeas corpus just because there was a genuine insurrection in progress during which 750,000 people eventually died. FDR’s order to the U.S. Navy to attack on detection any German ship a year before the country was at war was certainly impeachable. Let’s airbrush them out, remove them, and rename the memorials in Washington to them in favor of the leading personalities of Black Lives Matter.

That, to use one of the more tiresome clichés of last week, seems to be “who we are,” and the incoming “head of the American people” (FDR’s description of the presidency), on the crest of his blue ripple of electoral chicanery, sounded a stirring call for national reconciliation last week. Joe Biden said that the mob at the capital were white supremacists, the Capitol police are white racists, Trump is reminiscent of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels . . . and then called for national unity.

The Democrats are not going to be able to hide much longer behind their Trump hatred.

An inept, banal, unprincipled, shopworn waffler has been pushed and carried by his managers to the nation’s highest office. His party has the ability to enact much of its socialist program. In the next year, we will see from them a spectacle of incompetent federal administration that will make the most unsuccessful presidents of the past look like candidates for Mount Rushmore—assuming Biden’s peppier followers do not blow up that monument.

They have made Donald Trump the leader of all who object to government-restricted freedom of expression, corrupt election practices, and the transformation of America into a socialist commune. At the moment of Joe Biden’s ultimate triumph, he and his ramshackle coalition of contending (and in some cases disreputable) interests are exposed in their ghastly infirmity. The totalitarian woke media will not be able to disguise this macabre farce for long.

Cancel Us at Your Own Risk


Article by William L. Gensert in The American Thinker

Cancel Us at Your Own Risk

The left has redefined language, what is said and what it means -- words now mean what they say they mean, “nothing more and nothing less.” Silence can become “violence.” Actual violence and destruction can sometimes be “mostly peaceful” at other times, “insurrection” or “sedition.”

Control the meaning of things and you control the narrative -- control the narrative and you control communication. Through the control of communication, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, they hope to control America and Americans.

That is why Democrats perceive Trump as dangerous; he has used Twitter brilliantly, negating their narrative control. They spent four years trying to destroy him with lies. Yet, our leftist elites were doomed by their incompetence and a misunderstanding of why people elected Trump in the first place.

The Capitol Hill riots terrified the left because they occurred as Democrats were on the threshold of supposed triumph over an insipid electorate they thought too impotent to fight back. They hate Americans and have so little respect for us they made no effort to hide the steal.

To Democrats, the storming of Capitol Hill on January 6th was their worst nightmare, plumbing the depths of their deepest insecurities and fears -- it showed them their grip on the reins of power was tenuous at best and illusory at worst.

When they saw those people in the Capitol building, not one Democrat thought to try and engage them. Too afraid, they turned tail and ran from the despised unwashed.

In all things, the left is motivated by hate. The Democratic Party is an organization of hate. Blinded by animosity for America and a visceral loathing for Americans, they saw COVID and the Floyd riots as strokes of luck in their battle to control “We the People.”

Conversely, they saw the Capitol Hill storming as 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, a tragedy.

Even more ghastly, they also knew it was not just Trump supporters. Antifa infiltrators, such as the man with the backpack and black hat who bullied the officer and broke the window with the tool hidden in his hand just before Ashli Babbitt was shot, helped turn a mostly peaceful protest into a riot. Afraid of the people and no longer in control of their own paramilitary, they ran.

Yet when their fear dissipated, they realized the riot could be providential.

Here were the “right-wing” riots they had been yearning for these past decades, but which had always eluded them. They created a crisis they would not waste.

Democrats and their partners in media, Big Tech, and Big Finance purged Trump from the public square. Exercising their millenarian instincts to “change the world,” they intend to use emergency powers to declare war on more than half the country.

Yet, they always overreach. They stole an election but seem to have deluded themselves into believing they are winners. They think they can abolish America and we will do nothing. The reason they trumpet Capitol Hill, calling it an insurrection while threatening everyone involved with capital murder, is that they are frightened of the conservative movement.

They believe they run the country, but they are out of touch with anyone but their own base. It is the same with Trump; they want to ruin him because he scares the Schiff out of them, knowing if he runs in 2024, he is the favorite. To stymie his candidacy, they are impeaching Trump again.

And they are determined to make us pay as well. Anyone who disagrees with them on any policy must be destroyed. Anyone who supported Trump must be ostracized and not merely silenced, but also lose jobs and careers.

January 6th allowed Biden to label all doubt of his electoral conquest, “the big lie.” His solution, of course, is always the left’s solution, a thousand little lies. He says he wants “unity.” But Biden and his ilk define “unity” the same way Barry and his minions defined “bipartisanship.’ Both are offers of grace to political opponents who do as they are told. We have seen this movie before; it did not work for Obama and it will not work for chiliastic Joe.

Biden is a despicable human being, a pederast, corrupt as hell, not too bright, even before the onset of his aphasic dementia. He will show the world exactly who he is, and it is a good bet he will do so sooner rather than later. He must, because just as with the scorpion, it is his nature.

Cancel culture once belonged to the too woke. Now a tool of Left Inc. a motley agglomeration of Democrats, media, Big Tech, and Big Finance, they will wield that weapon with brutality -- all while gaining power and amassing enormous wealth.

Democrats once hid who they were. Now, the mask has dropped. They want us to know who they are -- they want us to be afraid. They are making lists and checking them twice. They want us to know they are coming for us. And none of our rights are sacrosanct.

Recently, a tall Boston girl (her description) in commenting on one of my Tweets informed me she had reported me to the FBI for the martial content of my articles. I gave her a “like.” She soon deleted her Tweet.

I had wondered why I was getting emails from alt-right sounding sources telling me I should “Fight Back Today.” “Your 2nd Amendment rights allow you to buy a machine gun… click here,” and telling me I could buy an illegal gun (poison gas, grenades, field mortars, and artillery) online, if I would just click on that button in the email. They were bare-bones emails -- no heading or advertising. This smacks of “entrapment” to me, but you know the FBI?

I felt like George Papadopoulos or Carter Page, with the authorities trying to set me up but doing it in such a clumsy fashion, that no one would (or should) fall for it. Biden should appoint a man in an eyepatch stroking a cat as director.

They have completely deplatformed Trump, something I predicted previously. I lost over a thousand followers over a two-day span. It is the drip, drip, drip of the trip to nonexistence.

The reason the ayatollah still has his accounts is the Democrats and the ayatollah want the same thing: “Death to America.” And if they must, they will eliminate as many Americans as they need to in the process.

The left is isolated and incompetent. Most Americans do not want what they are selling. So, they will try to use the latest “emergency” to force their policies on the nation while silencing all who object.

To paraphrase Talleyrand, the Democrats, just as the Bourbons, “have forgotten nothing and learned nothing.”

For four years, Trump was able to Tweet, and 50,000 people would show up at an airport… in the rain… during a pandemic, while Biden could not get 10 people at one time in one place.

Trump and his followers are not going away.

Parler will be back -- there is too much money involved for them not to be. (It has been reported that they have obtained access to independent servers.) And there are always bootleg coders to make apps that will work on iOS and Android.

The Democrats are playing with fire. It is as if they want “insurrection.” They are foolish. They should look at the electoral map by county. They may control the cities, but the vast landmass that is America is controlled by the people whose rights they seek to abrogate -- and there are many more Americans than Democrats.

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Mexico’s Left-Wing President Mounts International Campaign Taking On Tech Companies After Trump Bans

Article by Ryan Saavedra in The Daily WIre

Mexico’s Left-Wing President Mounts International Campaign Taking On Tech Companies After Trump Bans

Left-wing Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reportedly vowed to take on tech companies on Thursday in response to the bans that President Donald Trump has faced on social media.

“I can tell you that at the first G20 meeting we have, I am going to make a proposal on this issue,” López Obrador said. “Yes, social media should not be used to incite violence and all that, but this cannot be used as a pretext to suspend freedom of expression.”

“How can a company act as if it was all powerful, omnipotent, as a sort of Spanish Inquisition on what is expressed?” López Obrador asked.

López Obrador’s Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said that Mexico has already started the work of getting other nations involved in the effort, including “officials in France, Germany, the European Union, Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia,” The Associated Press reported.

“Given that Mexico, through our president, has spoken out, we immediately made contact with others who think the same,” Ebrard said. “The president’s orders are to make contact with all of them, share this concern and work on coming up with a joint proposal. We will see what is proposed.”

López Obrador condemned the social media companies at the start of the week following their decision to suspend or outright ban the president from using their platforms.

“I don’t like anybody being censored or taking away from the right to post a message on Twitter or Face(book). I don’t agree with that, I don’t accept that,” López Obrador said. “How can you censor someone: ‘Let’s see, I, as the judge of the Holy Inquisition, will punish you because I think what you’re saying is harmful.’ Where is the law, where is the regulation, what are the norms? This is an issue of government, this is not an issue for private companies.”

Other international figures have spoken out against the censorship, including officials in Australia, France, Germany, Russia, and Poland.

Bloomberg News reported:

Junior Minister for European Union Affairs Clement Beaune said he was “shocked” to see a private company make such an important decision. “This should be decided by citizens, not by a CEO,” he told Bloomberg TV on Monday. “There needs to be public regulation of big online platforms.” Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire earlier said that the state should be responsible for regulations, rather than “the digital oligarchy,” and called big tech “one of the threats” to democracy.

A spokesperson for German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, “The right to freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance. Given that, the chancellor considers it problematic that the president’s accounts have been permanently suspended.”

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, a fierce critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, also slammed the censoring of Trump, calling it an “unacceptable act.”

“In my opinion, the decision to ban Trump was based on emotions and personal political preferences. Don’t tell me he was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn’t ban anyone,” Navalny said. “Among the people who have Twitter accounts are cold-blooded murderers (Putin or Maduro) and liars and thieves (Medvedev). For many years, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have been used as a base for Putin’s ‘troll factory’ and similar groups from other authoritarian countries.”

“Of course, Twitter is a private company, but we have seen many examples in Russian and China of such private companies becoming the state’s best friends and the enablers when it comes to censorship,” Navalny continued. “If you replace ‘Trump’ with ‘Navalny’ in today’s discussion, you will get an 80% accurate Kremlin’s answer as to why my name can’t be mentioned on Russian TV and I shouldn’t be allowed to participate in any elections.”

“This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time when they need to silence someone, they will say: ‘this is just common practice, even Trump got blocked on Twitter,’” Navalny concluded. “If @twitter and @jack want to do things right, they need to create some sort of a committee that can make such decisions. We need to know the names of the members of this committee, understand how it works, how its members vote and how we can appeal against their decisions.” 

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